IMPLOVEiENTS IN METHODS OF EXTRACTION, PURIFICATION, A1D 1ASUREIENT OF EADIO GENIC ARGON IN MINEAiLS by LAWRENCE STRICKLLND S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1952) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLIENT OF THE REQUIREIENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1956 Signature of Author. ...... *0.-.. . 4f X,Of Department / *a *.. , .... . . Geology and Geophysics .I Septe;nber p3, 1955 Certified Thepc SupgrvAsor Accepted by.\......... . . . . 4.................. .... . . Chairman, Departmental Committee Students on Gradua -Ming== A CINOWLEDGEMvENTS The author is indebted to the many people who helped in the completion of this research. He wishes to thank Dr. Leonard Herzog, who was always available for consultation when problems arose involving mass spectrometry and who was an invaluable help in the early stages of this research. Professor Patrick Hurley, who suggested the author undertake this research and who was always willing to take time from his busy schedule to help. He was a source of inspiration whenever forward progress was slow. The author will remember his association with Professor Hurley for many years. Mr. Milo Backus, whose companion- ship made the many hours spent on this research seem short. The typist, Joan Whitehouse, for her untiring efforts to complete this manuscriot in a tight schedule. His wife, Shirley, without her unlimited confidence in the author, and unselfish devotion, the successful completion of this research would have been impossible. the Geology Department. The entire staff of The research presented in this thesis was a part of a program supported by the Atomic Energy Commission urAer Contract AT(30-1)-1381. ABSTRACT Title: Improvements in methods of extraction, purification, and measurement of radio genic argon in minerals. Author: Lawrence Strickland Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Age measurements by the A40 /K4 0 method have shown promising results in recent tests. It is important that the possibility of small errors in analysis be investigated and that the techniques of analysis be simplified and shortened. In this investigation new instruments and facilities were constructed and tested to these ends. It was planned that isotope dilution analysis would be used to monitor experiments leading toward a possible reliable volumetric method of analysis. For this purpose a mass spectrometer was constructed, after Nier's design, with a 60 magnet sector and 6 inch radius, and with changes made in the method of collection and measurement. The method of measuring the isotopes of argon was a dynamic one, in order to allow most of the sample to be used during an analysis. Molecular flow conditions exist throughout the entire gas-flow sheet. The isotope ratios measured at time intervals were then extrapolated to the time the sample started to flow into the ionization chamber. Experimentation showed that argon could be lost if the sample was absorbed on charcoal at too low temoeratures for too long a time. It was also found that quantities of gas containing argon c8uld be purified by selective adsorption on charcoal at -78 c. The mass spectrometric procedures were checked for discriminatio]0and reproducibility by measuring the atmosratio and the radiogenic argon content of pheric argon a sample of llpidolite of known age. Results of these tests were as follows: (measured) 310 311 A T1OSPHERIC ARGON 40 / 36 Nier (1950) 2 96+l 308 Fractionation and Discrimination 1.047 1.050 1.042 or approximately 2 percent discrimination per mass unit. This value is different for each spectrometer. The value obtained is reasonable. LEPIDOLITE SAIIPLE A4 0 / gm sample (x103 cm3 ) .79 + .08 .74 + .03 .73 + .03 age (m. y. ) Aldrich (1954) This work 1610 1710 + 90 The volumetric analysis apparatus was checked by analyzing air for its argon content with .993 percent, .990 percent, and .992 percent the values obtained. This is to be comoared with a value of .993 percent obtained by Paneth. 'BLE OF CONTENTS .page Acknowledgements......*00 Abstract.......................... Section I. * ** * ......... ............ o.*eoo .0 000 Introduction.................0.0......00.0. 00 ...... 0 i 11 1 Methods of Determining Geologic Age Lead Strontium-Rubidium Argon-Potassium Comparison of age Methods Research Problems Section II. Mass Spectrometer........................... 7 Introduction Isotope Analysis of Argon Theory of Mass Spectrometer Refocusing of Divergent Beams Causes of Ion Beam Spread Resolution Physical Arrangement of the Equipment Section III. Vacuum Techniques and Gas Flow Conditions in the Mass Spectrometer.................. 45 Introduction Gas Flow Through the Mass Spectrometer Cold Traps Background Mass Spectre Gas Flow into the Mass Soectrometer Section IV. Production of Positive Ions................ 59 Introduction Methods and Workmanship The Orthodox Source Mass Discrimination of Ion Source Emission Regulator Sensitivity Stability Section V. Collection and Measurement of Ion Beams..... 70 Collector Design Preamxolifier D-C Current Amplifier Measurement of Ion Beams Treatment of Data Section VI. Isotope Dilution Techniques................ 77 Tracer Introduction System Calibration of the Tracer Possible Errors in Tracer Calibration Isotope Dilution Measurements Possible Errors in the Determination of Radiogenic Argon Section VII. Volumetric Analysis of Argon.............. Introduction Separation Procedure (Introductory Remarks) Description of Equipment 85 Calibration of Volumes Problems to be Solved Loss of Argon Extraction of Small Quantities of Argon from Minerals Atmospheric Argon Contamination Hydrogen Removal Operation of the Barium Furnace Gas Circulation System Results of Volumetric Analyses Section VIII. Standardized Procedures.................. 104 Volumetric-Analysis Isotope Dilution Analysis Section IX.Measurement of Age by the Potassium-Argon Method................. .......... ... .. *. 110 Section X. Recommendations for Future Research......... 115 Appendix I. Use of Radio Frequency Induction Heater Appendix II. Condensed Procedure Sheet Biographical Sketch I __:i LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Refocusing properties of magnet sector. 11. 2. Effect on refocusing by shifting magnet .1 inch upward from correct position. 13. 3. Effect on refocusing by shifting magnet .2 inch down and .1 inch towards source from correct oosition. 14. 4. Bean spread due to various aberrations. 17. 5. Gas inlet system. 19. 6. 21. Magnet poles. 7. Right side view of mass spectrometer. 23. 8. Left side view of mass spectrometer. 24. 9. Schematic diagram of high voltage supply . 25. 10. Front panel view of high voltage supply. 2. 11. Bottom view of high voltage supply. 27. 12. Rear view of high voltage supply. 28. 13. Schematic diagram of ion current amplifier. 29. 14. Front panel view of ion current amolifier. 30. 15. Bottom view of ion current amplifier. 31. 16. Rear view of ion current amplifier. 32. 17. Schematic diagram of magnet current supply. 33. 18. Schematic diagram of balancing panel. 34. 19. Front panel view of balancing panel. 35. 20. Rear view of balancing panel. 36. 21. Schematic diagram of regulated D.C. power supply. 37. 22. Front panel view of regulated D.C. power supply. 38. Figure 23. Bottom view of regulated D.C. power supply. 319. 24. Rear view of regulated D.C. power supply. 40, 25. Schematic diagram of emission regulator. 41. 26. Front panel view of emission regulator. 42. 27. Rear view of emission regulator. 43. 28. Diagram of mass spectrometer tube. 44. 29. Schematic diagram of mass spectrometer with possible appropriate pressures. 47, 30. Residual spectra using solid carbon dioxide as coolant. 50. 31. Residual spectra using liquid nitrogen as coolant. 51. 32. Increase of background spectra with time. 52. Variation in 4 ratio with time. 40 Variation in 40 ratio with time. 57. 35. Schematic diagram of ion source. 61. 36. Schematic diagram of electron gun. 66. 37. Schematic diagram of ion gun. 67. 38. Peak height vs. electron accelerating voltage. 69. 39. Design of collector. 72. 40. Characteristics of CK5886 tube. 75. 41. Typical recorded ion beams. 76. 33. 34. 56. 42. Percent error in Qh for 1 percent error 43. in Rmn. 83. Furnace for extraction of gases. 87. 89. Figure 44. Gas separation system. 45. Adsorption of argon on charcoal at liquid nitrogen temperature. Clean up of sma 1 quantities o presence of 1.20 x 10-3 and cm 40 47. Decay scheme of K . 46. gas in argon. 93. 100. 112. LIST OF TABLES Table Ak Comparison of Argon ratios (mass discrimination) 64. Table B Calibration of spike 79. Table C Percent error in volume of pure tracer determined per E percent error in ratio or quantity 79. Table D Percent error in the determination of radiogenic argon for a given percent error in ratio and quantity 81. Table E Results of volumetric analysis 103. Table F Branching ratio 111. Table G Comparison of ages 113. Section I INTRODUCTION It was the purpose of this research to construct and calibrate equipment and techniques for the extraction and quantitative separation and isotopic measurement of the argon from potassium bearing minerals, the ultimate objective being to contribute data toward the establishment of the potassium-argon method of age determination. It was also the purpose of this research to determine if it is possible to make contamination-free volumetric analysis of argon in minerals. The section that follows will acquaint the reader with the recent developments which prompted the present research, and will present an introductory statement of the research problems. Methods of Determining the Geological Age of Rocks and Minerals Natural radioactivities have provided a means of studying absolute time in earth history. 28 232 U2 3 8 , U25 , Th23, The more important of these are the breakdowns of Rb 87 and K40 Several excellent reviews of the methods of age determination have appeared in recent years. A detailed account of the historical develop- ment of the potassium-argon decay has been published in a paper by Birch (1951), while Faul (1954) has an excellent review of all methods of age determination. fields. Kohman (1954) presents the most recent developments in all In order to present this research in its proper prospective a brief review of the development of the methods of age determination is presented. Lead The fact that the three heavy radioactive elements U2 38 , U 2 3 5 and Th 2 3 2 produce the three lead isotopes Pb2 0 6 , Pb207 and Pb2 0 8 has led to the possibility of determining the age of uranium and thorium bearing minerals be measuring their Pb/U+Th ratios. Early lead age measurements were made by determining, chemically, the total lead and uranium plus thorium content of the mineral. Although several hundred age determinations were made by the chemical lead method, progress was slow until Nier's (Nier, 1939) work appeared in 1939. It was not until the development of a simple mass spectrometer (Nier, 1940) for isotope abundance measurements that analysis of the lead isotope content of minerals became the practice. It was then possible to make correc- tions for primary lead contamination and to study the effect of losses of parent and daughter elements. The decay schemes involved allow computation of three ages for each mineral. Since it is evident that the three computed ages seldom agree, loss of parent or daughter elements may be quite common. Enough discrep- ancies in lead age determinations, when compared with other methods of age determination, have been indicated in recent years to warrant a concentrated program of investigation (Kulp 1954),(Kohman 1954). However, when the computed ages agree the "age" may be considered as reasonably accurate and is being used as a common base point. Strontium - Rubidium The use of Rb8 7 decay as a method of age determination was first suggested by Goldschmidt (1937) but, after the initial work by Hahn, Strassman and Walling (1937) little was done until the late 1940's and early 1950's. Then work by Mattauch (1947), Ahrens (1949), Ahrens and Gorfinkle (19501 Herzog (1952), Aldrich, Doak and Davis (1952), and others increased the available information on the use of the Rb87 decay. The requirement that there should be a high Rb8 7 /Sr8 7 ratio in any mineral used made the method applicable, initially, only to such minerals as lepidolites. The increased use of isotope dilution techniques has made the determination of small quantities of Rb 87 and Sr8 7 very accurate. Other minerals such as biotites and potassium feldspars can now be utilized. Rb/Sr ages at the present time seem to be as reproducible as lead ages, although, some doubt exists as to the correct half-life to be used for the Rb87 decay. The method seems to be consistent within itself and the ages derived agree with lead ages for the same region if a half-life of about +10 4.9x10 is correct for Rb8 7 Argon-Potassium Evans (1940), and independently Thompson and Rowlands (1943) first suggested the use of the potassium-argon decay as a possible method of age determination. Birch (1951) in a review of previous literature stated:- "Since 1930 over one hundred papers or letters have been published concerning the radioactivity of potassium-40." In the same review he says, "Few determinations of a es have as yet been made by use of the radioactivity of K 0, but the existence of reasonably reliable constants should encourage efforts to obtain ages of potassium minerals." The large terrestrial abundance and ubiquitous nature of potassium, and intermediate half-life value of potassium-40, has made age determination by the argon-potassium method appear very promising. Research must be undertaken in two separate areas if the potassium-argon decay is to become reliable as a method of age determination. One, it must be estab- lished whether the contamination reported by other workers is primary argon or contamination argon introduced during an analysis; and two, the decay constant must be more firmly established. 4. The problems associated with these areas of investigation have made it difficult to obtain reliable analytical results. The first problem is the difficulty of quantitatively extracting small volumes of argon from the mineral. The second is associated with the necessity of determining the isotopic composition of the argon. A third problem not connected with analytical procedures but of prime importance in determining the age of a mineral, is the doubt that exists regarding the correct value of the branching ratio. The first problem is discussed more completely in section VII. However, the author now believes that by direct fusion or with the use of fluxes quantitative extraction of argon is possible. The second problem is not so easily handled. The literature gives no information regarding the quantity and isotopic composition of "contamination" argon. 