TEXAS WINTER GARDEN c FOREWORD The enterprise budgets for Texas Winter Gar den Region are based on estimates of yields, pro duction input quantities, and production practices which represent the best judgment of local produc ers, county Extension agents-agriculture, financial institution representatives, farm machinery dealers and others knowledgeable of the area. Variation in yields, production inputs and production prac tices should be expected for particular farms. Budgets for all major crops produced in the area are included for two levels of management, when applicable. Crop yields are directly related to levels of management. These differences are due largely to timing of operational practices which may not be evident in the budgets. r _ > The machinery inventory is applicable to both typical and high level management. In some bud gets custom rates, primarily harvesting, were used lieu of the assumption that harvesting equipment was owned. Budgets for establishing permanent type pasture grasses were prepared and used for prorating estab lishment costs in the respective pasture and hay budgets. Forage crops include expenses only be cause it is expected that the income will be derived from livestock enterprises. Land charges were based on one of the follow ing three methods: 1) customary landlord's crop share less his proportionate share of certain produc tion and harvesting inputs; 2) a cash lease; or 3) a fair market value times an interest rate. TEXAS WINTER GARDEN REGION Assumed Prices Paid and Received by Farmers \J Item Unit Price Prices paid (1976) r Seed Buffel grass Cabbage Cantaloupes Carrots Corn Cotton Cucumbers Forage Sorghum Grain Sorghum Lettuce Oats Onions Spinach Wheat Custom rates Combine grain sorghum Haul grain sorghum Combine corn plus Haul corn Pick and haul cotton Combi ne smal1 grai n Haul sma11 grain Mow, rake, bale, haul hay Aerial applications 1nsecticide Defoliant Fungicide Ginning Brush remova1 Harvest, Pack, and Market Vegetables Cabbage Cantaloups Carrots Cucumbers lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. 2.25 50.00 5.00 10.00 .75 .25 5.00 .29 .35 15.00 .12 8.00 I .50 .25 cwt. cwt. acre bale .30 .20 7.00 .10 .15 2.75 9.00 .12 .75 acre acre acre bale acre 1.75 2.00 2.25 30.00 40.00 bu. bu. cwt. acre bu. bag crate bag carton 1.25 5.50 3.00 2.75 -2- I tern Lettuce Onions Fresh Spinach Processed Spinach Unit carton bag carton ton Price 1.80 2.25 2.00 15.00 FertiIizer Nitrogen Phosphorus Potash lb. lb. lb. Herbicide Ve g e t a b l e s ( e x c e p t o n i o n s ) Onions Corn Cotton Grain Sorghum acre acre acre acre acre 15.00 27.00 9.00 9.00 7.50 Insecticides Cabbage Cantaloupes & cucumbers Carrots and Lettuce Corn & Onions Cotton Spinach appl appl appl appl appl appl 5.00 2.50 I .50 I .75 3.00 2.50 Fungicides Cabbage Cantaloupes Carrots Cucumbers Lettuce Onions Spinach appl appl appl appl appl appl appl 7.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 Cotton Defoliant acre 7.50 Fuel Diesel Gasoline Natural gas gal . ga I . 1,000 cu.ft .45 .50 1.85 Labor Tractor and irrigation Hand hour hour 2.50 2.00 Operating Capital $ Land Rent (cash) Irrigated Dryland Buffelgrass acre acre acre .23 .21 .08 10 40.00 20.00 10.00 -3^ tem Unit Price 50# bag 80# crate 50# bag bu. ton lb. ton 50# carton ton cwt. 40# carton 50# bag 20# carton ton bu. $ 2.25 7.00 5.00 3.25 12.00 .48 100.00 4.25 40.