Program Title: B.A. – Theatre: Drama & Theatre for Youth Emphasis (49F) Curriculum: 2014-2016 Instructional Category Theatre Core Drama & Theatre for Youth Emphasis # of hours 31 24 Instructional Category Liberal Arts Core – see breakdown by Category University Electives Total Number of Hours 45 20 120 Course Number Course Title THEATRE 1010 THEATRE 1011 THEATRE 1012 THEATRE 1015 THEATRE 1020 Foundations of Theatre* Foundations of Theatre Lab* Stagecraft: Scenery/Lights* Stagecraft: Costumes* Introduction to Reading Playscripts* Acting* Theatre Practicum (1 Practicum. 3 Practicum required for all students – only one may be in performance) Playscript Analysis/Interpretation History of the Theatre I History of the Theatre II Directing Credit Hours Completed 3 1 3 3 □ □ □ □ □ Theatre Core: THEATRE 1030 THEATRE 2050 THEATRE 3020 THEATRE 3060 THEATRE 3070 THEATRE 3160 Total Theatre Core 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 31 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ *These courses are pre-requisites for every other course in the department. However, in order to meet the prerequisite requirements there is a choice of either Theatre 1012 (Stagecraft: Scenery/Lights) OR Theatre 1015 (Stagecraft: Costumes). Drama & Theatre for Youth Emphasis: Emphasis Courses (required): THEATRE 3000 THEATRE 3100 THEATRE 3110 THEATRE 3115 An elective from within the department An elective from outside the department Emphasis Core** (choose 6 hrs.): THEATRE 2055 THEATRE 2060 THEATRE 3080 THEATRE 3155 THEATRE 3190 THEATRE 3195 Rev. 11/18/2014 Creative Drama Theatre in Education Theatre for Youth Methods of Teaching Drama & Theatre Devised Theatre Production Studies Advanced Theatre Studies Topics in Theatre Design and Production Stage Management Playwriting 3 3 3 □ □ □ 3 □ 3 □ 3 □ 3 3 3 3 □ □ □ □ 3 3 □ □ Total D/TFY Emphasis **Substitutions only by departmental consent. 24 Liberal Arts Core: Category 1 – Core Competencies: 12 □ □ □ □ Category 2 – Civilizations and Cultures: 9 □ □ □ Category 3 – Fine Arts, Literature, Philosophy, and Religion:*** 6 □ □ Category 4 – Natural Science and Technology: 7 □ □ □ Category 5 – Social Science: 9 □ □ □ Category 6 – Capstone Experience: 2 □ Total LAC 45 University Electives: No course restrictions Electives required to complete 120 hour degree requirement: 20 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Total University Electives Total B.A. Degree Requirement 20 120 ***Theatre Majors should be discouraged from taking TAS to satisfy Category 3A of the Liberal Arts Core. Students entering UNI as of Fall 2014, will have their LAC Category 3A requirement satisfied by THEATRE 3060, History of the Theatre I. Rev. 11/18/2014