A Growing and Costly Issue

Diabetes Programs Teach
Healthy Lifestyle Changes
Economic Impact Series
A Growing and Costly Issue
 An estimated 1.8 million adult Texans have been
diagnosed with diabetes, while the diabetes in another
460,000 remains undiagnosed.
 The annual cost of diabetes in Texas is estimated at
$12.5 billion.
 Texas is projected to have a greater incidence rate and
increased costs in the future due to the growing
population of Hispanics, who are at greater risk for the
AgriLife Extension’s Response
 Diabetes is not curable, but it is manageable. People
can learn skills to effectively manage their diabetes,
but education has not been readily available.
delivered in five sessions.
 Recognizing the need for culturally relevant type 2
diabetes self-management education targeting Texas
Hispanics/Latinos, Si, Yo Puedo Controlar Mi
Diabetes was developed to address this gap in health
 Cooking Well with Diabetes engages dieticians and
diabetes educators to reinforce the practical
nutritional applications of the self-care educational
series, Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes.
 Wisdom, Power, Control was developed to address
the need for an evidence-based, culturally relevant
type 2 diabetes self-management education (DSME)
program targeting African Americans.
Economic Benefit
 AgriLife Extension programs targeting diabetes
include Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes, Si Yo Puedo
Controlar Mi Diabetes, Cooking Well with Diabetes,
and Wisdom, Power, Control.
 For those without diabetes, average annual health care
costs range from $3,495 to $5,853. For people with
diabetes, that amount soars to an average of $13,741
per year.
 These programs teach participants the skills to
effectively manage their diabetes or reduce the risk of
developing diabetes, through better nutrition, exercise,
and the monitoring of blood-sugar levels.
 Proper self-management of the disease enables people
with diabetes to reduce their health care costs close to
the non-diabetes level.
 Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes is a low-cost class
series covering nine self-care and nutrition topics
 For 2013, these diabetes education programs reached
more than 12,000 educational contacts, resulting in
potential lifetime healthcare cost savings and
improved productivity of $67.0 million.
 From a broader perspective these programs reach
communities and individuals lacking access to
diabetes education enabling a better quality of life and
improved productivity for people with diabetes.
Extending Knowledge | Providing Solutions
Douglas L. Steele, Director
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
ph. 979.845.7967
e-mail: dsteele@tamu.edu
MKT-3558BE I 2014
Educational programs of Texas A&M University System members are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information,
or veteran status. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating