New Mexico B u r e a u of Mines and Mineral R e s o u r c e s O p e n F i l e R e p o r t NO. OF-260 ORGANICGEOCHEMICALANALYSES O F S U P E R I O RO I L CO. NO. 1-14 SAN MATE0 WELL, MCKINLEY COUNTY, NEW MEXICO Jacobson, James D. S a x t o n , and K a t h e r i n e M. T u l l y Chevron U . S . A . , Inc. By Stephen R. D e n v e r ,C o l o r a d o DOW and John R. A l l e n G e o c h e m i c a l Services, Inc. T h e Woodlands, T e x a s N o v e m b e r 1 5 , 1985 ,' . &; @f ~- BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STmlYNO. 1478 ADDENDUM 1 P4981 LOCATION: 5LLpwior o;\ to* San Mateo Govt 1-14 Sec. 14-14N-8W McKinley Co., New Mexico PEOBLgPIr by K. Tully for Twenty cutting samples submitted determination of maturity (TAI-VO) and Microscopic Organic Analysis (MOA) indices. DISCUSSION: TheHydrogenIndexforsamples kerogen, (less than 1-4 indicatesgasprone COFRC parameter). Visual 150, microscopic organic analysis indicates the samples to be oil either mixed or predominately prone. possible A I1 explanation for this discrepancy, some amorphous Typ? materials do not show good oil potential: these include; (1) precipitated humic acids, (2) rnicrobially-reworked vitrinite. See: Rock-Eva1 Pyrolysis Interpreters Manual The Type K. E. Peters TM 83001170 I1 determinations are uncertain from Spl. 9-14. A very noticeable amount of Lost Circ. Material was obsl?rved beginningwithSample 5. Thismaterialisincorpo-ated into the TOC and pyrolysis data making the value of this data suspect. Many of any of these samples probably owe most of their TOC to this introduced material. Notice there is no "down-hole''trend developed, Production Index values over post-maturity whereas the gas generative zone. of increasing Tmax 0.4 indicate TAI indicates oil-late oil wet BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDY NO. 1478, Addendum 1 P4981 Page Two RESULTS: (Maturity-Kerogen Types-Amount of Organics) Maturity (TAI-Vo-Tmax-Production Index) TAI - Interval 300-1200, Samples 104, oil generative zme. Note: determination based in part on Aquilapollenites SP. 9 palynomorphs colpate and Cicatricosisporites sp. (U. Cretaceous) TAI = 2.7-2.8 - U. Penn. Permian striate forms were observed in Sample 20,(6000-6200) : considered to be "Pennsylv=inian" l o g picks.Thesestriatebi-saccs . ageaccordingto were used because other useful Carboniferous palynomorphs were not observed and they do at least give the maturity level of the U. Penn-Permian and probablytherestoftheintervaldownto 6200: as no palynomorphs of greater maturity ,.were noted. - ~ ~. .TAI = 3.0-3.4, late oil to wet gas generative zcne.