Simulation of Motion Responses of Spar Type Oil Platform by Whitney Alan Cornforth B. S., Ocean Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2001) Submitted to the Department of Ocean Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Science in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 2001 2001 Whitney Cornforth. All Rights Reserved. The author hereby grants permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author: Department of Ocean Engineering u91 4 , 2001 Certified by: Profao Pohl Sclavounos al Architecture Thesis Supervisor Accepted by: Chairman, Dep omi e rar pde OF TECHNOLOGY NOV 2 7 2001 LIBRARIES Simulation of Motion Responses of Spar Type Oil Platform by Whitney Alan Cornforth Submitted to the Department of Ocean Engineering on June 14, 2001, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Bachelor of Ocean Engineering and Master of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Abstract Computer based simulations of the motion responses of spar type oil platforms were carried out. Theses simulations examined both the linear and nonlinear coupled responses in surge, heave, and pitch to plane progressive wave trains as well as random waves. A twelve line mooring These system was also incorporated for more accurate modeling. largeplatforms only the limit to simulations showed the mooring system scale motions. Studies were made both at and far from the buoy's natural frequencies in both the linear and nonlinear cases. A pitch instability due to coupling between the pitch restoring term and the displaced heave position was also examined. The pitch instability was present only in the nonlinear simulation with all governing quantities evaluated at the local wave elevation. The magnitude of this instability was limited, but not eliminated, by the addition of the mooring system. Thesis supervisor: Paul Sclavounos Title: Professor of Naval Architecture Acknowledgements I would like to express my to thanks the all members of the Laboratory for Ship and Platform Flow in the Department of Ocean In Engineering. Paul Prof. particular Sclavounos relentless questions, for I would his like thank my to guidance and advisor answering my and Peter Sabin for his sense of humor and perspective when things looked bleak. I would Institute, also like to my classmates and faculty at Webb without them I never would have made it to or made it through M.I.T. I would like to thank my mother for all her support throughout my education. parents, This work is dedicated in loving memory to her Papa and Granny Boats, without whom I would have never have discovered my love for the sea. 5 Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ................................ ......... 0 .9 Chapter 2 Mathematical Formulation.................... 12 2.1 Coordinate System........................... ......... 12 2.2 Linearized Free Surface Condition .......... ......... 12 2.3 Plane Progressive Waves..................... ......... 14 2.4 Body Response in Plane Progressive Waves ... ......... 16 2.4 . 1 Added Mass .............................. ......... 17 2.4 .2 Damping Forces........................... ......... 20 2.4 .3 Restoring Forces ........................ ......... 21 2.4 .4 Exciting Forces.......................... ......... 23 2.4 .5 Natural Frequency........................ ......... 24 Chapter 3 Linear Simulation........................... ........ .........25 3.1 Linear Simulation of a Freely Floating Buoy ......... 25 3.2 Linear Simulation Coupled To Mooring System ......... 28 3.3 Linear Simulation With A Random Excitation Wave and a Moor ing System.............................................. 32 Chapter 4 Nonlinear Simulation.................................35 4.1 Nonlinear Simulation of A Freely Floating Buoy ...... 35 Chapter 5 Conclusions..........................................45 6 List of Figures Figure 1 Illustration of the two pitch restoring force terms ..................................................... 22 Figure 2 Spar buoy..............................................25 Figure 3 Linear simulation output...............................26 Figure 4 Responses near heave natural frequency ................ 27 Figure 5 Responses near pitch natural frequency ................ 28 Figure 6 Comparison of maximum responses with and without mooring systems with excitation of w=0.15 Hz...............30 Figure 7 Responses with and without mooring system and a fairlead location of % the draft...........................32 Figure 8 Linear responses to random wave with mooring system.....................................................34 Figure 9 Nonlinear responses of freely floating buoy ........... 36 Figure 10 Pitch restoring term..................................37 Figure 11 Nonlinear responses w = 0.2700Hz ..................... 38 Figure 12 Responses with pitch restoring term evaluated at local wave elevation to excitation at w = 0.2200 Hz........39 Figure 13 Nonlinear responses with all quantities evaluated at local wave elevation and excitation with w = 0 .2700Hz .................................................. 