, 1 t: N e w Mexico B u r e a u of Mines a n dM i n e r a l Open F i l e R e p o r t No. OF-204 Resources O R G A N I C GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS, GARTLAND NO- 1 BRISTER WELL! SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO b yS t e p h e n R. J a c o b s o n ,J a m e s S. R a n k i n , a n d James D. S a x t o n C h e v r o n , U.S.A. Inc. D e n v e rC , olorado W. Brown a n dS t e p h e n Brown a n d R u t h L a b o r a t o r i e s , Houston, Texas May 2 5 , 1983 Inc. Q;F Chevron U Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 700 South Colorado Blvd., P. 0. Box 599, Denver, CO 80201 May 25,1983 Mr. Clayton S. Valder Marshall R. Young O i l Co. 750West Fifth Street F o r t Worth, TX 76102 J' Dear Mr. Valder: Enclosed please find the geochemical and paleo results from the Gartland #l B r i s t ePr .a l e o n t o l o g ei cx a m i n a t i ootnhf e samplesfoundCretaceousformsthroughoutthewell. Also the T"ax r e s u l t s show a temperaturereversal(lowertemperatures withdepth). The c u t t i n g s were re-sampled but the paleo and T-Max r e s u l t s were unchanged. Upon verycloseexaminationof samples i tnh P e a l e o z o i sce c t i o n , a few Permian forms were i d e n t i f i eT d .h e ar ser e v e rpa ol s s i bilne t e r p r e t a t i o n t os e x p l a itnh e sree s u l t s . The most l i k e l yi,n my opinion, i s t h a t h es a m p l e sr e f l e c t a cavingproblem. The higherthermal m a t u r i t y (T.A.1.) v a l u e (s 4 1 8 0f t . and deeper) were obtained from some o f t h e few P a l e o z o i pc a l y n o m o r p h si,n f e r r i n tgh a t t h e s ev a l u e sa r ep r o b a b l yr e p r e s e n t a t i v e of t h e s e c t i o n a t t h e i n d i c a t e dd e p t h s . .:. Yours t r u l y , M. I. Roberson DistrictGeologist JSRfbm Enclosures cc: G. C. Young, BIOSTBATIGWHIC STUDY NO. 1096 PALYNOLOGY REPORT P3974 LOCATIOA: Gartland #l Brister (Drew Matthews) Sec. 8-125-4W Sierra Co., New Mexico PROBLEM: Cutting and picked cuttings samples submitted by Jim Rankin for determination of maturity(TAI-Vo) and miscroscopic organic analysis (MOA). RESULTS: Note: So much Cretaceous material is present in the complete interval that TOC, Tmax, organic yield and MOA indices are valueless, essentially the same material was measured over and over. Laborious examination did yield a very few palynomorphs that should be "in place" according to the stratigraphy given. No vitrinite plugs were made because of insufficient material. They would nothave been useful because such a small proportion of the kerogen was inplace. Data - Sample P3974-2 (2160-2180) Kerogen Types (MOA) No useful data. Maturity Tmax vo TAI - 2.7 - 2.8 oil generative zone. ("Jot Amount (of organics) No useful data. .70 - .80) ? Sample Kerogen Types P3974-3 (2370-2400) No useful data. Maturity Tmax V." TAI - - 2.6 - 2.7 o i l generative zone. (=Vo, .6o - .70) Amount No useful data. Top of Permian@ 2,740' Sample Kerogen Types P3974-13 (2930-2940) No useful data. Maturity Tmax VO TAI - - 2.8 - Amount No useful data. 2.9 oil generative zone. (=Vo, .80 - .go) Sample Kerogen Types P3974-4 (2920-2960) No useful data. Maturity Tmax VO TAI - 2.8 - 2.9 oil generative zone. (=Vo, .SO - .90) Amount No useful data. Sample Kerogen Types P3974-33 (3650-3660) No useful data. Maturity %ax VO TAI - - 2.9 - 3.0 oil generative zone. (=Vo, .90 - 1 . 