Meat Processor Quality Assurance Scheme Processor Standard Revision 01

Meat Processor Quality
Assurance Scheme
Processor Standard
Revision 01
Bord Bia, Clanwilliam Court, Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2
Tel: 01 668 5155 Fax: 01 668 7521 Web:
Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture
Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture
Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture
Meat Processor Quality
Assurance Scheme
Processor Standard
Revision 01, August 2013
Meat Processor Quality Assurance Standard
Revision 01, August 2013
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Background and Objectives
Specific Terms Used and Abbreviations
Normative References for the Standard
Cautionary Notes
Eligibility Criteria
Membership Requirements / Application, Certification Process
Control and Monitoring
Terms, Requirements Categories and Application of Non-Compliances
Certification Decisions
Revision / Updates of the Standard
Notification of Change
Additional Documentation
Management Review
Quality System
Hygiene Pre-Requisites and HACCP Based Procedures
Customer Contract Requirements
Animal Receipts and Transport
Animal Welfare
Beef / Pig / Lamb Slaughter Process
Poultry Slaughter Process
Chilling Regimes
Cutting and Boning
Special Requirements for Value Added Meat Products
Inspection and Testing
Meat Processor Quality Assurance Standard
Revision 01, August 2013
Final Product Release
Product Identification / Traceability, Reconciliation and Recall
Handling, Storage, Dispatch and Transport
Control of Non-Conforming Product
Internal Audits
Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment
Corrective and Preventive Action and Customer Complaints
Plant and Facilities
Cleaning and Sanitation
Pest Control
Exterior, Structure and Grounds
Interiors: General
Entry to Production
Interior Walls (Processing and Product Storage Areas)
Ceilings and Overheads
Knives, Sterilisers, Hoses and Other Equipment
Extraction and Ventilation
Cleaning Materials and Storage
Effluent Treatment
Food Trays
Waste Disposal General
Medical Records
First Aid
Personal Hygiene
Personnel Clothing and Locker Rooms
Personnel Facilities including Canteens
Toilet Facilities
Washing Facilities in Production
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Meat Processor Quality Assurance Standard
Revision 01, August 2013
1. Reference Information
2. Final Product Testing
3. Eligible Products
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1 Introduction
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1. Introduction
This section contains important general information for Processors and forms part of the overall
requirements of the standard. It is important that Processors take sufficient time to read and fully
understand all sections of this standard.
The relevant Processor requirements are described in this Standard (i.e. Section 1, Introduction;
Section 2, Scheme Regulations; Section 3, Processor Requirements and Section 4, Appendices).
Please note that the Processor also needs to understand fully the Producer requirements as set out
in the relevant Bord Bia farm standard(s). Copies of these standards are available on the Bord Bia
website (
In the case of Poultry Processors, the responsibilities outlined in the Poultry Products Quality
Assurance Scheme (PPQAS) standard relate primarily to the person who manages the house on
the production farm, i.e. the Producer. However, the Processor also has responsibilities with regard
to specific requirements e.g. sourcing of the young birds, provision of the feedstuff, and deciding
when the birds are to be slaughtered. These responsibilities are highlighted in the PPQAS standard
with the following note appearing at the beginning of each relevant requirement (PROCESSOR).
For all such requirements, the Processor must collaborate with the Producer to ensure compliance.
Meat products (see definition in Section 1 Introduction) produced and processed in accordance with
the requirements Producer and Processor levels are described as quality assured meat products.
No other implication can be taken from this term.
Other standards that are deemed to be equivalent to this standard may be acceptable subject to
formal approval by Bord Bia.
The Meat Products Quality Assurance Standard was developed by an expert group representing
Bord Bia, Teagasc, the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, the meat industry, industry advisors and
the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine.
The full onus of responsibility for compliance with the requirements of this standard is on Processors
participating in the Scheme and not on Bord Bia or its auditors or any other third party. Compliance
is monitored through independent audit.
The requirements detailed in this Standard do not and are not intended to replace any statutory
obligations of the industry.
The Bord Bia Meat Processor Quality Assurance Scheme (MPQAS) is based on the Meat Products
Quality Assurance Standard and the various requirements of the relevant producer schemes (pigs,
poultry, beef & lamb). The MPQAS involves the meat processor Member working in partnership
with the producer Member to ensure best practice in meat production and processing.
The primary objectives of this Standard are:
To set out the requirements for best practice in meat processing;
To provide a uniform mechanism for recording and monitoring meat processing with a view
to achieving continual improvement in standards;
To underpin the successful marketing of quality assured meat and meat products.
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Definitions of Common Terms
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Animal: where used in the standard means cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry (see 2.1.3 for qualifying
Auditor: the independent auditor carrying out audits against the Standard.
BLQAS: the Bord Bia Beef and Lamb Quality Assurance Scheme for beef and lamb farms.
Bord Bia: the Irish Food Board.
Bord Bia Database: the register / database of the current certified members indicating the
membership status (Farms and Processors).
Certification Committee: the committee to which the Quality Assurance Board has devolved
responsibility / authority for all certification decisions regarding membership of the scheme.
Cleaning: the removal of soil, food residues or other matter that could compromise hygiene and / or
product safety.
Complaint: a valid documented expression of dissatisfaction or concern regarding a food product
intended for consumption.
Contaminant: any biological or chemical agent, foreign matter, or other substances not intentionally
added to food which may compromise food safety or suitability.
Contamination: the introduction or occurrence of a contaminant in the food.
Corrective Action: the action required to eliminate detected nonconformities and their causes.
DAFM: the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
Disinfection: the reduction, by means of chemical agents and/or physical methods, of the number
of micro-organisms in the environment, to a level that does not compromise food safety or
Establishment: any building or area in which food is handled and the associated buildings or areas
under the control of the management.
Formal training: used to indicate the requirement that the training was received from a national or
public body or from a Bord Bia approved organisation / individual and that a certificate is available.
Food hygiene: all conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety and suitability of food at
all stages of the food chain.
FSAI: the Food Safety Authority of Ireland.
Food handler: any person who directly comes in contact with packaged or unpackaged food, food
equipment, utensils, or food contact surfaces and is therefore required to comply with food hygiene
Food safety management system: a system to ensure that food will not cause harm to the
consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use.
Food suitability: assurance that food is acceptable for human consumption according to its
intended use.
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Hazard (in Food): a biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food with the potential
to cause an adverse health effect.
HACCP: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point - a system which identifies, evaluates, and controls
hazards which could be significant in the production of food.
Member: a Producer or Processor that is certified under the relevant Bord Bia scheme and is shown
on the Quality Assurance Scheme register / database.
MPQAS: the Bord Bia Meat Processor Quality Assurance Scheme.
Preventive action: means the action required to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or
other undesirable potential situation and to prevent it from occurring.
Primary production: those steps in the food chain up to slaughter.
PPQAS: the Bord Bia Poultry Products Quality Assurance Scheme for poultry farms.
PQAS: the Bord Bia Pig Quality Assurance Scheme for pig farms.
Processor Standard: the requirements as set out in Sections 1 – 4 in this document (Processor
Standard) which detail current best practices for the processing of eligible meat and meat products.
Producer: a Bord Bia certified Producer with a valid Flock / Herd Number
Process Inputs: purchased meat, ingredients, wrapping / packaging, water, etc.
Product: a saleable meat based product that can be marketed under the Bord Bia Logo Use Policy
and is derived from eligible animals as set out in this standard.
Quality Assurance Board: an independent subsidiary Board within Bord Bia, which has overall
responsibility for policy in relation to the operation of the Quality Assurance Scheme.
Records: all forms of information including paper, electronic, other means that can be used to
demonstrate compliance with the Standard.
Scheme: the Meat Processor Quality Assurance Scheme consists of three elements:
The Processor Standard;
The process for ensuring that the requirements as set out in the Standards are met (through
auditing, certification, etc.) and that the relevant details are published;
The relevant Producer Standard.
Teagasc: Agricultural and Food Development Authority.
Traceability: the ability to trace a food, feed, food-producing animal or substance intended to be, or
expected to be incorporated into a food or feed, through all stages of production, processing and
Definitions of Meat / Meat Products referred to in this Standard include the following definitions in
the EU legislation unless otherwise clarified:
Meat Content: where used to quantify the “meat content” on a label, means meat associated
with the skeleton and diaphragm (as per EC 101:2001);
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Meat: in legislation this means the edible parts of the animals / birds including blood and offals
(as per EC 853:2004, Annex 1, 1.1). The eligible parts of animals / birds are set out in Appendix
Fresh Meat: means meat that has not undergone any preserving process other than chilling,
freezing or quick-freezing, including meat that is vacuum-wrapped or wrapped in a controlled
atmosphere (as per EC 853:2004, Annex 1, 1.10);
Note: for poultry meat to qualify as fresh meat, the regulation stipulates that no temperatures of
</= -2oC have been used prior to sale (see also Section 3.19);
Meat Preparations: means fresh meat, including meat that has been reduced to fragments,
which has had foodstuffs, seasonings or additives added to it or which has undergone
processes insufficient to modify the internal muscle fibre structure of the meat and thus to
eliminate the characteristics of fresh meat (as per EC 853:2004, Annex 1, 1.15);
Minced Meat: means boned meat that has been minced into fragments and contains less than
1% salt (as per EC 853:2004, Annex 1, 1.13);
Comminuted Meat: means boned meat where the particle size has been reduced by means
other than mincing;
Offal: Offal means fresh meat other than that of the carcase, including viscera and blood (as per
EC 853:2004, Annex 1, 1.11);
Mechanically Separated Meat: or "MSM" means the product obtained by removing meat from
flesh-bearing bones after boning or from poultry carcases, using mechanical means resulting in
the loss or modification of the muscle fibre structure (as per EC 853:2004, Annex 1, 1.14).
Membership Certification Types
Certified: the status (as indicated on the Quality Assurance Scheme register / database) that is
given where there is compliance with the requirements of the scheme;
Not Certified: the status of a Processor that has not applied for membership, or that was
previously a member but was withdrawn or whose certification was suspended.
This Standard has been derived bearing in mind the principles / requirements of the following
legislation and standards (as amended):
EC Hygiene Regulations (EC 852, 853 and 854 of 2004)
EC Food Labelling Regulations (EC 13:2000)
EC Food Law (EC 178:2002)
Relevant National and EU derived legislative requirements.
Recognised European and International food safety / quality management standards
I.S. EN ISO 9001:2008, Quality Management Systems - Requirements;
I.S. EN ISO 22000:2005, Food safety management systems – requirements for any
organisation in the food chain.
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Codex Alimentarius: Code Of Hygienic Practice For Meat 1 CAC/RCP 58-2005
ISO 17065 (2012): Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products,
processes and services (supersedes EN45011: 1998).
Note: the full titles of these documents are given in Appendix 1: Reference Information.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this Standard, Bord Bia cannot
accept any responsibility for errors or omissions.
It is not a requirement that the Processor be registered to any part of the ISO standards mentioned
above, nor is it implied that meeting the requirements of this Standard will automatically mean full
compliance with those standards.
Bord Bia is not liable for any loss, potential loss or estimated loss of earnings (by applicants or
members) resulting from compliance with any requirement of this scheme or in regard to the
consequences of being found to be in breach of Critical or other requirements.
All references to legislation in the text of this standard are given on an “as amended” basis.
2 Scheme Regulations
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Scheme Regulations
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2. Scheme Regulations
This section contains important general information for Processors and forms part of the
overall requirements of the standard. It is important that Processors take sufficient time to
read and fully understand all sections of the standard.
Companies / Organisations
Members must be actively trading (purchasing, producing and / or selling) Quality Assured
products to be eligible under the scheme and this will be confirmed at audit. New applicants
must be able to demonstrate their intention to purchase and produce Bord Bia quality
assured product. Evidence of this and of on-going activity in quality assured product can be
derived from a number of sources including logo approval applications, reconciliation
reports, and / or other information provided by the Member.
Members must demonstrate clear commitment to the aims of Bord Bia Quality Assurance
Scheme in their dealings with the primary producer. The Member must actively encourage
primary producer participation in the scheme by a programme of recruiting their farmer
suppliers and/or by price mechanisms to incentivise scheme membership. Failure to
demonstrate commitment in this regard will result in removal from the scheme.
2.1.2 Animals and Products
Only meat sourced directly from Bord Bia quality assured producers (in a manner that
ensures that the current certification status of the herds / flocks is demonstrated) is eligible
for inclusion in the Scheme.
2.1.3 Qualifying Animals
Qualifying categories of cattle are: steers, young bulls (i.e. up to 24 months of age),
heifers and cows which have been resident on a certified farm or farms for minimum 70
days continuously prior to slaughter;
Qualifying categories for sheep and pigs are: all animals which have been resident on a
certified farm or farms for minimum 42 days (sheep) or during the complete fattening
period (pigs) continuously prior to slaughter;
Qualifying categories for poultry are: all meat producing chickens, ducks, and turkeys
from farms certified continuously from day-old.
