Electrical Reliability Services WHO WE ARE Electrical Reliability Services, Inc. (ERS) has been in the business of insuring the safe and reliable operation of complex electrical distribution equipment and systems since 1971. As such we have a huge base of field testing and startup experience on all types of commercial and industrial facilities. For the past 13 years we have also distinguished ourselves as a leader in the area of Commissioning of Critical Space Facilities, particularly for computer Data Centers. ERS acts as an independent, third party testing and verification authority, working as an advocate for facility owners to insure that equipment and systems are designed, constructed, tested and operated to function safely and meet the needs of the owner. We focus on parallel disciplines of field verifications and comprehensive project documentation that demonstrate the owner’s objectives have been met. Our commissioning experience spans a range of critical space facilities from small POP sites and remodel projects, to large laboratories and Tier IV Enterprise Data Centers. ERS commissioning project managers and teams are involved throughout the commissioning process, beginning at project inception. Ideally this includes involvement in the Pre-Design and Design Phases, the Construction Phase, and the Occupancy and Operations Phase through 1 year of occupation and beyond. This process facilitates collaboration, communication and commitment between owners and design teams, contractors and vendors, operations personnel and facility occupants, resulting in a critical space facility that meets the needs of the owner. Electrical Reliability Services is a member in good standing with, among others, the following organizations: InterNational Electrical Testing Association Building Commissioning Association 7X24 Exchange Rocky Mountain Electrical League OUR ORGANIZATION AND PEOPLE Electrical Reliability Services has 35 service locations located across the United States serving major power users including industrial, refining, chemical, power, oil & gas, water / wastewater, food & beverage, life sciences, data centers, education, and healthcare industries. ERS’s team is comprised of an impressive number of registered professional engineers, electrical engineers, technicians, and other support personnel. Our field engineers are NETA certified (Level II, III, or IV), and we have LEED APs on staff. Our Commissioning Project Managers and Field Commissioners have received training in ASHRAE commissioning guidelines and the LEED rating system, and are Certified as Qualified Commissioning Providers, QCxP, by the University of Wisconsin. RELATIONSHIPS Successful commissioning processes require participation by many parties in a construction or remodel project, which is why ERS puts a lot of importance on relationships. While every participant needs to know and ERS Commissioning Qualification Statement Page 1 of 7 understand their role in the commissioning process, professional and respectful relationships are the real key to having this process achieve all of its goals and work smoothly. Early in the process it is important to enroll members of the design and construction groups into a cohesive and enthusiastic Commissioning Team, all with a stake in the successful outcome of the project. Important relationship points for a commissioning project include: Understanding of each party’s role in the process Defined and open lines of communication Request from all parties for commissioning process input Trust and understanding that all are working toward the same quality goal Acknowledgement of the role of all parties in a successful project ERS takes pride in the relationships we have been able to establish with facility owners, design professionals, contractors and construction teams, and manufacturers and vendors. These have resulted in many successful projects, repeat business, and overall satisfaction at the end of the commissioning process. OUR COMMISSIONING PROCESS ERS believes in a hands-on approach to Commissioning. While we play a traditional