Nano-scale Metal Contacts for Future III-V CMOS by Alex Guo B.S. Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, 2010 Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering at the TL Massachusetts Institute of Technology September 2012 C 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All Rights Reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis and to grant others the right to so. Author Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science August 30, 2012 Certified by Jesn's A. del Alamo Professor of Electrical Engineering Supervisor A 4Thesis Accepted by 2ies e A. Kolodziejski Chair, Department Committee on Graduate Students 1 2 Nano-scale Metal Contacts for Future I-V CMOS by Alex Guo Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science August 30, 2012 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering ABSTRACT As modem transistors continue to scale down in size, conventional Si CMOS is reaching its physical limits and alternative technologies are needed to extend Moore's law. Among different candidates, MOSFETs with a III-V compound semiconductor channel are of great interest. Specifically, designs with an InGaAs channel have shown promising results for N type MOSFETs. In a new generation of III-V MOSFETs, one of the key challenges is to shrink device footprint while improving transistor's electrical performance. For future technology nodes, the gate length of MOSFETs needs to shrink below 10 nm, and the source and drain contacts must also decrease to a comparable dimension. A concern about contact scaling is the increase of source resistance. It is predicted that the source resistance will increase exponentially when the contact length is decreased to the nanometer scale regime. In order to understand the issues associated with source contact scaling to the nanometer regime, we have developed a fabrication process for nanometer scale TLM test structures to InGaAs/InAlAs heterostructures for MOSFETs. To analyze these structures, we have also developed a 2D circuit network. After measuring the fabricated devices, the model has been used to extract the relevant electrical parameters that characterize these structures. We have obtained a specific contact resistivity of (0. 116 +/- 0.058) Q -um 2 . For Mo/n+-InGaAs contacts, to the best of our knowledge, this is the lowest value reported to date. The fabrication process and the theoretical model presented in this study should help future 111-V CMOS scaling research and development. Thesis supervisor: Jesu's A. del Alamo Title: Professor of Electrical Engineering 3 4 Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to thank my research adviser Jesn's A. del Alamo for giving me the chance to work in his research group, and for introducing me to this very interesting project. His passion and invaluable knowledge in our research field continue to inspire me to do good research. I am grateful for his excellent guidance, constant encouragement and his patience, from which I learned research techniques and continue to grow as a researcher. I am extremely lucky to be his student! I would also like to thank Jianqiang Lin for his help with the development of the fabrication processes. Jianqiang has always given me great advice and shared his expertise in the cleanroom. He also went out of his way to help me with issues occurred during fabrication and gave me great suggestions in varies occasions. I will always remember those nights when we worked together in TRL to keep each other motivated. I appreciate the help from Dr. Tae-Woo Kim and Dr. Jorg Scholvin, especially at the beginning stage of this project. Dr. Tae-Woo Kim helped me draft the first fabrication process and provided valuable insights during the first year of the project. Dr. Jorg Scholvin shared with me his program that automated the mask drawing in Cadence, and I thank him for all the meaningful discussions on this project and graduate school in general. It has been a great pleasure to work with the rest of the members in del Alamo's research group. Dr. Ling Xia was the first person I talked to from the group and has always been supportive and helpful. I also thank Dr. Jungwoo Joh and Dr. Usha Gogineni for the chats and motivational discussions. I appreciate all the help from Xin Zhao, who joined the group at the same year as me, who is always willing to help and share his knowledge. I am also thankful for Shireen Warnock and Luke Guo, and looking forward to more ice cream trips with them in the future. I appreciate all the help from TRL stuff members. They are extremely professional and helped me through many fabrication issues. This project will not be possible without their support. I would like to thank my friends who helped me professional and personally throughout the past two years. Leila Pirhaji, Wardah Inam, Moojan Daneshmand, Mohamed Azize, thank you for all the fun time and chats, movies, outings, and your constant support! 5 Finally, I appreciate my grandparents for their love and faith in me, and the support from the rest of my family in China. This work was sponsoredby FCRP-MSD Center. 6 Contents LIST O F FIG URES .............................................................................................................................................. 9 LIST O F TAB LES .............................................................................................................................................. 11 C H A PTER 1. IN TR O DUC TIO N ................................................................................................................ 13 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. Introductionto III-V CM OS ..................................................................................................... Motivation - Resistance Scaling in III-V MOSFET ............................................................. N ano-TLM for I I-V CMOS..................................................................................................... Thesis Outline................................................................................................................................ 13 15 17 19 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL MODEL FOR DESIGNED NANO-TLM STRUCTURE.................21 2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 2.2 Simple TLM Modelsfor Metal to Semiconductor Contacts ...................................................... 2.3 ProposedTLM Structure andM odel................................................................................................ 2.3.1 N ano-TLM Structure D esign..................................................................................................... 2.3.2 TLM Equivalent Circuit M odel and A nalysis .......................................................................... 2.4 D iscussion........................................................................................................................................... 2.5 Summary............................................................................................................................................. CHAPTER 3. NANO-TLM FABRICATION............................................................................................. 3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 3.2 StartingH eterostructure............................................................................................................... 3.3 ProcessF low ...................................................................................................................................... 3.3.1 Ohm ic Metallization .............................................................................................................. 3.3.2 Mesa Isolation............................................................................................................................ 3.3.3 Pad D eposition........................................................................................................................... 3.4 SEM A nalysis ..................................................................................................................................... 3.4.1 Estimation of M etal Contact Length and Spacing................................................................ 3.5 Summary............................................................................................................................................. CHAPTER 4. NANO-TLM MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS......................................................... 21 21 25 25 25 33 36 37 37 37 38 40 41 43 44 44 45 47 4.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 4.2 M easurement of ConventionalTLM ........................................................................................... 4.3 M easurement andA nalysis of nano-TLM .................................................................................... 4.3.1 M easurem ent of nano-TLM .................................................................................................. 