WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF EDUCATION GOALS AND PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE REPORT 2010 GOAL 1: All students shall master or exceed grade level educational standards that incorporate national and international measures and that reflect 21st century skills and learning. Objectives Performance Evidence Objective 1.1 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of students in each subgroup in the subjects of Mathematics, English/Language Arts, Science and Social Studies who score at Mastery level or beyond as measured by WESTEST 2 in grades 3-11. PI 1.1. Annual increase in percentage of students in each subgroup in Math, English/Language Arts, Science and Social Studies who score mastery or beyond on WESTEST. 1.1- While the recorded NCLB data showed a decline in performance, cut scores were changed from the 2009 to the 2010 school year. Thus, results are not comparable. When using the 2010 cuts for both 2009 and 2010 school years, there is an overall increase in the percentage of students in each subgroup in each content area. Objective 1.2 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of students who take the ACT and who meet the ACT college readiness benchmarks for English, reading, mathematics and science. (Need to establish baseline for college readiness benchmark in grade 11 for WESTEST 2). PI 1.2.1 Annual increase in the percentage of students who take the ACT and meet college 1.2.1- While there has been an overall increase, there has not been an annual increase in the percentage of students who take ACT. There has been an overall increase in the percentage of students who meet the college readiness benchmarks since 2007 in all areas except for English. There has been no change in the percentage of students who meet the English ACT college readiness benchmark PI 1.2.2 Annual increase in percentage of students who meet college readiness benchmarks in grade 11 as measured by the state assessment benchmarks. Annual Progress Summary 1.2.2- Data from 2008-2009 to 2009-2010 are not comparable given the change in cut scores. Using the 2010 cut scores on 2009 data, there has been an increase in the percentage of students meeting the college readiness benchmark in grade 11. Objective 1.3 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of students who reach proficiency or higher on the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) in grades 4 and 8. PI 1.3 Annual increase in the percentage of students who reach proficiency or higher on NAEP. 1.3- NAEP will be administered during SY 2010-2011. State results for comparison will not be available until SY 2011-2012 Objective 1.4 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of students who perform at the College Readiness Benchmark scores on the ACT PLAN and ACT EXPLORE. PI 1.4 Annual increase in percentage of students who meet readiness benchmarks on PLAN and EXPLORE. 1.4- There has been an increase in the percentage of students who meet or exceed both the PLAN and EXPLORE College Readiness Benchmark Scores (i.e., 2008-2009 to 2009-2010). 1 WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF EDUCATION PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE 2010 GOAL 1: All students shall master or exceed grade level educational standards that incorporate national and international measures and that reflect 21st century skills and learning. Objective 1.1 Increase the percentage of students in each subgroup who score at Mastery, Above Mastery and Distinguished Levels. PI 1.1 Annual increase in percentage of students in each subgroup in Math, English/Language Arts, Science and Social Studies who score mastery or beyond as measured by the WESTEST 2. MATHEMATICS: Percent of students at or Above Mastery on WESTEST 2 2009 2009 Adjusted* 2010 Difference All 59% 38% 42% 4% Asian 83% 69% 72% 3% Black 46% 25% 29% 4% Hispanic 54% 32% 37% 5% American Indian/Alaskan Native 59% 37% 40% 3% White 60% 38% 42% 4% LSES 49% 27% 31% 4% LEP 55% 36% 38% 2% 26% 11% 14% 3% Special Education 2 READING/LANGUAGE ARTS: Percent of students at or Above Mastery on WESTEST 2 2009 2009 Adjusted 2010 Difference All Asian Black Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Native White LSES LEP 58% 80% 49% 55% 55% 59% 48% 50% 40% 64% 28% 36% 35% 40% 28% 30% 42% 66% 31% 39% 40% 42% 30% 32% 2% 2% 3% 3% 5% 2% 2% 2% Special Education 19% 8% 10% 2% SCIENCE: Percent of students at or Above Mastery on WESTEST 2 2009 2009 Adjusted 2010 Difference All 54% 37% 39% 2% Asian 75% 60% 62% 2% Black 38% 22% 25% 3% Hispanic 49% 32% 35% 3% American Indian/Alaskan Native 53% 35% 40% 5% White 55% 38% 40% 2% LSES 44% 27% 29% 2% LEP 46% 28% 34% 6% Special Education 26% 15% 16% 1% 3 SOCIAL STUDIES: Percent of students at or Above Mastery on WESTEST 2 2009 2009 Adjusted 2010 Difference All 56% 36% 36% 0% Asian 77% 63% 60% -3% Black 44% 24% 24% 0% Hispanic 53% 32% 33% 1% American Indian/Alaskan Native 54% 30% 33% 3% White 57% 37% 37% 0% LSES 44% 25% 25% 0% LEP 50% 33% 32% -1% Special Education 25% 12% 13% 1% *The 2009 Adjusted column represents adjusted percentages based on applying the more rigorous 2010 cut scores to the 2009 data. 4 Objective 1.2 Increase the percentage of students who take a college admission test and meet college readiness benchmarks. PI 1.2.1 Annual increase in the percentage of students who take the ACT and meet college readiness benchmarks. English Years % Taking Test (CRB – 18) Mathematics Reading Science (CRB – 22) (CRB – 20) (CRB – 24) 2007-2008 64% 72% 31% 52% 23% 2008-2009 62% 71% 30% 54% 25% 2009-2010 64% 71% 32% 54% 24% PI 1.2.2 Annual increase in percentage of students who meet college readiness benchmark in grade 11 as measured by WESTEST 2. Years % Meeting or Exceeding WESTEST 2 Mathematics % Meeting or Exceeding WESTEST 2 RLA (WV CRB-Mastery) (WV CRB-Mastery) 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 NA 58% (38%*) 42% NA 55% (40%*) 42% *These represent adjusted percentages based on applying the more rigorous 2010 cut scores to the 2009 data. 5 Objective 1.3 Increase the percentage of students reaching proficiency level or higher on a national assessment. PI 1.3 Annual increase in the percent of students who reach proficiency or higher on NAEP. (See Annual Progress Summary) % at or above proficient NAEP Mathematics Reading Science Writing 2005 2007 2009 Grade 4 25% 33% 28% Grade 8 18% 19% 19% Grade 4 26% 28% ** Grade 8 22% 23% ** Grade 4 24% * ** Grade 8 23% * ** Grade 4 * * Grade 8 * 22% 2011*** * State results were not available for the grade and/or subject. ** State results have not been release by NCES. ***NAEP is administered in SY 2010-2011. Results will be available in 2011. 