may have limited the circulationof meteoric water during the skarn-destructivestage. paper is deACKNOWLEDGMENTS-This rived from a doctoral thesis in preparation at the University of Colorado (Boulder). Financial support for field work and analysis was generouslyprovided by the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Funding to cover the cost of thin section manufactureand accessto the SanPedromine property was kindly given by the Goldfield Corporation.This paper has benefited from critical reviews by |. Renault,J. Grambling, and J. L. Mufioz. Specialthanks go to Linda A. Kroff for her continuoussupport throughout this project. We thank the Cooperative Institute for Researchin EnvironmentalSciencesfor the use of its word-processingservlces. References Atkinson, W W, lr , 7976, Zoning and paragenesisof ores in the San Pedro Mountains; in Woodward, L. A , and Northrop, S A. (eds.),Tectonicsand mineral resourcesof southwestern North America: New Mexico GeologicalSociety,SpecialPublication 5, pp 787-191. Bames,H. L., 1979,Solubilities of ore minerals; in Barnes, H. L. (ed ), Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits: John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp 401-450 Colby, J. W., 1958, Quantitative microprobe analysis of thin insulating films; ln Advances in x-ray analysis: Plenum Press,New York, v 71, pp 287-305 Einaudi,M T, Meinert, L D , and Newberry,R J., 1981, Skarn deposits: Economic Geology, 75th Anniversary Volume, pp 377-391 Hanis, N B, and Einaudi, M T ,7982, Skarn deposits in the Yeringtondistrict, Nevada-metasomaticlkarn evolution near Ludwig: Economic Geology, v 77, pp 8L7-899 Kautz, P. F,lngersoll, R V, Baldridge,W. S, Damon, P E, and Shafiqullah,M , 1981,Geologyof the EspinasoFormation, Oligocene,north-central New Mexico: GeologicalSocietyofAmerica, Bulletin, v 92, pp 23782400. Moore, W. J., and Nash, l. T , 1.974, Alteration and fluid inclusion studies of the porphyry copper ore body at Bingham, Utah: Economic Geology, v 69, pp 531,-&5. Rose,A. W., and Burt, D M.,7979, Hydrothermalalteration; in Barnes, H. L (ed ), Geochernistry of hydrothermal ore deposits: fohn Wiley & Sons, New York, 2nd edition, pp 773-235. Starkins, R. D., 1983, Fluid inclusion study of the Can Fork skam deposit, Bingham mining district, Utah: UnpyblishedM.S. thesis,Universityof Colorado,Boulder, Colorado, 134 pp. Sweeney,M J , 1980,Geochemistry of garnets from the North Ore shoot, Bingham district, Utah: Unpublished M.S thesis, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1s4pp. Trary, R. J, 1982,Compositionalzoning and inclusions in metamorphic minerals: Mineralogical Society of America Review, v. 10, pp 355-394 fauna 0nthevertebrate report Preliminary of U-BarGave, NewMexico HidalgoGounty, (ElPaso), ElPaso, TX79968 ol Texas University Paleobiology, Curator ot Vertebrate buArthurH. Harris, Introduction Current excavationsin southwesternNew Mexico are producing a major late Pleistocene vertebrate assemblagethat is adding greatly to our knowledge of the biota and past ecology of the state. Since December 1983, evidence of more than 90 vertebrate taxa has been produced in U-Bar Cave. The complexity and extent of the cave deposits and faunas will require an extensiveperiod of study; however, the importance of the early findings to understandingthe Pleistocenebiology of New Mexico is such that thesepreliminary data should be made availablenow. U-Bar Cave (site LA 5689)is in the U-Bar Limestone(Cretaceous)about 6 mi from the Mexicanborder in the "boot heel" of southwestern New Mexico. The altitude is about 5150ft. The cave is surrounded by Chihuahuan desertscrubmixed with Upper Sonoran woodland elements.The main chamber of the cave (Fig. 1) is about 315 ft long and averagesabout 50 ft wide. The cavehas produced archaeologicalmaterial sinceabout 1935(Lambertand Ambler, 196I), and it was the site of formal excavations by