1% to 10%". It is usually reported as "varying from less than If it is not possible to obtain contamination free argon and if it is true that all minerals contain some "common" argon (Kohman, 1954), then corrections must be made and mass spectrometric measurements are necessary. Since few laboratories are equipped with mass spectrometers which can be devoted exclusively to the isotope analysis of argon, the application of methods of age determination to the solution of geological problems will be considerably curtailed. The third problem, that of establishing a reliable branching ratio, received most of the early research effort. Table F) may be determined in three ways. The branching ratio (see The first is by observation of the x-rays produced in the K-capture process; the second is by analysis of the argon 40 produced during a known period of geological time; and the third is by comparison of the quantities of A 4 0 and Ca4 0 produced in the same mineral. Comparison of Age Methods It now appears possible to make accurate analysis of the parent and daughter elements associated with the different methods of age determination. Kulp (1954) lists a set of lead 207/206 ages that were determined by three different laboratories on specimens from the same locality. The agreement is very good and regardless of the accuracy of the calculated 207/206 ages the mass spectrometric analyses must not be contributing any variation in lead age determination. Further a few samples from the same mineral and same locality have been measured, for strontium and rubidium, by both the Carnegie Institution in Washington and Nuclear Geophysics Section of the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In two samples the quantities of Rb and Sr deter- mined agreed to withint 5% (Herzog, 1954 and 1955). A third sample had to be discarded because of large rubidium contamination corrections. Thus, the few existing interlaboratory checks indicate that quantities of lead, rubidium, and strontium in a mineral can be accurately measured. Therefore, it is now necessary to assure that radiogenic argon can be measured with the same accuracy. Although few interlaboratory checks have been made, accurate measurements appear possible at the present time. With assurance that quantities of rubidium, strontium, argon and lead can be accurately measured a concentrated program of age determination is possible. Few laboratories in the world are equipped to make accurate analyses for all these elements. An interlaboratory program is necessary. With such a program the discrepancies now evident in the ages determined by the various methods may be resolved. 6. Research Problems A concentrated program of research devoted to the potassium-argon method of age determination requires the use of a mass spectrometer and a system to extract, purify, and measure the gases in a mineral. Initial research effort was devoted to the construction of a mass spectrometer that could be used for isotope analysis of argon. The many problems connected with the construction and calibration of a mass spectrometer are fully discussed in later sections. A background of information concerning the extraction and purification of helium was available in the Department of Geology and Geophysics. The problems associated with atmospheric contamination and the separation of small quantities of gas in the case of argon analysis, however, are more severe. It was necessary to design and construct a furnace to extract argon from minerals since the furnace currently in use for helium analyses could not be sufficiently outgassed. Argon, as well as other gases, is adsorbed on charcoal at liquid nitrogen temperature. Therefore, this method for the separation of gases, commonly used in helium analysis, could not be employed. The literature contained little specific information regarding the separation and measurement of small quantities of argon. Two papers, one by Soddy (1907) and one by Arrol, Chackett, and Epstein (1949) provided the basic information upon which the present separation system is built. The many stages of development through which this system went are discussed in Section VII. 7. Section II MASS SPECTROMETER Introduction The measurement of radiogenic argon in potassium bearing minerals requires a knowledge of the isotopic composition as well as the quantity of the gas. A mass spectrometer was constructed similar to that described by Nier (1947) with a six inch radius and 600 sector. In selecting this type of instrument thought had to be given not only to the problem of argon analysis but to the availability of material, ease of construction, and adaptability to other research problems that may arise after the present research in completed. Isotope Analysis of Argon After the initial work of Aston and Dempster around 1918-1919, many persons contributed to the development of mass spectrometry. Several excellent books have been written describing this development. Among the best are Ewald and Hinterberger (1954), Barnard (1952), and Aston (1942). Aston (1920) first made use of the mass spectrometer to investigate the isotopes of argon. He gave 40.00 ± 0.02 as the mass of the most abundant argon isotope and reported the presence of "a faint line at mass 36, which may be about 3% of the total". It was not until 1934 that Zeeman and deGier (1934) announced the presence of an isotope of argon of mass 38. This was later confirmed by Nier (1936) when he also demonstrated the lack of other isotopes with a high degree of precision. the isotopes of 40 and 36 was estimated by Vaughn as 304112. The ratio of Nier (1936) later gave 325 for this ratio and 5.1 for the ratio of the isotopes 38 and 36. The latest determination of these ratios give 40/36 = 296t 1 and 38/36 = .188 t .001 (Nier 1950). These later ratios are used throughout this research. Theory of the Mass Spectrometer An analysis of the path of an ion beam in electrostatic and magnetic fields has been carried out by Herzog (1934) and Stephens (1934). Ewald and Hintenberger (195 2 ) in their book "Methoden and Anvendungen Der Massenspectroscopic" have an excellent discussion of ion optics. The discussion here will be limited to applications of the general theory to the 600 sector spectrometer. It is useful to write down, first, the equation for the passage of a charged particle of mass m and charge e through a magnetic field of intensity H. velocity v. The particle is projected into the magnetic field with a The path of the particle will be a circle with the radius dependent upon the velocity, mass, and charge of the particle and intensity of the magnetic field. The particle will experience a centrifugal force, 2 mv /r and for equilibrium this must be balanced by the force exerted by magnetic field, Hev. mv 2 /r = Hev That is or r = mv/eH (1) If (mv) and H are held constant then r is a constant. particle has mass m (14-.m) and velocity v (1* of my (1 + & m +- v). If another A v) it will have a momentum If it is similarly projected into the magnetic field it will have a radius of curvature of r = my (1+ A (mv))/eH The magnetic field generates a momentum dispersion. If it is now assumed that the charged particle has acquired its velocity by falling through an electrostatic potential V, the kinetic energy developed will be equal to the potential energy of the particle eV, before acceleration, or 1/2 mv2 = eV/300 (2) There will be a definite velocity associated with all particles having the same energy (constant mV2 ) which is root of their mass. inversely proportional to the square Each particle will, as a consequence, describe a path through the magnetic field with a radius of curvature proportional to the square root of its mass. The equations (1) and (2) can be combined into a single equation eliminating v, or m/e = r2 H2 /2V. (3) If the radius is expressed in inches, the field intensity in gauss, the mass in atomic mass units, the charge in terms of a single charge unit, and V in volts, the equation (3) may be written, m/e = 3.09 x 10-4 r2 H2 /V (4) In the case of the mass spectrometer with a six inch radius this equation becomes m/e = .0343 x H2 /V Several points should be mentioned. (5) (1.) A more detailed discussion of the focusing properties of a magnetic sector field follows, however, it should be noted here that focusing is with respect to direction only. (2.) It has been assumed that each particle is monoenergetic. The ion source must be designed so that a small energy spread is achieved. (3.) The mass spectrometer equation, (3), is followed in the source region before the ions have passed through the acceleration potential as well as in the magnetic analyzer. (4.) More intense ion beams are possible if direction focusing only is undertaken. The mass spectrometer may be considered as a constant deviation device. Refocusing of Divergent Beams The discussion may be extended now to include the refocusing properties of the magnetic sector field. Although the spectrometer was in use in 1918 10. it was not until 1934 that a general discussion of the refocusing effects of magnetic and electrostatic fields was published by Herzog (in Ewaldt& Hintenberger, 1952). A divergent beam of monoenergenic ions of one mass is directed into the homogeneous magnetic field. incident at an angle,6, (See figure 1.) The central ion ray is , with the normal to the field boundaries and emerges at an angle C. with the normal to the field boundary. angle of divergence of the ion beam is q The semi- The condition to be satisfied . in order that a beam divergent from point P1 should be refocused at point P2 was given by Herzog (1934). (In Barnard, 1952). r sink 1 cos(-E 1) 12 cos(t2) - 1, sin( -6 -6 ) cos6 1 cos 2 r cose 1 cosE 2 3 If a symmetrically arranged instrument has a radius of 6 inches, a -- 0(6) magnetic field of 600, and an ion beam incident normal to the field boundaries, the following equations are obtained, + rsin with 4E =6 2 ll(cos ) +1,cos f - (11) sinj: 0 (7) 0, - (1 = 12 1 r(cot4p 4- cosec# ) (8) with a symmetrically arranged instrument, and 1 = 6.00( 1 (3)6 2 ) (3)2 - 10.39 inches with a six inch radius and 600 magnetic sector field. The arrangement of the source point, image point, and magnetic field for this case are shown in figure 27. An instrument of these dimensions was constructed for this research. Causes of Ion Beam Spread Refocusing is not perfect even with correct alignment. error if 2r(l-cosr). of small e . The "focusing" This may be written as rie 2 with the approximation 11. K P A= l1 P2B=12 General case of first-order focusing of ion beam in homogeneous magnetic field with sharply defined boundaries of any arbitrary shape. 12. The minimum beam spread that can be achieved for first order focusing 2 is rCr . To achieve this P respect to Pm. and P2 must be positioned correctly with There are additional aberrations introduced if the source and collector slits are not aligned parallel to each other and perpendicular to the central plane of the magnet. If the magnet is displaced from its correct position there are further aberrations. R. A. Davies (in Barnard, 1953) has derived the following equations for beam spread due to three possible directions of misalignment. (1) Magnet displaced distance x1 along x axis. Spread (2) = rr 2 1+ r4C ( 2 ~ 2~* 2 2/2 - gxI/r + 4x /r2 Magnet displaced distance g, along the g axis Spread = r d2 (3) rC + 4 y + re ( - 42/2 - ffy/2r + 2y 2 .) - (10) Magnet notated angle i about its nominal apex, Pm Spread = r 42 .r e +-re ( 2/2 + rR - 9/4 e 2 + .) (11) Figures 3, 4 show diagrammatically the effect of the refocusing properties of the magnet sector a displacement of the magnet from its correct position. The figures show that a displacement in the x direction, for any given a and r, causes the greatest beam spread. It has been assumed throughout the above discussion that the magnetic field has well defined boundaries. Barnard (1954) has a discussion of fringing flux corrections and states that additional adjustments are necessary after the magnet has been positioned on a theoretical basis. A good approximation is obtained then by considering that the boundaries of the magnetic fields extend out to a distance of one gap width. It has been further assumed throughout the above discussion that the ions of each mass are monenergetic with a velocity characteristic of that mass. However, A Ii' ill 'II 'II I' .1-100I -*100 -'-0 -*9 - 0l 100I 00 -K;Figure 2 '00, / '0 Effect on refocusing by shifting the magnet .1 inch upward from it- correct position. I III IIII I'i I| ~/ / // // -- ,9000 0-000 --000 9 00 // 100 .00,1000 -.- 10000,- '000, -:: , .0001 Figure 3 -9 -;-- -O, Effect on refocusing by shifting the magnet .2 inch down and .1 inch towards source from its correct position. 15. a small energy spread is unavoidable. spread. (1.) There are three causes of energy When ions are obtained by electron bombardment, a potential gradient across the electron beam is necessary to withdraw the ions from the beam. Even with a beam of small cross-sectional area some ions acquire potential of 6V in excess of that acquired by other ions. AR - 2r introduced is 2 The aberration SV/V. (2.) a broadening of the ion S/%= r beam can arise because of energy changes associated with collisions between similar ions. The pressure must be below 10-6, if collisions are not to cause excessive broadening. (3.) Ions formed from molecular dis- sociation products have associated with them a varying amount of energy Aberrations arising from this source are a cause for of dissociation. concern in hydrocarbon analysis. However, the gases encountered in this research were monatomic and consequently have no energy of dissociation associated with them. Resolution Ewaldtand Hintenberger (1952) have derived the following expression for the resolution: M ------ 2(12) M v K" where, theoretically, for the spectrometer used in this research = K" and 2r G = -1. The expression for the revolution then becomes M = 1 A V V + . Si f.. S2 r (13) 16. For the spectrometer used in this research values of 6.00, .008, .050 are observed for r, S, and S2, for dV/V. respectively. A value of 15/2300 is obtained The resolution is M/ 4A M = l/.0013 + .0096 92. That is to say there is a separation of one mass unit at mass 92. The resolution is sufficient for this research and can be improved, if necessary, by reducing the width of the collector slit. A picture of possible aberrations introduced is shown in figure (Barnard). . This figure shows the effects of misalignment of source and collector slits; of spherical aberration for r = 150 mm, r of chromatic aberrations of &V = 0.5V, V = 100OV, and r = 1/30 radian; 150 mm; and of non-uniformity in the z direction of the magnetic field for a pole gap of 20 mm in relation to an ion ribbon width of 10 mm symmetrically disposed abput the central plane. Physical Arrangement of Equipment The equipment used in this research to produce, analyze, and collect positive ions consisted of: (1) Ion Source (2) Collector (3) Regulated high voltage supply 0 -5000V with taps for drawing out and focusing potentials. (4) Regulated power supply 225V (5) Regulated magnet current supply 0-300ma. (6) Magnet (7) D-C Current Amplifiers (8) Preamplifier (9) Emission Regulator 17. a b C d e f Figure 4 Beam spread due to various aberrations. (a) Exact reproduction of source slit (0.2 x 10 mm) with collector slit. Accurately aligned; no aberrations. (b) Spherical aberration added. (c) Chromatic aberration added. (d) Curvature of image due to variation of magnetic flux density across pole gap and to ion rays passing obliquely through central plane. (e) Image broadening due to oscillatory component in acceleration potential. (f) Distortion due to misalignment by 10 of collector slit with source slit. (g) Superposition of aberrations; for clarity each flank considered