N e w M e x i c oB u r e a u of Mines a n d M i n e r a l R e s o u r c e s Open F i l e Report No. OF-205 O R G A N I C GEOCHEMICkL ANALYSIS, PURE NO. 1 FEDERAL H WELL, DONA ANA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO b yS t e p h e n R . J a c o b s o n ,J a m e s S. R a n k i n D. S a x t o n a n dJ a m e s C h e v r o n , U.S.A. Inc. D e n v e rC , olorado W. Brown a n dS t e p h e n B r o w na n dR u t hL a b o r a t o r i e s ,I n c . Houston, Texas May 3 1 ,1 9 8 3 Chevron Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 700 Sourh Colorado Blvd., P. 0. Box 599, Denver, CD 80201 May 31, 1983 Mr. Clayton S. Valder Marshall R. Young Oil Co. 750 West Fifth Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 Dear Mr. Valder: Enclosedpleasefindresultsoftheorganicgeochemical analyses performed on samples from the Pureill-H Federal well, located in Section 24, T28S-R2W, Dona Co., Ana New Mexico. The analyses includes the following tests: 1. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 2. Rock Eva1 (Pyrolysis) 3. Microscopic Organic Analysis (MOA) 4. VitriniteReflectance(Ro)orThermalAlteration Index (TAI) Yours truly, I h z 1 A.&s, M. I. Roberson District Geologist JSR Enclosures Discussion of Results: The Pure No. 1-H F e d e r a lw e l l was a i r d r i l l e d , r e s u l t i n g i n a v e rsym aal lv e r a gceu t t i n gs si z e . Over some i n t e r v a lt sh e sample s i z e was v e r ys m a l lp, o s s i b l yc a u s i n ge i t h e sr a m p l i n g a n d / o ar n a l y t i c apl r o b l e m s . Through o t h e ri n t e r v a l s , however, s u c ha sp a r t of t h e o r g a n i c a l l y r i c h (TOC = 3.55)Perchashale s e c t i o n (3990-4010 f t . )t h e sample s i z e was adequate and t h e geochemical r e s u l t s s h o u l d b e r e l i a b l e . I. Thermal M a t u r i t y : on "background Although the t h e r m arle s u l tasrbea s e d material", which c o n suiosnftrse c o g n i z a b o lreg a n i c r e s i d u e ,t h ev e r d i c tt h a tt h ee n t i r es e c t i o nc u t by t h i s w e l l i s thermally overmature appears to be j u s t i f i e d . S2 v a l u e sa r e Thatrecognizablepalynomorphsareabsent, v e r y low, Hydrogen i n d i c ai er es low, a l l suggest overmaturity. 11. OrganicRichness and Type: O r g a n i rci c h n e stsh r o u g h o utth see c t i o n i s poor, except f o r one f a i rv a l u e (0.61 w t . X ) i nt h e lower p a r t of t h e Penn s e c t i o n , one f a i (r 0 . 6 4 ) and one very good (3.55) sample tihne Devonian P e r cshhaai nl et e r v a l . The organicremainsweretoohighlyalteredtoallowtyping of thekerogen. BIOSTRATIGWHIC STUDY NO. 1135 PALYNOLOGY REPORT P4016 LOCATION: Pure OilI-H Federal Sec. 24-28s-2W Dona Ana Co., New Mexico PROBLEM: Cuttings samples submitted by Jim Rankin for determination of maturity (TAX - Vo) and microscopic organic analysis (MOA) indices. RESULTS: Note: Microscopic organic analysis (MOA) was not attempted because the kerogen is highly altered event o the point of having a mineral-like appearance.The vitrinite plugs weren o t useful i n identifying the kerogen types either. The TAI indices are not based on palynomorphs. as the entire suite of samples is apparently barren, but'on the back-ground material. Using'the background organic debris, although less reliable, seems justified when maturity indices are post mature. Laboratory flow sheets state these samples were very difficult t o process because oxidation was not possible. This might imply the organic fraction was already oxidized. Data Sample P4016-23,l Kerogen Types(MOA) no data. (800-900) Maturity Tmaxlow S2 yield. vo - TAI 4.0 post mature. Amount (of organics) Wt % TOC .39 poo~. Organic yield .2 ml. / 10 grams. 