Lambert and Ambler in 1960.They consideredthe archaeologicalmaterialas most probably assignableto the Animas Phaseof the CasasGrandesculture, with a likelv date g (^, prt M i n e r ' sp i t ! oilet O5lOm t# 15 30fi o E n fr o n c e B Pincushion cactus 74 November 1985 NewMexicoGeology C DE FG H IJ K L M NO PO RS T FIGUREl-sketch map of U-Bar Cave showing grid system, features,and regions referred to in the text. of A.D. 1350or 1400.The single exception was a "small polishedrodentbone associated with extinct Pleistocenehorse bones" (Lambert and Ambler, I96L, p. 86). Lambert and Ambler sent a selectionof the recoveredbone materialto the U.S. National Museum, where Johnson(1961)identified 15 taxa, including ground sloth, horse, extinct pronghorn/ and "muskox." The published recordof theseextinctPleistocenemammals, appearingin an archaeologicalsource,went virtually unnoticed by paleontologists. In 1983,representativesof New Mexico state agenciesbecame aware that approval had been issued earlierfor mining of guano at a site that was reported to containarchaeological and paleontologicalmaterial. With this realization, a series of meetings was held between archaeologists,paleontologists,and representativesof mine operators and several government agencies. Paleontologists from the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources(NMBMMR) and the University of Texas(El Paso;UTEP) visited the site in December 1983. A small sample of faunal remains, which was recoveredfrom mining spoil, quickly made apparentthe paleontologicalimportance of the site. Subsequentmeetings between concerned parties resulted in a decision to allow continued mining activity,but only under stringent conditions necessaryto prevent loss of valuable archaeologicaland paleontological data. In March 1984the New Mexico State Land Office issued an excavationpermit to Donald Wolberg (NMBMMR) as principal investigator and to myself as field director. Findings from the recent activitieshave not been published, except Harris (1985)published a very short faunal list as an addendum to his book. B.P. on charcoal from the 90-100-cmlevel (AA-678), and21,,720+ 750 (^4-4011)from the 150-cmlevel (depth measurementsfrom surfaceof decomposedguano). Reexamination of samples from the three levels indicatesa strong likelihood of contaminationof the two guano samplesby more recent matter. Wherever sufficient original structure is presentto allow recognition, natural disturbanceof the cavesedimentsis frequent.NuResults merous krotovinas (filled voids) were Findings at this point are tentative. Ac- observedin such deposits, often associated quisition of more dates and studv of deoo- with fresh-appearingplant fragments.Such sitionalrelationshipsare requiredto claiify fragments have not been observedin defidepositionalhistory; taxonomic studies are nitely undisturbed sediments.Although some filled (and open) burrows were about the size at an early stage. The cave deposits consist of both unde- of woodrat burrows, others were as large as composedandhighly altered animal guano, a porcupine-sizedanimal. Some areas displant debris, rock from cave walls and ceil- played extensive (>3 ft) lateral churning, ings, and sedimentswashed into the cave particularly under gravel layers and rocks. from elsewhere.As much as 13 ft of fill has Faunal identifications are given in Table 1, been removed by mining in some sections of and representativeelements of several exthe cave. Little original surfaceremains in tinct taxa are shown in Fig. 2. the front 80Voof the site, and most of the Discussion upper parts of the remaining fill in this area have been churned and contaminated.LoThe cave obviously has a long, complex cally, small pockets of undisturbed fill re- depositional history. At least three, and main in protectedareas(Fig. 1.,A, C, and F), probably four, entranceshave provided acand a small, virtuallv complete section