1 Office phone:

Dr. Feridoon Koohi-Kamali
Office phone: 404.727.7222
Economics Dept., Emory University
1602 Fishburne Dr., Rich Building
Atlanta, GA, 30322
Oxford University
D.Phil. in Economics, 2005
Dissertation: Welfare and Consumption Rationing: A Study in
Behaviour Based on a Wartime Iranian Household Expenditure
Dissertation Advisors:
Amartya Sen: Noble Laureate and past president of the Econometric Society
John Muellbauer: Fellow of Econometric Society, Fellow of the British Academy, Official
Fellow of Nuffield College and Professor of Economics at the University of Oxford
Dissertation Examiners:
M.H. Pesaran: Fellow of Econometric Society, Fellow of the British Academy, Editor of the
Journal of Applied Econometrics; Professor of Economics at the University of Southern
California; Emeritus Professor & Fellow of Trinity College at the University of Cambridge.
F.A. Cowell: Professor of Economics and Director of Distributional Analysis Research
Program at the London School of Economics & Political Science, University of London
London University M.Sc. in Economics, 1981
Project in Econometrics: “Estimation of Capital/Labour Elasticity of
Substitution in the Iranian Manufacturing Industry”
Thesis for Development Economics Option: The Urban Informal
Sector Labour Market in Iran.
University of Kent
at Canterbury
M.Phil. in Political Science, 1977
Thesis: The Counterfactual Method of Political Economy.
Application of the Lakatos’s concept of progress in a scientific
research program to the development of the theories of the rate of
profit from Classical economists to Sraffa.
University of Kent
at Canterbury
B.A. (Hon.) in Economics, Philosophy and Politics, 1973
Visiting Faculty, Department of Economics, Emory University
Teaching courses for Fall 2014: Econometrics (420), Economic
Forecasting (422), and Intermediate Microeconomics (201).
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economics,
Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Teaching courses for Fall 2011:“Development Economics: the
Challenges of Poverty” focus is on the links between development and
poverty reduction, “Economics of Class, Gender, & Race”
(interdisciplinary); for Spring & Fall 2012: “Intermediate
Macroeconomics” (two classes), and Spring 2012“ Distributive
Justice, Inequality & Poverty”, a senior-year elective course covering
impact of theories of justice on welfare economics, measurements of
living standard, inequality and poverty, discussion of their applications
from developed and developing economies; and an independent study
(multidimensional poverty index in Pennsylvanian census data). Spring
2013 courses: “Intermediate Macroeconomics”; an independent study
(child gender bias in China), “Econometrics”, senior-year course
covering in the Classical Linear Regression Model and departures from
its assumptions in the first half, and an introduction to some
intermediate topics: instrumental variables, simultaneous equations,
dynamics and non-stationarity; discrete and limited dependent
variables, and analysis of panel data. The course has a balance of
theory, weekly in-class applications using Stata, and an individual
applied research project. Two Hackman 2013 Summer Research
scholarships, for draft papers, see publication (work-in-progress)
below. Fall 2013: Principles of Economics an introduction to
Neoclassical Micro. & Macroeconomics; “Distributive Justice,
Inequality & Poverty”. Spring 2014: “Econometrics”, and “Applied
Econometric Research Seminar on Welfare Analysis”, a new course
designed for students seeking some research experience using cross
section and panel data (from Oxford “Young Lives” panel series).
Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, John Jay College, City
University of New York. Courses taught: “Economics of White-Collar
Crime” and “Intermediate Microeconomics”, (undergraduate courses),
and “Quantitative Research Methods”, (graduate course).
Research Associate, European Development Report (ERD) 2010:
Social Protection for Inclusive Development, European Union project
at Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University
Institute, Florence, Italy. Contributions to two of the chapters in ERD
2010; a background paper to the Report on Public Works. Panel
discussant and presentation on Child Labor in Ethiopia at Report’s
conference in Dakar, Senegal June 2010; referee to the ERD
commissioned paper on analysing the impact of an African universal
health insurance scheme.
The 2011 International Academic Conference, presenting two
papers on child gender, and on poverty, New Orleans Conference.
Research Scholar and Editor, The Levy Economics Institute of Bard
College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
Panel Organizer, Eastern Economics Association Conference, New
York, Organizer of panel entitled “Explorations in Gender Disparities”.
Consultant, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, Africa
Region, the World Bank, Washington, D.C. Analyzed Ethiopian
household survey with respect to child gender inequality. Results were
published as a World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, which
also served as a background paper for World Bank report Unleashing
the Potential of Ethiopian Women: Trends and Options for Economic
Freelance Journalist, Various Publications, London, UK.
Researched and wrote in-depth articles on economics, energy and
banking issues in the Middle East.
Economic Consultant, National Economic Research Associates
(NERA), London, UK.