Note: Casualty slaughter, on-farm emergency slaughter animals and spent hens are not
eligible under the scheme.
2.1.4 Qualifying Products
The products that qualify for marketing under the Scheme are set out in Appendix 3: Eligible
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2.1.5 Other Qualifying Products
Other value-added meat based products that have been produced using quality assured
meat as its only meat source may also be marketed under the scheme; however, a specific
application must be made in this regard to Bord Bia.
Imported product may also be eligible for inclusion provided that it is sourced from a quality
assurance scheme that has been deemed equivalent by Bord Bia. In these cases, the origin
of the meat and its quality assured status must be clearly identified on the label.
Unless specified above, only product that is derived from meat (as defined in the Introduction
(1.2 Definitions) and in the regulations) that has undergone no thermal treatment other than
refrigeration (chilling or freezing) or as otherwise specified in Appendix 3 is eligible for
inclusion in the scheme.
Membership of the Scheme is voluntary and open to all abattoirs, meat processors and
meat packers that are approved and / or licensed in accordance with relevant National
and/or EU regulations.
Processors seeking membership must initially apply in writing to Bord Bia using the
application form that is provided on request. The application will then be evaluated and,
if appropriate, a full independent audit of the Processor will be carried out to assess the
capability of the applicant to meet all the requirements of the standard. Where Bord Bia
does not consider that the applicant is likely to be able to comply with the requirements
of the standard, a pre-assessment audit may be conducted.
When the Processor is deemed to have complied with the requirements of the standard
as determined by independent audit, the Processor will be considered for certification
under the Scheme.
All Processors will be required to sign a Membership Agreement with Bord Bia that
includes an undertaking to comply with the requirements of the scheme and with relevant
legal, indemnity and insurance requirements.
In addition, to use any Quality Assured Logo, a Member must sign a Licence Agreement,
which incorporates Bord Bia’s Logo Use Policy. All Members are required comply fully
with the terms and conditions as set out in the Licence Agreement and the Logo Use
Policy. The Logo Use Policy is published on the Bord Bia website ( (see
also Section 2.10 below).
When certified, the Member will be issued with a Membership certificate.
The Member is then eligible to apply for permission to use the Quality Assured Logo on
approved specified product / packaging and / or related documentation. The Member
must make an individual application to Bord Bia for permission to use the logo on each
product that is to be marketed under the scheme.
Members will be charged an annual membership fee.
Database Information
The names of all Members will be published on the Bord Bia database / register and in the
list of members on the website together with the scope of their certification.
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Overall control of the Scheme will be exercised by the Bord Bia Quality Assurance Board.
This Board is representative of the relevant sectors of the food industry and collaborates with
the Technical Advisory Committee, which is responsible for drafting the standard and
formulating required amendments.
The decision of the Quality Assurance Board on any matter relating to the control or
operation of the Scheme is final.
After the initial successful application, monitoring of the Member’s compliance with the
requirements of the standard will be carried out by Bord Bia or its nominated agents through
Each Member will be independently audited at scheduled intervals (normally once every 18
months, or as decided by the Certification Committee). Independent Auditors with sectoral
experience will carry out these audits and a full report will be issued to the Member.
Bord Bia reserves the right to carry out unscheduled (spot) audits on an announced or
unannounced basis for the purposes of verifying compliance with the requirements of the
standard or to determine that corrective/preventive actions specified during (or subsequent
to) audit are in place. It is a requirement of membership that full co-operation is afforded the
auditor during announced and unannounced audits. Failure to allow an auditor access to all
relevant areas of the premises or all relevant records will result in suspension from the
Bord Bia reserves the right to remove samples of meat or meat products for the purposes of
testing by an independent laboratory (ISO 17025 accredited for the specific tests where
available) to determine compliance with regulations and / or the requirements of the
Bord Bia also reserves the right to collect label information or label samples to verify
compliance with the Bord Bia Logo Use Policy and labelling regulations.
Explanation of Terms
The term “must” is used to indicate requirements of the standard.
The term “should” where used indicates a recommendation in the standard.
The requirements and their meaning and significance (and compliance with these
requirements as determined by audit or other means) are detailed here:
Critical: Where a breach of the requirements may constitute a grave and immediate
food safety risk or a key Bord Bia requirement is not met. These requirements are in
document number format e.g.3.2.c), are indicated in the text in bold underlined
typeface and the word “Critical” appears in bold underlined text in parentheses at the end
of the sentence or paragraph as follows (Critical).
General: where the requirements deal with core best practices. These requirements are
in document number format e.g.3.1.a) and are indicated in the text in normal typeface.
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Recommendations for best practice are in document number format e.g. 3.1.e) and are
indicated in the text in italic typeface.
Application of Non-Compliances (as determined by independent audits)
Applicants must submit to audit(s) and comply in full with all requirements in order to be
eligible for certification. Bord Bia imposes sanctions for failure to comply with the
requirements of the standard, as set out in the Sanctions document which is appended to
the Membership Agreement.
Existing Members
Critical Non-Compliance:
Failure to comply with a critical requirement, as determined by audit, obliges the Member to
immediately cease to market any Meat products as ‘Quality Assured’ under the Scheme and
may subject the Member to further sanctions. The auditor will immediately advise the Bord
Bia of the situation. Bord Bia will then engage with the Member to determine the proper
course of action. Bord Bia will then refer the audit findings and Member’s response to the
Certification Committee and a formal decision regarding membership will then be taken.
General Non-Compliance:
Failure to comply with a General requirement, as determined by audit, obliges the Member
to initiate immediate corrective / preventive action and may subject the Member to further
sanctions. The Auditor will specify the nature of the non-compliance and the corresponding
time-scale for completion (up to a maximum of two months). The Member must give a
signed commitment to the Auditor to have the problem resolved within the time-scale
Depending on the nature of the non-compliance and the corresponding response, Bord Bia
may require an on-site verification of the corrective / preventive action. On confirmation that
effective corrective / preventive action has been put in place, the Member can be considered
for renewal of certification.
Failure to provide satisfactory evidence within the specified time-scale may result in
withdrawal of membership, removal from the QAS register / database and withdrawal of the
Non-Compliances against Recommendations:
Failure to comply with applicable recommendations, as determined by audit, will be noted in
the audit report so that corrective / preventive actions can be implemented before the next
full audit.
The decision to grant, extend or remove the certification under the Quality Assurance
Scheme will be made by the Certification Committee. This decision will be made primarily on
the basis of the audit findings, but other factors (such as failure to meet regulatory
compliance or other food safety requirements, or previous audit history, or inability to provide
sufficient or appropriate access to information) may be taken into consideration in arriving at
the certification decision.
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The duration of certification is normally 18 months from the date of certification decision or
from expiry of the current certificate; however other certification periods can be decided by
the Certification Committee.
Membership certificates issued do not carry an expiry date. The validity of any certificate can
therefore only be determined by reference to the Bord Bia website
( which lists all certified
The Member may appeal decisions that affect membership status by writing to Bord Bia
within two weeks of the date of issue of the result of the audit. The Member must clearly
outline the basis for the appeal and provide evidence to support the appeal. Each appeal
will be acknowledged and responded to by Bord Bia in accordance with the Quality
Assurance appeals procedure (available from Bord Bia).
The Member may complain with regard to the audits or any other aspect of the operation of
the scheme. All complaints must be made in writing to Bord Bia. In order for a complaint to
be considered valid, the Member must clearly outline the basis for the complaint and provide
evidence to support the complaint. All such complaints will be acknowledged and responded
to by Bord Bia in accordance with the Quality Assurance complaints procedure (available
from Bord Bia).
Users should note that this standard replaces the following standards from June 1st 2013:
BQAS: Processor (Revision 03, 2004);
LQAS: Processor (Revision 02, 2008);
PQAS: Processor (Revision 02, 2006);
PPQAS: Processor (Revision 01, 2008).
When future changes to this standard occur, updates will be issued in whole or in part and
the obsolete sections must be destroyed / removed from circulation.
Note: All current revisions of Bord Bia standards and the associated documentation are
normally available from the Bord Bia website.
The Bord Bia database provides a Member’s Home Page which contains important
information about the Processor relevant to this Scheme. It is the responsibility of the
Member to ensure that the details are maintained accurately at all times.
In the event of any change in regulatory approvals, the details must be amended / updated
on the Member’s Home Page.
Similarly, changes in management, management
representative (as identified in Requirement 3.2), contact details, etc. must be made through
the Member’s Home Page.
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Where other significant changes are required, an application must be made to Bord Bia:
Where a change in the scope of the certification granted by Bord Bia is required;
Where it is required to change the trading name (i.e. name on the Bord Bia
In addition to this Standard and as outlined above, the Meat Quality Assurance Scheme is
regulated by additional documentation, including a Membership Agreement (applicable to
members only of the QASs), a Licence Agreement (relating to the licensing of certain Bord
Bia intellectual property rights, including the QAS Logos), a Logo Use Policy (detailing how
the Logos are to be used) and a Sanctions document (outlining the sanctions which can be
imposed by Bord Bia for breach of the Standard or of the Logo Use Policy). These
documents create binding rights and obligations in respect of the relevant Quality Assurance
Schemes, and membership of the Meat Processor Quality Assurance Scheme is conditional
on the Member signing up to each of these documents.
3 Processor Requirements
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3. Processor Requirements
This section contains important general information for Processors and forms part of the overall
requirements of the Standard. It is crucial that Processors take sufficient time to read and fully
understand all sections of the Standard.
Management Responsibility ........................................................................................................................ 3
Policies ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Management .............................................................................................................................. 4
Management Review ................................................................................................................. 5
Quality System ........................................................................................................................... 5
Training ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Hygiene Pre-Requisites and HACCP Based Procedures .............................................................. 9
Process Management ................................................................................................................................ 11
Customer Contract Requirements............................................................................................ 11
Inputs ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Animal Receipts and Transport ................................................................................................ 14
3.10 Animal Welfare ........................................................................................................................ 15
3.11 Beef / Pig / Lamb Slaughter Process......................................................................................... 17
3.12 Poultry Slaughter Process ........................................................................................................ 18
3.13 Chilling Regimes ....................................................................................................................... 19
3.14 Cutting and Boning ................................................................................................................... 20
3.15 Special Requirements for Value Added Meat Products ........................................................... 20
3.16 Inspection and Testing ............................................................................................................. 21
3.17 Final Product Release ............................................................................................................... 23
3.18 Product Identification / Traceability, Reconciliation and Recall ............................................... 24
3.19 Handling, Storage, Dispatch and Transport .............................................................................. 26
3.20 Control of Non-Conforming Product ........................................................................................ 27
3.21 Internal Audits.......................................................................................................................... 28
3.22 Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment ............................................................ 28
3.23 Corrective and Preventive Action and Customer Complaints .................................................. 28
General Hygiene ........................................................................................................................................ 30
3.24 Plant and Facilities ................................................................................................................... 30
3.25 Cleaning and Sanitation ........................................................................................................... 30
3.26 Pest Control ............................................................................................................................. 31
3.27 Maintenance ............................................................................................................................ 31
Environmental Hygiene ............................................................................................................................. 33
3.28 Breakables ................................................................................................................................ 33
3.29 Exterior, Structure and Grounds .............................................................................................. 33
3.30 Interiors: General ..................................................................................................................... 34
3.31 Entry to Production .................................................................................................................. 34
3.32 Interior Walls (Processing and Product Storage Areas) ............................................................ 34
3.33 Ceilings and Overheads ............................................................................................................ 34
3.34 Floors ....................................................................................................................................... 35
3.35 Drainage ................................................................................................................................... 35
3.36 Doors........................................................................................................................................ 35
3.37 Windows .................................................................................................................................. 36
3.38 Lighting..................................................................................................................................... 36
3.39 Knives, Sterilisers, Hoses and Other Equipment....................................................................... 36
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3.40 Extraction and Ventilation........................................................................................................ 37
3.41 Cleaning Materials and Storage ............................................................................................... 37
3.42 Effluent Treatment ................................................................................................................... 37
3.43 Food Trays ................................................................................................................................ 37
3.44 Waste Disposal General ........................................................................................................... 37
Personnel Hygiene .................................................................................................................................... 40
3.45 General..................................................................................................................................... 40
3.46 Medical Records ....................................................................................................................... 40
3.47 First Aid .................................................................................................................................... 40
3.48 Personal Hygiene ..................................................................................................................... 41
3.49 Personnel Clothing and Locker Rooms ..................................................................................... 41
3.50 Personnel Facilities including Canteens ................................................................................... 42
3.51 Toilet Facilities ......................................................................................................................... 42
3.52 Washing Facilities in Production .............................................................................................. 42
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Management Responsibility
Note: all references to legislation are on an “as amended” basis.
a) The policies (quality, food safety management, hygiene, allergen, health and safety)
must be approved by senior management and prominently displayed on the premises.
b) All staff must be aware of these policies.
c) Current insurance policies must be in place meeting the Bord Bia requirements as set
out in the Membership Agreement.
d) Members must have a policy to actively encourage primary producer participation in the
scheme (e.g. a programme of recruiting their farmer suppliers and/or price mechanisms
to incentivise scheme membership).
e) Ensure that the all policies are communicated, understood and implemented by all staff
and employees.
