of theHayner diagenesis Mechanical andchemical (Santa Fe Valley Formations Ranch andRincon NewMexico Miocene), SanDiegoMountain, GrouF, NM88003 LasCruces, NewMexico StateUniversity, Deparlment of EarthSciences, byGregH. MackandJeffryD. Grigsby, Introduction The Santa Fe Group in New Mexico consistsof nonmarine, syntectonicdetritus that was deposited during formation of the Rio Grande rift. In southern New Mexico two major periods of rifting are recognized (Seager,1975).The initial stageoccurredduring Miocene time and resulted in large, northwest-trending, closedbasins, which received several thousand meters of fanglomerateand playa shale and gypsum. The latter stage of rifting (Pliocene and Pleistocene) segmentedsome earlier rift basins, produced north-trending basins and uplifts, and culminated in integration of the Rio Grande drainage. The Santa Fe Group is an important ground-water and hydrothermal aquifer in southem New Mexico. and efficient use of these resourcesrequires an understanding of its stratigraphy, sedimentology, and diagenesis.Toward this end a study was undertaken to unravel the diagenetic history of early basin-fill sandstones of the Santa Fe Group at San Diego Mountain, New Mexico. The San Diego Mountain section is well suited for study becausemany of the variables that are influential in diagenesisare constant throughout the section. For example, the 950-m-thick section is almost continuously exposed,with less than ljVo covered, which allows for systematic vertical sampling. There also was little change in provenancethrough time. Andesitic volcanic rocks were the dominant source, although a minor sedimentary contribution in the upper 150 m of the section is indicated by the presence of detrital quartz, chert, and carbonate-and pelitic-rock fragments. Grain size was also held constant by restricting the samplesto medium-grained sandstone. Furthermore, facies analysis indicates that there was little changein depositional environment through ' # l r . i - )time. The sedimentwas depositedby sheett: flood and streamflood processesin a mid"? fan or distal-fanenvironment. Thus, diage;. Rincon s netic trends in the section should be pri| .+.= marily a function of depth of burial and poreDiegoMtn. "."" i J s"Siert ?A solution chemistry. DofroAno A variety of diageneticfeatures,both me''f Mrs. chanical and chemical, is found in Santa Fe ;"':! . Group sandstoneS.Many of the featuresat San Diego Mountain were described previously by Walkeret al. (1978)aspart of a larger study of the diagenesisof first-cycle,desert alluvium. This study systematically documents spatial and temporal relationships among the mechanical diagenetic features, 1 a"""'"',. .onih such as compaction and clay infiltration, and the chemical diagenetic features, such as dl hematite and the various cements, in order +'"' iT,*,,,. :ll:= to developa comprehensivediageneticmodel t ..sWest Potrillo ,j for the Santa Fe Group at San Diego Mounml Mts. km tain. i Methods Forty-seven samples of medium-grained sandstone were collected from outcrops at 20-m intervals over a 95O-m-thicksection of the lower Santa Fe Group at San Diego Mountain, New Mexico (Fig. 1). At this lo- .g,.5*iiil,.,il llq"e'lq,l"" t. I i"i."fii N=""'+: I '.: 5, i "," cation the lower SantaFe Group is composed of the basal Hayner Ranch and overlying Rinr:on Valley Formations, both of Miocene age,Beforedepositionof the uppermost forniation of the-Santa Fe Group (Camp Rice Formation; Pliocene and Pleistocene), the Hayner Ranch and the Rincon Valley Formaiions were uplifted and tilted about 45' southward (Seageret al., t971). Thin sections of the 47 samples were examined for detrital grain types, texture, and authigenic minerals. Detrital modes were de- contacts were observed. ft Alsoin thisissue potentialin Mineral-resource p. 50 NewMexico on Hydrogeologic Commentary crosssecfionthrough SunshlneValley,Taos p. 54 County,New Mexico p. 56 Tuff KneelingNun study Ground-subsidence for and recommendations on collapsible construction p. 59 soils p. 63 Service/News p. 64 NMGSabstracts p. 68 Staffnotes soon Goming of zonedgarnets,San Geochemistry Pedromine,SantaFe County Vertebrate faunaof U-BarCave T o po T o pO t00 200 300 o (t, Q' 300 400 at ! 