Physics 133/219: Condensed ma5er/materials physics laboratory Lecture 1 (5/16/12) M. Brian Maple • Project oriented course − Prepare materials and inves3gate physical proper3es in connec3on with correlated electron phenomena − Real research – some3mes have to change course, objec3ve − Prepared single crystals of several systems containing Ln ions − Characteriza3on by x‐ray diffrac3on − Electrical, magne3c, and thermal measurements • Lectures and discussion to provide background and context for measurements − Prepara3on for research paper in style of Physical Review LeEers − Miniconference at end of course • Correlated electron phenomena arise from interac3ons between electrons in materials − Beyond free electron theory of metal – noninterac3ng electrons (electron gas) − Band theory of solid – metals and insulators – scaEering of electrons by crystal laJce Physics 133/219: Condensed ma5er/materials physics laboratory Examples: • Superconduc3vity − Forma3on of electron pairs (Cooper pairs) − AErac3ve interac3on − Conven3onal SC: Electron – phonon interac3on (phonons – quan3zed laJce vibra3ons) − Unconven3onal SC: Electron – magnon interac3on (magnons – quan3zed magne3c excita3ons) • Magne3c order − Ferromagne3c order − An3ferromagne3c order • Kondo effect − ScaEering of electrons by paramagne3c impuri3es in metal − Minimum in electrical resis3vity (long standing puzzle for “pure” noble metals) − Forma3on of nonmagne3c ground state (many body singlet ground state) Physics 133/219: Condensed ma5er/materials physics laboratory Examples (con3nued): • Heavy fermion metals − Electrons have effec3ve masses of 102 ‐103 3mes mass of free electron − Anomalous proper3es − Unconven3onal type of superconduc3vity − Singlet‐spin, d‐wave (l = 2); triplet‐spin, p‐wave (l = 1) • MoE insulators − Coulomb repulsion between electrons − Produces insulator where band theory predicts a metal • High temperature copper oxide and Fe‐based superconductors − Superconduc3ng cri3cal temperatures up to 130 K at atmospheric pressure and 160 K under high pressure (RT = 300 K) − Anomalous proper3es in normal state − Superconduc3vity emerges from insula3ng or magne3c state that is suppressed by chemical subs3tu3on or applied pressure f‐electron materials 4 Local moment paramagneGsm: magneGzaGon M = ‐gJµBJ J = L + S (determined from Hund’s rules) gJ = 1 + [J(J+1) + S(S+1) ‐ L(L+1)]/2J(J+1) Landé g‐factor µB = eћ/2mc = 0.927 x 10‐20 erg/gauss E = mJgJµBH; mJ = J, J‐1, . . . , ‐J (2J+1 equally spaced levels) M = NgJJµBBJ(x); x = gJJµBH/kBT BJ(x) = [(2J+1)/2J]ctnh[(2J+1)x/2J] ‐ (1/2J)ctnh(x/2J) Brillouin func3on BJ(x) gJJ M(µB) H/T 5 Local moment paramagneGsm: magneGzaGon x << 1 M ≈ [NgJ2J(J+1)µB2/3kBT]H = (Nµeff2/3kBT)H = χ(T)H χ(T) = M/H = Nµeff2/3kBT = C/T Curie law C = Nµeff2/3kB Curie constant µeff = gJ[J(J+1)]1/2µB Effec3ve moment Satura3on moment x >> 1 M ≈ gJJµB χ‐1 x << 1 Curie law slope: C‐1 = 3kB/Nµeff2 T 6 Local moment paramagneGsm: Hund’s rules S, L, J for lanthanide ion determined from Hund’s rules Hund’s rules: Lanthanide ion with configura3on 4fn 4f electron: l = 3, s = 1/2 S = maximum value Σ(sz)i L = maximum value Σ(lz)i (subject to Pauli principle) J = |L‐S| 4f shell less than half filled (n < 7) J = L+S 4f shell more