Ensure that the all policies are regularly reviewed for suitability and effectiveness.
g) Processors must have a quality policy, which includes a commitment to the objectives of
the applicable Bord Bia Quality Assurance Schemes and to complying with all current
regulatory and customer requirements.
h) Ensure that the Quality Policy includes a commitment to Continuous Improvement, and
to providing appropriate information, training, resources and equipment for all
Food Safety Management
Processors must have a food safety management policy, which includes a commitment
to complying with all regulatory and customer requirements for current food safety.
Hygiene Policy
Management must have a hygiene policy which includes policies regarding visitors and
Allergen Policy
Where allergens 1 are handled in the plant, the Processor must have an allergen policy that
addresses the following at a minimum:
k) The policy must define how risks associated with allergen use (including details of all
processes and process inputs and products that could be affected) are controlled.
The policy must define the controls to be implemented to prevent potential cross
contamination of other process inputs and products in all areas.
m) Personnel coming into contact with allergenic foods must be trained in the handling and
segregation of these foods.
As described by customer specifications or asset out in Commission Directive 2007/68/EC amending Annex IIIa to
Directive 2000/13/EC as regards certain food ingredients
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Health and Safety
n) Processors must have a health and safety policy and be able to demonstrate that this
policy has been communicated to all personnel on site (employees, contractors, visitors,
Ethical Operation
o) Processors must have documented ethical operation and trading policies and
documented policies on employment (permanent and temporary), minimum wages,
working conditions, working hours, equal opportunities, discrimination, resolution of
disciplinary issues, etc.
p) Processors must be able to demonstrate that these policies were communicated to all
Management Responsibility
a) The commitment of senior management to the effective implementation of the
requirements of this standard must be clearly demonstrated and communicated to all
b) Management must be able to demonstrate that an adequate level of technical support
with appropriate qualifications and other resources exists for the effective
implementation of the Standard.
c) In the event that a critical non-compliance is identified during internal audits or
routine checks, Members must immediately notify Bord Bia and implement the
procedures as outlined for critical non-compliances in the Scheme Rules 2.4.2
including recall where necessary (Critical).
d) An organisation chart must be maintained showing the reporting structure.
e) Responsibilities of key personnel must be documented.
Management must define the person(s) with responsibility for:
Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements including hygiene (see
Appendix 1: Reference Information);
Food safety management (who ideally should be independent of the production
Quality control;
Non-conforming process input or product management;
Corrective and preventive action management;
Internal auditing;
Note: See also requirements below under Management Representative.
g) The Processor must identify the management and supervisory staff with responsibilities
for the identification, segregation and traceability of quality assured product.
h) The Processor must establish an acceptable management system to demonstrate that
all requirements of this Standard are being met.
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A documented plan must be in place that ensures continuity of supply in unplanned
A documented system must be in place that ensures that unplanned absences of key
staff are managed so as not to affect product quality or safety.
k) Where product is being packed under contract for another organisation or is being
packed by another organisation on behalf of the Processor, management must
demonstrate that all controls as specified in this Standard are observed and verified.
Management Representative
The Processor must officially identify in writing the Management Representative who,
irrespective of other responsibilities, has operational responsibility for ensuring that the
requirements of this Standard are met.
m) In the event of the Management Representative being changed, Bord Bia must be
informed immediately through the database.
a) Management, which must include senior management2, must meet at least once each
year with a clearly defined agenda to:
i. Review the complete quality system for improvements opportunities;
ii. Ensure that all aspects of the quality system as specified in this Standard remain
suitable and effective, and that preventive or corrective actions are assigned,
documented and implemented;
iii. Review all quality system data (including performance against previous
management review targets and objectives, data from audit reports, corrective
and preventive action, training, customer complaints, customer satisfaction
surveys, quality control, process and non-conformance, key performance
indicators, etc.) to verify the suitability and effectiveness of all quality systems;
iv. Set out quality improvement objectives and key performance indicators for the
next year;
v. Establish and assign responsibility for implementing the required actions and
improvements within a defined time scale.
b) Minutes of this meeting must be retained.
Quality Documentation
a) The quality system must consist of documentation that details the Processor’s response
to each requirement of this Standard and that includes or references related operational
documents, procedures and plans.
b) The Quality System documentation (such as procedures, work instructions,
specifications, etc.) must be accessible so that each employee clearly understands his /
her role and responsibilities in the operation of the processes.
MD or CEO, Production or Operations Manager, Quality Manager, Head of Function
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Quality Assurance Control Plan
c) Processors must document (such as by flow diagram) all the steps of each process from
intake to final product dispatch.
d) The Processor must have documented procedures that cover all stages of the
preparation and processing of all products and that define how each process (including
slaughter, cutting, boning, wrapping / packaging, weighing, labelling, metal detection,
curing, brine makeup etc.) is managed to ensure the quality and safety of the food
product throughout the process.
e) The procedures must be supported by documentation (e.g. work instructions) that
defines how each stage of each process is to be conducted and the equipment to be
used at each stage.
For each process, the documentation must include the following:
A detailed description of each of the process steps including those steps where
rework may arise or be dealt with;
ii. The control measures applicable to each step in the process;
iii. The responsibility and frequency for monitoring at each step (where relevant) in
the process;
iv. The tests / checks that must be performed to verify that the limits for each step
are not exceeded;
v. The corrective action to be taken if a non-conformance occurs at any step;
vi. Identification of the responsibilities, procedures and records applicable for each
step in the process.
g) The Quality Assurance (QA) control plan must be verified at a minimum annually or
whenever a change that could affect the process is implemented.
h) The data must be monitored and trends analysed so that appropriate preventive or
corrective actions can be taken and documented.
Evidence must be available to demonstrate that the QA control plan is actively supported
by senior Management.
Shelf Life
A documented shelf life test procedure and schedule that takes into account predictable
conditions of processing, storage and use must be in operation for all products and the
results maintained.
Note: Further information may be obtained from the FSAI publication GN 18 Determination of
Product Shelf Life.
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Document and Data Control
Note: It is recommended that the requirements for document and data control as outlined in
ISO 9001:2008 or ISO 22000:2005 should be adopted.
k) All documents and data (including relevant external documentation such as this
Standard, Customer and Regulatory documentation) whether electronic or paper based
that relate to the requirements of this Standard must be managed and controlled as part
of the Quality Management System. At a minimum, the Processor must ensure that:
i. A master list of documents and procedures exists identifying the current revisions
ii. Only current issues of all documents are available for use;
iii. All documents are authorised;
iv. A procedure for issue of new documents, or amending existing documents, or
removal of obsolete documents, is in place and is effective;
v. Applicable documents of external origin are identified and effectively controlled;
vi. Data is reviewed and signed off by an authorised person;
vii. Data is managed so as to ensure that it is available as required and stored /
backed up to prevent accidental loss.
This Standard is subject to document control and where amendments are issued by
Bord Bia, it is the responsibility of the Processor to ensure that their Standard is correctly
updated (see also Scheme Regulations, Section 2.8).
m) There must be control of the process for generation of new labels (taking into account
the Bord Bia approval process for new labels bearing the logo), issue of labels to
production, removal of unused labels post production, and the personnel involved must
have received training on in-company label controls, Bord Bia controls and relevant
labelling legislation.
n) All records specified in this Standard must be maintained up to date at all times and
must be available for inspection without delay (i.e. within a time period agreed with the
auditor on site) during a Bord Bia audit.
o) All records must be controlled (e.g. by signing and dating) and must be maintained at a
secure and easily accessible location for a minimum period of three years unless
otherwise specified in legislation (e.g. for SRM or Category 1 waste) and where
corrections are made, these must be authorised.
p) All records must be reviewed and co-signed / authorised according to a schedule, by the
person responsible for the area or team as set out in management responsibility (3.2.f)
in this Standard.
q) Records must be available for at least the last year and must be complete and without
gaps unless there is a valid explanation.
r) For unscheduled audits, records required for traceability and reconciliation for at least
the previous 3 months must be made available at audit.
Note: This is a very important issue in ensuring that audits can be carried out efficiently and
Improvement Plans
s) Processors must carry out an analysis of current and future market requirements
including those of a regulatory nature. (Note: This can be included in the management
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Ensure that management and key operational staff have received an appreciation of the
tools and techniques of total quality management / continuous improvement.
Reference Information
u) Ensure that up-to-date information is maintained on all developments relevant to the
operation of the Scheme.
v) Ensure that a list of all current relevant Statutory Instruments defining regulations for
processors is maintained for easy use and reference.
Note: See also Appendix 1: Reference Information.
a) Processors must carry out a review at least annually to identify the training needs of all
staff and to verify the effectiveness of the training given.
b) A documented schedule of training must be available.
c) All personnel coming into contact with food (including maintenance staff) must receive
induction training before they commence work and must receive on-going food hygiene
training according to a documented schedule.
d) Staff who are operating or monitoring any control point (QA / CCP / PRP) must also
receive training in the application of HACCP principles and food safety according to a
documented schedule
e) Processors must provide training on traceability and reconciliation processes as required
to key staff involved in these processes.
Records of all such training must be maintained.
g) Training records must include:
i. Details of the course provided;
ii. Evidence of the trainer’s competence (i.e. having attended a formal training
programme, having external certification as a trainer, or Bord Bia registration);
iii. Evidence of the effectiveness of the training provided.
Note: Training requirements are also set out in other sections of the Standard.
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Background Information
The regulations require that all Processors comply with EC 178: 2002, EC 852: 2004 and EC
853: 2004 which specify, among other things, that all Food Businesses implement a quality
system based on HACCP principles. Processors could consult other Standards (including ISO
22000: 2005 which proposes a 12-step approach) and industry guidelines in the development of
their HACCP based systems.
In addition, all processors are required to demonstrate compliance with Commission Regulation
EC 2073: 2005 to Microbiological Criteria for Foodstuffs on microbiological testing. This
incorporates a requirement to have a continuum of satisfactory results over the prescribed
period. Auditors carrying out audits under the MPQAS will require access to these results to
verify on-going compliance. Further guidance on this regulation may be obtained from the
Teagasc SOPs for microbiological examinations (2008). See also Appendix 1: Reference
a) The Processor must have a food safety management (FSM) plan based on HACCP
principles which shows how product / process safety is ensured through control
and prevention (Critical).
b) The FSM plan must be developed by a team that has at least one member who has
received formal training in HACCP principles and all team meetings must be
c) The FSM plan must be coordinated with and complement the Quality Assurance Control
plan and must be amended where a significant change in any of the processes takes
Pre-Requisite Programme (PRP)
d) Documentation must be available that demonstrates that the essential “Pre-requisite”
requirements for a food operating environment have been adequately addressed for all
aspects, including the following:
Building construction and layout including zoning (physical separation of activities
to prevent potential food contamination);
ii. Plant and equipment including installation, commissioning, cleaning and on-going
maintenance and preventive maintenance;
iii. Workspace and employee facilities layout and organisation;
iv. Services including electrical, water (including ice and steam), ventilation, air, and
other utilities;
v. Waste and sewage handling;
vi. Management and control of purchased / received materials;
vii. Prevention of cross contamination via process inputs, products, contact surfaces,
viii. Cleaning and sanitising for equipment and facilities;
ix. Pest Control;
x. Personal hygiene;
xi. Storage, distribution & transport.
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Food Safety Management Plan
e) A full description of each product produced on site must be available (e.g. on a product
data sheet) including the following information:
i. Composition;
ii. Origin of ingredients / inputs;
iii. Physical or chemical structure (e.g. water activity, pH etc.);
iv. Treatment and processing (e.g. heating, freezing, salting);
v. Packaging (e.g. modified atmosphere, vacuum);
vi. Storage and distribution conditions (e.g. with specified temperatures);
vii. Preservation characteristics;
viii. Durability and required shelf-life, instructions for use and intended use.
A hazard analysis must be carried out that includes a detailed identification and
description of the food hazards (chemical, microbiological and physical / foreign bodies)
that could arise at each process step and the risks that these represent.
g) The control points / steps that are deemed to be Critical Control Points (CCP) or
PreRequisite Control points (PRP) must be identified in the FSM plan.
h) The limits that must be met to ensure control of each CCP / PRP must be clearly
A process for monitoring each CCP / PRP must be in place stating responsibility,
methodology and frequency to ensure that control is maintained.