of cessto animals and permitted intrusion of consolidateddepositsifig. t,'S) remainsnear sediments.The chronologicalrelationships the entrance. between these openingSare unknown curA radiocarbon date of >31,150 B.P. (A- rently, although some speculationis possi4128)is availableon guanofrom undisturbed ble. depositsin grid D-245 (Fig.1). (Radiocarbon Distribution of archaeologicalmaterialimdateswere determinedby the Laboratory of plies that the historic entrance(now greatly IsotopeGeochemistry,University of Arizona enlargedbecauseof mining activities) was (A). The lab code is followed by that labo- open during a period of time between about ratory's sample number.) The sample was A.D. 1000and A.D. 1450,and the entrance obtained from the immediate vicinity of an also has been open during much of the 20th undescribed,extinctgenusof rabbit. century. The occurrence of the archaeologiTopographichighs C and F (Fig. 1) appear cal material, essentially on top of PleistoMaterials and methods to be guano-veneeredrockfall from the walls cene-agedeposits,suggeststhat no entrance Severalhundred thousandbiologicalspec- and ceilings,but debris pile E has a core of was open betlveenlate Wisconsinanand late imens have been recoveredfrom mining spoil material that entered through a now-closed Holocenetime. Likewise,the relativelvshala n d f r o m a v a r i e t y o f c a v e d e p o s i t s b y entrance.Other cloggedentrancesappearto low post-aboriginalaccumulationsof guano screeningand hand picking. Useful mate- have been sourcesof sedimentary material may imply closure during much of the time rials are being cataloguedwith Museum of in the rear section of the chambei. sincethen, or alternatively, large bat colonies New Mexico (SantaFe) numbers, but they Fossiliferousgravelsand finer sediments, did not usethe caveagainuntil recently.That arebeingmaintainedat UTEP(Resource Coi- which make up the surfaceand near-surface the presententranceis relatively recent also lections, Laboratorv for Environmental Bi- depositsof the back portion of the cave, seem is suggestedby the presenceof only a small ology) for study. Fosiils excavatedby Lambert to have enteredthe system near grid !312. alluvial fan, "concentratedin the top two feet and Ambler have been borrowed for study. A large, flatish stalagmite(marking the late of the [1960]fill" (Lambertand Am6ler,1961, To facilitate study, a grid system w;s Wisconsinan full glacial?) in 0-300 and P- P. 1s). adaptedfrom one set up by C. Schaafsmaof 300was formed after these deposits. Little evidence pertains to chronological the Museum of New Mexicoduring archaeoIn region H (Fig. 1) depositsthat were ap- order in which other entranceswere open. logicalreevaluationin March 1984.Schaafsma parently laid down in ponded water reveal The sourceof gravelsfor region H probably establishedan arbitrary datum toward the a radiocarbondate (on guanoand intermixed antedates,at leastin part, that of the gravels rear of the cave,and lin'esoriented magnetic charcoal)of 29,000 +26001-2000 B.P. (A- from region I (Fig. 1). Some fossiliferous north-south and east-west were subdivided 4129), and they antedate channel cutting, gravels are present in region G at depths at 3-m intervals, with columns denoted bv which was followed by deposition of fossil- below gravels in other parts of the cave. Virletters and rows denoted by numbers (Fi{. iferouschannelgravelsaltemating with guano tually nothing is known of their source at 1.).Schaafsma'sdatum forms the northwest- layers.The gravelsappearto have originated presentbecauselarge blocks of roof-fall preern corner of grid 0-300. Where desirable, from the west-southwest.After cessationof vent tree access. his &m'grids have been subdividedinto m, graveldeposition,thick guano depositswere At this stage of recovery and interpretagrids. For purposes of discussion, various laid down. tion, the biota is not clearly