(c&UrO Vo - All the plugs S A ? were examined but none of th'?m are useful. Tmax - All .the indicesindicatematuritylevelstobe immature, S 2 peaks are practically non-existent in many of the pyrograms or shifted to th'? left reducing the Tmax values. Production Index,Sl/Sl -I- 52) x 100 Interval 300-1200, Samples1-4 .Interval 4031-4380, Sample 14 19 are within COFRC Interval 5800-5995, Sample parameters 0.1-0.4, oil generative zone. BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDY NO. 1478 Addendum 1, P4981 Page Three Kerogen Types (MOA-Eydrogen Index) Sample - P4981- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Microscopic Organic Analysis I1 I I11IV Interval 300-499 Cretaceous Mancos I, 500-699 11 700-880 890-1200 Cretaceous Dakota 1200-1499 Jurassic Morrison I, 1500-1799 2000-2150 Jurassic Summerville 2150-2220 Jurassic Todilto 2220-2390 Jurassic Entrada 2400-2650 Triassic . ' Chinle * 3740-3899 Triassic 3900-3950 Permian San Andres 3952-4030 Permian Glorieta 4031-4380 Permian Peso 15 16 17 4440-4480 It 4500-4890 4900-5200 Permian I, 18 5720-5790 19 20 5800-5995 6000-6200 Ab0 U. Penn. Hermosa? U. Penn. U. Penn. - E1 - 0 40 30 0 0 0 50 2525 70 103 130 137 0 50 93 30 82 60 60 50 0 0 0 50 65 0 go* 113 . 0 . 80* 0 60 0 0 80 0 80* 0 0 82 ' 40 159 150 .. 39 70 29 20 23 10 0 0 45 45 60 165 25 *See Discussion on Page 1) NOTE: None of the HI values are very useful in characterizing kerogen types because of the low TOC indices andor the S2 indic?s. . . BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDYNO. 1478 ADDENDUM 1, P4981 Page Four Sample . Interval Age TOC (wt %) P4981300-499 1 Cretaceous 1.32 (1-2, Mancos It 1.18 2 500-699 ,I 1.22 ' 3 700-880 Cretaceous 1.23 4 890-1200 Dakota Jurassic 0.14 (0-0.5, 5 1200-1499 Morrison It 0.15 6 1500-1799 Jurassic 7 2000-2150 0.12 Sumerville .Jurassic 0.23 8 2150-2220 Todilto Jurassic 9 2220-2390 0.16 Entrada 1110 2400-2650 .Triassic Chinle 0.10 11 3740-3899 Triassic Permian 12 3900-3950 0.32 San Andres 0.22Permian 13 3952-4030 Glorieta 14 4031-4380 Permian 0.18 Yeso 11 0.17 15 4440-4480 11 0.15 16 4500-4890 4900-5200 17 Permian 0.13 5720-5790 18 U. Penn. 0.10 Hermosa? 0.31 U. Penn. 195800-5995 0.12 U. Penn. 20 6000-6200 . . 52 (mg/g) 0.95 1.08 (0-2.5, Good) I, 0.95 8, 1.0 I, 1.2 1.21 1.58 1.69 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.C9 0.C6 11 0.83 0.15 It trace 0.18 trace 0.09 - . trace trace 0.04 0.51 trace 0.33 p o o r ) 11 11 ...:e. NOTEr Organic Yield (ml/lOg) 11 . . .11 . I, 9, 0.05 I, I, I, 1, I, It . 0.07 0.09 I1 poor). 0.19 trace trace 0.35 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.35 0.10 0.51 0.03 I, I, I, I, 11 It Yield values are not calibrated to any other organic quantity measurements such as TOCor 52. These results are onlyOF value f o r comparisons of one sample to another sample in the same suite. . . . . . . . .. . . . * .. .