The corrective action to be taken where a non-conformance occurs at any CCP / PRP
must be defined.
k) The FSM plan must be verified / tested annually at a minimum to confirm that it remains
effective for the processes.
As part of this verification / testing process, microbiological data (based on the criteria as
set out in the regulation EC 2073/2005) must be available and considered (see also
m) The verification process must be documented and scheduled and responsibility for its
implementation must be assigned.
n) The schedule for the verification / testing process must be based on the established
risks and the microbiological history of the product.
o) The FSM plan must be actively supported by senior Management.
p) The plan should be put in place by a multidisciplinary team.
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Process Management
Product and Process Design and Development
a) Processors must be able to demonstrate that relevant regulatory and customer
requirements incorporating HACCP principles have been taken into account in the
formulation and design of new products and processes.
Customer List and Specifications
b) Processors must maintain an up to date list of all customers to whom quality assured
product is being supplied including:
i. Products being marketed using the quality assured logo;
ii. Products where the customer has specified a requirement for Bord Bia quality
assured products.
c) Processors must be able to demonstrate that customer requirements (including
specifications, performance data, etc.) are being met.
d) A current documented specification must be maintained and available for each product
supplied to each customer. All such specifications must be signed by both parties.
e) There must be a procedure to ensure that contracts (either formal or informal
commitments to supply products, or a sales contract or other agreement) are reviewed
to determine that all requirements including documentation can be met prior to
a) Processors must maintain a list of suppliers that have been approved to supply process
inputs or services that could affect product quality or safety.
b) A procedure of approving suppliers prior to purchasing process inputs that are
incorporated into or come in contact with the product must be in place, the process must
include an appropriate risk assessment and must define appropriate controls.
c) All approved supplier lists must be reviewed at defined intervals to maintain accuracy of
the information and this review must include a risk assessment analysis.
d) All process inputs that could affect product quality or safety must be checked and
approved before use and a record of these approvals must be maintained.
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e) Documented checks on the hygiene and condition of delivery vehicle and the delivered
contents must be made including the following:
Packaging integrity & pallet condition;
Absence of pest infestation;
Date, lot / batch coding;
Temperature, pH, other internally specified measurements;
Process input inspections demonstrating compliance with the agreed
specification which must include quality standards acceptable in industry;
vi. Quality assurance status and the documentation establishing this.
The storage of all process inputs and other materials that could affect product quality or
safety must be managed in a way that ensures continuing fitness for purpose.
g) All process inputs and other materials must be stored (on site or off site) and used in a
manner that prevents chemical, physical or microbiological contamination of product.
Bone-in and Boneless Meat Supplies
Where supplies of Bone-in or Boneless meats are purchased for processing in the plant, the
following requirements apply:
a) Each consignment of meat 3, to be marketed under the scheme, must be Bord Bia
quality assured and sourced from a Bord Bia certified Processor (Critical).
b) All consignments of meats or other process inputs (either Bord Bia assured or otherwise)
must be examined on delivery as set out in sub-section 3.8.1 above and records
maintained demonstrating:
Compliance with a written specification;
Freedom from visible contamination or foreign bodies;
Protection from damage and cross contamination;
Compliance with chill-chain temperatures (see also Section 3.19).
Water / Steam / Ice
a) All water, steam or ice (that can come in contact with the food) must be potable.
b) The Processor must have a procedure in place to verify that the water supplied within
the plant meets the regulatory physico-chemical parameters. 4
c) A sample of water must be tested at least monthly (for compliance with the
microbiological parameters as set out below at least, and also as determined through a
risk assessment) and the results retained. The samples must be taken from multiple
sites by trained personnel.
d) At a minimum, the water must comply with the following microbiological criteria:
i. E.coli
ii. Enterococci
0 / 100 ml
0 / 100 ml
(ISO method 9308-1 or equivalent);
(ISO method 7899-2 or equivalent).
e) If there is a failure to meet these requirements, corrective measures must be taken and
an alternative compliant supply must be used immediately where necessary. The original
supply may be reused when it has been demonstrated to be compliant.
As defined in Scheme Regulations, Eligible Meat Products Section 2.1.1 – 2.1.5
SI 278:2007 as amended Part 1, Table A (Microbiological) and Table B (Physico-Chemical). Data from the water
supplier can be used to demonstrate compliance with Table B.
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In the event that the source of the water is changed at any time, the new source must be
tested for compliance and approved before use.
g) Where the water supply is derived from well(s), the well-head(s) must be designed and
the area around the well-head(s) maintained to prevent contamination of the water.
h) Non-potable water is not permitted in the plant except where dedicated pipes are used
and the non-potable water pipes are clearly distinguished from potable pipes to prevent
inadvertent use as a potable water supply.
Where chemical water treatment systems are installed (e.g. chlorine, chlorine dioxide,
etc.) the dosing system must incorporate an alarm device and must be capable of
treating the water to manufacturer’s specification in terms of concentration and contact
time, and the effectiveness of the treatment system must be demonstrated through
records of measurement of residual treatment chemical in treated water at least daily or
as determined through a risk assessment.
Where alternative disinfection systems are used (e.g. UV treatment, ozonation,
membrane filtration, etc.) these must be designed so that operators can easily determine
that they are operating effectively and the effectiveness of the treatment system must be
demonstrated through records of measurement of the water at least daily or as
determined through a risk assessment.
k) There must be a water distribution system map or drawing, showing source, storage, hot
and cold distribution in the plant, and the locations of sampling points.
A programme must be in place to prevent organic matter build up in tanks; the frequency
of cleaning must be based on a risk assessment and recorded.
m) Water tanks must be kept covered.
n) Storage tanks must conform to the following specification:
Manufactured from inert material;
Covered and fitted with an inspection hatch;
Water inlet at the top of the tank (to prevent sediment disturbance);
Water outlet at the bottom of the tank;
Fitted with screened vent pipes.
Detergents, Sanitising Materials and Packaging
a) The Processor must have on file current certificates of suitability for use (in meat
processing), for all packaging / wrapping materials that could come in contact with food,
including soaps, detergents, marking inks, lubricants and packaging / wrapping
materials, casings, etc.
b) Documentation must be available to demonstrate that all packaging / wrapping materials
that come into contact with the food are in compliance with the relevant EU regulations
c) All such materials and chemicals must be stored in a manner that permits control of their
d) All such materials must be inspected on delivery to ensure their suitability for use in the
plant (correct labelling, integrity of packaging, correct specification, etc.).
e) Documentation must be available that demonstrates that the materials used in
packaging / wrapping (that are intended to come into contact with food) are traceable at
all stages of production.
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a) Records must be available to demonstrate that any product to be marketed under
the Scheme was only sourced from producers who were certified at the time of
processing under the relevant Bord Bia quality assurance scheme (or an
equivalent Bord Bia approved scheme) (Critical).
b) Records must be available to demonstrate that relevant on-farm monitoring (e.g.
salmonella testing) was taken into account in the scheduling of slaughter processes.
Animal / Bird Transport
c) Members must maintain a list of approved livestock hauliers (that are not the producer’s
own transport) on the Bord Bia website 5 together with relevant data (including licences /
registrations / approvals etc.).
d) A register must be maintained showing that the approved hauliers have received and
signed for a copy of the guidelines on Best Practice for the Welfare of Animals during
Transport published by FAWAC (see Appendix 1).
e) Processors must inspect all transport vehicles using a checklist based on these
guideline documents on a planned basis.
A record of every delivery of animals / birds for slaughter to the factory must be
maintained showing at a minimum:
Delivery truck registration number;
Haulier and / or driver name;
Number of animals / birds in the delivery;
Identification of the animals / birds in the delivery (herd, tags, flock) including
other relevant information on category, breed, age, etc. that forms the basis of
labelling claims or to meet customer specifications;
v. Time of collection and delivery;
vi. Delivery information that will allow traceability of animals / birds to source farms.
g) Facilities to clean and disinfect animal transport must be provided on site and the use of
the facility by the haulier must be monitored; the facility must include an appropriately
located, clearly identified designated vehicle washing area, with an adequate water
supply, a supply of approved disinfectant and an appropriate means of applying the
Animal / Bird Receipts
h) All animal / bird deliveries must be inspected prior to slaughter for cleanliness and where
required, appropriate corrective action taken in accordance with the Processor’s policy
on cleanliness.
A documented check must be carried out on all incoming animals / birds in accordance
with the QA control plan (see 3.4 above), and the FSM plan (see 3.6 above).
All animal / bird deliveries must be checked on an individual basis (bovine) or
source farm basis (sheep, pigs and poultry) to ensure that the animals / birds
meet the residency criteria set out in Scheme Rules 2.1.3 Qualifying Animals
k) As part of the process for receipt of animals / birds, the Food Chain Information
document must be available and completed.
The web address for this database is available from Bord Bia.
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Processors must have a documented and effective residue testing programme in place
that complies with the requirements of the National Residue Monitoring Programme6
(including detection of chemo-therapeutics) that has been devised in conjunction with
the Official Veterinarian and included in the QA control / FSM plans and a record of this
m) The Processor must maintain a record of the incidences of presentation of animals /
birds in an unsatisfactory state as set out below and these cases must be brought to the
attention of both the Official Veterinarian and the Producer in question so that corrective
action can be taken. Unsatisfactory state of animals includes the following:
For any species: lack of fitness to travel; fractures or other obvious significant
injuries; severe lameness, recumbent animals;
ii. For pigs: bruised / dirty / stressed / casualty pigs; difficulties with slap mark; other
issues of food safety or animal welfare;
iii. For beef / lamb: dirty animals; carcase damage / bruising; other issues of food
safety or animal welfare;
iv. For Poultry: injuries, hock burn, foot pad dermatitis, breast blisters, high
mortalities, other issues of food safety or animal welfare.
n) Processors must provide suitable facilities for conducting the ante-mortem inspection.
o) Processors must have procedures in place to prevent the receipt of known cloned
animals or their progeny under the Scheme.
Note: this could be communicated through the Food Chain Information declaration
Slaughter Welfare General
a) Processors that carry out slaughtering must have at least one formally trained animal
welfare officer responsible for ensuring that animal welfare standards are maintained.
b) The lairage facilities must be included in the plant cleaning programme.
c) Processors must comply with the requirements of the Regulations relating to the
protection of animals in slaughter i.e. (EC) No 1099/2009, which came into effect on 1st
January 2013 (see Appendix 1: Reference Information).
d) Processors must ensure that the persons carrying out specified slaughtering activities
holds a current licence / permit / certificate of competency for this activity.
General Animal Welfare and Lairage
e) Lairage and slaughter staff must be able to demonstrate competence and compassion in
their handling of animals and measures must be in place for the avoidance of stress
including physical or auditory stress of the animals.
Effective measures must be taken to ensure that the hygienic condition of animals hide
and skin (or plumage of birds) is protected while in the lairage.
g) A record must be available to demonstrate that appropriate training in animal handling
was provided to all lairage staff by a qualified/trained animal welfare officer.
See Regulation 21 of the European Communities (Control of Animal Remedies and their residues) Regulations
2009 (SI 183/2009). See also Council Directive 96/23/EC
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h) Lairages and poultry intake areas must be included in the plant cleaning and sanitation
Staff member(s) with defined responsibility for lairage management / operation must be
available to oversee the unloading and the subsequent passage of animals through the
lairage to the point of stunning and slaughter.
The lairage must be covered to provide protection for the animals/birds from inclement
weather conditions and adequately ventilated. Note: field lairage is not permitted under
k) The walls, floors and pens must be constructed with easily cleanable material, free of
sharp edges that could cause injury and the floors must be maintained in a non-slip
The stocking densities in the lairage pens must be defined and actual density must be
maintained at a level that will prevent stress and injury while allowing movement of the
animals / birds.
m) All drains must securely gridded to prevent injury to animals or staff members.
n) Lighting must be available for inspection at convenient points, but livestock / birds must
not be exposed to continuous bright artificial light.
o) A designated approved detention pen / facility must be provided for DAFM purposes.
Beef / Lamb / Pig Lairage Welfare
p) Animals must be unloaded with care in a calm unhurried manner.
q) Animals must be moved using contactless stimuli (visual and phonetic – i.e. no sticks or
equivalent) and gentle mechanical contact (stimuli drive board or paddle).
r) Goads may only be used on adult bovines and pigs and only as a last resort 7 when the
animal refuses to move forward following a number of interventions.
s) Clean water must be available at all times and supplied in all pens through drinking
points that are maintained in an operating condition and in addition feed must be
supplied where animals are held more than 12 hours after arrival in the lairage.
Animals entering the abattoir should, where possible, be maintained and penned in the
groups in which they have been transported.
u) Fractious and excitable animals must be penned separately.