separable into larger regions of the cavehave been assigned To the south, contemporaneousdeposi- faunas of different characteristici. Ho*"rr"r, letters (Fig. 1). tion was limited to guano. Dates from a test regions A and B, areas where mostly disTestingof depositsin the pathway of min- pit on the line between grids K-294 and L- turbed depositshave been examined, show ing activity has been done to determine fea- 294 (Fig. l) are 20,320 + 540 B.P. (A-4009) presenceof the chestnut-sidedpocket gosibility and placementof mining excavations. on guano from the 25-35-cmlevel, >35,500 Other shallow tests with material sieved through window screen have been made throughout the cave to determine distribution of fossilmaterials,extentof disturbance, and to obtainsamplesfor taxonomicstudies. Material from mining spoil also has been recoveredby screeningand hand picking. Excavationin severaldepositsundisturbed by mining is continuing in P-300 and region H (Fig.1). New MexicoGeology November 1985 pher (Pappogeomys castanops),the southern grasshoppermouse (Onychomyscf. torridus), the eastern cottontail (Syktilagusfloridanus), a cotton rcI (Sigmodon sp.), and a small kangaroo rat (Dipodomysmeniami). These taxa, rare or absentin collectionsfrom other areas, are mostly indicative of southern or eastern influences. These sites ultimately may prove to be of different age, but contamination by modern forms cannot be ruled out entirely. The fauna is listed separatelyin Table 1. Material recovered from other areas, when treated as a single fauna, is most similar among southwestern U.S. faunas to midWisconsinan assemblagesfrom Dry Cave in southeastern New Mexico (Harris, 1985). However, the implied presenceof sagebrush (Artemisiatridentataand related species), grasses,and woodland vegetation suggests coolersummersand a more pronouncedemphasis on cool-seasonprecipitation than in southeasternNew Mexico. This vegetation representeda more xeric and warmer climate than characterizedthe full-glacial sagebrush steppe-woodland(Harris, 1985). The mid-Wisconsinan,as opposed to the full glacial,aspectcan be seen in the occurrenceof an undescribed genus of rabbit, gray rock squirrel fox (Urocyoncinereoargentezs), (Spermophilus oariegatus),cotton rat (Sigmodon and vampire bat sp.), tortoise (?Gopherus), (Desmodus sfockl).Theseappear absentfrom New Mexican full-glacial faunas, although most are present in the Dry Cave mid-Wisconsinan time and several reappear there during terminal Wisconsinan time. On the other hand, presence of marmot (Marmotaflaaioentris),sagebrushv ole (Ingurus curtatus),sage grouse (?Centrocercus urophasianus), Conkling's roadrunner (Geococcy x californianusconklingi), Mexican v ole (Microtus mexicanus), and both Mexican and Stephen's wood rats (Neotomamexicana,N. stephensi) suggestscooler summerswith more winter precipitation than in the mid-Wisconsinan of southeasternNew Mexico. An increased emphasis on cool-weather precipitation is to be expected because winter precipitation tends to increase today from eastto west acrossthe region. The relative rarity of specimens of marmots, long-tailed shrews (Sorexspp.), and, patticularly, voles (lngurus; Mi*otus) lorms a strong contrast to most New Mexican fullglacial faunas. Noteworthy is the commonness of voles of severalspeciesat Howell's Ridge Cave, only about i4 mi to the north (Harris, 1985). The extinct members of the fauna are of less value in climatic or ecologic reconstruction, but they are of biologic interest and are discussedbriefly below. Presenceof a shelduck (Anaberniculasp.) is tentatively recognized by three partial or complete right tarsometatarsi,none found in sltu. Anaberniculagracilentais known from California, Nevada, and New Mexico, with the nearestoccurrenceat Howell's Ridge Cave (Howard, 1954). The California condor (Gymnogypscalit'orninnusamplus)is widespreadin southem New Mexicansites,including Howell's