40 7 Figure 14 Responses with all quantities evaluated at local free surface elevation and excitation with w = 0.2200Hz...................................................41 Figure 15 Nonlinear response to excitation of w=0.2200 Hz with a mooring system......................................42 Figure 16 Nonlinear simulation with random wave excitation ..... 44 List of Tables Table 1 Mooring system restoring forces ....................... 29 8 Chapter 1 Introduction Spar buoy type oil platforms are being considered for many of the current generation particular of the oilrigs. interest for deployment conditions and depth. from offshore standpoint in Spar buoys are of seas with extreme weather Motion on an oil platform is not desirable of production where its effects can range from making the crew seasick to breaking risers and other vital pumping equipment. In shallow solutions to this problem. the platform is waters there are a of One is the tension leg platform where held with high tension mooring lines mounted in the bottom; number another to anchors is the jack-up platform where the platform is physically raised above the water's surface on rigid legs extending to the sea floor. These shallow water solutions are not feasible in water deep water or harsh sea states. As shallow water oil the offshore industry is 10,000m farther and reserves are looking to move offshore where less predictable and more punishing. competitive alternative to the being rapidly depleted to water depths up to weather conditions are The spar type platform is a classical design for these difficult environments. The vertical classic cylinder. shape of a spar buoy platform Traditionally they have a that constant of roughly 30m and a draft of approximately 200m. 9 is of a diameter The motivation for the use of such an unusual shape with its large volume is to The large volume to minimize the buoy's motion response in seas. waterplane area ratio of the spar makes to changes summary it the is is that system the mooring than rather platform, the of shape In slow. (waves) quite elevation in water its response mainly responsible for the platform motions remaining small. In the depth range for which spars are being considered the steel risers are extremely flexible, so horizontal (surge) motion The risers cannot, however, withstand huge is of little concern. and compressive stretching motions (pitch) rotations can could or buckling, be minimized. Rotational lead to to need problems; cause also small capsizing and equipment makes its natural are motions extreme while conditions, working adverse with associated rupturing motions (heave) so vertical loads without and breakage loss. The the of shape spar With low natural frequencies the heave and pitch extremely low. threat spar to Waves wavelengths. 1 approximately -, comes platforms so high of waves from mainly break to begin in frequencies of waves amplitude also is slope their when long have long 7 wavelengths, a dangerous combination for spar platforms. This research was aimed type oil platforms. This computer-based simulation. linear theory. These at predicting the motions was done in a number of of spar steps of The first simulations were based upon simulations predict 10 the surge, heave, and pitch responses of a freely floating spar to one wave train of a specified amplitude and responses natural under frequency. specific, This was done to known conditions, This simulation frequencies. such so the next step was to mooring system to the linear simulation. generator was added to examine the around the effects that known as coupling. Real oil platforms are not freely floating, and as included the one mode of motion may have on another, in place, study the add they are moored the Finally, to responses effects of a a random wave a wave more representative of a true ocean wave. Next evaluated elevation, neglected a nonlinear governing thus by simulation quantities accounting linear theory. for was at a The developed. the number same local of free effects progression mooring system and random wave was also carried out. 11 This of model surface that are adding a Chapter 2 Mathematical Formulation 2.1 Coordinate System Throughout this discussion a Cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z) will be used with the origin coinciding with the undisturbed free It will be located at the centerline of surface. the positive The elevation of the free z-axis pointing upwards. Thus gravity surface will be defined by 77(x,y,t). the buoy with (g) acts in the negative z-direction. A body freely floating on the surface of a fluid is able to move in six modes of motion. and heave, coincide with x-y-z axes respectively. pitch, represent cylindrical, rotation there are that must be studied, Three modes, designated surge, translation motion parallel The other three modes, about only three those roll, Since axes. a sway to the yaw, and spar is fundamentally different modes surge, heave, and pitch. 