Meteorol Atmos Phys 84, 137–156 (2003) DOI 10.1007/s00703-002-0596-0 1 Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, USA Staatliche Umweltbetriebsgesellschaft, Brandis, Germany 3 Universit€at Halle-Wittenberg, Institut f€ ur Agrar€ okonomie und Agrarraumgestaltung, Halle=Saale, Germany 2 Long-term investigations on the water budget quantities predicted by the hydro-thermodynamic soil vegetation scheme (HTSVS) – Part II: Evaluation, sensitivity, and uncertainty N. Mölders1 , U. Haferkorn2 , J. Döring3 , and G. Kramm1 With 8 Figures Received October 8, 2001; revised February 15, 2002; accepted September 20, 2002 Published online: April 10, 2003 # Springer-Verlag 2003 Summary 1. Introduction Various water budget elements (water supply to the atmosphere, ground water recharge, change in storage) are predicted by HTSVS for a period of 2050 days. The predicted water budget elements are evaluated by routine lysimeter data. The results show that land surface models need parameterizations for soil frost, snow effects and water uptake to catch the broad cycle of soil water budget elements. In principle, HTSVS is able to simulate the general characteristics of the seasonal changes in these water budget elements and their long-term accumulated sums. Compared to lysimeter data, there is a discrepancy in the predicted water supply to the atmosphere for summer and winter which may be attributed to the hardly observed plant physiological parameters like root depth, LAI, shielding factor, etc., the lack of measured downward long-wave radiation, and some simplifications made in the parameterizations of soil frost and snow effects. The fact that high resolution data for the evaluation of model results are missing and evaluation is made on the basis of the data from routine stations of a network is typical for the results of long-term studies on climate. Taking into account the coarse resolution of climate models, the coarse vertical resolution that is used in their LSMs, and the lack of suitable parameters needed, it seems that discrepancies in the order of magnitude found in this study are a general uncertainty in the results of land surface modeling on typical spatial and temporal scales of the climate system. To investigate the impact of land-use and=or climate changes on future water budget elements climate models require sophisticated, evaluated land surface models (LSM). M€olders et al (2003) introduced the improved version of the hydrothermodynamic soil-vegetation-scheme (HTSVS) wherein parameterizations of root water uptake, soil frost and snow effects as well as some minor changes were included to fulfill the more sophisticated needs of climate modeling as compared to short-term applications. Results of the new version of HTSVS substantiate the impact of snow and soil frost effects on predicted soil temperatures and water budget elements, the improvement gained with respect to soil temperature, and the importance of the Ludwig-Soret effect (i.e., a temperature gradient contributes to the water flux and changes soil volumetric water content) and Dufour effect (i.e., a moisture gradient contributes to the heat flux and alters soil temperature) on the long-term (M€olders et al, 2003). Based on the observation of mean values of wind speed, temperature, and humidity as well as the eddy flux densities (usually denoted as 138 N. M€ olders et al eddy fluxes) of momentum, sensible heat, and water vapor performed during the Great Plains Turbulence Project, GREIV I-1974 (GREnzschicht Instrumentelle Vermessungsphase I, i.e., first phase of probing the atmospheric boundary layer, e.g., Kramm, 1995), SANA (Sanierung der Atmosph€are € uber den neuen Bundesl€ander, i.e. recovery of the atmosphere over the new federal countries, e.g., Spindler et al, 1996), CASES97 (Cooperative Atmosphere Surface Exchange Study 1997, e.g., LeMone et al, 2000), Kramm (1995), and M€olders (2000) showed that HTSVS is able to simulate the diurnal course of all these first and second moments well. Thus, on the short-term scale HTSVS performs well. To be a suitable tool for climate modeling the variability on the long-term has to be caught (e.g., Govindan et al, 2002) by the LSM and the LSM has to guarantee a sufficient accuracy for the long-term accumulated sums of the water supply to the atmosphere and recharge. To give answers on typical questions directed to climate modeling studies (e.g., on the impact of changes in land-use and=or climate on water budget elements, water availability, etc.), not the hourly values, daily sums or the diurnal course are of main interest, but the long-term accumulated sums (e.g., for a season, year, decade, etc.). This suitability for long-term integration can only be evaluated by means of routine data because there is no data set of the water vapor fluxes and ground water recharge collected during sophisticated special field experiments which are continuously performed over several years. Routine data, however, are of less accuracy compared to those gained in such field campaigns. Moreover, some data that are required to feed the model are not recorded or are of imperfect quality. Therefore, an evaluation using routine data will never provide as good results as those that can be achieved when all needed data were measured under the special conditions of field campaigns (e.g., Spindler et al, 1996; Slater et al, 1998). Lysimeters (see Fig. 1) are well appropriate for long-term monitoring of most water budget quantities like ground water recharge, R, and change in soil water storage, S. Moreover, they provide an important process level in up-scaling because they allow inferring from the laboratory to field-scale (Keese et al, 1997). Usually, R, S, Fig. 1. Schematic view of a lysimeter at Brandis and precipitation, P, are routinely determined on a daily basis. The percolated water leaving the lysimeter at its outlet is considered to represent recharge. By neglecting the small daily change in weight by plant growth, the change in weight of the lysimeter is interpreted as the change in soil water storage. According to the so-called lysimeter equation, the water supply to the atmosphere is given by (e.g., Marshall et al, 1996), E ¼ P R S: ð1Þ Herein, the residuum E may represent the sum or some of the following processes: evaporation of soil water, puddles and intercepted water, transpiration by plants, and=or sublimation of snow. Choudhury and Idso (1985), for instance, already used lysimeter data on evapotranspiration for model evaluation on a short-term scale. Due to the defined and measurable boundary conditions lysimeter-data are suitable to evaluate LSMs of climate models under near-natural conditions on time scales much greater than those of sophisticated field experiments. Thus, such data may be used to decide whether a LSM is appropriate for long-term integration as needed in climate modeling or not. In this paper, we try to evaluate the water budget predictions of HTSVS on a long-term scale by using routine lysimeter data, where the relevance of the various parameterizations additionally introduced into HTSVS for its application in climate models (see M€ olders Water budget elements predicted by HTSVS et al, 2003) is pointed out. Since sets of routine data will always be incomplete with respect to initial and boundary conditions as well as plantphysiological properties (e.g., distribution, mass and density of roots, minimum stomatal resistance, albedo and emissivity of the foliage, etc.) and soil transfer parameters (e.g., heat conductivity, hydraulic conductivity, etc.), the (1) uncertainty in the water budget predictions due to such incomplete routine observations, and (2) possible measurement errors are analyzed. An additional goal is to demonstrate that HTSVS simulates the water budget elements in longterm studies to a sufficient degree of accuracy without calibration. Calibration means that a large part of a whole data set is used to discover the optimum (temporally varying) values for plant-physiological properties and soil transfer parameters, while the remaining part is only considered for model evaluation. Applying such a typical calibration technique would, certainly, lead to better predictions than those presented here. There are, however, some aspects that have to be considered realistically: (1) the landuse type of the lysimeters at Brandis changed more or less from season to season (see Fig. 1 in M€olders et al, 2003) so that not enough data were available for calibration and long-term evaluation, (2) climate prediction with calibrated LSMs would strongly demand unchanged land-use of landscapes on the long-term scale, (3) coupling LSMs with biome modules as indispensable to climate models (e.g., Claussen, 1997; Eastman et al, 2001) seems to be extremely difficult with calibration, and (4) data sets of consistent plant-physiological properties and soil parameters are still scarce, but reasonable values have to be presupposed in climate modeling. Based on all these reasons, we decided to hold off calibration techniques from evaluation of HTSVS that is considered to act in climate models. 2. Brief description of HTSVS HTSVS (e.g., Kramm, 1995; Kramm et al, 1996; M€olders et al, 2003) describes the exchange of momentum, heat, and moisture at the vegetationsoil-atmosphere interface under consideration of the heterogeneity on the micro-scale by means of Deardorff’s (1978) mixture approach. Herein, the 139 exchange of energy and matter between the vegetation-soil-system and the atmosphere as well as between the soil-snow-system and the atmosphere is parameterized by resistance network analogy. The impact of ambient air temperature, photosynthetic active radiation, soil water and water vapor deficit on transpiration is accounted for by so-called correction functions (e.g., Jarvis, 1976; Dingman, 1994; Kramm, 1995). HTSVS considers the coupled heat conduction and water diffusion within the soil (i.e., Ludwig-Soret effect and Dufour effect are considered), as well as the variable ground water depth responding to the previous meteorological conditions. It includes parameterizations for infiltration, soil water extraction by roots, soil frost and thawing, the insulating effects and melting of snow (see M€olders et al, 2003). 3. Data description and processing At Brandis (51.32 N, 12.62 E, 133 m above sea level, south-east of Leipzig, Saxony), lysimeters are routinely pursued since 1980. Change in storage and recharge are measured daily. Percolated water leaving the lysimeters at their outlets in 2.95 m depth is assumed to represent ground water recharge or subsurface runoff. Water supply to the atmosphere is derived as a residuum from the lysimeter equation (1). The lysimeters (Fig. 1) contain natural monoliths (3 m depth, 1 m2 area) that were gained in 1980 in southern East-Germany. As these soils were deposited during the ice-age, their density is higher than for fluvially deposited soils. They are representative for large regions of the southern Baltic region. Porosity, field capacity, fc, permanent wilting point, pwp, hydraulic conductivity at saturation, soil density, as well as the percentage of clay, silt, sand, and humus were determined when installing the lysimeters. Four methods, namely the granulation-method, pf-curve-method, a combined granulation-pfcurve-method, and a combined granulation-pfcurve-method under consideration of the soil skeleton were applied to determine the first three mentioned quantities (e.g., Keese et al, 1997; Haferkorn, 2001; see Table 2 in M€olders et al, 2003). Specific heat capacity of soil material is given by the weighted average of the fraction of particle size and humus. 140 N. M€ olders et al Of each soil type three lysimeter are available. After 14 years of running the lysimeters, soil characteristics were re-determined for one lysimeter out of a group of three. Comparisons of the characteristics of soils in the lysimeters and those of the soils at the origin sites determined in 1978 and 1994 showed variations within the range of natural heterogeneity (Knappe and Keese, 1996; Keese et al, 1997). Based on those results these authors concluded that lysimeters can be run on long-term scales, i.e. the lysimeter fulfill the criteria to be achieved for climate evaluation purposes as they are pointed out by Goody et al (2002). On May 23, 1992 a climate station was added to the lysimeter site. Routine data of hourly mean values of wind, relative humidity, temperature, global radiation, and precipitation are available form May 23, 1992 to December 31, 1997. Since the soil at the climate station is of same type as one of the lysimeter groups we chose the lysimeters of that group for our study. The lysimeters are agriculturally managed according to the surrounding field, i.e. winter barley (1992), green fallow (1993; 1994), red clover (1995), potatoes (1996), and summer wheat (1997) were grown follwed by green fallow after the harvest of barley, potatoes, and summer wheat. Harvest and mowing on the lysimeters and their surroundings were performed concurrently. Routine data of maximum root length, canopy height, and plant phenology exist about every ten days (Haferkorn, 2001). Shielding factor and LAI (see Fig. 1 in M€ olders et al, 2003) are deduced from the reported phenologic characteristics using empirical relationships. 4. Design of the study 4.1 Initialization and data processing HTSVS is run without prior calibration on the Brandis site. Simulations start on May 23, 1992, and are run without restart until December 31, 1997. In our study, the soil is divided into nine layers (by logarithmic spacing, see Table 2 in M€olders et al, 2003) for which moisture and temperature, the transfer of water and heat, as well as the water extract by roots are predicted. Even though the lysimeters extend to a depth of 3 m, the lower boundary of HTSVS is chosen as zD ¼ 8.25 m to guarantee proper water flux conditions at their outlets. At depth zD, a mean annual course of soil temperature, TS, at that level is prescribed and the volumetric water content is held constant at fc. Soil temperatures of the nearby climate station in 0.05 m, 0.1 m, 0.2 m, and 0.5 m depth and climate data of similar soil properties serve to initialize TS. Soil volumetric water content is initialized by making use of the measured water deficit since the time of total filling of the lysimeters, i.e. when the soil achieves fc. It is assumed that the uppermost part of soil lost water by evapotranspiration. Thus, the initial volumetric water content in the uppermost layers is assumed to be constant at 70% of fc and the lower layers are at fc. The thickness of the uppermost layer is adjusted to agree with the total amount of water in the lysimeter and the water deficit. In doing so, the depth-varying soil properties are taken into account. The vegetation-type of the lysimeter, maximum root depth, canopy height, h (which is used to determine roughness length by z0 ¼ 0.1 h and zero plane displacement by d0 ¼ 0.7 h, in accord with Oke, 1978; Kramm, 1989; 1995), and LAI are updated whenever new routine data are available. Although the canopy height hardly varies among the lysimeters it is considered as observed for the individual lysimeter. 