Josa Hanzlik International Experience Award The 6th Annual Study Institute on Global Healthcare Challenges ( Izmir, Turkey June 22nd-26th The 6th Annual Advanced Study Institute on Global Healthcare Challenges is an invitation only. Student attendees were chosen from the pool of last years attendees of the 13th International Summer School on Biocomplexity, Biodesign and Bioinnova: from Gene to System. Out of the pool of 27 attendees, only 12 were selected for the Advanced Institute this year. Both the Advanced Institute and the Summer School are funded by the National Science Foundation. The main objective of the Advanced Study Institute was discuss current and emerging healthcare opportunities and challenges. Through discussions, attendees worked to identify new directions in the fields of Global Healthcare. The Advanced Study Institute provided me with interesting insights into fundamental challenges in Global Healthcare, Engineering, Science and Technology. Each of the invited faculty and selected students gave presentations on their current research and state of their field. Presentations ranging from Big Data to Global Healthcare to ocular repair through biomimetic material were presented. Attendance at the Advanced Study Institute gave me a broader sense of the current issues in healthcare and some of the new technologies and/or resources being developed. The Advanced Study Institute provided excellent brainstorming opportunities for the myself and the faculty and other students. At the Advanced Study Institute, I was able to interact with faculty and students from North America and Europe. This Institute was a small conference setting, allowing all attendees to present their research. Additionally, during meals and breaks, in depth discussions about the current state of Global Healthcare was a regular occurrence. Through interactions at the conference, I was able to make research connections with people from other countries and companies in my field. At the conference, I gave a presentation on my research and on my work entitled “Retrieval Analysis and Finite Element Modeling of Orthopaedic Porous-Coated Implants”. During one of the off days, I was able to travel with other attendees to a Greek Island (Samos). Even though it was only for one day, I was able to enjoy the culture, food and atmosphere. This day trip and the day tour of Izmir greatly enhanced my cultural awareness. I would like to thank the Drexel Office of International Programs and School of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems for jointly funding my airfare to attend the Advanced Study Institute. My continued passion for global research, collaboration and travel would not be possible without the unfailing support from OIP and Biomed.