role in commissioning administration, design reviews and documentation, our field activities include witnessing, participating in site inspections, implementation of corrective action, and performance of functional tests and system test procedures. Our engineers come from a field background, and we have found that a field-involved approach gives us a thorough understanding of operating principles of the facility and whether it meets the owner’s needs and the intent of the design. The ERS commissioning process allows for the variable needs and budgets of our customers. A comprehensive commissioning process begins in the Pre-Design Phase of the project and continues through 1 year of Operations. While this may offer considerable value for the investment, we understand that this model may not fit all projects. In that event, ERS can recommend a cost-effective approach with a reduced commissioning scope using the same thorough and technically proficient methods to insure the functionality of the systems being commissioned. These methods will insure that the systems turned over to the owner operate as intended, that operations personnel have been properly trained to handle these new systems, and that they have all the necessary resources to operate the systems of the building for years to come. The commissioning process follows project planning, design, construction and operation, with specific activities to be performed in each phase of the project. As the work progresses and new parties become involved, it is important to consider how this may affect project logistics. Generally, the Owner’s Project Requirements, Commissioning Plan, and Commissioning Schedule may change at any time during the project, and these documents should be considered for periodic revisions to reflect these changes. PRODUCTS A key factor to success in any commissioning project is comprehensive and concise documentation. The written commissioning products should clearly and accurately describe the process to be followed, roles and responsibilities, test procedures and acceptance criteria, along with many other aspects of the project. These documents should not be overly burdensome or repetitive, and are not a substitute for proficient field work. ERS has developed documentation for all phases of the commissioning process, and we have a variety of templates for core commissioning documents that can be customized to fit the specifics of any facility. ERS commissioning documentation includes: Owner’s Project Requirements Commissioning Specifications Commissioning Plan Construction Checklists Commissioning Observation Report (COR) Commissioning Progress Reports & Tracking Sheets Training Requirements Communications Plan …and more The following are examples of ERS commissioning documentation: ERS Commissioning Qualification Statement Page 2 of 7 Process Tracking Sheet – Gives a clear indication to the Commissioning Team of the current status of the commissioning process, progress since the last report, and parts of the process that are lagging and require attention. ELECTRICAL COMMISSIONING TRACKING FORM In order to insure that electrical equipment and systems are properly inspected, tested and commissioned, the process flow for each item is generally expected to move from left to right. All items must be complete, documented, and reviewed by the Commissioning Agent before moving to the facility Integrated System Testing phase. Y Y Y Y Y n/a Y Y Y Y Y Y n/a n/a n/a Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1/15 n/a 2/5 n/a 2/20 n/a forms recvd % Complete n/a date complete forms devlpd forms reviewed Y Y Y forms recvd Y Y Y % Complete n/a date complete Y Y Y forms recvd MDSA MDSB GPS % Complete forms reviewed Y forms recvd Y approved settings input Y Notes 1/10 n/a n/a n/a n/a Generator Controls n/a n/a n/a n/a Generator 1 Generator 2 Generator 3 Generator 4 Generator 5 Generator 6 Generator 7 Generator 8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Unit Substation A Sub A Transformer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y n/a n/a 