4.2 Evaluation, sensitivity studies, and uncertainty analysis To evaluate the model accuracy, statistical measures (e.g., rms-errors, correlation coefficients, bias, etc.) were determined for the various simulations. If in nature, a process (e.g., water uptake by roots, soil freezing, etc.) occurs, it is determined by the variables of state and the fluxes which themselves depend on these variables. To describe this process in a model, it has to be parameterized. In the real world, the process depends on the natural characteristics (e.g., root distribution, density of snow, etc.). In the model world, however, these characteristics have to be prescribed by parameters that are unknown or not known well (see also Fig. 2). Thus, in the model world, the effect of a process also depends on the choice of the parameters, i.e., Water budget elements predicted by HTSVS Fig. 2. Schematic view of processes in the model and in the real world source of uncertainty is involved even if the parameters and quantities are determined and chosen with care and responsibility (see Fig. 2). Since the stand-alone version of HTSVS is driven by observations another source of uncertainty in predicted water budget elements can be related to errors in measurements (Fig. 2). Therefore, in addition to the simulations that investigate the sensitivity to the processes, various uncertainty studies are carried out to examine the degree of uncertainty due to parameters and forcing data. The improvements gained by the parameterizations introduced by M€ olders et al (2003) are evaluated in Sects. 5.3–5.5. Since the original data set does not include downward long-wave radiation R1#, this quantity is optionally parameterized in accord with Bolz and Falkenberg (1949, denoted as B&F-scheme), Idso and Jackson (1969, denoted as I&J-scheme), Eppel et al (1995, denoted as EEA-scheme), and Croley (1989, denoted as C-scheme) to examine the impact of parameterizing R1# on the accuracy of the predicted water budget elements (see Sect. 5.2). Since measurements are subject to errors, various simulations are carried out to examine the impact of observational errors on the predicted water budget elements. Errors in the lysimeter data may arise from differential heating of the lysimeter walls by radiative effects and heating of the lysimeter walls by the air of the cellar. It has to be expected that these errors may slightly affect the water fluxes due to the Dufour- and 141 Ludwig-Soret effects. Errors of observed recharge and storage change amount to 0.1 mm each. Errors caused by unknown initial and boundary conditions are addressed in Sect. 5.6. Since HTSVS is driven by routinely observed meteorological data, random and unavoidably systematic errors in these data may also lead to errors in predicted water budget elements, which are discussed in Sect. 5.7. Considering the results of all three lysimeters serves for estimating the impact of heterogeneity within the soils on the water budget as performed in Sect. 5.8. Errors resulting from the uncertainties in soil parameters and the assumptions made on the plant physiological parameters are evaluated in Sects. 5.8 and 5.9. 5. Results and discussion The reference simulation (Table 2) is carried out by applying the parameterizations for water uptake by roots, snow and soil frost effects derived by M€olders et al (2003). Herein, the soil data derived from pf-curve are applied because data from combined methods are seldom available for large scale areas as required for climate models. The B&F-scheme is used in the reference because it is independent from predicted quantities. If not mentioned otherwise, the reference simulation will be discussed exemplary for lysimeter 5.1 in the following. Generally, the period from 1992 to 1995 was relatively wet as compared to that from 1996 to 1997 (e.g., Figs. 3 and 4). Consequently, annual recharge and evapotranspiration of the former period exceed that of the latter. The soils of the three lysimeters examined differ only by their natural heterogeneity that results from differences in biologic activity, frost heave, cryoturbation, macro-pores, stones, and different soil material deposit. Clay lenses or great stones may delay recharge by storing water on their surfaces, while macro-pores may accelerate drainage. Comparison of Figs. 3 and 4, exemplary illustrates differences in recharge, R, and, consequently, in water supply to the atmosphere, E, for lysimeter 5.1 and 5.2, respectively. Table 1 lists the statistical material regarding R and E for the three lysimeters. Differences in R and E between lysimeter 5.1 and 5.2 do not exceed 15% (R) and 4% (E), respectively. Since lysimeter 5.3 was 142 N. M€ olders et al Fig. 3. Observed precipitation and comparison of predicted and measured daily recharge and water supply to the atmosphere for lysimeter 5.1. The letters P, E, and R stand for precipitation, water supply to the atmosphere, and recharge, respectively stopped in 1994, we also compare the 832-days period where all three lysimeters run simultaneously. Differences were less than 16% and 10% for R and E, respectively. Based on this 832-days period, the observed water budget elements of lysimeters 5.1 and 5.2 even vary less than 6% and 1% for the former and the latter quantity (Figs. 3 and 4, Tables 1 and 2). Water budget elements predicted by HTSVS 143 Fig. 4. Like Fig. 3, but for lysimeter 5.2. Note that the soil of lysimeter 5.2 has the same soil physical parameters, but it differs from lysimeter 5.1 by the natural heterogeneity of soils that provides the differences in the observed water budget elements between lysimeters 5.1 and 5.2 (see text for further discussion) 5.1.1 Recharge The water fluxes calculated for the outlet level of the lysimeters are assumed to represent recharge. Since the HTSVS has no ‘‘solid bottom’’ at this depth predicted water fluxes, in principal, can be of both signs. Slight upward directed soil moisture 144 N. M€ olders et al Table 1. Mean daily values and root mean square errors for recharge and water supply to the atmosphere for the various lysimeters. Since lysimeter 5.3 was stopped in 1994 to re-determine the soil parameters here statistics of lysimeter 5.1 and 5.2 are given for the 832 days period. Statistics for the 2050-day period are given in brackets Water supply to the atmosphere Recharge 5.1 5.2 5.3 rms (5.1:5.2) rms (5.1:5.3) rms(5.2:5.3) 1.515 (1.447) 0.592 (0.459) 1.465 (1.392) 0.634 (0.526) 1.543 0.566 0.454 (0.415) 0.313 (0.324) 0.495 0.367 0.593 0.529 fluxes are predicted at some days in the extremely dry year 1997 when no outflow at the outlets was observed. An uptake of water through the lysimeter outlets, of course, has not been realized. On average, predicted and observed recharge differ from each other about the same percentage as the recharge observed by the various lysimeters (Tables 1 and 2). The 2050d-accumulated recharge is over-estimated by 7% for lysimeter 5.1 and under-estimated by the same amount for lysimeter 5.2 (cf., Fig. 5, Table 2). The rms-errors, however, are about 1.4 to twice as high as those between the various lysimeters (Tables 1 and 2). The predicted temporal development of R broadly agrees with its observed equivalent (e.g., Figs. 3 and 4). Generally, the predicted recharge responses too quickly to strong precipitation events (P > 40 mm=d; e.g., Figs. 3 and 4). This shortcoming of the model may result from an insufficient representation of natural soil heterogeneity with respect to the vertical resolution of soil by any numerical model. Clay lenses and stones, which are often of sub-scale size, store water on their tops until either the water surface tension cannot hold further water or the stored water is taken up by roots (see also Sect. 5.8 for a discussion on the