Iowa Conference
on Communicative
Cedar Falls, Iowa
Stierwalt: Differential Diagnosis of Motor Speech Disorders – April 8, 2016
Motor Speech Disorders
The evolution of a classification system
Prior to the classification system first introduced by Darley, Aronson, & Brown
(1969), the dysarthrias were considered a single diagnosis.
 The implication was that this diagnosis had homogeneous features.
 Distinctions were made between dysarthria and aphasia, even dysarthria
and apraxia of speech.
 Autism
 No longer really considered a unitary diagnosis
 Autism spectrum
Further definition
 Asberger’s Syndrome
Differential diagnosis
Evolution of a discipline
 A need to better understand and define clinical populations.
 Evaluation
 More accurate diagnosis
 Treatment
 Guide our treatment decisions
Darley, Aronson, & Brown
 Pivotal articles (1969)
 “Motor Speech Disorders” text (1975)
 Defined and identified the dysarthrias
 Initial sample = 212 patients
 Lesion site
 Perceptual characteristics
 Motor characteristics
Benefits & Drawbacks
Assists with confirmation of lesion site
 Can rule out other potential diagnoses
Clinical “shorthand”
 Similar to aphasia syndromes
Guides treatment decisions
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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Understanding the underlying pathology results in selecting the appropriate
Reliability has been questioned
Corresponding lesion data
 Clinical knowledge
 Not confirmed empirically
Take home message…
Clinically useful
 Evolution continues
Our understanding of neuropathology will never be static
 New discoveries
 New procedures
For now, the system is a useful one that will continue to be refined
 Hyperkinetic
 Myriad of movement disorders
The Dysarthrias
“A collective name for a group of neurologic speech disorders resulting from
abnormalities in the strength, speed, range, steadiness, tone, or accuracy of
movements required for control of the respiratory, phonatory, resonatory,
articulatory, and prosodic aspects of speech production. The responsible
pathophysiologic disturbances are due to central or peripheral nervous system
abnormalities and most often reflect weakness; spasticity; incoordination;
involuntary movements; or excessive, reduced or variable muscle tone.”
(Duffy, 2013 p. 4)
Prevalence of MSD
Based on a sample > 14, 000 people referred for a speech/language evaluation at
Mayo Clinic from 1993-2008
 Other neurologic speech disorders - 0.4%
 Apraxia of Speech – 3.9%
 Nonaphasic cognitive-communication disorders – 16.8 %
 Aphasia – 25.8%
 Dysarthria – 53%
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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Definition revisited:
Key features of the dysarthrias
Neurologic basis
Disorder of movement
Categorized based on
Physical characteristics (OME findings)
Speech characteristics
Physical signs
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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Flaccid Dysarthria
 Results from injury/damage to cranial and/or spinal nerves
Final common pathway
Lower motor neuron
 Reflexive, automatic, and voluntary activities are ALL affected when the lesion resides in
the FCP.
Can impact all subsystems of speech
 Primary characteristics can be traced to weakness
 Which of the Cranial and/or spinal nerves might be implicated?
Myasthenia gravis
Anatomic malformation
Lesion analysis
• Trigeminal
Innervation properties
Three branches (sensory)
Motor component
• Signs
Sensory loss
Jaw deviation (unilateral)
 Jaw may hang open (bilateral)
• How do you test?
• Speech signs
 Imprecision in connected speech
 Most affected with bilateral lesions
• Facial
 Innervation properties
 Motor
 Which would be most devastating to speech?
 Facial droop
 Drooling (possibly)
 Pocketing
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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• Speech signs
 Imprecision in connected speech
Related to facial weakness
What sounds would be most affected?