4.3.2 Interpretation of Sheet Resistances and the Contact Resistivity ......................................... 4.3.3 C ontact Resistance and Its Scaling........................................................................................ 4.4 Key FindingsandPossible Sources of Discrepancies................................................................ 4.5 Summary............................................................................................................................................. 47 47 48 49 52 55 57 60 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS....................................................................... 61 5.1 Conclusions........................................................................................................................................ 5.2 Suggestionsfor F uture Work....................................................................................................... 7 61 62 8 List of Figures Figure 1-1. Electron and hole mobility of group III-V compounds, in comparison with Si. [Fig. taken from J.A . del Alam o [3]]...........................................................................................................................14 Figure 1-2. Cross section view of the source region of a typical source contact and its resistant c o m pone nts...................................................................................................................................................16 Figure 1-3. Effect of contact-length scaling on overall contact resistance (Re=Rs.Rext in Eq. 1), predicted using trilayer transmission line model. Fig. taken from N. Waldron [9]...............17 Figure 1-4. A Transmission Line Model (TLM) test structure with contact length Le, contact spacing 18 Ld and contact w idth W . ............................................................................................................................. spacings lengths (Le) and contact with various structures view of nano-TLM 1-5. Top down Figure (L d). Draw in g is not to scale.....................................................................................................................18 Figure 2-1 (a) Cross sectional view of a planar metal to thin-film semiconductor contact, and current flow at the contact region. (b) The equivalent circuit model for the contact at one end of the structure, assuming a very thin active layer characterized by sheet resistance Rsh..................22 Figure 2-2. Contact resistance - width product as a function of contact length for different specific contact resistivity for Rsh = 200 Q /o . ..................................................................................................... 24 Figure 2-3 A plot of total resistance of a TLM test structure.........................................................................24 Figure 2-4. (a) Top down view of a single nano-TLM test structure. (b) The 2D distributed resistive 26 circuit netw ork that illustrates (a) .................................................................................................... Figure 2-5. Cross sectional view of nano-TLM with equivalent circuit network.............27 Figure 2-6. Four possible Kelvin measurement schemes to characterize nano-TLM test structures... 28 Figure 2-7 Current and voltage definition for the analysis of the 2D nano-TLM circuit network.......29 Figure 2-8. Contact resistance width product as a function of contact length for different specific contact resistivity for Rsh = 200 f2/o, Rshm =0, using the 2D nano-TLM circuit model. RAB CD 34 = RAD _CB in th is case ................................................................................................................................... Figure 2-9. The effect of Rsh, to the contact resistance scaling.................................................................35 Figure 2-10. The effect of Ld to the contact resistance scaling. Rh, is set to 0.01 /o for this case.........35 Figure 3-1 A cross sectional view of the starting heterostructure used to make nano-TLM test 8 stru ctu re s........................................................................................................................................................3 Figure 3-2. Nano-TLM process flow side view and top view......................................................................39 40 Figure 3-3. HSQ pattern with contact length of 200 nm, on top of Mo. ................................................ Figure 3-4 SEM image of Mo lines after metal dry etch, on top of InGaAs cap layer..........41 42 Figure 3-5. A top view of the m esa definition ............................................................................................ 43 Figure 3-6 A SEM image of nano-TLM structure after mesa isolation. ................... nano-TLM test structure....................44 Figure 3-7. Plane SEM view of a completed Figure 3-8 Characterization of critical dimensions of a nano-TLM structure after oxide removal, to carry out precise measurements on the structure...........................................................................45 Figure 4-1. Kelvin measurement methodology of a conventional TLM. Test structures shown here 48 has contact length Le and varies spacing d, - d4 ........................................................................... Figure 4-2. Fabricated nano-TLM structure layout (top) and the four-terminal Kelvin resistance 50 measurement schemes (bottom) described in chapter 2 ............................................................. 9 Figure 4-3. Typical measurements of I-V characteristics of nano-TLM structures with average contact length Le = 276 nm and difference contact spacing Ld-...................................... 51 Figure 4-4. Measured resistance values plotted against contact spacing Ld, for two different measurement schemes on a set of devices with the same nominal contact length and different contact sp acin g ............................................................................................................................................. 52 Figure 4-5. Examples of fitting the theoretical model to experimental results. We change three variables pc, Rshm and Rsh in the theoretical model to fit the experimental data. The values of L, indicated in each chart are nominal. In the parameter extraction, actual measured values are used. The sam e for Ld------........... - - .... . -----...................................................................................... 54 Figure 4-6. A comparison of the best contact resistances reported and the result obtained in this w ork ................................................................................................................................................................ 56 Figure 4-7. Contact resistance scaling trends comparison of this work and best reported contact re sistan c e s.....................................................................................................................................................5 6 Figure 4-8. Comparison of contact resistance using lift off vs. dry etching to define metal lines. The contact length Le = 3 pm ........................................................................................................................... 58 Figure 4-9. Comparison of contact resistance using sputtering and ebeam evaporation to deposit Mo with thickness of 20 nm. The contact length Le = 3 pm............................................................. 59 Figure 4-10. Contact length variation within a nano-TLM test structure. .................. 60 10 List of Tables Table 1. Extracted specific contact resistivity, semiconductor sheet resistance and Mo sheet resistance for sets of experim ental data...............................................................................................................54 11 12 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Introduction to III-V CMOS Silicon-based CMOS technology has been driving the scaling of logic gates for the past fifty years. Following Moore's law, fabrication processes using Si channel and silicon dioxide gate dielectric have pushed the gate length down to nanometer regime. However, in recently years Si CMOS has reached its fundamental physical limits and there are concerns about the viability of Si-based CMOS for gate lengths below 10 nm [1]. In order to extend Moore's law further, new technologies and materials are being investigated to improve the performance and power consumption of logic applications. According to the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), alternative channel materials with enhanced transport are anticipated solutions to the scaling problems of Si channel MOSFETs. It is also projected that the first product with III-V (for n-channel) will be introduced in 2018 [2]. III-V compounds such as InGaAs or InAs have more than 10 times higher electron mobility compared to Si at a comparable sheet charge density. This underlies the strong interest in investigating III-Vs as an alternative channel material choice for future generations of deeply scaled CMOS [3, 4]. 