Why Do I Want That So Much? – Handout # 2 GRADE 6 LESSON 3 (Log of advertisements, peer influences, and the media) Directions: You will log advertisements, and peer and media influences. Pay attention to things that could influence your budget this week. Tally up “budget busters” and indicate why they were influential and what options you might have in lieu of the “budget buster” item. Day of the Week Was Ad/Peer Effective? (Yes or No) Why or Why Not? (Why did the ad make you want it, or why did the ad make you not want or care about it?) What are your other options? (List substitutes for item(s) or considerations you made to reach an alternative decision.) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Advertisements are not just on TV. Name two other places you may have seen or heard about a product or service this week. (i.e. radio, movies, billboards, internet, back of a cereal Box, a magazine, clothing logos (i.e. shirts and shoes) 1. _____________________________________ 2. _____________________________________ For Further Thought: 1 2 3 What items were advertised during the student's television viewing activity? Have they purchased products (or asked others to buy products for them) advertised on the TV? What factors motivated them to buy the product? Author: Kelly Mordecki (Kanawha County Schools)