CENTRAL TEXAS DISTRICT 8 Stephens !* H* Eastland id • Erath Comanche \ Hood \ x— \ \ Bosque C»n>V* McLennan \ XCoryell w K^ San Saba Lampasas \ Bell Burnet B-1241(C08) Texas Crop Enterprise Budgets Central Texas District Projected for 1994 Freestone McLennan \Limestone Williamson Dr. Gerald C. Cornforth, District 8 Extension Economist-Management The Texas Agricultural Extension Service • Zerle L. Carpenter, Director • The Texas A&M University System • College Station, Texas "- > B-1241 (C) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10, 1994 Corn, Dryland C e n t r a l Te x a s ( 8 ) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description CORN DEFICIENCY PMT. CORN Quantity 75.000 70.000 Unit bu. bu. $ / Unit 2.6000 0.4800 VARIABLE COST Description Quantity 18.000 46.000 32.000 2.000 20.000 Machinery Machinery Machinery 2.137 Unit lb. lb. lb. qt. thou Acre Acre Hour $ / Unit .200 .200 .200 3.000 1.000 6.003 195.00 33.60 OC Borrowed Interest HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAUL To t a l 3.60 9.20 6.40 6.00 20.00 10.85 4.65 12.83 73.53 Total PREHARVEST 30.028 Dol. 0.100 3.00 1.000 75.000 acre bu. 12.500 .080 12.50 6.00 18.50 Total HARVEST 95.04 Total VARIABLE COST /jP^N Yo u r Estimate 228.60 Total GROSS Income PREHARVEST NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS NITROGEN HERBICIDE SEED Fuel & Lube Repairs Labor To t a l 133.56 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description Unit To t a l 3—138 Machinery and Equipment Land 21.09 60.14 Acre Acre 81.23 Total FIXED Cost To t a l o f A L L C o s t 176.26 NET PROJECTED RETURNS information present* tipnpar* solely as a general gdu ad ti na bund* a recogdu apr*ks to com a^ These projections wen collect* ad develop* ty tuff'members ofdm Texa Agricdtiod Extensim Service end opprov* 52.34 C8.1 B-1241 (C) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10, 1994 Date Stage of Type Product Name of Prod. Production ____---- ---------------- _____ ---------------- ______ 07/31/94 HARVEST 07/31/94 HARVEST Date Stage of Product ion aaaaaaaa —_—aaaa—'—s———aa— 08/15/93 PREHARVEST 10/01/93 PREHARVEST 11/15/93 PREHARVEST 12/20/93 PREHARVEST 12/20/93 PREHARVEST 02/05/94 PREHARVEST 02/15/94 PREHARVEST 03/01/94 PREHARVEST 03/01/94 PREHARVEST 03/01/94 PREHARVEST 03/02/94 PREHARVEST 03/03/94 PREHARVEST 03/24/94 PREHARVEST 03/25/94 PREHARVEST 04/14/94 PREHARVEST 04/21/94 PREHARVEST 05/01/94 PREHARVEST 05/05/94 PREHARVEST 05/26/94 PREHARVEST 06/16/94 PREHARVEST 07/07/94 PREHARVEST 07/28/94 PREHARVEST 07/31/94 HARVEST 07/31/94 HARVEST 07/31/94 A A Type of Input ----M M M E E E M M E E M M M M M M M M M M M M G G K CORN DEFICIENCY PMT. CORN Input Name - B B fl a B o e B a i a s a a a DISK CHISEL DISK NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS NITROGEN LISTER/BEDDER PLANT AND SPRAY HERBICIDE SEED ROLLING DISK DISK CULTIVATE DISK CULTIVATE PICKUP TRUCK DISK DISK DISK DISK DISK CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAUL SHARE RENT ______ FERT FERT FERT CORN CORN 3/4 1 CORN CORN CORN Number Weight of per Head Units .0000 .0000 75.0000 70.0000 Number of Units Cash NonCash <Cash 1Non'Cash 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 18.0000 46.0000 32.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2.0000 20.0000 1.0000 .2500 .2500 1.0000 .2500 1.0000 21.0000 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 1.0000 75.0000 1.0000 C c c c c c c c c c c c c Landlord Break Even Share Prod. c c 33.00 33.00 N N Fixed 1L a n d l o r d or Share Va r i . V V V V V V V V V V V V F 00 00 00 33! 00 33. 00 33,,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 33 .00 33 .00 .00 /<'"1\ Information present* ti prepar* solely as a generd guiu and ti na inwd* to recogdu These praections were collect* and develop* ty staff membm d to Texas Agrlcdturd C8.2 B-1241 (Q Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10, 1994 Cotton, Dryland C e n t r a l Te x a s ( 8 ) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description COTTON LINT COTTONSEED DEFICIENCY PMT. COTTON Quantity Unit $ / Unit 400.000 0.300 350.000 lb. ton lb. 0.6000 100.0000 0.1500 PREHARVEST TREFLAN NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS NITROGEN SEED INSECTICIDE BIDRIN CAPAROL BIDRIN INSECTICIDE GUTHION INSECTICIDE GUTHION INSECTICIDE PYRETHROID INSECTICIDE PYRETHROID INSECTICIDE Fuel & Lube Repairs Labor APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL - Machinery - Machinery - Machinery Total PREHARVEST HARVEST DESICCANT DEFOLIANT GIN, BAG, TIES PICK & HAUL GRADING Fuel & Lube - Machinery - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor Quantity 1.000 20.000 50.000 45.000 20.000 1.000 0.100 1.000 0.200 1.000 0.670 1.000 0.670 1.000 3.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 2.980 Unit $ / Unit qt. lb. lb. lb. lb. appl lb. lb. lb. appl pint appl pint appl oz. appl oz. appl Acre Acre Hour 7.430 .200 .200 .200 .600 2.000 9.560 7.610 9.560 2.000 4.590 2.000 4.590 2.000 2.880 2.000 2.880 2.000 6.002 3.000 1.000 15.200 400.000 0.800 0.189 pint acre cwt. lb. bale Acre Acre Hour 50.131 Dol 1.880 7.990 2.900 .070 1.950 6.002 Machinery and Equipment Land 5.64 7.99 44.08 28.00 1.56 0.68 0.73 1.13 0.100 5.01 226.32 96.18 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST . . 3 S S . 