* * * * * * * * * * * * * ~r * * * * * * * * ~~* * * * * 'Co *-~ 0; • .)~ ~~ *~:'" 7:' THE ~~ ~~ S I S ~c- * * * * " 'Ie" -i~- 1~ -J~ * *~~ MOEE OF ENTRANCE OF FUSARlm~ ~" INTO WHEAT SEEDLINGS * ~i- ;" *~~ ~i- *.. 'Ie" 1} * * * * * * * * * *~~ FRANCIS O. HOU~ES ~~ 7~ DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY AND PUBLIO HEALTH ~$o I * * * *~~ *" "ie" * ~. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~~ ,e" "- " TABLE o F UONTENTS Introduction: The Disease Page (1) Object of investigation ( 6) Former Work (9) ( 11) Methods: .Seedlliings ( 11) Inoculating ( 15) Killing and embedding ( 15) Staining and mounting ( 18) (20) Experiments Fusarium sp. Strain I (21) Fusarium sp. Strain II (26) Fusarium sp. Strain III (33) Alternaria sp. (35) Helminthosporium sp. (53) Discussion of results (56) Summary of results ( 60) Bibliography ( 61) I N T ROD U C T ION FusariQ~-blight of the cereal crops is a fairly wide-spread disease of wheat, barley, oats, ~ye and many grasses of the United States. It attacks both the root systems, causing footrot, and the stalks and leaves, causing wilt. The causal organism is Gibberella saubinettii, (Mont.) Sacc., a fungus closely related to the large genus Fusarium. This species has a number of other names which will be found in the list of synonyms on page 4. The disease is prevalent throughout the eastern states and in the central wheat producing area of the United States. In Europe it occurs in England, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Russia. It is also reported from Siberia and Australia. The loss of wneat from this disease in the states reporting in 1917 was over ten million bushels according to the Plant Disease Survey (1). ( 1) The total lass in all states was probably nearly twenty million bushels. The crops affected have a lower percentage of germination, an increased death rate among young seedlings, wilting of full grown plants, and final blighting of the heads containmng the seeds. The kernels which are blighted may be very much smaller than normal, light in weight, and unable to germinate. This condition obtains if the infection is early in the development of the seed. Later in- fection causes but slight shrinking, slight decrease in weight, with low percentage germination. In- fection just before ripening causes almost no change in the appearance of the seed, except that light pink spots may be observed. Such seeds usually germinate~ but wilt when still yow1g plants as a result of infection from the seed. The pink spots on the infected seeds contain conidia characteristic of the fungus, being found as well on other parts of diseased plants at times. (2) The conidia are typically, sometimes all, 5-septate, measuring 45p to 65p by 4.2 to 5.5p; 3-septate forms measure 35 to 45p by 5 to 5.5p; seldom 4-septate; ,~ rarely 6-, 7-, or more septate, 60-75p by 4 to 5~. (1) LIS o T F SYNONYMS .. The proper name of the organism blight of wheat is Gibberella concerned saubinettil in the (Mont.) Sacc. Synonyms Gibberella as given by Atanasoff Gibbera (D. and M.) S. 1879 in Michelia, saubinettii v. (1) 1, p. 513. 1856, saubinettii, Syll. Gen. Spec. crypt. p. 252. Botryosphaeria saubinettll Ver handle (Mont.) Niessl, 1872, in Na turf. J,T;er. ",Brllnn. Bd. 10 , p. 195, pl. 4, fig. 29. Fusarium graminearum, Schwabe, 1839, Fl. anhalt., v. 2, p. 285, pl. 6, fig. 7, Sacc. Syll. v. 22, p. 1483-84, Gibbera pulicaris (Fr.) f. zeae maydis, Ascomyceten roseum, Rehm: 381. From New Jersey, J. B. Ellis. Fusarium 1913. Autorum. (4) 8, 1875, Fusarium tropicalis, Rehm, 1898, in Hedwigia, Bd. 37, p. 194. Giberella tritici, P. Henn. 1902, in Hedwigia, Bd. 41, p. 301. Fusarium rostratum, App. and Wollenw., 1910, in Arb. K. Biol. Anst. Land. un Forstw., Ed • 8~; p. 30 • (5) o B J E C T The object of this thesis investigation was to discover the mode of entrance of the fungus causing wheat blight into the wheat seedling. Previous workers have observed the death of the seedling after inoculation, or leaf-spot after spores or mycelium have been placed on the leaf. 1l0onid1a, ascospores, and mycelium of the organisms, when placed on normal young plants, with or without wOlli1ding,cause 1nf1'ection.fI(1) It has also been noted that lIthese organisms can invade the tissues of the seed, straw, and heads of the cereal crops after ripening and 1I harvesting if the conditions are favorable. (1) More particularly Atanasoff states lithecoleorhiza and coleopt11e, which always die shortly after the formation of the permanent roots and the appearance of the first foliage leaf, seem to offer a ~ood mediQ~ for the establishment of the various species of Fusarium, which then penetrate into the tissues of the permanent roots and the first foliage leaf, ( 