1/20 n/a 1/25 n/a n/a n/a Y Y 3 Unit Substation B Sub B Trasnformer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y n/a n/a 1/20 n/a 1/25 n/a n/a n/a Y Y 3 Unit Substation C Sub C Transformer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y n/a n/a 1/20 n/a 1/25 n/a n/a n/a Y Y 3 Unit Substation D Sub D Transformer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y n/a n/a 1/20 n/a 1/25 n/a n/a n/a Y Y 3 Unit Substation E Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y n/a 1/20 n/a n/a Sub E Transformer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y n/a 1/25 n/a n/a NOTES: 3. Coordinating remainder of functional tests (switching, control power tests, etc.) at soonest available time. Y Y 3 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 3/14 3/14 3/14 3/14 3/14 3/14 3/14 3/14 Integrated Systems Test 4/22/08 % Complete forms reviewed forms reviewed MCS Equipment / System update on: 04/16/2009 Start-Up / Site Testing Functional (by vendor) (ERS) Pre-Functional (by contractor) forms recvd forms recvd Electrical Acceptance Testing (ERS) Commissioning Observation Report (COR) – Identifies, describes, and tracks project issues discovered as a result of the commissioning process. These issues are regularly discussed in commissioning meetings and status updated. Resolution is then verified by the Commissioning Agent before issues are retired from the list. <Facility Name and Location> CURRENT ISSUES Commissioning Observation Report # of resolved items: 323 Item No. ! Date Noted updated on: 04/16/2009 Responsible 118 A 03/06/08 Square D 119 A 03/07/08 HO Penn 120 A 03/07/08 RKMI 121 B 03/07/08 Liebert 123 A 03/07/08 Liebert 124 126 A A 03/07/08 02/26/08 HO Penn RKMI Equipment Issue Description / Spec. Section The Zone Interlock and Neutral Sensor jumpers were found not installed for the following breakers: Sub CLS-C2 CB343 breaker cubicle CB345 wiring CB347 CB349 Recommend these jumpers be installed as soon as possible. Generator 7 Issue Status Date Resolved - Correct jumpers are: Zone Interlock - Z3 to Z4 and Z3 to Z5 Neutral Sensor - T1 to T2 - Square D aware of issue. - 3/13 - Reported as being completed. ERS to verify. Fuel fill float not operating & calling for fuel. Fuel soleniods not operating. Generators had Generators 4, to be filled by hand. Require replacement - 3/13 - No change. 7, & 8 solenoids. UPS Module Fan motor defective & requires replacement. A1 - Parts on order. Shoule be on site week of Parts removed to repair UPS A equipment. UPS Module 3/10. Require replacement prior to testing UPS C C3 - 3/21 - Capacitors replaced. Waiting on System. contactors. Generator 7 CWP-2 Developed coolant leak at engine block during load testing. - Leak corrected & load testing completed. - 3/9 - Coolant still pooled in generator mounting wells & requires clean-up. - 3/21 - Cleanup complete. No leak since. - 3/13 - No change. - 3/21 - Parts ordered. Water leaking from pump bearing assembly. - 3/27 - Parts received. - 4/3 - Seal has been changed, pump still leaks. ERS Project No. 3091649 Page 5 of 36 ! prioritizes items: A=high, B=med, C=low. Bold=new item. Striked item=resolved. ERS Commissioning Qualification Statement Page 3 of 7 ERS has developed a comprehensive systems testing process for all related critical system support equipment involving electrical and mechanical primary systems, redundant systems, backup systems, emergency and automatic switching systems, as well as building automation (BAS) for monitoring and control of facility equipment and environments. This process verifies the functional operation of integrated building systems under load, and will likely be the most comprehensive test a facility ever receives. Integrated Systems Test Script – A scripted test procedures for the integrated functional operation of completed critical support systems, under design rated heat load. This test script is developed with input from the owner, the design team, contractors, operators, and vendors. The document becomes the test record and shows actual test times & durations, actual test procedures, and verification of expected test results, or detailed information showing what occurred that was out of the acceptable range of response. < F a c ility N a m e & L o c a tio n > S te p # H rs : M in s In te g ra te d S y s te m s T e s t S c rip t T im e D u r a tio n S ta r t A C T IO N A c tio n By F in is h E x p e c te d R e s u lts R e s u lts / N o te s (s e e s u p p le m e n t a l IS T n o te s ) T e s t D a y # 1 - A p r il 2 2 , 2 0 0 8 S IM U L A T E D H E A T L O A D T E S T S 8 :3 0 1 0 :0 0 A d d a p p ro x . 