How do I work with businesses

How do I work with businesses
that display my poster or brochure?
1. To convince a business to display your poster or brochures, develop a script
using phrases such as:
a. “A lot of our current students shop her . . .”
b. “Your customers would appreciate hearing about our program through
your store . . .”
2. Always be courteous when rejected. Don’t give up! Remember, we encourage
our students to persevere so we should too! Next time try a different approach
or send someone else, i.e., a student, or someone who knows the
manager/owner, etc.
3. Keep a record of the number of brochures distributed at each location. After
one week, check to see if they are gone. If so, leave more. If only a few have
been taken, leave 20 and take the rest to a high distribution location.
4. If you suspect a location may be discarding your brochures rather than
distributing them, visit the site one or two days after the second distribution. Or
call the business and ask if they have information on your program.
Placement Tip:
More people exit a story on the right than on the left. You want people to pick up your
brochure as they leave the store, so put the majority of your brochures close to the
right exit door rather that the left.