SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POP-UP BOOKS in the Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign TABLE OF CONTENTS Modern Pop-Ups ................................................................................................................. 1 Historic Pop-Ups ................................................................................................................. 7 Websites ............................................................................................................................. 8 Although the titles in this bibliography have the School (S-) Collection prefix in the call number, they are all located in the Rare Book & Manuscript Library or at Rare Book Oak Street for preservation. Materials on this list do not circulate; however, they may be viewed in the Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Items in this bibliography include pop-up books, three dimensional books, and books that contain sliding pictures. For related materials, search the Online Library Catalog for the subject: Toy and Movable Books. Many of these authors have multiple pop-up books; search the Online Library Catalog by author to find additional titles. Questions? Contact SSHEL via email (, phone (217-244-1864), online chat (, or in person (SSHEL North – Room 100 and SSHEL South – Room 101, Main Library). MODERN POP-UPS Q.S. K587g Abrahams, Peter. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. 2004. Q.S. Al515 The All-New, All-Different X-Men Pop-Up. 2007. SE. An254p Andreae, Giles. Pop-Up Rumble in the Jungle. 2001. SE. An544 Animals at Play: A Pop-Up Book. 1997. SE. An821T Ansley, Frank. Trucks at Work: A Counting Pop-Up. 1997. Q.SE. Au41fi Augarde, Steve. Fire Engine to the Rescue. 1998. Q.S.796.72 Au41v Augarde, Steve. Vroom! Vroom!: A Pop-Up Race to the Finish. 2000. SE. B1196 Baby Dinosaurs: A Pop-Up Book. 1997. S. B327w 2000 Baum, L. Frank. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. 2000. SB. S527b Bender, Michael. All the World’s a Stage: A Pop-Up Biography of William Shakespeare. 1999. SE. B614p Bleck, Linda. Pepper Goes to School. 2006. SE. B9692 Busy Trucks. 1997. SE. C123c Cain, Sheridan. Crunching Munching Caterpillar: A Pop-Up Story. 2006. Q.SE. C1922v 2009 Carle, Eric. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Pop-Up Book. 2009. S.513.211 C245s Carter, David A. 600 Black Spots: A Pop-Up Book for Children of All Ages. 2007. SE. C2453bis Carter, David A. B Is for Box: The Happy Little Yellow Box: A Pop-up Book. 2014. SE. Se81b Carter, David A. Builder Bugs: A Busy Pop-Up Book. 2012. SE. C2453d Carter, David A. David A. Carter’s Curious Critters: A Pop-Up Menagerie. 1998. Q.S.736.98 C245e Carter, David A. Elements of Pop-Up: a Pop-Up Book for Aspiring Paper Engineers. 1999. SE. C245le Carter, David A. Let’s Make It Pop-Up. 2004. SE. C2453o Carter, David A. Old MacDonald Had A Farm: A Pop-Up Book. 2001. S.513.211 C245r Carter, David A. One Red Dot: A Pop-Up Book for Children of All Ages. 2005. SE. C245s Carter, David A. Snow Bugs: A Wintery Pop-Up Book. 2009. S.610 C355I Chambliss, Maxie. I’m Going to the Doctor: A Pop-Up Book. 1997. SE. C8641M Crespi, Francesca. Make a Joyful Noise: A Pop-Up Book of Christmas Carols. 1997. Pop-Up Books 2 SE. C886MYP 1997 Crowther, Robert. My Pop-Up Surprise ABC. 1997. S.645 C8868p Crowther, Robert. Pop-Up House of Inventions: Hundreds of Fabulous Facts About Your Home. 2009. In Library Processing: Ask for assistance Dalzell, Lucy. Sunrise to High-Rise: A Wallbook of Architecture Through the Ages. 2014. SE. D35Kl:E1 De Beer, Hans. Little Polar Bear: A Mini Pop-Up Book. 1997. SE. D569bo Dijs, Carla. The Boy Who Cried Wolf. 1997. SE. D569li Dijs, Carla. The Lion and the Mouse. 