• Glossopharyngeal
 Innervation properties
 Motor
 Signs
 Testing
 Speech signs
• Vagus
 Innervation properties
 Motor
 Signs
 Velar signs
 Testing
 Speech signs
 Phonation
 Respiration
 Resonance
• Spinal Accessory
 Innervation properties
 Signs
 Shoulder weakness
 Testing
 Speech signs
• Hypoglossal
 Innervation properties
 Signs
 Tongue deviation
 Atrophy
 Testing
 Speech signs
 Imprecision with articulation
 Compensation with the mandible
• Spinal nerve lesions
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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 Damage to spinal nerves C-1 through C-5
 Primary damage to respiration
How does that interfere with speech?
 Signs
Rapid/shallow breathing
Exaggerated thoracic expansion
 Flaccid dysarthria related to isolated damage to spinal nerve lesions is rare
Primary Characteristics
• Weakness
• Hypotonia and reduced reflexes
• Fasciculations and fibrillations
Darley, Aronson & Brown (1969)
Articulatory Imprecision
Audible inspiration
Harsh vocal quality
Short phrases
Spastic Dysarthria
 Secondary to damage of the direct and indirect pathways of the CNS (UMN system)
 Direct pathway
 Pyramidal tract
 Corticobulbar tracts
 Interacts with cranial nerves
 Corticospinal tracts
 Interacts with spinal nerves
 Facilitatory action
 Leads to skilled discrete movements
 Indirect pathway
 Extramyramidal
 Regulates reflexes, maintains posture, tone
 Inhibatory nature
Clinical Characteristics
 Difficulty with fine, discrete movements
 Initially decreased tone
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Mayo Clinic
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Develops into increased tone, spasticity
 Those muscles utilized in fine movements most affected
Decreased reflexes initially, then more pronounced
Babinski sign
Oral motor reflexes
 Suck
 Snout
 Jaw jerk
 Vascular
 Brainstem stroke
 Bilateral effects
 Cerebral stroke can’t have the same impact, unless there is previous damage, or
perhaps midline shift/compression from a hemorrhagic stroke
 Lacunar infarcts
 Multi-infarct dementia
 Not a common problem with DAT
 Inflammatory
 Leukoencephalitis
 Degenerative disease
 Primary lateral sclerosis
 Traumatic Brain Injury
 Multiple Sclerosis
 Neoplasm
Oral Mechanism
 Dysphagia
 Drooling
 Pseudobulbar affect
 Normal jaw strength
 Facial movements may be slow then move into excess/extreme
 Hyperactive reflexes
Speech Characteristics
 Impairments noticed most by looking at muscle movement rather than isolated muscles
 •« speed
 •«range
 •«force
 •ªmuscle tone
Darley, Aronson, & Brown (1969a)
 Imprecise artic
 Monopitch
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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•« stress
Low pitch
Slow rate
Strained-strangled quality
Short phrases
Distorted vowels
Pitch breaks
Breathy quality
Excess and equal stress
Ataxic Dysarthria
 Cerebellum
 Two cerebellar hemispheres
 Vermis
 Ipsilateral contribution
 Unlike the cerebral hemispheres which have contralateral contributions
 With median lesions, effects may be bilateral
How does the “circuit” function?
 The “circuit”
 Notice of movement-cerebral hemispheres
 Monitors the movement via feedback from the muscles/joints that conduct the
 Regulates movement in an ongoing fashion based on both ends of this circuit.