separately; one flank shown extended by aberrations (b). (c), (e) and (f); the other flank shown extended by aberrations (d) and (f) only. 18. (10) Vacuum System (12) Spectrometer tube (13) Source magnets and aligning mechanism The ion source (1) is discussed in Section IV. The collector (2), D-C current amplifier (7), and preamplifier (8) are discussed in section V. Pictures and schematic diagrams of the electronic equipment are shown on the following pages. All the electronic equipment with the exception of the magnet current supply and preamplifier were built by Dunn Engineering Associates of Cambridge. (10) Vacuum System The vacuum system consisted of an umbrella-type diffusion pump, a cold trap and fore pump. The diffusion pump was designed by Homer Priest of the Research Laboratory for Electronics, and built by Ryan, Velluto and Anderson who also did most of the glass work necessary on the spectrometer and the gas extraction and analysis system. two-stage rotory pump. The fore pump was a Welch Duo-seal It was possible to attain vacua of 3-5x10~ mm of mercury after prolonged heating of metal parts and with liquid nitrogen as a cold trap coolant. It was necessary to use liquid nitrogen as a cool- ant to reduce hydrocarbon background (11) (see section III). Gas Inlet System The gas inlet system consisted of an inlet to which the sample container could be attached, a small calibrated volume, a 50 cm3 sample reservoir, a 5 liter sample reservoir, a cold trap, evacuating system and variable gas leak. A diagram of the inlet system is shown in figure 5. All glassware was Pyrex and all stopcocks were mercury seal stopcocks with a 4 mm bore. - F j IMMOMMOOM 10,11M I- M Gas Leak Sample tube To spectrometer ITo fore pump Cold trap Cold trap Diffusion pump Figure 5 Gas inlet system. WIN 20. The evacuating system consisted of a nozzle-type mercury diffusion pump and a cold trap. attainable. Vacuums of less than 2-3x0~7 mm of mercury were It was necessary to maintain liquid nitrogen on the cold trap during sample analysis because of the presence of hydrocarbons in the background spectra. The variable leak was variable over a wide range. With a small open- ing it was possible to analyze air for atmospheric argon, although some distortion of peak shape was observed due to the presence of large oxygen and nitrogen beams. It was also possible to accurately control the flow rate of samples of the size encountered in this research. All parts of the leak were made of stainless steel and nickel-plated to prevent outgassing. Some difficulty was experienced with air leaks developing around the pressfit connectors. It is recommended that in a permanent installation these be replaced by silver soldered connections. (6) Magnet A diagram of the magnet poles is shown in figure 6. were made of Armco ingot magnet iron. The magnet poles Each core was wound with 20,000 turns of #22 magnet wire covered with double formex coating. With a gap width of .625 inches, 100 ma magnet current produced a field intensity of 3060 gauss. A plot of field intensity vs magnet current shows that the field variation is linear in the region of interest. Ion beams can be located approximately by the use of the mass spectrometer equation, m/e = 3.09 x 10~4 = k I2 /V where I is in milliamperes and V in volts. r2 H2 /V (14) The constant k is equal to 8.b6. If one papameter is fixed the other may be found using equation (14) and the ion beam located. ALL dimensions in inches Figure 6 Magnet poles. ||||||Il li AI - ~ 22. (12) Spectrometer tube The spectrometer tube was made from 2-inch copper tubing with all joints being silver soldered. stainless steel. All flanges were made of non-magnetic The diagram on page 44 shows the location of the source, collector and vacuum outlets. Copper is very gassy and it was necessary to sandblast the inside of the tube and maintain periodic heating periods to obtain an adequate vacuum. In order to obtain satisfactory recorded ion beam shapes the source and image points must be accurately located. The tube was assembled and swedged by R. Thorness, machinist for A. 0. Nier. After the tube had arrived it was necessary to position the source and collector flanges relative to each other and to the central plane of the tube. With the aid of a competent machinest and a larger optical flat it was possible to locate these flanges accurately to within .01 inch. Figures 7 and 8 show right and left sideviews of the spectrometer, showing especially the method of mounting the spectrometer tube. (13) Source magnets and aligning mechanism The source magnets were two 2xl inch rods of Alnico V magnetic material. They could be correctly aligned with the aid of the alignment mechanism shown in figures 7 and 8. Once correctly aligned it was possible to lock them securely in position. It was necessary to lock them in position as any change in their position would make a redetermination of the discrimination value necessary. Figure 7. --- Right side view of the Mass Spectrometer ="W - -WO 24. Figure 8. Left side view of the Mass Spectrometer 25. Figure 9. Schematic diagram of high voltage supply. 115V 60,,v 5000V REGULATED DC SUPPLY 26. Figure 10. Front panel view of high voltage supply. 27. Figure 11. Bottom view of high voltage supply. 28. Figure 12. Rear view of high voltage supply. 29. Figure 13. Schematic diagram of ion current amplifier. CK5886 ION CURRENT AMPLIFIER 30. Figure 14. Front panel view of ion current amplifier. 31. Figure 15. Bottom view of ion current amplifier. 32. A a VP ftftftwmw Figure 16. Rear view of ion current amplifier. 33. Figure 17. Schematic diagram of magnet current supply. ZP T, CHICAGO F-65 T2 STANCOR P-6134 5A 60oT3 T HORDARSON T-21F04 T4 UTC CG - 301 NEON 6.3V T2 I Meg 50K IPWW 8 TRIAD C-ISA S T3 6SF5 5V_ 90V I0K 15KW 8A-iJi P3K1 MOTR 2______ 1W COILSERI 5 B 10 SEC TIME 7W DELAY TD 0.25 600V V1 5U4 D -~ 5U 0 C05- _ _ _j - 2 9 lOK 50K 50K 50K I~wCURN C C 12P 3 IW V2PW *00 50K 2 51.14SU2_>30K 50W LINE ADJ. 20W 5 V5 _MICA 20WR ID -- COCL C C 47K loW 30K 15K 20W . R WHITEUT NEODN 0 NEON TREEN 3AE BODEi5A ALLIED BUU 12A MOMENTARY CONTACT REVERSING D SWITCHES SNHNSO o____!______ REMOTE CONTROL UNIT REGULATED D.C. MAGNET SUPPLY 2N 34. Figure 18. Schematic diagram of balancing panel. INPUT FROM AMPLIFIERS *2 I OFF R17 1000 25K RI6 500 15K R13 200 Rii Rg Ry 7 R5 R3 - - R, I + 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 5K Io2.5K 5001 2500 50f 50i1 0-2MA DC 0-20MADC 50fl% 50f1±1% ALL RESISTORS 1% PWWSW5 1.5K A - - INPUT *1 R2 R4 50n1 150nl R6 Re Rio 25010 500n0 1.5K ALL RESISTORS R12 2.5K R24 5K R516 15K 1% PWW SW4 B ODIRECT 10 2 2 DECADE + 3 DECADE 3 SW R3 4 4 O BAT+ 99K R3 2 25BAT- 9K R24 IOOK 2 2.5 V E PUT S TAKE DECADE RESISTANCES 1%PWW 2 R33 R29 99n 04 OFF I nD2 BALANCING PANEL Ri 25K OFF 35. Figure 19. Front panel view of balancing panel. 36. Figure 20. Rear view of balancing panel. 37. Figure 21. Schematic diagram of regulated D.C. power supply. LI STANCOR C-1003 TI UTC R- 102 OUTPUT A5 Al A2 A3 A4 GROUND CONNECTORS REGULATED D.C. SUPPLY 225V, 180 M. A. 60-% 38. Figure 22. Schematic diagram of regulated D.C. power supply. 39. Figure 23. Bottom view of regulated D.C. power supply. 40. Figure 24. Rear view of regulated D.C. power supply. trap sheitd filoment Figure 25. Schematic diagram of emission regulator. Rl 150 ohm 50 watt rheostat R2 150 ohm 50 watt adjustable R3 250,000 ohm wire would potentiometer R4 20,000 ohm precision wire wound R5 50,000 ohm wire wound potentiometer B1 , B2 , B, B 45 volt B batteries M mete', 0O10 amps. a.c. meter, 0-1.5 milliamps d.c. M3 meter, 0-500 microamps d.c. T, filament transformer, secondary 2.5 volts 10 amps. 7500 ras volts insulation SWi SPST toggle switch SW2 two position selector switch, 2500 voLts insulation 42. Figure 26. Front panel view of emission regulator. 43. Figure 27. Rear view of emission regulator. 44. Figure 28. Diagram of mass spectrometer tube. NOTE: 2'Copper Tubing used throughout unless otherwise specified * 7 Drill(.201) thru V4-20 N.C. Top 6 holes equally spaced on 3.5" B.C. * 25 Drill - 2 holes '/"deep for i x 'W long Dowel Pins 125 5" .375 2.75 DETA I L OF 0OUTER FACE OF FLI ANGES .9" 0.D. but central I" I.D. =" 6"R to be held parallel to ±0.005" li"Copper Tubing Copper reducing nipple 2 "-l1" (shave nipple O.D. and Tee I.D. to snug fit for silver brazing) Cut off"Tee"oand silver 91" l7 g -( solder 2"-60* "Ell" Stainless Steel Flange 600 MASS SPECTROMETER TUBE scale j". i" Scale tolerance on tube dimensions except where otherwise stated 45. Section III VACUUM TECHNIQUES AND GAS FLOW CONDITIONS IN THE MASS SPECTROMETER Introduction The gas handling system required for introduction of the sample into the mass spectrometer depends upon the type of gas to be analyzed. If the sample is a single gas introduced for isotope assay, fractionation may, in general, be ignored and a simple handling system is sufficient. If, however, the gas to be analyzed is a complex mixture consisting of many isotopes, it is necessary to meet several requirements in so far as possible. First, there should exist a known relationship between the partial pressures of each isotope in the sample reservoir and the ionization chamber. Second, the composition of the sample should not change during the analysis. Third, the total peak height at any mass should be the linear sum of all contributing isotopes of the gas mixture. Fourth, the rate of gas flow should remain constant during the analysis. Fifth, no gas striking the filament should be allowed to re-enter the ionization chamber. Sixth, erratic behavior of the diffusion pump should not have any effect on analysis. Seventh, and last, it is desirable that gas enter- ing the ionization chamber should have reached temperature equilibrium. The above requirements are of prime importance in hydrocarbon analysis. In the present research, however, the problem is one of introducing a single gas for isotope analysis, complicated by the smallness of the sample, so that detailed discussion of the above requirements is not included. The problems of gas flow can be grouped into two headings. One, gas flow through the spectrometer and two, introduction of the sample into the spectrometer. These problems are discussed in the present section. 46. Gas Flow Through the Spectrometer It is necessary that the pressure in the spectrometer be maintained such that the mean free path of molecules is greater than of any part of the spectrometer. the dimensions Figure 29 shows a schematic diagram of the spectrometer with possible appropriate pressures for the various parts of the spectrometer. The rate of molecular flow between any two points is given by Q = Km dP/MA (15) where Q is the rate of flow, dP is the pressure difference, and M1 is a constant depending on the geometry and temperature of the system. the gas flow is proportional to 1/M Since fractionation must occur in the source from which the gas is being withdrawn, once steady state conditions have been established. The peak height of any isotope is dependent directly upon the partial pressure of that isotope in the ionization chamber. To determine the steady state partial pressure in the ionization chamber it is necessary to know the rate at which the sample flows into the ionization chamber, v, expressed in litres/sec; the rate at which the sample is withdrawn from the chamber, S, expressed in litres/sec; and the volume of the ionization chamber, V, expressed in litres. The ionization chamber gains v dt standard litres of gas in time dt, and loses pSdt litres in time dt, where p denotes the partial pressure of the gas expressed in atmospheres, in the ionization chamber. The net gain in gas then is d(pV) = (v - pS)dt or V dp/dt = v - pS. (16) Integration of this equation gives the partial pressure of the gas entering the ionization chamber or also the partial pressure of the gas 10-1 mm of mercury 10-2 J 10~4 10-6 10- 7 10-8 Figure 29. Schematic diagram of mass spectrometer with possible appropriate pressures. 48. intersecting the electron beam at a time t after entering the ionization chamber. Pt v/S (1 exp(-St/V)) - (17) The steady state partial pressure then is v/S. The time required to reach steady state conditions for a given rate of inflow, v, is dependent upon S and V. when f/S is large. The most efficient use of a gas sample is obtained In order to reach steady state conditions within a reasonable length of time S/V should be as large as possible. The necessary information regarding S is not known for the spectrometer used in this research but some idea of the partial pressures attained may be gained from an examination of the available information. For example, for one particular analysis, the sample size was 2.04 x 10-3 cm3S.T.P. and the rate of inflow was .5 x 10~9 litres sec~ 1. Experience has shown that steady state flow conditions for mass 38 are reached in about 60 seconds. The volume of the ionization chamber is approximately (2.54 cm x 1.27 cm x 1.27 cm)/1000 or 4.1 x 10-3 litres. The factor exp(-St/V) should have reached a small value, say .01, before steady state conditions are reached. Therefore, e-x is equal to .01 when x is equal to 4.6,or St/V is equal to 4.6. S = 4.6 x (4) x 10-3 60 60 = Then, 3 x 10~4 litres sec~1. This is the pumping speed at the ionization chamber slit. The partial pressure of mass 38 then is .5 x 10~9/s x 10~4 or .16 x 10-5 atmosphere. At this pressure the mean free path is 7.30/1.6, (Dushman 1949), approximately 4.6 cm. or about twice the longest dimension of the ionization chamber. It should be noted that this is a minimum value since t = 60 secs is a maximum value. Although this is an approximation of the conditions existing 49. in the ionization chamber, it is seen that molecular flow conditions do exist in the spectrometer for samples of the size used in this research. One important feature should be noted. If any appreciable volume exists between the leak and the ionization chamber, and if the conductance of this volume is comparable with that of the leak, the time constant in attaining steady-state pressures will become very large. The leak must be the only controlling factor finally in operation. Cold Traps: Background Mass Spectra The diffusion pump used on the spectrometer is a mercury diffusion pump designed by Homer Priest of Research Laboratory of Electronics at M.I.T. 3 Since mercury has a vapor pressure of .185 x 10- mm mercury at 0QC it is necessary to prevent mercury from entering the spectrometer. It is further desirable to keep mercury from diffusing into the interior of the spectrometer to prevent deterioration of the silver soldered joints. Diffusion of mercury and hydrocarbons into the spectrometer can be prevented by cooling a trap with solid carbon dioxide in alcohol or with liquid nitrogen. A comparison of the residual background spectra using either coolant is shown by comparing figures 30 and 31. That hydrocarbons do diffuse into the spectrometer can be seen by comparing figures 30 and 31.. (See also section II ). The hydrocarbons are probably vapors from the oil used in the forepump and from the stopcock lubricant used on stopcocks in the gas inlet system. The forepump oils and stopcock lubric- ant used have vapor pressures of 10-4 - 10- 6 mm of mercury at 20 0 C. However, the temperature of the oil is probably much higher than this due to continuous operation in a hot room. It is necessary, therefore, to insert a cold trap immediately adjacent to the gas leak and mercury diffusion pump. 50. 