6 PI 1.4 Annual increase in percentage of students who meet readiness benchmarks on PLAN and EXPLORE. Percent of Students Meeting or Exceeding the PLAN College Readiness Benchmark Scores Year English (CRB – 15) Mathematics (CRB – 19) Reading (CRB – 17) Science (CRB – 21) 2007-2008 66% 21% 45% 16% 2008-2009 66% 20% 38% 14% 2009-2010 66% 20% 40% 14% ercent of Students Meeting or Exceeding the EXPLORE College Readiness Benchmark Year English (CRB – 13) Mathematics (CRB – 17) Reading (CRB – 15) Science (CRB – 20) 2007-2008 61% 31% 38% 9% 2008-2009 57% 26% 34% 9% 2009-2010 61% 32% 41% 11% 7 WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF EDUCATION GOALS AND PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE REPORT 2010 GOAL 2: All students shall receive a seamless pre-kindergarten through twenty curriculum designed to promote citizen literacy and gainful employment and delivered with broad stakeholder involvement to promote lifelong learning in a global society. Objectives Performance Evidence Annual Progress Summary Objective 2.1. There shall be an annual increase in the number of students enrolled in pre-kindergarten programs. PI 2.1. Annual increase in the number of students enrolled in the program. 2.1-The number of students enrolled in preK programs increased by 5.7% in 2009-2010. Objective 2.2 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of all students including those from high needs populations (special education, minority, low SES) enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), college credit courses, WV Earn a Degree-Graduate Early (EDGE) courses, the world language program, and upper level math and science courses PI 2.2.1 Annual enrollment increase of students (duplicated) in any AP/IB, Dual Credit and EDGE Credit courses. (Base-line Year 2007-2008) 2.2.-1The number of students enrolled in AP/IB and college credit courses increased by 14.60%, with a significant increase in AP enrollment. Enrollment in EDGE courses also increased. PI 2.2.2 Annual increase in the enrollment of students in the world language program. 2.2.2-The number of students taking world language courses increased from original 2006 - 2007 totals. Baseline data for High Needs Groups was recorded for 20092010. Overall student enrollment in world language courses returned to a percentage rate equal to 20072008. Students enrolled in new early learning elementary world language programs not reflected in data. PI 2.2.3 Annual increase of enrollment in Algebra II, Trigonometry, Pre-Cal., Calculus, Biology II, Chem. II, Physics II. (Base-line 2007-2008) 2.2.3-Enrollment in upper level math and science courses increased by 3.3%. PI 2.3 Annual increase in percentage of students in high needs and students without high needs population in 8th grade Algebra. 2.3-The percentage of students with high needs enrolled in 8th grade Algebra increased by 2.1%, compared to 1.7% for students without high needs. Objective 2.3 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of all students including those from high need populations (special education, minority, low SES) enrolled in 8th grade Algebra courses. 8 Objectives Objective 2.4 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of students enrolled in postsecondary and adult education. Performance Evidence PI 2.4.1 Annual increase in the percentage of students enrolled in postsecondary education. Annual Progress Summary 2.4.1- 61% of 2008-2009 WV high school graduates continued on to postsecondary education immediately after graduation. This represents a 2.7% increase over 2007-2008 graduates. A protocol has been established to assist school counselors to effectively serve students and to identify students to enroll in post secondary education. PI 2.4.2 Annual decrease in the percentage of first year students taking remediation classes in English and math in college. 2.4.2- 2009 college remediation rates reflect a 3.55% decrease in mathematics, with the percentage in remedial English comparable to previous years at 16% PI 2.4.3 Annual increase in the percentage of CTE graduates who continue their education or are placed in a job in their field or one that is closely related. 2.4.3 -94.9% of the 2009 CTE graduates were placed in jobs or continued their education. 53.6% of these graduates were employed and 43.38% continued their education immediately after graduation. PI 2.4.4 Annual increase in percentage of students meeting proficiency standards on end-of concentration exams and ACT WorkKeys®. 2.4.4-74% of the 2009-2010 CTE graduates passed the Global 21 Performance Assessment (This was the first year of full implementation and will serve as the baseline) In 2009-2010, 84% of CTE graduates passed the ACT WorkKeys Reading for Information assessment, 78% passed the Applied Mathematics assessment, and 72% passed the Locating Information assessment. The scores constituted an 8% increase in reading, 10% in mathematics, and 11% in locating information over the 2008-2009 school year. 9 Objectives Performance Evidence Annual Progress Summary Objective 2.5 There shall be an annual increase in the number of students enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP) courses who successfully complete the AP examination with a score of three or above. PI 2.5 Annual increase in the number of students (duplicated) enrolled in AP courses and successfully completing the AP exam with a score of three or above. 