3 3 S S 3 - 3 3 - - a t l - - l - - - - a * i a a ' i S : 7.43 4.00 10.00 9.00 12.00 2.00 0.95 7.61 1.91 2.00 3.07 2.00 3.07 2.00 8.64 2.00 8.64 2.00 17.59 7.67 17.89 89.82 Total VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description To t a l 131.49 Total HARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed 240.00 30.00 52.50 322.50 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description Yo u r Estimate To t a l Unit To t a l sss-t Acre Acre Total FIXED Cost To t a l o f A L L C o s t NET PROJECTED RETURNS information present* ti prepar* soUt, as a t~trd gubk a* ti na intend* tii recopuze or prea Thaeprdcctionswencdlcct*a*aevclo^ 32.86 64.47 97.33 323.64 -1.14 C8.3 B-1241 (C) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10, 1994 Date Stage of Production ________ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 08/25/94 HARVEST 08/25/94 HARVEST 08/25/94 HARVEST Date Stage of Production 09/15/93 PREHARVEST 09/20/93 PREHARVEST 09/25/93 PREHARVEST 10/15/93 PREHARVEST 12/10/93 PREHARVEST 12/10/93 PREHARVEST 12/15/93 PREHARVEST 12/15/93 PREHARVEST 12/20/93 PREHARVEST 01/10/94 PREHARVEST 03/10/94 PREHARVEST 03/10/94 PREHARVEST 04/01/94 PREHARVEST 04/01/94 PREHARVEST 04/02/94 PREHARVEST 04/03/94 PREHARVEST 04/16/94 PREHARVEST 04/16/94 PREHARVEST 04/20/94 PREHARVEST 04/20/94 PREHARVEST 04/25/94 PREHARVEST 05/01/94 PREHARVEST 05/03/94 PREHARVEST 05/07/94 PREHARVEST 05/07/94 PREHARVEST 05/10/94 PREHARVEST 05/20/94 PREHARVEST 05/24/94 PREHARVEST 05/26/94 PREHARVEST 05/26/94 PREHARVEST 05/31/94 PREHARVEST 05/31/94 PREHARVEST 06/14/94 PREHARVEST 07/05/94 PREHARVEST 07/08/94 PREHARVEST 07/08/94 PREHARVEST 07/17/94 PREHARVEST 07/17/94 PREHARVEST 07/26/94 PREHARVEST 08/17/94 HARVEST 08/17/94 HARVEST 08/17/94 HARVEST 08/25/94 HARVEST 08/25/94 HARVEST 08/25/94 08/25/94 HARVEST Type of Prod. A A A Type of Input _____ M M M M M E E E M M M E M E M M G E M E M M M ~*~E G M M M E ^G E G M M E G E G M E M E E G K G Product Na me Number of Units Weight per Head 33S8Ssa_saB DEFICIENCY PMT. COTTONSEED COTTON LINT COTTON Input Name maaaaaaaammmmmman>-_------ SHRED STALKS LISTER/BEDDER DISK CHISEL AND FERT DISK AND SPRAY HERB TREFLAN FERT NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS FERT DISK LISTER/BEDDER LIST/BED/FERT FERT NITROGEN PLANTING COTTON SEED ROLLING DISK INSECTICIDE APPL INSECT. BIDRIN APPLY HERBICIDE H ERB CAPAROL CULTIVATE CULTIVATE DISK INSECT. BIDRIN INSECTICIDE APPL PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON CULTIVATE DISK INSECT. GUTHION INSBCTICIDB APPL INSECT. GUTHION INSECTICIDE APPL DISK DISK INSECT. PYRETHROID INSECTICIDE APPL INSECT. PYRETHROID INSECTICIDE APPL DISK DESICCANT APPLY HERBICIDE DEFOLIANT COTTON GIN, BAG, TIBS COTTON PICK & HAUL COTTON SHARE RBNT GRADING COTTON .0000 c .0000 c .0000 c 350.0000 .3000 400.0000 Number of Units Cash NonCash ■SSBSB8I 1,.0000 1..0000 1,.0000 1,.0000 1..0000 1 .0000 20 .0000 50 .0000 1 .0000 1 oooo 1 oooo 45 oooo 1 oooo 20 oooo 1 oooo 3300 oooo 1000 oooo oooo oooo oooo ,3300 ,2000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .3300 .6700 .0000 .6700 .0000 .3300 .3300 3 .0000 1 .0000 3 .0000 1 .0000 .3300 3 .0000 1 .0000 1 .0000 15 .2000 400 .0000 1 .0000 .8000 Cash Landlord Break Non- Share Even Cash Prod. 25.00 N 25.00 N 25.00 N Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 25.00 25.00 .00 .00 .00 25.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 25.00 25.00 100.00 .00 Information present* tiprepar* sotety as a generd guide and ti na intend* to recognize or predict to com and returns from any am particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collect* and develop* ty stiff members of to Texas Agricdturd Extension Service and approv* for publication. C8.4 /_■% s^tok B-124I (C) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10. 1994 Cotton, Brazos Valley Central Texas (8) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description COTTON LINT COTTONSEED DEFICIENCY PMT. COTTON Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description PREHARVEST TREFLAN NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS SEED CAPAROL INSECTICIDE APPL BIDRIN GUTHION NITROGEN GUTHION MSMA BLADEX PYRETHROID METHYL PARATHION MSMA BLADEX METHYL PARATHION DESICCANT DESICC. CUS.APPL DESICCANT CHEM. Fuel & Lube Machinery Irrigation Machinery Repairs Irrigation Labor Machinery Other Irrigation Total PREHARVEST HARVEST GIN, BAG, TIES PICK & HAUL Total HARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed Total VARIABLE COST Quantity 750.000 0.563 700.000 Unit $ / Unit ton lb. 0~.6000 100.0000 0.1500 Quantity Unit $ / Unit 1.750 40.000 50.000 15.000 0.800 13.000 0.400 0.700 70.000 0.700 500 000 33.000 0.500 .500 ,000 500 ,000 .000 ,600 qt. lb. lb. lb. lb. appl lb. pint lb. pint pint pint oz. lb. pint pint lb. pint acre lb. Acre Acre Acre Acre 3.167 Hour 3.300 Hour 2 . 0 11 Hour 430 200 200 600 ,610 ,000 .560 ,590 ,200 .590 .500 .900 .880 .660 .500 .900 .660 .530 .000 48.150 6.002 3.350 6.000 Your Estimate To t a l 1 3 . 00 8 . 00 10. 00 9 . 00 6 . 08 26. 00 3 . 82 3 . 21 14.,00 3 .,21 1.,25 2..90 95,.04 2,.83 1,.25 2 .90 2 .83 4 .53 2 .00 28 .89 18 .80 8 .62 8 .68 2 .33 19 .01 11 .06 12 .07 321.32 090 100 67.50 75.00 142.50 0.100 7.45 750.000 lb. 750.000 lb. 74.497 Dol. To t a l 450.00 56.30 105.00 611.30 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description Machinery ana Bquipment Irrigation Land Total FIXED Cost Unit -fere Acre Acre Total of ALL Cost NET PROJECTED RETURNS Information present* ti prepar* solely as a general ^ and ti na intend* to recognize or predia to co^ These praections wen collect* and develop* ty staff membm d to Texas Agrteutari C8.5 B-1241 (C) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10. 