1980' Top Permian Sample P4016-24,2 (2250-2300) KerogenTypes nodata. (MOA) Maturity X " vo TAI low S2 v i e l d . u snepofl tu lg. 4.0 + pmoas t u r e . Amount WT % TOC .30 O r g a n i cy i e l d , poor. . 3 m l . / 10 grams. 2250' TopHueco Walfcamp (Permian) Sample P4016-25,3 (2710-2780) Kerogen T y p e s no d a t a . Maturity Tmax low S2 y i e l d . VO - TAI 4.0 + pmo satt u r e . Amount 1 O r g a n i cy i e l c F F A 1 . im"T0C / 10 grams. 3215' TopPenn. Sample P401626.4 (3240-3290) KerogenTypes no d a t a . Maturity Tmax vo low S2 y i e l d . TAI 4.0 + pmoasttu r e . - Amount WT % TOC .35 poor. O r g a n i cy i e l d .2 ml. / 10grams. Sample P4016-27,5 (3320-3390) Kerogen Types no data. Maturity Tmax low S2 yield. vo - TAI 4.0 + p o s t mature. Amount Wt % TOC .33 Organic y i e l d . 2 ml. poor. Sample P4016-28,6 (3390-3500) 1 10 grams. Kerogen Type no data. Maturity Tmax vo TAI low S2 yield. - 4.0 + p o s t mature. Amount WT % TOC .33 poor. Organic yield .2 ml. 1 10 grams Sample P4016-29,7 (3620-3700) Kerogen Type no data. Maturity max vo TAI low S2 y i e l d . plug not u s e f u l . 4 . 0 + p o s t mature. Amount WT % TOC . 6 1f a i r . Organic y i e l d. 3 m l . - / 10 grams. 3850' ? Top Percha (Devonian) Sample P4016-30.8 Kerogen Type no data. Maturity max vo TAI low S2 y i e l d . - 4.0 + post Amount W t % TOC .64 fair. Organic y i e l d . 2 m l . - mature. 1 10 grams. " Sample P4016-31,9 (3990-4030) Kerogen Type no data. .' Maturity Tmax vo low S 2 y i e l d . plug not u s e f u l . TAI 4 . 0 ip o s t mature. Amount W t % TOC 3.55verygood. Organic y i e l d 1 . 2 m l . / 10 grams. 4060' 1 Top Fusselman (Silurian) Sample P4016-32,lO (5390-5460) Kerogen Type no data. Maturity Tmax low S2 y i e l d . vo TAX +4p. 0o s t - Amount W t X TOC . 2 6 poor. Organic y i e l d ,t r a c e . ~ mature. 0 Sample P4016-33.11 (6210-6290) Kerogen Type no data. Maturity Tmax 0 low S2 yield. vo - TAI 4.0 + p o s t mature. Amount Wt % TOC .27 poor. Organic yield, trace. May 18, 1983 J. D. SAXTON PURE O I L 1-H FED. SEC. 24 - 28s - 2W DONA ANA NEW M E X I C O CO., .HYDROCARBON GENERATIONZONES BIOSTUDY NO. 1135 % KEROGEN TYPES ',3 " <& . . 2 0.0 ' f 2.5 i 3.0 01 IOP - ! I iI ! i 3.5 3.7 I. 5 2.0 ONDLNSA AND '[I , A 5 ZOh - 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 DRY GAS ZONE. i ! i I j T l l , 4.0 I II ... 7 < c - ,.~ " " " " " "------ .