Poultry Welfare / Lairage Welfare
v) Documentation must be maintained that demonstrates that the catching teams are
supervised by a trained animal welfare operator and that the catching team personnel
have been trained in the following:
i. Correct catching techniques;
ii. Acceptable densities for birds in transit relevant to weather conditions and bird
iii. Protection of birds from inclement weather, excessive heat or excessive cold
while in transit, or while awaiting veterinary inspection on arrival at the abattoir.
For adult bovines and pigs, shocks may only be used on the hindquarters and only when the animal is free to move forward but refuses
to do so. The shocks must last no longer than one second, be adequately spaced and must only be applied to the muscles of the
hindquarters. Shocks must not be used repeatedly if the animal fails to respond.
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a) Casualty / injured animals must be slaughtered only by operatives with documented
training in casualty animal slaughter and in consultation with the Official Veterinarian.
b) Intake of animals must be managed in a manner (through batching, lot identification,
etc.) that allows the batch to be traced throughout the slaughter process.
Stunning / Sticking
c) The movement of animals along the approach race towards the stunning pen must
permit animals to proceed calmly and unimpeded while minimising physical stress.
d) The Processor should be able to demonstrate that the welfare of animals has been fully
taken into account in the design of the slaughter facility (e.g. lighting that encourages
animals to move forward in the approach race; an exit facility immediately prior to the
stunning where required etc.).
e) The approach race must be designed and constructed to prevent animals from being
distracted by events outside the race.
Animals must be stunned using DAFM approved stunning methods. Stunning pens
must conform with the following:
i. Be designed to avoid noise and distress or injury to the animal;
ii. Be well lit and accessible to allow inspection of stunning and slaughter to take
iii. Be maintained in good condition.
g) The stun to stick time must not exceed the specified 8 time unless otherwise agreed by
the Official Veterinarian and documented. This must be followed by a ‘sticking’
procedure that complies with the regulations.
h) Stunning techniques must be demonstrated to be effective through observation and
through records.
The daily maintenance of stunning instruments must be documented and a correctly
functioning spare gun (stored so as to maintain its functionality and availability) must be
kept in reserve at all times.
Before electrical stimulation or dressing procedures are carried out, the
unconsciousness of the animal must have been verified and the absence of signs of life
must be verified before further dressing or scalding can take place.
Carcase Grading
k) Carcases must be classified / graded by a DAFM approved grading process and in the
event that the carcase is re-graded, the amended documentation must be signed by the
DAFM inspectorate, where relevant.
Carcase Dressing
Procedures for dressing carcases must be in place to prevent cross-contamination (e.g.
from hide / fleece, unsanitised equipment or surfaces, digestive tract contents spillage,
contaminated personal equipment or clothing, other uninspected carcases, SRM) (see
also Section 3.44 below).
m) Dressing must be carried out immediately after slaughter and in a hygienic manner
appropriate for food intended for human consumption.
Bovine target 45 sec, max 60 sec; Ovine target 15 sec; Porcine proposed targets: gas 75 sec, elect 15 sec.
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n) The dressing techniques must minimise transfer of microorganisms to the carcase
o) Task descriptions must be documented for each dressing operation to ensure operatives
carry out their tasks hygienically and consistently.
p) Dressing operations must be supervised, and the slaughter line speeds managed to
ensure hygienic operator activity.
q) Trimming of any visible contamination must be conducted prior to final carcase
inspection and using a sterile knife or other suitable means.
r) A two-knife technique must be used for all tasks that involve opening of the hide or skin.
s) All hide/fleece cuts must be “in out” or spear cut (i.e. blade cutting away from carcase,
so that transfer of micro-organisms is minimised and it is ensured that the hide / fleece
doesn’t touch the carcase) with the exceptions of the initial opening at the hock.
The knives used must be colour coded.
u) The technique used to open the abdomen must minimise the possibility of cutting into
the stomach and intestines.
v) During evisceration, the gullet (oesophagus) must be rodded and tied, the rectum
bunged and the bung sealed or otherwise treated to ensure effective sealing of the
alimentary canal so as to minimise carcase contamination.
w) Adequate segregation of edible and inedible products must be maintained during
production i.e. clearly marked bins for each status of product must be provided.
x) There must be a documented procedure to address accidental spillage of gut contents.
y) There must be a documented procedure for the release of any carcases held by the
processor for corrective action (e.g. trimming).
z) For beef and lamb carcases, there must be a documented procedure defining how the
removal, staining (where relevant) and storage of all SRM materials is carried out.
Poultry Intake
a) Intake of birds must be managed (e.g. through batching, lot identification, etc.) in a
manner that allows the batch to be traced throughout the slaughter process.
b) Birds must be unloaded with care in a calm unhurried manner.
c) The birds must be visually checked for mortality, general condition, and to confirm that
the animal welfare requirements at catching were observed and recorded: exceptions
must be noted and reported to the Producer and the competent authority as relevant.
d) Only birds that have been inspected and passed the ante-mortem inspection can be
processed for slaughter and evidence of this must be maintained.
e) Birds must be maintained in low intensity or blue lighting prior to hang-on.
Hang-on 9 must be conducted so as to minimise stress for the birds,
Council Regulation (EC) 1099 / 2009 Annex (11, Art 5) sets out the regulatory parameters relating to waterbath
stunning that must be complied with including hang-on times (birds < 1 minute; ducks, geese and turkeys < 2
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g) There must be a procedure to prevent undersized birds being placed on the line.
Poultry Stunning
h) Birds at the post-stunning stage must be monitored on an on-going basis for signs of
revival and corrective action implemented as required.
A documented procedure must be in place that sets out the actions that must be taken in
the event the interval between hang-on and stunning exceeds 3 minutes (e.g. in the
event of line breakdown).
Following hang-on and prior to stunning, the birds must be maintained in low intensity or
blue lighting environment.
k) All birds must be stunned using a stunning methodology that has been approved by the
competent authority.
Killing / Evisceration of Poultry 10
The killing equipment must be monitored, maintained and operated to ensure that killing
is effective and carried out so as to minimise stress on the birds.
m) The plucking and evisceration equipment must be monitored, maintained and operated
so as to minimise contamination of carcases.
n) The effectiveness of killing must be monitored through a visual inspection that includes
checks for signs of bird revival and missed cuts on the bleeding line.
o) The scalding / plucking system must be monitored to ensure effective plucking and to
ensure carcase contamination is minimised (through e.g. water temperature, adjustment
of equipment for de-feathering, etc.).
p) Carcases must be inspected for quality (including food in the crop, except for turkeys),
faecal contamination, effectiveness of evisceration, catcher and machine damage and
this information must be communicated to the relevant parties.
Note: A CEN standard on ritual slaughter (CEN BT N 8870) was in development at the time of
a) Chills must have functioning refrigeration systems that ensure an even airflow and
records must be maintained demonstrating that the temperatures are maintained as
b) The cooling process used must comply with the processor’s own and / or the customers’
documented specifications.
Beef, Lamb and Pigmeat
c) Refrigeration of carcases must begin directly after the slaughter process and they must
be spaced to facilitate air flow particularly in the period immediately post slaughter until
the carcase has reached 7oC or less (e.g. in the deep round).
d) Carcases must be cooled in a manner that ensures absence of cold or hot shortening
and records of the achievement of customer specified cooling / pH targets /
requirements must be maintained.
See the FSAI report on Recommendations for a Practical Control Programme for Campylobacter in the Poultry
Production and Slaughter Chain.
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e) Poultry chilling must be carried out according to a documented plan and in a manner that
minimises risk to food safety or quality.
a) Carcases entering the boning hall must have a deep muscle temperature of 7oC (beef,
lamb, pigmeat) or 4oC (poultry) unless there is an alternative documented procedure
agreed with the competent authority.
b) There must be documented procedure for the following activities and records maintained
demonstrating that inspections are carried out against these parameters:
Visual inspection of product entering the boning hall to verify absence of
contamination, correct labelling;
ii. Effective removal of carcase labels;
iii. Visual inspection of the condition of tables, table tops, conveying equipment,
trays and mechanical boning equipment.
c) Records must demonstrate that a batch coding process is in place that ensures that,
where the product is to be marketed under the scheme, the batch only contains quality
assured product.
d) Boning activity must be performed in a hygienic manner to minimise contamination of
product, must be based on documented procedures, and must comply with documented
in-house or customer product specifications.
e) There must be a documented procedure for operation and maintenance of vac-pack
machine and dip tanks and related ancillary equipment.
Records of checks conducted must be available to demonstrate:
i. The inspection for and identification and rework of leakers prior to boxing;
ii. The accuracy of traceability to carton / tray;
iii. Accuracy of tare weights including the amendments required when changing
packaging supplier;
iv. Compliance with pack / carton / retail pack label requirements.
Mince and Comminuted Meat
Note: the definitions of meat, mince, comminuted meat are set out in the Standard (see
definitions in Introduction 1.2).
a) Comminuted meat / mince must only be produced from sources / edible carcase parts
identified in the legislation (as per EC 853:2004, Annex III; Section V; Chapter II)
b) Comminuted / minced meat must be produced from fresh meat as follows: poultry < 3
days, other < 6 days, vacuum packed < 15 days.
c) Mincing / comminuting activity must be performed in a hygienic manner to minimise
contamination of product, must be based on documented procedures, and must meet inhouse or customer product specifications.
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d) During mincing / comminuting the internal temperature of the meat must be monitored
and must meet the following criteria:
i. < 7ºC if mincing is completed in less than 1 hour, but < 4ºC ideally,
ii. < 4ºC if mincing is NOT completed in 1 hour.
e) Where frozen, meat for mincing / comminuting must not have been stored frozen for
more than 18 months (beef and poultry), 12 months (sheep/lamb), or 6 months
Comminuted / minced meat may only be deep frozen once.
g) Records of checks conducted must be available to demonstrate:
i. The inspection for and identification and rework of leakers prior to boxing;
ii. The accuracy of traceability to carton / tray;
iii. Accuracy of tare weights including the amendments required when changing
packaging supplier;
iv. Compliance with pack /carton / retail pack label requirements.
h) The Processor should consider issuing Staff involved in mincing / comminuting meat
with mouth and nose masks based on a risk assessment.
Processed Foods
Note: Section 3.4 above sets out the requirements for clearly defined and documented
procedures for processing food products in accordance with the QA Control plan. This
includes all processes and their sub-processes (e.g. taring is part of correct weighing
practice) and all technologies used in the process including smoking, curing, cooking,
cooling, etc.
Each product must be clearly identified at all stages.
There must be a specification for each such product setting out details as relevant
regarding origin, handling, storage, shelf life / use by, labelling on finished products, etc.
k) There must be procedures to ensure the prevention of cross contamination at all stages
of process from intake to dispatch.
There must be a procedure for the use of raw materials (including food ingredients,
additives, spices, etc.) using FIFO stock control.
m) There must be a procedure for the control of the hygiene and food safety aspects of
materials in contact with foods (wrappings, casings, etc.).
n) There must be a procedure for the management of returns that ensures that they are
fully traceable at all stages, evaluated on receipt and that all decisions regarding
disposal are documented.
a) Processors must document the procedures used for all inspection and testing as
detailed in the Quality Assurance / Hazard Control Plan and maintain records of the test
b) Processors must carry out testing that meets the minimum requirements for product set
out in Appendix 2: Final Product Testing
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c) Where the Processor operates a laboratory, the competence of the laboratory staff must
be demonstrated (e.g. through training records, certifications, ring tests, etc.).
d) The suitability, effectiveness and accuracy of the test methods must be demonstrated
(e.g. by reference to industry norms or other standard test methodologies and by
laboratory test validation).
e) Sampling of meat carcases for analysis must be in accordance with the Teagasc
guidelines 11.
Where testing (of meat and meat products) on regulatory parameters is outsourced, the
Processor must use DAFM approved Laboratories (where specified by the competent
authority) that are also independently accredited to ISO 17025 for the specific
g) Ensure that where testing of a non-regulatory nature (e.g. customer specified) is
outsourced, laboratories that are ISO 17025 accredited for the specific test are used.
h) All measurement systems must be capable of complying with regulatory requirements in
terms of accuracy.
Data from other tests (such as microbiological results when available) should be
analysed for trends and to indicate the appropriate corrective action.
Pigmeat processors must have in place a salmonella testing programme that
complies with the current regulatory testing requirements (Critical)
Bacteriological Testing
k) Sampling and testing must be done in accordance with recognised methods.
Microbiological test data must demonstrate compliance with the parameters as
prescribed in regulation EC/2073/2005.
m) In the event that the levels are exceeded, Processors must take effective corrective
n) If bacteriological tests are carried out in the plant laboratory, laboratory personnel must
be suitably qualified and competent in microbiological methods and the test equipment
must be suitable (see 3.16.a-g above).