2 5 % s im u la te d c o m p u te r lo a d . 12 1 0 0 % L o a d o f 9 2 .5 W /f t (3 ,3 9 0 k W - N o rth F lo o r 3 ,0 9 0 k W - S o u th F lo o r) 6 4 8 0 k W T o ta l 1 :3 0 2 L o a d in g p e r a r e a 3 ,3 9 0 k W - N o rth F lo o r 3 ,0 9 0 k W - S o u th F lo o r CO M M ENTS: 1. 2. 3. C H IL L E R S Y S T E M F A IL U R E 1 8 :1 5 127 0 :4 5 128 0 :1 5 1 9 :0 0 M o n ito r a n d d o c u m e n t o p e ra tio n o f c h ille rs , C R A C s , c o o lin g to w e rs , a n d c h ille d w a te r lo o p s th ro u g h th e b u ild in g m a n a g e m e n t s y s te m . M o n ito r & re c o rd c o m p u te r f lo o r/s p a c e te m p e ra tu re , F lu o r / E R S h u m id ity , u n d e r-f lo o r s ta tic p re s s u re , / EC ube c h ille r s u p p ly a n d re tu rn te m p e ra tu re s . H V A C e q u ip m e n t a la rm s , a n d lo a d v o lta g e s /c u rre n ts . R o o m te m p e ra tu re s /h u m id itie s a n d C H W te m p e ra tu re s s h o u ld n o t g o b e yo n d th e s p e c if ic a tio n s . M e te re d lo a d : U P S -A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ k W U P S -B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ k W U P S -C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ k W _ _ _ _ _ R o o m te m p w ith in lim its _ _ _ _ _ R H w ith in lim its _ _ _ _ _ IR s c a n lo a d b a n k c o n n e c tio n s R e fe r to d a ta s h e e ts f o r s p e c if ic e le c tric a l a n d m e c h a n ic a l e q u ip m e n t p e rf o rm a n c e d a ta . T h e C R A C s o n th e S o u th D a ta F lo o r in c lu d e (e n te r n o .) o p e ra tin g u n its a n d (e n te r n o .) s ta n d b y u n its . T h e C R A C s o n th e N o rth D a ta F lo o r in c lu d e (e n te r n o .) o p e r a tin g u n its a n d (e n te r n o .) s ta n d b y u n its . 1 9 :0 0 O p e n d is c o n n e c t o n C h ille r 1 . RKMI / F lu o r / EC ube - F a ile d c h ille r g e n e ra te s a la rm . - C h ille r s y s te m fa ils a n d g e n e ra te s a la rm . - R e m a in in g c h ille rs ra m p u p to m a in ta in c h ille d w a te r te m p e ra tu re . R e s e t f a ile d c h ille r s y s te m . RKMI / F lu o r / EC ube - C h ille r s y s te m re s ta rts a n d c h ille rs e q u a liz e lo a d . Russ E le c tric / F lu o r / S tu rg e o n - L o s s o f p o w e r / o p e n e d b re a k e r g e n e ra te s a la rm (s ). 1 9 :1 5 _ _ _ _ _ C h ille r a la rm re c e iv e d CH W R T = ______ _ _ _ _ _ R o o m te m p w ith in lim its _ _ _ _ _ R H w ith in lim its CO M M ENTS: S E Q U E N T IA L U T IL IT Y P O W E R L O S S E S 1 5 :0 0 1 5 :0 1 D e -e n e rg iz e 1 5 k V f e e d e r to 210 0 :0 1 M D S A b y o p e n in g b re a k e r 1 5 A in M CS. 1 5 :0 0 211 0 :0 1 1 5 :0 0 212 1 5 :0 1 0 :0 1 _ _ _ _ _ L o s s o f p o w e r a la rm s re c e iv e d A ll g e n s e ts s ta rt a fte r 5 -s e c o n d d e la y . - G e n s e ts w ill ra m p u p to c a rry th e f u ll lo a d w ith in a llo tte d tim e . HO Penn / - B re a k e rs C B 1 0 , C B 1 1 , C B 1 2 , a n d C B 1 3 Russ trip o p e n . E le c tric / - W ith 1 s t g e n e ra to r o n lin e , U n it S u b I F lu o r / E R S e n e rg iz e d a n d A T S D I-1 , D I-2 , E I-1 , a n d E I-2 tra n s f e r to th e E m e rg e n c y p o s itio n . A u to s w itc h in g p e r L o a d A c q u is itio n S e q u e n c e . - W ith 3 g e n s o n lin e , C B 1 9 c lo s e s im m e d ia te ly . - W ith 5 g e n s o n lin e , C B 1 1 c lo s e s (1 5 F lu o r / S R I / s e c o n d d e la y a f te r C B 1 9 c lo s e s ). ERS - W ith 6 g e n s o n lin e , C B 1 2 , a n d C B 1 3 c lo s e s e q u e n c ia lly (1 5 s e c o n d d e la y a f te r C B 1 1 c lo s e s ). 