- . . . . _ _ . .. . . . . . BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDYNO. 1478 ADDENDUM 1, P4981 Page Five DATA: Sample P4981-1 300-499 Cret. . Mancos Maturm TAI' 2.7Oilgenerativezone. . VO Tmax 429OC1 PI 0.14 (0.1-0.4, oil gen. zone). Kerogen Type, MOA I O I1 40% oil prone. I11 30% gas prone. IV 30%inert. HI- 82? (0-150, indicates gas prone kerogen). Amount of organics WT % TOC 1.32 (1-2, good). Organic Yield 0.95 m1/10 g. s2 1.080-2.5, mg/g poor). Maturity Sample P4981-2TAI 500-699 Vo Cret. 432OC? Tmax Mancos PI - 0.10 (0.1-0.4, oil gen. zone). Kerogen Type, MOA I O I1 50% oil prone. I11 25% gas prone. IV 25%inert. HI 1031 (0-150, indicates gas prone kerogen) Amount of organics WT % TOC 1.18 (1-2, @;odd). Organic yield 0.95 m1/10 g. 52 (0-2.5, mg/g 1.21 poor.). . ,... BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDYNO. 1478 ADDENDUM 1, P4981 Page Six Sample Maturity P-4981~3 700-880 Cret Mancos TAI VO Tmax 428'C? PI 0.19 (0.1-0.4, oil gen. zone). - . Kerogen Type, MOA I O 11 60% oil prone. I11 IV HI 130? (0-150, indicates gas prone kerogen.) Amount of organics WT % TOC Organic yield 52 1.22 (1-2, good). 1.0 m1/10 g. (0-2.5, mg/g 1.58 poor). Sample Maturity P4981-4TAI 2.7-2.8Oilgen. zone. ~. 890-1200 Vo Cret Tmax 429'C? PI 0.12 (0.1-0.4, . .. Kerogen Type, MOA I O 70% oil prone. I1 I11 ". LV HI 1371 '(0-150, indicates gas prone kerogen). Amount of organics WT % TOC 1.23 (1-2, Organic yield s2 . .. ..... , " .. . . .. ... good). 1.2 m1/10 g. mg/g 1.69 (0-2.5, p oor.) . . . .......... . . . .. .. BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDYNO. 1478 ADDENDUM 1, P4981 Page Seven Sample P4981-5 . 1250-1499 Jur Morrison . Maturity TAI Vo No plug. Tmax 393OC1 Low 52. 0.461 (0.1-0.4, oil gen. zone). PI - Kerogen Type, MOA Lost circulation I I1 50% oil prone. material present. I11 IV HI 93? TOC less than 1%, low S2 Value. Amount of organics WT % TOC 0.14 (0-0.5,poor). Organic yield 0.16 ml.10 g. s2 mg/g 0.13 (0-2.5, poor.). . .. Sample Maturity P4981-6 TAI Poor recovery of organics and palynomorphs, minerals common. 1500-1700VO NO plug. Tmax 311 C? Low 52 value. Jur Morrison PI 0.47T(0.1-0.4, - . Kerogen Type, MOA I Poor recovery of organics. I1 111 IV HI 601 TOC less than I%, low S2 value. Amount of organics WT % TOC 0.15 (0-0.5, poor). Organic yield 0.13 m1/10 g. s2 0.09(0-2.5, mg/g poor). . . 1 -. .. ...... . ,. . . . :., .. . I . , . BIOSTRIGRAF'HIC STUDY NO. 1478 ADDENDUM 1, P4981 Page Eight Sample Maturity P4981-7 2000-2150 . Jur Summerville TAI Poorrecovery of palynomorphs. VO Tmax 286OC1 Low 52 Values. PI 0.45'' (0.1-0.4, - Kerogen Type, MOA I Lost circulation material present, I1 poor recovery of organics. I11 IV E1 50? TOC less than I%, low S2 values. Amount of organics 0.12 (0-0.5, poor). WT % TOC Organic yield 0.16 m1/10 g. s2 0.06 mg/g (0-2.5, poor). Sample P4981-8 MaturitE 2150-2220 VO No plug. Tmax 335OC1 PI 0.611 . Jur Todilto TAI - Low S 2 value. 0.1-0.4, Kerogen Type, MOA I O circulation Lost I1 50% oil prone. material present. I11 IV HI 651 TOC less than 1%, low S2 value. Amount of organics WT % TOC 0 . 