Residue Testing
o) The Processor must have a residue testing programme and schedule in place for
animals from eligible herds / flocks that complies with the DAFM National Residues
Monitoring Programme. Evidence demonstrating that this programme is in operation and
is effective must be maintained.
p) The Processor must be able to demonstrate that in the event that a carcase fails a
residue test, any actions required by the Official Veterinarian were undertaken.
q) Where customers require specific residue tests, these must be documented and results
Note: Testing the microbiological levels of products using the aerobic colony count (ACC) or
Total Viable Count (TVC) method is outlined in EC/2073/2005 (see Appendix 1:
Reference Information) which sets out the sample methodology and the limits for ACC,
TVC and Enterobacteriaceae.
See Teagasc SOPs for Microbiological Examinations - Appendix 1
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a) All products must be inspected and released for dispatch according to a documented
inspection procedure (including any specific tests required by customers).
b) All Quality Assured product whether bearing the Bord Bia logo or not, that is released by
the Processor must be accompanied by a Dispatch Document / certificate of quality
assured status which has been completed using a Bord Bia approved document /
format. The dispatch details of all quality assured product must also be entered on the
dedicated secure facility for this information on the Bord Bia database (when
Metal Detection
c) Unless otherwise agreed with the customer (and where size permits), all product arising
from cutting or further processing must be passed through a metal detector and a record
of failures maintained. Corrective action arising from the failures must be fully
d) Metal detectors must be set for optimum sensitivity for the product consistent with
customer requirements and incorporate an alarm to signify the presence of metals
(ferrous, non-ferrous, stainless steel).
e) A schedule of testing of the effectiveness of the metal detection system must be in
A corrective action procedure must be documented to deal with failures of the metal
detection equipment.
Positive Release
g) The personnel with responsibility and authority for final product approval and release
must be identified in the procedure and the approval / release documentation.
h) This inspection must ensure that all product:
i. Is free from visible contamination before dispatch,
ii. Meets internal and customer requirements for quality and safety,
iii. Meets the Bord Bia documentation requirements (including despatch)
For all products, the inspection must ensure full compliance with the labelling
All products marketed under the scheme must fully meet all the relevant Logo Use Policy
requirements and the compositional requirements specified in Appendix 2: Final Product
k) All products must be positively released based on either physical examination and test
results and / or where laboratory results are not yet available, based on the history of
Records must be available to demonstrate that, prior to boning or dispatch, carcases
have been checked according to a checklist that includes at a minimum:
i. Carcase temperature (sample based) is 7°C or less, or 4oC for Poultry;
ii. Beef carcase pH is less than 5.8 (unless otherwise specified by customers).
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m) Records must be available to demonstrate that, prior to dispatch, all products (including
vacuum-packed products. bone-in joints and deboned product) have been checked
according to a plan that includes at a minimum:
i. Vacuum packs seals are airtight where applicable;
ii. That cartons and trays, where used, are undamaged;
iii. That product was passed through a metal detector.
Note: a list of the checks to be performed on meat prior to dispatch is included in Appendix 2:
Final Product Testing.
Background Information
The Bord Bia website maintains a current version of the Logo Use Policy. This is an important
document that describes conditions under which the Logo may be used and the sanctions that
apply for incorrect logo use.
a) Members must be actively trading (purchasing / producing and selling since last
certification and / or most recent audit) Quality Assured products (Critical).
Production Codes
b) All Bord Bia quality assured carcases / product must be clearly identified with Bord Bia
quality assured status on the labels.
c) Where additional coding is used, the Processor must document the list of codes used in
the product identification and provide a full explanation of their significance (e.g. breed,
age, and customer).
d) These codes must be maintained as part of the quality system and be readily accessible
in the work area.
Identification and Traceability
e) Processors must have in place a documented product identification and
traceability procedure / system (Critical).
The procedure / system must permit full traceability at all stages of all processes and
along the supply chain from an original Bord Bia certified herd(s) / flock(s) of origin to the
g) Product marketed under the Scheme must be clearly marked with processor
identification and traceability codes, and the quality assured logo where required
h) The traceability system in place must permit a reconciliation to be carried out that
clearly demonstrates that only product originating from a Bord Bia certified herd /
flock that was processed by a Bord Bia certified processor, was sold as quality
assured product (with or without the logo) (Critical).
The traceability system must also permit a reconciliation to be carried out that
demonstrates clearly that non quality assured product was prevented from being
incorporated into products sold as quality assured (Critical).
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Where product claims are made on the product label, documentary evidence supporting
the detail of the claim must be available (e.g. species / breed, reduced salt, farm source)
and DAFM approval12 for the voluntary labelling claims must be available. The evidence
must be reviewed annually and documented.
k) Reconciliations 13 must be conducted and made available as required by Bord Bia
including data on the following:
Opening stock;
Detailed purchases and receipts by item, supplier and date;
Stock used in production processes (taking account of yields and waste);
Sales by item and by customer (for quality assured product);
Closing stock.
Note: when the database (referred to in 3.17.b above) is operational, some of this reporting
requirement will have been addressed.
The use of the Bord Bia Quality Assured Logo must be in accordance with the conditions
for logo use as communicated by Bord Bia (Logo Use Policy, published on
m) The coding system used to identify quality assured status of the product at all
stages of the process must be clearly documented (Critical)
Product Recall
n) Processors must document and establish an effective product recall procedure.
o) The recall procedure must include a provision to initially contact the regulatory
authorities (FSAI, DAFM, etc.) and Bord Bia prior to initiating a food safety related
product recall.
p) Documentation must be maintained to demonstrate that the recall procedure was tested
annually for effectiveness.
In accordance with (EC) No 1760 / 2000 – see Appendix 1 and see also FSAI Guide Note 17 (as amended)
Guidelines on reconciliation reporting are available from Bord Bia.
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a) Processors must be able to demonstrate that temperature of product at all stages in the
chill chain ensures that the safety and quality of the food is not compromised. The
following table sets out the target temperatures for storage, handling and transport of
eligible products, but the Processor may adopt other target temperatures based on a
documented risk assessment, customer specified requirement or by arrangement with
the Official Veterinarian:
Finished Product
Temperature Requirement (Product) oC
Chilled Bone-in
0 to 4 ºC
Chilled Vac-Pack / MAP Meat
0 to +2 ºC
0 to +2 ºC
Frozen Meat
< -18 ºC All meats
< +2 ºC Beef, Lamb, Poultry and Pigmeat.
Chilled Food ingredients
-1 to +4 ºC
Defrosting foods
< 10 ºC
Handling Area / Room
Temperature Requirement (Area) oC
Production Processing Rooms
Ambient temperature of < 12ºC and capable of maintaining
product at the specified temperatures.
Dispatch / Transport
Temperature Requirement (Vehicle) oC
Transit Temperature Settings:
Transit Temperature Settings:
-1 to +1 ºC (Beef, Lamb)
< 4 ºC (Poultry)
-1 to +2ºC (Pigmeat)
< -18oC Lamb / Poultry / Beef,
< -18oC Pigmeat or as stipulated by customer
Note: the definition of fresh poultry meat in the regulations stipulates that no temperatures of
</= -2oC have been used prior to sale.
b) All temperature-controlled areas (including rented/ leased storage) facilities must be
constantly monitored (and ideally alarmed) and a permanent record available of the
temperatures demonstrating that the equipment / facility is meeting the storage
c) There must be a procedure for monitoring and recording product temperature in these
d) There must be a procedure for defining and documenting the corrective action taken to
address temperature non-conformances observed or recorded by these recording
e) Product intended to be marketed under the Scheme must be clearly identifiable in
storage (e.g. by segregation, clear labelling, etc.) and quality assured product lots /
batches must not be mixed with other non-assured product (e.g. on pallets, etc.)
All product (including in-process product, ingredients, packaging products, etc.) must be
stored to ensure it is protected from damage or contamination.
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Dispatch and Transport
Note: It is the responsibility of the processor and the transporter to ensure that the cold chain
is maintained during loading and transport (including in rented/ leased storage facilities)
and is appropriate to the product.
g) There must be a procedure for checking products at dispatch to verify compliance with
this Standard and with customer requirements.
h) The checks must include the following on a sample basis:
Packaging integrity & pallet condition;
Date coding, lot / batch coding, logo use and / or other label requirements;
Temperature and other specified measurements (including weight / tare);
Compliance with customer and Bord Bia specifications.
All transport vehicles must be inspected prior to loading to ensure they are clean, free
from odour taints, waterproof and undamaged; that door seals and air circulation ducts
are intact; and that the refrigeration unit is working properly.
Containers must be checked to ensure that they are pre-cooled prior to loading.
k) Records must be maintained to demonstrate the effectiveness of temperature control
appropriate to the product at all stages during transit.
A contingency plan must be in place to deal with refrigerated delivery breakdown /
a) There must be a documented procedure that ensures that product / material at any
stage that does not conform to requirements, is prevented from unintended use or
b) The procedure must provide for clear identification, adequate segregation and final
disposition of the nonconforming product and records including details of the quantities
involved of such disposition must be maintained.
c) Where non-conforming product arises that requires the process to be stopped, the
process can only be resumed where this is authorised by responsible personnel.
d) Incidents with a potential to cause a food safety hazard (e.g. failure of the metal
detection system) must be recorded and reported in writing to the person responsible (as
defined above in Section 3.2).
e) The disposition must only be conducted in a manner that permits full traceability and
must only be authorised by the person(s) specified in Section 3.2. Disposition can
i. Reworking to meet the specification / customer requirements (e.g. by trimming);
ii. Acceptance with or without reworking by agreed concession from the customer;
iii. Regrading (including where necessary relabeling) for alternative use to which it
fully conforms (i.e. so that it meets an alternative specification fully);
iv. Rejection and destruction.
Ensure that in the event of a breakdown in the quality or HACCP based controls, a
review of the relevant procedure(s) is conducted immediately and appropriate corrective
actions taken.
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a) Processors must establish documented procedures for the scheduling, planning and the
implementation of internal audits to verify internal compliance with the requirements of
the Standard and the effectiveness of the Quality System, records and procedures. This
must be completed for all requirements of the MPQAS at least on an annual basis.
(Note: see responsibility for reporting critical non-compliances in Management
Responsibility in Section 3.2 above).
b) All corrective and preventive actions defined in these audits must be assigned and
tracked through the corrective / preventive action system until completed by the target
completion dates.
c) The records of such audits must be available for inspection.
d) Internal auditors must have received training in the requirements of the Standard.
e) Ensure that internal auditors are independent of the activity being audited and have
received formal training in auditing skills.
a) A register of all inspection, measuring and test equipment must be maintained which
Identity / location;
Equipment operation range and use range;
Current use / purpose of the equipment;
Tolerance of equipment and required accuracy;
Calibration frequency and responsibility;
Calibration method or reference;
Operational checking (e.g. start-up checks for functionality) to ensure continuing
b) Records of all calibrations carried out with traceability to National Standards must be
c) When a device is found to be out of calibration, an assessment of the validity of previous
inspection results, the likely impacts and the appropriate corrective and preventive
actions must be carried out and recorded.
Corrective and Preventive Action
a) There must be documented and effective procedures for corrective and preventive
action management.
b) Corrective and preventive actions required must be assigned and tracked and their
priorities appropriately identified (e.g. by means of defined time scales for completion).
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Customer Complaints
c) Processors must establish an effective procedure for evaluating and handling of
customer complaints, including those of a regulatory nature.
d) The procedures must clearly outline responsibilities for logging, tracking and closing off
complaints in conjunction with the complainant.
e) The complaint log and related correspondence must be maintained and be available for
Where customer complaints relate to a food safety issue and this is verified by the
processor, the Official Veterinarian must be notified.
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General Hygiene
Site Security and Visitors
a) Processors must ensure the site security is maintained to prevent possible product
b) Management must document how visitors and contractors are managed to minimise risk
to product.
Process Flow and Laboratories
c) Process flow and traffic must be arranged to prevent product contamination.
d) The laboratory must not open directly to the processing areas and access to the
laboratory must be controlled.
e) Ensure that on-site laboratories are located and operated to prevent product
Plant and Facility Checks
A programme for verifying the effectiveness of the measures required under this
Standard (all sections) for plant and facilities must be documented and scheduled
checks must be recorded.
a) Processors must document and implement a comprehensive plant, facilities and
equipment (including processing equipment) cleaning and sanitation programme.
b) This programme must cover all food contact surfaces and the exterior and interior of the
plant including at a minimum: walls, floors, windows, drains, machines, equipment (e.g.
knives, sterilisers, trays) food contact surfaces (e.g. conveyors), facilities, and ancillary
structures including ventilation ducts, stores and the lairage.
c) Processors must adopt a “clean as you go approach” throughout the operation and must
document, monitor and record the cleaning activities and must define the methods of
cleaning and sanitising, the responsible personnel, the frequency with which each item
or group of items is cleaned and the materials used.
d) A designated person must verify the effectiveness of cleaning prior to allowing
production to commence in areas where product is handled or packed.
e) Where cleaning is done by a subcontractor, a contract with full cleaning specification
must be in place.