10 w 5 C. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 MASS NUMBER 42 43 44 Figure 30. Residual spectra using solid carbon daxide as a coolant. 51. 0 Y-O.5 A Lu 0- . lI . 35 36 37 . I 38 39 40 41 MASS NUMBER II 42 43 Figure 31. Residual spectra using liquid nitrogen as coolant. 44 52. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 10 MIN 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 30 MIN Figure 32. Increase of background spec-tra with tim, 44 53. Figure 32 shows another source of background mass spectra. The increase in background mass spectra is probably due to outgassing of the filament and electron bombardment of ionization chamber walls.. Note particularly the increase in the carbon dioxide (44) peak. Recommendations for Further Work If further work is planned that requires a more sensitive instrument it will be necessary to reduce the background spectra. This can be achieved by plating the spectrometer tube with chromium and by vigorous torching or prolonged baking of glass parts. It would also be desirable to degas all metal parts in the source and collector by heating them in a vacuum furnace with an industion heater. Control of Gas Flow Into the Ionization Chamber In an earlier section reference was made to the existence of molecular flow conditions in the ionization chamber. It is necessary now to consider how these flow conditions are established. The physical arrangement of the leak was discussed in section II. Only the effect of the leak upon the gas flow conditions is discussed here. Suppose that the volume of the sample reservoir is V litres, and the gas is withdrawn from the reservoir at molecular flow rates. Since the sample reservoir is a closed system there is a steady loss of gas. Let S be the rate of withdrawal of the gas at the pressure in the reservoir. Then for any particular gas the loss per time dt is PS dt where P is the partial pressure of the gas. d(PV)= - PS dt Therefore: or dp/p = - S/V dt. 54. is the initial partial pressure in the system and Pt the Hence, if P partial pressure at time t, Po Pt (18) exp(-St/V) Thus, the pressure time characteristic is different for each gas simply because S is proportional to 1/M. If the reservoir contains a binary mixture, say argon 40 and argon 38, the relationships become In Pil Pt .948 (It P 4 In- Pt 384 n( Pt) Po0)40 (19) -P \/38 With molecular flow conditions, the gases in the mixture are mutually independent and each ion current decays by a factor exp(-Smt/V) in consequence of the pressure decay. If measurements of the unknown mixture and calibration mixture are taken at exactly the same time t, then the percentage decay will be the same for each isotope in the unknown and calibration mixture. to be t = 0. In this research the time of comparison was taken This is the most easily reproducable time. For most all samples of the size encountered in this research the initial decay is very approximately linear. It is, therefore, easier and more accurate to extrapolate to zero time than interpolate between measured points on an exponential curve. Fractionation Patterns Molecular flow exists where the mean free path of molecules is long with respect to the diameters of the tubes through which flow takes place. The pressure in the ionization chamber of a mass spectrometer is always low enough so that this condition prevails. If the pressure in the sample reservoir is also low enough to allow molecular flow, then molecular flow 55. prevails throughout the spectrometer and regardless of the nature of the leak the composition of the gas in the ionization chamber is the same as that of the sample (Inghram 1954). However, with this low pressure in the sample reservoir, the leak must be fairly large to keep the pressure in the analyzing region at an acceptably high value. Thus there is a fairly rapid depletion of the sample in the reservoir and because the flow rate of a gas component in molecular flow varies inversely as the square root of the mass of this component the sample reservoir, and hence the ionizing region becomes in time depleted in the lighter components. From equation 18 the following relations can be derived. (1) 40 Pt (2) P38 = 40 Po 40 exp(-Sm t/V) P3 8 e 38 (19) t/V) 40 Dividing (1) by (2) and setting Sm ' (20) 38) m equal to 1/40 and 1/382 respectively, we have: P4 0 /P 3 8 (3) t) P40 p38 exp /pf(8)' (40)2 (40)2 _ - 3 (38)- t/v V (21) Therefore, the ratio argon 40/argon 38 increases with time at a definite rate. The variation of the ratio 40/38 in most analyses resembled that shown in figure 33. Since the peak height is proportional to the partial pressure in the ionization chamber, the peak height measurement may be considered representative of 40 t 38 40 and P 0 ,P 38 , 0 or 40 38 ht/ht From the graph on page 56, we have 1.0525 = 40 h 38 /h0 ext( t) 1.0400 exp( g t) and 2x 10- 5 sec-1. The value of d , theoretically is ( 1/(38) - 1/(40)1) 1/V or 4.2x10-3/V. A computation of the volume of the gas inlet system gives as the volume approximately 200 cm 3 or theoretically 0- 2.lxlO-5sec~1 . 3 1.061 0 5 10 Figure 33. Variation in 40/38 ratio with time. 15 MINS. SNIH SL , - - - OL - - -I , , , E CD S , , , , , ,O LE 58. A similar calculation can be made for the ratio 40/38 in atmospheric argon. 40 36 ht /ht - 40 38 ho0 /h8 exp( U t) From the graph in figure 34 we have 321.5 of f is 5.5x10-5sec~ . (1/(36)1 - 1/(40)1) The value of 1/V f = 311 exp(d t). The value , theoretically, is = 8.6x10-3/200 = 4.3x10-5sec -1 The agreement here is not as good but definitely indicates that molecular flow conditions are established. 59. Section IV PRODUCTION OF POSITIVE IONS Introduction In section II it was shown that the mass spectrometer is a constant deviation spectrometer in which focusing is in respect to direction only. A spectrometer with adequate resolution is possible only if the positive ions have a small energy spread. be used. This limits the type of source that may For example, the gaseous discharge type of source has an ion energy spread of 1000 ev. There are two main types of sources; (1) the hot anode or solids source and (2) the electron bombardment or gaseous source. Use of hot anode source requires that the sample can be applied to a filament in a solid form, while the electron bombardment source requires that the sample be introduced in a gaseous or vapor form. The electron bombardment source was first used by Dempster (1922) and subsequently developed by Bleakney (1932), Tate and Smith (1934), Nier (1940, 1947), and others. The Nier-type source has been called the orthodox electron-bombardment source because of its almost universal use in routine mass spectrometric application. Materials and Workmanship Careful selection of materials for construction of the ion source is necessary. Metals should be used which do not corrode or oxidize easily, which have a permeability less than 1.005 and which are not gassy. non-magnetic nichromes and tantanlum are very satisfactory. The Tantalum, how- ever, should not be used in the presence of hydrogen since it becomes brittle and weak. Adequate insulation as well as mechanical stability have 60. to be considered in selecting insulators. Fused silica, glass or hydrogen fired lavite have the best insulation and stability characteristics. Three features should have careful consideration; (1) maintenance of design geometry, (2) elimination, in so far as possible, of edges, and (3) a surface finish. In (1) where requires, alignment, parallelisms, and squarenesses, should be held to .001 inch. In construction, elimin- ation of sharp edges (2) is necessary to prevent the intense electrostatic field disturbances that sharp edges exhibit. Uncontrolled cold field emission due to these high fields may give rise to background peaks in the mass region of interest. not fully considered. A source will function if these points are A more carefully constructed source, however, will give more satisfactory over-all performance. The Orthodox Source An ion source of this type may be said to consist of four parts; (1) a device for introducing the gas into the source; (2) an ionization chamber; (3) an electron gun and (4) an ion gun. In this section it is assumed that the gas has been properly introduced into the ionization chamber and is representative of the original sample. Figure 35 shows the physical arrangement of the source used in the present research. (3) The Electron Gun In the source, the electron gun (see figure 36 ) consists of a heated tungsten filament and an anode. The potential applied to the ionization chamber, the thermal energy, and the potential disturbances in the chamber determine the energy of the electrons. the use of source magnets. The electon beam is collimated by The poles of the magnet are aligned so that the major component of the electron velocity is parallel to the lines of 61. GA S IONIZATION CHAMBER ELECTRON BEAM 17 JJFILAMENT CONTROL TRAP FOCUSING PLATE COLLiMNATING PLA TES PLATESI Figure 35. Schematic diagram of ion source. 62. force. Those electrons with a velocity component transverse to the magnetic lines of force experience a force causing them to rotate in circles whose plane is perpendicular to the magnetic lines of force. electron, therefore, is in a circular helix. (1) be noted. The motion of each Two important features should The electron beam should be aligned so as to pass through the ionization chamber and be collected without bombarding any slit edges. A wider slit at the collecting end of the chamber does not help, since excessive penetration of the collecting voltage into the ionization chamber may cause serious deflections of the ion beam. A larger source magnet is the only solution. (2) Correct alignment may be made empirically from scale drawings, but final small adjustments are necessary. The best position is indicated by a compromise between maximum trap current and maximum ion current. Even this is no guarantee that secondary electrons do not contribute an important percentage of the ionization. (4) The Ion Gun The ion gun (see figure 37 ) consists of a drawing-out potential, accelerating potential, and collimating system. The drawing-out potential is variable up to 14% of the accelerating potential. In adjusting the drawing-out field care must be taken to avoid extreme penetration of the field into the ion chamber. This will cause deviation of the electron beam with a resultant spreading of the ion beam. The accelerating potential is variable from 0-5000 volts, with 2500 volts the voltage most commonly used. The collimating system consists of two plates with eight-thousandths inch slits. 2.25 0 The half angle of divergence of this system is approximately 63. Mass Discrimination Incorrect isotope abundances can arise from two main causes (1) fractionation in the gas handling system and (2) mass discrimination in the ion source. The former is discussed fully in the section III on gas flow in the mass spectrometer. The latter is caused by the presence of a magnetic field in the source region. Mass discrimination has also been observed when electrostatic scanning is used. Since magnetic scanning and not electrostatic scanning is used, the latter is not a factor in this research. The source magnets used in aligning the electron beam are a source of mass discrimination. Ions of lighter masses are made to move in circular paths more easily than the heavier masses, hence the lighter masses will appear in less than their true abundance. The energy of the ion before it has passed through the accelerating potential is low and as a consequence the ion is easily made to move in a circular path. Since the energies of all ions of the same mass may not be equal it is impossible to predict the mass discrimination. must be determined empirically. The mass discrimination It was determined by measuring the atmospheric A4 0 /A36 ratio. A comparison of the ratios of 40/38, 40/36, 48/36 by Nier (1950) and the ratios obtained using the mass spectrometer employed throughout this research are shown in Table A . The difference between the two is due to the mass discrimination of the ion sources. The discrimination values for the ratios 40/38, 40/36, 38/36 may be computed by knowing only the 40/36 ratio. This is standard procedure used by mass spectrometrists. ratio is related to the 40/38 ratio as follows: (40/36)A/(40/38)i : 310/296 40/38 1575 The 40/36 64. In the same manner the value for The value 40/38 is computed as 1604. the ratio 38/36 is computed as .192. Table RATIO A 40/36 40/38 38/36 296 t 1 1575 .188 Nier (1950) 310 ±-3 1604 .192 This work Emission Regulator The physical arrangement of the emission regulator used in this research has been discussed in Section II. and Nier (1949). figure 25. It was patterned after a design by Winn A schematic diagram of the emission regulator appears in Regulation is achieved by control of the electric field at the filament by a control plate placed in front of the filament. known as a space-charge-controlled regulator. This is This is electrically analogous to running a common triode vacuum tube with a positive grid. Voltage for the control plate is obtained from battery B1 . The electron current to the control plate flows through the battery B1 and the resistors Any variation in the electron emission current causes the R3 and R 4 . control plate voltage to vary which tends to oppose the change in electron current. The filament is a seven mil tungsten wire bent into the shape of a hairpin. It was necessary to use a filament of this shape to obtain an intense electron beam. With a flat or straight filament most of the electron emission would go to the control plate. The emission density from a hairpin- shaped filament is considerably greater at the point than elsewhere. When the point is placed close to the hole in the control plate a considerable 65. portion of the emission goes through the hole in the control plate while still being subjected to the controlling field. It was found by experimentation that the filament should be placed about one-half millimeter from the control plate hole. With too great a filament- control plate spacing too much of the electron emission goes to the control plate and not enough goes through the hole as ionizing electrons. With too close spacing more electrons go through the control plate hole, but not enough current goes to the control plate to maintain good stability. Sensitivity In ion production two efficiencies are considered. to the gas molecules and one with respect to electrons. One with respect The problem of gas flow in the spectrometer and efficient use of gas molecules are discussed in section III. It should be mentioned here that the total gas flow through the spectrometer, Q , is expressed in liters-micron-sec 1. That is, the number of liters of gas at one micron pressure flowing through the source per sec. The over-all sensitivity, then, is expressed as the number of liters-micron-sec collector. 