500 6 = 40 500 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 too0 Bose o rooo to 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 too Bose O ro Percenfoge FIGURE 2-Packing prorjmity (solid line) and packing density (dashed line) as a function of stratigraphic position. Phyllosilicatecementwas identified by use of an x-ray diffractometer and an energy-dispersivescanningelectronmicroscope(SEM). Sample preparation for x-ray analysis was done according to Carrol's (1970)method, which includes glycolatedand unglycolated runs. Belk's (1,974)eneryy-dispersive SEM techniquewas used. Thin sectionsalsowere examined with a Nuclide ELM-28 Cathode Luminoscope,utilizing a beam energy of 15 kV and a beam current of 0.6 milliamps. 90 loo FIGURE 3-Percentage of longitudinal grain-to-grain contacts(solid line) grain-to-graincontacts(dashedline) as a function of and concavo-convex stratigraphic position. section(Fig. 2). Similarly, the percentageof longitudinal grain-to-grain contacts and the percentageof concavo-convexgrain-to-grain contacts display no consistent trends as a function of shatigraphic position (Fig. 3). The lack of well-defined vertical trends in compaction parametersis anomalous. Taylor (1950)demonstratedthat the percentagesof longitudinal and concavo-convexcontacts increasedsystematicallywith depth in Cretaceous sandstonesin Wyoming. The absenceof these trends in the Hayner Ranch and Rincon Valley Formationssuggeststhat normal compaction was somehow prevented, or that burial depths were not great enough to produce recognizabledifferences in compaction.The latter interpretation seems lesslikely in light of the study by Taylor (1950), which involved burial depths similar to those in the SantaFe Group. Another diageneticfeature of mechanical origin consistsof clay rims, which display a tangentialorientationof the long axesof clay mineralsaround detrital grains (Fig. 4). Clay rims are found in roughly half of the samples, and their occurrencedoes not appear to be controlled by stratigraphic position. Walker et al. (1978)demonstratedthat these clays are the result of infiltration at shallow depths of burial, and they are common in desert alluvium. Locally, the clay rims are intimately intermixed with hemaiite rims. Detrital grains The most abundant detrital grains in the Hayner Ranch and Rincon Valley Formations are volcanic-rockfragments (517")and plagioclase(38%);the sandstonesare classified as feldspathic Iitharenites. Volcanic-rock fragmenis exhibit porphyritic and microlitic textures (Dickinson, 1970).Detrital plagioclase and plagioclase phenocrysts in rock fragments display oscillatory zoning and twinning, and they have an anorthite content that rangesfrom 36 to 437o(andesine), as determined by the Michel-Levy method. Detrital quartz is uncommon (6Vo) and is found in greater than trace amounts only in the Rincon Valley Formation. Most of the quartz grains are monocrystalline. Minor amounts of detrital chert (2Vo),pelitic-rock fragments (1.7%), and carbonate-rockfragments (0.3%) also are found in the Rincon Valley Formation. The other lVo of the framework grains is biotite, hornblende, and Chemical diagenesis oPaquemrnerals. Hematiterims Almost all detrital grains in the Hayner Mechanical diagenesis Ranch and Rincon Valley Formations are There is little variation in the compaction rimmed by dark-red hematite. Walker et al. parametersas a function of depth of burial (1978) established a diagenetic origin for (Figs.2,3). Packingproximity shows a slight hematite rims in Cenozoicdesert alluvium, increasetoward the base of the section,but including the Hayner Ranch and Rincon Valpacking density displays no increasedown- ley Formations.Hematiteformed earlyin the August 1985 New MexicoGeology 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 P e r c e n l og e burial history of the sandstones,becauseit is the first authigenic mineral to rim detrital grains. Locally, hematite is intermixed with tangentiallyoriented clay, indicating that at least some of the clay infiltrated simultaneously with the creation of authigenic hematite. New AAexuc@ GEOLOGV o Science andSeruace Volume 7, No. 3, August 1985 Edifor:Deborah A. Shaw Published quarterly by New Mqico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources a division of New Mqio Instihrte of Mining & Tchnology BOARD OF REGENTS Ex Officio Toney Anaya, Gouqnorof Nru Mexico Orlando Gton, ActingSuprintendentol Public Instruction ADpointed Steve Torres,Pi;s., 1967-191, Socorlo lTreas.,7977-1987,Ias Cruces Judy Ftoyd, Sec. Gilbert L. Cano, 1985-1997,Albuquerque Lenton Malr, 1985-1989,Albuquerque Donald W. Morris, 1983-1989,Ins Alamos New Mexico lnstitute of Minint & Technology Laurence H. Lattman Pr5idilt . . New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources D i r e c t o. r. ....... FrankE.Kottlowski ...... DeputyDirectot Georges.Austin Subsriltiots: Issued