Records verifying the effectiveness of the cleaning programme (such as microbial
swabbing or rapid hygiene tests) must be maintained.
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a) Processors must implement a documented pest control programme and all baiting
materials must be certified by the manufacturer as appropriate for the particular use.
b) An annual review of the programme must be conducted to establish its suitability and
c) Where baiting supplies are stored on site, the store must be kept locked and the baiting
materials segregated in the store so as not to compromise other materials.
d) All bait stations and electronic fly killers must be secured, numbered and clearly
indicated on a site map.
e) Inspections for pest control must be made and recorded (minimum 8 visits per year) by
an independent contractor.
All air vents and air intake points (including windows, doors, ceilings, etc.) in areas
where product is handled must be covered with 1.2-mm screens / meshes to prevent
pest ingress.
g) There should be a multi-level baiting system such as:
First line of defence: perimeter with bait points at 6-8 m intervals along the entire
ii. Second line of defence: along factory external wall,
iii. Third line of defence: internally - where there is a risk of rodent ingress.
h) There must be a programme and records for the inspection of electronic fly killing (EFK)
units and for replacement of the light tubes.
EFK Units must be located away from food processing areas and from packaging
equipment or packaging operations.
EFK Units must not be located close to or above exposed meat or food preparation
k) All areas of the premises must be managed so as to minimise the occurrence of
harbourages / habitats for pests.
a) A preventive maintenance programme for essential plant and equipment affecting
product quality / safety must be documented and implemented.
b) Maintenance schedules and procedures outlining the maintenance checks required must
be documented.
c) All internal maintenance staff must receive training in hygiene.
d) All external maintenance personnel must be made aware of the company hygiene
regulations prior to commencing work.
e) Maintenance procedures must indicate the precautions taken to ensure that the product
is not contaminated in any way by the maintenance activity whether carried out by own
or contracted staff (e.g. remove debris, clean and ventilate production area postmaintenance).
A record of maintenance activities must be maintained.
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g) There must be procedure to approve equipment for re-use after maintenance is
h) Implement a system for accountability for tools used and equipment parts removed
during maintenance.
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Environmental Hygiene
a) Wooden structures, pallets and fittings are not permitted in any food production area
where product is open / unpacked.
b) A glass / hard plastics policy and written procedures for handling glass / hard plastics
breakages in all process and storage areas must be in place.
c) Where glass / hard plastics are present a glass / hard plastics register must be
d) A detailed procedure must be documented and implemented for the management of
incidences involving breakables and materials that can shatter including metals, plastics,
wood, packaging materials, calculators, phones, electronic equipment displays, etc.
This must include:
Stopping of production;
Restriction of movement through the affected area;
Quarantine of affected materials;
Report to management;
Clean up of breakage and disposal / cleaning of cleaning equipment;
Safe removal of breakage material from area with reconciliation of pieces where
vii. Repair or replacement of damaged item;
viii. The checking of protective clothing and footwear and changing if necessary;
ix. Completion of an incident log and sign off that production can restart, by a
person with designated responsibility;
x. A sample of breakage material should be retained in a safe manner;
xi. Documentation of the corrective / preventive action taken to address the issue
and to prevent a reoccurrence.
a) A perimeter fence, wall, or other suitable physical demarcation must be in place to
control access to the grounds.
b) Equipment, pallets and other materials stored in the factory grounds must be stored
neatly and in clearly defined areas.
c) Any unused buildings, service buildings etc. must be maintained in good repair and free
from debris and secured against unauthorised access.
d) There must be a clearance of 1 metre wide around the factory to avoid rodent
e) Exterior finish of the premises must be maintained in sound presentable condition (i.e.
no flaking paint or broken plaster).
Roofs, valleys and gutters must be maintained in good repair and free from debris and
g) A schedule must be in place for tidying and organising exterior areas.
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a) All pipes, pipe work, lagging, electrical cables etc. must be clean, secure and properly
b) All internal areas in contact with food must be on the plant cleaning programme.
c) Documentation must be available to demonstrate that all food contact materials
(including conveyor belts, preparation utensils and vessels, tables, etc.) comply with the
legislation on materials in contact with food (see Appendix 1: Reference Information)
a) A procedure must be in place to ensure good hygiene practices at entry and exit from all
production areas and to prevent the wearing of protective clothing outside food handling
b) Wash-hand basins and footwear cleaning facilities must be provided at all entry points to
production areas.
c) Taps must be knee, foot, arm, or electronically operated.
d) Paper towel dispensers and receptacles must be in place.
e) Hand sanitising solutions or sanitising liquid odourless soap must be provided at each
hand washing point.
Water must be provided at a temperature that facilitates thorough hand washing.
g) Where footbaths are provided, these must be located outside production areas and be
designed to ensure adequate contact with footwear and allow footwear to drain after
h) A procedure must be in place to ensure that the disinfecting solution remains at a
working strength at all times (e.g. through the use of a chemical feed regulator).
a) Wall surfaces must be designed and constructed to be durable, smooth, light coloured,
easily cleaned and impermeable to liquids.
b) They must be maintained in a clean condition free from cobwebs and moulds, etc.
c) Junctions and joints must be smooth and impervious.
d) Wall-to-floor junctions must be sealed.
e) Ledges and sills must be kept free from dust, dirt or other miscellaneous items.
Walls and wall openings / conduits must be well maintained, e.g. no flaking paint or
plaster, no damaged or missing tiles, all tile cracks sealed or grouted.
a) Ceilings must be designed and constructed to be of sufficient height, smooth, light
coloured and easily cleaned.
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b) All joints must be sealed and impermeable.
c) Ceilings must be maintained in good repair, clean and be free of condensation.
d) False or cavity ceilings must have access to the void above to enable cleaning and
e) Girders and overhead pipe-work and structures must be clean, free from rust, dust,
mould growth, flaking paint and other extraneous material.
Skylights are undesirable, but where present, they must be treated as breakables, and
must be clean and, if they can be opened, must be fitted with fly screens.
a) Floors must be constructed of durable, non-slip, water resistant material and be
maintained in good condition (i.e. no holes or cracks).
b) Floors must be kept clean and free from the accumulation of water or debris especially in
corners or in areas hidden by machinery.
c) Rubber mats or plastic meshes, where used, must be easily removed and cleaned as
part of the plant cleaning programme.
a) Drainage must be such as to prevent risk of contamination, and must include watersealed U bends to prevent gas reflux.
b) All floors must be managed (e.g. sloped towards the drainage channels) so that stagnant
pools of liquid are prevented.
c) Drainage channels that cross personnel working areas and passageways must be
covered with removable covers for cleaning accessibility.
d) Fat, debris traps and grids must be fitted to all drains.
e) Ensure that drainage from on-site laboratories is designed to exit the building before
joining up with other waste systems.
Manholes are not permitted in the premises in areas where food is handled.
a) Doors and door jambs must be constructed of durable impermeable material, be tight
fitting and of smooth easily cleaned finish.
b) Glass must not be used in doors opening into storage or production areas; other clear
shatterproof material may be used.
c) All external doors and internal doors (excluding emergency doors) leading from nonprocess into process areas must be self-closing or otherwise screened to prevent pest
ingress (see also 3.26).
d) It must be possible to open all chill and freezer doors from both sides.
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a) Exterior windows in production areas must be at least 2 meters above ground and, if
they can be opened, must be fitted with suitable and effective fly-screens.
b) They must be constructed of shatterproof material or, if made of glass or hard plastic,
must be laminated to prevent shattering.
c) Windows, window frames etc. must be tight fitting, maintained in good condition, free
from cracks, moulds, flaking paint etc. and must be kept clean.
a) Lighting in production areas must be designed to be permanently fixed, easily cleaned,
and must be protected by shatterproof covering.
b) Lighting must be adequate at all times for the particular operation and must be of a type
that does not distort colour where decisions are taken on the basis of colour.
a) There must be a procedure in place to ensure that knife and equipment sterilisers are
effective and checks must be made according to a defined schedule to verify this.
b) Sterilisers must be easily accessible in all areas where knives or similar utensils are
c) Aprons, where used, must be subjected to frequent cleaning in designated wash
cabinets designed to minimise the risk of cross contamination.
d) Hoses must be maintained in a clean and tidy condition and must always be kept off the
floor when not in use.
e) Knife, blade, scissors and needle controls must be in place that specify:
Only company issued, identified and registered knives, blades and scissors may
be used;
No snap blade knives must be used;
Knives, blades and scissors must only be used for the task for which they were
Equipment must be accounted for and the condition checked and recorded at a
minimum at the start and end of production;
In the event of equipment breakage or loss, all parts must be accounted for and
the incident logged and corrective / preventive action must be taken to prevent
There must be a procedure in place for the management and control of other items of
equipment (including tools, machine components / parts, injection equipment,
specialised cleaning equipment and utensils) that ensures that they do not cause crosscontamination of production areas, other equipment or product.
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a) All processes which emit steam or vapours must be effectively hooded and fitted with
suitable extraction equipment to prevent condensation.
b) Suitable ventilation must be available in all process areas where steam or water vapour
arises to prevent condensation.
c) Vents from drains, sewers and rainwater drainpipes must not be located within the plant.
a) All cleaning equipment and materials, chemicals and other substances likely to
contaminate product must be stored in a lockable, secure place (ideally with appropriate
bunding) away from production.
b) All chemicals including cleaning chemicals must be segregated in storage to prevent
mixing of incompatible materials.
c) Adequate safety and protective clothing, footwear and apparatus should be available
when handling such substances.
a) Data must be available that demonstrates that any effluent treatment plant is operated in
accordance with the relevant licences.
b) Disposal of effluent must be carried out in accordance with the relevant licences.
c) Ensure that where an effluent treatment plant exists on site, it is placed as far as
possible downwind and away from the plant air intake points.
a) Facilities incorporating adequate ventilation must be provided for the washing and
sanitising of food trays.
b) There must be separate areas for the storage of soiled trays, the washing of soiled trays
and the storage of clean trays which prevent tray cross contamination from other trays or
from the environment.
Specified Risk Materials and Animal By-Products
a) The Processor must have in place a specific SRM protocol as required by DAFM
and as agreed with the Official Veterinarian (Critical) 14.
Hauliers of SRM must be DAFM approved and stringent requirements apply with regard to use of the vehicles,
prevention of cross contamination etc.
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b) There must be a documented programme for the management and disposal of all animal
by-products that is agreed with the Official Veterinarian.
Waste Management General
c) There must be a documented programme for the management of all waste material.
d) Waste materials must be controlled in the production area and must be controlled
pending collection / disposal and the frequency of collection / disposal must be designed
to prevent risk to the product.
e) Processors must have procedures to prevent waste material coming into contact with
fresh meat or carcases which have been passed fit for human consumption.
The plant cleaning programme must include all waste handling / storage areas to
minimise odours and fly infestations.
Waste Containers (Internal)
The following requirements apply for containers for use in food processing and handling areas
internally (i.e. within the plant). They must be:
g) Clearly identified so that they cannot be mistaken for food use containers.
h) Clearly designated according the type of waste (separate waste containers for SRM) to
be disposed in them.
Available at appropriate locations.
Emptied and cleaned according to the plant cleaning programme.
Waste Skips / Receptacles (External)
The following requirements apply for waste collection skips/receptacles. They must be:
k) Covered at all times except when being filled and be located as far as practicable from
the “Clean” area.
Sited on a concrete surface that ensures that any leakage is contained and disposed of
m) Emptied and cleaned according to a documented schedule.
Condemned Materials
n) Adequate facilities for the identification and safe handling of condemned materials must
be provided.
o) The arrangements for the handling, control and disposal of condemned materials must
be agreed with the Official Veterinarian.
p) Where condemned or inedible material or other wastes are removed through conveyors
or chutes, these must be constructed and installed in such a way as to avoid any risk of
contamination of fresh meat.
q) Enclosed chutes must be equipped with suitable access points to facilitate inspection
and sanitation.
Waste Collector Approval
r) Processors must have a documented system for ensuring that only officially approved
waste hauliers are used and this must include clear criteria for the vehicles to be used.
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Other Waste Material
s) Discarded wrapping, packaging and other refuse including kitchen / canteen waste must
be placed in designated bins or skips so that it does not compromise the hygiene of the
premises and does not provide a habitat for pests and vermin (see also 3.26).
Note: The requirements on source segregation as specified in S.I 508 2009 apply.