Clinical Characteristics
 Ataxic dysarthria typically manifests with diffuse cerebellar damage
 Any signs/symptoms from unilateral lesions tend to improve rapidly
Disordered gait
Truncal instability, titubation
Rotated head postures
Occular motor abnormalities
Ataxic dysarthria
 Degenerative Diseases
 Hereditary Ataxias
 Multiple Sclerosis
 Paroxysmal Ataxic Dysarthria
 Vascular Disorders
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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 Aneurysms
 AVMs
 Occlusion in the vertebrobasilar system
 Neoplasm
 Trauma
 Toxic/metabolic conditions
 Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration
 Severe malnutrition
 Vitamin deficiencies
 Pharmacological
 Antiseizure drugs
 Lithium
 Valium
 Hypothyroidism
 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Oral Mechanism
 Most aspects of the OME can be entirely normal
Face, jaw, tongue, palate
Rest, and during sustained postures
Reflexive swallow
OME abnormalities
 Irregular AMRs
 Observe the regularity of movement of the tongue, lips, and jaw
 AMRs and connected speech
 Systemic problem
 Affects the entire system rather than isolated impairment from muscles/muscle
 Imprecision with artic
 Irregular artic breakdown
 Distorted vowels
 Excess and/or equal stress
 Prolonged phonemes/pauses
 Slow rate
 Harshness
 Monopitch
 Monoloudness
 Reduced/irregular breathgroups
Darley, Aronson, & Brown 1969
 Artic imprecision
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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Stierwalt: Differential Diagnosis of Motor Speech Disorders – April 8, 2016
Excess/equal stress
Irregular artic breakdowns
Distorted vowels
Harsh quality
Prolonged phonemes
Prolonged intervals
Slow rate
Loudness variations
Voice tremor
Hypokinetic Dysarthria
• Pathology of the basal ganglia control circuit
– Rigidity
– Reduced force/range
• Decreased mobility a/o range lead to the name “hypokinetic”
• The only dysarthria which has
“rapid” speech rate as one of the perceptual characteristics.
• Depletion or reduction of the neurotransmitter, dopamine.
• Parkinson’s disease that best reflects hypokinetic dysarthria.
• Basal Ganglia Control Circuit
– Functions
• Regulate muscle tone
• Movements that support goal directed activity
• Postural adjustments
• Adjust movements to the environment
• Assists in learning new movements
• Damage results in reduced movement a/o a failure to inhibit involuntary movement
• Hypokinetic dysarthria most reflects reduced movement
Clinical Characteristics
Resting tremor
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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4-7 Hz
Jaw, lips, and tongue
– Resistance to passive stretch
– Decreased movement
– Slow movement
– Freezing
– Shuffling gait
– Micrographia
– Masked facies
– Reduction in:
• Arm movement while walking
• Gestures
• Blinking
• Head movement
• Swallowing frequency
• Loss of postural reflexes
– Reduced “righting” response
– Stooped posture
– Difficulty initiating movment
• While lying down
• Sitting to standing
• Damage to the basal ganglia
– Degenerative
– Vascular
– Traumatic
– Inflammatory
– Neoplastic
– Toxic
– Metabolic diseases
Oral Mechanism
• Immediate revealing features
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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– Masked facies
• Flat affect
– Respiratory signs
– Infrequent swallowing
• May result in drooling
– Size, strength, and symmetry may be normal
– AMRs may be slowly initiated a/o rapid and restricted in range
Speech Characteristics
• Monopitch
• Monoloudness
– Reduced intensity
– Breathy quality
• Reduced stress
• Short phrases
• Variable rate
• Short rushes of speech
• Imprecise consonants
Hyperkinetic Dysarthria
• Another dysarthria type that manifests secondary to damage to the basal ganglia control
• May effect all or isolated speech subsystems.
• Involuntary movement is the hallmark feature
– Rhythmic
– Irregular
– Fast
– slow
• What constitutes abnormal?
• Involuntary movements when steadiness is expected
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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• Hyper-in this case does not mean fast
– Excessive, extra
• Many forms
• Classified based on speed and periodicity
• Dyskinesia
• Myoclonus
• Tics
• Chorea
• Ballism
• Athetosis
• Dystonia
• Spasm
• Tremor
• Degenerative
• Vascular
• Traumatic
• Inflammatory
• Toxic
• Metabolic disease
Mixed Dysarthrias
• Mixed dysarthrias
– Combination of dysarthrias
• Two or more
• Diffuse damage
• Etiologies
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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– Degenerative
• MS
– Toxic metabolic
• Wilson’s disease
• Hepatocerebral degeneration
• Hypoxic encephalopathy
– Vascular Disorders
– Trauma
– Neoplasm
– Infectious diseases
Apraxia of Speech
“A neurologic speech disorder that reflexts an impaired capacity to plan or program sensorimotor commands necessary for directing movements that result in honetically and prosodically
normal speech. It can occur in the absence of physiologic disturbances associated with the
dysarthrias and in the agsence of disturbance in any component of language.”