1994 Date Stage of Production 08/25/94 HARVEST 09/25/94 HARVEST 08/25/94 HARVEST Date Stage of Production ___________a —s 10/14/93 PREHARVEST 10/19/93 PREHARVEST 10/24/93 PREHARVEST 12/09/93 PREHARVEST 12/09/93 PREHARVEST 01/02/94 PREHARVEST 01/09/94 PREHARVEST 01/09/94 PREHARVEST 01/09/94 PREHARVEST 03/10/94 PREHARVEST 03/20/94 PREHARVEST 04/05/94 PREHARVEST 04/05/94 PREHARVEST 04/05/94 PREHARVEST 04/22/94 PREHARVEST 04/22/94 PREHARVEST 04/22/94 PREHARVEST 04/25/94 PREHARVEST 04/26/94 PREHARVEST 05/10/94 PREHARVEST 05/10/94 PREHARVEST 05/10/94 PREHARVEST 05/10/94 PREHARVEST 05/10/94 PREHARVEST 05/15/94 PREHARVEST 05/15/94 PREHARVEST 05/15/94 PREHARVEST 05/17/94 PREHARVEST 05/23/94 PREHARVEST 05/23/94 PREHARVEST 05/23/94 PREHARVEST 06/01/94 PREHARVEST 06/01/94 PREHARVEST 06/01/94 PREHARVEST 06/05/94 PREHARVEST 06/05/94 PREHARVEST 06/05/94 PREHARVEST 06/07/94 PREHARVEST 06/15/94 PREHARVEST 06/16/94 PREHARVEST 06/16/94 PREHARVEST 06/23/94 PREHARVEST 06/23/94 PREHARVEST 06/25/94 PREHARVEST 06/28/94 PREHARVEST 06/30/94 PREHARVEST 06/30/94 PREHARVBST 07/01/94 PREHARVBST 07/07/94 PREHARVEST 07/07/94 PREHARVEST 07/12/94 PREHARVEST 07/14/94 PREHARVEST 07/14/94 PREHARVEST 07/19/94 PREHARVBST 07/21/94 PREHARVEST 07/21/94 PREHARVEST 07/28/94 PREHARVEST 07/28/94 PREHARVEST 08/04/94 PREHARVBST 08/04/94 PREHARVBST 08/10/94 PREHARVBST 08/11/94 PREHARVEST 08/11/94 PREHARVEST 08/18/94 PREHARVEST 08/18/94. PRBHARVEST 08/18/94 PREHARVEST 08/25/94 HARVEST 08/25/94 HARVEST 08/25/94 C8.6 Type of Prod Product Name Number of Units We i g h t C a s h L a n d l o r d B r e a k per Non- Share Even Head Cash Prod. >aS-_-_StBSBQB A DEFICIENCY PMT. A COTTONSEED A COTTON LINT Type of Input M M M M E M E E M M M M E E G COTTON Input Name SHRED STALKS DISK CHISEL DISK AND SPRAY TREFLAN LISTER/BEDDER NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS APPLY FERT DISK LISTER/BEDDER PLANT AND SPRAY SEED CAPAROL INSBCTICIDB APPL BIDRIN B GUTHION M CULTIVATE M DISK M PICKUP TRUCK E NITROGEN M APPLY FERT E GUTHION G INSECTICIDE APPL M CULT. AND SPRAY E MSMA E BLADEX M DISK E PYRETHROID E METHYL PARATHION G INSECTICIDE APPL M CULT. AND SPRAY E MSMA B BLADEX E METHYL PARATHION E PYRETHROID G INSBCTICIDB APPL M DISK M CULTIVATE E PYRETHROID G INSECTICIDE APPL E PYRETHROID G INSECTICIDE APPL H HAND HOBING M DISK E PYRETHROID G INSECTICIDE APPL O IRRIGATION B PYRETHROID G INSECTICIDE APPL O IRRIGATION B PYRETHROID G INSBCTICIDB APPL M DISK B PYRETHROID G INSBCTICIDB APPL B PYRETHROID G INSBCTICIDB APPL B PYRETHROID G INSBCTICIDB APPL M DISK B PYRBTHROID G INSECTICIDE APPL B DESICCANT G DESICC. CUS.APPL E DESICCANT CHEM. E GIN, BAG, TIES G PICK & HAUL K LAND - CASH RENT HERB FERT FERT COTTON HERB INSECT. INSECT. 3/4 TON FERT INSECT. HERB. HERB. INSECT. INSECT. HERB. HERB. INSECT. INSECT. INSECT. INSECT. INSECT. INSECT. INSECT. INSECT. INSECT. INSECT. INSECT. BV COTTONBV COTTONBV COTTON .0000 C .0000 C .0000 C 700.0000 .5630 750.0000 Number of Units Cash NonCash .0000 ,0000 .0000 .0000 .7500 .0000 40.0000 50.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 15.0000 .8000 1.0000 .4000 .7000 1.0000 .3300 14.0000 70.0000 2.0000 .7000 1.0000 1.0000 .5000 1.0000 .3300 3.0000 .5000 1.0000 1.0000 .5000 1.0000 .5000 .0000 OOOO .3300 OOOO .0000 OOOO OOOO .0000 3.3000 .3300 OOOO ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .3300 .0000 oooo ,0000 ,0000 ,0000 .0000 ,3300 ,0000 .0000 ,0000 ,0000 .6000 750.0000 750.0000 1.0500 25.00 N 25.00 N 25.00 N Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 25.00 25.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 25.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 25.00 25.00 .00 Information present* ti prepar* sotety as a general guide and ti na intend* to recognize a predict to com and returns from any om particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collect* and develop* ty staff members of to Texas Agricdturd Extension Service and approv* for publication. Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10, 1994 B-1241 (Q Mixed Native and Improved Pecans, High Yield C e n t r a l Te x a s ( 8 ) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre /#*5v GROSS INCOME Description Quantity Unit 600.000 lb. PECANS To t a l $ / Unit 0.8000 480.00 480.00 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description Quantity 133833 = = = = = PREHARVEST NITROGEN PESTICIDE PESTICIDE HERBICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor Machinery - Other /P^N Total PREHARVEST HARVEST Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor Machinery - Other 60.000 0.750 1.000 1.000 0.750 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.750 1.000 1.000 1.000 4.541 1.100 Unit Unit To t a l = = = 3 lb. lb. appl qt. lb. appl pint appl pint lb. pint pint pint Acre Acre Hour Hour .200 15.550 1.300 5.690 15.550 1.300 5.380 1.300 5.380 15.550 5.380 5.380 5.380 12.00 11 . 6 6 1.30 5.69 11 . 6 6 1.30 5.38 1.30 5.38 11 . 6 6 5.38 5.38 5.38 15.61 13.70 27.25 6.60 6.001 6.000 146.65 0.847 5.400 Acre Acre Hour Hour 9.41 6.47 5.08 32.40 6.000 6.000 53.36 Total HARVEST Interest - OC Equity Yo u r Estimate 54.129 Dol. 0.100 5.41 205.42 Total VARIABLE COST B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l Va r i a b l e C o s t $ 0 . 3 4 p e r l b . o f ofP PECANS ECANS 274.58 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description Unit To t a l 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 = 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 = 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Acre 2 11 . 5 4 Machinery and Equipment Total FIXED Cost 2 11 . 5 4 B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l C o a t $ 0 . 6 9 p e r l b . o f P E C A N S To t a l o f A L L C o s t NET PROJECTED RETURNS Information present* ti prepared solely as a generd guiu ad ti na inwid* ut recogdu or pnda These projections wen collect* end develop* ty stiff meinbm cf to Texm Agricuburd Em 416.96 63.04 C8.7 B-1241 (C) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10. 1994 Date Stage of Production of Prod Stage of Production Type of Input Input Name _—aaaaaa——aaas 03/27/94 03/27/94 04/24/94 04/24/94 04/24/94 04/28/94 04/28/94 05/15/94 05/15/94 05/15/94 05/15/94 06/26/94 06/26/94 06/26/94 07/10/94 07/20/94 07/20/94 07/20/94 08/10/94 08/10/94 08/25/94 08/25/94 10/25/94 10/27/94 11 / 2 0 / 9 4 11 / 2 1 / 9 4 11 / 2 2 / 9 4 11 / 2 2 / 9 4 PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVBST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST HARVEST HARVEST E M M E E M E M E E E M E E M M E E M E M E H M M M D H Number of Units Weight per Head NITROGEN APPLY FERT SPRAYING PESTICIDE PESTICIDE APPLY HERBICIDE HERBICIDE SPRAYING PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE SPRAYING PESTICIDE PESTICIDE SHREDDING SPRAYING PESTICIDE PESTICIDE SPRAYING PESTICIDE SPRAYING PESTICIDE HIRED LABOR SHREDDING SHAKING PICKING PECAN CLEANER HIRED LABOR FERT HI SPEED PECAN1 PECAN2 PECAN HI SPEED PECAN1 PECAN2 PECAN3 HI SPEED PECAN2 PECAN3 HI SPEED PECAN1 PECAN3 HI SPBBD PECAN3 HI SPEED PECAN3 PECANS PECANS Number of Units 60.