Review Game – Fungi and Land Plants 1) all of the following are characteristic of fungi except a. they acquire their nutrients by absorption b. their body plan is a netlike mass of filaments called hyphae c. their cell walls consist mainly of cellulose d. they are specialized as saprophytes, parasites or mutualistic symbionts e. they are eukaryotes 2) a coenocytic structure implies being a. multiceluular b. multinucleate c. sparphytic d. heterotrophic e. mutualistic 3) fungi are classified into five major divisions based mainly on a. mode of nutrition b. whether they are unicellular or filamentous c. characteristics of their reproductive structures d. composition of the cell wall e. the presence or absence of a dikaryotic stage 4) all fungi share which one of the following characteristics a. symbiotic b. heterotrophic c. flagellated d. parasitic e. saprobic 5) a fungal phylum whose spores possess flagella is the a. Ascomycota b. glomeromycota c. basidio mycota d. chytridiomycota e. zygomycota 6) a lichen is an intimate symbiotic association between a fungus and a a. cyanobacteria b. green algae c. parasitic fungus d. tree root e. either a or b 7) An example of a unicellular fungus is a: a. mold b. yeast c. yeast d. rust e. smut 8) in some yeast, reproduction occurs by means of a tiny protrusion on the surface of the parental cell, the nucleus of the parent cell divides and one daughter nucleus migrates into the protrusion which then pinches off to form a smaller new cell. This kink of reproduction is best termed a. fragmentation b. binary fission c. meiosis d. sexual e. budding 9)Most fungi are saprobes, which means that they a. live in mutually beneficial relationships with plants or green algae b. feed on dead and decaying organic matter c. are predatory d. are parasites e. are autotrophic 10) which of the following is a characteristic of the Ascomycota? a. flagellated spores b. zygospore formation c. formation of a sac containing 8 haploid spores during sexual reproduction d. formation of a basidium bearing 4 haploid spores during sexual reproduction e. production of an embryo by mitosis following conjugation of (+) and (-) mating types Use the diagram to answer each question. 11. What kingdom does the organism in the diagram belong to? What is the common name of this organism? 12. Describe how the cells of the organism in the diagram are arranged. 13. Identify the structures labeled A in the diagram, and explain how they are used in feeding. 14. What function do spores serve, and how do they move from place to place? 15. List two ways that the organism in the diagram can be helpful to humans. 16. List characteristics shared by organisms in the same kingdom as the organism shown. Land Plants 1. how are land plants divided? 1. 2. 3. 2. Plants transitioned to land. What are the 3 steps they went through? 1. 2. 3. 3. What is a seed? 4. What is the difference between a cuticle and a stomata?