(Duffy, 2013, p. 4)
• Apraxia of speech is secondary to a disturbance of the motor programming system.
– Central impairment
– Can occur without muscle impairment
– Normal function is apparent
• High variability
• The motor speech programmer executes the motor movements/sequences necessary to
convey language
– Speech ‘vs’ Language
• Primarily left hemisphere lesions
– Motor speech area
– Brocca’s area
– Supplementary motor cortex
– Insula
• Variability in lesion locations
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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– Dronkers, 1993
• AOS is secondary to primarily focal lesions
– vascular
– Tumors
– Focal/discrete trauma
• Surgical
• Other
• Degenerative conditions
– Occasionally have focal effects
Clinical Characteristics
• May exhibit right sided weakness
– May also have sensory deficits
• Hyperactive reflexes
• Limb apraxia
• Concomitant aphasia
– Brocca’s type
• Can exist in a “pure” form
– Few documented cases
Assessment findings
• Oral mechanism
– May have rt. weakness
• May result in dysarthria that is not the same as AOS
– Nonverbal oral motor apraxia
• Difficulty performing oral tasks.
– Sequential AMRs
• Most sensitive task to the effects of AOS.
Specific Speech Characteristics
• Slow rate
• Prolonged consonants/vowels
• Many pauses
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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– Inter/intrasegmental
• Disruptions in prosody
• Equal stress
• Decreased pitch/intonation contours
• False starts
• Effortful/laborious speech
• Repetitions
Factors that influence speech production
Injurious Falls
One-third of Americans aged 65+ fall each year.
Every 14 seconds, an older adult is treated in the E.R. for a fall, every 29 minutes an older adult
dies after a fall.
Annually, falls result in more than 2.4 million injuries in emergency departments, resulting in
over 772,000 hospitalizations and over 21,700 deaths.
In 2012, the costs related to falls was over $36 billion, with an expectation to reach over 59
billion annually by 2020.
Affects gait patterns
Change in skeletal structure
Reduced muscle mass/strength
Results in a higher incidence of neuropathology.
Often with deleterious cognitive and motor effects.
Increasing incidence of falls
Fear of falling
Bombarded today by competing stimuli
Cell phones
Talking or texting
Walking while talking
Sharing tasks may become more difficult when systems become compromised.
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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Statement of the Problem
Injurious falls are a major medical concern.
Individuals with neurologic compromise may be at a greater risk.
There are known factors that contribute to fall risk.
Physical decline
Cognitive decline
Pharmacological effects
Environmental factors
What other factors may be influential?
Cognitive load…
GAITRite™ System
Analysis of gait conducted using the GAITRite™ System
14’ portable carpet
16,128 embedded sensors to capture footfalls instantly
Measures include temporal and spatial parameters
 Each of the groups completed the following:
 Montreal Cognitive Assessment
 Beck Depression Index
 Gait Measures
Baseline (walking, no talking)
Low load (counting by ones)
Medium load (subtracting by 3s)
Originating number varied/attempt
High load (alpha-numeric sequence)
D-7, E-8, F-9…
 Gait conditions were counterbalanced to account for order effect.
 Each walk was completed twice to control for learning
The average was used for analysis.
Dependent measures
Functional ambulation profile (FAP)
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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Ratio of step length to leg length to step time; FAP score is derived from a formula
that includes several critical gait parameters found to be highly related to fall risk.
(Nelson et. al, 1999)
Stride length
Double support time
The percentage of time per ambulation cycle with both feet on the ground.