2.2 Linearized Free Surface Condition Assuming an ideal and irrotational fluid, there will exist a velocity potential 0 such that the fluid velocity is expressed as the gradient of this velocity potential 12 Equation 2.1 Due to conservation of mass, the divergence of this velocity dynamic boundary potential must be zero, Equation 2.2 V 20=0 it must also satisfy both a kinematic and condition on the free surface. The kinematic boundary condition requires the velocity of the free surface to be equal that to that of the fluid particles of which it is comprised. found by requiring that the free surface. The kinematic boundary condition the substantial derivative of is (z-)=Oon The result of which is Equation 2.3 O=kD(Z - 77 Dt The last two ? Oa7aOa7a az at ax a ay ay terms may be neglected because they are of order and therefore much smaller than the first two, second this results in the linearized kinematic boundary condition Equation 2.4 at The dynamic acting on the boundary free surface (-y condition requires from above be 13 that equal the pressure to the pressure acting from dynamic The below. is condition boundary found through the use of Bernoulli's equation, Equation 2.5 1 a# 1 p at -(p-p.)=-+-V~eVb+gz=0O Substituting ? for condition boundary z linearizing and in results 2 the as in linearized kinematic the boundary dynamic condition Equation 2.6 1 ao g at These surface two boundary can conditions be combined on the z=0 resulting in one boundary condition for the velocity potential Equation 2.7 -+g--0 at2 "y 2.3 Plane Progressive Waves Plane progressive waves are free-surface this single and will be condition, discussion. amplitude These (A) the simplest waves and waves are frequency sinusoidal motion in one direction. 14 that satisfy the used extensively two-dimensional (w) and throughout and propagate have a with a Equation 2.8 i7(x,t) = Acos(kx -wt+6) describes direction, zero. a plane a phase The value progressive wave moving in the positive x- 6 has been included but will be assumed to be k is known as the wave number and is defined as Equation 2.9 where V, is travels) and the phase (t) 27r w2 Vg V, ) g velocity (the velocity that a wave peak A is the wavelength. The velocity potential 4 that satisfies both Equation 2.2 and Equation 2.7 and through the use of Equation 2.6 will result in 15 Equation 2.8 is given by Equation 2.10 =gA e' sin(kx -t) 0) In the ocean, waves are not two-dimensional, sinusoidal, by and their amplitude and frequency cannot be described extremely useful plane However, parameters. single are not purely progressive are waves and for examining both simplified problems, it will be discussed later how "real" ocean waves can be modeled as a superposition many of progressive plane waves with each differing amplitudes and frequencies. 2.4 Body Response in Plane Progressive Waves As mentioned, a body freely floating on the surface of a fluid is free to move in all six modes section will This of motion. explore the response of a body in the three modes that have been identified as being of particular interest spar platform, oil surge, namely heave equations of motion will be presented, of each of the to the problem of a and pitch. First the followed by an examination of the terms contained within them including discussion coupling effects between surge and out over pitch. In these surface equations integrals will be carried the j'dz interval -draft the actual z value represented by discussed later. The equation of motion given by 16 the term 'surface' will be Equation 2.11 [-w 2 (Mij + aj )+imbj + c ]{j = AX j=1,3,5 where the indices are ij the modes corresponds with surge, heave, coupling potential represented. motion and pitch. 1, 3 or 5 that When the indices i A j, between of modes motion are Some of the coupling terms represented in Equation 2.11 are equal to zero, possible, it will further be effects of does indicating that even though coupling is not actually occur. Non-zero coupling terms addressed j are later. terms the body displacement in complex form. In inertial Equation 2.11 the M, force upon the body. mass, while M 55 is terms M 1 are and the M3 the moment of inertia ' components are of the simply the body defined by Equation 2.12 M 55 =1 22 = 'fJpYdV V where pb There are is the density of the body, no other non-zero mass and V terms is the body volume. associated with this problem. 2.4.1 The Added Mass afterms in Equation 2.11 are known as the added mass since they are proportional to the body acceleration. is the case, terms, Since this they are obviously dependent on the frequency of the 17 motion. found Through a method analytically for a of images, given added geometry; mass terms however, be to the complexity of this method a combination of empirical values and strip low theory were employed to estimate the due can added mass at frequencies. Empirical formulas exist determining the added mass of many common geometric shapes. Of importance to this discussion are those for a circle moving in a two dimensional fluid. Equation 2.13 "a 12D 1 _ ,,2 =7p..