6) causing rotting and browning of the invaded portions. II (1) No histological evidence has been found for this statement, and the work reported in this paper was an attempt to obtain such a condition and to discover the exact manner in which the fungus is able to penetrate the tissues, whether into the cells, between the cells, through stomata of the first leaf, or in some other way. It must be pointed out that there are possibilities for mistakes in the macroscopic examination of infected seedlings. Even after careful surface steril- ization, seeds are almost sure to contain some fungus, in many cases the organism of this disease; inoculation ll without apparent wounding may cause IIleaf-spot or browning on account of osmotic conditions at the point where the fungus is deposited. So that an investigator may place spores on the surface of a leaf, observe browning of the point of supposed infection, wilt of the entire plant, browning of the roots and all the symptoms of Fusarium seedling (7) blight without material. any real action of the infective It is only by examining sections through point of inoculation that it can be shown whether or not the organisms used were effective. (8) the FORMER WORK ALONG SIMILAR LINES Histological investigations similar to the one reported in this paper have been carried on for many of the fungus diseases of plants. In 1886 DeBary discovered that a species of Botrytis entered the leaves of broad beans after forming appresoria, under which the tissue softened and blackened. Two years later, Ward described a lily disease in which the hY~llie exuded a viscous fluid, attaching the tlITeads to the surface and softening the cellulose walls to aid the entrance of the fungus. Busgen showed in 1893 that Botrytis cinerea formed appresoria and then il~ection threads, which passed through the walls of the cells after these had been softened by enzyme activity. Dey in 1919 found that Colletotrichum lindemuthianum entered by means of a peg-like infection hypha near which there was some enzyme action after pene- tration. A number of disease producing organisms also pass through the stomata of the leaves, or send only l~ustoria into the cells for nourishment. ( 10) MET (1) HOD S SeOedlings: Seedlings were grown from seed surface- sterilized as follows: 50% alcohol .••.. 30 seconds Water .•.... 30 minutes 2% HgCl2 in 50% alc. 2 minutes Wash thoroughly in sterile water The seeds were then grown on agar plates until the young shoot was about- one half centimeter in length. ( 11) The sketch seedling on the next at the proper The appearance prepared The seeds should shows an enlarged stage for inoculation. of a number carefully page agar of the seedlings plate be arranged is also on a shown. with a sterile needle so that the first leaf will develop in a normal position easy and accurate inoculation. to allow Not too many single plate seedlings since fungus two of the seeds may spoil seeds at some little the medit~. majority and this fact careful should ( 12) from otherwise on a one or sterile on the surface of seeds will be in the surface be realized seeds. be grown mycelia distance The infected even with should sterilization, in placing the ( 13) -~fI '--~'~ + ~i~ ( 14) (2) Infection: Infection was in general accomplished without woundi-ng, usually without the addition of anything other than the suspension of spores or mycelium in water. (3) Killing and embedding: At first the killing solution used was an aqueous solution of chromic and acetic acids, made up as follows: Chromic acid 5% acetic acid Water .25 gm. 2 cc. 100 cc. This was found to be by no means so useful as a killing solution of absolute alcohol, chloroform and glacial acetic acid, as follows: Absolute alcohol 6~-parts Chloroform 3 parts Glacial Acetic Acid part. The advantage of this killing solution is in the rapidity with which the sections can then be brought into paraffin, requiring only two days at the most, whereas the first process should have at least a week. This solution has been reco~mended by other workers for similar problems. (5,V) The embedding process was as follows, using the second killing fluid: ( 1) Specimen killed at the end of a days work. (2) Killing fluid (until next morning) (3) 95% alcohol (4) 100% alcohol (over night) 16 hours. 1-6 hours. 