effects of soil heterogeneity). Also observed maximum peaks are usually under-estimated (e.g., Figs. 3 and 4) because macro-pores, which can accelerate drainage after precipitation events, are of sub-scale size with respect to the vertical resolution of soil by any numerical model. In fall, predicted R is about a month too early (e.g., Figs. 3 and 4). Besides storing water on subscale sized clay lenses and stones, an under-estimation of E may contribute to this discrepancy (cf., e.g., fall 1995). As a consequence of this discrepancy, less recharge is predicted in late winter. In late winter and early spring, discrepancies between predicted and observed values of R can be explained by frost heave and cryoturbation that cause macro-pores through which water may more rapidly drain than through smaller pores. Sediments fill the macro-pores when the soil collapses as soil ice melts and may reduce drainage. Such changes in soil matrix, however, cannot be considered in LSMs because of unavailable data on soil properties that are changing during the frost-thaw-cycles. After snow events predicted recharge often occurs earlier than observed (e.g., Figs. 3 and 4). The reasons are manifold. In nature, the diurnal course of thawing, percolation of melt-water within the snow pack, and re-freezing as well as other processes of snow metamorphism (e.g., water vapor diffusion from convex to concave surfaces and from warm to cold layers, gravity) delay infiltration and recharging. In the simulations, however, it is assumed that all snow melts immediately when no snow is reported any longer. Moreover, the snow captured by a rain gauge may differ from that actually fallen onto a lysimeter. Rain gauge catch deficiencies nonlinearly increase with wind speed and may exceed 30% for a wind of 3 m=s (e.g., Dingman, 1994). The influence of catch deficiencies is addressed to in Sect. 5.7. Some discrepancies may also result from the use of hourly mean meteorological data to force the model. Strong, but short precipitation events, for instance, may lead to ponded water that partly evaporates, while the whole precipitation may infiltrate if it is distributed equally over the entire hour. In such a case, applying hourly data means substituting showers by slight, but one hour lasting precipitation. Consequently, the partition of precipitation between water supply to the atmosphere and infiltration disagrees with its natural equivalent. 5.1.2 Storage Obviously, precipitation, recharge, and water supply to the atmosphere lead to a change in soil (5.1) E 1.550 1.810 1.971 1.674 1.561 1.516 1.418 1.398 1.436 1.567 1.549 1.346 1.530 1.556 1.549 1.550 1.552 1.527 1.821 1.547 1.542 1.538 1.615 1.447 1.468 1.518 1.100 1.550 1.544 1.543 1.447 1.565 1.471 1.686 1.822 1.285 1.124 Simulation Reference simulation Rl# Idso and Jackson (1969) Rl# Croley (1989) Rl# Eppel et al (1995) Without roots zd ¼ 0.3 m Without soil frost Without soil frost, granulation Without frost, granulation, pf-c. Without snow effects snow ¼ 400 kg=m3 Without new parameterizations TS( 8.25 m) ¼ 282 K TS( 8.25 m) ¼ 295 K Initial moisture profile 0.6fc Initial moisture profile 0.8fc Initial moisture profile fc Initial moisture profile pwp Variation of precipitation Vari. of temperature ( 0.2 K) Vari. of wind speed ( 0.5 m=s) Vari. of global radiation ( 10%) Vari. of humidity ( 0.5 g=kg) Vari. of cloud cover ( 10%) Granulation pf-curve and granulation pf-curve, granulation, skeleton Soil torsion T ¼ 0.5 S ¼ f "f ¼ 1 f ¼ 1.1 f (Tab. 1 in part I) f ¼ 0.9 f (Tab. 1 in part I) LAI ¼ 1 LAI ¼ 7 f ¼ 0 (bare soil) f ¼ 1 Grassland all the time 1.105 1.099 1.254 1.051 1.125 1.066 0.977 1.091 1.076 1.105 1.104 0.985 1.100 1.106 1.104 1.105 1.108 1.085 1.325 1.101 1.093 1.089 1.092 1.103 1.070 1.086 0.985 1.105 1.119 1.102 1.094 1.113 1.062 1.240 1.325 1.101 1.028 rmsE(5.1) 0.491 0.333 0.337 0.417 0.654 0.466 0.453 0.435 0.445 0.431 0.492 0.468 0.497 0.474 0.478 0.490 0.506 0.483 0.278 0.512 0.501 0.499 0.449 0.560 0.403 0.447 0.526 0.492 0.500 0.495 0.498 0.483 0.518 0.429 0.278 0.670 0.821 (5.1) R 0.755 0.736 0.710 0.746 0.906 0.741 0.734 0.831 0.867 0.755 0.756 0.785 0.761 0.746 0.751 0.758 0.819 0.730 0.726 0.748 0.752 0.757 0.737 0.791 0.854 0.901 0.674 0.755 0.758 0.756 0.757 0.751 0.772 0.729 0.726 0.831 0.945 rmsR(5.1) 1.547 1.969 1.512 1.671 1.555 1.515 1.416 1.394 1.430 1.563 1.544 1.344 1.526 1.552 1.547 1.546 1.548 1.526 1.409 1.543 1.538 1.533 1.538 1.440 1.464 1.512 1.085 1.547 1.541 1.539 1.531 1.562 1.469 1.679 1.824 1.280 0.944 (5.2) E 1.121 1.288 1.097 1.069 1.141 1.079 0.986 1.093 1.081 1.120 1.122 0.972 1.117 1.122 1.121 1.122 1.125 1.103 1.151 1.118 1.108 1.106 1.114 1.119 1.080 1.097 1.015 1.122 1.137 1.118 1.110 1.133 1.063 1.268 1.374 1.096 1.046 rmsE(5.2) 0.491 0.329 0.452 0.409 0.632 0.480 0.459 0.431 0.444 0.433 0.480 0.463 0.495 0.486 0.490 0.491 0.509 0.487 0.192 0.517 0.503 0.486 0.508 0.557 0.405 0.452 0.507 0.491 0.504 0.495 0.499 0.484 0.511 0.436 0.281 0.671 0.873 (5.2) R 0.802 0.788 0.950 0.805 0.921 0.794 0.790 0.863 0.908 0.805 0.799 0.825 0.808 0.802 0.803 0.804 0.865 0.784 1.117 0.795 0.799 0.800 0.801 0.810 0.898 0.949 0.752 0.803 0.802 0.803 0.805 0.801 0.812 0.794 0.802 0.855 1.056 rmsR(5.2) 1.627 2.029 1.662 1.716 1.640 1.614 1.560 1.671 1.675 1.812 1.625 1.585 1.607 1.632 1.626 1.627 1.630 1.590 1.442 1.625 1.621 1.618 1.620 1.543 1.662 1.670 1.134 1.627 1.594 1.618 1.603 1.645 1.598 1.787 2.127 1.279 0.961 (5.3) E 1.047 1.185 1.118 0.978 1.085 1.043 0.982 1.115 1.117 1.180 1.048 1.030 1.049 1.045 1.045 1.046 1.055 1.003 1.068 1.046 1.045 1.041 1.044 1.067 1.118 1.119 0.933 1.047 1.050 1.045 1.037 1.055 1.046 1.159 1.459 1.030 1.052 rmsE(5.3) 0.667 0.406 0.624 0.527 0.745 0.672 0.651 0.630 0.640 0.310 0.648 0.357 0.682 0.662 0.666 0.672 0.709 0.627 0.062 0.668 0.640 0.671 0.668 0.742 0.624 0.657 0.680 0.667 0.693 0.673 0.646 0.656 0.654 0.578 0.375 0.881 1.093 (5.3) R 0.876 0.852 1.041 0.854 0.921 0.877 0.866 0.993 1.037 1.365 0.869 1.382 0.881 0.873 0.876 0.880 1.006 0.834 1.335 0.876 0.865 0.878 0.876 0.911 1.041 1.102 0.822 0.876 0.883 0.879 0.868 0.870 0.873 0.849 0.869 0.971 1.181 rmsR(5.3) , R , and root mean square errors, rmsE, rmsR, for water supply to the atmosphere and recharge as obtained for various simulations. The averages of Table 2. Mean daily values, E observed water supply to the atmosphere and recharge are 1.447 mm=d and 0.459 mm=d for lysimeter 5.1, 1.392 mm=d and 0.526 mm=d for lysimeter 5.2, 1.543 mm=d and 0.566 mm=d for lysimeter 5.3. Lysimeter 5.3 was stopped on 9 May 1994. See text for description of simulations. Mean values given in bold fall within the margin of error of 10%. Simulations with purposely unrealistic assumptions are in italic Water budget elements predicted by HTSVS 145 146 N. M€ olders et al Fig. 5. Accumulated recharge (for May 23, 1992 to December 31, 1997) as obtained by various sensitivity and uncertainty studies (see text for discussion). Note that the measurements of lysimeter 5.3 were stopped on 9 September 1994 (see Sect. 3 for further explanation) water storage (see Eq. (1)). Generally, soil storage is filled in fall and winter and is reduced in spring and summer. Great positive changes are associated with strong precipitation events (P > 40 mm=d). Negative changes do not exceed 18 mm=d. They are associated with snowmelt events or occur some time after a heavy precipitation event. Predictions, on average, over-estimate the storage variability except in summer when soil water storage changes too slowly. Note that the heating of the lysimeters by the cellar (that is of different temperature than the soil in the adjacent field) may contribute to the observed relatively quick change in soil water storage. The neglecting of detailed snow metamorphism processes may cause the too strong response of the Water budget elements predicted by HTSVS soil water storage to water input in winter. Nevertheless, the correlation coefficient of predicted versus observed water storage exceeds 0.96 for all simulations. The prediction efficiency of water storage exceeds 92%, i.e. HTSVS is suitable for long-term studies on water availability. 