1-needed to produce a given number of amps at the The sensitivity of the spectrometer used in this research is 6.3xl0~ 4lit-micron-sec~ for 10-12 amps at mass 40. This sensitivity is limited only by the background at mass 40 which is generally below 10-12 amps. (see section III for a more complete discussion of background). The number of ions produced may be expressed as i - noQisie (21) where n0 is the density of the gas molecules, Q is the collision cross- section of the molecules for a given electron energy, s is the path length of the electron in the gas, and i is the electron current. small quantity and is taken to be the ionization probability. n0sQi is a (Barnard 1952). 66. IONIZATION CHAMBER CONTROL TRAP PLATE FILAME NT 45V 40" 454 Figure 36. Schematic diagram of electron gun. 67. CHAMBER GAS ELECTRON BEAM DRAWING-OUT VOLTAGE ACCELERATING VOLTAGE I ION BEAM - I .9- 1 I-10 if," Figure 37. Schematic diagram of ion gun. 68. A plot of the observed peak height vs. electron energy is shown in figure 38. Stability In all ion sources, adequate electronic equipment must be provided to stabilize the voltages applied to the electrodes in the ion and electron guns. Of consideralbe importance is the use of proper insulation. section II). (see A leaky insulator can result in an unstable ion beam. This type of instability is difficult to locate and can best be prevented by adequate attention to cleanliness in the source. If in equation (21) Qisn 0 is a constant for any given set of conditions (as it usually is) the stability of the ion current depends upon the stability of the electron current, i e . Since secondary electron emission is, to some extent, always present, it is desirable to control the total electron current immediately adjacent to the filament. As discussed in an above subsection this is the method used in the present research. The density of gas molecules no, is directly proportional to the rate of gas inflow Qgffl and inversely proportional to the pumping speed S, or no Cc Q9f 1/S. It is necessary, therefore, to control not only the rate of gas inflow but also the rate at which the gas is pumped from the ionization chamber. The pumping speed can be controlled by proper control of the heating element in the diffusion pump and by proper design of the ionization chamber. 1.0 + ++ .8- . Os 5n m J0 + 4 .2- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ELECTRON ACCELERATING VOLTAGE 100 (VOLTS) 70. Section V COLLECTION AND MEASUREMENT OF ION BEAMS Collector Design Several different collector designs have been considered in the present research. The main decision to be made being that of selecting a single or multiple collecting system. The wide mass separation of the isotopes of argon made null method measuring impractical without multiple collection. This, however, would introduce unwanted mass discriminations. (Barnard 1952). Further because of the smallness of the sample usually encountered in this research, the decay of ion beams was rapid and null method measurement would be impossible. The design of the first single collector in use was similar to one used on a solid source instrument in the same laboratory. This collector, however, had two major faults. One, it was mechanically unstable and consequently gave rise to large background noises when the instrument was subjected to any small vibration; and two, several negative peaks were noted, the one occuring at mass 36 being the more important. The exact reason for the presence of these peaks in unknown. The most probable reason being that the ion beams of other mass spectra would be glancing off the sides of the tube, picking up electrons and being collected as negative ions at the time mass 36 was being collected. design of the collector now being used is shown in figure 38 . lector has given excellent results, The This col- It is mechanically stable, and negative peaks have not been observed. Preamplifier The ion currents measured in mass spectrometers range from a maximum of the order 5 x -10~9 A to a minimum determined by the limits of present day techniques. Measurement of these low currents requires the use of a 71. stage of preamplification before they can be effectively used and measured. Several considerations are of importance in preamplifier design and tube selection. One, grid insulation of tube should be satisfactory; two, adequate shock mounting is necessary; three, maintainance of a dry atmosphere surrounding the preamplifier is desirable; four, adequate electronic shielding must be provided; and, five, proper adjustment of condensor and resistor values are necessary such that the time constant of the recorder and not the preamplifier is the determining factor in recorded peak shape. A schematic diagram of the preamplifier used in the present research is shown in figure 13 . The tube used is a Raytheon CK5886. ier as it is now designed gives very satisfactory service. The preamplifThe grid leak current of the tube used in this preamplifier is listed by the manufacturer as being less than 2x10-13 amps. This is extremely satisfactory since the current is at leact a factor of 500 below the ion currents that it would be desirable to measure. figure 40 . Complete characteristics are shown in The tube is mounted on its own leads, as are the leads from the collector box itself and the grid resister. The aluminum housing is gas tight, so it is possible to maintain a dry helium atmosphere around the preamplifier. preamplifier. This housing also serves to electronically shield the The current from the preamplifier and voltages necessary to run the preamplifier are carried in a shielded cable from the power supply and D-C amplifiers housed in the main electronic contact panel. D-C Current Amplifier The physical arrangement of the D-C amplifier has been discussed in Section II. A schematic diagram of the amplifier appears in figure 13 No attempt will be made here to discuss the theory of D-C amplifiers. Instead, the interested reader is referred to Aiken (1947) 72. springs TANTALUM OR NICHROME NO. 303 STAINLESS STEEL FUSED SILICA SCALE I1 - I 1/500 0 I 0.100 a 5/" 39 C040 K SLIT K41 B /7 \ 0.042%1/2" SLIT 0.060x 5/9" SLIT 0.100x5/9~ CAGE II Figure 39. Design of collector 73. and the many other excellent works on the subject. The amplifier is simple in construction and maintainance time is negligible. Two features warrant mention. One, it is necessary to adjust the zero step-adjust resistor whenever a new tube is inserted; and, two, the amplifier is extremely sensitive to microphonics. Tubes which are microphonic can be eliminated by tapping them lightly. The resultant noise increase in immediately apparent. Measurement of Ion Beams After the ion current has been amplified the resulting current is passed through a meter and series of scaling resistors (See figure 18 ). The voltage thus set up is recorded by a Brown recorder. A typical set of ion peaks for isotopes argon 38 and argon 40 are shown in figure 41 The peaks are measured, after drawing in zero and peak top lines, to the nearest .01 inch. The peak measurements are then plotted on semi-log graph paper and the ratios calculated. Section V contains a more complete discussion of the ratios thus obtained and their interpretation. Treatment of Data When a sufficient number of peaks have been recorded, the record is removed from the recorder and the peak heights measured and timing-lines added. Peaks are measured to the nearest .01 inch and times recorded to the nearest .1 minute. The 40, 38 and 36 peak heights are plotted on semi-log graph paper and the decay extrapolated to t = 0. In all analyses the plotted peak heights have plotted as straight lines on semi-log graph paper. The values of the peak height extrapolated to t any background correction subtracted. 38/36. = 0 are read and Ratios are obtained for 40/38 and The raw data is then corrected for discrimination. used to correct each ratio are given in section IV. The factors The quantity of radio- 74. genic argon and atmospheric contamination observed can then be computed. 75. DESCRIPTION The CK5886 is an electrometer pentode of subminiature construction having extremely low filament current, high emission stability and low microphonics. Operated as a triode, the tube has an unusually high ratio of transconductonce to control grid current for single stage circuits. As a pentode, the amplification factor is high enough to afford considerable voltage gain in the electrometer stage of a multi-stage circuit. The flexible terminal leads may be soldered or welded directly to the terminals of circuit components without the use of sockets. Standard subminiature sockets may be used by cutting the leads to 0.20" length. MECHANICAL DATA ENVELOPE: BASE: D T-2X3Glass None (0.016" tinned flexible leads. Length: 1.5" min. Spacing: Leads 4- 7 0.150" center - to - center; Other Leads 0.050" center -to - center.) TERMINAL CONNECTIONS: (Red Dot is adjacent to Lead 1) Lead 1 Plate Lead 2 Screen Grid Lead 3 Filament, Positive; One Deflector MOUNTING POSITION: Any FFilament Negative; One Deflector Lead 4 Lead 7 ontrol drid Press Width 0.4 10" max. ELECTRICAL DATA DIRECT INTERELECTRODE CAPACITANCES: (wufd.) Control Grid to Filament Control Grid to Screen Grid and Plate DESIGN CENTER MAXIMUM RATINGS: F iloment Voltage (dc)* Plate Voltage Screen Grid Voltage CHARACTERISTICS AND TYPLCAL"OPERAT ION: 1.25 volts 45 volts 45 volts Pentade 1.25 volts 10 ma. 12 volts 4.5 volts -2 volts 6 uo. 3.6 ua. 1.25 10 10.5 Filament Voltage (dc) Filament Current Plate Voltage Screen Grid Voltage Control Grid Voltage Plate Current Screen Grid Current Amplification Factor Transconductance Plate Resistance Max. Control Grid Current 7 .3 200 2.0 160 14 umhos II 2 X 10~ meg. 3 X i1 amp. * For use nigh-batteries having an initial voltage of 1.55 voltes max. * Screen Grid connected to plate. AVERAGE TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS C425v -4 I T Tff~~ fltM- TW- -5 .6 -4 4 44( . ; Y 7FT7~t --- -7 * : ; ; L . 1 4t t -8 Ec - VOLTS 4 4 32 1 Q 0 -43- /f] /8 Figure 41. Typical recorded ion beams. II 77. Section VI ISOTOPE DILUTION TECHNIQUES The Atomic Energy Commission has made available quantities of material artificially enriched in rare isotopes. of Rb 87 , Sr 84 , Ca 48 , Ca 42 , and A 38 Materials enriched in the isotopes are available. The use of these enriched samples, commonly called "spikes" or "tracers" have made it possible to greatly improve the absolute accuracy in the measurement of small quantities of these elements. The isotope dilution technique consists of the addition of an accurately known quantity of a tracer, T, artificially enriched in isotope X, in which the isotope abundance ratios Xl/X2 are accurately known, to a known total quantity of sample, S, in which the quantity of the isotope, X2 to be determined is unknown. By determining the isotope ratio (Xl)T/(X2)S V (X2)T in the mixture of sample and tracer, and by knowing the ratio (Xi/X2)T and quantity of the tracer added, it is possible to determine the amount of isotope X 2 in the original sample. The section that follows explains the use of isotope dilution techniques in determining small quantities of radiogenic argon in minerals. Tracer Introduction System The tracer used in this research was enriched in argon 38. It was introduced into a 3 liter bulb from which it could be withdrawn when needed. The bulb was previously prepared by flushing with hydrogen and evacuating for 24 hours. Any small quantity of gas left in the bulb was evacuated by adsorbtion on charcoal cooled with liquid nitrogen. The tracer was then added from the break seal tube in which it had been stored. The tracer could be withdrawn into a small volume when needed and expanded into the McLeod gauge for measurement. The tracer was added to the sample 78. before the purification procedure. Calibration of the Tracer Since the tracer was not pure argon but contained unknown quantities of hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide, it was necessary to determine the quantity of tracer per unit volume of total gas in the bulb. This quantity can be determined if the isotope abundance ratios of the tracer and of spectroscopic argon, and a mixture of the two, are known. If the following notation is used, R = (4 0 / 38 )x Qx = quantity of material x where x may stand for S for spectroscopic argon, m for mixture of the two, and T for tracer, the following ratios are determined. 40 QT 40T T - QT/l 38 T QS t- (3 8 /4 0 )T = RT QT/ 1 + = 40S 4- 38 4- 36 S RT (22) 40S = 38T =QT/1 QS/l+ (38/40) -4- (36/40)S RT Using the 40/38 ratios measured in the tracer, spectroscopic argon, and mixture of the two, we obtain (40/38)m = 40T + 40 s/ 38 T RTQTA1 + RT) * QSl + (36/40) Rm + (38/40)S) QT/1 + RT QT (Rm - RT/l + RT) QT = Q/1+ (36/40)s + (38/40)s S/l + (36/40)S + (38/40)Si f(1 - RT/Rm - RT The quantity of tracer in the mixture is then QT = (40/36)S QS/1 t (40/36)S I (1 -+RT/Rm- RT (23) 79. Table B shows the ratios measured and the final results. The gas in the bulb was found to contain 93.6% tracer per unit volume of gas. Possible Errors in the Calibration of Tracer The determination of the quantity of tracer per unit volume of gas in the bulb is subject to error dependent upon the error in measurement of the ratio Rxard quantities Q . Table C shows a tabulation of the errors introduced in the determination of the volume of tracer for a given errcr in the determination of Rs, RT, Rm' QS, and QT Table B CALIBRATION OF SPIKE Trace r 40/38 .0825 40/36 161 38/36 Q Spectroscopic Argon 1965 5 2.04 x10-cm3 Mixture 1 1575 1.039 296 281 .188 272 6 1.80 x10 3 cm3 3.99 x 10-3 cm3 Contamination in tracer 6.4% per unit volume Table C Error In Volume Of Pure Tracer Determined Per E% In Ratio Or Quantity RATIO OR QUANTITY S Rm T QS T -. 1% per -10% -t.7%per -1% -.1% per -4% -. 8% per -1% -h.8% per -1% 80. The main concern for sources of errors in the determination of this value is in the measurement of Rm' QS' and the discrimination value of the ion source. The discrimination of the ion source, that is the percentage difference between the actual and recorded ratio introduced in the ratio measurement of two masses, is caused by the presence of the electron beam aligning magnets. A complete discussion of the discrimination of the ion source is given in section IV. This factor should not introduce any large error since the reproducibility of the discrimination value was within Measurement of Q and QT, .3%. if in error, would be most probably in error by the same percentage in the same direction. An error in the determin- ation of these two quantities would tend to cancel each other. An error in Rm is likely to be small since QS and QT were so chosen that the value of Rm would be nearly 1.000. The error in the determination of peak heights on the same scale and of approximately equal heights is likely to be small. Any discrimination or non-linearity that may exist in the amplification system would then have no effect on this ratio. As a con- sequence the determination of the value of 93.6% tracer per unit volume of gas in the bulb is believed to be accurate to within t 1%. Isotope Dilution Measurements The quantity of radiogenic argon in any sample of gas may be determined by isotope dilution techniques if the quantities QT and ratios 40/38, 40/36, and 38/36 in the tracer gas mixture of gases are known. If use is made of the notation 40/38X = Rx; (4 0 / 36 )x = Px, (38 / 3 6 )x = Tx and Qx is the quantity of x, where x may be T for tracer; C for contamination; m for mixture, or R for 81. radiogenic, we have the following ratios: 40 402 38 C 40 40 T -4 + QR * / 38 m 38/36m 36 (24) (24a) 38 QT/l - 40 O/ 4o G/l 4 = R Q'/1.082 +4/8 38 /4 0T = RQT/l + R .082 1.082 From(249)we have the volume of contamination QC 38 / 3 6m (r6 QC/l t ( 4 0 / 3 3 6 )C = =) 8 - (38/36)c 38 3 1-T or QC= 36 1 38/36m or 1 38/36) 3 ) 36 r _ 36 38 /3 6 m (25) 4M Combining 24 and 25 and simplifying, we have as the quantity of radiogenic argon QR= QT (.924 (4 0 /3 8 )m ~ (38/36) (274) t .0642). (26) Errors in the Determination of Radiogenic Argon Aside from the error introduced by improper technique in handling the sample, the quantity of radiogenic argon determined may be in error due to errors in the determination of the ratios the quantities of tracer QT. 4 0 38 / m, 40 /38 T, and 38/36m and Table D shows the errors introduced in the determination of the quantity of radiogenic argon for a given error in the ratios 4 0 38 / m, 40 / 38 T' and Q, Table D Error In QR Per E% Error In Ratio Or Quantity 40 Ratios /38 T 40/38m t .5%/ ±- 2% (1) > 1.25 and Qc/h (1) Rm (2) Qc/QT -.