2 3 (0-0.5, poor). Organic yield 0.83 m1/10 g. s2 0.15 mg/g (0-2.5, poor). BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDY NO. 1478 ADDENDUM 1, P4981 Page Nine Sample P4981-9 2220-2390 Jur Entrada . Maturity TAI - Poor recovery of palynomorphs. Vo No plug. Tmax 359OC1 Low 52 value. PI 0.471(0.1-0.4, oil Kerogen Type, MOA O May 11 I11 IV 90% prone. oil intermediate-between~Types HI 113? TOC less than 1%, low I algal kerogen I and 11. Amount of organics WT % TOC 0.16 (0-0.5, Organicyieldtrace 52 (0-2.5, mg/g 0.18 Sample Maturity P4981-10 TAI 2400-2650 Vo Tri. Tmax 271°C? Chinle PI bean 2.2 value. poor). poor). Low S2 VAlue. 0.441 (0.1-0.4, oil gen. zone). Kerogen Type, MOA T - 11 I11 O - 80% oil prone. IV HI 821 TOC less than May be an algal . kerogen intermediate between I and 11. 1%, low S2 value. Amount of organics WT % TOC 0.11 (0-0.5, poor). .Organicyieldtrace. 52 0.09 (0-2.5, mg/g poor). BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDYNO. 1478 ADDENDUM 1, P4981 Page Ten Sample P4981-11 3740-3899 Triassic Maturity TAI Vo Tmax 403OC? Low 52 value. PI 0.64? (0.1-0.4, - Kerogen Type, MOA I material circulation Lost I1 present, wood tissue. I11 IV 401 TOC less than 1%, low HI S2 VAlue. Amount of organics 0.10 (0-2.5, poor). Organicyieldtrace. 52 0.04(0-2.5, mg/g WT % TOC &). Maturity Sample P4981-12 TAT 3900-3950 Vo No plug. Permian Tmax 353OC? San AndresPI 0.501 (0.1-0.4,oil gen. zone). Kerogen Type, MOA I - , I1 I11 ciruclation Lost material present. Woody tissue common. IV HI 1591TOClessthan 1%. Amount of organics WT % TOC 0.32 (0-0.5, poor). Organicyieldtrace. 52(0-2.5, mg/g 0.51 poor.) . . .. , . . ~ . . .. . ..,. ~ - . ~ t&j BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDY NO. 1478 ADDENDUM 1, P4981 Page Eleven Maturity Sample P4981-13 TAI Very poor recoveyr of palynomorphs. NO D1UZ. 3952-4030VO ~Perm. h a x 353Oc? Glorieta PI 0.421(0.1-0.4, Kerogen Type, MOA I O I1 80% oil prone. 111 IV HI 1501TOClessthan 1%. Amount of organics WT % TOC 0.22 (0-0.5, poor). Organicyieldtrace. s2 (0-2.5, mg/g 0.33 poor). Sample P4981-14 4031-4380 Permian Yeso ~ ~ ~~ Maturity TAI VO Tmax 380°C? Low 52 value. PI 0.36?(0.1-0.4, ~~~~ Kerogen Type,MOA I O I1 80% oil prone. I11 IV HI 39? TOC less than I%, low S2 value. Amount of organics WT % TOC 0.18 (0-0.5, poor). Organic yield 0.09 m1/10 g. s2 0.07 (0-2.5, mg/g -poor-). BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC'STUDY NO. 1478 ADDENDUM 1, P4981 Page Twelve Sample . P4981-15 Maturity TAI 4440-4480 Vo . . Tmax 277OC1 Low S2 value. Permian PI 0.557(0.1-0.4, Yeso - Kerogen Type,MOA I I1 I11 IV HI 291 TOC less than 1%, low S2 value. Amount of organics WT % TOC 0.17 (0-0.5, poor). Organic yield 0.19 m1/10 g. 0.05 mg/g (0-2.5, poor). .s2 Sample P4981-16 4500-4890 Permian Peso Maturity TAI VO . Tmax277OC1 PI 0.571 - Low 52 value. Low S2 vlaue. Kerogen Type, MOA I I1 I11 IV 70%inert. HI 201 TOC less than 1%, low 52 value. Amount of organics WT % TOC 0.15 (0-0.5, poor). Organicyieldtrace. S2 0.03 mg/g (0-2.5, poor). BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDY NO. 1478 ADDENDUM 1, P4981 Page Thirteen Sample Maturity P4981-17TAI - Poorrecovery of palynomorphs. 