5.1.3 Water supply to the atmosphere As pointed out above, HTSVS is able to predict the diurnal course of the fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat as well as the corresponding mean profile quantities well (e.g., Kramm, 1995; Kramm et al, 1996; M€olders, 2000). Water vapor flux data from eddy-correlation techniques are more suitable for evaluating the water supply to the atmosphere predicted by a LSM than the daily values of E derived as a residuum from routine lysimeter data (see Eq. (1)). Since the technical effort for eddy correlation techniques and the unavoidable computer data management are considerable, a continuous data base gained from performing such techniques over several years is still lacking (e.g., Twine et al, 2000; Flage et al, 2001). To overcome this handicap, we prefer lysimeter data rather than flux values indirectly derived from micrometeorological methods like Bowen-ratio method or aerodynamic profile techniques (see also Choudhury and Idso, 1985) that have to be evaluated first. As discussed in the introduction, the residuum E of Eq. (1) should be suitable for evaluating the predicted water supply to the atmosphere with respect to its long-term overall behavior, i.e., its accumulated seasonal or total sums, its seasonal behavior and annual course. The total accumulated water supply to the atmosphere provided by HTSVS is slightly higher (less than 7% for lysimeter 5.1) than the observed equivalent (Fig. 6; see also Table 2). For most of the sensitivity studies, it ranges between the margins of a 10% error (see also Fig. 6, Table 2). In 1992 and 1997, the annual accumulated value of E is over-estimated compared to its observed equivalent (e.g., Figs. 3–6). In 1992, this over-estimate may result from the spin-up of the model and uncertainties in the initial distributions of soil moisture and temperature (see also Sect. 5.6). After the water storage has been completely filled in winter 1992=1993 147 the impact due to errors in the initial soil water distribution was removed (Fig. 5). Sometimes upward-directed water fluxes are predicted for the outlet level in the extremely dry summer of 1997. This upward transport of water may contribute to the overestimation of E in 1997. Note that the solid lysimeter bottom at the depth of 3 m causes an uncoupling of soil moisture within the lysimeter from the ground water and, hence, a suppression of the natural process of water suction. Consequently, the predictions may be more sufficient than they seem in comparison with observations. Overall, HTSVS is able to predict the annual course of water supply to the atmosphere (e.g., Figs. 3–5). However, in summer, on average, HTSVS tends to over-estimate E, while the opposite is true under snow-free conditions in winter. Based on the uncertainty studies discussed later (Sects. 5.7–5.9) soil heterogeneity, improper estimates of shielding factors, and errors in measured air temperature due to the insufficient natural ventilation of dry- and wet-bulb thermometers, especially during free-convective conditions of sunny and calm weather, may be responsible for the discrepancies between predicted and observed values of E. The overestimation may also be a consequence of the artificial heating of the lysimeter by the cellar because of the complex coupling between soil temperature and the water supply to the atmosphere. 5.2 Sensitivity studies on downward directed long-wave radiation In winter, the downward directed long-wave radiation, R1#, provided by the B&F-scheme is, on average, about 50 Wm 2 lower than that determined with the optionally used parameterizations that include surface properties (cf. Fig. 4 in M€olders et al, 2003). Depending on the parameterization of R1# used, other soil temperature and (see, e.g., Fig. 5 in M€olders et al, 2003) soil moisture states (e.g., Fig. 7) are established. These soil conditions lead to fluxes that again affect the former. The simulations with I&J-, C-, and EEAscheme all underestimate accumulated water recharge (e.g., about 28%, 27%, 9% for lysimeter 5.1) and over-estimate accumulated water supply to the atmosphere (about 25%, 36%, 16%; see 148 N. M€ olders et al Fig. 6. Like Fig. 5, but for accumulated water supply to the atmosphere also Table 2). Only the simulation with the Cscheme succeeds in predicting the peak of recharge occurring in spring 1997 (e.g., Fig. 8). Note that the C-scheme predicted the frequency olders et al, of TS < 273.15 K the best (cf. M€ 2003). The simulations using the C- or EEAscheme more strongly over-estimate recharge in fall 1995 than all others. Comparing Figs. 3 and 8 provides that the kind of radiation scheme can cause differences in the Water budget elements predicted by HTSVS 149 are responsible occur in summer 1993, early summer 1994, late winter and spring as well as late fall and winter 1995, winter 1996, late winter and early spring 1997 for recharge and summer 1997 for evapotranspiration. 5.3 Effects due to roots 5.3.1 Sensitivity studies Considering root water uptake leads, on average, to slightly drier soils in the entire root space as compared to the simulation without root water uptake, except for the uppermost soil layer (e.g., Fig. 6 in M€olders et al, 2003). Nevertheless, inclusion of root effects improves the prediction of the accumulated sums of the water budget elements (Table 2). Simulations without water uptake by roots over-estimate accumulated recharge and water supply to the atmosphere by about 43% and 8% (see also Figs. 5 and 6). 5.3.2 Uncertainty studies Fig. 7. Comparison of relative soil volumetric water content as obtained by the simulations with the B&F-scheme (reference simulation) to those gained with the simulations using (a) the EEA-scheme, (b) the I&J-scheme, and (c) the C-scheme predicted water budget elements that are of same magnitude than those caused by soil heterogeneity (compare e.g., Figs. 3 and 4). The most evident differences for which the radiation schemes In nature, root distribution with depth, among other things, depends on the types of soil and vegetation, the vertical distribution of soil water deficit, soil density, and fertilizer. A parameterization of root distribution allows either more roots in the upper or lower root zone. To examine the impact of the depth of the boundary between these different root zones zd, a model run has been carried out wherein zd is set equal to 0.3 m instead of the 0.1 m assumed in the reference prediction. As compared to the reference simulation, assuming zd ¼ 0.3 m better predicts the accumulated sums of recharge and water supply to the atmosphere by about 5% (e.g., Figs. 5 and 6; Table 2). In addition, predicted and observed daily values of recharge as well as of water supply to the atmosphere correlate better for an upper root zone depth of 0.3 m than 0.1 m. However, most of the time maximum root depth was less than 0.3 m (cf. Fig. 1 in M€olders et al, 2003) so that an upper root zone depth of 0.3 m is unrealistic. Based on these results, we recognize that the vertical distribution of roots can play an important role in the prediction of water budgets. Thus, global data sets on the annual course of the root distributions for various biomes are indispensable for climate modeling purposes. 