(a a 22D = rpr2..........(b) where represents a1 movement in cylindrical and movement out of within the plane. the The spar buoy in heave is due to the and falling; thus, Equation 2.13 plane, added and mass a2 2 of is a flat bottom rising (b) can be used directly to find the added mass of the buoy in heave. Equation 2.13 surge, pitch, allows a and (a) was used to find both the added mass in the coupling between the three-dimensional value to be two. found by Strip theory integration of two-dimension values over a body, provided that the change in the two-dimensional values is small. The following this was employed to find the surge added mass Equation 2.14 surface =i f -draft 18 ,(z)dz illustrates how In this diameter discussion removing the buoys were the dependence the problem further. of assumed 2D a, on to z, be thus of constant simplifying The following two equations show how this method was used for determining the added mass in pitch, coupled added mass term between pitch and surge Equation 2.15 surfiace -d f zrafd -draft 19 and the Equation 2.16 a51 a3D =a15 surface r2Dd 3D za dz = -draft There are no other non-zero added mass terms in this problem. Damping Forces 2.4.2 The in Equation terms b.ii the waves present do to radiate outwards O, , components the six modes of motion. generated 0 is 07 condition 2.7. into the eight for each of is called the diffraction potential These waves must Equation In energy. broken that body the representing the potential #0 is the incident wave and represents the body-generated waves. potential. by dissipating terms damping with 1, 2. .6 are body the from the of derivation that and These forces are to the velocity of the body. are proportional terms damping the are called 2.11 satisfy the From this fact free surface boundary can be derived the Haskind relations' Equation 2.17 X,=-pJJ# is the body surface and where SB body surface. expressions exciting PijS for force. The the It Haskind n relations damping terms, will shown be is the normal vector of 20 which in are used are 2.4.4 to related that the the derive to the exciting forces are therefore, At related to the frequency this point was the exciting wave; the damping terms are dependant on the wave frequency. in the simulation a in determining damping coefficients. SML of used to determine an simplification was made The general-purpose program appropriate constant value for damping coefficients. 2.4.3 Restoring Forces The C.ii terms in Equation 2.11 are the restoring terms, which are responsible for trying to return the body back to it's state. original When examining the freely floating body these are all due to hydrostatics. The restoring original force in heave is displaced volume and the difference between the the heaved displaced volume multiplied by the density of the fluid and the force of gravity Equation 2.18 C33 = pgA This term is multiplied by the heaved position to give the parts, the resultant force. The first pitch is creates due a restoring to moment. the term gravity Another moment located within is located comprised redistribution because the center of gravity longer is the below body was initially stable), (ZG) of is two submerged created by volume pitch and center buoyancy same vertical the of center of plane. buoyancy The (ZB) that motion are no center (provided of the and the force acting at the center of 21 gravity acts down while the force on the center of buoyancy acts upwards, since these two forces must be equal from the origin they create another are now different distances restoring moment in magnitude but to proportional the distance between the two. Figure 1 illustrates how these two terms are physically produced. t n V f ZG V ZB W Center of gravity and buoyancy term Redistribution of submerged volume Figure 1 Illustration of the two pitch restoring force terms These two terms can be seen in the following equation for C55 Equation 2.19 4 _pgnrd C 55 64 + pgV(YB 22 G where ZG d is the buoy diameter, V is the buoy volume, and ZB are the centers of buoyancy and gravity respectively. and There are no other non-zero restoring forces. 2.4.4 Exciting Forces Exciting forces and G. I. for Taylor's this problem were formula for the found using strip force of a theory two dimensional section Equation 2.20 dX, =(V+-)--(p-) p ax, where xi is the Cartesian [(1,2,3) axis parallel to the desired exciting employed to integrate these at corresponds force. slices over Equation 2.21 X1 = ao a, (V+a -draft (P Pax t )dzx_, Y= Equation 2.22 X3 =(V+_a3) XY= a_(Pa) p az = a3t IYO Z=-draft Equation 2.23 surface a a -draft P ax 23 (x,y,z)] Again strip theory was follows for surge, heave, and pitch suoface with )d at the entire buoy as 2.4.5 If Natural Frequency no exist there damping and coupling or external forces Equation 2.11 reduces to Equation 2.24 -O The solution of this 2 (M i+ai)X+cii =0 equation natural frequency for the t' produces what is known as the mode of motion Equation 2.25 ii+ a, Since negative frequencies are physically impossible we are only concerned with the positive value of Equation 2.25. of a body excited at a exactly equal Therefore, it to is its frequency that natural important that frequency a excited at one of these frequencies. 