1 5 :0 1 _ _ _ _ _ 5 -s e c o n d g e n e ra to r s ta rt d e la y _ _ _ _ _ A ll g e n e ra to rs s ta rt a n d p a ra lle l _ _ _ _ _ C o rre c t b re a k e rs trip o p e n T im e to 1 s t g e n o n -lin e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s e c T im e to la s t g e n o n -lin e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s e c _ _ _ _ _ "D " & " E " A T S s to C ritic a l M e c h a n ic a l L o a d s tra n s f e r to E m e rg e n c y - 3 g e n s o n lin e _ _ _ _ - 5 g e n s o n lin e _ _ _ _ s e c o n d s la te r - 6 g e n s o n lin e _ _ _ _ c lo s e s e q u e n c ia lly 1 5 C B 1 9 c lo s e s C B 1 1 c lo s e s 1 5 C B12 & CB13 s e c o n d s la te r CO M M ENTS: E R S P ro je c t N o . 3 0 9 1 6 4 9 ERS Commissioning Qualification Statement R e v . 0 6 (4 /8 /0 8 ) Page 8 of 32 Page 4 of 7 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Electrical Reliability Services has provided commissioning services for a range of mission-critical facilities, and in a variety of commissioning roles. Most often we act as the Commissioning Authority (CxA), but have also been field commissioners fulfilling a contractor’s commissioning requirements, and been the commissioning testing contractor. In all cases our goal is to ensure the facility meets the needs of the owner per the commissioning plan. ERS has performed commissioning on facilities nation-wide for a variety of customers. Following is a sample of our past commissioning projects: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Laboratories, Boulder, CO – Research facility Qwest Cyber Centers, Nationwide – @ 20 new data center and transport facilities from coast to coast FORTRUST Data Center, Denver, CO – New co-location data center, currently @ DirecTV Data Center, Castle Rock, CO – New building on existing campus, @ 49,500 sq.ft. computer facility Ebay Data Center, Centennial, CO – Purchase and updating of an existing facility, @ 20,000 sq.ft. raised floor Equinix Data Centers, CA, WA, VA – New facilities, @80,000 sq.ft. raised floor each EchoStar Uplink facilities in VA, WA, IL, and TX KeyBank Data Center, Chicago, IL – New facility with @100,000 sq.ft. raised-floor computer room Sabre Cherokee Data Center, Tulsa, OK – New facility with @50,000 sq.ft. computer room Intel FCDC Data Center, Ft. Collins, CO – New data center facility, @30,000 sq.ft. computer room Starz Encore Headquarters Facility, Meridian, CO – New office complex and computer facility IBM Building 003 Data Center, Boulder, CO – New @70,000 sq.ft. data center, LEED Silver FedEx RMTC Data Center, Colorado Springs, CO – New 30,000 sq.ft. data center Standard & Poors Data Center, Centennial, CO – Emergency Power Plant Addition Project FedEx EDC West Data Center, Colorado Springs, CO – New 30,000 sq.ft. data center, LEED Gold IBM Building 022 Data Center, Boulder, CO – New @ 22,000 sq.ft. facility, plus additions to the Central Plant Facebook Vitesse Data Centers 1A – 1D, Prineville, OR – New facilities with @ 160,000 sq. ft. of computer rooms, LEED Gold NCAR SuperComputing Center, Cheyenne, WY – New 171,000 sq. ft. facility with @28,000 sq. foot data center, LEED Gold EchoStar Data Center, Cheyenne, WY – New data center facility @30,000 sq. ft. computer rooms Agilent Data Center, Colorado Springs, CO – New data center facility @10,000 sq. ft. computer rooms Chesapeake Energy, Central Plant & Data Center, Oklahoma City, OK – New facilities on existing campus Department of Veterans Affairs, Replacement Medical Center Facility, Denver, CO – (13) medical facility buildings ERS Commissioning Qualification Statement Page 5 of 7 Project Highlights . Qwest Communications - Cyber Centers and POP Sites Electrical Reliability Services performed commissioning for Qwest data centers across the country, from small POP sites with a relatively small amount of critical support equipment, to large co-location Cyber Centers with over 50,000 square feet of raised computer floor. Many of these facilities were developed in phases, with