150 N. M€ olders et al Fig. 8. Like Fig. 3, but for the simulation with the C-scheme. Differences between the simulated water budget quantities in Fig. 3 and those shown here result from the parameterization of downward directed long-wave radiation chosen (see text for further details) Water budget elements predicted by HTSVS 5.4 Effects due to frost 5.4.1 Sensitivity studies As shown by M€ olders et al (2003), soil water freezing still affects soil temperature long after the occurrence of soil frost (cf. their Fig. 9). Freeze-thaw cycles influence the thermal and hydrological properties of the soil because phase transition processes are accompanied by the release of latent heat and consumption of energy. Frost reduces the mobility of soil-water so that capillary action, infiltration and percolation are rather inefficient (M€ olders et al, 2003). Soil frost affects the water supply to the atmosphere by several mechanisms. The reduced mobility of soil water is responsible for the decreasing evaporation during soil frost events, which prevents the soil from losing water. After the soil frost event the wetter soil provides more water vapor to the atmosphere as compared to the case without inclusion of soil frost effects. Due to the higher volumetric water content also recharge changes. The direction of change depends on the weather and soil conditions after soil thawing. Depending on the lysimeter considered, the inclusion of soil frost improves either the prediction of the recharge at the cost of the water supply to the atmosphere or vice versa (Table 2). 5.4.2 Uncertainty studies Results of the simulations with and without inclusion of soil frost processes that are performed with the alternatively determined soil parameters suggest that uncertainties in soil physical parameters (besides soil heterogeneity) may also affect the accumulated sums of predicted water budget elements by margins of error of about 10% (Table 2). This is due to the fact that the maximum liquid water that can be present at temperatures below freezing point depends on these soil parameters (cf. Fig. 3 in M€olders et al, 2003). Depending on the determination of soil parameters the same soil frost parameterization leads to either better or worse results for accumulated recharge and water supply to the atmosphere than the simulation without soil frost parameterization (e.g., Figs. 5 and 6, Table 2). Note that the simulations with I&J-, C-, or EEA-schemes, which provide the better prediction 151 of the soil frost frequency (cf. M€olders et al, 2003), yield to a worse prediction of recharge and water supply to the atmosphere than the model run with the B&F-scheme (Table 2, Figs. 5 and 6). 5.5 Effects due to snow 5.5.1 Sensitivity studies Snow was reported on 76 days. M€olders et al (2003) showed that the insulating effect of snow reduces soil cooling up to about 1 m depth, and that soil frost occurs quite more often when snow insulating effects are ignored. In the simulations without snow effect, all precipitation is subject to infiltration, while in the simulation with snow effects, solid precipitation will be infiltrated later when no snow is reported any longer. Infiltration, soil volumetric water content, recharge, water supply to the atmosphere (more energy is required for sublimation than evaporation), and energy budget (by the higher albedo of snow as compared to the simulations without snow effects) differ whether or not snow is present. Considering snow effects increases the variability of recharge and slightly improves the prediction of the temporal evolution of recharge as compared to the simulation without them. Predicted and observed recharge still differs due to the neglecting of snow metamorphism. Neglecting snow metamorphism and the assumption of immediate snow-melt, when no snow is reported, ignore that melt-water percolates through the snow-pack and is available for infiltration. Thus, in HTSVS, more water is available at the end of the snow coverage as in the natural equivalent. An influence of snow on the accumulated sums of the water budget elements is clearly visible (Table 2, Figs. 5 and 6). Predicted accumulated water supply to the atmosphere is slightly reduced (about 1%) by consideration of snow effects and better agrees with observation (Table 2). The snow effects slightly delay recharge, and increase accumulated recharge by about 12% (Table 2). Without their consideration HTSVS underestimates accumulated recharge by about 6% (Table 2). For lysimeters 5.2 and 5.3, however, the prediction of the temporal evolution of recharge and its accumulated amount is improved. 152 N. M€ olders et al 5.5.2 Uncertainty studies Wind blowing effects and snow metamorphism increase snow density (e.g., Dingman, 1994). An increase of snow density, snow, means a decrease of the thickness of a snow pack. Consequently, the insulating effect is reduced and soil temperature is less than for a snow pack of lower density. Since soil temperature and soil volumetric water content are coupled (see Eqs. (33) and (34) in M€ olders et al, 2003) we examined the impact of snow on the water budget elements. Snow density hardly affects recharge and water supply to the atmosphere (Table 2). This means that the impact of the delayed input of water due to snow on the water budget elements is greater than that of snow density. Based on these findings we expect that retention and percolation of melt-water in the snow-pack may influence predicted recharge if snow metamorphism processes are considered. 5.6 Uncertainty studies on the initial and boundary conditions 5.6.1 Soil volumetric water content The measured water deficit of the lysimeter on May 23, 1992 does not provide information on the distribution of the volumetric water content, . To examine the impact of the initial soil moisture distribution, the initial volumetric water content in the uppermost layers is assumed to be constant at 60 and 80% of fc, respectively, using the same procedure as described in Sect. 4.1. Note that the value 70% was chosen to be consistent with the root length observed at begin of our study. A reduction to 60% means that the soil layer, for which < fc, is thinner, but drier than in the reference simulation. On the contrary, using 80% of field capacity means that the upper soil layer, having < fc, is thicker, but moister than in the reference simulation. The results of the simulations using these initial profiles substantiate that the accumulated water supply to the atmosphere is insensitive to the initial soil moisture distribution (Fig. 5). Although initializing the uppermost layers with 60% of fc reduces over-estimation of recharge by about 3% (to an over-estimation of only 4%; Table 2), these initial conditions are improbable because of the unrealistically sharp soil moisture gradient at the boundary dry to wet soil. Initializing the uppermost layers with 80% of fc reduces accumulated recharge by less than 1%. Simulations assuming either ¼ fc or ¼ pwp for the entire lysimeter provide large differences in recharge in the first 500 days of integration. Initializing with ¼ fc, however, yields to similar accumulated 2050 d sums as using the initial profile of the reference run (Table 2). According to these findings the correct total initial water content or its vertical distribution will play a minor role on the long-term scale if the initial values of are chosen lower, but not too far from fc. 5.6.2 Soil temperature To examine the error resulting from the uncertainty in soil temperature at zD ¼ 8.25 m these values are alternatively held constant at 282 K and 295 K, respectively. Doing so affects the soil temperatures in the deeper layers (z < 1 m). The constant deep soil temperature of 282 K reduces the accumulated water supply to the atmosphere by about 13% and enhances recharge by less than 1% (Table 2). The opposite is true for increase in deep soil temperature (Table 2). This means that predictions of ground water recharge need knowledge of the mean annual course of deep soil temperature. These results again confirm the effect of the Dufour- and Luwig-Soret effects on the long-term scale. 