16 hours. (5) Mixtures of 1tto-a xylene and absolute alcohol, 2Gto 1 xylene and alcohol, and pure xylene, from a few minutes to 15 minutes apiece. The pure xylene should be replaced once to ensure removal of the alcohol. (6) Paraffin in a small lump added to the xylene and allowed to dissolve slowly until saturation is reached. This step of the process can be carried ( 16) out to advantage containing the specimens incubator. specimen When mens poured chilled the mouth during in several into a box made quickly in the present of the tube in a 370 and placing convenient can be heated paraffin, paper, by closing the day the changes of pure of strips and sectioned. investigation of All speci- were cut 12p i11:thickness. If more at hand mould than one piece the portions before of infected should chilling results much sections. This process may be materially to arrange. to advantage to make in the that one the other very favorable in one way which would shortened, day if necessary, is not an excessive easier is be in the other. even put into a single days sections, By this means may be secured less noticeable be arranged in such position will be cut into longitudinal into cross material period but two and is usually The two nights are thus used sure of the important ( 17) and killing and dehydrating (4) processes. Staining: The stains used were Delafield's and a counterstain haematoxylin, the normal to some extent; portions orange always on account Since the takes both red, injured injured are areas, or of the osmotic at the point with portions in il~ected of the fungus of wounding of inouulation, the needle, the lIDportant of the two s~ains the disease. if a large tissue takes only and show a brilliant is by far the more in locating true plant in evidence prevailing or on account The fungus a purplish red coloration. conditions eosin giving take the eosin practically either of eosin. Haematoxylin This is particularly nQmber of sections must be examined as is usually the case in paraffin work; characteristic lesions are once observed pared under all the powers examination to locate portions available, similar of the material places after the arid com- additional in other may be cal-ried on with 'the ( 18) lowest power, fatiguing showing movements forty millimeter cases in which magnification abnormal temporary sure tlmt this a detectable solutions, water used eosin added work the many with it might operations different trace of away to this will to greatly facilitate instead through and stains all the alcohols to a~out This fact was tmfortunately and it was evident in the enough in examination, in gt~ damar. of the round one-fifteenth to stain A little the tissues to mOlmt in pass- strengths the paraffin. The use of this one bath investigation involved alcohol stain and the specimen-~is ready time required be profitable and to stain directly to dissolve one minute strictly in all conditions. through in this and avoiding is to be recoBmended ft~nish ing slides length. field For such work a it is reasonably to do away with about larger of the eye. lens will For rapid, xylene a much trip cuts dOID1 the of its normal not recognized ill1tilall the work was complete that tIle haematoxylin essential. (19) was not EXPERIMENTS During this investigation a few more than forty experiments were carried out, using organisms of three genera as follows: Fusari~~ sp. Strain II II 1\ II II II I II III Alternaria sp. Helminthosporium sp. Source of Organisms: The first strain of Fusaril@ used was obtained in the form of a portion of infected head of wheat covered with the conQdia of Gibberella saubinettii. The second strain was isolated from an infected seed in the laboratory in the form of large masses of conidia. This was of questionable character, and was probably a saprophytic species, but was used for comparison as the spores were so plentiful. The third strain was isolated from infected seed by Miss MacInnes, (20) who was working on this problem at the Institute at the time; the first strain was also obtained I through her kindness. The Alternaria and Helminthospori~ were iso"lated from infected seeds which they killed on plates prepared for inoculation with the other fungi. They were used, not because they bore directly on the question in hand, but because the Alternaria seemed to be so persistent in attacking the wheat, and because Helminthosporium had been recently (1920) described as a cause of an important wheat disease. (8). It was hoped that work on these might point the way to technique capable of demonstrating entrance on the part of Fusari~~. Fusari~~ sp. Strain I: During the series of experiments involving the strain of Fusari~~ from an infected head,. the following points were brought out. Old tissues, whether from leaf or sheatll,which become dry and wilted, are almost impossible to section because (21 ) of the air contained toddrive this out by any moderate or heating, apparatus final can liquids Wheat first Dany by forced infected leaf, without macroscopically, later of light with no more normal, occurred. fection though stabbing was tried with it easier the hope to germinate different but perfectly