2.5-Both the number of students enrolled in AP courses and scores of 3 or higher on AP exams increased. The percent of students scoring 3 or higher on AP exams increased from 21% in 2009 to almost 42% in 2010. Objective 2.6 There shall be an annual increase in the number of students enrolled in General Equivalency Diploma (GED) preparation and those completing literacy and/or job-specific training. PI 2.6.1 Annual increase in the percentage of students receiving a high school diploma and/or GED. 2.6.1-The 2009-2010 high school graduation rate was 84.3% and has remained relatively consistent over the past seven years. The calculation for graduation rate changed in 2007-2008; using that calculation, the graduation rate has increased. In 2009, 4,493 students received their GED with 74.4% of test takers passing the exam. The WV pass rate is 5% higher than the national rate and approximately 200 more students received the GED than those in 2008. Protocols were established for working with at-risk students and the beginning development of an early warning system to identify students at risk. Objective 2.7 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of middle and high school students enrolled in fine arts programs . PI 2.6.2 Annual increase in the number of adults completing literacy and/or job specific skill training programs. 2.6.2-In 2008-2009, 32,352 students enrolled in ABE, reflecting a 1,800 increase over 2007-2008. Adult full-time enrollments increased by 585 students and adult part-time enrollments increased by 6,475. PI 2.7 Annual increases in the enrollment of students in middle and high school arts classes. 2.7-The percentage of students enrolled in arts classes has remained constant between 2007 and 2010, at approximately 48% of all students. 10 WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF EDUCATION PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE 2010 GOAL 2: All students shall receive a seamless pre-kindergarten through twenty curriculum designed to promote citizen literacy and gainful employment and delivered with broad stakeholder involvement to promote lifelong learning in a global society. Objective 2.1 There shall be an annual increase in the number of students enrolled in pre-kindergarten programs. PI 2.1 Annual increase in the number of students enrolled in the program. Years # of Students % Increase 2005-2006 8,944 12.1% 2006-2007 10, 672 19.3% 2007-2008 12,201 14.3% 2008-2009 13,135 7.7% 2009-2010 13,878 5.7% 11 Objective 2.2 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of all students including those from high needs populations (special education, minority, low SES) enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), college credit courses, WV Earn a Degree-Graduate Early (EDGE) courses, the world language program, and upper level math and science courses. PI 2.2.1 Annual enrollment increase of students (duplicated) in any AP/IB, Edge and College Credit courses. (Base-line Year 2007-2008) Enrollment of Students Advanced Placement/ International Baccalaureate EDGE College Credit Courses Total Enrolled/Students 11,350 15,093 18,654 25,825 27,352 30,525 9,339 6,652 9,029 46,514/82,432 49,097/83,000 58,208/82,349 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Percentage of Students Enrolled in Grades 9-12 Taking Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate (IB), College Credit Courses (a) (b) (c) (a+b+c) Number College Credit Percent (c/d) (d) Percent (a/d) Number in IB 2005-2006 4485 10.02% 164 0.37% 3382 7.56% 8031 17.94% 44765 2006-2007 4847 11.42% 178 0.42% 3640 8.57% 8665 20.41% 42461 362 1.40% 14 0.05% 258 1.02% 634 2.47% -2304 5392 13.15% 107 0.26% 3501 8.54% 9000 21.95% 41008 545 1.73% -71 -0.16% -139 -0.04% 335 1.54% -1453 5924 14.45% 150 0.37% 3258 7.57% 9332 21.69% 43015 532 1.30% 43 0.10% -243 -0.96% 332 -0.25% 2007 5840 14.35% 118 0.29% 3323 8.17% 9281 22.82% 40676 -84 -0.15% -32 -0.08% 65 0.53% -51 1.13% -2339 Percent (b/d) Number Percent (a+b+c)/d Enrollment Grades 9-12 Number in AP Students Not in High Need Groups Change 2005-2006 to 2006-2007 2007-2008 Change 2006-2007 to 2007-2008 2008-2009 Change 2007-2008 to 2008-2009 2009-2010 Change 2008-2009 to 2009-2010 12 (a) (b) Number in AP Percent (a/d) Number in IB Percent (b/d) (c) (a+b+c) Number College Credit Percent (c/d) (d) Number Percent (a+b+c)/d Enrollment Grades 9-12 Students In High Need Groups 2005-2006 2006-2007 Change 2005-2006 to 2006-2007 2007-2008 Change 2006-2007 to 2007-2008 2008-2009 Change 2007-2008 to 2008-209 2009-2010 973 1052 79 1417 365 1558 141 1705 2.54% 2.76% 0.30% 3.64% 0.88% 4.03% 0.39% 4.09% 67 53 -14 62 9 89 27 64 0.17% 0.14% -0.04% 0.16% 0.02% 0.23% 0.07% 0.15% 796 946 150 974 28 890 -84 970 2.08% 2.49% 0.41% 2.50% 0.02% 2.30% -0.20% 2.33% 1836 2051 215 2453 402 2537 84 2739 4.79% 5.39% 0.60% 6.30% 0.91% 6.56% 0.26% 6.57% 38328 38050 -278 38924 874 38691 -233 41673 Change 2008-2009 to 2009-2010 147 0.06% -25 -0.08% 80 0.03% 202 0.01% 2982 All Students 2005-2006 2006-2007 Change 2005-2006 to 2006-2007 2007-2008 Change 2006-2007 to 2007-2008 2008-2009 Change 2007-2008 to 2008-2009 2009-2010 Change 2008-2009 to 2009-2010 (a) (b) (c) (a+b+c) Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate College Credit Number College Credit Percent (c/d) Total Number in AP Percent (a/d) 5458 5899 441 6809 910 7482 673 7545 63 6.57% 7.33% 0.76% 8.52% 1.19% 9.16% 0.64% 9.16% 0.00% Number in IB 231 231 0 