~ 0, Rm Qc/Q :P 0 - ^/ 4 1%/ ± 4r 1% (2) t 1%/ 1% 0. > 1.25, see figure 42 and discussion below when 82. The errors were determined by use of the following equations: ,)OQR/ ) QR -- 924 O QR / QR QT Rm R 40 /3 8 m - Rm .924 40 38 .924 / m 40 275 + .0642 38 Further; 38 / 3 6m QT Tm .0642 3/6 ( .924) ) Rm + 275 38 m / 3 6m = (.924) QT 4 2127 QV 297 .924 1& 2127 Qc . 1 0 T 297 Figure 42,showing the per cent error in the determination of the quantity of radiogenic argon for a given percent error in 4 0/ 38 m,was derived using the above equation and the following relationship between QR, Qc, and QT' OR/Qc .924 Rm QT - Qc For any value of 40 .07589Q Qc - 1 / 38 T there is an optimum value of the ratio, tracer argon to radiogenic argon. If the quantity of atmospheric argon contamination is small, the assigned percent error in QR has the same value as the error in Rm' However, if the ratio QR/Qc is less than 5,more accurate results are obtained if the value of QR/QT is greater than 1. This is shown particul- arly clearly in figure 42 where it will be noted that to keep the percentage error in QR near one, for any value of Qc/QT the value of the ratio QR/QT must be greater than one. 3. 0T/0 m C1 0 2.0 1.0 0 m 02. 1.- -- 10 agaC 1.0 ligure 42. 7kError in Q for 1% error in Ra' 84. Each analysis can be in error due to errors in 38 / 3 6 m. / 3 8 T' QT' Qc, and Further, a 1% error in the (4 0 / 38 )T ratio would introduce a very small error in QR, The error in the determination of QT should be small since the value of Q~T was quite reproducible. error then is due to Qc and 38/36 . m / 3 6 m is very small. The main source of When the value of the ratio 38/36m is large, approximately 1900, the error in QR, 38 40 due to a 1% error in 85. Section VII VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ARGON Introduction As stated earlier in this work, it is also the purpose of this research to determine if it is possible to make volumetric analysis of radiogenic argon without atmospheric argon contamination. If this is possible, and the mineral contaiisno primary argon, then it would be possible to make volumetric analyses of radiogenic argon without continuing mass spectrometric analysis. Isotope dilution and mass spectrometric analysis require techniques and equipment not available in all laboratories. The volumetric analysis equipment described below, with exception of the R. F. Induction heater, although a far less expensive model would surfice, are easy to obtain, less expensive than mass spectrometer equipment, and more easily manipulated. Separation Procedure A detailed description of the standardized argon separation procedures in included in section VIII. A brief description is included here to facilitate understanding of the detailed discussions that follow. The mineral sample, after being weighed and wrapped is placed in the vacuum furnace and the furnace flushed and evacuated. degassed at a high temperature. The crucible is The crucible is allowed to cool and the pumps and the crucible is heated until the mineral has melted and the gas sample extracted. The gas sample is transferred to the separation system. The hydrogen present is removed by converting it to water. If a large quantity of water is present it is adsorbed on a charcoal trap cooled to -780 C. The charcoal is heated to room temperature. The remaining small 86. sample is transferred to the gas circulating system for final purification. The volume of gas in the system is measured periodically until a constant reading is obtained. The sample is then transferred to a break-seal tube and transported to the mass-spectrometer for isotopic analysis. Description of Equipment In order to facilitate any discussion concerning techniques of volumetricanalysis a section is included here describing the equipment used. Radio-Frequency Induction Heater and Furnace The induction heater used in this research is a 10 KW induction heater manufactured by the Lepel High Frequency Laboratories. of operating procedures see Appendix (For a full discussion I ). The furnace as is shown in figure 4 3 consisted of a graphite crucible, 2" x 2V" with j" walls and base. This was supported on two tungsten rods on the inside of an alundum cylinder 2" x 8" with {" walls. and alundum The crucible cylinder were surrounded by a bell jar which was surrounded by a water jacket. The bell jar and assembly were supported on an aluminum plate. The bell jar seal was made with high melting point vacuum grease and apeizon Q sealing wax. Ideally this assembly would be connected directly by glass to the rest of the system. For experimental purposes it was connected to the system through a ground ball and socket joint. Such an arrangement would ordinarily hold It was a vacuum for 24 to 36 hours. not, however, entirely dependable and might leak air at any time. Since an average heating lasted no more than one or two hours this assembly was satisfactory for early experimental procedures. With such an arrangement 0 temperatures of 2000 C or more could be maintained without raising the temperature of the cooling water more than a few degrees. 8mm tubing sample / 3/4 in. tubi ng N11 LLway Steel ball -/in. Glass pipe Graphite crucible 2 X 1 1/2 -100mm Glass pipe Water inlet Alundum 2XBX1/4in. Apiezon Q Ground 0 Ring Aluminum__ 6.0 in. Figure 43. Furnace for extraction of gases. - U w- 88. The sample was admitted without breaking vacuum. wrapped in aluminum foil and held in a side tube. The sample was It was admitted to the crucible at the proper time by pushing it ahead with a steel ball activated by a magnet. The steel ball was then returned to the sample tube. Charcoal Traps The charcoal traps used in this research contained Cenco activated nut charcoal. The traps contained varying amounts of charcoal depending on the purpose for which they were used. Traps for removal of contaminating gases contained approximately 40 gms. of charcoal, while traps for transfer of small quantities of gas contained approximately 6 gms. of charcoal. It was necessary to bake all charcoal traps for 48 hours before initial use. This time was necessary to completely activate the charcoal. Calcium and Barium Furnaces Several different furnace designs were tried. Originally furnaces were vertically mounted with the metal in the bottom of the furnace. In order to provide more surface for adsorption of gas horizontally oriented furnaces were used. The final design was a horizontal furnace through which the gas could be circulated. (see figure 44.). Careful control of the temperature of the barium furnace was necessary. If the furnace was allowed to become too hot and a thick barium mirror formed, the active barium would react with the quartz. When the furnace was cooled severe strains would develop in the quartz. In most instances the quartz would crack and a new furnace would have to be installed. Calcium turnings were used initially since they were easy to obtain and not easily oxidized. However, barium was used in later research because calcium was found to be very gassy at elevated temperatures. Pipette 210cc Transfer U L tube CuO 3 4 2 1 CharcoaL traps 5 Cold tCop raps Diffusion pump 533cc STP Manometer McLteod Figure 44. Gas separation system. 90. A complete discussion of the operation of the barium furnace for cleanup of gases is given below. McLeod Gauge The McLeod gauge used in this research was built by Ryan, Velluto, and Anderson, glass blowers. by the author (see figure The capillary and volume was calibrated ). The capillary was calibrated by weigh- ing and measuring the length of a mercury column at various positions in the capillary. All length measurements were made with a vernier caliper readable to .0005 inches using a jewelers glass. Three determinations of the volume per centimeter length of the capillary were made. appear in the Table H. They The volume of the McLeod gauge bulb was determined by weighing and measuring the quantity of water in the bulb. Temperature equilibrium was attained and bottles used which were calibrated to deliver a known volume. All volumes except those of the McLeod and capillary were measured two times each by two methods, the high pressure helium method and low pressure helium method. cm. of mercury were used. In the high pressure helium method, pressure of In the low pressure method pressures of 10-2 to 10-3 mm mercury were used. Problems to be Faced Early experimentation showed that four major problems would have to be solved if volumetric analysis was to be quantitative. One, loss of argon; two, incomplete extraction of argon from the mineral; three, the possibility of atmospheric argon contamination; four, incomplete removal of contaminating gases other than atmospheric argon. be discussed in the following sections. These problems will 91. Table H Volume of Gas Separation System Volume of capillary .002101 cm 3/cm .002108 .002101 Volume of McLeod gauge 533 + Volume of gas circulating system 168 cm 3 1 cm3 92. Loss of Argon There are three ways in which argon may be "lost". One, semi-permanent adsorption on charcoal; two, semi-permanent adsorption on glass; three, solution of argon in the molten mineral. Three experiments showed that semi-permanent adsorption on charcoal is possible (see figure 45). The argon was adsorbed on the charcoals at -189.5 0C for varying lengths of time. In experiment A (Curve A) and experiment B (Curve B) the adsorption time was 30 minutes. time was 60 minutes. In experiment C the adsorption In experiments A and B the charcoal was allowed to reach room temperature slowly. In experiment C the charcoal was heated to room temperature by immersion in water. In all cases the quantity of argon lost was proportional to the quantity of charcoal in the trap. In another experiment the argon was adsorbed on several charcoals in sequence at -189.50C. In this experiment 20% of the argon sample present in the system was lost. Other adsorption temperatures were tried and it was found that at -780 C (dry ice and alcohol mixture) 82.5% of the argon sample present in the system was adsorbed on the charcoal. However, when the charcoal was heated to room temperature the argon was completely desorbed. No direct confirmation of these results has appeared in the literature. Paneth (1953) states that, "For separation of argon from krypton and xenon the charcoal should be kept at -780 C. In one complete fractionation 95% of the argon is removed (recovered)1 *". Wetherill (1954) states, in a mass spectrometric investigation of argon and neon that "most" of the argon comes off the charcoal at -100 0 C. (Liquid N 2 and acetone mixture). (1) Inserted by the author. U- -- / I -z-- AuA B.* I.. I I 0 5 10 I I 20 I I 30 MINS. Figure 45. Adsorption of argon on charcoal at liquid nitrogen temperature. 94. It may be that in the first instance the xenon preferentially occupies the adsorption sites, for Wetherill further states that he makes use of xenon in his argon 38 spike containers to assure that the argon 38 is not adsorbed on the glass. No experimental evidence was offered, however, that argon 38 is adsorbed on glass to any appreciable extent. Loss of Argon by Adsorption On Glass As stated above no experimental evidence was offered by Wetherill that argon was adsorbed on glass. noted by Paneth (1953). Solution of helium in glass has been The quantity, however, was not important until analysis of quantities of He of approximately 10~9 cm were undertaken. It is probable that no appreciable quantity of argon is soluble in glass at room temperature. Loss of Argon by Solution In the Molten Mineral No evidence can be offered that argon is soluble in the molten mineral sample under the conditions of a temperature 15000c and pressures less than 1 or 2 mm. (Naughton (1953) has experimented with molten pyrex glass and found that argon is not soluble at pressures of 10 cm or more. It is improbable therefore, that solution of argon in the molten mineral can cause any error in quantitative determinations. Extraction of Small Quantities of Argon from Minerals The difficulty of extracting small quantities of argon has been reported by many workers. Most of the earlier papers published give no mention of whether the yield was quantitative or not. have been employed. Several methods Aldrich and Nier (1948) heated the mineral to 100000 with no length of time specified in the publication. Thode and Fleming (1953) in their work on argon 38 in pitchblende minerals 95. heated the sample in an inconel tube to 250-3000C for one hour to drive off adsorbed gases, after having evacuated the tube for 24 hours. Follow- ing this, the temperature was slowly raised to 12500C (maximum attainable). While there were no tests to determine if the yield was quantitative, tests did prove that no structural argon was lost in heating to 3000C. The Use of Fluxes Most recent work has made use of Na fluxes in one form or another. An example of incomplete removal of argon was found in the work of Russell, et al (1953) who obtained a branching ratio K/ 2/ of 0.06. The sample had been fluxed with metallic Na which subsequently was found to yield 35% less than a NaOH flux. Most workers (Wasserburg, 1955; Wetherill, 1954; Shillibeer, 1954) now make use of NaOH as a flux. Thomson and Mayne (1955) have experimented both with and without flux, and report that the use of sodium peroxide is superior to either sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate. This is mainly because of the large quantities of water and carbon dioxide, respectively, released by the two fluxes. In a fusion without flux the atmospheric argon contamination was found to be lower by 40%. In the present work, tests have been made on the extraction of argon from biotite, lepidolite. A high frequency induction heater available in the Department of Geology and Geophysics was used to heat the samples. With proper furnace design it was possible to maintain temperatures of 1500-20000C. The use of fluxes is unnecessary when such temperatures are used. The mineral structure in all cases was completely destroyed and in most instances the iron oxide in the sample was partially reduced to iron. 96. Atmospheric Argon Contamination Atmospheric argon may be introduced into the gaseous sample during two stages in the analysis procedure. (1.) If the graphite crucible is not completely degassed, some quantity of atmospheric argon which may be adsorbed during the sample loading procedure, is collected along with the gaseous sample upon reheating. Dushman (1949) states, "At 21500C (according to Norton and Marshall) it is possible to degas graphite so that subsequent heating at a higherl* temperature given no further gas. It is very interesting to note that the gas evolved in the range 1700-2200 0 C is predominantly nitrogen." Atmospheric argon may be introduced into the extraction or separation system through a leak in the glassware or around grease-sealed ground joints. (2.) Early in the research use was made of ground glass joints to attach the transfer tube to the extraction and separation systems. It was not possible to depend on these seals and several analyses were discarded because of large leaks. The use of grease seals was discontinued and the transfer tubes were sealed onto each system by glassblowing it in position. It was then possible to make analyses with less than 5% atmospheric contamination. In the new system being constructed it is not necessary to use transfer tubes and all grease seals have been eliminated. Mercury seal stopcocks are used throughout the system. These stopcocks will not leak, although some attention is necessary to ensure that the bulb is periodically evacuated. In one analysis there was less than .10xlO -3 3 cm of argon contamination. If it were always possible to keep the contamination at this level, or lower, other problems not considered, volumetric analyses would be possible. 