13 IinAs InAs InAs InAs 10,000- InSb lnGaAs GaAs E InGaSb U Ge 1,000- Si InSb 0GaSb Ge - InGaAs -S1 0 GaAs 100Ge GaAs I 0.54 0.56 InP InAs AlSb GaSb InSb Relaxed lattice constant I I 0.58 0.60 1 0.62 1 0.64 I 0.66 Lattice constant (nm) Figure 1-1. Electron and hole mobility of group IlI-V compounds, in comparison with Si. [Fig. taken from J.A. del Alamo [3]]. Figure 1-1 shows electron and hole mobility of some III-V compounds compared to conventional Si MOSFETs [3]. It is obvious that the electron mobility of these III-V compounds is extraordinary, which contribute to excellent transport characteristics and outstanding frequency response for logic applications. Recently, many exciting demonstrations of III-V MOSFETs have been published. This includes a nanometer-scale InGaAs MOSFET exceeding the logic performance of Si at 0.5 V [5]. In order to allow process integration of III-Vs to current CMOS technology, however, there are a few challenges that need to be overcome. One of those is to find a high-permittivity dielectric material for the III-V gate stack, which is the key to a MOSFET. The native oxide, Si0 2 of silicon technology is not suitable for III-V compounds, which brings the challenge of finding a gate dielectric that minimizes interface defects and has high stability for III-V MOSFETs. Another obstacle is the large difference between electron mobility and hole mobility in III-V compounds. This is also a serious problem because NMOS and PMOS transistors should have similar performance for CMOS logic circuits. In 14 order to increase hole mobility, compressive strain is introduced and improvements have been demonstrated for some III-V compounds [6-8]. However, the performance of III-V PMOS is still not satisfactory compared to other materials such as Ge. In addition to these challenges, a very low ohmic contact resistance is also necessary especially since the contact dimensions are required to scale proportionally with gate length. This last challenge has not received enough attention to the present time, and will be the focus of this study. 1.2. Motivation - Resistance Scaling in III-VMOSFET Parasitic resistance is a serious concern in CMOS devices. As device footprint decreases, the source resistance of transistors needs to be as small as 50 0 - pm to maintain high performance at low voltage [3]. As shown in Figure 1-2., the source resistance is comprised of the contact resistance between the pad metal and the contact metal (Rgad), the sheet resistance of the contact metal (Rm), the contact resistance between the contact metal and the cap layer (RcaP), the contact resistance of the cap layer and the extrinsic channel (Rgxt), and the resistance of the extrinsic channel (Rex,). The total source resistance R, can be expressed as following: Raa d=+ Rm + Rcap + Rgxt + Rext (1) While the gate lengths of 111-V MOSFETs continue to scale down, the dimension of the contacts also needs to be decreased aggressively. It is predicted that the contact resistance will increase dramatically when the contact length decreases to the nanometer regime [9]. Figure 1-3 shows how the overall contact resistance Rc=Rs-Rext, increases with decreased contact length in various scenarios [9]. As we see, when the contact length is shrunk to 10 nm the contact resistance with common designs is expected to be two orders of magnitude higher than the target range,. 15 RPad Rm Rext Figure 1-2. Cross section view of the source region of a typical source contact and its resistant components. The contact resistance between the metal and the cap layer RCaris a dominant component of Rs, and the scaling of RCap with contact length is the focus of this work. Decreasing RcaP is very challenging with current fabrication processes, however it has been suggested that an ultra-low contact resistance is possible with a highly doped InGaAs cap [10] and a metal-first scheme that minimizes surface contamination [11, 12]. We use these approaches to improve the contact resistance between the metal and the cap layer. The scaling of metal to III-V semiconductor contact resistance in the nanometer regime has not been studied experimentally. One goal of this project is to make such nano-scale contact structures to examine the contact resistance scaling behavior and understand the physics of such small contacts. A second goal of this study is to develop a fabrication scheme that is compatible with the current IIIV MOSFET process, in order to achieve a very low ohmic contact resistance in nanometer-scale contacts. 16 1.E+05 1.E+04 1.E+03 - en A 1.E+02*. 1.E+01 ... +C target range + + *D 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+02 Lc (nm) 1.E+04 Figure 1-3. Effect of contact-length scaling on overall contact resistance (RcRARVX in Eq. 1), predicted using trilayer transmission line model. Fig. taken from N. Waldron [9]. 1.3. Nano-TLM for HI-V CMOS In order to fabricate nano-scale contacts that can achieve the targeted resistance range, an aggressive design approach is required. The measurements and characterization of R, are usually done using the transmission line method (TLM) [13]. The design of a TLM structure is illustrated in Figure 1-4. A Transmission Line Model (TLM) test structure with contact length Lc, contact spacing Ld and contact width W In this design, because the drawing dimensions are large, regular variations of contact length (L), contact spacing (Ld) and contact width (W) due to fabrication process limitations are not very problematic. For nano-scale contacts, however, the physical dimension of the contacts is smaller than the resolution of a typical photolithography tool. To fabricate nano-scale contact structures for TLM characterization, a new design that incorporates e-beam lithography is required. 17 Figure 1-4. A Transmission Line Model (TLM) test structure with contact length Le, contact spacing Ld and contact width W The design of a Nano-TLM structure should consider both fabrication limitations and measurement needs. It should also be compatible with existing III-V MOSFET fabrication processes to allow process integration. Figure 1-5 shows the designed Nano-TLM structures for this project. The metal lines are formed by e beam lithography so the contact length and spacing are small and well controlled. The contact width is defined by a self-aligned dry etching process. These structures each contain four contact pads that are connected to the ends of the metal lines, so Kelvin measurements of the contacts are possible. Mesa Metal LL -------e- Figure 1-5. Top down view of nano-TLM structures with various contact lengths (Le) and spacings (Ld). Drawing is not to scale. 18 1.4. Thesis Outline In this project, we have developed a fabrication process for nano-TLM test structures that incorporates e-beam lithography. We have measured and characterized such structures down to 200 nm in contact length and 300 nm in contact spacing using a four-point Kelvin measurement scheme. A theoretical model was developed using a 2-D distributed circuit network. From comparison between model and measurements, we have extracted the specific contact resistivity (p,), metal sheet resistance (Rshm) and hetetostructure sheet resistance (Rsh) of the fabricated structures. We were able to obtain a specific contact resistance of (1.16 +/- 0.058) x 10-9 Q - cm 2 , which is lower than the best contact resistance reported for a TiW to InGaAs contact [11]. This thesis is organized in the following way. Chapter 2 discusses the theoretical modeling of nanoTLM test structures. Physical parameters that are relevant to the extraction of contact resistance are defined and explained. We introduce the simple TLM model and extend it to our specific test structure to set up a 2-D circuit network. The analysis of this circuit network is presented and terminal resistance expressions are derived. Chapter 3 focuses on the fabrication of nano-TLM test structures. We describe the hetetostructure used for the fabrication, and a detailed process flow is discussed. Completed nano-TLM structures are presented in this chapter, with a section on SEM analysis and measurement of contact lengths and spacing. In Chapter 4, we describe the electrical measurement scheme and discuss how the contact resistances are analyzed using the TLM model. Measurement data will be presented for two different fabrication schemes and these data will be compared to show the advantage of metal first approach over lift-off. We will then use the theoretical model developed in Chapter 2 to extract key parameters of nano-TLM structures, and interpret the meaning of transfer length and contact resistance in the context of nano-TLM. We will compare the experimental data and the theoretical model, and examine the relationship of contact resistance as a function of contact length. The key findings of the nano-TLM experimental results in combination of the theoretical model are presented, and we project the performance of 10 nm contacts for III-V CMOS. 19 Finally, in Chapter 5, we summarize all of our findings of this nano-TLM contact project and provide suggestions for future studies on III-V CMOS. 20 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL MODEL FOR DESIGNED NANO-TLM STRUCTURE 2.1 Introduction In this chapter, we build a 2D resistive circuit network to model the fabricated nano-TLM test structures. Resistance expressions are derived for two different Kelvin measurement schemes. The model is used in Ch. 4 to extract the relevant parameters characterizing the fabricated nano-TLM structures. 