Lecturer, Institute of Economics and Statistics, University of Oxford,.
Taught “Introduction to Statistics and Econometrics” for PostGraduate Diploma in Development Economics.
Economic and Finance Staff Writer, Arabia The Islamic World
Review (English language monthly on Middle-East Affairs), London.
“Household Size, Economies of Scale, and Public Goods in Consumption: A Note on the
Food Share “Paradox”, Working Paper # 14-11, Department of Economics, Emory
“Estimation of Equivalence Scales under Convertible Rationing”, The Review of Income
and Wealth, Vol. 59, Number 1, 113-132, March 2013,
“The Adult Goods Approach to Child Gender Bias: Evidence from Iran”, Journal of
Applied Business Research, July/August 2011, Vol. 27, No. 4: 22-26
“Intrahousehold Inequality and Child Gender Bias in Ethiopia,” World Bank Policy
Research Working Paper No. 4755, The World Bank, October 2008. Also a Background
Paper for the Forthcoming World Bank Report, Unleashing the Potential of Ethiopian
Women: Trends and Options for Economic Empowerment, Poverty Reduction and
Economic Management, Africa Region
“Universal Transfers, Distribution of Welfare Change, Inequality & Poverty: Estimates
from a Wartime Iranian Budget Survey”, Proceedings of the 2011 International Academic
Conference, New Orleans:1043-51,
“Public Works and Social Protection”, a background paper for the ERD 2010 Social
Protection for Inclusive Development,
“Pattern of Female Mortality in Iran and Some of its Causes,” Oxford Institute of
Economics and Statistics Working Paper No. 62, University of Oxford, 1988
Recent Joint Research with my Students
Feridoon Koohi-Kamali, Liu, Yichun, and Nguyen, “Analysis of Child Gender
Discrimination Based on Adults’ Consumption Patterns: Microdata Evidence from China
and Vietnam”, Franklin & Marshall College Economics Department, 2014:
U.S. Multidimential Poverty by Race and Motherhood: Evidence from Pennsylvania
Census Data, Franklin & Marshall College Economics Department, 2014:
Measuring Child Poverty by the Rothbarth Scales: Estimates from an Urban Chinese East
Coast Providence, Franklin & Marshall College Economics Department, 2014:
Works in Progress
“The Rothbarth Model Household Internal Inequality Re-examined: Semiparametric and
Parametric Tests of Child Gender Discrimination, Department of Economics, Emory
University, 2014
“Gender Disparities in Orphanhood: Ethiopian evidence on Household Internal Resource
Allocation”, Department of Economics, Emory University, 2014
Co-Editor, with Shirley Johnson-Lans (Chair of Economics, Vassar College), of a new
Palgrave book-series: Global Perspectives on Wealth and Distribution
“Water: Physical Scarcity v. Economic Scarcity”, Comments on the ERD Workshop,
Bonn, Germany, Jun. 2011
“Comments on the ERD 2011 Draft on Managing Natural Resources for Inclusive and
Sustainable Development”, ERD Workshop Brussels, Belgium, Apr. 2011
Discussant to “Child Labor, Covariate and Idiosyncratic Income Shocks in Ethiopia”,
ERD 2010 Conference, Dakar, Senegal, Nov. 2010
Nov. 2009; History and Development Workshop, Department of Economics, University
of Massachusetts-Amherst, Dec. 2009
“Intrahousehold Gender Discrimination in India and Ethiopia: Implications for Assessing
the Impacts of Crises,” Presentation to the 9th GEM-IWG International Conference (cosponsored by UNDP) on Gender, Macroeconomics, and International Economics, United
Nations Headquarters, New York, Jul. 2009
“Detecting Gender Bias From Expenditure Patterns: Ethiopian Evidence,” Presentation to
the Eastern Economics Association Conference, New York, Feb. 2009
“Consumption Patterns and Child Gender Bias: Evidence from Ethiopia” , Invited
Presentation to the Poverty Reduction Department, Africa Region, The World Bank, 2008
“Robust Detection of Child Gender Bias from Adults’ Consumption Patterns: Tests Based
on an Iranian Budget Survey,” Invited Presentation to the World Bank Chief Economist
Seminar Series, The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Department, The World
Bank, 2007
Journalism (selected examples)
“Rayyan Bank of Qatar,” Euromoney, September Issue, London 2006
“Iran: Next Iraq or Second China?” Enciclopedia Treccani, Rome, 2005
Editorials & Interviews: Arabia-The Islamic World Review
“Can OPEC Take Advantage of the Rise in Oil Demand?”, May 1984
Interview With The Head of Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency: Sama’s Dr Umer Chapra,
Nov. 1985
“Theory and Practice of Islamic Banking”, Nov. 1985