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .7500 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .7500 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .7500 OOOO .0000 ,0000 .0000 ,0000 1.1000 ,0000 ,0000 .0000 .0000 .4000 Cash Landlord Break Non- Share Even Cash Prod. .00 .0000 600.0000 PECANS 11/22/94 HARVEST Date Product Name Type Cash NonCash Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Information present* ti prepar* solely as a generd guide andtina bund* to recognize or predict to com and returns from any am particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen cdlea* and develop* ty stiff members of to Texas Agricul\mrd Extension Service a* approv* C8.8 / y % . B-1241 (C) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10, 1994 Mixed Native and Improved Pecans, Low Yield Central Texas (8) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description PECANS Quantity Unit $ / Unit 200.000 lb. 0.8000 160.00 160.00 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description PREHARVEST NITROGEN PESTICIDE PESTICIDE HERBICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery - Other Total PREHARVEST HARVEST Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery - Other Quantity 60.000 0.750 1.000 1.000 0.750 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.750 1.000 1.000 1.000 4.541 1.100 U n iitt $ / U n i t lb. lb. appl qt. lb. appl pint appl pint lb. pint pint pint Acre Acre Hour Hour To t a l .200 15.550 1.300 5.690 15.550 1.300 5.380 1.300 5.380 15.550 5.380 5.380 5.380 12.00 11.66 30 69 11.66 1.30 38 30 38 11.66 5.38 5.38 5.38 15.61 13.70 27.25 6.60 6.001 6.000 146.65 0.547 2.700 Acre Acre Hour Hour 3.63 2.67 3.28 16.20 6.001 6.000 25.78 Total HARVEST Interest - OC Equity Your Estimate To t a l 54.129 Dol. 0.100 5.41 s: 177. 84 Total VARIABLE COST Break-Even Price, Total Variable Cost $ 0.88 per lb. of PECANS -17. 84 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description S S S 3 S 3 8 3 3 S 3 S S S 3 3 3 3 S S S S 3 3 3 S 3 3 S 3 S 3 1 Machinery and Equipment Unit To t a l 3 8 3 8 I 3 3 3 8 S Ss = = Acre Total FIXED Cost 117..04 1 3 3 3 3 3 :3 3 8 117,.04 Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ 1.47 per lb. of PECANS Total of ALL Cost NET PROJECTED RETURNS 294 .89 -134 .89 /#*"**■ Information present* is prepared solely as a generd gddeadtina bund* to recognize or predict to com ad returns from any om particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collect* ad develop* ty staff mndtmd to TexaAgricdt^ B-1241 (C) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10, 1994 Date Stage Of Production SBSBBBa a auaaaaamaaaammmm 11 / 2 2 / 9 4 HARVEST Date of _____ A Type Production Input 3——OS—SB aBsasBBsssaaaBBB 03/27/94 03/27/94 04/24/94 04/24/94 04/24/94 04/28/94 04/28/94 05/15/94 05/15/94 05/15/94 05/15/94 06/26/94 06/26/94 06/26/94 07/10/94 07/20/94 07/20/94 07/20/94 08/10/94 08/10/94 08/25/94 08/25/94 10/25/94 10/27/94 11 / 2 0 / 9 4 11 / 2 1 / 9 4 11 / 2 2 / 9 4 11 / 2 2 / 9 4 PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST HARVEST HARVEST Name of _____ E M M E E M E M E E E M E E M M E E M E M E H M M M D H Number Weight of Prod. Stage of Product Type mmmmaaaamaaaaaaaaaamammmm PECANS per Units ammaaaaamaaoa a a a a 200.0000 Input Name Number of Units — — B S B B B B B B S B B aI B — B S S B B a B — _ NITROGEN APPLY FERT SPRAYING PESTICIDE PESTICIDE APPLY HERBICIDE HERBICIDE SPRAYING PESTICIDE PESTICIDE PESTICIDE SPRAYING PESTICIDE PESTICIDE SHREDDING SPRAYING PESTICIDE PESTICIDE SPRAYING PESTICIDE SPRAYING PESTICIDE HIRED LABOR SHREDDING SHAKING PICKING PECAN CLEANER HIRED LABOR FERT HI SPEED PECAN1 PECAN2 PECAN HI SPEED PECAN1 PBCAN2 PECAN3 HI SPEED PECAN2 PECAN3 HI SPEED PECAN1 PECAN3 HI SPEED PECAN3 HI SPEED PECAN3 PECANS PECANS saaaBBasBsaaa 60.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .7500 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .7500 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .7500 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.1000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2.7000 Head cash i NonShare Even Cash Prod. .0000 Cash NonCash C /-*» 00 Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . BBBBB BSBSS C V c c c c c c c c V V c c c c c V V c V V V V V V V V V V _asa8_B_ .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 r**5-8^ Information present* ti prepar* sdety as a generd guide ad ti na bund* to recognize or predus to com ad returns from any am particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collect* and develop* ty stiff members of'to Texas Agrkdturd Extension Service and approv* for pmbbcotion. C8.10 B-1241 (C) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10, 1994 Sorghum, Dryland Central Texas {8) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre J^**' GROSS INCOME Description DEFICIENCY PMT, SORGHUM SORGHUM Quantity 30.000 25.000 Unit CWT. CWT. $ / Unit 0.9100 4.1800 PREHARVEST NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS SEED ATRAZINE FURADAN PYDRIN SORGHUM INSECTICIDE APPL Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Total PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST AND HAUL Quantity 100.000 30.000 7.000 1.500 7.500 0.600 0.600 2.278 Unit lb. lb. lb. qt. lb. acre appl Acre Acre Hour $ / Unit .200 .200 .840 3.000 1.680 2.880 2.500 6.002 25.000 cwt. 45.603 Dol. Total FIXED Cost 20.00 6.00 5.88 4.50 12.60 1.72 1.50 13.57 5.61 13.67 .550 13.75 0.100 4.56 103.37 28.43 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST Machinery and Equipment Land To t a l 13.75 Total VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description 27.30 104.50 85.06 Total HARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed Yo u r Estimate 131.80 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description To t a l Unit Acre Acre To t a l 23.49 41.54 65.04 Total of ALL Cost 168.41 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -36.61 information present* ti prepar* sddy as a g^ gdu ad ti na intend* to recognbj, a T h e s e p r o j e c t i o n s w e r e c o l l e c t * a d d e v e l o p * t y s u f f m e m b m d t o Te x a s A g r i c d t t ^ c g u Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10, 1994 Date Stage of Production Type of Prod. 07/30/94 HARVEST 07/30/94 HARVEST Date 08/01/93 08/08/93 08/15/93 10/01/93 10/15/93 12/20/93 12/20/93 12/20/93 02/15/94 03/01/94 03/01/94 03/01/94 03/05/94 03/06/94 03/07/94 04/01/94 04/07/94 05/01/94 05/07/94 06/01/94 06/07/94 06/20/94 06/20/94 07/15/94 07/15/94 Stage of Product ion PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST Product Name SORGHUM DEFICIENCY PMT. Type o f Input Input SORGHUM Name M SHRED STALKS M DISK M CHISEL M DISK M LISTER/BEDDER M LIST/BED/FERT E NITROGEN FERT E PHOSPHORUS FERT M LISTER/BEDDER E SEED SORGHUM E AT R A Z I N E HERB E FURADAN INSC M PLANT AND SPRAY M ROLLING M DISK M C U LT I VAT E M DISK M PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON M DISK M C U LT I VAT E M DISK E PYDRIN SORGHUM INSECT. G INSECTICIDE APPL SORGHUM G HARVEST AND HAUL SORGHUM K SHARE RENT SORGHUM Number of Units Weight Cash Landlord Break per NonShare Even Head Cash Prod. 25.0000 30.0000 Number of Units 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 100.0000 30.0000 .0000 .0000 .5000 .5000 .0000 .0000 .0000 1.0000 .0000 14.0000 .2500 1.0000 .2500 .6000 .6000 25.0000 1.0000 B-1241 (C) .0000 C OOOO C Cash NonCash 33.00 33.00 /""■""f^. N N Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . V .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 33.00 33.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 33.00 .00 /**SS!jk C8.12 Information present* ti prepared solely as a gtnerd gukm a* ti na Intend* to recognlu or pr*ta These prdections wen collect* and develop* ty staff memben af to Texas Agricsdturd Exsenstm S^ Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10, 1994 & \ B-1241 (C) Soybeans, Dryland C e n t r a l Te x a s ( 8 ) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description Quantity SOYBEANS 43.000 Unit $ / Unit bu. To t a l 5.9000 253.70 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description 253.70 Quantity PREHARVEST ROUNDUP ROUNDUP SURFACTANT SEED INOCCULANT NITROGEN BASAGRAN BLAZER ROUNDUP Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery 0.500 1.500 0.050 45.000 45.000 78.000 5.000 5.000 0.700 1.667 Unit $ / Unit pint pint gal. lb. lb. lb. oz. oz. pint Acre Acre Hour To t a l 5.510 5.510 15.000 .250 .003 .060 .490 .440 5.510 6.001 2.75 8.26 0.75 11 . 2 5 0.14 4.68 2.45 2.20 3.85 9.22 3.55 10.00 59.13 Total PREHARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed PREHARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAUL JJfP>\ 21.477 Dol. 0.100 2.15 1.000 43.000 acre bu. 12.500 .090 12.50 3.87 16.37 Total PREHARVEST 77.64 Total VARIABLE COST :ost Break-Even Price, Total Variable Cost $ 1 .80 per bu. of SOYB BANS 176.06 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description Machinery and Equipment Land Unit To t a l 18.43 30.00 Acre Acre 48.43 Total FIXED Cost Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ Yo u r Estimate 2. 93 per bu.. of SOYBEANS Total of ALL Cost 126.08 NET PROJECTED RETURNS 127.62 j ^ v Information present* ti prepar* solely as a generd guide a* ti na intend* u> recegnbx er predta These projections wen collect* and develop* ty tuff members of to Texa Agricutaaxd Extension Servin a* approve C8.13 B-1241 (C) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10. 1994 Date Stage of Production aaaaaaaa _-------•_------ 0 8 / 0 1 / 9 4 HARVEST Date Stage of Production aaaaaaaa SaBBBSSBSS—B—BBB 08/15/93 09/15/93 10/20/93 10/20/93 04/01/94 04/01/94 04/01/94 04/01/94 04/01/94 04/01/94 04/20/94 04/20/94 04/20/94 05/01/94 05/10/94 05/20/94 05/20/94 08/01/94 08/01/94 08/01/94 PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST C8.14 Type of Product Name Prod. BBBBB A Type of Input aaaaa M M M E M E E E E B M E E M M M E G G K 1 eight H per Head 1 Number of Units _________ _____________ 3BaSSB8aBB«B*aSB: Input Name Number of Units _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s _ a _ _ _ B _ _a a s a a a a B B aasBSBBSBBaaa DISK DISK APPL ROUNDUP ROUNDUP PLANT AND SPRAY ROUNDUP SURFACTANT SEED INOCCULANT NITROGEN APPLY HERBICIDE BASAGRAN BLAZER PICKUP TRUCK CULTIVATE SPOT SPRAYING ROUNDUP CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAUL LAND - CASH RENT a a a a !a a a a a a m a a 43.0000 SOYBEANS 25 FT 25 FT SOYBEANS SOYBEANS TOPDRESS 3/4 TON SOYBEANS SOYBEANS SOYBEANS 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .5000 1.0000 1.5000 .0500 45.0000 45.0000 78.0000 1.0000 5.0000 5.0000 14.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .7000 1.0000 43.0000 1.0000 Cash 1 NonShare Even Prod. Cash .0000 Cash NonCash aaaaa i 00 C Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . a a a sB BBBBB c c c c c c c c V c c c c V V V F V V V V V V V aaaaaaaa .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Information present* ti prepar* sdety as a generd guide and ti na bund* to recognize or predict to com ad returns from any am particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collect* a* develop* ty staff members of to Texas Agricdturd Extension Service ad approv* for publication. B-1241 (C) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10. 