2.2 Simple TLM Models for Metal to Semiconductor Contacts The contact resistance in a III-V MOSFET is often modeled using a transmission line method (TLM) [13]. A typical lateral contact between metal and a thin film is illustrated in Figure 2-1 (a). Due to current crowding at the contact edges, current distribution under a contact and in the active layer is not uniform. The TLM model uses a resistive circuit network to analyze this current distribution, as shown in Figure 2-1 (b). In this simple model, the active semiconductor layer is assumed to be infinitely thin, and is characterized by its sheet resistance (Rsh). pc is the specific contact resistance of metal-semiconductor interface (L - pm 2 ), W is the contact width (pm) and Le is the contact length (ptm). We express the infinitesimal resistance in the horizontal direction, dR, and conductance in the 21 vertical direction, dG, using these parameters. We neglect the sheet resistance of the metal layer. The voltage drop between the points A and B can be expressed as following [13]: L= metal contact length, Ld = metal contact spacing, W= metal contact width -C Cu entflow (a) Rs A 1 dR= R--x Le --- ------- ---- ------ W w dG =-dx Pc dGI C 1 x 0 x L---------------L . (b) Figure 2-1 (a) Cross sectional view of a planar metal to thin-film semiconductor contact, and current flow at the contact region. (b) The equivalent circuit model for the contact at one end of the structure, assuming a very thin active layer characterized by sheet resistance R~h. cosh(x- -|RS/ V(x) = 1o - c sinh(Le - )Rsh/pc) (2) Where Io = total current (A). The current along A and B is then: I (x) = I0 - sinh(x - VRsT7p) PC sinh(Lc -)RSh/ pc) 22 (3) The resistance across A and B, the contact resistance with unit i - pm, is the voltage drop across the contact V(Le) divided by the current 10: Rc = VRSh In this expression, the term -fp coth(Le - )Reh/pc) (4) pc/Rsh has units of length and represents the distance over which most of the current is transferred between the metal and the active layer. This is denoted as the transfer length: Lr = pc/Rsh There are two limiting cases to this model. When the contact length Lc coth(Lc/LT) ~ LT/Lc (5) 0.5LT , then and Re can be simplified to: R Rcj =c (6) This is the limit of a short contact in which, essentially, the current flows downwards over the entire contact length. For Lc > 1.5LT , coth(Lc/LT) ~ 1 and Re =PC LT (7) This is the limit of a long contact in which the current flows downwards on the scale of the transfer length. The effect of contact length scaling on contact resistance according to this simple circuit model can be illustrated in Figure 2-2. As we can see, for long contact length (Le > LT), the contact resistance has a minimum value that is independent of contact length. When Lc decreases below LT the contact resistance increases exponentially. We also observe that the higher the pc, the earlier Re starts to increase as Le scales down. This trend presents a major concern when contacts are decreased to the sub-micron regime. 23 1.E+04 1.E+03 1.E+02 1.E+01 1.E+00 - I.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 Lc [nm] Figure 2-2. Contact resistance - width product as a function of contact length for different specific contact resistivity for Rh = 200 a/o. Using this circuit model, R, Rsh and pc can be extracted from TLM test structures as presented in Figure 2-3. The total resistance measured can be expressed as: RT = W (8) + 2Rc RT Slope = Rh/W : - 2Rc 0 Ld Figure 2-3 A plot of total resistance of a TLM test structure. 24 By measuring the total resistance of these structures with different spacing Ld, a plot of total resistance can be obtained, as show in Figure 2-3. Three parameters can be extracted from this plot. The slope leads to the sheet resistance Rsh. The intercept at Ld = 0 gives two times the contact resistance 2Re. Once we have Rsh and Re, we can use formula above to compute pc and LT. 2.3 Proposed TLM Structure and Model 2.3.1 Nano-TLM Structure Design The design of nano-TLM test structures follows the same concept of a simple TLM while taking into account the fabrication limits for sub-micron patterns. As shown in Figure 1-5, an individual nanoTLM structure includes two nano-scale metal lines that are defined by e-beam lithography, and they are connected to the measurement pads by extending the metal lines at an angle. The four-pad design is necessary for Kelvin measurements that eliminate the voltage drop across angled metal lines. 2.3.2 TLM Equivalent Circuit Model and Analysis The nano-TLM test structure can be modeled using a 2D distributed resistive circuit network. Figure 2-4 (a) shows a single nano-TLM test structure, characterized by contact length Le, contact spacing Ld and the width of mesa W. Fig. 2-4(b) shows the equivalent circuit representation of (a). Due to the fact that Kelvin measurements will be performed, the resistance of the four metal lines that provide access to the intrinsic structure is not modeled. 25 \. w (a) Y x 0 x w W (b) Figure 2-4. (a) Top down view of a single nano-TLM test structure. (b) The 2D distributed resistive circuit network that illustrates (a). In this circuit model, we use three parameters to characterize the nano-TLM network. They are the sheet resistance of the semiconductor Rsh (Q/o), the sheet resistance of the metal Rsh. (9/o), and specific contact resistivity of the metal-semiconductor interface pc (Q-pm). drm in Figure 2-4 (b) is the elemental longitudinal resistance of the metal line: Rsh drm = Rs m dx Lc (9) dgs is the elemental metal to metal conductance through the semiconductor, and we can use the simple TLM model discussed earlier to write the total differential conductance between the two metal lines as: 26 dgs = 1 2Rc + RSh - d 1 = dxL = 2pc -Rsh coth ( - dx +R (10) L Equation (10) is obtained by evaluating the cross-sectional resistance of the nano-TLM as shown in Figure 2-5. We can simplify it to: 1 dgs= RTLm (11) dx Where RTLM =2- pc- Rscoth C)+R + La (12) L 11 Lal Figure 2-5. Cross sectional view of nano-TLM with equivalent circuit network. In equation (12), Rsh is the sheet resistance between the two metal lines. The transfer length along the y direction is defined as: LT1 = (13) We can now evaluate the total resistance according to different Kelvin measurement schemes. There are a total of four measurement schemes that are illustrated in Figure 2-6. RCD,AB and RAB,CD are 27 equivalent, as well as RCB,AD and RAD,CB, and measurements for all four schemes are performed. We seek to develop expressions for these four resistances in terms of the geometry of the structure and RsA., Rsh and Pc. A Nano-TLM Network C A, D B iC VC+ B D RAB,CD RCD,AB RCBAD RADCB Figure 2-6. Four possible Kelvin measurement schemes to characterize nano-TLM test structures In order to analyze the resistance in these four measurements, we define the current direction and voltage drop according to Figure 2-7. 28 /2(W C D drm I,(WAI) IX) i I I x+dx x 0 W - X Figure 2-7 Current and voltage definition for the analysis of the 2D nano-TLM circuit network. Our goal is to solve for V(x), I(x) and 12(x) as defined in Fig. 2-7, so that expressions for the four resistances in Fig. 2-6 can be found. At location x, we can express dV(x) and dIj(x) using Kirchoff's law: dV(x) = (1 2 (x) - I1(x)) -drm = (12 (x) - 11 (x))' Rs- m dx (14) C And d11 (x) = -dI 2 (x) = -V(x)dgs = -V(x) dx RTLM (15) If we take derivative of above and combine with above we get: d2 1(x) d2 dx 2 _ (12 (x) - 11 (x)) RsfTm ,~RL (16) From here, we solve for V(x) and I(x) for two different measurement schemes, RAB_CD and RADBC as shown in Figure 2-6. Note that the evaluation of RABCD and RCDAB, as well as RAD_BC and RBCAD should theoretically yield the same result. 