than half filled (n ≥ 7) e.g., Ce3+ (4f1) S = 1/2, L = 3, J = |L‐S| = 5/2 Pr3+ (4f2) S = 1, L = 5, J = |L‐S| = 4 Gd3+ (4f7) S = 7/2, L = 0, J = L+S = 7/2 (so‐called “S‐state” ion) Yb3+ (4f13) S = 1/2, L = 3, J = L+S = 7/2 (one f‐“hole”) 2J+1 degeneracy of Hund’s rule ground state mul3plet can be lired by crystalline electric field (CEF) ⇒ CEF ground and excited states 7 Local moment magneGc ordering χ(T) = Nµeff2/3kB(T‐θ) Curie‐Weiss law θ – Curie‐Weiss temperature Ferromagne3c order: θ ≈ θf (Curie temperature) An3ferromagne3c order: θ ≈ ‐TN (Néel temperature) χ‐1 AFM TN θ ≈ ‐TN θ ≈ θf FM T 8 SuperconducGvity – zero resistance • Zero electrical resistance (R = 0) • Tc – superconduc3ng cri3cal temperature • Superconduc3ng ring – T < Tc • R = 0 ⇒ no energy dissipa3on ⇒ current I persists forever! • Magne3c field H ∝ I (SC’ing electromagnet) Discovery of superconducGvity Heike Kammerlingh Onnes • 1908: liquified helium (b.p.: 4.2 K ≈ ‐ 453 oF) • 1911: measured electrical resistance of mercury at low temperature • 1913: Nobel Prize in physics SuperconducGvity – Meissner effect • Magne3c flux expulsion (Meissner effect) Superconductor expels small magne3c field H from its interior • Magne3c levita3on Magnet Superconduc3ng disk Fic33ous (image) magnet MagneGc levitaGon with a high Tc cuprate superconductor SuperconducGvity – criGcal magneGc fields Normal core Supercurrent vortex Type I Superconductor • Elements • Hc – Cri3cal field • Hc ~ 102 Oe • Too small for applica3ons! Type II Superconductor • Alloys, compounds • Hc1 – Lower cri3cal field • Hc2 – Upper cri3cal field • Hc1 ~ 102 Oe, Hc2 > ~ 105 Oe • Large enough for applica3ons! SuperconducGvity – criGcal current density • Cri3cal current density H A Fluxoid pinned by point defect I Superconductor F • Current I in magne3c field H where Hc1 < H < Hc2 L ⇒ Mo3on of fluxoids (Lorentz force > pinning force) ⇒ Resistance, since fluxoids have “normal” cores ⇒ Cri3cal current Ic • Increase Ic by introducing fluxoid “pinning centers” • Pinning centers: Defects (grain boundaries, vacancies, impuri3es) • Cri3cal current density Jc = Ic/A (A = cross‐sec3onal area) Origin of superconducGvity • Metal: Periodic arrangement (lattice) of positively charge ions “Gas” of mobile negatively charged conduction electrons • Normal state: R ≠ 0 o Scattering of electrons by: (1) thermal motion of ions (2) impurities (3) other electrons ⇒ dissipation of energy (finite R!) • Superconducting state: R = 0 o Electrons with opposite momentum p and spin s ”Cooper pairs” are paired (p↑,-p↓) o Electron pairs move in concert through lattice without scattering (R = 0!) A5racGve interacGon (convenGonal superconductors) • Formation of electron pairs Attractive interaction between electrons, VA, stronger than repulsive Coulomb interaction, VR ⇒ net attractive interaction V = VA – VR • Electron-lattice interaction Electron (-) attracts ions (+) ⇒ lattice deformation ⇒region of excess (+) charge ⇒attracts second electron (-) • Tc depends on (1) Average vibrational frequency of lattice <ω> ∝ M-1/2 (2) Strength of net attractive interaction V = VA – VR (3) Density of electrons (low in metallic oxides – regarded as poor prospects for high Tc SC!) Superconductivity in pure elemental solids