RidgeCave. November 1985 New Mexico Geology *, extralimital; *, TABLE 1-Tentative faunal list from U-Bar Cave, Hidalgo County, New Mexico; extinct; A, not in situ; B, in situ exclusive of regions A and B; C, regions A and B. Taxon Amphibia AmbystomacI. tigrinum Cf. Scaphiopus *Bufoalaarius Reptilia cf. ornata Terrapene *Cf. Gopherus *Phrynonma douglassi Crotaphytuscollaris ? Sceloporus Cf . Masticophis ? Salzsadora ? Pituophis Crotalussp. Aves + Anaberniculasp. Anas cf. platyrhynchos Anas ? cyanoptera ? Cathartesaura ? Coragyps amplus + Gymnogypscalit'ornianus Auipiter cooperi Cf . Aquiln chrysaetos Falcosparuerius *? Centrocercus urophasianus *? Tympanuchus Zenaidatrutcroura californianusconklingi * Geococcyx *Strix cf . occidentalis Cf. Colaptesauratus *? Cyanocittastelleri Corattscorax Mamrnalia *Sorexsp. *Sorcxmerriami Notiosorexcrawfordi 't Desmodus stocki Myotis sp. Myotis ? lucifugus Myotis aelifu Eptesicus fuscus Plecotussp. Antrozouspallidus TadaridaWasiliensis Homosapiens + N othrotheriops shastensis *Undescribed Leporid Sylailngusaudubonil floridanus Sylailagusauduboni Sylailagus *Sylt:ilagusfloridanus nuttalli Lepussp. *Tamins? dorsalis *Marmota flaaiaentris ? spilosoma Spermophilus aariegatus Spermophilus Cynomyssp. Thomomysbottae *Pappogeomys cnstanops Perognathuscf. flauus (Chaetodipus) sp. Perognathus Dipodomysspectabilis Dipodomysmerriami Imontanus Reithrodontomy s megalotis Peromyscus spp. Peromyscus ? eremicus Peromyscus cf . difficilis Onychomysleucogaster Onychomystorridus Sigmodonsp. Neotomaalbigula *Neotomastephensi +Neotoma meriunn Common name ABC Amphibians XX Tiger salamander Spadefoot toad X Colorado River toad Reptiles X Western box turtle X Desert tortoise X Short-horned lizard Collared lizard X Spinv lizard X C-oaihwhip snake X Patch-nos6dsnake X Bull snake X XX Rattlesnake Birds X Extinct shelduck XX Mallard X Cinnamon teal X Turkey vulture X Black vulture XX Califomia condor X Cooper'shawk X Golden eagle X American kestrel X Sagegrouse X Prairie chicken X Mourning dove X Conkling's roadrunner Spotted owl X Flicker X Stellar's iav X Common iaven Mammals X Long-tailed shrew X Merriam's shrew X XX Desert shrew X Stock's vampire bat X X Mouse-earedbat X Little brown bat X X Cave myotis X Big brown bat X Big-earedbat X Pallid bat X XX Brazilian freetail bat X Man X X Shastaground sloth X XX Extinct rabbit X X Desert or eastern cottontail X Desert cottontail X Eastern cottontail X X Nuttall's cottontail X X Jack rabbit X CIiff chipmunk X x Yellow-bellied marmot XX Spotted ground squirrel X XX Rock squirrel X XX Prairie dog X XX Botta's pocket gopher X Yellow-facedpocket gopher X XX Silky pocket mouse X X Spiny pocket mouse x X Bannertail kangaroo rat X Merriam's kangaroo rat Western or montane harvest X XX mouse X XX White-footed mouse X Cacfus mouse X Rock mouse X X Northern grasshopper mouse X Southern grasshopper mouse X XX Cotton rat X XX Whitethroated woodrat X XX Stephen's woodrat X xx Mexican woodrat continuedon the next page Taxon Common name *Neotomacinerea *Microtusmexicnnus *Micr otus pennsylaanicus *Ingurus curtatus Bushy-tailed woodrat Mexican vole Meadow vole Sagebrushvole Porcupine Dogs, coyotes,wolves Dire wolf Coyote Gray fox Black bear Giant short-facedbear Ringtail Long-tailedweasel Badger Spotted skunk Striped skunk Jaguar Mountain lion Bobcat Horse Westernhorse Mexican horse Niobrara horse Deer Mule deer Mountain deer Diminutive pronghorn Quentin's pronghorn Mountain goat Shrub ox Extinct bison Erethizondorsatum Canissp. * Canisdirus Canislatrans Urocyon cinereoargenteus Ursusamericanus -t Arctodussimus Bassariscus nstutus Mustelafrenata Taxideataxus Spilogalesp. Mephitismephitis ? Pantheraonca Felisconcolor Lynx rufus iEquus sp. )- Equusct. occidentalis * Equuscf . conaersidens -f Equuscf . niobrarensis Odocoileussp. OdocoileuscI. hemionus + Naoahoceros fricki +Capromeryxsp. t Stockocerosonusrosagris ? Oreamnos sp. + Euceratherium collinum 'tBison sp. E ABC XX XX X X X X X X XX X X X X x x X X X X X x x X X XX X X Y XX XX XX XXX XXX XX XXX X XXX XX '-3fi;...