1997. SE. D569l Dijs, Carla. The Little Red Hen. 1997. SE. D6321pa Disney’s Pop-Up Adventures. 2001. SE. D6321pan Disney’s Pop-Up Animals. 2001. Q.S.551.6 D734h Dorion, Christiane. How the Weather Works. 2011. S.550 D734h Dorion, Christiane. How the World Works. 2010. SE. D833f Driscoll, Laura. Finding Nemo: A 3-D Book. 2003. S. Ei87rc Eisler, Melissa. Raggedy Ann and Andy and the Camel with the Wrinkled Knees: A Classic Collectible Pop-Up. 2003. SE. El42c Eliasen, Lorena. The Chameleon and the Dragonfly. 2004. SE. Ew31b Ewe, Olive. Bee Mine: A Pop-Up Book of Valentines. 2004. Q.SE. F273s Faulkner, Keith. Santa’s Surprise: A Pop-Up Storybook. 2003. Q.S.551.46 F273t Faulkner, Keith. A 3-D Look at Oceans. 1996. Q.S.520 F273t Faulkner, Keith. A 3-D Look at Outer Space. 1996. Pop-Up Books 3 S.782.14 So841 Fink, Bert. The Sound of Music: A Classic Collectible Pop-Up. 2009. Q.S.296.435 F875h Freedland, Sara. Hanukkah!: A Three-Dimensional Celebration. 1999. Q.S.912 G154m Ganeri, Anita. My Pop-Up World Atlas. 2012. SE. G286o Genechten, Guido van. Because I Love You So Much: Pop-Up. 2006 SE. G715b Gottlieb, Dale. Bottom of the Ninth: A Pop-Up Book. 1997. Q. SE. G785m Graves, Keith. The Monsterator. 2014. Q.SE. G788m Gravett, Emily. Meerkat Mail. 2007. Q.S.616.85225 G829p Greenberg, Gary. Pop-Up Book of Phobias. 1999. Q.S.813.54 H242p Harris, John. Pop-up Aesop. 2005. Q.S.611 H31a Hawcock, David. The Amazing Pull-Out Pop-Up Body in a Book. 1997. Q.S.629.441 H31a 1998 Hawcock, David. The Amazing Pop-Up, Pull-Out Space Shuttle. 1998. SE. Id4fl Idle, Molly. Flora and the Penguin. 2014. S.591.5 J418a Jenkins, Steve and Robin Page. Animals Upside Down: A Pull, Pop, Lift & Learn Book. 2013. Q.S. J6355g Johnson, Neil. Ghost Night: An Adventure in 3-D. 1996. SE. K559i Kilpatrick, Irene. It’s a Bug’s World: With Pull-Tabs and Pop-Ups! 2009. S.513.211 L513s Lee, Kate. Snappy Little Numbers: Count the Numbers From 1 to 10. 1998. Q.SE. L687r Lishak, Anthony. Row Your Boat. 1999. Q.S.942.1 M2881p Maizels, Jennie. Pop-Up London: Full of Flaps, Facts, and Dramatic Pop-Ups. 2012. Pop-Up Books 4 S.595.7 M172b McGavin, George. Bugs: A Stunning Pop-Up Look at Insects, Spiders, and Other Creepy-Crawlies. 2013. Q.SE. M472r 1998 Meeuwissen, Tony. Remarkable Animals: 1,000 Amazing Amalgamations. 1998. SE. M4812m Melcher, Mary. Mommy, Who Does God Love? 1997. S.791.430233 M7229a Moerbeek, Kees. Alfred Hitchcock, the Master of Suspense: A Pop-Up Book. 2006 SE. M732i Moler, Robert E. If I Were a Halloween Monster: A Mirror-Mask Book with Pop-Up Surprises! 1999. Q.S.398.2 M852d Moseley, Keith. Dragons: A Pop-Up Book of Fantastic Adventures. 2006. SE. M952b Murphy, Chuck. Chuck Murphy’s Bow Wow: A Pop-Up Book of Shapes. 1999. SE. M952ch Murphy, Chuck. Chuck Murphy’s Black Cat White Cat: A Pop-Up Book of Opposites. 1998. SE. N829i Norville, Deborah. I Don’t Want to Sleep Tonight. 1999. S.428.1 P363a Pelham, David. ABC Fun: Applebee Cat’s Activity Alphabet. 1997. Q.S.513.2 P363c Pelham, Sophie. Counting Creatures: Pop-Up Animals From 1 to 100. 2004. Q.S.910 P456a Petty, Kate. The Amazing Pop-Up Geography Book. 2000. Q.S.513.213 P456a Petty, Kate. The Amazing Pop-Up Multiplication Book. 1998. Q.SE. P597g 1999 Pienkowski, Jan. Good Night: A Pop-Up Lullaby. 1999. S.629.13 P597P Pienkowski, Jan. Planes and Other Things That Fly. 1997. Q.S.932 P759e 1997 Polk, Milbry. Egyptian Mummies: A Pop-Up Book. 1997. SE. P85FL Potter, Beatrix. Flopsy Bunnies: With Sliding Pictures. 1997. Pop-Up Books 5 SE. P85tw 1997 Potter, Beatrix. Two Bad Mice: With Sliding Pictures. 1997. SE. R1892d Ratnett, Michael. Dracula Steps Out: A Pop-Up Book. 1998. Q.S.398.2 R212c S.398.469 R275d Ray, Jane. Cinderella: A Three-Dimensional Fairy-Tale Theater. 