1994 Wheat, Dryland Central Texas (8) 1994 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description DEFICIENCY PMT. WHEAT G R A Z I N G S E TA S I D E WHEAT Quantity 30.000 0.176 35.000 Unit BU. acre BU. $ / Unit 1.0200 157.5400 3.3000 PREHARVEST FERT. 25-15-0 FERTILIZER APPL. SEED INSECTICIDE NITROGEN HERBICIDE FERT/HERB APPL. INSECTICIDE FUNGICIDE SETASIDE COSTS Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Total PREHARVEST HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAUL luantity 200.000 1.000 100.000 0.500 150.000 0.500 1.000 0.500 0.333 1.300 Unit lbs. acre lb. appl lb. acre acre appl acre acre Acre Acre Hour $ / Unit .090 2.500 .170 4.350 .060 19.100 2.500 4.350 10.160 47.190 6.002 1.000 35.000 acre bu. 41.922 Dol. Total FIXED Cost Total of ALL Cost NET PROJECTED RETURNS 18.00 2.50 17.00 2.17 9.00 9.55 2.50 2.17 3.38 0.00 9.68 2.30 7.81 10.000 .090 10.00 3.15 0.100 4.19 103.41 70.42 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST Machinery and Equipment Land To t a l 13.15 Total VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description 30.60 27.73 11 5 . 5 0 86.07 Total HARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed Yo u r Estimate 173.83 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description To t a l Unit To t a l SSS3 Acre Acre 18.26 30.37 48.63 152.05 21.78 Information present* ti prepar* solely as a general gdu ad ti na inund* to recognbx or predia to cm T m s e p r o j e c t i o n s w e n c o l l e c t * e n d d e v e l o p * t y s t a f f m e m b e n d t o Te x a s A g r i c u t t u r d c g 1 5 B-1241 (Q Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after May 10, 1994 Date Stage of Production _-__assB aaasaaaaBBaaaBaa 06/01/94 HARVEST 06/01/94 HARVEST 06/01/94 HARVEST Date ________ 08/01/93 08/05/93 08/05/93 09/10/93 10/15/93 10/15/93 10/25/93 11 / 0 1 / 9 3 11 / 0 1 / 9 3 11 / 2 0 / 9 3 01/01/94 01/28/94 01/28/94 01/28/94 03/01/94 03/24/94 03/25/94 05/20/94 05/20/94 05/20/94 Stage of Production aaaaaaaaaasBBaaa PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST Type of Product Name a a a a a a a a a a a a a a B B B s s s at a a a a a a a a a Type of Input aaaaa M M M M E G M M E E M E E G E E E G G K of Units Prod. A A A Ih e i g h t per 1Head Number WHEAT DEFICIENCY PMT. GRAZING a a s B a a a a a B a a s a a a a .- B B B B a a a a 35.0000 30.0000 .1760 WHEAT SETASIDE Input Name Number of Units a a a s B B B B a a a a a a a -t a a a a a a a a a SHRED STALKS DISK CHISEL DISK FERT. 25-15-0 FERTILIZER APPL. DISK DRILL SEED INSECTICIDE PICKUP TRUCK NITROGEN HERBICIDE FERT/HERB APPL. INSECTICIDE FUNGICIDE SETASIDE COSTS CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAUL SHARE RENT 6 ROW 25 FT 25 FT 25 FT 20 FT WHEAT WHEAT 3/4 TON TOPDRESS WHEAT WHEAT WHEAT WHEAT WHEAT WHEAT WHEAT C a s h Landlord Bre< NonShare Evei Cash Pro( .0000 .0000 .0000 Cash NonCash a a a B B B a a a a a a a a a a a ib 1.0000 .5000 .5000 1.0000 200.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 100.0000 .5000 9.3300 150.0000 .5000 1.0000 .5000 .3330 .0000 1.0000 35.0000 1.0000 asasa C C C a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 33.33 33.33 .00 sArngK aaai N N N Fixed Landlord or iShare Va r i . aaaaa a is a a a a a a .00 .00 .00 .00 c c V V 33.33 33.33 c c c c c c c c c c c V V 33.33 V V V V V V V V F .00 .00 .00 .00 33.33 .00 .00 33.33 33.33 .00 33.33 33.33 .00 / y y % . /-***\ Idbrmation present* ti prepar* solely as a generd guide ad is na bund* to recognize or predict to com and returns from any am particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collect* ad develop* ty staff members of to Texas Agrtcuburd Extension Service and approv* for publication. C8.16 Crop Products Report Crop Product Name j0^\ CORN COTTON LINT COTTONSEED DEFICIENCY PMT. DEFICIENCY PMT. DEFICIENCY PMT. DEFICIENCY PMT. DEFICIENCY PMT. GRAZING HAY HAY LOAN OATS PECANS SM. GRAINS PAST, SORGHUM SOYBEANS TARGET PRICE WHEAT CORN COTTON OATS SORGHUM WHEAT SETASIDE SORGHUM COTTON C O T TO N Price per Unit 2.6000 .6000 100.0000 .4800 .1500 .1500 .9100 1.0200 157.5400 25.0000 25.0000 .5700 1.3000 .8000 10.0000 4.1800 5.9000 .7500 3.3000 Unit of Mes. bu. lb. ton bu. lb. bu. CWT. BU. acre role role lb. bu. lb. AUM CWT. bu. lb. BU. Weight per Unit 56.,0000 1..0000 2000..0000 56..0000 1,.0000 32..0000 100..0000 60,,0000 .0000 1200,.0000 1200,.0000 1,.0000 32,.0000 1,.0000 1,.0000 100..0000 60 .0000 1 .0000 60 .0000 Cash Flow Row 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 21 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 20 22 J0y\ hgornutim present* tipnpar*sd# T h e s e p r o j e c t i o n s w e r e c o l l e c t * a n d d e v e l o p * t y s t i f f m e m b e n d t o Te x a s A g r i c d t u ^ - ^ { Tractors, Implements and Equipment :tor Description Pirst Name Qualifying Name Horsepower Racing (Hp) Useful Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Type Remaining Life (Hr or Mi) Fuel Con. (Unic/Hr or /Mi) Annual Use (Hr or Mi) Speed (Mi/h) Width (Ft> P i e l d B f fi c i e n c y ( % > Capacicy (Ac/Hr) Power Unic Multiplier Labor Multiplier Current Lisc Price (S) Salvage Va l u e (%> C u r r e n t M a r k e t Va l u e ( S ) Lease Payment <$) A n n u a l L i c e n s e & Ta x < $ ) Annual Insurance ($) On Parm Hired Labor (Hr) Off Parm Pares - Labor ($) On Parm Owner Labor (Hr) Annual Use Base (Hr or Mi) Repair Coefficienc 111 Depreciacion Pactor *l Years Owned R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n c # 2 Depreciacion Paccor ItCapacity (Def..Calc.) Puel Use (Def., Calc.) r _ M Calc. (#1.»2> L e a s e C a l c . ( H o u r , Ye a r ) Pirsc Name Qualifying Name Horsepower Racing (Hp) Useful Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Type Remaining Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Con. (Unit/Hr or /Mi) Annual Use (Hr or Mi) Speed (Mi/h) Widen (Ft) Pield B f fi c i e n c y (%) Capacicy (Ac/Hr) Power Unic Multiplier Labor Multiplier Currenc Lisc Price ($) Salvage value (%) C u r r e n c M a r k e t Va l u