quartedy, February, May, Augtst, year. November; subscription price $6.O0/calendar Editotialmttq : Contributions of matedal for consideration in future issuesof NMGare welcome.Articles submitted for publication should be in the editor's hands a minimum of five (5) months before date of publication (February, May, August, or November) and should be no longer than 20 typewritten, double-spacedpages. Addressinquiries to DeborahA. Shaw, editor of Nru Meri@ Geolory,New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources, Sqono, NM 87801 qs publicdomin, thereforcreprorlucible without prPublishcd mission.Sourcecreditrequtted. Circulation:1,,600 P/iflteri University of New Mexico Printing Plant Cements Calcite cement is found in all but two of the thin sectionsexaminedin this study. Calcite is commonly coarse grained and occasionally exhibits a poikolitic texture (Fig. a). In some samples calcite almost completely fills all of the original pore spaces,whereas other calcite-cemented samplesare quite friable. Calcite may also replacevolcanic-rock fragments,plagioclase,and hornblende, al-l,Vo though less than of the grains are affected. Examination of calcite cement with the cathode luminoscope reveals two types of luminescence.The oldest cement, closestto the detrital grains, luminesces moderately bright to dull orange,and there is a tendency for the brightness to diminish systematically, but without distinct zonation, toward the center of pore spaces.In about half of the samples,the youngestcalcitecement,which occupiesthe center of pore spaces,is nonluminescent.Luminescenceof calciteis due primarily to the Mn/Fe ratio (Frank et al., 1982;Grover and Read, 1983;Fairchild, 1983). Manganeseis an activator ion and causes luminescence,whereas ferrous iron inhibits luminescence.Orangeluminescenceimplies the presenceof Mn-' and Fe*2 in subequal amounts in the calcite cement. The lack of luminescenceindicatesthe absenceof Mn*' and Fe*2 or a very low ratio of Mn*' and Fe*2. Calcite cement postdates hematite rims and most clay rims. However, in one sample an infiltrated clay rim coated the edge ofa calcite-cement crystal that was growing into an empty pore space (Fig. a). This textural observation suggests that at least some of the calcite cement precipitated early in the diagenetic history of the sandstones. Phyllosilicate cement occurs sporadically in the Hayner Ranch and Rincon Valley Formations, and it is the dominant cement in only two samples. Phyllosilicate and calcite cements are never found together in the same pore space, although one portion of a thin section may be cemented by calcite and an burial proceeded,sediment passedsequentially from shallow stageI diagenesisto deeper stageII diagenesis.StageIII, however, is associatedwith regional uplift and postdates stagesI and IL The earliest stage involves the development of hematite rims by interstratal solution of magnetite, biotite, and amphibole, the infiltration of clay matrix, and minor compaction.This stageis discussedin detail by Walker et al. (1978).The precipitation of hematite indicatesthat pore fluids in stageI were oxidizing. The secondstageof diagenesiswas dominated by the precipitation of cement, principally the orange-luminescentcalcitecement, but alsocalciumsmectiteand quartz cement. At leastsomecalcitecementationoverlapped in time with infiltration of clav,and thus some of the calcitecement was relativelv earlv in the burial history. The "early" precipitaiion of some calcite cement may account for the anomalouslylow amount of phyllosilicatecement and for the lack of significant stratigraphic trends in compaction. Calcite cementationwould inhibit the precipitation of phyllosilicatecementby filling pore spaces and limiting the chemical interaction between detrital grains and pore solutions.An "earIy" calcite cement also would inhibit compactionof detrital grains by providing a relativelyrigid framework. The stateof compaction inherited from stageI would persist through deeper levels of burial. The composition of authigenic phasesallows speculationon the chemishy of the pore solutions during stage II diagenesis. The presenceof both Mn'2 and Fe*' in the calcite iement, indicated by orange luminescence, Interpretation of diagenetichistory suggeststhat the pore solutionswere reducThe diagenetichistory of the Hayner Ranch ing (Groverand Read, 1983).The increasing and Rincon Valley Formationsat San Diego dullnessof the luminescencetoward the cenMountain canbe separatedinto three stages. ter of the pore spacefurther indicates that Each stageis characterizedby