1. The emphasis is by the author. 97. Contaminating Gases Other Than Atmospheric Argon The gases extracted from a mineral consist mainly of large amounts of water, hydrogen if a graphite crucible is used, and smaller quantities carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The radiogenic argon is only a very minor percentage of the total quantity. The volume of gas collected depends upon the type and weight of the mineral sample. Hydrogen Removal Hydrogen can be removed by oxidation to water. The hydrogen is readily oxidized in the presence of copper oxide heated to 450 0 C. water formed is then adsorbed on charcoal at -780C. The Only a small percentage of water will be desorbed on heating to room temperature. However, it is not possible to remove the last small quantity (less than .2cm3STP) of water by adsorption. It is important to note the water should not be removed by freezing. When the water is frozen argon is trapped. (Smits 1953). In one experi- ment 30% of the radiogenic argon was lost when the water was removed by freezing. When the water is adsorbed on charcoal it may condense and freeze thereby trapping argon. It is thought, however, that the water is in the gaseous form at room temperature and remains adsorbed while the argon is' liberated. Cleanup of Final Traces of Gas After treatment with copper oxide it is necessary to admit the gas to a barium furnace where the remaining water and most of the remaining contaminating gases are removed. 98. Operation of the Barium Furnace The use of calcium for the production of high vacua was first proposed by Soddy (1907). Soddy observed that Co, C02, H2 0, C 2 N2 , SO2 , NH3 and oxide of nitrogen were readily cleaned up. any appreciable quantity. Hydrogen was not adsorbed in He states, "There is no doubt that a low initial pressure not exceeding a few millimeters of mercury is as essential in causing calcium to combine with gases as a high temperature. For rapid and continuous adsorption, volatilization is necessary. Argon, helium, and the other rare gases were not adsorbed by calcium." Since the original paper by Soddy intensive investigation has shown that other metals such as barium and magnesium are effective as adsorption agents. The order in which metals may be rated as cleanup reagents for most gases corresponds roughly to the chemical activity of the alkalineearths. Barium is the most efficient but is difficult to use because it is readily oxidizable. as efficient. Calcium is not so readily oxidizable and is almost Calcium was used initially as a cleanup reagent. However, because calcium was found to be very gassy at high temperatures attempts were made to make use of barium metal. The difficulty encountered due to the rapid oxidation of barium was overcome by storing the clean barium metal in an atmosphere of helium. When a fresh supply of barium was needed, a small hole was blown in the quartz furnace, the barium inserted, and the hole closed. The system was toen evacuated. not more than 10 minutes. The total time necessary was In this way, it was possible to have a fresh unoxidized supply of barium metal in the furnace. The gas separation system contains two barium furnaces. used as a rough pump to remove large quantities of gas. The first is The second is part of the gas circulation system (see discussion on next page) and is used for the removal of small traces of gases. 99. In order to clean up large quantities of gas it was necessary to 450 0 C was the most volitalize an appreciable quantity of barium metal. efficient temperature for rapid volatilization, (variac setting 36). After one-half hour a mirror of barium formed and the temperature was reduced to 250 0 C,(variac setting 20). At the end of one hour from the start of volatilization the pressure had usually been reduced from an initial value of a few (3-5) mm of mercury to 10~1-10-2mm of mercury. The gaseous sample was then transferred to the gas circulating system. quantity of contaminating gas remaining is small. The The barium furnace in the circulating system was operated at a lower temperature (250 0 C). A mirror was not formed when the furnace was operated at this temperature. The amount of barium vapor formed, however, was adequate for efficient sample cleanup. Figure 46 illustrated an experiment which involved cleanup of a small quantity of gas (8x10-3cm3 ) in the presence of 2x10-3cm 3 of argon. The contaminating gas consisted mainly of carbon dioxide and oxygen. It will be noted that the system is quite similar to a differential-thermal-analyzer. The reaction between the vaporous barium metal and gas is thought, because of the shape of temperature curves, to be endothermic. Gas Circulating System It is necessary, for efficient cleanup, that the gases come in contact with the barium vapor or metal. If the pressure of argon is approximately equal to or greater than the pressure of contaminating gases cleanup is considerably slowed if the gas in the barium furnace is not changed periodically. That is, the ratio of argon to contaminating gas in the furnace becomes very high. When the pressure in the system is below 10 the gases can only move about by diffusion processes. 4 mm The thermal agitation 400.- f - 231, 5, 19 17 1 X10-2 CM 3 Figure 46. Cleanup of small juantities of pe in presence of I.9xIO X10 0120 120 180 10 cm3 argon. 21.0 240 300 MINS 300 MINS 101. of the gas in the furnace and the small opening in the stopcock through which the gas must pass makes the diffusion of gases into the barium furnace an extremely slow process. In order to remove this difficulty a system was constructed consisting of a barium furnace, a copper oxide furnace, a mercury diffusion pump, and isolating cold traps. A diagram of the system is shown in figure 44 . The gas sample was brought into the gas circulating system by adsorption on charcoal using liquid nitrogen (T -189.5 0C). The circul- ating system was isolated from the rest of the system and the sample desorbed by heating the charcoal to 150 0 C. at this temperature. All the argon is desorbed The diffusion pump and barium furnace was heated. The gas circulated in this system was efficiently cleaned up since the gas samples could be repeatedly exposed to the barium vapor. Further, no gas was allowed to remain in the barium furnace for an appreciable length of time so that the ratio of contaminating gas to argon was the same throughout the system. Calibration of the System The volumes of the various parts of the separation system are shown in a diagram of the entire system (figure 44). The entire system was calibrated by analyzing air for the volume of argon present. obtained in three analyses were .993%, .990%, .992%. The values The gas circulating system was not included in these analyses. Results of the Volumetric Analysis As stated above, it is possible to make analyses free of atmospheric argon to within 5%. The new system being constructed should further reduce the level of contamination. The graphite crucible will remain the main 102. source of atmospheric argon. However, if sufficient degassing procedures are observed this difficulty may be eliminated. In any analysis other than for atmospheric argon in air it has not been possible to completely remove all of the contaminating gases. With correct cleanup procedures (see section VIII describing standardized procedures) it is thought that -3 the quantity of contaminating gases can be kept below .05x10 . The results of several analyses and an explanation of the reasons for failure (if necessary) is given in table E rlq 7- Table E Sample Total Gas Determined Volumetric Isotope Dilution A40/gm. Sample x 10-3 Volumetric Isotope Dilution Bob Ingersoll ID #1 4.64 4.78 ID #2 12.00 13.80 ID #4 ID #5 (1) .83 .79 (3) .74 3.67 (2) 4.43 .50 (2) (4-) .73 It is thought that the total volume of gas as determined by isotope dilution technique is higher than that determined by a volumetric determination because of (1) an extremely small leak in the break seal tube, or (2) outgassing of the glass when the break seal tube is removed from the separation system. (2) Not determined. (3) Not computed since it would have no meaning. (4) In this experiment water was frozen in a cold trap. 104. Section VIII STANDARDIZED PROCEDURES Volumetric Analysis The procedure for determining the volume of the argon in a mineral has been changed many times during the experimental development, and changes may be made if future work indicates such changes are necessary. Two separate procedures are included in the following subsections. Procedures are included for making volumetric analyses and isotopic dilution analyses of the argon content of a mineral. Included in the sections are not only the immediate steps necessary but also such cautionary and advisory notes as are deemed expedient to a successful analysis. A condensed procedure sheet has been added in Appendix II. The procedure for volumetric analysis of argon occupies the present subsection. Preparation of the Gas Analysis System Preparatory to making an analysis any gases in the system should be evacuated. All charcoal traps should be baked and evacuated for periods of not less than 2 or 3 hours. The transfer charcoal trap and break seal tubes should be baked and evacuated overnight if time permits. The barium furnace, copper oxide furnace, and gas circulating system diffusion pump should be heated and evacuated. The gas circulating system should be prepared separate from the remainder of the system. The copper oxide furnace should be heated to 450 0 C, filled with oxygen, and heating continued for 2 more hours. This procedure convertsto copper oxide any copper that may have formed during the previous run. The barium furnace should be heated to 350 0 C (variac setting 30) and evacuated along with the McLeod gauge and gas circulating diffusion pump (variac setting 60) for a period 105. of 12 hours if time permits but not less than 2-3 hours. Although very little gas is admitted to the gas circulating system, the barium in the furnace becomes poisoned after 2 or 3 runs and cleanup time is considerably lengthened if adequate pre-analysis treatment is neglected. Weighing and Wrapping the Sample All samples should be weighed to the nearest .0005 gms. and wrapped in aluminum foil. foil around a The sample container is made by wrapping the aluminum 1/2 oz. sample bottle leaving one end open. After weigh- ing, the sample is put into the aluminum foil container and the open end twisted closed. At this stage a series of very small pin holes may be made in the aluminum foil container to allow any air to escape more readily when the sample is admitted to the vacuum furnace. Preparation of Gas Extraction Furnace The crucible should be cleaned of slag from the previous run and the sample and steel ball inserted into sample holder. The bell jar ground glass joint should be cleaned of any old vacuum lubricant (cylvaceneheavy is recommended) and a thin coating of fresh lubricant applied. The alundum radiation shield and crucible are placed in position and the bell jar assembly placed in position over them. The assembly should be rotated to thoroughly lubricate and seal the ground glass joint. Apeizon A wedge of Q is applied to the outside of the ground glass joint. The glass seal between the bell jar and the rest of the system is made at this time. The water circulation is started and the water seal at the ground glass joint is made. The transfer tube is now sealed on to the system and the crucible is ready for degassing. In the new system under construction transfer tubes are not necessary so this step can be omitted. The crucible 106. is degassed at approximately 2000oC-22000 C (150 amperes current through the induction coil). of 2 or 3 minutes. The system is closed from time to time for periods The change in the pitch of the fore pump indicates the quantity of gas coming off the crucible. When no change in the pitch is noted, upon opening the system, the crucible is considered as degassed. The time to degas the crucible is usually 15 minutes to one-half hour. This is a weak point in the analysis that will be removed in the permanent system where the evacuating apparatus consists of diffusion pumps and cold traps and an ion gauge or simple McLeod gauge to measure the pressure in the system. The evacuation and degassing used, however, was found to be sufficient for experimental purposes. The crucible is allowed to The sample is admitted to the cool and the lead to the fore pump closed. crucible and heating of the sample started. It is extremely important to heat the sample slowly in the initial stages. A large quantity of gas, 0 probably water vapor comes off the sample at approximately 300-500 C (temperature of crucible). The aluminum foil has melted by this time and the sample will as a consequence spill over the system if care is not taken to ensure that the gas does not leave the furnace too rapidly. The heating is continued until the temperature has reached 1500 0 C (130 amperes current through the induction coil), a temperature slightly cooler than was used to degas the crucible. until all the gas has been collected. The temperature is then held constant In the experimental system difficulty was sometimes experienced in pulling the entire sample of gas,extracted from the mineral, into the charcoal trap. The pressure noticed, however, was thought to be due to continuous reduction of the iron oxide in the sample. slag. Many magnetic particles are fould to be present in the reduced In the permanent system the charcoal will be replaced with an automatic 107. toepler pump and the gas will be evacuated from the furnace region. After all the gas has been pulled into the transfer tube, the tube is removed from the system and sealed onto the analysis system. The section in between the stopcock and the transfer tube and the analysis system is evacuated by adsorption of any remaining