e ( $ ) Lease Payment (5) A n n u a l L i c e n s e f c Ta x ( $ ) Annual Insurance ($) On Parm Hired Labor (Hr) Off Parm Pares fc Labor ($) On Parm Owner Labor (Hr) Annual Use Base (Hr or Mi) R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n c t t i Depreciacion Paccor ttl Years Owned R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n c t t 2 Depreciacion Paccor #2 Capacicy (Def..Calc.) Puel Use (Def.,Calc.) R fc M Calc. (*1,«2) L e a s e C a l c . ( H o u r , Ye a r ) Descripcion TRACTOR 125 HP 125 12000 DI 12000 57800 S2000 Tractor Tractor 150 HP 150 12000 DI 12000 40 HP 40 12000 DI 12000 Sl e l f P r o p e l l e d 75 HP 75 12000 DI 12000 67800 38 61000 17700 38 15900 31900 38 28700 .029 .68 .029 .68 7 1.5 .92 25 2000 GA 2000 /■^"si X 70 12 1.0 1.25 12000 12000 500 .029 .68 7 l.S .92 400 .029 .68 12 l.S .92 .029 .68 7 l.S .92 C 2 C 1 C 2 Implement iRtplemenc l.S .92 C 2 Implement Itnpl O—lone .23 .64 S 1.4 .885 D C 2 Implement AMONIA APPL. 22.5PT 38 1200 BHDDBR 6 ROM 104 2000 CHISBL 14 PT 75 2000 CHISBL 6 ROM 105 2000 19 PT 115 2000 6 ROM 100 2000 1200 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 200 8 19 80 100 8 19.8 80 6 1.1 1.2 4500 80 5 22.5 72 1.1 1.1 62660 10 S6400 80 4.S 19.8 80 6 1.1 1.2 3600 200 4.5 14 80 5 1.1 1.2 4500 200 4.S 19.8 80 6 1.1 1.2 4500 3600 4500 4500 1.1 • 1.2 S200 10 4680 4S00 /*^l\ 200 200 200 .934 .6 10 1.4 .885 C C 2 80 .364 .6 15 1.3 .885 D C 1 200 .364 .6 10 1.3 .885 D C 1 200 .364 .6 10 1.3 .885 D C 1 DISK 12 PT 80 2000 Implement DISK 18 PT 80 2000 2000 Implemenc Pirsc Name Qualifying Name Horsepower Racing (Hp) Useful Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Type Remaining Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Con. (Unic/Hr or /Mi) Annual Use (Hr or Mi) Speed (Mi/h) Width (PC) Pield B f fi c i e n c y (%) Capacicy (Ac/Hr) Power Unic Multiplier Labor Multiplier Currenc Lisc Price ($) Salvage Va l u e (%) C u r r e n c M a r k e t Va l u e ( 8 ) Lease Payment (9) A n n u a l L i c e n s e f c Ta x ( $ ) Annual Insurance ($) On Parm Hired Labor (Hr) Off Farm Pares fc Labor ($) On Parm Owner Labor (Hr) Annual Use Base (Hr or Mi) R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n c t t l Depreciacion Paccor ttl Years Owned R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n c t t 2 Depreciacion Paccor 112 Capacicy (Def.,Calc.) Puel Use (Def.,Calc.) R fc M Calc. (tti,»2) L e a s e C a l c . ( H o u r , Ye a r ) RS8.2 44900 38 40400 Implement Description Tractor Tractor TRACTOR 100 HP 100 12000 DI 12000 Ioplec—__e 200 .364 .6 10 1.3 .885 C C 2 Xn^plet—Bne lopiesient 100 .364 .6 20 1.3 .885 C C 2 Implement DISK 19 PT 35 2000 DISK 25 PT 140 2000 13.3 PT 46 1000 20 PT 75 1000 2000 2000 2000 1000 1000 200 S 12 83 5 1.1 1.2 6000 200 S 18 83 10 1.1 1.2 8000 200 5 19 83 200 5 25 83 5 1.1 1.2 10000 88 4 13.3 72 88 4 20 72 IS 1.1 1.2 SS00 6000 8000 200 400 200 200 .364 .6 10 1.3 .885 D C 1 200 .364 .6 10 1.3 .885 D C 1 200 .364 .6 10 1.3 .885 D C 1 1.1 1.2 10000 10 9000 .364 .6 10 1.3 .835 C C 2 10000 1.1 1.2 5800 10 5220 SS00 120 .777 .6 10 1.4 .885 C C 2 88 .777 .6 11 1.4 .885 D C 1 Information presem* ti prepar* solely as a generd gdde ad Is mat bund* to recognize or predict to com and returns from any om particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collect* ad develop* tystdfnmmbend to TexmA^rkkburd O Description #^N Implement Pirsc Name Qualifying Name Horsepower Rating (Hp) Useful Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Type Remaining Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Con. (Unit/Hr or /Mi) Annual Use (Hr or Mi) Speed (Mi/h) Width (Pt) Pield B f fi c i e n c y (%) Capacicy (Ac/Hr) Power Unic Multiplier Labor Multiplier Currenc Lisc Price ($) Salvage Va l u e (%> C u r r e n c M a r k e t Va l u e ( $ ) Lease Payment ($) A n n u a l L i c e n s e f c Ta x ( $ ) Annual Insurance ($) On Parm Hired Labor (Hr) Off Parm Parts fc Labor ($) On Parm Owner Labor (Hr) Annual Use Base (Hr or Mi) R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n t t t l Depreciation Pactor 111 Years Owned R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n t t t 2 Depreciacion Paccor tt2 Capacicy (Def.,Calc.) Puel Use (Def.,Calc.) R fc M Calc. (ttl,tt2) L e a s e C a l c . ( H o u r , Ye a r ) Implement Implement Implement PBRT. SPRBADBR 19 PT 20 1200 PBRT. SPRBADBR 6 ROW 21 1200 LISTBR/BBDDBR 19 PT 115 2000 NOTILL DRILL 13.3PT 46 2000 1000 1000 1200 1200 2000 2000 88 4 8 72 5 1.1 1.2 4000 88 4 13.3 72 80 5 19.0 72 SO S 19.8 72 80 4.S 19 80 ISO 4 13.3 72 1.1 1.1 12S00 10 11250 1.1 1.2 1 100 1 1.1 1.2 4000 1.1 1.2 4000 10 3600 1.1 1.1 12S00 10 112S0 4000 88 .777 .6 11 1.4 .885 D C 1 .777 .6 10 1.4 .885 C C 2 4000 80 .934 1 15 1.4 1 .934 1 10 1.4 1 C c c c 2 Implement Implement ImplemenC so 1200 1200 2000 2000 100 4.5 19 60 120 4.5 19.8 60 7 1.1 1.2 4500 SO 6 19 80 100 6 19.3 80 12 1.1 1.2 1500 2000 200 6 10.5 60 4.5 1.1 1.2 11000 .364 .6 10 1.3 .885 D C 2 I s p l c o fi n c ImplemenC 1200 ISO 4.5 19 60 .777 .6 8 1.4 .885 C C 2 2 ROLLER 6 ROH 30 2000 2000 11000 2 c c c 19 PT 30 2000 25 2000 1.1 1.1 12600 10 113S0 .777 .6 10 1.4 .885 ItBpltttDttAt PLANTBR 6 ROM PBCAH SHAKBR .364 .6 10 1.3 .885 C 1 PLANTBR 19 PT 46 1200 NOTILL PLANTBR 19PT 46 2000 lopleok_nc Descripcion Pirsc Name Qualifying Name Horsepower Racing (Hp) Useful Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Type Remaining Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Con. (Unic/Hr or /Mi) Annual Use (Hr or Mi) Speed (Mi/h) widch (FC) Pield B f fi c i e n c y (t) Capacicy (Ac/Hr) Power Unic Mulciplier Labor Multiplier Currenc Lisc price <•) Salvage Va l u e (*) C u r r e n c M a r k e t Va l u e ( f ) Lease Payment (I) A n n u a l L i c e n s e f c Ta x ( 9 ) Annual Insurance ($) On Parm Hired Labor (Hr) Off Parm Pares fc Labor ($) On Farm Owner Labor (Hr) Annual Use Base (Hr or Mi) R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n c t t l