24 is extremely physical will The response close to or be structure extreme. not be Chapter 3 Linear Simulation 3.1 Linear Simulation of a Freely Floating Buoy A time domain was created. linear simulation of This a freely floating simulation was based upon the spar buoy linear theory that has been presented. The spar buoy that will be used for all these draft simulations diameter of 30m, has a of 200m, with 30m freeboard, a and a center of gravity located 104m below the undisturbed free surface. With the exception of random waves the wave amplitude will always be 10m. A3 0 200 830 Measurements in meters Figure 2 Spar buoy 25 Sample output from the simulation is presented in Figure 3 Linear Simulation with amplitude = 0.11 hz 10.00 m frequency = 5 E 0 (D -3 - -0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 2 00 1 I I 140 160 180 2 00 50 E 0 (I Cn C -50 .01, -U- - I - *0 TO Cu 0 -0.01 0 I I~ 20 40 m p 80 60 120 100 Time - sec Figure 3 Linear simulation output 3 surge, and pitch. the shows the Figure response near sinusoidal This motions over at the buoy's natural wo=0.22Hz. 400m from a the simulation can also be frequency of the buoy in heave is responses of The 10m wave, in heave, used to examine frequencies. The natural w =0.2209Hz, Figure 4 shows the magnitude illustrating the buoy near its natural frequency. 26 buoy of the the heave motion is effect of exciting Linear Simulation with amplitude 10.00 m frequency = 0.22 hz = 500 E 0- -5001 0 50 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 E 2) 50 0 00 0 Time - sec Figure 4 Responses near heave natural frequency In Figure 4 the heave motion completely leaves the water. is not included in this indicative frequency, of the is so great that the buoy The effect of this event occurring simulation. response to it will be seen in 3.2 Although excitation this behavior near the is natural that the presence of a mooring system prevents this occurrence. The natural Figure 5 frequency of the buoy in pitch shows the responses at (O=0.05Hz. pitch response is between and surge extremely small. pitch has In overcome is ow=0.0491Hz, The magnitude of the this the case the coupling effects natural frequency excitation as illustrated by Equation 3.1, which is the 27 expanded form of Equation 2.11 for pitch including coupling effects Equation 3.1 - 02(M + a55) - ( 2 (MIJ + al,)+(ib 5 * +(ib1 Linear Simulation with amplitude = 1 +c 554 +c& = AX5 10.00 m frequency 0.05 hz = 1 E 0 . -1 41 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 10-320 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 160 180 200 onr E 0 ' 0) 5. 1 -o - L 0 0- -5 0 20 I I I 40 60 80 I 100 120 Time - sec I 140 Figure 5 Responses near pitch natural frequency 3.2 Linear Simulation Coupled To Mooring System Oil platforms are not freely floating bodies, place with mooring systems. ten to buoy. most twenty mooring they are held in Spar buoys are typically moored by lines, spaced around the diameter These lines typically consist of three segments, that connects to the anchor is 28 made of chain, of the the lower the middle section is is made also made of steel of chain. or synthetic rope, and the top section As mentioned previously the purpose of the mooring system is to prevent large-scale motions, it would be unfeasible to hold the platform completely stationary. For this simulation the restoring effects of a 12-line mooring system were added. These effects were found through simulation using the LinesT' portion of SML. The buoy was moored in 830m of water spaced lines that were each 1850m in length. was a 150m length of chain, followed by moored to 150m of the chain. buoy is by twelve equally The lowest section followed by 1500m of polyester rope, The defined as point the at which fairlead; the lines this are point was varied from % the draft of the buoy to the bottom to examine the effects of fairlead location of platform motions. Table 1 Mooring system restoring forces Fairlead 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 3.59E+05 2.65E+05 2.27E+05 1.88E+05 1.54E+05 1.26E+05 1.05E+05 8.81 E+04 7.50E+04 6.46E+04 C33 - C55 - C51 - C15 k /s^2 kg.m/sA2 ks^2 kg/s^2 1.96E+05 6.42E+09 -4.77E+07 -4.85E+07 1.32E+05 9.60E+04 8.26E+04 6.76E+04 5.47E+04 4.43E+04 3.61 E+04 2.97E+04 2.47E+04 2.08E+04 5.75E+09 5.39E+09 5.32E+09 5.26E+09 5.13E+09 5.OOE+09 4.88E+09 4.78E+09 4.71 E+09 4.66E+09 -4.44E+07 -2.97E+07 -2.77E+07 -2.48E+07 -2.19E+07 -1.93E+07 -1.71 E+07 -1.52E+07 -1.37E+07 -1.25E+07 -3.75E+07 -3.1OE+07 -2.78E+07 -2.51 E+07 -2.23E+07 -1.97E+07 -1.75E+07 -1.56E+07 -1.40E+07 -1.28E+07 29 - location below C11 free surface (m) kg/s^2 100 5.21 E+05 26.86 . 