of the tissues sometimes due to the presence carrying that the spores under Since of in- in any of the sections the needle (22) con- were made, on the sheath. with the were lmd not been discovered thus far, ~mder The sections deposited coveril~ that no microscopic and of temperatl~e browning these this was repeated showed This was probably the material to allow so far as could be dis- Trials success. although in enough on the sheath sections had developed. ditions of soaking woundill..g,by placing was not harmed times; -lesions process of the paraffin. in a drop of water covered It is impossible and only by the use of an exhausting penetration spores in the cells. these spores would conditions. find This also failed, and suspicion began to be attached to the spores. While.these were being tested the experiments with.varied temperature and light conditions were repeated with the same result, and needle stabs were made into these still healthy plants.' Results in all cases were negative. The spores were tested as follows: (1) Spores were mixed under a cover slip in a drop of water. A p~ece of wheat epidermis from the sheath was introduced, and the whole allowed to remain for a total of seven days, being examined frequently. No germination was noted. (2) As soon as this method seemed to be at fault, a second test was made in which some air was admitted. Negative results were obtained as before .. Germination was not observed. (3) More air was used in a deep cell with a .drop of water on the cover glass and a supply of water in the bottom of the cell. Negative result. (23) (4) Spores were of a Petri dish, the spores, placed and various as follows: sugar broth, Ordinary tried without pieces was practically not more water (5) A comparative acid, of spores of Strain wheat producing Germination be safe to say that related These forms. in from Conclusion twenty from sprghted under series vestigation hours. that the spores This was confirmed the spores (24) were of experiments: concluded was made; but which all the conditions to some ill~avorable conditions to germinate. orig2nally were not typical blight, to twenty-four this It was therefore seed, which showed the large II, isolated wheat dilute were also epidermis. It would of the organism able acetic test was rlillwith from an infected exposed added with cultures of wheat on the top than one per cent. of the spores of germination. tried of water reagents dilute absent. signs numbers in drops had been and were lill- when an in- had been kept in diffuse light indoors throughout a considerable part of the winter. The observations are therefore on their a confirmation study of the effect Fusarit~ (4). in this article diffuse light, to nearly inability to germinate of a recently of temperature The substance published and light on of the work reported cs it affected' this work was that especially the same extent, th2.n one percent. indoors, reduced in the course (25) but also outdoors germination of a winter. to less Fusari~m sp. Strain Germination place II: of these in about spores was found 20 lll~S. in drops to take of water supplied with air. About twice them on successive in droplets fection with one hlli1dredyoung days with these of water nas observed. checks not No difference seeds This experiment to rule the inoculated could be detected. were found contaminating fungi as shoml by examining the surro~mding agar the absence surface sterilized seeds. sterile agar and used tests tubes (those made with These region of growths were on the such as of isolated in the next III). to be and bacteria, in the vicinity Strain (26) seeds and From a repetition a few seedlings cOlnillonly are to be observed No in- out the infections between plate and noting placing was repeated, of the seed. free from inoculated spores, in most qf this experiment relatively were on the sheath. inoculated, sure to be found the check seedlings series in of Since seedling best this to enter foliage leaf, entering growth strain, though with spot seemed were cut and killed fluid; thousands but showed no infection To test the ability hyphae through wheat, other sheath, sections somewhat puzzling in water and fluffy on the leaf, and with SOIDe specimens the concentrated carried through were paraffin, to send the death cut from plates of these for they spores after time growth Sections of and leaves A light, of these on agar at the end of which suspected in sections. the tissues and placed noticeable. been to have developed. rapidly a of the first of spores noticeable these were it was thought of shoots for two days. leaf killing the stomata A number was especially leaf of the as well as the other~ it has never in this way. to remain the first wit4 no stomata, through