a unique set the pore solutionsbecameprogressivelymore of processes,authigenic phases,and ground- reducingthrough time. The changefrom oxwater chemistry. StagesI and II were prob- idizing pore solutions in stageI to reducing ably going on simultaneously but at different pore solutions in stage II is consistentwith depths within the basin. As deposition and adjacentportion by phyllosilicate.There does not appear to be a stratigraphiccontrol on the distribution of the phvllosilicatecement. The phyllosilicatecembn[has white to gray birefringenceand extendsas blade-likecrystals into the pore spaces(Fig. 5). Analysis by x-ray diffraction and by energy-dispersive SEM indicatesthat the phvllosilicateis calcium smectite(Crigsby,'19b4). The smectite cement postdates hematite rims and infiltrated clay matrix. The paucity of phyllosilicatecementin the Hayner Ranchand Rincon ValleyFormationsis anomalous.Feldspathic litharenitesderived from intermediateto mafic volcanic rocks commonly are cemented by phyllosilicates.An important sourceof ions for the clays is chemicalbreakdown of detrital feldspars and volcanic-rock fragments (Galloway, 1974;Wllson and Pittman, 1977; Davies et aI., 1,979).This process was obviously inhibited in the Hayner Ranch and Rincon Valley Formations. Quartz and feldsparcementsare very uncommon in the Hayner Ranch and Rincon Valley Formations.Quartz cement is found only in the Rincon Valley Formation, where it occurs as overgrowths around detritalquartz grains and postdateshematite rims. The paucity of quartz overgrowths is probably a function of the paucity of detrital quartz to act as nuclei. Feldsparcement also occurs as overgrowths,but it is extremelyrare and will not be consideredfurther. Anomalous by their absenceare zeolites,specificallythe calciumzeoliteslaumontite and heulandite, which are common as alterationproducts and cements in volcanicarenites(Merino, 1975; Surdam and Boles, 7979;Davieset al., 1979). FIGURE 4-Photomicrograph of sandstone of the Hayner Ranch Formation exhibiting detrital volcanic-rock fragments, infiltrated clay rims (arrow), and coarse calcite cement (C). Calcite cement crystal, which was growing into empty pore space(black), is rimmed by infiltrated clay. Scalebar is 0.25 mm. FIGURE S-Photomicrograph of sandstone of the Hayner Ranch Formation, composed of volcanic-rock fragments and plagioclase. Smectite cement is growing into empty pore space (black). Scalebar is 0.25 mm NewMexicoGeology August 1985 quarlz solurolion quorlz solurolion Virginia: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, v. 67, pp. 1275-1,303 Kahn, J S., 1956,The analysisand distributioh of the loooc rtoooc propertiesof packingin sand-sizesediments-pt. 1;On 25.C1 the measurementof packing in sandstones:Journalof Anorlhite i tl Geology, v 64, pp 385-395 Loumontile + + 20 Merino, E., 1975,Diagenesisin Tertiary sandstonesfrom I I Kettleman North Dome, California-Il; Interstitial soN N I colciumlutions-distribution of aqueous speciesat 100.C and l8 chemical relation to the diagenetic mineralogy: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v.39, pp. 1629-1,645. N N t6 Seager,W. R., 1975,Cenozoictectonicevolution of the o o (J (J Las Cruces area, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological o o P692"J9-3.5 ro t4 Society,Guidebookto 26th Field Conference,pp.1+tF ctt or 250. o ' 5- oo J t2 Seager,W R, Hawley, J W, and Clemons,R E ,1977, J - c ol c i t e -9 q, ots Geologyof SanDego Mountain area,Dona Ana Coun$, iror",o:r, Q6 New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineril to Resources,Bulletin 97, 38 pp Gi b b s i t e S u r d a m ,R C , a n d B o l e s , J R , 1 9 7 9 , D i a s e n e s i s o f v o l phyllile I canic sandstones:Societyof EconomicPaleontologists -8-7-6-5-4-3-2-to -5 -4 and Mineralogists,SpecialPublication26, pp.227:242. -3 -2 L o go H o s i o e Swanberg,C. A., 1976,Geothermalstudiesin southwest Lo9oHasioc New Mexico: New Mexico Energy Institute, Technical Completion Report 3, 54 pp FIGURE Taylor,J M, 1950,Pore-spacereduction in sandstone: !-0"ft diagram)Activity diagramin the systemCaO-ArO3-SiOr-HrOat 25.C,1,be|I,and unit activity of water.Freeenergydata usedin constructionof diagramis fro- br.uu, ( 1982).Verticaldashed Amer.icanAssociation of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, v. 34, pp.701-706 lrnesrePresentquartz saturationat the temperaturesindicated,and horizontal dashedlines represent calcitesaturationat the valuesof P.o,indicated.Data points are modern subsurfacewater compositions Walker,T R, Waugh, B , and Crone, A, J , 1978,Diagenesisin first-cycle desert alluvium of Cenozoic age, from the san Diego Mountain area,'takenfrom swanberg(7976)and wilson ei al. (19g1). southwesternUnited Statesand northwesternMexico: GreologicalSociety of America, Bulletin, v 89, pp i9FIGURE 7-(right diag^ram)Activity diagram in the system cao-A!o.