CMPS 1033 –– Introduction to Computer Science – Web Design -...

CMPS 1033 –– Introduction to Computer Science – Web Design - Honors
Instructor: Dr. Ranette Halverson, Chair/Professor, Department of Computer Science
Bolin 126A -– 940.397.4189 –
Web site:
Office Hours posted -– drop-in or by appointment
Lecture Text: User-Centered Website Development, McCracken & Wolfe
Lab Text: MS Office FrontPage 2003 for Windows, Nolan Hester
Course Materials: Class notes, assignments, course calendar and other materials are posted on the
web site.
Course Objective: To develop the tools necessary for development and evaluation of web sites
through projects, writing assignments, and lively discussion. Basic concepts of computing,
its terminology, social issues, and current events are also included.
Course Overview: In the lecture, 1 or 2 chapters per week will be discussed. Students are
expected to read the chapter before coming to class. A written assignment will be given
for each chapter. The lecture material is in direct support of the lab work. The lecture
meets on Monday & Friday in Bolin 320. Lab meets once a week on Wednesday in Bolin 103.
In the lab students will begin implementation and/or analysis of the material covered in the
lecture sessions.
3 Exams
450 points
Lab (Project)
1050 possible points
A - 900 + points
B – 800 +
C - 700 +
D – 600 +
Attendance: Students are expected to attend class on a regular basis and attendance will be
taken. Students may be dropped for excessive absences. A written excuse if required if
absent on a test day.
Assignments: A variety of outside assignments will also be made related to general computing
principles and current events in computing. Assignments are due on Monday of the week
following the discussion of the chapter. Assignments are expected to be turned in on the
date due even if the student is absent. Written assignments on the chapters may be
emailed to the instructor as an attachment ONLY if the student will miss class or the
assignment is late. Assignments turned in late will have a late penalty of 5points per day
deducted from the grade. Make-up exams will only be given if arrangements are made prior
to the class meeting following the exam.
CMPS 1033 – Web Design
Assignment Guidelines
Written Assignments
All written assignments will be composed on MS WORD and will be turned in via email
attachment to Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1” margins on
all sides. Single spaced. Use the spell checker and the grammar checker. Place the title
information (see each assignment) centered at the top of the page, 1” from top, one blank line
after header. For assignments longer than one page in length, put the title only on the first page.
All assignments are defined in terms of the number of words written. Late essays are accepted
but will be assessed a 5 points per day penalty.
Chapter Questions
Questions are assigned from each of the chapters in the text. These assignments are
specified on the course calendar which is available on the web site. Each chapter assignment
should be started on a new page, even if 2 chapters are due on the same date. Answers to
questions are NOT to be copied verbatim from the text. Your own comments and interpretation
will be part of the grade. All answers must be in complete sentences, correct grammar and
punctuation, and thorough. Number questions as in the text and place a blank line between
questions. Written assignments on the chapters may be emailed to the instructor as an
attachment ONLY if the student will miss class or the assignment is late. Assignments turned in
late will have a late penalty deducted from the grade. Once the graded chapter assignments are
returned to the students, the assignment will NOT be accepted late.
Email to Dr. Halverson: Due – Monday, August 30 – 11:59 p.m.
ALWAYS put 1033 in the subject line of your emails to me.
In the body of the email, write a short paragraph (using correct punctuation and grammar)
telling me about yourself. Include your major and minor, where you live, and at least 2 other
interesting facts about yourself.
In the body of the message include 3 hyperlinks to web sites that have computer related
current events and/or news. I will click on the links to guarantee they work and go to an
actual site with the required information, so check them before sending. (Do not just put in
general sites like The page that comes up when I access the link must have
computer information on it.)
Attach a picture of yourself. It must be a separate attachment, not in the body of the
email. If there are 2 or more people in the photo, your email must tell me which one is you!
(Please save the photo as .jpeg or .jpg before attaching to save storage space.)
The email you use to send this assignment is the email address I will use to send course
information to you, so please send it from the address you will check most often. Students
are encouraged (but not required) to use the MSU account that is provided to all students.
Information is available on the MSU homepage.
Lab Assignments
Lab assignments will be made in the lab and may be discussed in the lecture class.