169 -62 239 70 182 -57 Percent (b/d) 0.28% 0.29% 0.01% 0.21% -0.08% 0.29% 0.08% 0.22% -0.07% 4178 4586 408 4475 -111 4148 -327 4293 145 5.03% 5.70% 0.67% 5.60% -0.10% 5.08% -0.52% 5.21% 0.13% Number 9867 10716 849 11453 737 11869 416 12020 151 (d) Percent (a+b+c)/d 11.87% 13.31% 1.44% 14.33% 1.02% 14.53% 0.20% 14.60% 0.07% Enrollment Grades 9-12 83093 80511 -2582 79932 -579 81706 1774 82349 643 13 PI 2.2.2 Annual increase in the enrollment of students in the world language program. Years Total # of Students % in World Language Classes % Increase 2006-2007 47,904 17% Baseline 2007-2008 64,819 23% 6% 2008-2009 68,578 24% 1% 2009-2010 63,729 23% -1% Students Not in High Needs Groups Number World Language Percentage 2005-2006 2006-2007 Change 2007-2008 Change 2008-2009 Change 2009-2010 Change 33,808 baseline 2009-2010 Change 29,921 baseline Students in High Needs Groups 2005-2006 Number World Language Percentage 2006-2007 Change 2007-2008 Change 2008-2009 Change 14 2.2.3 Annual increase enrollment in upper level math and science courses (Algebra II, Trigonometry, Pre-Cal., Calculus, Biology II, Chem. II, Physics II). Students Enrolled in Upper Level Mathematics and Science Courses Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2010 Enrollment in Grades 9-12 82,432 Enrollment in Grades 9-12 82,657 Enrollment in Grades 9-12 82,349 Course Algebra II Trigonometry Pre-Calculus Calculus Biology II Chemistry II Physics II Total Percentage Course Algebra II Trigonometry Pre-Calculus Calculus Biology II Chemistry II Physics II Total Percentage Course Algebra II Trigonometry Pre-Calculus Calculus Biology II Chemistry II Physics II Total Percentage Course Enrollment 20,401 8,783 4,627 706 0 0 0 34,517 41.8% Course Enrollment 15,373 7,212 3,350 494 121 115 0 26,665 32.3% Course Enrollment 16,155 7,389 3.560 366 1,290 464 61 29,285 35.6% 15 Objective 2.3 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of all students including those from high need populations (special education, minority, low SES) enrolled in 8th grade Algebra courses. PI 2.3 Annual increases in number and percentage of high needs and students without high needs population enrolled in 8 th grade Algebra. Students Not in High Needs Groups Number 2005-2006 2006-2007 Change 2007-2008 Change 2008-2009 20092010 Change Change Algebra 1 2640 3000 360 3435 435 3638 203 3523 -115 Enrolled Grade 8 9483 9329 -154 9323 -6 9500 177 8804 -696 27.80% 32.20% 4.30% 36.84% 4.69% 38.3% 1.5% 40% Percentage 1.7% Students in High Needs Groups Number Algebra 1 2005-2006 2006-2007 Change 2007-2008 Change 2008-2009 Change 20092010 Change 1183 1358 175 1706 348 2002 296 2244 242 Enrolled Grade 8 12439 11992 -447 11846 -146 11168 -678 11174 6 Percentage 9.50% 11.30% 1.80% 14.40% 3.10% 17.9% 3.5% 20% 2.1% All Students 2005-2006 2006-2007 Change 2007-2008 Change 2008-2009 Change 20092010 Change Number Algebra 1 Enrolled Grade 8 Percentage 3823 4358 535 5141 783 5640 499 5767 127 21922 21321 -601 21169 -152 20668 -501 19978 -690 17.40% 20.40% 3.00% 24.3% 3.9% 27.3% 3.0% 28.86 1.56% 16 Objective 2.4: There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of students enrolled in postsecondary and adult education. PI 2.4.1 Annual increase in the percentage of students enrolled in postsecondary education. POSTSECONDARY PARTICIPATION RATE % of HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES YEAR IN-STATE COLLEGES OUT OF STATE COLLEGES TOTAL % 2002-03 49.75% 9.64% 59.39% 2003-04 50.9% 9.8% 60.6% 2004-05 49.7% 9.6% 59.3% 2005-06 48.9% 9.4% 58.3% 2006-07 48.9% 8.6% 57.5% 2007-08 50.2% 8.6% 58.8% 2008-09 52.4% 9.1% 61.5% 17 PI 2.4.2 Annual decrease in the percentage of students taking remediation classes in English and math in college. (See Annual Progress Summary) FIRST TIME FRESHMAN WV COLLEGE REMEDIATION RATES YEAR NUMBER OF STUDENTS % ENGLISH % MATHEMATICS 2006 7.550 14.07 26.93 2007 7.785 16.26 28.39 2008 8,073 15.79 27.55 2009 8,289 16 24 PI 2.4.3 Annual increase in the percentage of graduates from CTE schools who continue their education or are placed in a job in their field or one that is closely related. CAREER / TECHNICAL PROGRAM PLACEMENT YEAR COMPLETERS % POSITIVELY PLACED % EMPLOYMENT % CONTINUING EDUCATION 2005 4,584 92.78% 57.02% 35.75% 2006 4,859 89.65% 54.5% 35.11% 2007 5,104 92.08% 56.1% 35.30% 2008 5,132 92.84% 54.62% 38.23% 2009 4,734 94.87% 55.41% 44.8% 2010 4,933 94.81% 50.15% 42.67% 18 PI 2.4.4 Annual increase in percentage of students meeting CTE proficiency standards on Global 21 performance assessment and ACT WorkKeys®. CTE Global Performance Assessment YEAR % OF STUDENTS MEETING STANDARD 2004-2005 41.75% 2005-2006 64.10% 2006-2007 68.63% 2007-2008 66.52% 2008-2009 Discontinued CTE Global 21 Performance Assessment Year Percentage of Students 2008-2009 77% * 2009-2010 74% *Pilot Year – only 15 concentrations tested in volunteer sites WORKKEYS® DATA % OF CTE COMPLETERS MEETING STANDARD YEAR MATHEMATICS READING LOCATION INFORMATION 2004-05 65.54% 69.32% * 2005-06 73.27% 70.66% * 2006-07 69.19% 71.34% * 2007-08 77.36% 88.45% 71.48% 2008-09 68.07% 76.16% 60.91% 2009-10 78% 84% 72% *2007-08 was the first year the Locating Information Test was administered. 19 Objective 2.5 There shall be an annual increase in the number of students enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP) courses who successfully complete the AP examination with a score of three or above. PI 2.5 Annual increase in the number of students (duplicated) enrolled in AP courses and successfully completing the AP exam with a score of three or above. Number of Students Enrolled in AP Courses Number of Students Scoring 3 or Higher on the AP Exam Percent of Students Scoring 3 or Higher on the AP Exam 2006-2007 9339 2648 11.2% 2007-2008 11111 2952 11.5% 2008-2009 15093 3181 21.12% 2009-2010 18654 3632 41.68% Objective 2.6 There shall be an annual increase in the number of students enrolled in General Equivalency Diploma (GED) preparation and those completing literacy and/or job-specific training. PI 2.6.1 Annual increase in the percentage of students receiving a high school diploma and/or GED. [2020 E.3] 90% of ninth graders will graduate from high school. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION RATES New Cohort Graduation Rate Year Graduate Rate 2004 83.99 2005 84.26 2006 84.32 2007 84.66 2008 83.93 76.6 2009 83.81 76.21 2010 84.3 76.8 20 GED COMPLETION RATES YEAR 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 # PASSING TEST 3,453 3,594 3,404 3,213 3,406 4,299 4,493 # TESTED 5,074 5,052 4,998 5,166 5,215 5.814 6.111 % PASSING TEST 68.05% 71.44% 68.11% 62.60% 65.31% 75% 74.4% * *National Passing Rate is 69.4% PI 2.6.2 Annual increase in the number of adults completing literacy and/or job specific skill training programs. ADULT BASIC EDUCATION ENROLLMENTS SCHOOL TERM 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 ADULT FULL-TIME CTE ENROLLMENTS ENROLLMENTS 29,421 30,982 29,942 28,940 30,132 30,552 32,352 SCHOOL TERM 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 ENROLLMENTS 2,312 2,643 2,196 2,667 2,003 1,767 2,352 ADULT PART TIIME CTE ENROLLMENTS SCHOOL TERM 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 ENROLLMENTS 44,378 48,517 48,193 95,586 103,047 126,556 133,031 21 Objective 2.7: There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of middle and high school students enrolled in fine arts programs PI 2.7 Annual increase in the percentage of middle and high school students enrolled in fine arts programs. Dance Music Other Theater Visual Grand Total % Total 2007 2,534 44,289 334 5,542 20,777 68,685 47.64233 2008 2,178 43,872 176 5,233 21,056 67,851 47.65688 2009 2,354 42,746 165 5,473 21,202 67,319 47.6534 2010 2,528 41,710 191 5,585 20,231 65,761 47.64737 22 WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF EDUCATION GOALS AND PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE REPORT 2010 GOAL 3: All students and school personnel shall develop and promote responsibility, citizenship, strong character and healthful living. Objectives Performance Evidence Annual Progress Summary Objective 3.1 All counties shall meet the high quality standards of the WVBE’s wellness policy with an emphasis on a healthy lifestyle including healthy beverages and foods. PI 3.1 Increase the number of counties meeting the high quality standards of the West Virginia Board of Education wellness position statement. 3.1-To date, 53 of 55 county boards have elected to voluntarily discontinue the sale of soft drinks to students during the school day. Objective 3.2 There shall be no schools cited by OEPA for non compliance in Multicultural Education PI 3.2 Annual decrease in the number of schools cited by OEPA for non-compliance in Multicultural Education*. 3.2-The number of schools cited by OEPA for noncompliance in multi-cultural education decreased between 2009-2010. Objective 3.3 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of schools meeting the FitnessGram “Healthy Zone” and the HEAP (Health Education Assessment Project) “mastery and above” categories. PI 3.3.1 Annual increase in percentage of students meeting Fitness Gram Healthy Zone 3.3.1 and 3.3.2-There has been little or no improvement in either the FitnessGram or HEAP. A full report with recommendations for improvement was presented to the Board in Oct. 2010. Action needs to move forward on the recommendations in that report. PI 3.3.2 Annual increase in percentage of students meeting mastery and above on HEAP 23 WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF EDUCATION PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE 2010 GOAL 3: All students and school personnel shall develop and promote responsibility, citizenship, strong character and healthful living. Objective 3.1 All counties shall meet the high quality standards of the WVBE’s wellness policy with an emphasis on healthy life style including healthy beverages and foods. PI 3.1 Increase the number of counties meeting the high quality standards of the West Virginia Board of Education wellness position statement. 2009-2010– 53 of 55 counties have elected to voluntarily discontinue the sale of soft drinks to students during the school day. Objective 3.2 There shall be no schools cited by OEPA for non-compliance in Multicultural Education. PI 3.2 Annual decrease in the number of schools cited by OEPA for non-compliance in Multicultural Education. Year 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Schools Cited % 39 7 18% 56 6 11% 32 4 12% 43 2 5% Schools Reviewed 24 Objective 3. 3: There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of schools meeting the FitnessGram “Healthy Zone” and the HEAP (Health Education Assessment Project) “mastery and above” categories. PI 3.3.1 Annual increase in the percentage of students meeting the FitnessGram Healthy Zone and the HEAP mastery and above categories. FitnessGram® Results Year % Healthy Zone for Upper Boyd Strength % Healthy Zone for Aerobic Capacity % Healthy Zone for Flexibility % Healthy Zone for Trunk Lift % Healthy Zone for Curl-up % Healthy Zone for Body Composition 2006-07 69% 65% 81% 86% 82% 68% 2007-08* 70% 66% 80% 86% 82% 66% 2008-09 69% 68% 80% 87% 82% 68% 2009-10 69% 68% 81% 87% 82% 68% PI 3.3.2 Annual increase in the percentage of students meeting the HEAP mastery and above categories. HEAP Results (Proficiency set at 80% right response) 2003* % Right Response for Nutrition 68 2006-2007 69 75 93 77 71 72 75 2007-2008 64 75 92 75 68 73 80 2008-2009 67 75 93 77 71 72 75 2009-2010 66 73 92 75 67 69 70 Year % Right Response for Physical Activity % Right Response for Injury Prevention % Right Response for Growth/Development % Right Response for Tobacco % Right Response for Alcohol & Drugs % Right Response for Mental Health 73 90 68 68 67 57 25 WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF EDUCATION GOALS AND PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE REPORT 2010 GOAL 4: All students shall be educated in school systems that provide equitable education opportunities delivered efficiently and effectively in a safe environment. Objectives Objective 4.1 There shall be no schools identified as persistently dangerous under NCLB Accountability. (“Persistently danger school” is also defined in WVBE Policy 4373: Student Code of Conduct, section 16.2; the description deals with actions involving battery, felony actions, firearms/weapons, narcotic drugs.) Objective 4.2 There shall be an annual increase in the equity of access to technology. Performance Evidence PI 4.1 No schools will be identified as “persistently dangerous” as defined by NCLB. Annual Progress Summary 4.1- No schools are indentified as persistently dangerous. PI 4.2.1 Annual increase in number of virtual/distance learning courses and in enrollment in virtual/distance learning courses. 4.2.1- In 2009-2010, the numbers for virtual learning courses and enrollments have increased to the highest numbers served. This follows the same trend since 2005. PI 4.2.2 Increase equity of access to technology use as measured by: student/computer ratio, access to data projectors, number of TISs provided professional development/credentialed and 8th grade technology assessment. 4.2.2- Gradual increases continue in equity of access even though ratio amounts of students: computers have been changed along with the grade levels measured (as shown on the charts). TIS numbers have dropped since 2006-07 due to decrease in federal funding, but have increased from last year. 4.3.1 The total number of disciplinary incidents decreased between 2009 and 2010. Objective 4.3 There shall be an annual decrease in PI 4.3.1 Annual decrease in the number of disciplinary the number of specific violations in the 13 broad incidents for students. categories as reported for Policy 4373: Student Code of Conduct. PI 4.3.2 Annual decrease in percentage of students removed from the classroom for violations of Policy 4373: Student Code of Conduct. 4.3.2 There has been a slight increase in the percentage of students suspended and/or expelled between 2009 and 2010. 26 Objectives Objective 4.4 There shall be a decrease in the number of violations in the school facilities reviews. Objective 4.5 There shall be an increase in the efficiency rating of county transportation systems as measured by WVDE’s Office of Transportation’s Efficiency Assessment. Objective 4.6 There shall be an increase in the percentage of students participating in the school food programs. Performance Evidence PI 4.4.1 Reduce the number of violations in the School Building Authority school facilities review. Annual Progress Summary 4.4.1-While the number of facilities reviewed has increased, the percentage of violations has remained constant at about 2%. PI 4.4.2 Reduce Workers Compensations injuries and premiums to Brick Street and BRIM (adjusted for inflation). 4.4.2- There has been a decrease in the amount paid for premiums to BRIM/Brickstreet. PI 4.5 Annual increase in number of counties with an acceptable transportation efficiency rating. 4.5- The number of counties with an acceptable transportation efficiency rating increased by one. PI 4.6 Annual increase in percentage of students participating in School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. 4.6- There was a slight increase (less than 1%) in the percentage of students participating in school breakfast and lunch programs. 27 WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF EDUCATION PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE 2010 GOAL 4: All students shall be educated in school systems that provide equitable education opportunities delivered efficiently and effectively in a safe environment. Objective 4.1 There shall be no schools identified as persistently dangerous under NCLB Accountability. (“Persistently danger school” is also defined in WVBE Policy 4373: Student Code of Conduct, section 16.2; the description deals with actions involving battery, felony actions, firearms/weapons, narcotic drugs.) PI 4.1 No schools will be identified as “persistently dangerous” as defined by NCLB. DATA is all “0’s”. Objective 4.2 There shall be an annual increase in the number of distance learning/virtual schools courses offered and the enrollment in these courses. PI 4.2.1 Annual increase in the number of virtual school/distance learning courses and in enrollment in virtual school/distance learning courses. Virtual/Distance Learning Courses Year 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Target As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed Actual N/A N/A N/A 202 216 Enrollment Target 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 Half Credit Course Enrollments Actual 1527 1815 2082 2232 3037 Unique Student Enrollments Actual 960 1079 1258 1359 1714 28 PI 4.2.2 Increase equity of access to technology use as measured by: student/computer ratio access to data projectors, number of TISs provided professional development/credentialed and 8th grade technology assessment. 4.2.2 a Annual increase in percentage of schools meeting student/computer ratio. Targets 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Actual .24 .44 .70 .90 100 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 .26 .40 .40 .50 .45 (Revised to 6-12 and 3:1) 9-12 WV schools that have met the 3:1 student to computer ratio recommended by CRFR 2009: Revised to 6-12 schools in 2009 meeting the 3:1 student to computer ratio. 2007: 40% of secondary schools (9-12) had met the 3:1 student/computer ratio. 2008: 50% of secondary schools (9-12) had met the 3:1 student/computer ratio. 