5.45 26.84 5.4 Without mooring 26.82 Without mooring 5.35 26.8 E > 5.3 26.78 + With mooring 5.25 -Z 26.76 With mooring 26.74 5.2 26.72 5 5 26 7 100 120 140 160 180 100 200 120 140 160 180 200 Fairlead location below undisturbed Fairlead location below undisturbed free free surface - m surface - m 0.009225 0.00922 -Without 0.009215 0.00921 ,I: 0I mooring 0.009205 0.0092 0.009195 With mooring 0.00919 + - 0.009185 100 120 140 160 180 200 Fairlead location below undisturbed free surface - m Figure 6 Comparison of maximum responses with and without mooring systems with excitation of w=0.15 Hz Figure 6 amplitude shows 10m the and responses frequency of the spar buoy to a wave of w=0.15Hz both with and without the 30 twelve line because mooring this frequencies, be system frequency in is yet not close spaced between to either, in a realistic domain and natural minimized. For all w=0.15Hz place. was the so that the selected two natural results would frequency effects would be three modes of motion the maximum responses are diminished by the presence of the mooring system. also shows the Figure 6 effect that the fairlead location has upon these motions. In heave as the fairlead location approaches the bottom of the buoy the motion approaches that of the unmoored buoy. does take into account the elasticity, of the mooring lines, so as the Lines"' as well as the curvature, lines are connected lower the heave restoring force they provide is lowered, as shown in Figure 6. The results for surge and pitch do not show much dependence upon small the fairlead location. relative magnitude floating buoy moves In both of only cases the motions. 26.84m, this In while the is due to surge the freely anchors the for the mooring lines were positioned in a ring 1700m from the platform. As mentioned, positioning a the large amount anchors far of away surge motion is acceptable, the mooring will prevent by very large surge motion but allow motions on the order seen. The effect of the mooring system in all three modes motion is extremely small, as can be seen in Figure 7. heave with plot the distinguishably motions lower than that 31 the of the mooring line unmoored buoy. of In the are just In the surge and pitch plots the two motions are indistinguishable from one another. Linear Simulation with amplitude = 10.00 frequency = 0.1500 -- 5 E - X 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 Time - sec 25 30 35 20E a) 0- CO -20x 10-3 5'0 0 Figure 7 Responses with and without mooring system and a fairlead location of % the draft 3.3 Linear Simulation With A Random Excitation Wave and a Mooring System True ocean waves frequency. This cannot be described by a due mainly to the is which was presented in Equation 2.9. states that waves velocities, of as does different the single The dispersion relationship frequencies they are random. 32 and dispersion relationship, travel energy associated with are ocean waves dispersive, amplitude at them. different Not only These random waves can be waves, modeled each as a randomly superposition selected of many amplitude, plane progressive frequency and phase difference. A random wave amplitude, generator was randomly amplitudes were from 0-Im, allowed to range of 200 waves. The first plot used the same Figure 8 shows the using the larger superposition twelve line and pitch responses. mooring before with a fairlead location of % the draft. responses 0.05-0.45Hz, shows the wave elevation and the following three show the heave, surge, simulation from and phase from 0-27. output from the random wave simulation, exhibits selects frequency and phase, each over a range making physical Frequencies sense. created that than the wave system This employed The heave motion elevation due to high amounts of wave energy that happen to be focused around the heave natural that frequency. shown in Figure Note that 4 where this response the buoy was is still excited at frequency that was very close to the natural frequency. 33 far below a single Linear Simulation with random wave 20 E 10 c 0 0 (D -10 -20 -3C 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 a I 700 800 900 4C 2C E c -2C -4C 5C E 0 co 0.01 *0 Cu 0 C, 0~ -0.01r a 100 200 a 300 400 500 600 ime - sec Figure 8 Linear responses to random wave with mooring system 34 Chapter 4 Nonlinear Simulation 4.1 Nonlinear Simulation of A Freely Floating Buoy A nonlinear simulation was developed for more realistic modeling of the motions of a spar buoy. H. A. Haslum and 0. M. Faltinsen presented a paper titled Alternative Shapes of Spar Platforms for Use in Hostile within which AreaS2 at the 1999 Offshore Technology Conference; an instability due to indirect coupling between heave and pitch was studied. The term the instability contains a centers of term was present that is buoyancy and because dependent the on gravity. the The pitch restoring distance between center remains basically fixed to a point within the buoy; of gravity however, the center of buoyancy moves with the buoy's motion so it is always in the center of the submerged volume. In cases of large heave it is possible for the center of gravity to rise above the center of buoyancy negative. to become making this part of the pitch restoring force In extreme cases of heave it is possible for this term so negative as to make the pitch negative, making the buoy unstable in pitch. 