Place a XanEdu Link in Carmen

Carmen Guide
Place a XanEdu Link in Carmen
This How-To will outline the steps needed to place a XanEdu link in Carmen.
1. On the course homepage, select the dropdown arrow next to the News tool title and select
New News Item.
2. Give the News Item a Headline.
3. Type a brief description of the XanEdu link in the Content text box.
4. Select the brackets </> at the bottom right of the content text box to bring up the Carmen
HTML editor.
5. In the HTML editor, after the </p> from the text that was entered in step 3, paste in the XanEdu
materials HTML code given out by XanEdu and select save.
Carmen Guide
6. The XanEdu materials link will now appear in the Content text box under the text that was
entered in step 3.
7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Publish to allow students to see the new News post.
8. The XanEdu materials link is now available for students in the News widget on the course
homepage, but I would also recommend posting in the module where students need to use the
XanEdu material instructions about where the link can be found. To do this, select Content from
the top navigation bar.
9. Select the module where the XanEdu materials will be used from the list of modules on the left
side of the screen.
10. At the top of the module page, select Add a description… to bring up a text box.
Carmen Guide
11. Text entered in this box will show up at the top of the module for students and is a good place
to put overall module instructions, such as instructions about the XanEdu materials. Type the
instructions into this textbox and select Update.
12. The XanEdu link has now been placed in your course and instructions are available for students
to find the link.