inoculated allowed covering is provided to give chance were the sheath of the leaf and for three days, of the fungus specimens showed was were complete infection without lesions explain entrance. More careful in the peripheral examination showed on the cells was progressive, enclosed many mycelial as the infection were barely leaving only semblance along visible and finally the threads of the cell structure In a few places but in all cases peripheral the fungus on the inside Within faded was much entirely by their the sheath seemed ing almost no trace harm penetrated through positions penetrated, to be going wall. (2$) out of branching of mycelium seemed to have no the cell walls, of its attack, to the surrolmding away, than that outside. the mycelium in passing they walls. cells were greater thinner to give a that the concentration difficulty without gradually than in, as shown by the direction and by the fact which in some sections of mycelium the lines of the former rather became until could that the action the cell walls threads proceeded cells which passing portions leav- through of the Injuries to these heavily infected cells were not shown by the e9sin stain, if they were present. But in some of the sections the cell walls were suspiciously orange red and swollen at the points where normally there are intercellular spaces. Examination of these areas under high powers showed that the hyphae of the fungus, which stain deeply with haematoxylin, were passing up through the longitudinal intercellular spaces, enlarging these at times by crowding in, three or more threads in a single space. The walls in the immediate vicinity were thicker than usual and took the eosin as though injured. A diagram of this condition is shown on the next page, followed by a normal cell of similar appearance, stained only with haematoxylin, but showing the normal intercellular spaces with the same magnification. Bothoof these diagrams are.camera lucida drawings with an oil immersion lens. The total magnification is about fifteen hundred diameters as shown b~ the scales of microns attached. (29) Stalned .eld'~haematoXYlin with Dela II 1",.1..,,1 \ ) , «? 10/",- I~ ~-~~ ~;;~- ( 1- 37 - 1 Dead shea th. ) ~ ~ Saprophytic organism passing through (30) intercellular spaces. Normal sheath cell, spaces. / '"1.11111\ «r Stain: Delafield's haema oxylin. (31) Ilf' 2~ No cases of entrance through the stomata were observed, though in many sections fungus and stomata were shown in good g~ose~oontact. The substomatal spaces were always clear and the surroQ~dil~ cells in excellent condition. Infection by this apparently saprophytic organism must have occurred by way of the cut ends of the cells at the point where the fragment was detached from the living plant. In three days plenty of opportunity was given for the fungus to grow the length of the piece, a matter of a centimeter or less, and up tl~ough the cells from this .wounded and unresistinB area. Fusari~~ sp. Strain Several seedlings when grown surface power III: on agar, of tIle medium spores myceliwn inoculate of seedlings than usual from a number further negative with a low in tubes of this strain. some resulted. which were much less with flli1gior bacteria this of grown strain. One further were and used to Sectioning attempt proved also. In order to test the ability stomata tissues of the first of the wheat experiment similar previously described leaves the containing of plates with no infection. by searching the spores No infectimns selected enter with as well. plates present isolated in an emulsion contaminated showed were were Three no organisms in the vicinity of the microscope, These showed as determined agar and inoculated dead which and sheaths sheath strain and leaf, an carried on with the was performed. inoculated (33) to leaf, and to penetrate to that were of this fungus with Living emulsions of the spores and killed after two days. Other similar portions were cut and allowed to remain three days on agar plates before killing with the 80ncentrated killing fluid. Examination of a large nQmber of sections showed no results from the inoculation. Alternaria sp.: A species of Alternaria was so frequently isolated from the wheat seed after surface sterilization, and was found to penetrate the epidermal cells so readily that it was decided to inoculate a number of times with this organism for the purpose of developing a technique sufficient to demonstrate lesions in the cells with ease and rapidity. This result was attained in the course of the work. The spores were readily visible on the seedling under low powers of the microscope, and so were more readily watched than the Fusarium spores. The latter were found to be so transl~rent as to escape detection even when present in considerable numbers. Within two days after inoculation of wheat seedlings with a number of these spores, the surface was found to be punctured in many spots, and whole mounts of thin pieces of the sheath were made. These were stained with safranin and mounted in glycerine. The top views showed clearly that a large proportion of the spores had sent out hyphae, had succeeded in penetrating epidermis. ing tubes Moreover were of the mycelium, infection length, that the penetrat- not of the same diameter but were threads. from the long cells of the it was noted of the nature These penetrating departure and that these were usually immediately under as the rest of thin of very short the point of the main hypha. It was not easy to see in these whole mounts, which could be viewed just how far these how they section infection penetrated. surrounded showed the result into the cell nearly tl~ough of the infection of enzyme thread (36) partition tube was strikingly thread, activity. usually to the opposite a nearby to in profile. area, This area and the infection nor necessary that the infection by the proximity inward, proceeded, It was therefore by a cone-shaped and suggesting passing threads so as to see the process The sections changed only from the surface wall, passed sometimes to another cell. In the whole and their observed tached have mounts surrounding after from them. This observations parasites tl~t affected and spores for about for the process, of Shear of the genus and Wood germ-tubes sue. penetrated These conditions surface were able than the purpose (6). of the organism, mediately to withstand washed lightly with the They guessed in such a contingency. (37) of the from which into the tis- more severe attached awaiting and in a position from the surface off by rain. stage, be ex- of the organism a short distance of a resting irrespective as would with appresoria, the spore, and easily to must have germinated out hyphae de- in 1913 on weak the spore as soon as this reached sending seemed parallel Glomerella some of the species plant, had become character an interesting threads areas were the same distance the saprophytic suggests infection All of the threads of the time allowed from of these cone-shaped the hyphae penetrated pected many to the They served the death to respond im- • The writers mentioned did not see this happen, but assumed it from the fact that pieces of tissue showing no spores developed the fUl~US on incubation, and from some observations on the surface of the specimens in which bodies were made out to fit this theory. The difficulty of observation in this way made the results uncertain. Their microtome sections of specimen~ from which the remnants developed the disease if incubated) showed no such conditions. They thought that this was quite natural because of the minutemess of the infection threads and because they would be hidden in the structure of the cells. Evidently they did not use a differential stain, but only one which stained the whole section uniform,':" lYe Under these conditions it would not be surpris- ing that they failed to see the tubes. But by using a stain such as eosin, with or without a background stained with haematoxylin the points of infection could hardly be missed. They would stand out as bright orange The words red spots on a pale background. of the authors mentioned were as follows: ( 6) "Many :saces of Glomerella appear to be rather majority of cases the dormant weak conditions probable IIIn the explanation of which have been shown to be instances in leaves and fruit present in so many showing no external conidia on ascospores contact with ditions of temperature evidence the plant surface are able conditions than the spores, under they come in favorable con- and produce to endure more unfavorable and which the epidermis. penetra tes at first is that the whenever and moisture, which a germ tube through of disease germinate appresoria ently ordinary parasites" the most infections under in turn send This tube appar- bllt:1.avV13;ry shont distance r and does little a dormant weakened natural harm to the host or inactive or injured death. condition or the organ Bodies resembling (39) cells, until remaining in the host becomes infected dies a appresoria have been found on the surface upon which the fungus developed and they are sometimes surface of lemons difficult found and other positively leaf surface apples and leaves in a moist in abundance citrou8 to identify and trace and the writers of normal chamber, on the fruits. It is these bodies 'on a the germ tube in the tissue, have as yet been lli1ableto devote necessary time to this feature to verify the suggested the of the investigation