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.50 60.00 5.00 Prices received (1976) Cabbage Cantaloups Carrots Corn, grain Corn, si I age Cotton Cottonseed Cucumbers Forage Sorghum Hay Grain Sorghum Lettuce Onions Spinach, fresh Spinach, processed Wheat 1/ These price assumptions are not to be interpreted as predictions or prospective prices. * > TEXAS WINTER GARDEN REGION Estimated Machinery and Equipment Cost Per Hour of Use Machinery Item and Size Purchase Price Tractor - 90 HP $10,600 Tractor - 60 HP 7,060 Pickup - 1/2 ton 5,100 Shredder 4R - 13 feet 1,890 Moldboard Plow - 5.3 feet 1,780 Offset disc - 10 feet 2,200 Middle buster 6R - 20 feet 1,100 Rolling cultivator 4R - 13.3 f e e t 2 , 7 0 0 Cultivator 4R - 13.3 feet 1,100 Planter 4R - 13.3 feet 890 1,100 Vegetable planter - 13.3 feet Grain drill - 12 feet 1,200 Bed shaper 6R - 20 feet 640 Land plane - 12 feet 2,700 830 Sprayer - 13.3 feet 275 V-type ditcher - 5 feet 390 Scraper blade - 6 feet Estimated Years"of Use 5 7 3 10 8 8 10 10 10 15 15 15 10 20 8 15 15 Estimated Hours of Use 7500 7000 3000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2500 2000 1500 1500 750 1000 2500 1200 2505 2505 Fixed Costs Per Hour $1.34 1.17 1.38 1.42 1.18 1.46 .82 1.61 .82 1.10 1.35 2.95 .95 2.33 .92 .20 .29 Variable Costs Per Hour $3.48 2.38 3.93 .48 .70 .50 .32 .86 .32 .35 .43 .72 .28 .85 .32 .77 1.09 I I ^ -5- r* BUFFEL GRASS ESTAB DPYLAMD, TEXAS WINTER GARDEN REGION ESTIMATED COSTS AND RETURNS PER ACRE TYPICAL MANAGEMENT UNIT PRICF OR VA L U E OR COST/UNIT QUANTITY COST i. GROSS RECEIPTS FROM PRODUCT!CN TOTAL O.P 2 . VA R I A B L E C O S T S PREHARVEST BRUSH CLEARING SEED MACHINERY LABCRtTRACTOR £ MACHINERY) INTEREST CN OP. CAP. SUBTOTAL, PRE-HARVEST ACRE LBS. ACRE HOUR DOL. 40.00 2.25 1.5 7 2.50 0.10 0.5 0 0.30 1.00 0.50 2.96 20.00 0.67 1.57 1.25 % __Q^Q 23.79 HARVEST COSTS SUBTOTAL, HARVEST $ $ 0.0 TOTAL VARIABLE CUST $ 23.70 3. INCOME ABOVE VARIABLE COSTS 4. FIXED COSTS MACHINERY TRACTORS LAND (NET RENT) TOTAL FIXED COSTS -23.79 ACRE ACRE ACRE 0.56 0.0 10.00 1.00 1.00 1.0 0 $ 0.56 0.0 10x00 10.56 5. TOTAL COSTS $ 34.36 6. NET RETURNS % - 3 4 . V, PROJECTED, P7(, -6- 3UFFEL GRASS ESTAB., DRYLAND, TEXAS WINTER GARDEN REGION ESTIMATED COSTS AND RETURNS PER ACRE TYPICAL MANAGEMENT OPERATION PICKUP PICKUP PICKUP PICKUP FUEL,OIL, FIXED I T E M T I M E S L A ' I C R M A C H I N E L U R . , R E P. C O S T S M O . D AT E O V E R H O U R S H O U R S P E R A C R E P E R A C R E 10 MAR 0.10 0.125 0.100 0.39 0.14 10 M AY 0.1'J 0.125 0.100 0.39 0.14 10 J U LY 0.10 0.125 0.100 0.39 0.14 10 SFPT 0.10 _QxlZH .Q^IQO _(2s.A2. -£±.14 TOTALS 0.500 0.400 1.57 0.^6 PROJECTFD, 1976 ■^UDGFT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER — A N N U A L C A P I TA L M O N T H 1 2 853012.)021200 0 -7- r* RUFFEL GRASS PASTURE, DRYLAND, TEXAS WINTER GARDEN REGION ESTIMATED COSTS AND RETURNS PER ACRF TYPICAL 1ANAGFMFNT PRICE OR VA L U E OP UNIT COST/UNIT QUANTITY COST 1. GROSS RECFIPTS FROM PRODUCTION TOTAL 2 . VA R I A B L E C O S T S PREHARVEST MACHINERY LABOR!TRACTOR £ MACHINERY) I N T E R E S T G N O P. C A P. SUBTOTAL, PRF-HARVEST O.P ACRE HOUR DOL. 1.57 2.50 0.10 1.00 0.50 0.52 $ 1.57 1.25 —Q±Q5 ?.88 HARVEST COSTS SUBTOTAL, HARVEST % % 0.0 TOTAL VARIABLE COST $ 2.8S S -2.38 3. INCOME ABOVE VARIABLE COSTS 4. FIXED COSTS MACHINERY TRACTORS PRORATED ESTAB. COST LAND (NET RFNT) TOTAL FIXED COSTS ACRE ACRE ACRE ACRE 0.56 0.0 3 4.06 10.00 1.00 1.00 0.10 1.00 0.56 0.0 3.41 * _ifla£Q 13.97 5. TOTAL COSTS 16.85 6. NET RETURNS % -16.85 ESTAB. COST PRORATED CVER 10 YEARS. INCOME FROM CROP RFFL-CTED IN LIVESTOCK BUDGETS PROJECTED, 1976 -8- BUFFEL GRASS PASTURE, DRYLAND, TEXAS WINTER GARDFN REGION ESTIMATED COSTS AND RETURNS PER ACRE TYPICAL MANAGEMENT UPERAT ION PICKUP PICKUP PICKUP PICKUP I TEM NO. 10 10 10 10 TOTALS DATE FUEL, OIL, FIXED T I M E S L A B O R M A C H I N E L U B . , R E P. C O S T S OVER HOURS HOURS PER ACRE PER ACRE MAR MAY J U LY SEPT 0.10 0.10 0 .10 0.10 0.100 0.100 0.100 - O a U S _QilQQ 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.500 0.400 0.39 0.39 0.39 0. 14 0.14 0. 14 _1U12 _G*.±£ 1.57 0.56 ESTAB. COST PRORATED OVER 10 YEARS. INCOME FRCM CROP REFLECTED IN LIVESTOCK BUDGETS PROJECTFD, 1076 B U D G E T I D E N T I F I C AT I O N N U M B E R 3 5 5 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 A N N U A L C A P I TA L M O N T H 1 0