5.7 Uncertainty due to errors in measured forcing data The margins of errors that typically arise when air temperature, wind, humidity, global radiation, and cloud fraction are routinely observed amount to 0.2 K, 0.5 m=s, 0.5 g=kg (WMO 1971), 35 W=m2 (Raabe, 1999; private communication), and about 10%, respectively. Simulations were, therefore, performed wherein alternatively a random error within the typical margins mentioned before were superimposed on the observed meteorological data. As expected the superimposed disturbances may cause slight changes, i.e., the change of a water budget element may be positive for one and negative for the other lysimeter (Table 2). The greatest differences in predicted water Water budget elements predicted by HTSVS budget elements occur for variations in precipitation and specific humidity (Table 2). Disturbing humidity affects 2050d-accumulated recharge by about 9% and water supply to the atmosphere by about 5%, as compared to the reference simulation. Variation of air temperature or global radiation slightly affects recharge (4%, and 2%, respectively) and hardly affects the water supply to the atmosphere as compared to the reference simulation (Figs. 5 and 6). Based on these findings we conclude that all predictions covering the range between the upper and lower margins of the reference case of 10% have to be considered as excellent because this range is the uncertainty caused by the meteorological forcing data. 5.8 Uncertainty due to the natural heterogeneity of the soil As pointed out above, frost heave, cryoturbation and related macro-pores filled by sediments, biologic activity, stones and differences in the soil deposit lead to the natural heterogeneity of soils. Soil heterogeneity causes great differences between the observations in amount of recharge, maximum recharge, temporal evolution and peak of recharge in July and fall 1993, spring and fall 1994, December 1994, fall and winter 1995, December 1996, spring and December 1997 (compare Figs. 3 and 4). The differences in the water supply to the atmosphere observed for the two lysimeters that result in response to the different soil heterogeneity are the most obvious in fall (Figs. 3 and 4). The different heterogeneity and resulting soil moisture lead to the differences in plant growth and, hence, height. These altered heights slightly affect the roughness length and the depending quantities. In the model world, only the differences in vegetation height and precipitation can be considered as soil heterogeneity is of subgrid-scale with respect to the model resolution and as there is no information about the heterogeneity. The accumulated water supply to the atmosphere simulated for the lysimeters hardly changes in response to the aforementioned differences (cf. also Table 2). The temporal evolution of the water budget elements observed by the three lysimeters differs less than those between simulation and observation (e.g., Figs. 3–6). The differences demonstrate the strong impact of sub-scale soil heterogeneity on the 153 onset of recharge (Figs. 3 and 4). The daily scatter between the values observed by the lysimeters occasionally exceeds several millimeter. We conclude from comparing Figs. 3 and 4 that the predictability of the water budget elements is limited by the unknown heterogeneity of soils. In the determination of the molecular diffusion coefficient for water vapor in air within the soil, the torsion of the soil by roots and worms is considered by an empirical factor, T ¼ 0.67 (e.g., Kramm, 1995). Simulations assuming other values for this quantity substantiated that this factor hardly influences the water budget elements (Table 2). Using the parameters derived by the combined pf-curve and granulation method (see Table 2 in M€olders et al, 2003 for values) leads to a slight underestimation of accumulated recharge (2%), while the accumulated water supply to the atmosphere is over-estimated less than 4% (Table 2). These accumulated sums better agree with the observed sums than in the case of the parameters deduced by the pf-curve method, but the predicted temporal development of recharge and water supply to the atmosphere agrees less with the observations. Applying the parameters gained by the granulation method also leads to an excellent prediction of accumulated water supply to the atmosphere. Recharge is under-estimated by about 12%. Here, again applying the parameters derived from the pf-curve method yields the better agreement of temporal course of predicted and observed quantities. Taking granulation, pfcurve and soil skeleton into account leads to worse results except for recharge of lysimeter 5.2 (Table 2). Probably the soil skeleton determined is more representative for the monolith of this lysimeter than for the others. Based on these findings we conclude that soil heterogeneity is a great source of uncertainty in predicted water budget elements, and predicted accumulated sums that fall within the 12% error are acceptable. 5.9 Uncertainty due to plant physiological data Studies are performed wherein the albedo of foliage was either reduced=enhanced by 10% or the soil albedo (index s) was set equal to that of the foliage (index f) as assumed in many LSMs (e.g., 154 N. M€ olders et al Dickinson et al, 1986; Noilhan and Planton, 1989; Chen and Dudhia, 2001). Water supply to the atmosphere is slightly influenced by the altered albedo, . Within a vegetation period, there are times where the higher=lower albedo leads to slightly better results than the albedo used in the reference simulation. These results can be explained by the change of during the growing of vegetation so that the respective higher=lower value can be more representative than that used in the reference simulation. A huge number of models take the value 1 for the surface emissivity, " (cf., e.g., Pielke, 1984). Like for assuming " ¼ 1 for the foliage (index f) leads to better or worse results within the annual course for the same reasons. Thus, we conclude that results of climate models can be improved when data sets of and " are available in a high temporal resolution for the various vegetation types or when albedo is diagnosed by plant evolution models. LAI and shielding factor, f, had to be derived from phenological data. Assuming an unrealistically total coverage (f ¼ 1) for the entire simulation time decreases accumulated water supply to the atmosphere by about 39% and increases recharge by about 36%, respectively (Table 2). For f ¼ 0, which corresponds to bare soil, the water supply to the atmosphere grows and recharge diminishes even more than f ¼ 1 (Table 2). Consequently, climate models need actual data of vegetation fraction or modules to predict vegetation evolution. Using LAI ¼ 1 increases accumulated recharge less than 1% and decreases accumulated water supply by 5%, while LAI ¼ 7 works in the opposite direction (Table 2). Results of sensitivity studies assuming grass all the time substantiate that the predicted water budget elements are highly sensitive to the correct vegetation type. Thus, dynamic vegetation models should be included into climate models (e.g., Martin, 1990; Claussen, 1997) to predict vegetation type and evolution. 