Depreciation Paceor ttl Years Owned Repair Coefficienc »2 Depreciation Paceor #2 C a p a c i c y ( D e f■, C a l c . ) Puel Use (Def.,Calc.) R fc M Calc. (ttl,#2) L e a s e C a l c . ( H o u r , Ye a r ) Implement DRILL NOTILL 13.3PT SO 1000 Implement Descripcion Pirsc Name Qualifying Name Horsepower Racing (Hp) Useful Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Type Remaining Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Con. (UniC/Hr or /Mi) Annual Use (Hr or Mi) Speed (Mi/h) Nidch (FO Pield B f fi c i e n c y (%) Capacicy (Ac/Hr) Power Unic Multiplier Labor Multiplier Currenc Lisc Price ($) Salvage Va l u e (%) C u r r e n c M a r k e t Va l u e ( $ ) Lease Payment ($) A n n u a l L i c e n s e f c Ta x ( $ ) Annual Insurance ($) On Parm Hired Labor (Hr) Off Farm Pares fc Labor ($) On Parm Owner Labor (Hr) Annual Use Base (Hr or Mi) R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n c t t l Depreciation Paccor ttl Years Owned R e p a i r C o e ff i c i e n c » 2 Depreciacion Paccor V2 Capacicy (Def.,Calc.) Puel Use (Def.,Calc.) R fc M Calc. («l,tt2) L e a s e C a l c . ( H o u r , Ye a r ) Implement DRILL 8 PT 30 1000 1.1 1.2 6300 10 5670 4S00 120 .777 .6 10 1.4 .885 D C 1 .777 .6 10 1.4 .885 C C 2 1.1 1.2 1250 10 1125 .364 .6 10 1.3 .885 C C 2 Implement Inplesianc I—plet—sne ROLLER 1500 100 .364 .6 20 1.3 .885 D C 1 loplemene 30 1200 SBSSDD-S 4 RON 40 2000 ShA-DDBH 6 RON 60 2000 SHRBDDBR 8 FT 28 2000 20 1200 19 PT 30 1200 1200 2000 2000 2000 1200 1200 200 S 13.3 80 10 1.1 1.2 4500 200 5 20. 80 10 1.1 1.2 3S00 100 5 8 80 10 1.1 1.2 SOO 120 4 40 6S 150 4 19 67 4S00 8500 500 1.1 1.2 450 10 400 1.1 1.2 2800 10 2520 125 125 125 200 .484 .6 10 1.3 .885 D C 1 200 .484 .6 10 1.3 .885 D C 1 200 .484 .6 20 1.3 .885 C C 2 ROPE NICK 200 4 40 65 1.1 1.2 450 10 400 .777 .6 5 1.4 .aas C C 2 Idormation present* tiprepar*sdetya These projections were collect* and aevelop* ty staff memoen d to Tem Agricd^ .777 .6 5 1.4 .885 C C 2 .777 .6 8 1.4 .885 C C 2 RS8.3 -eacription Implement First Name Qualifying Name Horsepower Rating (Hp) Useful Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Type Remaining Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Con. (Unit/Hr or /Mi) Annual Use (Hr or Mi) Speed (Mi/h) Width (PO Pield B f fi c i e n c y <*> Capacity (Ac/Hr) Power Unit Multiplier Labor Multiplier Current List Price (S) Salvage Va l u e <*> C u r r e n t M a r k e t Va l u e ( $ ) Lease Payment <$) A n n u a l L i c e n s e f c Ta x ( S ) Annual Insurance ($> On Parm Hired Labor (Hr) Off Parm Parts & Labor (S) On Parm Owner Labor (Hr) Annual Use Base (Hr or Mi) R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n t t t l Depreciation Pactor ttl Years Owned R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n t t t 2 Depreciation Pactor tt2 Capacity (Def.,Calc.) Puel Use (Def.,Calc.) R fc M Calc. (»l.»2) L e a s e C a l c . ( H o u r , Ye a r ) Implement SPRAYBR 2S FT 20 1200 Implement SPRAYBR 6 ROW 2S 1200 1200 1200 1200 2000 19.8 67 7 1.1 1.2 1100 120 4 6 6S 2.2S 1.1 1.2 12000 ISO S 28 65 160 S 19 65 12000 1.1 1.1 1200 10 1080 1.1 1.1 1000 10 9006 .777 .777 .777 .777 .885 .885 .885 2S 65 1.1 1.2 2700 10 2430 .777 a .885 c c Bquipment Description Pirse Name Qualifying Name Horsepower Rating (Hp) Useful Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Type Remaining Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Con. (Unit/Hr or /Mi) Annual Use (Hr or Mi) Speed (Mi/h) width (Ft) Pield B f fi c i e n c y (%) Capacicy (Ac/Hr) Power Unic Multiplier Labor Multiplier Currenc Lisc Price ($) Salvage Va l u e (%) Currenc Market value ($) Lease Payment (9) A n n u a l L i c e n s e f c Ta x ( $ ) Annual Insurance ($) On Parm Hired Labor (Hr) Off Farm Pares fc Labor ($) On Parm Owner Labor (Hr) Annual Use Base (Hr or Mi) R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n c t t l Depreciacion Paccor ttl Years Owned R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n c t t 2 Depreciacion Paceor 112 Capacity (Def.,Calc.) Puel Use (Def..Calc.) R fc M Calc. (ttl,»2) L e a s e C a l c . ( H o u r , Ye a r ) BULK MILK COOLBR EQUIPMENT 10 10 10 Pirsc Name Qualifying Name Horsepower Racing (Hp) Useful Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Type Remaining Life (Hr or Mi) Puel Con. (Unit/Hr or /Mi) Annual Use (Hr or Mi) Speed (Mi/h) Width (FC) Pield B f fi c i e n c y (%) Capaciey (Ac/Hr) Power Unic Multiplier Labor Multiplier Current Lisc Price ($) Salvage Va l u e (%) C u r r e n c M a r k e t Va l u e ( 9 > Lease Payment (9) A n n u a l L i c e n s e f c Ta x ( 9 ) Annual Insurance (9) On Parm Hired Labor (Hr) Off Parm Parts fc Labor (9) On Parm Owner Labor (Hr) Annual Use Base (Hr or Mi) R e p a i r C o e f fi c i e n c t t l Depreciacion Paceor 111 Years Owned R e p a i r C o e ff i c i e n c » 2 Depreciacion Paccor 112 Capacicy (Def..Calc.) Puel Use (Def..Calc.) R « M Calc. (»l,»2) L e a s e C a l c . ( H o u r , Ye a r ) 500 .885 C C 2 C C 2 D D 1 Bquipmene Bquipmene PB-DINO PHBD 10 30 20 10 10 30 20 10 10 1 l 1 1 1 1 12500 16 12500 15364 10 1S364 7000 6000 4500 2750 7000 6000 4500 2750 62.5 154 26 1 100 300 225 5.5 1 1 1 1 1 Bquipmene Bquipment Descripcion 500 .6 6 1.4 Bquipmene Bquipment Bquipment 1200 .6 10 1.4 D C 2 D C 1 2 Implement fT^ t-TT-! _t-BA_3 MOVBR SPRAYBR TR-MT SPRAYBR 3-PT ROUND 28PT 19PT 10 30 2000 1200 .6 10 1.4 .6 10 1.4 .6 1.4 Implement SPRAYBR HI SPBBD 45 1200 KAY RINGS 7 Bquipmene Bquipmenc Bquipmene Bquipmene HOO PEBDSR8 HOO NATBRBB. MANURB SYSTEM MECHANICAL PBBDR MILKERS 4 10 10 10 4 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 60 9400 6500 60 9400 6500 24900 20 24900 455 600 455 600 10 60 18.8 3.25 124.5 1 1 1 1 1 /"••%. Information present* ti prepar* solely as a generd gdde andtina bund* to recognize a predict to com ad returns from any am particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wen collect* and Omvdop* ty stdf menumts <^ to Texa Agricdta^ RS8.4