- FIGURE 2-A, Museum of New Mexico (MNM) 5689-59-1,,Stockoceros onusrosagris, dorsal view right melalarpaf B, MNM 5689-67-10, Capromeryxsp., dorsal view, partial metapodial; C, MNM 5689-161,Nothrotheriops shastensis, lateral view, phalanx III, digit II, manis; D, MNM5689-1- 4, Arctodussimus, distal surface left astragalus;E, MNM 5689-2-i, Euceratherium collinum, dorsal view, left metacarpal. The roadrunners are represented by four elements recovered from mining spoil. All appearto representthe large, extinct Conkling's roadrunner rather than the living subspecies (G. c, californianus).This form is believed to imply relatively cool summer conditions (Harris and Crews, 1983)and is the common full-glacial form in the southwesternU.S. Stock's vampire bat is a larger form than the related, living Desmodusrotundus, but presumably likewise limited ecologically by temperature.Its presenceindicatesrelatively warm winters (Kurten and Anderson, 1980). Severalwing elementsfrom mining spoil and disturbed cavefill (region D) have been identified. This is the first known occurrencein New Mexico. Several sites in California and a deposit in the Big Bend area of Texasare the nearestknown Pleistoceneoccurrences (Harris, 1985). the Shastaground shastensis, Nothrotheriops sloth, is widespread in cave deposits of the southwesternU.S. At leastthree individuals are representedat U-Bar Cave. Most specimens were recovered during the original archaeologicalexcavationsor from mining spoil, but some were recovered from gravels in regions B and H and in grid P-300. The extinct, undescribed rabbit (speciesA of Harris, 1985)is a very small, gracileform otherwise known from the mid-Wisconsinan of Dry Cave and from the undated Pleistocenefaunasof Anthony's Cavein south-central New Mexico and Jimenez Cave in southem Chihuahua. The genus is not closely related to other known Pleistocene or HoloceneNorth American taxa. It is being describedcurrentlv bv B. D. Russelland A. H. Harris. A numbbr of specimensare available from spoil and disturbed areas, and several have been recoveredin situ. Canis dirus has been recovered from carbonate-bondeddeposits near the mouth of the cave (region B). Distribution was widein Wisconsinan time. spread The giant short-facedbear (Arctodussimus) is representedby a number of elementsfrom spoil and from disturbed areasin region D. A few elementsseem to have been in place. All recovered specimensprobably represent a single mature individual. Probably three species of horses are represented by dental and skeletal elements. These tentatively are assignedto Equusocand E. corcersidens cidentalis,E, niobrarensis, (sensuHarris and Portet 1980).The former is a large speciescommon west of the site, but relatively rare to the east. E. niobrarensis is medium in size and widespread in the southwesternU.S., as is the smaller E. conAt leasttwo of the horse bones reaersidens. coveredby Lambert and Ambler in 1950had beenburned; this may have happenedwhen Indians built fires on the cave floor (13001400A.D.) or may representcontemporaneity with paleo-Indians. Mountain deer (Naoahoceros t'ricki)is representedby a metacarpal(regionB) and possibly by scanty limb fragments (region H). continuedon page84 New Mexico Geology November 1985 continuedfrom page77 In the southwestetn U.S., records of mountain deer are limited to central and southeastern New Mexico. Two pronghorns (Antilocapridae) were recognizedfrom the cave. The distal end of a cannonbone recoveredin 1960and another recoveredduring the current excavations(Fig. 2) are too small to represent any known late Pleistocenepronghorn other than Capromeryx. Other pronghorn material (1960excavations, spoil, disturbed fill, and in situ) is lnusrosagns.Maconsistent with