6. Conclusion A further-developed version of the hydro-thermodynamic soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer scheme HTSVS (see M€ olders et al, 2003) is evaluated by means of routinely measured lysimeterdata. The improved HTSVS is applied without calibration to the site. Simulations are carried out without restart for 2050 days to evaluate the model performance in calculating the water budget elements on a long-term scale, and to examine the effects of root water uptake, frost, and snow effects on the water budget. In doing so, HTSVS is driven by routinely measured meteorological data. Uncertainty studies on initial conditions, various parameters and the errors of the forcing data serve to evaluate the possible accuracy in modeling water budgets on long-term scale like in climate modeling. Moreover, the improvement in predicted water budget elements gained by the inclusion of parameterizations for root water uptake, soil frost, and snow effects is examined. It has to be admitted that the obtained results would agree better with observations if (1) data of field experimental quality were available instead of the routinely measured data, which are the only that exist on the long-term scale, (2) if complete data sets of all forcing quantities and all required parameters would be available (e.g., data of measured long-wave downward radiation, LAI, shielding factor, albedo, emissivity, etc.), (3) initial and boundary conditions were measured, and (4) if we would have calibrated HTSVS. Investigations show that the predicted water budget elements are more sensitive to measurement errors in precipitation and humidity than in air temperature, wind or global radiation, i.e., sophisticated state-of-the-art cloud parameterization schemes are an urgent need in climate models to appropriately simulate future water availability and budget components. Sensitivity studies on plant physiological and soil physical parameters, initial and lower boundary conditions substantiate that HTSVS will provide reasonable results if these parameters and conditions are chosen reasonably. Note that calibration of HTSVS was not an aim of this study because LSMs of climate models cannot be calibrated due to lack of global data sets with the sufficient resolution of all quantities required. It was the aim to demonstrate that HTSVS is able to simulate the water budget elements on a long-term scale. The results show that HTSVS runs without drift. On a long-term point of view, simulated water budget elements agree reasonably with those determined by the lysimeters. The slight temporal offset in recharge Water budget elements predicted by HTSVS between simulations and routine observations may be explained by retention of water on clay lenses within the soil that are of sub-scale with respect to the model resolution. The effect of such sub-scale heterogeneity was examined by comparison of routine data of three lysimeters of same soil profile type (cf. e.g., Figs. 3 and 4). In general, HTSVS will perform better if precipitation is approximately equally distributed between April to September (e.g., 1993; 1996) than in years of long times without precipitation followed by extreme precipitation events (e.g., 1994; 1995; 1997). Comparison of simulation results with and without the parameterizations of soil frost, snow effects, and root water uptake show that inclusion of these processes improves the prediction of the temporal behavior of the water budget elements slightly. Simulations alternatively performed with and without snow and soil frost emphasize the great impacts of insulating by snow-pack and freezing of soil on the soil water budget. Discrepancies still occurring in winter may be attributed to the simplification made in the frostparameterization and dealing with snow effects. In future, it has to be examined whether the inclusion of snow metamorphism (e.g., Fr€ohlich and M€olders, 2002) may improve the predictions. In the literature, a closed theory to parameterize the physical processes in frozen soil still remains an outstanding problem and requires further research including more observational work. Since the freezing front releases latent heat, the heat can be conducted towards colder layers and cause melting. The melted water requires a redistribution of soil temperature to increase in volume and to maintain thermal equilibrium. The failure to simulate these processes in full complexity may yield to poor results in later seasons in any LSM. Although the daily differences between quantities predicted with and without root parameterization are small, simulations, on average, will meet slightly better the observations if root effects are considered. Thus, climate models should apply a LSM that possesses parameterizations of soil frost, snow, and root water uptake. Based on our findings we conclude that HTSVS is suitable to serve as a LSM in climate modeling with an acceptable degree of accuracy (with a long-term error of about 10% for the 155 2050-days accumulated sums of the water budget elements) proposed that the plant physiological and soil physical parameters are chosen reasonably. One of the next tasks to be addressed is to systematically perform uncertainty analysis on the dependence of the prediction on the choice of the plant physiological properties and soil physical parameters in combination to point out the most sensitive parameters or interactions. Global fine resolved maps of these sensitive parameters – eventually with a temporal resolution for plant physiological parameters – could be gained to improve climate modeling. Acknowledgements We would like to express our thanks to J. Rehnert and F. Weisse for their help in data exchange. Thanks also to H. Wanner, J. E. Walsh, and the anonymous reviewers for helpful discussion and fruitful comments. Our thanks also include K. E. Erdmann and C. T. Qu. We thank BMBF, DFG and NSF for financial support under contracts 01LA98394, 07ATF30, Mo770=2-1, and OPP=0002239, respectively. References Bolz HM, Falkenberg G (1949) Neubestimmung der Konstanten der Angstr€ omschen Strahlungsformel. Z Meteorol 3: 97–100 Chen F, Dudhia J (2001) Coupling an advanced land surface hydrology model with the Penn State=NCAR MM5 modeling system. Part I: Model implementation and sensitivity. Mon Wea Rev 129: 569–585 Choudhury BJ, Idso SB (1985) Evaluating plant and canopy resistances of field-grown wheat from concurrent diurnal observations of leaf water potential, stomatal resistance, canopy temperature, and evapotranspiration flux. Agr Meteorol 34: 67–76 Claussen M (1997) Modeling bio-geophysical feedback in the African and Indian monsoon region. 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Kramm (E-mail:, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 903 Koyukuk Drive, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320, USA; U. Haferkorn, Staatliche Umweltbetriebsgesellschaft, Kleinsteinberger Str. 13, 04821 Brandis, Germany; J. Döring, Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Agrarökonomie und Agrarraumgestaltung, Adam-Kuckhoff-Straße 15, 06108 Halle=Saale, Germany Verleger: Springer-Verlag KG, Sachsenplatz 4–6, A-1201 Wien. – Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Reinhold Steinacker, Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik, Universität Wien, Althanstraße 14, A-1090 Wien. – Redaktion: Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck. – Satz und Umbruch: Thomson Press (India) Ltd., Chennai. – Druck und Bindung: Grasl Druck&Neue Medien, A-2540 Bad Vöslau. – Verlagsort: Wien. – Herstellungsort: Bad Vöslau. – Printed in Austria.