0 ) Note:' The first occurrence downhole of a single specimen of Vittatina sp. (Permian) is used in this determination, this also is the first corroboration of the stratigraphy. Amount No useful data. Sample Kerogen Types P3974-34 (4180-4190) No useful data. Maturity %ax VO 'PA1 3.8 - 3.9 - dry gas gen. zone. (=Vo, 2.1 - 3.4) Note: TAT. determination based on presence of a single specimen of Hamiapollenites cf. gerisporites, a Permian agepalynomorph. Amount No useful data. Top of sill @ 4 , 3 6 0 ' Bottom of sill @ 5,110' Sample P3974-38 (5430-5450) Kerogen Types No useful data. Maturity Tmax . . ~" TAI - 3.8 - 3.9 dry gas gen. zone. ('Vo, 2.7 - 3.4) Note: TAI determination based on the following assemblage: One specimen of Hamiapollenites cf. perisporites, Permian One specimen of Vittatina sp., Permian One specimenof Vittatina costabilis, Permian. Amount No useful data. Sample P3974-30 (6860-6865) Kerogen Types No u s e f u l data. Maturity Tmax VO TAI - - 3.8 - 3.9 Amount No useful data. dry gas gen. zone. (=Vo, 2.7 - 3.4) Sample P3974-39 (6860-6865) Kerogen Types No useful data, Maturity Tmax VO TAI - 3.8 - 3.9 dry gas gen. zone. (=Vo, 2.7 - 3.4) Note: TAI determination based on a single specimen of Vittatinasp. a Permian age palynomorph. Amount No useful data. Sample P3974-10 (7200-7220) Kerogen Types No useful data. Maturity Tmax VO . TAI - - 3.8 dry gas gen. zone. Amount No useful data. (=Vo, 2.7) Sample Kerogen Types P3974-16 (7200-7230) No u s e fdualt a . Maturity ~. Tmax "0 TAI - 3 . 8 - 3.9 drygasgen.zone. - (=Vo, 2.7 - 3.4) Amount No u s e f u l d a t a . Kerogen Sample Types P3974-31 (7395-7400) No u s e fdualt a . Maturity Tmax VO TAI -3.8 - Amount No u s e f u l d a t a . 3.9 drygasgen.zone. (=Vo, 2.7 - 3.4) Sample Kerogen Types P3974-11 (8200-8230) No u s e fdualt a . Maturity Tmax VO TAI - - 3.8 - 3.9drygasgen.zone. (=Vo, 2.7 - 3.4) 3.9drygasgen.zone. (=Vo, 2.7 - 3.4) Amount No u s e f u l d a t a . Kerogen Sample Types P3974-12 No u s e fdualt a . (8500-8510) Maturity Tmax VO TAI - 3.8 - Amount No u s e f u l d a t a . Sample Kerogen Types P3974-18 (8490-8550) No u s e fdualt a . Maturity Tmax "0 TAI - 3.8 - 3.9drygasgen.zone. - (=Vo, Amount No u s e f u l d a t a . ATTACHMENT: Brown - RuthReport429 Brown - RuthReport407 Figure 1 5-k May 18,1983 J. D. SAXTON 2.7 - 3.4) u APPROX. APPROX. TAI Ro 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 iII APPHOX. % Ed APPROX TAI 0.30 0.32 0.35 0.38 0.43 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.00 0.90 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.13 3.7 3.8 3.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.9, : 4.0 0 0.5 APPROX. % R, " " 0.1 1 0.14 0.16 0.1 8 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 APPHOX. TAI 1.o 1.5 2.0 2.5 PERCENTVlTRlNlTEREFLECTANCE 3.0 (% , 3.5 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7. 