2009: 45% of secondary schools (6-12) met the 3:1 student/ computer ratio. Target Target 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Actual Target .50 .70 .90 100 100 Actual 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Actual .53 .71 .71 .76 .81 (K-5) K-8 WV schools that have met the 1:5 computer to student ratio recommended by CPRF 2009- Revised to K-5 schools in 2009 meeting the 5:1 student to computer ratio. 29 2007- 166 elementary schools have not met the 5:1 student/computer ratio; 424 schools (or 71%) have met the 5:1 ratio. 2008- 138 elementary schools have not met the 5:1 student/computer ratio; 438 schools (or 76%) have met the 5:1 ratio. 2009- 80 of K-5 schools have not met the 5:1 student to computer ratio; 335 K-5 schools (or 81%) have met the 5:1 student to computer ratio. 4.2.2 b Annual increase in percentage of WV classrooms that have data projectors (one component of teacher presentation station). Target 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Actual .14 .19 .30 .40 .70 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 .14 .20 .30 .40 .83 2007 – 19,577 classrooms reported 5,817 projectors, meaning that 30% of classrooms have access to data projectors. 2008 – 20,080 classrooms reported 8,317 data projectors, meaning that 40% of classrooms have access to data projectors. 2009- 20,550 classrooms reported 17,124 data projectors meaning that 83% of classrooms have access to data projectors. 4.2.2. c. Annual increase in the number of TIS trained and credentialed specialists serving schools. Target 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Actual .25 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 25.00 109.00 89.00 98.00 122.00 30 The number of teachers trained each year as technology integration specialists through the EETT grant, library media program, special education program and career technical program and other appropriate programs. The number of educators holding the TIS Advanced Credential from Office of Professional Preparation for the 2010-2011 school year. TIS with Advanced Credentials TIS With Advanced Credentials 2009-2010 2010-2011 171.00 191.00 4.2.2. d Annual increase in students 21st century skills as measured by 8th grade technology assessment Pilot Year 2009-2010 Reported scores for one activity for each of 108 8th grade students; 103 passed; Average Rubric Score = 86.7% 10,435 Grade 8 students demonstrated technology literacy out of 10,918 students who were ‘tested’ is a 96% passing rate. Objective 4.3 There shall be an annual decrease in the number of specific violations in the 13 broad categories as reported for Policy 4373 Student Code of Conduct. PI 4.3.1 Annual decrease in the number of disciplinary incidents for students OFFENSE DESCRIPTION Disrespectful/Inappropriate Conduct Aggressive Conduct Failure to Obey Rules/Authority Gang Activities Legal Concerns Medication/Over the Counter Drugs/Prescription Drugs/Controlled Substance Other Violations Illegal Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol STATE DISCIPLINE REPORT 2008 TOTAL VIOLATIONS 2009 TOTAL VIOLATIONS 44,922 43,106 67,861 62,121 76,184 73,380 42 47 2,919 3,068 2010 TOTAL VIOLATIONS 41,994 55,720 67,317 28 2,996 339 308 264 118 4,642 118 4,532 145 4,290 31 STATE DISCIPLINE REPORT OFFENSE DESCRIPTION Tardiness and Truancy Violation of Detention/Suspension/Expulsion Weapons Felony Total Enrollment 2008 TOTAL VIOLATIONS 56,947 10,696 373 87 265,130 279,686 2009 TOTAL VIOLATIONS 47,979 8,220 336 65 243,280 277,264 2010 TOTAL VIOLATIONS 46,126 8,996 221 63 228,460 280,280 PI 4.3.2 Annual decrease in the percentage of students removed from the classroom for violations of Policy 4373: Student Code of Conduct Year % (#) Students Excluded 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 0.66% 0.65% 0.59% 0.64% 0.60% (1,673) 0.64% (1,766) % (#)Students Suspended % (#) Students Expelled 13.33% 13.11% 13.09% 13.45% 13.46% (37,651) 13.91% (38,650) 0.04% 0.05% 0.07% 0.09% .012% (329) 0.15% (417) PI 4.3.3 Increase the number of counties with a research based Alternative Education program. We do not collect data. 32 Objective 4.4 There shall be a decrease in the number of violations in the school facilities review (Increase the percentage of school buildings where spaces are designed to support 21st century teaching & learning). PI 4.4.1 Reduce the number of violations in the School Building Authority school facilities review. Years 2005-2006 2006-2007* 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 *Forms changed Total # of Facilities 168 Data not collected – forms changed 180 184 188 % in Violation 98% % Decrease Baseline Baseline 2% 2% 1.98% 0% 0% 0% PI 4.4.2 Reduce Workers Compensation injuries and premiums to Brick Street and BRIM (adjusted for inflation). YEARS BRIM/ BRICKSTREET PREMIUMS % DECREASE/INCREASE ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 $18,649,744 $17,785,541 $16,288.874 10.3% decrease 4.6% decrease 8.4% decrease Objective 4.5 There shall be an increase in the efficiency rating of county transportation systems as measured by WVDE’s Office of Transportation’s Efficiency Assessment. PI 4.5 Annual increase in the number of counties with an acceptable transportation efficiency rating. YEARS Counties Improved 2002-05 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 31 47 48 35 11 12 Counties Not Improved 24 18 17 20 44 43 33 Objective 4.6 There shall be an increase in the percentage of students participating in the school food programs. PI 4.6 Annual increase in the percentage of students participating in the School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Breakfast 27.20% 28.21% 29.0% 30.13% 30.17% 30.24% 30.51% Not available due to implementation of new software application Lunch 64.93% 67.50% 66.62% 66.75% 66.83% 66.93% Not available due to implementation of new software