explanation of the facts observed. Large infected series of microtome leaves, the unused of which develop- in a moist chamber, have when been but the presence been demonstrated quite with is restricted just penetrating the surface dormant extent infections (40) has nat be that the dormant or germ in- tube is correct.1I would the explanation of apples hyphae This would to a short hypha The work done on Alternaria to a remarkable of fungus certainty. nat.ural if the supposition fection of presumably portions ed the fungus studied, placed sections seem to bear offered and other fruits. out for the It is probable that be examined found if the sections with differential that the appresoria typical of the latter form, stains gave very decidedly the effect sections showed modified area in thread; whole mounts of appresoria, in the immediate but was due to the vicinity of the in- tube. This work bears also a relation to the investigations the relation species. difference between parasite an immune and host in its tt~n the fungus to prevent its entrance Presumably Alternaria is unable cells died rapid into other to proceed without species tIDsuited to the suffered sufficient (41) in immQ~e and and a non-immupe il~ected of the wheat (2) on that the essential was chemically the immediately into the cells of some interest out by Stakman It was found was that the former parasite; carried between non-immtme ly, and stained that the appearance be at least but only the thin infection investigation fection it would do not exist, for in the present were to setting quickchanges cells. further up destructive wheat changes and reactions, local is concerned, but disastrous to the final fection after as though the death the fup~us of evolution action able with by the selection It would toward tant variety living wheat iwnediately. perhaps very variable and it is accustomed to their individuals best when a sufficiently this resting of selection question, point and await seem to be on the road of evolution parasitism seem to be a parasite process of those shall have been to do away with in the course such an environment. therefor~ complete slowly seem it in extremely the cell contents, tllat it is being to withstand leaves in- It would just the right But this habit contact probable had been adapted to stop at developments. close of the tissue. so far as the period could Thus Alternaria (42) time content; it the would How soon such a be completed in a short of time to enable and to enter in the making. in chemical very long stretch produced resis- is a doubtful if the fungus perhaps only if it is relatively is in a stable. Drawing. from whole mount portion of sheath, showing entrance from germination Stained with safranin, (43) of Alternaria of spore mounted (1-25-1) of in glycerine. \\ \\ \ \, \ ,\ \\ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ ••• ~ (44) I I~ ~ •• .3~ , 'tOr ..~ , • '~'For , " ..~ ,~ MIll/", Detail of similar mount, ~mder oil immersion showing infection tD~ead and surrounding affected area ("1-29-1) (45) I / (/ I ) / " •••l •..•1 '?- (46) ,~ Longitudinal showing germinating Eosin section spores, Haematoxylin ( 1-2 1- 1) (47) and infection Stain tube \ \ \ (48) Longitudinal showing infected section spot ~~ ~:. -:~ ~~ -!~ in perspective .(. "h ~~- ( 1-2 1-2 ) ~} i} ~'" ~- -i(- (49) .;(- -,~ " ~} * ~~ ~- I J \ \ (50) Longitudinal microtome Thickness Showing Wall section twelve characteristic swollen near microns zones with one point ( 1- 32 -7) (51 ) at surface eosin of infection. l"..lnlll 9.- 1~ \ \ Helminthosporiu~ sp.: Helminthosporilm of seedlings produced A few sections several were swelling vicinity, changing of plwplisg onto the sheaths lesions of th~se. shown. their The fungus chemical staining red with eosin, red of the normal in four days. In the sections of the cell walls cause a differential a very bright inoculated microscopic were made lesions remarkable spores caused in the immediate nature reaction. against a so as to They showed the background walls stained in part examined pointed to entrance with haematoxylin. On the whole between spaces. the cells Diagrams softening showing in outlining a substance capable of the walls. pages, of the cell walls the intercellular from the point of attack, the phenomena on the following color used through secrete some distance and of causing istics and passage The flli1gusmust of diffusing found the series being them. (53) observed the staining represented will be characterby the LESION CAUSED BY HELMINTHOSPORlillK. Eosin Haematoxylin Stain Oamera lucida drawing, under oil i~nersion showing swe&len cell walls (1-33-4) (54) ... ' -.' (f) ..~... . ." -,,' ..' .. - " • ' '. I . ~:.