2.0 2.7 3 :4 4.0 - I 4.0 R,) FIGURE 1 c T A I AND PERCENTVITRINITEREFLECTANCE OF PrllNClPALHYDROCARBON GENERATION ZONES LE 77-0149 BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDY #lo96 ADDENDUM P3974 Location Gartland (Drew Matthew)#1 Brister Section 8, TlZS, R4W Sierra County, New Mexico Problem Confirm age of picked cuttings samples to support source rock quality determinations. Requescedby J. S . Rankin. Results Sample # Depth &.E P3974-34 P3974-38 P3974-39 4180-90' 5430-50' 6860-65 Permian ( ? ) Permian ( ? ) Permian ( ? ) These results must be used with caution. The dominant proportion of the organic matter is Cretaceous, characterized by dinoflagellates, plant tissue spores and pollen unknown from the Paleozoic.' As these samples were picked cuttings, were concentrated the possibility that Cretaceous cavings Consequently bulk processissuggested. by the picking analyses like total organic content (T.O.C.), microscopic organic analyses (M.O.A.) and rock eve1 pyrolysis (including Tmax) are all masked or overprinted by the large Cretaceous component of the samples. Discussion The threesamplesstudiedcontainedtwospecimens of Hamiapollenites c.f. perisporites, restricted to the Wolfcampian-Leonardian, two broken specimens assignable to Vittatinasp.andonespecimen of Vittatinacostabilis (known from Wolfcampian to Guadalupian). One specimen of each was found in sample P3974-38 (5430-50'). A single specimen of H.cf. perisporites was foundin sample ~3974-34(4180-90~). A single specimen of Vittatina sp. was found in P3974-39 (6860-65'). How to unravel the reworking, caving or in-place determination is complicated by the quality of the samples available to be picked and the picking process itself. S. R. JACOBSON May 9, 1983 SRJ:mm FILE INMXING INFO. FOSSIL TYPE TYPE O f S r U O Y I f . . _" . I I . I n b . i \ U A 3 '0 I v) + c\I 1 a3 0" W v) J " GEOCHEMICALREPORT Garland No. 1 Brister Well SierraCo., New Mexico 8-12s-4W BROWN & RUTHLABORATORIES, INC. 10690 Shadow Wood Drive, Suite 130 Houston, Texas 77043 BROWN 62 RUTH LABORATORIES, INC. 10690 SHADOW WOOD DIUVE, SUITE 130, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77043 o (713) 464,3284 November 2 , 1982 ChevronU.S.A.,Inc. Post Office Box 5 9 9 Denver, Colorado 80201 Attention: D r . Stephen R . Jacobson Gentlemen: Attachedpleasefind o u r analytical results from the geochemical analysis of twelve ( 1 2 ) cuttings samples from the Garland No. 1 Brister Well, SierraCo., New Mexico. The work was authorizedby your Work Request CHEN-2100 of October 11, 1982. Analytical instructions were includedintherequisitionletter. The unused samplematerial is being returned under separate cover. If youhaveanyquestionsconcerningtheseresults, additional assistance, please contact us. o r if we canbe Very truly yours, SWBIrh Attachments RUTH LABORATORIES, I k C . BROWN & Stephen W. Brown of . GEOCHEMICAL REPORT - 407 Chevron U. S .A . , Inc. Post Office Box 599 Denver, Colorado 80201 CLIENT : Garland No. 1 Brister,Sierra WELL : AUTHORIZATION: .Co., New Mexico D r . Stephen R . Jacobson SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Twelve (12) cuttings sampleswerereceived as Work Order CIIEN-2100. Thesamples representedtwenty ( 2 0 ) toforty ( 4 0 ) foot intervalstaken between thedepths 1680 feetand 8510 feet. All the samples were in