29 For the case of RABCD, we know: Il(x) = -12 (x) (17) At the ends, specifically: I(0) = -I2(0) = -10; 11 (W) = -I 2 0; (W) = (18) We can rewrite above as: d 2 11 (x) 2 Rshm dx2dX- I(x) L.RM'= Le(x-LRTL (19) 0 We define a transfer length in the x direction: V-c - RTLM|( LTx = 2 (20) Rshm) Then (19) becomes d211l(X) 11 (X)= 0 (21) 2 d The solution to this differential equation is: I,(x) = a -sinh - + b -cosh -); (22) With the boundary condition given in (18), we can evaluate a, b and write the solution for I,(x). I(x) = Io[coth (W) sinh We take derivative of (23), plug into (15) and get: 30 ) -cosh - (23) V (X) RT LMIo W LTX LTx -- =[coth cosh x -- sinh - Tx (24) Finally, RABCD = V(W) RTLM = I Lrx csch (W' (25) - LTX Next we solve for RADCB. In this case: 11 (x) + 12 (x) = 1o (26) And, at the ends: I1(0) = 0; 12(0) = I0; 1i(W) = 10; 12 (W) = 0; (27) We can rewrite (16) as: d 21(X) 1 (x) dx 2 2 Rshm LC - RTLM + Rshm - 10 R = (28) 0 Then (28) becomes d 2 1 1 (X) dX 2 L,(X) 2 0 (29) 2L 2 L2 The solution to this differential equation is: Ii(x) = a -sinh (T + b - cosh -- Tx ) x 10 (30) 2 With the boundary condition given in (27), we can evaluate a, b and write the solution for I,(x): 3IO W Ii(x) = [--csch 2 Lr ITX 1 2 coth W Lr X ]sinh 31 x\1 - TLx 0 +cosh 2 x (-TX) rx - lo (31) We take derivative of (31), plug into (15) and get: V(x) =RTLM [ 1 31 W S(C - (32) - coth i) cosh wnTXd LTX/ t s +2 sinh(-)]; Lo VTx Next we need to solve VCB, VCB with = VCA - VBA = V(O)-VAC; (33) w VAC = foW12 (x)drm (34) =- Rshm [4LTx coth - csch - W]; And, V(O) = ( LTx 2 csch( \L ) coth TX/ 2 (35) -LTxJ Therefore, VCB Rshm' Jo [4LTx(coth (W) - sc~j~i) w~+RTLMJO1 W] + Tsch Finally, 32 (36) 3 csch (W) 1(W\ - coth )]; VCB RADCB - -- Rshm4 [ -csch LT(coth (W Lrx W - LC (TTX)(37) -W] + RTLM 3 [- [csch LTx 2 W 1 Lrx 2 coth - Lr ' We now have the expressions for the two Kelvin measurements schemes. These expressions give us the relationship between the measured resistance value and the critical parameters for our nano-TLM structure. 2.4 Discussion To better understand these resistance expressions, we first examine the effect of Rshm. Assume Rshm = 0, which is the case when the effect of metal line sheet resistance is negligible, we can simplify equation (25) and (37) to be: RABCD =RADCBc=2" - ~ pc- Ra Lc R-L + "oth W , pc/Ra W (38) We see that the two measurement schemes arrive to the same expression, which makes sense because current paths are evenly distributed along metal lines. For this case, we can illustrate the contact resistance scaling trend as shown in Figure 2-8, for different values of Le and pc. Basically, for Rshm = 0, both measurements replicate the simple TLM model. 33 p = 60- l.cm2 1.E+04 1.E+02 10 1.E+01 1.E+00 1.E+01 I.E+03 1.E+02 1.E+04 Lc [nm] Figure 2-8. Contact resistance width product as a function of contact length for different specific contact resistivity for RA = 200 Q/o, Rshm =0, using the 2D nano-TLM circuit model. RABCD = RADCB in this case. To examine the effect of metal sheet resistance to the overall contact resistance, we vary Rsh, and graph the resistance scaling trend in Figure 2-9. In this plot, we use a typical Rd of 200 a-pm and pc of 1x 10-8 -cm2 . As we can see that the contact resistance scaling trend is similar to what is observed in Figure 2-2, however, for the two measurement schemes the change of metal sheet resistance have different effect on the contact resistance values. For RABCD, increasing Rshe causes the decrease of overall contact resistance. The reason is the shortened current path in the x direction (see Figure 2-7) due to increased drm. For RADCB, the contact resistance increases with Rshm and this is expected because the current goes through the complete contact width W. We also observe that the metal sheet resistance does not affect the contact resistance when the contact length is long (L, > 10 um). This also makes sense because larger contact length decreases the metal resistance and Rshm does not contribute much to the contact resistance. We also plot the dependence of RABCD and RADCB on Ld, as shown in Figure 2-10. We observe that the change of contact spacing affect the resistance values more when Le is large. At very small contact lengths, especially in the 10 nm range, the Ld dependency is minimal. 34 1.E+04 -Rshm -Rshm -Rshm Rshm 1.E+04 = 0.01 Ohm/sq = 0.1 Ohm/sq = 0.5 Ohm/sq = 1 Ohm/sq 1.E+03 1.E+03 2. E S1.E+02 1.E+02 C 1.E+01 1.E+01 1.E+00 0.1 0.01 1 10 1.E+00 '0.01 0.1 L, [um] 10 1 L, [um] Figure 2-9. The effect of Rsh, to the contact resistance scaling. a 1.E+03 1.E+03 1.E+02 1.E+02 1.E+01 1.E+01 -Ld -Ld -Ld -Ld 1.E+00 -Ld = 0 -Ld = 0.2un -Ld = 0.7 um --- Ld = I um =0 = 0.2 um =0.7 um =I 0.01 um 1.E+00 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10 Le [um] Le [urn] Figure 2-10. The effect of Ld to the contact resistance scaling. Rsh. set to 0.01 £/o for this case. is Our next step is to fabricate and measure the nano-TLM test structures and use this model to extract Rsh, Rshm, andpc. 35 2.5 Summary In this chapter, we have introduced the transmission line method for characterizing metal to semiconductor contacts. We extend this concept to our nano-TLM structures and build a 2D distributed resistive circuit network to analyze the resistance of these structures as a function of Rsh, Rshm, and Pc. In the following chapters, we will describe the fabrication process and measurement schemes of nano-TLM test structures and the extraction of these parameters. This will allow us to utilize the theoretical model developed in this chapter and understand the contribution of each of the three parameters to the total contact resistance in concern. 36 CHAPTER 3. NANO-TLM FABRICATION 3.1 Introduction This chapter focuses on the fabrication process development and SEM analysis of the nano-TLMs. Our process incorporates electron beam lithography to build structures with sub-micron contact length. Different fabrication techniques are compared and optimal process flow is presented. The fabricated structures will be measured and analyzed in the next chapter and the critical device parameters will be extracted. 3.2 Starting Heterostructure A description of the heterostructure used for this project is shown in Figure 3-1. The wafer was grown by Intelligent Epitaxy Technology, Inc. (IntelliEPI) using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The structure resembles an inverted high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) design. This structure is chosen because it is the design of choice for current III-V CMOS research due to the reduced leakage current compared to that of III-V HEMT model [14]. The cap layer consists of two layers of heavily doped (3 x 1019 cm-3 ) InGaAs: 5 nm thick layer of Ino.6 5Gao.35 As followed by a 10 nm thick layer of Ino. 53Gao. 47As layer below. The higher In content in the top cap layer is used to improve the ohmic metal contact resistance [15]. A 4 nm InP etch stop is 37 placed underneath the cap layer to facilitate the dry etching steps in the fabrication process. All other layers are lattice matched to the InP substrate. inP Etch Stop 4nm InGaAs Channel tSnm InAlAs Bufier 25nm InP Buffer 6nm InP Buffer 400nm inP Substrate Figure 3-1 A cross sectional view of the starting heterostructure used to make nano-TLM test structures 3.3 Process Flow In this section, we will describe the process flow for fabricating the nano-TLM test structures. An overview of the process flow is shown in Figure 3-2. There are three basic modules that we describe in separate sections. We first introduce ohmic metallization using Molybdenum for a non-alloyed ohmic contact. Mesa isolation using a dry etching process is discussed next. Lastly, pad formation using a lift-off process is described. The nano-TLM structure fabricated here uses Mo for nonalloyed ohmic contacts due to its reported low contact resistance [12]. 38 I (i) Starting heterostructure I (ii) Mo ohmic metal deposition Top view Side view (iII) e-beam lithography, Mo etch (v) SiO 2 etch (iv) Si02 deposition Channel Top view Side view (vi) Mesa isolation (viii) Pad deposition and lift-off (vii) Photolithography. Figure 3-2. Nano-TLM process flow side view and top view. 39 3.3.1 Ohmic Metallization After the heterostructure is received from the grower, the process starts with wafer cleaning using 1:3 mixture of HCl:H 2 0. This solution removes native oxide to ensure high quality ohmic contacts. Shortly after this, we RF sputter 40 nm of molybdenum (Mo) using sputtererAJA International Orion 5. The calibrated deposition rate is 1 A/s. Initially the Mo was deposited using e-beam evaporation, but the contact resistance was found to be much higher, as suggested in literature [16]. Following Mo deposition, we define metal contact lines using e-beam lithography, because nanoTLM process requires a high resolution to achieve short contact length. We chose hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) as the e beam negative tone resist for its high resolution and good dry etch resistance [17]. HSQ is spun on the wafer at 3500 RPM for 1 minute, and the substrate is pre baked at 200C for 2 minutes before e beam exposure in order to achieve a high contrast [18]. The metal line pattern is written in the HSQ layer using Raith 150, an e beam lithography tool based on a Leo SEM column, with energy of 30 keV and area dose of 1050 pC/cm 2 . Right after exposure, the written HSQ pattern is developed using 25% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) solution for 70 s. At this point, the pattern written is observable under microscope and SEM. Figure 3-3. shows a typical pattern formed after HSQ development on top of Mo layer, the contact length here is around 200 nm. Figure 3-3. HSQ pattern with contact length of 200 nm, on top of Mo. 40 In the next step we use dry etching to define thin metal lines using HSQ as etch mask. HSQ at this point becomes a durable oxide layer that exhibits good etch resistance. To etch the Mo layer we use the Plasmaquest, a reactive ion etcher/plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (RIE/PECVD) tool. A combination of SF6 and 02 gases are used and the etch rate is approximately 3 A/s. These gases constitute an effective etchant for Mo, but do not attack the InGaAs cap layer [19]. After etching, metal line formation is verified by SEM. Figure 3-4 shows a typical SEM image of the metal lines on top of InGaAs cap layer after the dry etching. In this figure, the HSQ on top of the metal lines is still present. This is to protect Moly lines from the subsequent dry etch steps.Figure 3-4 SEM image of Mo lines after metal dry etch, on top of InGaAs cap layer. Figure 3-4 SEM image of Mo lines after metal dry etch, on top of InGaAs cap layer. 