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Personnel Hygiene
a) An Operational Hygiene Management system including personnel hygiene must be
established and communicated clearly to all personnel (see also training requirements in
Section 3.5).
b) In toilet areas, hand washing and sanitising facilities must be provided at each hand
washing point and clearly identified.
c) Hand-washing instructions must be posted adjacent to each wash station in these areas.
d) Paper towel dispensers and used towel disposal facilities must be in place.
a) All personnel handling food product must have been approved on the basis of a preemployment assessment conducted by a doctor or public health professional.
b) Processors must have a procedure in place to ensure that no person that is likely to be a
carrier of or suffering from a disease likely to be transmitted through food or that has
infected wounds, skin infections, sores or diarrhoea is permitted to handle food or enter
any food-handling area in any capacity.
c) The procedure must ensure that any person so affected who is likely to come into
contact with food immediately reports the illness or symptoms, and if possible their
causes, to designated personnel that have received documented training in managing
this issue.
d) Personnel must be made aware of their responsibility to notify management of any
infectious disease or condition they may be suffering from or have been in contact with
that could adversely affect the safety of the product.
Note: The HPSC report 15 on prevention of food borne diseases states that the most effective
preventive measure that can be taken to prevent food contamination is effective and
thorough training of all staff. The findings of this report could be taken into consideration
in designing the hygiene training for food handlers and in defining the conditions under
which employees may continue to handle food.
a) At least one member of staff must be trained in First Aid procedures, and fully stocked
first aid kits must be available at all times during operation to treat minor injuries.
b) The number of trained first personnel and first aid kits that should be available during
operations must be determined through a documented risk assessment.
Food Borne Disease: A Focus On The Infected Food Handler (2004), Health Protection Surveillance Centre.
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a) Fingernails must be kept short, clean and unvarnished.
b) No visible jewellery, except plain wedding rings may be worn by personnel working in
the production area.
c) All head hair, including facial hair must be contained (e.g. by means of a snood, mop
cap or other covering) to prevent contamination of product.
d) Cuts, sores and grazes must be completely covered after treatment with a distinctively
coloured waterproof dressing incorporating a metal detectable strip and which is
supplied by the company.
e) Operators lifting large meat pieces (e.g. quarter, part quarter) must also wear a
protective neck shield.
Protective Clothing
a) All personnel (food operatives) working within the plant (i.e. in direct contact with
exposed product) must be provided with suitable protective clothing (that covers all
street clothing), and headgear and footwear appropriate to the area of work.
b) Personnel working in the lairage, or handling animals, must be provided with clothing
suitable for the handling of animals (e.g. dark coloured) and separate designated
c) Clothing and footwear worn by personnel working in the lairage or handling live animals,
must be clearly distinguishable and maintained separately from that worn by food
d) Protective clothing and footwear worn in the process area (i.e. in direct contact with
exposed product) must not be worn outside the area.
e) Clean protective clothing and footwear must be issued daily or more frequently if
Facilities (including individual lockers) must be provided that ensures the separation of
street (civilian) and in-plant protective clothing and footwear.
g) Specific arrangements must be in place that provide for the hygienic handling of used or
contaminated clothing and footwear so as to prevent cross contamination.
h) A scheduled laundering of all protective clothing must be in place.
Where work clothing is laundered on site, data must be available to demonstrate that the
wash cycle achieves adequate sanitisation (e.g. exceeds 80oC operating temperature or
All persons entering production areas of the plant must wash hands and sanitise their
protective footwear. Notices to this effect must be posted in appropriate areas.
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a) Smoking, eating and drinking must only be permitted in designated areas and there must
be clear signs to this effect.
b) All personnel facilities (canteens, locker-rooms, toilets, rest-rooms) must be included in
the plant sanitation programme and maintained in a clean condition.
c) Canteens must be operated so as to ensure separation of high and low risk workers to
prevent cross-contamination (e.g. separation of people working in lairage and production
areas in the canteen).
a) All toilets used by personnel involved in handling food must be clean, ventilated, must
not lead directly into food processing or storage areas, the doors must be self-closing
and all cleaning equipment must be maintained and stored so as not to contaminate the
process areas.
b) There should be at least one toilet and one hand-basin per 15 male and per 10 female
c) Facilities for hand washing must be in place, equipped with odourless liquid soaps and
sanitisers dispensed that from wall mounted units.
d) Paper towel dispensers and a bin for used paper towels must be provided in every wash
area. The use of air driers is not permitted in food production areas.
e) Hygiene notices must be clearly displayed in all toilet areas indicating that hands must
be washed after the use of the facilities.
Factory issue protective clothing and footwear must be removed before entering toilets,
canteen/rest areas, smoking areas and offices (outside production areas).
a) In slaughter halls, all operatives must have direct access to hand-washing facilities at
their workstations.
b) In boning halls, all operatives must have access to hand-washing facilities close to their
individual work areas accessed through a hygiene lobby.
4 Processor Appendices
Meat Processor Quality Assurance Standard
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Appendix 1
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Appendix 1
Processor Reference Information
Participants are referred to the Food Safety Authority of Ireland website where relevant current
legislation may be obtained: (
Participants are also referred to the DAFM website: (
Directive (EC) No 13/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000
on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to the labelling, presentation
and advertising of foodstuffs
Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 July
2000 establishing a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals and
regarding the labelling of beef and beef products and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No
Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of The European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January
2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the
European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety
Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April
2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs
Regulation (EC) 853/2004 Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for on the hygiene of
Regulation (EC) No 854/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April
2004 laying down specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal
origin intended for human consumption
Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on materials
and articles intended to come into contact with food repealing Directives 80/590/EEC and
Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 of 22 December 2004 on the protection of animals
during transport and related operations and amending Directives 64/432/EEC and
93/119/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1255/97
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on Microbiological
Criteria for foodstuffs
Commission Directive (EC) No 68/2007 amending Annex IIIa to Directive 2000/13/EC as
regards certain food ingredients
Meat Processor Quality Assurance Standard
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Council Regulation (EC) 1099 / 2009 of 24 September 2009 on the protection of animals at
the time of killing
S.I. 509 / 2009 Waste Management (Food Waste) Regulations 2009
I.S. 3219: 1990 Code Of Practice For Hygiene In The Food And Drink Manufacturing
I.S. 342:1997, Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the Food Processing Industry in
accordance with Council Directive 94/43/EEC on Hygiene in Foodstuffs (NSAI)
IS EN 45011:1998, General Criteria for Certification Bodies Operating Product Certification
I.S. EN ISO 9001:2008, Quality Management Systems - Requirements
I.S. EN ISO 22000:2005, Food safety management systems – requirements for any
organisation in the food chain
ISO 17025: 2005 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration
Codex Alimentarius: Code Of Hygienic Practice For Meat 1 CAC/RCP 58-2005
I.S. EN ISO 19011:2011, Guidelines for auditing management systems
ISO 17065 (2012): Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products,
processes and services.
Guidance Note 5: Guidance Note on the Approval and Operation of Independent Meat
Production Units under EC Fresh Meat Legislation
Guidance Note 8: The Implementation of Food Safety Management Systems in Beef and
Lamb Slaughter Plants Based on HACCP
Guidance Note 10, Product Recall and Traceability (as amended).
Guidance Note 14: The Application of Commission Directive 2001/101/EC as Amended by
Commission Directive 2002/86/EC on the Definition of Meat.
Guidance Note 18, Determination of Product Shelf Life.
Guidance Note (draft), Production of Heat Processed and Chilled Foods.
Leaflet: The Labelling of Food in Ireland 2002
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SOPs for microbiological examinations
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Regulations 2005
Code of Good Agriculture Practice to Protect Water from Pollution by Nitrates: - Department
of Agriculture Department of the Environment July 1996
Teagasc Publication: A HACCP plan for Irish Beef Slaughter (second edition)
Health Protection Surveillance Centre: Food Borne Disease: A Focus On The Infected Food
Handler (2004), See website: (
National Disease Surveillance Centre, Draft Report on Prevention of Food Borne Diseases,
2003, See website:
FAWAC guidelines on animal welfare (
Irish Legislation documents (referenced as S.I. xxx) are available from the Government
Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 or Department of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Agriculture House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 or from
the Irish Statute Book website:
Other Irish Standards (documents referenced as I.S. xxx) are available from the National
Standards Authority of Ireland, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. Further information is available on the
Documents and Legislation are available from the Food Safety Authority of Ireland are available
from FSAI, Abbey Court, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1. Some of the documents are available
through their website:
EC Regulations and Council Decisions can be accessed through the EU website:
Teagasc documents are available from Teagasc, Ashtown Food Research Centre, Ashtown,
Dublin 15.
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Appendix 2
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Appendix 2:
Final Product Testing
MPQAS Requirement
Micro (TVC / AAC)
Already covered under regulatory requirements
Micro (Enterobacteriaceae)
Already covered under regulatory requirements
Already covered under regulatory requirements
Already covered under regulatory requirements
Already covered under regulatory requirements
Carcass pH
Carcass Temperature
Metal Detection
Yes for all Vac pack
Permits Traceability
Already covered under regulatory requirements
Customer Specified Tests
As specified
Shelf life
Beef <5.8
Beef < 7˚C, Poultry < 4˚C
Specified added value products as per Logo Use Policy.
Meat Processor Quality Assurance Standard
Cooked cuts,
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Meat Processor Quality Assurance Standard
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Cooked joints,
Cooked Products
Appendix 3:
Eligible Products
1: EligibleProducts
Appendix 3
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Appendix 3
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Cooked value added products as per Logo Use Policy,
Cooked Hams.
Eligible Product
Eligible Product
Beef and Lamb Carcases,
Beef and Lamb Carcases,
Bone-in sides,
Bone-in sides,
Bone-in cuts,
Beef and Lamb Products
Beef and Lamb Products
Bone-in cuts,
Vacuum pack cuts,
Vacuum pack cuts,
Pre-packed cuts (e.g. Wrapped or MAP),
Pre-packed cuts (e.g. Wrapped or MAP),
Comminuted meat / mince,
Comminuted meat / mince,
Specified added value products as per Logo Use Policy.
Specified added value products as per Logo Use Policy.
Pork Carcases and Cuts,
Pork Carcases and Cuts,
Wiltshire Bacon and Bone-in Primals,
Wiltshire Bacon and Bone-in Primals,
Bone-in and Boneless Bacon Products,
Bone-in and Boneless Bacon Products,
Vacuum pack primal cuts,
Pigmeat Products
Pigmeat Products
Vacuum pack primal cuts,
Pre-packed cuts (e.g. Wrapped or MAP),
Pre-packed cuts (e.g. Wrapped or MAP),
Pork Mince,
Pork Mince,
Basted pork,
Basted pork,
Pork Trimmings,
Pork Trimmings,
Specified added value products as per Logo Use Policy.
Specified added value products as per Logo Use Policy.
Whole poultry (fresh / chilled / frozen),
Poultry Products
Whole poultry (fresh / chilled / frozen),
Primary cuts or poultry portions (fresh / chilled / frozen),
Poultry Products
Primary cuts or poultry portions (fresh / chilled / frozen),
Pre-packed cuts (e.g. Wrapped, Vac-Pack or MAP),
Pre-packed cuts (e.g. Wrapped, Vac-Pack or MAP),
Specified added value products as per Logo Use Policy.
Specified added value products as per Logo Use Policy.
Cooked cuts,
Cooked Products
Cooked Products
Table 1: Eligible Products
Table 1: Eligible Products
Cooked cuts,
Cooked joints,
Cooked joints,
Cooked value added products as per Logo Use Policy,
Cooked value added products as per Logo Use Policy,
Cooked Hams.
Cooked Hams.
This item does not arise under this species (e.g. gizzard in porcine)
Meat Processor
segregation at source in accordance with S.I. 508: 2009
Appendix 3
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Appendix 3
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2: Eligible
01, August
Eligible Offals
Diaphragm (Thick Skirt)
Thin Skirt (Costal
(Thick Skirt)
Skirt (Costal
Sweetbread / Thymus
/ Thymus
Specific DAFM approval required
Specific DAFM approval required
Eligible Offals
In the table above, Y, N and NA
N mean the
N following:
This item qualifies under the MPQAS for sale as quality assured product (e.g. ovine heart may be
Y the table above, Y, N and NA mean the following:
marketed under the MPQAS scheme)
This item qualifies under the MPQAS for sale as quality assured product (e.g. ovine heart may be
This item does
the MPQAS for sale as quality assured product (e.g. ovine tail)
This item does not qualify under the MPQAS for sale as quality assured product (e.g. ovine tail)
This item does not arise under this species (e.g. gizzard in porcine)
This item does not arise under this species (e.g. gizzard in porcine)
Collection must ensure segregation at source in accordance with S.I. 508: 2009
Collection must ensure segregation at source in accordance with S.I. 508: 2009
Table 2: Eligible Offals
Table 2: Eligible Offals
Bord Bia,
Bia, Clanwilliam
Court, Court,
Lower Lower
Tel: 01Tel:
668 5155
Fax: 01Fax:
668 7521
the success
the success
of Irish
of Irish
& horticulture
& horticulture