\:....... . ~":-.:< .. (55) D I S C U S S ION o F RES U L T S From the examination of several thousand paraffin sections of the sheath and leaves after inoculation with strains of Fusaril~ no evidence for the entrance at this stage could be fOill1d. A negative statement such as this requires for practical proof a far greater number of trials than could well be carried on in the limited time allowed, and should h?ve the benefit of virulent strains from infected areas. However, these ~xperiments seem to point toward a resistance of the wheat in the early seedling stage to infection through the sheath covering the first leaf, and even throhgh8~he early stages of the first leaf. Former statements, claiming that the fungus is able to enter at these points may well be questioned somewhat carefully. Most of the examinations re~~rt- ed have been macroscopic in character, and might well be ascribed to some other cause. Some of the casual remarks of other workers show that errors may have occurred. The three Plants surface checks, after types of possible sterilized, .with most seeds, spite of attempted Plants spores inoculating all the other logical the presence Finally, on account inoculation, It would (1) from is made, of spores lesions without therefore of the plant. such treatment of the sheath and lesions mean very by histo~ correlated with in the vicinity. simulating of physical injury leaf-spot may occur to the tissues by the infection. seem wise, in the following Strains in incidentally if further cal work were to be done on this general to proceed occur have been inoculated portions examination methods or not, OYer the sheath, resulting unless symptoms But this will inoculated by checks by spraying little by sterilization. controlled Infections as developing on the sheath. whether are as follows. but not controlled have been reported inoculation errors problem, manner: of the organisms (57) histologi- in as virulent a condition (2) as possible Inoculation coleorhiza, first should should foliage be obtained. be made leaf, and permanent and into the seed, with a larger than usual really to determine whether Fragments of checks the infection of leaf, root, be as small as possible, in length, lation should and sheath not more is include (4) in duplicate Specimens killing fluid the point of inocu- give longitudinal type of inoculation, time limitations with a affected areas and cross sections with for lesions so of each eosin only if should some evidence well, show enough (58) sectioned the use 'of haematoxylin. are working will and should in the concentrated in this work, and stained 16mm. lens until that the stains be killed prohibit (5) Examinations portion, at least. should mentioned should than half a centi- and some of the unaffected be obtained as.to number roots, due to the inoculation. (3) meter on coleoptile, be conducted is obtained and that the to be detected with the 40mm. lens, when of covering more this should specimens be used as a means in a short period of time. SUMMARY (1) The strains of Fusarium used'showed no ability to enter the living tissues of the sheath or of the first foliage leaf of young wheat seedlings. (2) Alternaria sp. was observed to be a frequent weak parasite or saprophyte on the tissues of the sheath. It enters by a short a 6ho~~ infection thread which proceeds but a short distance into a single cell and then becomes dormant until the infected organ dies. (3) Helminthosporium was observed to produce lesions involving swollen and modified cell walls. It seems to pass between the cells. (4) Rapid methods for embedding and for staining paraffin sections Of small pieces of infected plant tissues were used and described. (60) BIB (1) Fusarium L I 0 G RAP Blight Dimitr of mleat Atanasoff. Wisconsin Published Cereals. Contribution from 1: XX: in Cereal Agr. Exp. Experiment of Plant in Journal Research A Study and Other Agricultural tion, and Bureau (2) H Y Sta- Industry. of Agricultural 1-32. Rusts. Stakman. Sta. Bull. study of resistant 138. Minn. Histological and susceptible strains. (3) The FusariuE Problem. Wollenweber. 1913: Phytopathology. Discussion (4) The Effect of classification. of Temperature sp. causing 1920, in the Physiology Blackman Annals and Light W11eat Scab. Phytopathology (5) Studies 111:24. and Wellsfo~ of Botany (61 ) on Fusarium Jean MacInnes. X: 52. of parasitism. and Dey. 30: 389-398, 1916. II and V. Methods used are of value. (6) Parasites be16nging Shear and Wood. Agricultuxe, Bulletin (7) Methods Station, u. S. Dept. of Plant of Industry. #252. Histology. (8) A Helminthosporium Minnesota, 1913. Bureau in Plant Stalooan. to the Genus Glomerella. Disease July 1920. Agricultural Bulletin (62) #191. Chamberlain. of Wheat and Rye. University Experiment of