3.3.2 Mesa Isolation The isolation of the nano-TLM structure is achieved by mesa etching. The definition of the mesa area is illustrated in Figure 3-5. In addition to the mesa area, we also define 4 islands to hold the 4 metal line branches in place for pad connection later. 41 Islands Mesa Islands Figure 3-5. A top view of the mesa definition. We first deposit a layer of SiO 2 using STS CVD, a PECVD tool, at a temperature of 250 *C. The deposition rate is separately calibrated for each run and the deposition thickness is measured using a reference Si wafer. We find that the optimal SiO 2 deposition thickness is 60-80 nm, which can withstand the mesa dry etch step and is easily removed afterwards. A photo lithography step using OCG825 resist is used to define the mesa area as well as the four islands on the corners of the metal lines. Photo resist was spun and pre-baked before a 7 s exposure. After developing in OCG934 developer, the mesa pattern is observed under the microscope. In the following steps, we create the mesa by first etching the SiO 2 film for 300 s using a combination of CF4 and He gases. In this step, we use a DC bias of 100 V and ECR power of 200 W. With the SiO 2 layer patterned, we remove the photo resist and use SiO 2 as a hard mask for the next etching step. It is worth to note that during the etching of SiO 2, the resist is hardened and cannot be removed by acetone. We use MICROSTRIP to remove the leftover photo resist. We now use the SiO 2 pattern as the hard mask for mesa dry etch. This etch is done in the Plasmaquest using a combination of Ar, CH4 , H2 and 02 gases. The process time is 15 minute to etch off~ 80 nm down to the InP buffer layer. 42 At this point mesa isolation is complete, and the structure is observed under SEM. Figure 3-6 shows a SEM image of a typical nano-TLM structure after mesa isolation. The rough mesa edge is a result of photoresist overexposure. This contributes to around 10% variation of the mesa width across different test structures. Since we measure and normalize mesa width for each individual structure, this variation does not affect the characterization of the finished test structures. Note also that at this point there is still oxide on top of mesa and the metal lines, part of which will be removed next for pad connection. Figure 3-6 A SEM image of nano-TLM structure after mesa isolation. 3.3.3 Pad Deposition The last step in the process is to deposit pads metal so subsequent device measurements can be carried out. The pads are defined using AZ5214E resist, spun at 3000 RPM for 30 s and exposed for 9 s after a pre-bake step. We also introduced a flood exposure step to convert unexposed areas soluble to result in a negative tone resist [20]. After developing, part of the metal lines are exposed. Since these metal lines are still covered by oxide, we use buffered oxide etch (BOE) 1:7 to remove the left over SiO 2. We then deposit pad metal layers Ti/Au (20 nm, 500 nm) using a Temescal FC2000 e beam evaporator, and use acetone lift-off to complete the definition of contact pads. Following the pad patterning, we anneal the sample in a rapid thermal anneal tool at 400*C for 40 s to improve the contact quality. 43 3.4 SEM Analysis The completed nano-TLM structures and their critical dimensions are analyzed and measured using SEM. Figure 3-7 shows the SEM image of a completed nano-TLM structure. The metal lines have a length of about 15 pm to the pads. The structure shown here has SiO 2 on top of the mesa and metal lines, which will be removed later after electrical measurements. This is detailed next. Figure 3-7. Plane SEM view of a completed nano-TLM test structure. 3.4.1 Estimation of Metal Contact Length and Spacing The contact length and spacing measurement is done after the electrical measurements that are described in the next chapter. For this, we remove the oxide from the top of the metal lines. Figure 3-8 illustrates this process for the structure shown in Figure 3-7. The contact length (L,), contact spacing (Ld) and mesa width (W) can then be accurately measured by SEM and we obtained L, = 190 nm, Ld =310 nm and W = 4.02 pm with a measurement accuracy of 15 nm. These measurement values are used in subsequent chapter for data analysis. 44 The smallest contact length we obtain from a working structure is 162 nm, with a contact spacing of 308 nm. There are a few limiting factors for further decreasing the metal line width and contact spacing. First is the proximity effect during the e-beam lithography step. When the metal lines are drawn close together, the electron energy has an overlap and the dose on the metal lines is increased. This causes the thickening of the metal lines and narrowed spacing between metal lines. To correct this effect, lower dose factors can be applied to the area where the metal lines are placed close together. The thickness of the HSQ resist is another limiting factor for the metal line resolution. We need the HSQ layer to be above 100 nm so it can stand the dry etch step, and the e-beam resolution gets worse with increased resist thickness. To have a better resolution, a thinner resist that can withstand the dry etching process has to be engineered. Figure 3-8 Characterization of critical dimensions of a nano-TLM structure after oxide removal, to carry out precise measurements on the structure. 3.5 Summary In this chapter the process flow of nano-TLM structure fabrication was described. Detailed process steps were presented for each of the three modules: ohmic metallization, mesa isolation and pad deposition. This is followed by SEM analysis of the finished device. We have achieved shows a contact length of 162 nm with contact spacing of 308 nm, more than 1Ox smaller than a conventional 45 contact. In the next chapter, we will focus on measurement and characterization of the completed nano-TLM test structures. 46 CHAPTER 4. NANO-TLM MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction In this chapter, we will discuss the measurement schemes used to characterize the fabricated nanoTLM structures. The theoretical model will then be used to analyze the measurement data and extract three contact parameters of concern: the specific contact resistivity (pc), metal sheet resistance (Rshm) and semiconductor sheet resistance (Rsh) of the nanocontacts that we have fabricated. 4.2 Measurement of Conventional TLM The measurement methodology for a nano-TLM structure is based on the conventional TLM measurement, even though the design and analysis of a nano-TLM structure is more complicated. In this section we discuss ways the traditional TLM structures are characterized. The contact resistance measurement using a conventional TLM is shown in Figure 4-1. As we discussed in chapters 2, the contact resistance, sheet resistance and transfer length of a contact are evaluated by plotting measured resistance against contact spacing (Ld), for the same contact length (Le). Here we adapt the four-terminal contact resistance method, also known as the four-terminal Kelvin resistance [21], because it eliminates the probe resistance and the contact resistance between 47 the probe and the test structure. In this method, current is forced through terminal C and D, and the voltage is measured across A and B. What we measure is then the total resistance from contact 1 to contact 2. r-- -- -- ------- I Ld3 I A B C D Ld4 Figure 4-1. Kelvin measurement methodology of a conventional TLM. Test structures shown here has contact length Le and varies spacing di - d4. 4.3 Measurement and Analysis of nano-TLM The measurement of nano-TLM test structures is an extension of the conventional method introduced above. The structures are designed for TLM type measurements using the four-terminal Kelvin resistance methodology. In this section we discuss how the measurements are set up and how 48 the data is collected. We will also analyze the collected data using the theoretical model developed in chapter 2 to evaluate the critical parameters that characterize the device contact resistance. 