Supplementary Material for Chemical Communications This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2003 Table 1 Structural properties of the SBA-15 samples Samples Unit cell a Pore size w a Wall Pore BET surface b a SiO2/P123 as-syn. calcined BJHads./BJHdes. thickness volume area a (r) (nm) (nm) (nm) (cm3/g) (m2/g) 45 60 75 a 12.29 12.57 11.85 9.99 10.29 10.62 8.6 / 6.6 7.4 / 6.0 6.9 / 5.4 1.39 2.89 3.72 1.17 0.86 0.72 701 611 527 We do not intend here to discuss the accuracy of the evaluation methods used. In any cases, they can be employed systematically to identify trends. However, the BJH is known to underestimate pore sizes by about 20-25% (ref. 8) b Calculated from a- wBJH adsorption Supplementary Material for Chemical Communications This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2003