REPORT ON THE DREXEL INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL AWARD Name: Brigita Urbanc Title: Associate Professor Affiliation: Department of Physics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA Travel Destination: Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore, India Duration: 17–20 December, 2009 Purpose: To deliver an invited talk entitled “Discrete molecular dynamics simulations of amyloid β -protein assembly” at the conference Multiscale Modeling and Simulations of Hard and Soft Materials Conference Organizers: Umesh Waghmare (JNCASR), Sunil Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras), & Srikanth Sastry (JNCASR) Narrative: Phenomena in many systems of interest in material science, soft condensed matter physics and biology require analysis of processes that span a wide range of time and length scales, from atomic level details of bonding and corresponding dynamics to morphologies emerging at meso or macroscopic scales. Analysis, modeling and simulations if such phenomena are quite challenging, but essential for deeper understanding and development of predictive theories. The conference brought together people working on the development of multiscale simulation methods across these disciplines. The four–day conference I attended gave exposure to current research of active groups in the field, including (i) general strategies and formalism for coarse graining; (ii) hybrid quantum–classical modeling; (iii) coarse grained modeling of soft and bio-molecular systems; and (iv) multiscale modeling of solids and surface phenomena. The conference was preceded by a ten–day school that included pedagogic lectures and hands–on sessions aimed at post–graduate students and junior researchers. FIG. 1: Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR, is a multidisciplinary research institute situated in Jakkur, a locality north of Bangalore, India. It is relatively young yet well–known around the Globe. 1 FIG. 2: From left to right: Umesh Waghmare (JNCASR), Sunil Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras), Brigita Urbanc (Drexel University), Srikanth Sastry (JNCASR) & Sergey V. Buldyrev (Yeshiva University). Significance to Drexel University: This invitation provided an opportunity to expose the research of my lab at the Physics Department to a broad international community. The Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) is a well-known multidisciplinary research institute situated in Jakkur, north of Bangalore with ∼40 faculty members and over 150 graduate students working on interdisciplines involving chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering. Through discussion and socializing I established the means for a future collaboration with people from this institution. Cultural Expansion: The trip provided an opportunity to explore the scientific culture and lifestyle in Bangalore and neighborhood and upon return sharing this new cultural experience with collaborators, friends, and family. 2 FIG. 3: Pictures of the campus with one of the conference participants, Michael Falk (Johns Hopkins University), talking a break from the talks. FIG. 4: More pictures of the campus. 3