35 restoring term Nonlinear Simulation with amplitude = 10.00 frequency = 0.15 10 E 0 CO -10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 20 40 60 80 120 100 Time - sec 140 160 180 200 50 E 0 C50 0.01 0 a. -0.01 0 Figure 9 Nonlinear responses of freely floating buoy Figure 9 shows the responses of the freely floating buoy with the pitch restoring instability is pitch The even term evaluated at the displaced heave position. though the heave not evident in response is due equation to of the relative motion, each for the pitch as shown in Figure 10. This the pitch large is restoring term to become negative, magnitude of simulated response the which of is enough the terms in at least one magnitude larger than the pitch restoring term. 36 order of x 1010 2 1.5- S1(> 0) -E 0.5 0 !0 a. 0 -0.5- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time - sec 140 160 180 200 Figure 10 Pitch restoring term Haslum frequency, and Faltinsen involving the natural which produces the pitch Where 4 1 Wh and r heave; respectively, T these equation for the excitation frequencies in heave and pitch, instability; and T TN, p tch an this is given in Equation refer to the natural periods in pitch N,heave natural frequencies are resulting in a (critica0.2700Hz . 4.1. gave Equation 4.1 Tcritical TN,pitch 37 1 TN,heave 0.2209Hz and 0.0491Hz 11 Figure shows the at responses nonlinear enough small are that force restoring the pitch as In this case the well as the value of the pitch restoring term. motions co=0.2700Hz never attains a negative value. - 10 E 0 a: -10 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 I I I I I I I 40 60 80 40 20 60 0.01.r -o LU 0 K... a. -0.01' xc10 9 20 40 8 z 6 4 20 140 120 100 Time - sec Figure 11 Nonlinear responses w Figure 12 shows the responses at o 0.2200Hz . response is very large because this value is natural frequency. restoring term (c55) These heave motions the heave motion, negative values for nearly 50% of the time. restoring terms heave the pitch reaching large make These large negative are still not enough to overcome the the other terms in the pitch equation of motion. 38 The close to the heave large follow 180 0.2700Hz = = 160 effects of 500 A IA IA /\ I IA I II E 9? I, 0 0 -5000 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 -0.02' 0 1120 x 10 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 40 60 80 100 120 Time - sec 140 160 180 200 0.02 0 C, 5: z LO 0 20 Figure 12 Responses with pitch restoring term evaluated at local wave elevation to excitation at w = 0.2200 Hz As in the linear model the buoy leaves the water; the heave motion is so large that again this will be prevented by the mooring system. Figure evaluation 12 of shows only the that in pitch restoring the coupled term simulation at the the displaced heave position does not produce the pitch instability that Haslum and Faltinsen studied. The quantities final nonlinear at the local simulation free surface. evaluated all governing Again the simulation was run with a wave excitation at ( = 0.2700Hz and o = 0.2200Hz . results are shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14. 39 These In Figure 13 the nonlinear be can behavior both in seen surge the pitch and the magnitude of these motions is not increased motions; however, over that of the linear simulation. Nonlinear Simulation with frequency w= 0.2700 10 E Ca 150. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 600 500 Time - sec 700 800 900 1000 E 0.02 S0.01 .0 -0.01 Figure 13 Nonlinear responses with all quantities evaluated at local wave elevation and excitation with w = 0.2700Hz Figure pitch 14 shows motion magnitude The simulation. of all more a only radical approximately double large heave motions large pitch motions evaluation not that of for are responsible governing quantities at the a linear the as Haslum and Faltinsen indicated. the but behavior these Through local free surface a pitch instability was produced. One item of interest is that the surge and pitch motions shown in Figure 13 are not symmetric nor are they centered around 40 the origin, for this is even more noticeable in Figure 14. The reason this behavior is unknown and warrants further study of the nonlinear responses. Nonlinear Simulation with frequency w= 0.2200 500 E 0 - -II 0 -500' 100 200 50 400 500 600 I I I I 300 400 500 600 700 500 600 Time - sec 700 300 800 700 900 1i 00 I 0 2 C,, -50 E -100 C 100 200 800 900 1C 00 800 900 1000 :. 