4900-5200Vo No plugmade. PermianTmax3OO0C?Low 52 value. PI 0.571 Low S 2 value. Ab o Kerogen Type, MOA I recoveryPoor organic I1 I11 IV HI 231 TOC less than of material. I%, low S2 value. Amount of organics WT % TOC0.13(0-0.5, poor). Organicyieldtrace. s2 0.03 mg/g (0-2.5,poor). Sample Maturity P4981-18 TAI Poor recovery of palynomorphs. 5720-5790Vo No plugmade. Penn Tmax253OC1 Low 52 value. Hermosa? PI 0.671(0.1-0.4,' ' . Kerogen Type, MOA I recoveryPoor of organic material. I1 I11 IV HI 10'1 TOC less than 1%, low S2 value. Amount of organics 0.10 (0-0.5, poor). WT X TOC Organic yield 0.35 m1/10 g. 52 0.01 (0-2.5, mg/g poor). BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDY NO. 1478 ADDENDUM 1, P4981 Page Fourteen Sample. Maturity P4981-19 TAI Poor recovery of palynomorphs. 5800-5995 VO Penn. Tmax404OC. PI 0.33 (0.1-0.4, oil gen. zone). ' Kerogen Type, MOA I I1 111 45% gas prone. IV45%inert. HI 165 ? TOClessthan: 1%, (150-300, mixed . .oil-gas prone kerogen). Amount of organics WT % TOC 0.31 (0-0.5, Organic yield 0.35 m1/10 s2 (0-2.5, mg/g 0.51 poor). - g. poor). Sample Maturity P4981-20 TAI 3.0-3.4 Late oil-wet gas gen. zone. Note: Based on Permian 6000-6200 Vo Formation. Penn Tmax 348OC7 PI 0.507(0.1-0.4, . Kerogen Type, MOA I 11 I11 IV HI 60% inert. 25? TOC less than 1%, low S2 value. Amount of organics 0.12 (0-0.5, poor). WT % TOC Organic yield 0.10 m1/10 g. 52 mg/g 0.03 (0-2.5, poor). ATTACHMENTS: DGSI report dated October8, 1985 Table 1, COFRC Geochemical Parameters. Fig. 1, TAI-Vo Equivalency Chart. Fig. 19, HI/Tmax Plt. J. D. SAXTON Noweber 15, 1985 JDS: jbd I O W I C CARBOB AND ROCK-NAL PYROLYSIS DATA CHEVRON U.S.A. Project SAMPLE IDENPIFICATION DEPIH (Feet) P4979P4980P4980P4980- . 9 1 2 3 I I M C* I CG51/85/131 S1 mglg 52 53 mglg wlg 0.76 1.58 T-max 5 1 / M C S2/TOC 53/TOC desC SZIS3 51/51+SZ PI HI 01 137 93 64 0.101.59 62 0.19 2.08 53 0.12 2.60 0.20 464 '0.46 t r I' t 1.22 I 1.69 0.24 1.23 0.65 I 0.13 0.11 0.14 0.38 : --- P49816 P49817 P4981- 8 P49819 P4981-10 t - I 0.08 0.05 0.48 0.09 0.06 0.28 P4981-11 P4981-12 P4981-13 P4981-14 P4981-15 I 0.52 0.04 0.62 0.51 0.87 P4981-16 P4981-17 P4981-18 P4981-19 P4981-20 I P49812 P49813 P49814 P4981- 5 : I I I I : I x I t I t I t t --- I0.76 1.21 0.14 1.18 I 0.15 I 0.12 11.23 0.15 0.23 0.23 0.72 0.18 I 0.16 0.16 .271- 0.160.09 I -0.070.11 -- ---- I 0.07 0.10 I 0.32 0.25 I0.33 0.24 0.22 0.23 I0.07 0.04 0.18 I 0.17 0.21 0.03 I 0.040.15 0.32 I0.03 0.04 0.13 0.01 I 0.02 0.10 I0.51 0.25 0.31 0.52 I 0.03 0.03 0.12. 0.06 103 12 432 428 130 31 0.6520 429 393 79 0.05 0.12253 0.43 29 53 311 286 335 359 42 100 113 100. 64 403 70 353 194159163 109 353 38039 22 35 277 0.47 60 0.19 320 0.45 50 0.21 233 65 535 0.610.12 450 0.47 0.25 82 145 0.440.56 40 870 0.05, 0.64 0.50 0.82 114 150 277 140 20 27 0.57 0.09246 23 31 300 0.50 500 10 20 253 0.50 404 81. 0.33 1.02 161165 433 25 25 348 h32? 0.42 0.36 0.36 128 0.55 0.570.14 0.67 0.02 0.06 0.50