4.3.1 Measurement of nano-TLM The measurement schemes for the nano-TLMs were described in chapter 2. Similar to the conventional TLM measurement, we also use the four-terminal Kelvin resistance method. This way we will eliminate the probe resistance, the probe to substrate contact resistance as well as minimize the contribution of the pad sheet resistance and pad to Mo contact resistance. The structure layout and the measurement schemes are shown in Figure 4-2. On the top of the graph, we show the structure layout for a series of nano-TLM structures. These individual structures have the same nominal contact length but different contact spacing. The bottom of the graph are the four measurement schemes for an individual nano-TLM structure, which was described in chapter 2. 49 - -I ~ - -I RCDAB RAB,cD RcAD RADCB Figure 4-2. Fabricated nano-TLM structure layout (top) and the fourterminal Kelvin resistance measurement schemes (bottom) described in chapter 2. The measurements are taken using an Agilent 4155A semiconductor parameter analyzer. To acquire high accuracy data, we use the VMU ports of the analyzer for voltage measurement, and the SMU ports for current injection. Typical I/V measurement results are graphed in Figure 4-3. We took the measured voltage difference from the two VMU ports, and plot that against the current measured from SMU ports. The total resistance is then the inverse slope of the plot. 50 2 E-A *5 1.5E-04 5.OE-05 0.OE+00 -5.0E-05 A -1.OE-04 -1.5E-04 -2.OE-04 -0.025 * +Ld =270 nm -ELd = 380 nm d=50n *- Ld=780nm -5-0.015 0,Ld =1.00 um .0 -0.005 0.005 0.015 0.025 V [V] Figure 4-3. Typical measurements of I-V characteristics of nano-TLM structures with average contact length Le = 276 nm and difference contact spacing Ld. Next, we plot the extracted resistance values against contact spacing. A typical R vs. Ld graph is shown in Figure 4-4 for a set of structures with the same nominal contact length but varying contact distance. There are a few details worth noting here. First of all, the measured contact lengths are not exactly identical across structures that have the same nominal contact length. This is due to the process variation when the metal lines are defined by e-beam lithography. We observed that when contact spacing is small, especially under 500 nm, the contact length turns out to be larger than the drawing dimension, and we believe this is caused by proximity effects and the resolution limit of the e-beam lithography tool. Because the metal contact length is in the nanometer regime, it is important to have accurate measurements of the device dimensions. Due to this variation, the transmission line method used for a conventional TLM (as seen in Figure 2-3) is not appropriate. Note that RABCD and RADCB values are very close to each other with RABCD consistently above RADCB- This reflects the case of Rshm.~ 0 discussed in chapter 2, that when the metal sheet resistance is negligible, the two measurement schemes arrive at the same value. In the next section, we will discuss how we characterize these nano-TLM structures individually and how to use the theoretical model to extract the relevant resistance parameters. 51 int-4-5 Die 1 Row 15 600 R(ABCD) + R(ADCB) 500 Lc = 365nm 400 Lc=357nm E 300 Lc 363nm Lc=364nm 200 Lc=371nm 100 Lc =392nm 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Ld [ur] 1 1.2 1.4 Figure 4-4. Measured resistance values plotted against contact spacing Ld, for two different measurement schemes on a set of devices with the same nominal contact length and different contact spacing. 4.3.2 Interpretation of Sheet Resistances and the Contact Resistivity Our next step is to extract the relevant resistance parameters that characterize these structures. These are: the metal to cap specific contact resistivity pc (n-cm2), the metal sheet resistance Rshm (nIc) and the semiconductor sheet resistance Rs (92/o). In order to do this, we develop a Matlab program and use an optimization module to find pc, Rsh, and Rsh values that best fit the experimental data. In the Matlab program, we first make an initial guess of the parameter values, and list a range of values these parameters can take on. We then calculate the expected resistance values using the theoretical model developed in chapter 2 and compare them to the experimental data. The program will start from the initial guess and search through values in the given range to find the best fit for the experimental data. 52 The fitting is done point by point. For each structure, RAB CD represents the average of RABCD and RCD_AB, and RADCB is the average of RADCB and RCBAD. We require the best fit to give the least error across two sets of measurement (RAB CD and RADCB) for a group of 4-6 devices with the same nominal contact length but different contact spacing that are located side by side on the chip. As we see in Figure 4-4, the contact lengths change with the contact spacing, so we use the measured contact length and spacing for each specific structure in the Matlab program. Figure 4-5 shows examples of the fitting results for two sets of structures on the same chip, with different nominal contact lengths. We plot the measurement data against the 2D circuit model with optimized pc, Rshm and Rsh, to show the best fit of the model to the experimental results. The extracted parameters for each set of devices are indicated in the inset of these figures. We use data collected from two different chips, and the fitting results are listed below in Table 1. Each row in the table represents a set of devices with the same nominal contact length and different metal spacings. In this table, <Le> (nm) is the average measured contact length. The optimization tool in Matlab uses the method of least squares, therefore the error shown in this table represents the least-squares error. 53 Int-4-5 Die 1 Row 14, Le = 323 nm 500 * 2D Circuit Model 450 8 Int-4-5 Die 1 Row 14, Lc = 323 nm 500 a 2D Circuit Model 450 Experimental Data 400 400 350 350 300 300 250 250 200 200 150 = 0.098 100 150 0-um' = 0.098 O-um2 eP Ra= 336 a/sq Rh. =1 mO/sq 100 Rh = 336 0/sq R *m 1 mQ/sq 50 Experimental Data 50 0 0 0 0.5 1.5 1I 0 a Int-4-5 Die 1 Row 15, L, = 370 nm 600 2D Circuit Model Experimental Data 500 a2D Circuit Model Experimental Data 500 400 400 300 300 200 0 eU 200 = 0.18 O-um2 100 Ra= 347 0/sq * = 0.18 100 i 0.5 a-um' Rh 347 0/sq RA.= 1m/sq R 0 0 1.5 Ld [um] Int-4-5 Die 1 Row 15, Le = 370 nm 600 1I 0.5 Ld[umI =1 mn/sq 0 1.5 0 0.5 Ld[umI 1I 1.5 Ld[um] Figure 4-5. Examples of fitting the theoretical model to experimental results. We change three variables pc. R, and R~h in the theoretical model to fit the experimental data. The values of L, indicated in each chart are nominal. In the parameter extraction, actual measured values are used. The same for Ld. Table 1. Extracted specific contact resistivity, semiconductor sheet resistance and Mo sheet resistance for sets of experimental data. Sample # Int-4-5 Int-4-5 Int-4-5 Int-4-5 Int-4-5 Int-4-5 Int-4-3 Die 1 Die 1 Die 1 Die 1 Die 2 Die 2 Die 4 Row <L,> (nm) pc (Q-um2) Rsh (0/sq) Rsh,(mQ/sq) 13 14 15 16 3 4 2 248 323 369 415 336 374 270 0.045 0.098 0.18 0.14 0.45 0.52 1.9 315 336 347 361 280 297 492 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 Error ( 2 -um2) 0.0204 0.0174 0.0160 0.0111 0.313 0.180 0.112 Considering the measurement error and structure to structure variations, the extracted parameter values are rather consistent. The algorithm we used gives the smallest metal sheet resistance value we allow, and changing the lower bound below 1 mf/o does not change the fitting result. This means that the Mo sheet resistance has negligible contribution of the metal resistance to the measured resistance. In this case, we report the Rshm as 0. 4.3.3 Contact Resistance and Its Scaling Next, we compare our result with some of the best values reported in the literature. For Mo to Ino.53Gao 47As contact, the best contact resistance reported is 1.1 -pm2 [22]. For Mo on abrupt InAs/InGaAs heterojunctions, the specific contact resistance is lowered to 0.5 +/- 0.3 g-pm2 [23]. With TiW as contact metal, a 0.7 f-pm2 contact resistance was reported [11]. In this study, we obtain an average Mo to n+ Ino.65Gao. 35As contact resistance of (0.116 +/- 0.058) Q-tm 2 . To the best of our knowledge, this is the best contact resistance ever reported on InGaAs cap. We compare our result with reported data so far, and plot it in Figure 4-6. The contact resistivity obtained in this work is the lowest among the ones reported so far. We also plot the scaling trend when contact length Le is decreased to 10 nm in Figure 4-7. There are two sets of data from this work. The trend line is plotted using the averaged pe, Rsh and Rshm values measured here, i.e. 0.116 Q -um 2 , 340 O/o, and 0.1 m/ro, respectively in the theoretical model. The experimental data points are calculated by the following: Rc -W = (RABCD - Rsh - La)/2; (1) From the plot we can see that the contact resistance in this work gives a 12.7 Q um contact resistance when Lc is decreased to 10 nm. This value is significantly lower than what has been reported before and is a step forward in achieving a low source resistance for future III-V CMOS. 55 * Mo on InO.53GaO.47As * TIW on InO.53GaO.47As Cr on InO.53GaO.47As * Mo on InAs/lnO.53GaO.47As Abrupt Heterojunction 0 This work, Mo on InO.65GaO.35As 100 I 10 E 1 I This work 0 0 0 0.1 I1.OE+19 1.OE+20 Electron concentration (cm) Figure 4-6. A comparison of the best contact resistances reported and the result obtained in this work. 1.E+03 -Best Moly contact Best TiW contact -This work (Model) + This work (experimental) 1.E+02 1.E+01 - - -- - - - -" - - - -- 1.E+00 0.01 0.1 1 10 Le [um) Figure 4-7. Contact resistance scaling trends comparison of this work and best reported contact resistances. 