* ...: ;:: .. ..i.Zl GEOCHEMICAL REPORT TotalOrganicCarbon & Rock-Eva1 Evaluation Pure Oil Co. No. 1-H Federal DonaAna County, NewMexico SEC 24-28S-2W B R O W 63 RUTH LABORATORIES,INC. 10690 SHADOW WOOL) DRIVE. SUITE 130, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77043 0 (713) 464,3284 December 2 2 , 1982 ChevronU.S.A.,Inc. P. 0. Box 599 Denver, Colorado 80201 Attention: D r . Stephen R . Jacobson Gentlemen: Attachedpleasefindthe results of geochemical analyses performed on eleven (11) cuttings samples from the Pure Oil Co. No. 1-H Federal Well,DonaAna County, New Mexico. Authorizationandanalyticalinstructions were contained in Work Order CMEN-2100. The limited amount of sample materialnot under separate cover. We appreciate the opportunity to be additionalassistance,pleasecontact used in the analyses of servicetoChevron. us. will be returned Ifwe can be of Very truly yours, BROWN & RUTHLABORATORIES, Stephen W. Brown SWBlkr Enclosures INC. ._. . ..:. ... .:e i :._I. .:;:,. GEOCHEMICAL REPORT - 432 CLIENT: CHEVRON U . S . A . I N C . P . 0. Box 599 Denver, Colorado 80201 ~ WELL: Pure Oil Co. No. 1-H Federal, Dona Ana AUTHORIZATION: ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ County, New Mexico D r . Stephen R . Jacobson SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: SAMPLE PREPARATION: Following athoroughvisual examination, the samples were ground for analysis. No special preparation was necessary. ANALYTICAL DETERMINATIONS: A s pertheinstructions containedinthe Work Order,totalorganiccarbon (T .O.C.) determinationsand Rock-Eval pyrolysis was performed on each of the samples. Thetabulatedresults from boththeseanalysesarepresentedin Table I. The Rock-Eval pyrogramsareplottedinFigures I-A, I-B, and I-C. Although the total organic carbon content of the samples ranges from low, to in one .case,verygood, none of the samples appeartobe capable of generating significantquantities of oil or gas.Based on the physicalappearance of the samples and on the limited S2 yields, we conclude thatthe sectionrepresented by these samples has probably experienced a moderate to extreme thermal history. No Tmax values were obtainable from any of thesamples,duetothe low S2 yields. One sample in particular appears to best demonstrate the effect of the probable thermal influence. Sample P-4016-9 hasan extrememly hightotalorganiccarbon content ( 3 . 5 5 % ) buthasvery negligible S2 yieldanda very small Hydrogen Index.Apparently,anyhydrocarbonthat could havebeenproduced from this organicfacieshasalreadybeengeneratedandreleased. Chevron U . S . A . (Denver) Pure Oil Co. No. 1-H Federal DonaAna County, NewMexico File No. 432 December 22,1982 Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Results of OrganicCarbonAnalysisand Sample Number Client I.D. T.O.C. (% W t . 1 SI S 3 (mglg) (mg/g) (mg/g) Tmax s2 (Oc) Production Index S2 53 Hydrogen Oxygen Index Index .......". , , q ....I 432-001 432-002 432-003 432-004 432-005 432-006 432-007 432-008 432-009 432-010 432-011 P-4016-1 800-840 P-4016-2 2250-60 P-4016-3 2750-60 P-4016-4 3240-3290 P-4016-5 3320-3330 P-4016-6 3390-3410 P-4016-7 3620-3630 P-4016-8 3860-3890 P-4016-9 3990-4010 P-4016-10 5390-5400 P-4016-11 6210-6230 0.39 (0.10 4.10 0.23 0.30 (0.10 (0.10 0.31 0.15 (0.10 (0.10 0.29 0.35 0.10 (0.10 0.32 0.33 0.10 0.12 0.30 0.33 (0.10 0.10 0.27 0.61 (0.10 0.11 0.53 0.64 0.10 0.11 0.21 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 3.55 0.18 0.16 0.19 ** 0.26 (0.10 0.10 0.42 0.27 (0.10 0.15 0.51 ** ** "_ 59 "- 104 "_ -" -" ""_ -" "_ "- "_ "_ 0.46 0.39 35 91 "- 0.35 29 82 "_ 0.21 18 86 0.46 0.53 18 0.53 0.86 5 5 -" 0.24 39 163 -" 0.29 56 190 197 91 2 -1 4 : I m I vr - vr N 1 c