0.04 'V LO 0.02 0 0 -0.02' 0 I I I I 100 200 300 400 I I Figure 14 Responses with all quantities evaluated at local free surface elevation and excitation with w = 0.2200Hz Nonlinear simulations were run with the twelve line mooring system also. These results are shown in Figure 15. system has greatly diminished maximum values from nearly 100m in Figure 15. the heave magnitude, 500m in Figure 14 to The mooring dropping the approximately The mooring system also limits the surge and pitch motions as well as smoothing the motion in both. 41 Nonlinear Simulation with frequency w= 0.2200 200 E 0 ) -200' 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1i 00 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 U 00 I I 600 500 Time - sec 700 800 900 1000 r E 0 CO -50' C 0.02 -I--------- 0.01 a. 0 -0.01 I I 0 I -- 400 300 200 100 Figure 15 Nonlinear response to excitation of w=0.2200 Hz with a mooring system Even with the mooring system in place to prevent fro heaving completely The present. still approximately 0.0125 radians in the 15 stability is motion is pitch compared with approximately 0.0095 Like model. Figure the of magnitude radians, linear simulation results, the water the pitch out of the buoy shows the unmoored nonlinear the surge and pitch motions to be centered around a non-zero position. wave random simulation progressive frequencies and was waves from generator was wave added with a each with amplitudes 0.5-.45Hz and phases from 42 with composed run the to ranging 0-2 . nonlinear 200 from plane 0-1m , The The responses with the mooring system in place are shown in Figure 16. In this trial the because there is not pitch instability is consistently large not evident. heave motion. and pitch motions do not appear to be biased the origin. this is just This Also, is the surge to either side of The heave motion appears to diminish over the trial, due to the random wave used, this indicative of the behavior to all random waves. 43 behavior is not 20 E 10 0 0 Ca -10 3: -20 0 100 200 40 E 300 400 I 500 600 I I 700 800 900 1000 1000 20 0 -20 -40 I 0 I I 700 800 900 100 200 300 400 500 ime - sec 600 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 100 200 300 400 600 500 Time - sec 700 800 900 20 E '0 a, -40 0.01 -D cc 0 0L -0.01 Figure 16 Nonlinear simulation with random wave excitation 44 Chapter 5 Conclusions Computer based simulation of the motion platforms has been created to examine of motion, surge, heave, spar type oil the three important modes and pitch. carried out with the addition of a of Linear simulation has been realistic mooring system and the capabilities of examining the response to random waves. Examples that examine circumstances have been the responses presented for under a response variety of comparisons, including response studies near the natural frequencies in heave and pitch. heave motion of These examples showed that the the buoy grows extremely large near the natural frequency. Examples negr the coupling between surge pitch natural and pitch is frequency show responsible for that the there being very little pitch motion at these frequencies. The addition of the mooring effect on the motion of the buoy, around the natural frequencies. the motivation for motivation being system the to have little except in extreme cases such as This result was consistent with using platforms that proved shape of of the spar type buoy is design. This responsible for limiting the motions, not the mooring system. A linear simulation was also created with a which is more representative of a true ocean wave. 45 random wave, This showed be to the motions the consistent with that were within ranges linear single wave trials. force. restoring pitch the on position heave of effects the taking into account simulations were carried out Additional These simulations showed the effect of this indirect coupling to be very small, not affecting the overall motions. In these trials quantities at the local free surface elevation. of magnitude the were pitch motions the to these limit to proved simulations these doubled approximately The addition of the mooring over those of the linear simulation. system governing all evaluated that carried out were Simulations responses, resulting in over all motions of the magnitude seen in the linear trials. these since The overall extreme. consistent with the responses the of and these responses nonlinear, moored of magnitudes random was motion heave the trials mooring the with The pitch instability was not present system and a random wave. in made also were simulations Nonlinear not were trials with sinusoidal excitation. Future work on this topic should be done in the examination of platform responses to additional These effects. nonlinear include second order terms in governing equations. Another important area for future work addition of more complex spar buoy geometries. have additional structures well 46 below the would be the Many buoy designs surface to further lower the natural frequencies. These are important to model as are buoys with non-constant cross section. Additional mooring system effects, forces, system should also be configuration examined. for optimum included in this work. 47 A such as drag a vibratory thorough performance study of mooring should also be Bibliography Newman, J. N., Marine Hydrodynamics, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2 1977. Haslum, H. A. and Faltinsen, 0. M., Alternative Shapes of Spar Platforms for Use in Hostile Areas, Offshore Technology Conference, 1999. 48