Climate change & Environmental Degradation Risk & Adaptation assessment ENVIRONMENT QUIZ Climate change Quiz 1. What temperature rise will melt most Andes glaciers? a) 0.5-1.5oC b) 1.5-2.5oC c) 2.5-3.5oC 2. How many deaths in 2010 as a direct result of CC? a) 50,000 b) 300,000 c) 2M 3. How many plant & animal species will become extinct if 2oC increase? a) 10% b) 20% c) 30% 4. How many more people will be exposed to malaria in Africa if there is a 2°C rise? a) 10-20M b) 20-40M c) 4060M 5. What global temperature rise will thaw the arctic sea bed? a) 0.75oC b) 2oC c) 4oC Climate change impacts 6. What displaces most people today? a) War b) Envir’l disasters c) water stress 7. How many additional a) 50M b) 500M c) 1.5- 2.5Bn people exposed to dengue fever if 4°C increase? 8. How many environmental refugees will there be by 2020? a) 5M b) 50M c) 500M 9. What predicted sea-level rise this century? a) <1m b) 1–3m c) >3m 10. How fast are tropical rainforests disappearing? a) 1 acre/day b) 1 acre/hr c) 1 acre/sec 11. When will arctic passages be navigable? a) 2007 b) 2027 c) 2047