later expansions built and commissioned around existing operating environments. The types of systems commissioned for these projects included electrical distribution systems, generators and automatic transfer switches, UPS and PDU equipment, high-resistance grounding, chillers, CRAC units and air handlers, and BAS control systems. Sites were commissioned in Burbank, Newark, Sterling, Tampa, Denver, Tukwila, Chicago, Dallas, and Manhattan to name a few. IBM Boulder – Building 003 Commissioned in 2008, IBM Building 003 is a Tier IV data center with over 70,000 square feet of raised floor computer space. Along with having state-of-the-art critical support systems, this facility achieved a LEED Silver rating. ERS performed commissioning of all critical support equipment, and completed the LEED commissioning requirements. Our Commissioning Observation Report detailed over 400 issues discovered during the course of the commissioning project that were then resolved by the construction team. Along with standard commissioning activities, ERS completed a 4-day Integrated Systems Test with 6.4 megawatts of critical load in order to fully verify system responses to loaded operation under normal and adverse operating conditions. Relera Communications - Data Centers ERS performed commissioning of several Relera facilities across the country, including: Aurora, CO Central Data Center @ 40,000 sq. ft. Various Data Centers Nationwide @ 5000 sq. ft. raised floor Each of these projects included normal and emergency power distribution systems, UPS and PDU equipment, standby engine generators, complete HVAC systems, building automation and control systems, EPO systems, and fire protection systems. ERS was Relera’s sole commissioning contractor for all of their data center projects. Fortrust LLC – Co-location Data Center Fortrust is one of the premier co-location data centers in the Rocky Mountain Region, with a 224,000 square foot facility progressively built to meet customer needs. ERS was chosen to be the Commissioning Authority for the initial build out phase in 2001, and has commissioned 4 additional projects at this facility since then. In eight years of operation, the Fortrust Data Center has never lost critical power or gone significantly outside temperature and humidity parameters. Fortrust employs a comprehensive monitoring and maintenance program to keep systems in top operating condition, and to make adjustments for optimum environmental conditions. ERS was also employed to manage the electrical maintenance program. ERS Commissioning Qualification Statement Page 6 of 7 FedEx Corporate Services – Enterprise Data Center West This FedEx facility started life as their Rocky Mountain Technical Center, and was commissioned by ERS in 2007 and 2008. FedEx later performed a major expansion of this building into their Enterprise Data Center, which is the primary I.T. production facility for FedEx and houses over 50,000 square feet of raised floor computer space, 12MW of UPS capacity, and 14MW of emergency generator capacity. The project also achieved LEED Gold certification. ERS provided a comprehensive commissioning process, beginning with conducting an Owner’s Project Requirements workshop and performing design reviews, through construction activities and comprehensive systems testing, to completion tasks at the 11-month post-occupancy mark, including a pre-warranty expiration performance review of all critical support equipment and systems. REFERENCES Bob Yester, Design Principal Swanson Rink 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1200 Denver, CO 80203-2139 Phone: (303) 832-2666 Craig Schartz, Critical Systems Manager Fluor Facility and Plant Services (IBM – Boulder) 6300 Diagonal Highway Boulder, CO 80301 Phone: (303) 924-0705 Robert McClary, Vice President Fortrust LLC 4300 Brighton Blvd Denver, CO 80218 Phone: (720) 264-2030 Larry Muckridge, Project Manager FedEx Corporate Services 8101 E. Prentice, Suite 100 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: (303) 220-3923 ERS Commissioning Qualification Statement Page 7 of 7