Interprofessional Education: What, Why and How Heather B Congdon, PharmD, BCPS, CDE Assistant Dean for Shady Grove and Associate Professor Co‐Director, UMB Center for IPE Objectives • Define interprofessional education (IPE) • Explain the importance of IPE in health professions education • List the four IPE competency domains set forth by the Interprofessional Education Collaborative • List the barriers of IPE and potential solutions to overcome them • Provide examples of IPE activities at UMB IPE IS NOT… Students from different health professions in the same classroom without reflective interaction. Pharmacy student Nursing student Medical student Physical Therapy student IPE IS NOT… A faculty member from one profession leading a classroom learning experience for students of another profession. Pharmacy professor Medical students IPE IS NOT… A session in a patient care setting led by an individual from another profession without sharing of decision making or responsibility for patient care. Medicine professor Patient Pharmacy students IPE IS… When two or more professions learn with, from, and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care. Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education, UK Picture credit: IPE IS… Educators and learners from two or more health professions and their foundational disciplines who jointly create and foster a collaborative learning environment. 2005‐2006 AACP COF Interprofessional Education Task Force Why is IPE Important • Graduates expected to work in IP teams upon graduation, but rarely taught how to effectively do so while in school. • Prevent medical errors/ improve health outcomes • Address health care reform and evolving shortage of primary care providers • Discipline specific organization and accreditation bodies now strongly encouraging or mandating IPE be infused within curricula Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) • 2011 Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice • American Association of Colleges of Nursing • American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine • American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy • American Dental Education Association • Association of American Medical Colleges • Association of Schools of Public Health‐resources/ipecreport.pdf Values/ Ethics Roles/ Responsibilities “Work in Interprofessional Teams” 4 Core Competencies Communication Teamwork Teamwork competencies, adapted to IPEC Expert Panel Work Barriers to IPE • • • • • Professional silos Scheduling/calendar Lack of necessary resources Lack of space Faculty workload/incentive ***We overcome the barriers with thought, teamwork and creativity! What is University of Maryland Doing? UMB IPE Task Force Sample of UMB IPE Initiatives IPE Day •Participation teaches students and faculty… – How to effectively communicate with professionals outside their area of study – What skills they can share with other professionals – How interprofessional communication leads to enhanced quality of care •Event link: Sample of UMB IPE Initiatives President’s Clinic • UMB President Jay Perman, MD, has established an interprofessional educational experience for medicine, pharmacy, nursing, dental, law, and social work students. • Held in his pediatric gastroenterology clinic every Tuesday afternoon. Sample of UMB IPE Initiatives • • • • Poverty Simulation Interprofessional DHHS Summer Internship Jacques Initiative Didactic Electives Sample Didactic Elective Next Steps for IPE at UMB? • Create structured IPE “curriculum” – Early exposure experiences (IPE 101) – Simulation experiences • Case discussions • High fidelity simulations • Team‐based projects – Experiential learning experiences • Create and online learning space for students to work on team‐based projects and activities • Create faculty development workshops surrounding IPE Questions?