gases on charcoal at liquid nitrogen temperatures. Separation of Argon The sample is admitted to the separation system and copper oxide furnace. The copper oxide furnace has been preheated to 4500C (variac setting 43). The transfer tube is heated to 1500C (variac setting 23) to ensure that all the argon is desorbed. The gaseous sample is left in the copper oxide furnace until all or most of the hydrogen has been converted to water. If the pressure of water exceeds a few millimeters of mercury, the sample should be adsorbed on one of the charcoal traps at -780 C for one-half hour. At this time the coolant is removed and the charcoal trap heated to room temperature. If the pressure is not below a few millimeters of mercury, the process is repeated on another charcoal trap. When the pressure in the system is below a few millimeters, usually after treatment on one charcoal trap, the roughing barium furnace is opened to the system and the temperature of the furnace raised to 5000C (variac setting 36). When a mirror has formed the temperature is lowered to 2000c (variac setting 20), and the sample left to stand for one-half hour. Throughout all the above procedures the copper oxide furnace has remained hot and all charcoal traps are left open to the system. be below .2 mm. The pressure in the system should now The sample is adsorved on the charcoal in the gas circul- ating system and the circulating system isolated from the rest of the system. The adsorption time usually lasts for two hours. Previous to 108. isolating the gas circulating system, the entire system may be evacuated along with the charcoal trap on which the sample is adsorbed. It is thought that in this manner it may be possible to remove any hydrogen that had not been previously converted to water. tried only once. This procedure was Thomson and Mayne (1955) state: "Ventil P was closed and the tap Q opened to the vacuum for two minutes, and thus any helium and neon in the gas sample were removed." "Trial experiments showed that argon was not lost in this process." The cleanup barium furnace is heated to 300 0 C (variac setting 30), the diffusion pump heater is turned on, and the isolating cold traps covered with solid carbon-dioxide and alcohol mixture (temperature -780 C). The gas is left circulating over night. The volume of the gas is measured periodically until a constant volume is reached. The heaters are turned off and the cold traps heated to room temperature and the volume measured again. The actual volume of gas in the system can be computed using the constants listed in another part of this section. Isotope Dilution The procedures followed in an isotope dilution analyses are similar to those observed in a volumetric analysis. The system is prepared in the same manner and the gaseous sample extracted from the mineral sample by similar procedures. The traced is added when the sample is admitted to the separation system. If it is desired to make a volumetric analysis of the sample the procedures to follow are the same as would be observed if the tracer had not been added. When the volume has been measured the gaseous sample is adsorbed on the charcoal in a break seal tube. time enough to adsorb 99% of the sample. One hour is usually The break seal tube is sealed off and blown onto the gas inlet system of the mass spectrometer. 109. Preparation of the Mass Spectrometer In order to make satisfactory and accurate mass spectrometric analyses it is necessary that certain proceduresbe carefully followed. One half to one hour before an analysis is to be made the filament should be turned so that the source area will have reached temperature equilibrium. Previous to this the spectrometer tube should be baked out for 2-3 hours and allowed to cool. A background spectrum of the mass spectrometer with and without the leak open should be obtained. A comparison of the two will determine if there is an air leak in the gas inlet system. If there is no air leak in the gas inlet system the gas leak is closed and the break seal on the sample tube broken. The sample is allowed to cool for one-half hour, with liquid nitrogen on the cold trap, to condense any hydrocarbons that may be in the sample. The spectrometer is set to record a mass 40 or mass 38 ion beam and the gas leak is opened to the desired setting. The scale changer is set to the appropriate scale and manual recording started. The recording is continued until a sufficient number of peaks have been recorded. 110. Section IX MEASUREMENT OF AGE BY THE POTASSIUM-ARGON METHOD The age of a mineral may be determined, by the potassium-argon method, if the quantities of argon and potassium in the mineral are known. It is necessary that the argon produced by the decay of potassium 40 remain in the mineral, that is the mineral must be a closed system. Potassium 40 decays by beta emission to calcium 40 with a decay constant and by K capture to argon 40 with a decay constant 40* atoms of K40 present at any time t is 40 KO 40 (Kt where - K # . exp(- A The number of t)) The ratio of the number of atoms of argon 40 that decay per unit time to the number of atoms of calcium 40 that decay in the is same length of time, called the branching ratio,R / . The 40 number of atoms of argon produced from K0 atoms of potassium A4 or 0 40 A =4040 R -= l/R K R + 1/R K (1 0 40 -At -d ) (ea -1) It is then possible to determine the age of the mineral, or, t ;+ 1R + 1 R A4 0 K4 0 The Branching Ratio Table F past years. .09-.130. shows that the branching ratio has varied widely over the It can be said that the ratio probably lies in the range This variation introduces a considerable uncertainty in age determination by the potassium-argon method. Several methods have been employed to measure the branching ratio, the physical method and the geological method. The physical method makes use of the beta emission associated with the calcium 40 or If emission associated with the argon 40. 111. Table F Year Authority Method b k/ 1943 Thompson and Rowlands X-Rays 1947 Bleuler and Gabriel X-Rays Horteck and Suess Argon Ahrens and Evans Calcium 1.4 Aldrich and Nier Argon 0.02 to 0.09 1948 1950 3 to 4 1.9 ± 0.4 0.1 ± 0.02 Ceccarelli, Quarcini, and Rostagni X-Rays Graf and X-Rays 0.07 0.127 to 0.67 Inghram, Brown, Patterson A40 /Ca40 and Hess Sawyer and Wiedenbeck Auger Electrons from X-Rays 1955 0.126 t 0.003 0.135 Wasserburg and Hayden A40/Pb ages Moljk (1) 0.124 to 0.136 Wasserburg (2) (2) 0.102!: 0.01 (3) 0.128 ± 0.02 A40 /Ca40 0.150 (3) Backus and Strickland .085 t.02 (1) No mention made of method of determination. (2) Using Sawyer and Weidenbeck's data and a redetermination of the 42 gamma emission of K (3) . (Kahn and Ryan (1953)). Computed by the author using the average of the best determinations of the beta and gamma emission. (4) (4) Based on the determination of the quantities of argon and calcium in one lepidolite. 112. /2p is All measurements indicate that the ratio . equivalent to (see figure 47). 40 Decay scheme for K 40, after Sawyer and Wiedenbeck; Energies after Alburger. The geological method makes use of the fact that known quantities of argon and calcium are produced in a known length of time. If the quantity of argon produced in a mineral is known, and if it is possible to determine the age by some other method, as for example with lead, the branching ratio then is R = K'U/A 40 1 ( e- 1) -1 If it is possible to measure the quantities of radiogenic argon and radiogenic calcium in the same mineral, the branching ratio may be determined directly regardless of the age of the mineral. That is A 4 0 /Ca4 0 = It is necessary to know the abundance of potassium 40 in order to measure the age by the potassium-argon method. Herzog (1955) has a com- plete listing of all the published measurements of the potassium 40 abundance. The value determined by Nier (1950) (.0122% probably the most accurate. by weight) is ~- Table G Sample Best Geological Age Bob Ingersoll 1450 (1) Rb/Sr A 4 0 /K 4 0 (.085) 2050 (2) 1610 (8) 2060 (3) 850 t 200 (4) 1710f 90 (7) Best Lead Age 1600 ± 50 1500 (1) Kulp (1955). (2) Aldrich, et al (1955). (3) Herzog (1955), not yet published. (4) (5) . 300 (5) Ahrens (1951). (6) Backus (1955), not yet published. (7) This work. (8) Presented by Wetherill at the American Geophysical Union meeting, Washington, 1965. Ca (.125) 1180 + 90 (6) "- 114. The Bob Ingersoll Lepidolite was used for calibration purposes. age is presented so that some comparisons may be made. Its It can be seen from the table that the age as determined by the Rb/Sr method is 17% higher than the age determined by the argon-potassium method, and 20% higher than Several explanations of the differences observed may be the lead method. offered. (1) would be high. There may be rubidium leaching (2) age would be low. There may be loss of argon in which case the A (3) 40 40 /K There may be loss of calcium, in which case the calcium age would be low. be made. in which case the Rb/Sr age It is necessary that many more measurements Two laboratories in the United States are admirable suited for these measurements, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Geology and Geophysics, and the Carnegie Institution in Washington. 115. Recommendations q Futu Research It is always possible, after the completion of a research problem, to think of better ways to approach the problem, and other problems that should be attacked. This research is no exception. Mass Spectrometery For more accurate and sensitive analysis the spectrometer tube should be plated, the gas inlet system should be converted to an all metal system to eliminate hydrocarbon background, and the ionization chabber should be made gas tight to reduce the residual mass spectra. Volumetri. Analysis With a single one piece entire glass system it should be possible to make volumetric analysis of argon without the presence of atmospheric contamination. Such a system should be constructed. Gezteral The problem of "common' argon has not been solved. This problem could be solved if the Mass Spectrometer was placed so that gases attracted from the mineral could be measured directly. A system consisting of a radio frequency heater, furnace gas separation system and mass 116. Spectrometer, all directly connected could form the foundation of a gas analysis system which would aid immeasureably in solving a wide variety of problems. Appendix I Use of the R.F. Induction Heater The induction heater is a very useful instrument, however, several precautions should be observed if no one is to be injured. included with the heater gives the basic information. The booklet However, several points should be carefully observed. 1. Become very familiar with the location of all dials and switches, especially the 100 ampere circuit breaker. 2. Be sure to turn on the main power switch before turning on the switch for the water circulating pump. 3. Allow at least 20 minutes warmup period after "start" buttom has been pushed. 4. When the preliminary adjustments have been made step on "step- switch" for a "split second" and observe readings. 5. If the 100 ampere circuit breaker opens, the water pressure will go up to 60 p.s.i. To avoid damage to the water pump this switch must be closed immediately or the water by-pass valve should be opened. 6. Since the induction heater makes no distinction between metals, extreme care should be taken not to wear rings too near (6 inches) the coil or leads. 7. A familiarity with the note-book that came with the induction heater is an invaluable aid in learning the correct operating procedures. Appendix II Condensed Procedure Sheet 1. Bake all charcoal traps and evacuate for period of 2 to 3 hours. 2. Bake and evacuate transfer tube overnight. 3. Prepare the copper oxide furnace and the barium furnace. 4. Weigh and wrap sample. 5. Prepare the gas extraction furnace. 6. Bake out the crucible (150 amperes through induction coil) for one-half hour or until no gas is being given off. 7. Let the crucible cool. 8. Push the sample into the crucible with the steel ball and magnet. 9. Heat the sample, taking care to heat very slowly in the initial stages. 10. Put liguid nitrogen on the transfer tube. 11. Continue heating at 140 amperes for at least one-half hour, or until no more gas is coming off. 12. Close the stopcock to the transfer tube and break it off. 13. Seal on to the gas separation system. 14. Evacuate the section between the transfer tube and the gas separation system. 15. Heat the copper oxide and transfer tube. 16. Allow the gas to remain in the copper oxide tube for at least two hours or until the pressure has stopped decreasing. 17. If the pressure is greater than a few mm adsorb the gases on charcoal in a trap cooled with solid carbon dioxide for one-half hour. 18. Let this trap heat to room temperature for one-half hour. 19. If the pressure is now below a few mm heat up the rough barium furnace. 20. After a mirror has formed turn the heat down to variac setting 25. 2L After one-half hour the pressure should have decreased below a readable pressure on the manometer. 22. Adsorb the gas on the charcoal in the gas circulating system. 23. Isolate the gas circulating system from the rest of the system. 24. Turn on the barium furnace and the diffusion pump. 25. Let the gas circulate for a period of twelve hours or over night. 26. Measure the volume of gas in the system. 27. Continue circulating the gas until the volume read reached a constant value. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ahrens, L. H. (1949) Measuring geological time by the Strontium method, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 60, 217-266, Ahrens, L. H. and L. G. Gorfinkle (1950) Age of extremely ancient pegmatites from southeastern Manitoba, Nature, 166, 149. Aiken, C. B., and W. C. Welz (1947) D.C. Amplifier for low level signals, Electronics, 20, No. 10, 124-128. Aldrich, L. T., and A. 0. Nier (1948) Physical Review, 74, 876-877. Argon 40 in potassium minerals, Aldrich, L. T., J. B. Doak, and G. L. 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Tate (1934) Isotopic abundance ratios of C, N, A, Ne, and He, Physical Review, 46, 327. Wasserburg, D. J., and R. J. Hagen (1955) Age of meteorites by argonpotassium 40 method, Physical Review, 97, 86-87. Wetherill, G. W. (1954) The variations in the isotopic abundances of neon and argon extracted from radioactive minerals, Physical Review, 96, 679-683. Winn, E. D., and A. 0. Nier (1949) Simplified emission regulator for mass spectrometer ion sources, A Review of Scientific Instruments, 20, 11, 773-774. Biographical Sketch of the Author The author was born in Providence, R. I. in 1925, the first of a family of two. After graduation from Hope High School he enlisted in the U. S. Navy, spending five years as a pilot. During this time he attended Trinity College in Hartford, Conn. for one year. He was separated from the Navy in 1948 and came to M.I.T. in that year. He received an S. B. from M.I.T. in>1952. His professional experience includes summer work with Geophysical Services Inc., Atlantic Refining Co., and California Company in the field of geophysics. Part time experience has been varied including employment as a teacher and electronic trouble shooter. He was elected to the Sigma X1 in 1955 and is a member of the A.G.U. and E.A.E.G. Upon graduation he plans to work with Geophysical Services Inc. I