2012. S.201.3 R275g Reinhart, Matthew. Gods & Heroes. 2010. S. R492i Risco, Elle D. Incredibles: Amazing 3-D Adventure! 2004. Q.S. R5414g 2000 Roberts, David. Ghoul School. 2000. S. Sa132al Sabuda, Robert. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. 2003. S. Sa139c Sabuda, Robert. The Chronicles of Narnia: Pop-Ups. 2007. S.567.903 Sa139d Sabuda, Robert. Dinosaurs: Encyclopedia Prehistorica. 2005 SE. Sa56c Sanderson, Ruth. Cats. 1997. SE. D3312 Sandland, Reg. The Day Before Christmas. 1997. SE. T7562 Sandland, Reg. Trouble at the Haunted House. 1997. S. Sa72y Sardegna, Jill. You Monsters Are In Charge. 2002. SE. Sca77rpo Scarry, Richard. Richard Scarry’s Pop-Up Opposites. 1998. SE. Sca77rpt Scarry, Richard. Richard Scarry's Pop-Up Time. 1997. SE. Sch952s Schwartz, Betty Ann. Santa’s Magic Gifts: A Pop-Up Book. 2006. SE. Se558m Sendak, Maurice. Mommy? 2006. Reinhart, Matthew. Dragons and Monsters. 2011. Pop-Up Books 6 S. Se81ho 2008 Seuss, Dr. Horton Hears a Who. 2008. SE. Se81L 2012 Seuss, Dr. The Lorax Pop-Up! 2012. SE. Sm96z Smyth, Iain. Zoom, Zoom Fire Engine! 1997. SE. Sp465h Spinelli, Eileen. How to Clean Your Room. 2009. SE. St325sn Steer, Dugald. Snappy Little Jungle: There’s So Much to Explore! 2001. Q.SE. St51t 2000 Stickland, Paul. Truck Jam. 2000. SE. T1281w Tagg, Christine. Who Will You Meet on Scary Street? 2001. Q.SE. T187w Tatcheva, Eva. Witch Zelda’s Birthday Cake: A Wild and Wicked Pop-Up, Pull-theTab Book. 2001. Q.SE. C238 Tong, Willabel L. Cars, Boats, Trains, & Planes: A Pop-Up Book. 1998. SE. T728D Trevelyan, Kathy. Don’t Be Surprised! : A Pop-Up Picture Book. 1997. S.736.98 V234p Valenta, Barbara. Pop-O-Mania: How to Create Your Own Pop-Ups. 1997. S.516.15 V282h Van der Meer, Ron. How Many?: Spectacular Paper Sculptures: A Pop-Up. 2007. SE. W695k Wilson-Max, Ken. Ken Wilson-Max’s Amazing Pop-Up & Pull-Tab Circus Performers. 1997. Q.S.701.05 Y85a Young, Jay. The Art of Science: A Pop-Up Adventure in Art. 1999. Q.SE. Z37w Zelinsky, Paul O. The Wheels on the Bus. 1990. HISTORIC POP-UPS SE. B226L Bannerman, Helen. The Story of Little Black Sambo: With “Pop-Up” Picture. 1934. Pop-Up Books 7 Q.SE. B642c Bonn, Franz. The Children’s Theatre: A Reproduction of the Antique Pop-Up Book. 1978. S.808.80334 B992c SE. J595 Byj, Charlot. Christmas on Stage: A Book of Words in Rhyme and Reason to Greet the Magic Christmas Season. 1950. Clyne, Geraldine. The Jolly Jump-Ups ABC Book. 1948. IUA17065 Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. 188-?. S. D81c Dreany, E. Joseph. Cowboys in Pop-Up Action Pictures. 1951. S. D81i Dreany, E. Joseph. Indians in Pop-Up Action Pictures. 1951. No Call Number Ask for assistance Kubašta, Vojtěch. A Christmas Tale. 1960. Q.SE. R426 Kubašta, Vojtěch. Ricky the Rabbit. 1961. SE. T592 Tom and Jerry: A Pop-Up Book. 1972. No Call Number Ask for assistance Trotta, John. The Superdooper Pop-Up Counting Book. 1973? WEBSITES Pop-Up and Movable Books: A Tour Through Their History This University of North Texas site presents a brief history of pop-up books from the nineteenth century to the present, focusing on different publishers of pop-up books. The Pop-up World of Ann Montanaro Links to other pop-up book exhibits, print resources, and a history of pop-up books are provided at this site. Ann Montanaro is the author of an extensive bibliography of pop-up books, Pop-up and Movable Books, a two-volume set available in the UIUC S-Collection Reference Collection (S.016.741642 M762p). Spring Surprises: Popular, Literary and Scientific Pop-up Books Photos and titles of pop-up books from an exhibit appear on this site, together with a very brief introduction to the history of pop-up books. May 2015 Pop-Up Books 8