56 4.4 Key Findings and Possible Sources of Discrepancies Using an optimization module in Matlab, we extracted three parameters that characterize a typical nanometer scale contact structure. We find that even though the metal contact length is small (198410 nm), the metal sheet resistance does not contribute much to the overall resistance. As a result, the two different measurement schemes give almost identical values which is the Rshm = 0 case described in Chapter 2. The low contact resistance in this work was obtained after a few fabrication process development considerations. During the process development, we tried different fabrication approaches and find a few factors that affect the contact resistance. First of all, the surface preparation of the sample contributes contact quality. We compared results from two different approaches. The first approach is to evaporate the metal layer right after sample cleaning and then define metal lines using dry etching. The second approach is to define the metal line pattern using e-beam resist and then evaporate metal and do lift-off. Conventional TLM measurements for the two approaches are plotted in Figure 4-8. These measurements are done on TLM structures with micron scale contact length, and Ld are measured using SEM. The contact resistance calculated using the lift off approach is 0.15 Q -cm, which gives a specific contact resistivity of 7.Ox10~6 Q-cm 2 . This is about an order of magnitude higher than the dry etching approach, which gives a contact resistance of 0.0082 Q-cm and specific contact resistivity of 2.0x10- 2-cm2. This phenomenon was also mentioned in literature [12]. This contact resistivity is still higher than what we obtain in nano-TLM structures. This is because the metal lines are only 20 nm thick for this specific experiment. This is a lot thinner than the nano-TLM structures we measured (60 nm Mo thickness). The thinner metal layer has higher sheet resistance due to current crowding. Also, the metal is evaporated instead of sputtered. 57 350 300 250 C200 150 100 * Mo - Lift off 50 mMo-etch 0 0 20 10 30 Ld [PM Figure 4-8. Comparison of contact resistance using lift off vs. dry etching to define metal lines. Mo is evaporated in this experiment. The contact length Le = 3 pm. We also compared two different metal deposition techniques, e-beam evaporation and sputtering. Figure 4-9Figure 4-9 shows the measured resistances for these two cases using traditional TLM test structures. These structures are prepared to test Mo sheet resistance and the pad to Mo contact resistance. For this experiment the Mo thickness is 20 nm for both sputtered and evaporated Mo. The sputtered Mo gives a lower metal sheet resistance, 0.97 Q/o and metal to pad contact resistance, 3.7x 10~8 n-cm 2 , compared to the evaporated Mo, 5.6 f/o and 4.1 x 108 (-cm 2, relatively. Note that the metal sheet resistance for sputtered Mo is much higher than what we report for nano-TLM test structures. The Mo sheet resistance contribution to the nano-TLM resistance measurement turned out to be very small and could not be accurately extracted. We consider this sheet resistance negligible and report it as 0. 58 40 + Sputtered Mo 35 3 Evaporated Mo e 30 0 25 20 15 10 0 0 10 20 Ld 30 40 [pm] Figure 4-9. Comparison of contact resistance using sputtering and ebeam evaporation to deposit Mo with thickness of 20 nm. The contact length Le = 3 sm. With these findings, we are able to develop a metal first process using sputtering and achieve an ultra-low contact resistance that is within the acceptable range when the contact length is shrunk to 10 nm. Due to fabrication variations and measurement inaccuracies, there are a few sources of error. First of all, the contact length of the metal lines varies from structure to structure, and also within the same structure. The two metal lines in a nano-TLM test structure may have different measured contact length and they also change along the metal contact. Figure 4-10 is an illustration of the contact length variation between two metal lines. For this structure there is a 2.4% discrepancy, which is representative of structures we measured. In all cases we use the average of the two contact lengths. Since the contact dimensions are crucial in nano-TLM characterizations, these variations contribute to the measurement discrepancies. 59 Figure 4-10. Contact length variation within a nano-TLM test structure. The mesa width measurement is another source of error. The mesa edge around the contact metal lines are not completely straight after dry etching process, and the width on the left side could be different from the width on the right side. From the measurements we obtain, we observe a maximum 5% discrepancy. To minimize these discrepancies, we use the average values for structure dimensions. 4.5 Summary In this chapter, we have characterized the nano-TLM test structures by using four-terminal Kelvin measurements. We have then used an optimization tool in Matlab to extract the contact resistance, semiconductor sheet resistance and metal sheet resistance of the fabricated structures. The contact resistance values acquired have an average value of 1.16x 10-9 -cm2 which is lower than the lowest contact resistance values reported so far. In the next chapter, we will discuss more about contact resistance scaling trend down to 10 nm contact length, and provide suggestions for future study on 111-V nano-scale contacts. 60 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS In this thesis, we have developed a fabrication process for nano-TLM test structures to analyze the resistance of metal/III-V contacts and a theoretical model that describes the resistance behavior of these structures. We fabricated and tested Mo on n+ InGaAs contacts with contact length from 198 nm to 410 nm. Our model and analysis suggests that with proper surface preparation and metal deposition technique, an ultra-low contact resistance can be achieved even when the contact length is scaled down to the nanometer scale. In this chapter, we summarize the key findings of this work and suggestions for future work are provided. 5.1 Conclusions In this project, we tested different fabrication techniques to build a nanometer-scaled metal to III-V contact and developed a process that can provide the lowest contact resistance incorporating a metal deposition-first fabrication process. We conclude that a metal-first approach using a sputtered metal deposition technique gives the lowest contact resistance and can be adapted to the current III-V CMOS processes. To analyze the fabricated test structures, we developed a theoretical model using a 2D circuit network. We use this model to extract the contact resistance, the metal sheet resistance and the semiconductor sheet resistance by fitting the model to the experimental data. We report on seven 61 sets of experimental test structures with contact lengths between 248 nm to 415 nm. We evaluate each data point and plot them against the scaling trend predicted by our theoretical model. The best obtained average values are: pc = 0.116 Q-um 2 and Rsh = 340 Q/o. The extracted metal sheet resistance is very small relative to the other components and it cannot be extracted in a reliable way. This means that the metal sheet resistance does not contribute to the overall resistance of the structure. With the assumption that Rshm = 0, we simplify the theoretical model and arrive to simple TLM expressions that are consistent with our measurements. We also compared this scaling trend with the best contact resistance values reported in literature. The process flow developed can be incorporated to the 111-V CMOS process to form source contacts. Other contributions of the source resistance scaling still need to be examined to achieve an overall understanding of the nanometer scale source contacts. 5.2 Suggestions for Future Work We suggest a number of future studies that can continue the source resistance scaling research described in this work. * Extend the current fabrication process to include an etch step to etch cap and channel between metal lines in order to study the cap to channel contact resistance, which is another important component of the source resistance. This should complete the source resistance scaling study for 111-V MOSFETs. * Carry out a 3D simulation using TCAD to model the nano-TLM test structures, which will help us better understand carrier transport in the contact region and the physics of nanometer scale contacts in general. 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