good condition. SAMPLEPREPARATION None of the samples appeared t o be contaminated, and no special preparation was required. Following visual examination, the samples were ground, for analysis. . I ANALYTICALDETERMINATIONS The instructions contained in the Work Order requested that total organiccarbon(T . O . C . ) and Rock-Eva1 pyrolysisbeperformed on each of the twelve ( 1 2 ) samples. Theresults from boththeseanalysesare contained the attached in Table I. The pyrograms are visually presented in Figure I. Ingeneral,thesedimentsrepresentedbythesamplesappearmoderately immature and hold littlepotential for hydrocarbongeneration.Although theT.O.C.levelsreacheda maximum value of 0.96%, the 52 valueswere consistently low ((0.10 mg/gto 0.88 mglg) , and not indicative of a potential source unit. The S 1 valueswere all very low (maximum value 0 . 2 0 mg/g),giving evidence of the presence of out-of-place hydrocarbon. no The Tmax values were somewhat unusual, in that they exhibited a definitedecreasewithincreasingdepth. An examination of the S2 peaks offered no explanation, so at this time the cause of the alteration reversal is unknown. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Garland No. 1 Brister Sierra Co., New Mexico TABLE I File N o . : 4 0 7 November 21, 9 8 2 Results of Organic Carbon Analysis and Rock-Eva1 Pyrolysis ~ Sample Numb e r 407-001 407-002 407-003 407-004 407-005 407-006 407-007 407-008 407-009 407-010 407-011 407-012 Dep.th* (ft) 1680-1700 2160-2180 2370-2400 2920-2960 3660-3690 4140-4150 4280-4290 5140-5150 5400-5430 7200-7220 8200-8230 8500-8510 T.0.C (wt.%) 0.27 0.63 0.70 0.96 0.54 0.42 0.57 0.88 0.66 0.41 0.65 0.61 s1 s3 s2 (mg/g) (mg/g) 0.10 (0.10 0.18 -0.11 0.10 (0.10 0.14 0.20 0.24 (0.10 ( 0 .10 ( 0 . 10 0.17 0.22 0.88 0.70 0.21 (0.10 0.52 0.60 0.58 0.10 <0.10 (0.10 (mg/g) 0.34 0.32 0.35 0.49 0.42 0.80 0.72 0.73 0.38 0.44 0.55 0.62 Tmax Production (oc) Index ** 0.37 442 441 443 438 0.17 0.14 0.32 ** 437 435 434 ** ** ** "_ -" 63 35 126 73 39 0.21 0.25 0.29 0.73 0.82 1.55 91 68 88 _" "_ "_ ! i i ! i i i i j I * ** Hydrogen Oxygen Index Index 0.49 0.68 2.51 1.44 0.51 "_ i ! S2 s3 feet Unab le to determine due t o insufficient 5 2 yield, multiple peaks, etc. "_ "_ "_ ~~ "_ "_ _" "_ 126 51 50 51 78 190 126 83 58 107 85 102 v) E m L 01 0 L x a m > I w U 0 Y n: I N \ J I I -"--- I I GEOCHEMICAL REPORT TotalOrganicCarbon & Rock-Eva1 Evaluation Garland No. 1 Brister Well SierraCounty, New Mexico See. 8-12s-4W r v . BROWN &? RUTH LABORATORIES, INC. 10690 SHADOW WOOD DRIVE, SUITE 130, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77043 0 (713) 4643264 December 2 2 , 1982 Chevron U .S.A., lnc. P . 0. Box 599 Denver, Colorado 80201 Attention: Dr. Stephen R . Jacobson Gentlemen : .Attached please find the results of geochemical analyses performed on nine ( 9 ) cuttings samples from theGarland No. 1 Brister Well, SierraCounty, New Mexico. Authorizationandanalyticalinstructions were conveyed as Work Order CHEN-2100. The small amount of unused samplematerial is being returned under separate cover. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to Chevron. additionalassistance,pleasecontactus. *- If we canbe of Very truly yours, BROWN & RUTH LABORATORIES, INC. n Ste SWBIkr Enclosures W. Brown en GEOCHEMICAL REPORT - 429 CLIENT: \WELL: CHEVRON U.S.A. I N C . P. 0. Box 599 Denver, Colorado 80201 Garland No. 1 Brister, Sierra County, AUTHORIZATION: New Mexico I D r . Stephen R . Jacobson SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Nine ( 9 ) cuttings samples from the Garland No. 1 Brister Well, SierraCounty, Thesamplesappeared New Mexico, were receivedas Work Order CHEN-2100. t o be clean and totally free of contamination. SAMPLE PREPARATION: No special preparation procedures were necessary, and examination,thesamples were groundforanalysis. following visual ANALYTICALDETERMINATIONS: The instructions contained in the Work Order requested that total organic carbon(T. 0. C. ) determinationsbeperformed on everysample,andthat Rock-Eva1 pyrolysis be performed on all samples with T.O.C. a content in from both theseanalyses are presented excess of 0.2%. Thetabulatedresults inTable I . The Rock-Eva1 pyrograms are plotted in Figures I-A, and I-B. In general, the samplesappeared t o have a source potential very similar t o that observed in corresponding intervals previously analyzed from the Garland No. 1 Brister Well (Brown & RuthJob No. 407). The onlynoticeabledifference is a slightreductionintotalorganiccarboncontentin most of thesesamples,as compared t o the roughly corresponding intervals in the first set of samples. Thesedimentsrepresentedbythese samples appearmoderately immature and A s in the first set of samples, havepoorpotentialforhydrocarbongeneration. the limited S2 yields (maxiumum yield of 0.83 mg/g),suggestthattheorganic faciesdoesnotcontainalargeenoughquantity of thetype of organicmatter that can be converted into hydrocarbons. Theapparentreversalinthealterationgradientobservedinthe first set of samples from the Garland No. 1 Brister well, was againobservedin this set of samples. The Tmax was in excess of 44OOC in the first two samples and tended t o decrease with depth. , . ., TABLE I Chevron U . S . A . (Denver) Garland No. 1 Brister SierraCounty, New Mexico File No. 429 December 22,1982 ' Result.s ,I Sample Number Client I. D . 429-001 P-3974-23 2920-2980 P-3974-24 3650-3660 P-3974-25 4180-4190 P-3974-26 4290-4300 P-3974-27 4300-4310 P-39'74-28 5170-5180 P-3974-29 5430-5440 P-3974-30 6860-6865 P-3974-31 7395-7400 429-002 429-003 :j 429-004 429-005 j 'I 429-006 429-007 :i i 429-008 429-009 T.O.C. (%Wt.) 0f Olrganic c arbon A.nal:ysi s an(3 Roc:k-Eva :1 Pyroly$;is s1 s2 (mg/g) (mg/g) S3 Tmax (mg/g) ("C) 0.72 0.16 0.83 0.49 442 0.16 1.68 115 68 0.42 0.12 0.25 0.42 440 0.33 0.59 59 101 0.30 0.10 0.20 0.33 0.78 425 0.25 66 262 0.21 0.22 0.38 0.57 427 0.72 183 256 0.17 "_ "_ "_ "_ _" 0.30 0.14 0.36 0.33 424 0.27 1.11 122 110 0.34 0.24 0.42 0.39 428 0.36 1.07 122 115 10 4.10 0.61 ** "_ _" "_ 136 0.21 0.35 0.53 434 0.37 0.66 0.45 0.44 <o. "__" 1 t I 'I i I i 1i **Unable determine to due insufficient to 0.36 "_ %! I Production Index 5 2 yield, multiple peaks, etc. S2 Hydrogen Oxygen s 3 IndexIndex 80 120 € F I G U R E I-B R O C K - E V A LP Y R O G R A M S 429-006 P-3974-28 ‘ 429-008 P-3974-30 iI 429-009 P-3974-31 I i ! 1: I\n_ s3 _J J s1 s2 s1 52 A” s1 s2 s1 s2 t