application *Percentage of students participating 34 WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF EDUCATION GOALS AND PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE REPORT 2010 GOAL 5: All students shall be educated by highly qualified personnel. Objectives Performance Evidence Objective 5.1 There shall be an annual increase in the number of participants in on-line professional development offerings as reported by the e-Learning grant reports. PI 5.1.1 Annual increase in number of teachers participating in on-line professional development. Objective 5.2 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of classes taught by highly qualified teachers as documented by the WV Highly Qualified Teacher Report. Objective 5.3 There shall be an annual increase in the number of teachers with National Board Certification. Objective 5.4 Institutions of higher education (IHEs) shall begin the revision of all teacher preparation programs by analyzing existing programs to determine alignment to the new Professional Teaching Standards. Institutions of higher education will submit revised programs for formal approval by May 2011. Objective 5.5 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of highly qualified and fully certified professional personnel in critical shortage areas as evidenced by the WV Highly Qualified Teacher Report. PI 5.1.2 Annual increase in number of teachers participating in WVDE-sponsored professional development. PI 5.2 Annual increase in percentage of core classes taught by highly qualified teachers Annual Progress Summary 5.1.1-From September 2009 through-September 2010 (the grant reporting cycle) we had 3229 enrollments in 163 eLearning courses, compared to 2,517 enrollments the prior year. 5.1.2-2010 will be baseline for data 5.2-The percentage of high qualified teachers in all core subject areas increased between 2009 and 2010. PI 5.3 Annual increase in number of teachers achieving National Board Certification 5.3-An additional 74 teachers have achieved National Board Certification. PI 5.4 Increase in number of IHEs with revised preservice programs fully aligned to new Professional Teaching Standards. 5.4-There are currently no programs that have been presented to WVBE for approval; the first submission will be in May 2011. PI 5.5 Annual increase in percentage of highly qualified personnel in critical shortage areas 5.5-The percentage of highly qualified personnel in critical shortage areas increased for all fields except geography and economics which both experienced slight decrease. The percentage for all core subject areas increased by 1.2% to 94.2%, compared to 93% the first year. 35 WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF EDUCATION PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE 2010 GOAL 5: All students shall be educated by highly qualified personnel. Objective 5.1 There shall be an annual increase in the number of participants in on-line professional development offerings as reported by the e-Learning grant reports PI 5.1.1 Annual increase in number of teachers participating in on-line professional development. PI 5.1.2 Annual increase in number of teachers participating in WVDE-sponsored professional development. 2010 will be baseline for this performance indicator 36 Objective 5.2 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of classes taught by highly qualified teachers as documented PI 5.2. Annual increase in percentage of core classes taught by highly qualified teachers During the 2005-06 school year, 92.5% of West Virginia’s core academic subjects were taught by highly qualified teachers. During the 2006-07 school year, 90.9% of West Virginia’s core academic subjects were taught by highly qualified teachers. During the 2007-08 school year, 91.9% of West Virginia's core academic subjects were taught by highly qualified teachers. During the 2008-09 school year, 93.0% of West Virginia’s core academic subjects were taught by highly qualified teachers. Objective 5.3. There shall be an annual increase in the number of teachers with National Board Certification. PI 5.3 Annual increase in the number of teachers achieving National Board Certification. Year Prior to 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Teachers Achieving National Board Certification Additional Teachers n/a 41 44 69 63 74 Total 206 247 291 360 423 497 Objective 5.4 Institutions of higher education (IHEs) shall begin the revision of all teacher preparation programs by analyzing existing programs to determine alignment to the new Professional Teaching Standards. Institutions of higher education will submit revised programs for formal approval by May 2011. PI 5.4 Increase in number of IHEs with revised pre-service programs fully aligned to new Professional Teaching Standards. There are currently no programs that have been presented to the WVBE for approval; the first submission will be in May 2011. 37 Objective 5.5 There shall be an annual increase in the percentage of highly qualified and fully certified professional personnel in critical shortage areas as evidenced by the WV Highly Qualified Teacher Report. PI 5.5 Annual increase in percentage of highly qualified professional personnel in critical shortage areas. HIGHLY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL IN AREAS OF CRITICAL SHORTAGE 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Foreign Languages English 83.7% 86.7% 81.7% 87.0% 87.0% 90.2% 89.3% 91.3% Mathematics 96.1% 86.9% 89.5% 91.1% Reading/Language Arts Geography 86.8% 86.8% 87.9% 89.2% 90.5% 91.9% 91.4% 89.5% Science 87.0% 86.2% 89.5% 91.6% Civics and Government History 89.2% 90.2% 89.1% 90.5% 92.1% 93.0% 92.3% 93.7% Economics 90.5% 73.3% 91.5% 90.6% The Arts 96.3% 96.6% 97.2% 97.8% Self-Contained (Elementary) All Core Subject Courses 96.1% 90.9% 97.9% 91.9% 96.2% 93.0% 97.3% 94.2% 38