Parkinson and Healthy Elderly
Twenty six participants with Parkinson Disease: Peak medication time
Age: Mean = 67.44 (41-91)
Hoehn & Yahr Stage:
22-Stage 2, 3-Stage 3, 1-Stage 4
Thirteen healthy elderly participants
Age: Mean – 68.07
Matched for education level
No significant differences across groups
Stride length or Velocity
Data were collapsed and a condition effect was revealed Baseline > High load
A significant difference and interaction was revealed for Double Support
The healthy adult group significantly increased their Double Support time
The group with PD did not
High vs. Low Medication State
We recruited the same twenty six participants several months later. We asked that they be
within 30 minutes of their next medication administration. The same procedures were followed,
and we added the Functional Ambulation Profile (FAP) score as a predictor of fall risk.
No differences between conditions or High/Low medication states
 Step velocity
 Step length
 Double support
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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Dopaminergic replacement medication did not alleviate the effect of cognitive load.
 These results were shared at the World Congress on Parkinson Disease in Paris
Current Study
A double blind, randomized control study to investigate the effects of cognitive enhancing
medication on performance in individuals with Parkinson disease.
Participants were randomly assigned to a drug (Rasagiline vs. Placebo).
After 30 days, participants received an increased dose
 Participants receiving Rasagiline were given a higher dosage for the next 30 days.
 Participants receiving the placebo received additional placebo tablets.
Prior to taking the drug, baseline measures were collected on all experimental tasks
 Gait
 Additional measures
After 60 days, final data collection occurred (Post-treatment).
 Gait
 Additional measures
Walking while talking
Individuals with neurological compromise are at an increased risk for falls during the
multitask of talking while walking.
Automatic speech doesn’t carry as great a risk.
Increased cognitive load will have deleterious effects especially in high fall risk conditions
Low light
Descending stairs
Giving directions
Mental calculations
Tracking conditions
Environmental variations
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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Cranial Nerve Information Sheet
Cranial Nerve
I – Olfactory
II – Optic
III - Oculomotor
Eye movement
IV - Trochlear
Eye movement (superior oblique)
Facial sensation – 3 branches
V - Trigeminal
VI - Abducens
 Maxillary
 Mandibular
Anterior tongue sensation
Muscles of mastication
Eye Movement - lateral rectus
Taste - anterior 2/3 tongue
Facial expression
VII - Facial
VIII - Vestibulocochlear
Pharyngeal sensation
Pharyngeal muscles
Pharynx, larynx, esophagus
Muscles of palate, pharynx, and
Shoulder, head movement
IX - Glossopharyngeal
X - Vagus
XI- Spinal Accessory
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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XII - Hypoglossal
Tongue movement
For the purpose of screening, the functions listed above are the primary functions of the cranial nerves.
This is not meant to serve as an exhaustive list of cranial nerve functions.
© Stierwalt, J.A.G., (2003) Cranial Nerve Information Sheet
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
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Cranial Nerve Screening
Cranial Nerve
Screening Task
I – Olfactory
Sensory - Smell
II – Optic
Sensory - Vision
vision chart/acuity
III- Oculomotor
Motor – Eye movement
"follow the moving finger"
IV - Trochlear
Motor – Eye movement
(superior oblique)
look at the nose
V - Trigeminal
Sensory - facial
sensation/anterior tongue
Have the individual close
their eyes: touch the face
Motor - muscles of
Palpate muscles that clench
the teeth
VI - Abducens
Motor - lateral rectus
look to the side
VII - Facial
Sensory - taste
sweet, sour, bitter, salt
Motor - facial expression
smile, raise the eyebrows
Sensory - hearing
a tuning fork
look for vertigo
Sensory - pharynx
gag reflex
Motor – pharyngeal muscles
gag reflex
Sensory –pharynx, larynx,
Check phonation
VIII Vestibulocochlear
IX - Glossopharyngeal
X - Vagus
Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic
Assess vocal quality
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Motor - muscles of palate,
pharynx, and larynx
XI- Spinal Accessory
Motor – Shoulder, head
shoulder shrug and/or
turning the head to
XII - Hypoglossal
Motor - tongue movement
Assess tongue movement
© 2003 Julie A.G. Stierwalt, Ph.D.
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Mayo Clinic
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