Stockoceros terial includespartial frontalsand horn cores of an immatur6 individual and both anterior and posterior metapodials of adults. Measurable material is consistent with this species rather than the smaller S. conklingi(but seeFurlong, 1943). A single first phalanx from disturbed sediments is tentatively assigned to mountain goat (Oreamnos). Until comparativematetial can be examined, the identification is uncertain. The small, extinct O. harringtoni is known from severalsitesinArizona and New Mexico. Johnson (1951)recorded "Muskox (genus undetermined)"on the basis of a "metacarpal" (actually, a metatarsal). That specimen plus a number of dental and skeletal elements from spoil and a metacarpal in situ in region B are referable to Euceratheriumcollinum. Severalindividuals, from very young to fully mature and probably of both sexes, are represented. Only very small fragments of horn coreshave been recovered,and the presentmaterial doesnot clarify the systematic position of the possibly conspecificPreptoceras, Y:nownoccurrencesarefrom Califomia and Nevada east to Trans-PecosTexasand south into Mexico (SanJosecitoCave;Harris, 1985). The remains appear exclusively in foothill and low mountain terrains, and thev are from a very limited elevational range, which is consistentwith the present site. nificantly enlarge our knowledge of the systematics and morphology of several extinct animals and our understanding of the complex biogeographical and paleontological changes that occurred during Wisconsinan time. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS-I November 198S wezpMexicoCeology WiSh tO thANK thc following New Medco stateagenciesand their personn-elwho have worked hard and effectively to protect and make availablefor scientific analysisthe U-Bar Cave material: New Mexico State Land Office; Office of Cultural Affairs, Historic Preservation Division; Museum of New Mexico, particularlv state archaeologistCurtis Schaifsma;and the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, especially Donald Wolberg and his students, Adrian Hunt and Wayne Wentworth. Additional aid has been renderedby SpencerLucas and his students, Jay Sobus and Tom Logan, at the University of New Mexico. Kati Arganbright, Eric Rickart, Michael Fuller, and Brett Russell, all of UTEP, have aided in exploration and excavation of the cave sediments. Donald Wolberg and Robert Weber (NMBMMR) offered useful suggestionsconceming the manuscript. I also thank the representativesof the mining concern, Us Four, Inc., for various courtesies and aids. The Hurt Cattle Company has allowed accessto its land and ranch facilities. References Furlong, E. L., 1943,The Pleistoceneantelope, Stockoceros conklingi,from San fosecito Cave, Mexico: Carnegie Institute of Washington, Contributions to Paleontology, Publication 551, pp. 1-8. Harris, A. H., 1985, Late Pleistocenevertebrate Paleoecologyof the West: University of TexasPress,Austin, 293 pp. Harris, A. H., and Crews, C. R., 1983,Conkling's road' runner-a subspecies of the California roadrunner?: SouthwesternNituralist, v. 28, no. 4, pp.407-412. Harris, A. H., and Porter, L. S. W., 1980,Late Pleistocene horsesof Dry Cave,Eddy County, New Mexico:Journal of Mammalogy, v. 61, no. 1.,pp. 46-65. Howard, H., 7964,A new speciesof the "pigmy goose," Anaberniculo,from the Oregon Pleistocene,with a discussionof the genus:American Museum Novitates, no. 2200, 14 Pp. |ohnson, D. H.,1967, A. Animal and bird bones; ln Lambert, M. F., and Ambler, J. R. (eds.), A survey and excavation of caves in Hidalgo County, New Mexico: School of American Research,Monograph 25, pp. 8890. Kurten,8., andAnderson, E., 1980,Pleistocenemammals of North America: Columbia University Press,New York, u2PP' Lambert, M. F, and Ambler, f. R., 1961,A suruey and excavation of caves in Hidalgo County, New Mexico: School ofAmerican Research,Monograph 25, lO7 pp. D r:r r r-il-r