-sio,-H,o unit activity of water. SeeFig. 6 caption (above)for further explanation. at 25.c, 1 bar, and changesin the oxidation potential of modern small amountsat all stratigraphiclevels.The ground water from the surfaceor edgeto the model that best fits these constraints incenter of depositionalbasins (Champ et al., 7979). The chemistry of stage II pore solutions can be defined further by the-useof activitv diagramsin the system CaO-Al,Or-SiOr-H,O (Figs.6, 7). StageII pore solutions,assuming waters. equilibrium,must have been in the calcium smectitefield and near the calcitesaturation References crystallization.The pore fluids may have been Champ, D. R., Gulens,J., and Jackson,R. E., 1929,Oxsaturatedwith respectto quartz, but quartz idation-redu_ction sequencesin groundwaterflow syscementonly precipitatedin the detritalquartztems: CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences,v. 16, ip. bearing Rincon Valley Formation. If this arDavies,D. K., Almon, W. R., Bonis, S. B., and Hunter, gument is correct, the chemistry of stage II B. E., 1,979, Depositionand diagenesisof Tertiary-Holpore solutionscan be fixed at the-intersec"tion ocenevolcaniclastics,Guatemala: Societyof Economic betweenthe quartz and calcitesafurationlines Paleontologists and Mineralogists,Specialpublication 26, pp.287-306. Dickinson, W. R., 1970,Interpreting detrital modes of graywacke and arkose:Journal of Sedimentary petrolo g y ,v . 4 0 , p r . 2 t - 2 9 . Drever,J. L,'l'982, The geochemistryof natural waters: Prenti.ce-Hall,Inc., Ne"wJersey,3g'gpp. _ Fairchild,I. J., 1983,Chemicaliontroli-of cathodoluminescenceof nafural dolomitesand calcite-new data _ and r-eview:Sedimentology,v. 30, pp. 579-583. Frank,J..R,,Carpenter,A. 8.. and Ogiesby,T. W., 1982, Latnodoluminescence and composition of calcite cement in the Taum Sauk Limestone(Upper Cambrian), southeastMissouri: Journal of Sedimentary petrology, v. 52, pp.631-638. Galloway,_ W. E., 1974,Depositionand diageneticalteration of sandstone in northeast Pacific aic-related ba- The final stageof diagenesiscorresponds to the time of precipitation of the nonluminescent calcite cement. The absenceof luminescencein calciteindicatesthe paucity of Mn*2 as a result of oxidizing ground waiers (Grover and Read, 1983).Furlhermore, the nonluminescentcalcite cement is found in August 1985 New MexicoGeology mrnescencepatterns, Middle Ordovician carbonates, Wilson,M. J., and Pittman, E D.,7977,Authigenicclays in sandstones-recognition and influence on reservoir propertiesand paleoenvironmental analysis:Journalof Sedimentary Petrology, v. 47, pp. 3-31. Wilson, C. A., White, R. R., On, B R., and Rovbal, R. G., 1981,Water resourcesof the Rincon and-Mesilla Valleysand adjacentareas,New Mexico:New Mexico StateEngineer,TechnicalReport 43, 514pp Tl NewMexico Geological Society news At the annual NMGS businessmeetins inApril membersvoted to return to the 198i dues structure for 7986, which will mean $7.00 dues for active members, $5.00 for associatemembers,and $3.00for students. A subscription to New Mexico Geologywill no longer be included as part of tha-dues payment. Members are, however, urged to continue to subscribeto the magazine,and it has been suggestedthat subscliptionnotices be included in NMGS mailings. The societywill award a total of $8,500in 1985 to studentsstudying New Mexico geology. The societyfellowship, worth $1,0b0,w;s given to Richard P. Lozinsky of New Mexico Tech. Twenty-six other students will share the remaining $7,500.Twenty-sevenpapers were presentedat the spring meeting technical sessions (seeabstracts, pp. 6a-67), which were organized by John MacMillan. A{ter the meeting, a field trip was led by Clay Smith to the ore districts near Socorro. Ron Broadhead, who was registration chairman. reported that 104 geoi6gists registeredfor the meeting,and GeorgeAustin, who was general chairman, indicated that the meeting essentially broke even financially. Specialattention is called to the NMGS fall field conference to be held September 26-28 in the SantaRosa area. NMGS members will receive notices about the conference this month. SpencerLucas and Barry Kues of the Univerlity of New Mexico ar'e in charge of the field trip, and questions may be directed to them.