Bureau of Mine Inspection Date and operation 5-lJ-65 turquoise Summary and conclusions 5-13-85 About 94 different taxa of vertebrateshave coPPer been identified tentatively from U-Bar Cave. Sixteen(177o)of these representextinct forms and L8 (l9Vo)areextantforms whose present 5-21-85 rangesdo not include U-Bar Cave or its im- gold, mediate vicinity. silver Many of the extralimital taxa now occur only in coolerand more mesichabitats,particularly habitats characterizedby a notable pulse of cool-seasonprecipitation and lim6-11-85 ited warm-seasonmoisture. scoria Consideredas a single fauna (which may prove to be an error), the best age interpretation is mid-Wisconsinan.This is consistent with the radiocarbon dates obtained thus far. The geologic history of the cave sediments 6-24-85 is complexbecausesedimentsand biotic ele- mill mentshad accessto the cavethrough several different openings, possibly at significantly different times. Continued excavationand study of biotic 6-28-8s elementsshould not only clarify depositional Sfli; history and chronologic relationships, but should also produce material that will sigU Paul Martin, University of Arizona, graciously supplied three radiocarbondates.The National Geographic Society is supplying financialaid through grant29M-84. The University of Texas (El Paso)provided facilities and other help throughout the study. r,-., J "E I eG :l MINING REGISTRATIONS (MAY 13, 198s,THROUGH SEPTEMBER10, 198s) 2825-E Broadbent Pkwy. NE Energy & Minerals Dept. Operators and owners I :, r :El Albuquerque, NM 87107 Location Operator-Thursday Morning Mine, Thursday Morning Mining Co., 1812Mesquite, Lordsburg, NM; Gen. Mgr.Harold Jorgenson,980Motel Blvd., Lordsburg,NM, phone: 542-3724;Person in charg+LeRoy Jonis, same address; Gen. Supt.-Jack Staples,PO. Box 365,Lordsburg,NM. Property owner-Earl Anderson, Lordsburg, NM Grant County; sec. 11, T28S,R15W;federal land; directions to mine: 6 mi southwest of Hachita Operator-Nacimiento Copper Mine, NCP Company,PO. Box 220, Cuba, NM 87103;Gen. Mgr.-Donald V Galbiati, same address; Person in charge-Alan R. Jager,same address; Gen. Supt.-Donald V Galbiati. koperty owner-Leaching Technology Inc., Cuba, NM Sandoval County; sec. 1, T20N, R1W; private land; directions to mine: 5.7 mi east of Cuba, NM, on NM-126 Operator-Ladder One Mill, Jenny Mining, 7000Phoenix NE, #509, Albuquerque, NM 87110;Gen. Mgr.-Peter Olsen, same address. Property owner-Golden Gulch Mining, 910 Junipea T or C, NM 87904 Siena County; sec. 24, T15S, R7W; private, state, and federal land; no custom milling; mill capacity-360 tons/hr; directions to mi.ll: 26 mi south and west of T or C, NM, 7.2 mi west of I-25 on NM-90, then north on dirt road to Ladder airstrip, then west 1.25mi Operator-T O Number One-Big Chief Stone, Inc., 900 No. Morton Ln., Las Cruces,NM 88005;Gen. Mg..-J. E. Wells, same address, phone: 523-5750; Productions Supt.-Jack Garrett, P.O. Box 9045,SantaFe, NM 87504, phone:982)624, unit 3174;Partner Pres.-Royce C. Morton, company address and phone. Property owner-Whittenburg T O Ranch, Arnarillo, TX Colfax County; sec. 22, T30N, R26E; private land; directions to pit: 16.5 mi east on NM-87 and approximately 3 mi north on private road to mine Operator-Molycorp Mill, Mountain States Mineral Enterprises, lnc., 4370South Fremont, Tucson, AZ 85714; Supt.-Richard Staton, PO. Box 865, Questa, NM 87555; Gen. Mgr.-Hany McNeil, company address. Property owner-Moly{orp, Questa, NM Thos County; directions to mill: 7 mi east of Questa, NM Operator-San Pedro Mine, Silver Bar Mining Co., Alto Rt., Capitan, NM 88315;Gen. Mgr.-Ira Young, same address, phone: 281-5340. Property-owner-The Goldfield Corp., Box 1899, Melbourne, Florida 32901 Santa Fe County; sec. 27,T12N, R7E; private land; directions to mine: 35 mi northeast of Albuquerque via I-40 to NM-14, north to NM-344, and east 2 mi to mine road on left continued on page 86