Department of Instructional Design and Technology Western Illinois University Request for Incomplete- Graduate Courses The University’s policy states that an incomplete “may be given only when a student, due to circumstances beyond his or her control, has been unable to complete the course requirements within the official limits of the term. The circumstances must be documented to the instructor’s satisfaction, and the student should make arrangements with the instructor to complete the requirements of the course within an agreed upon time frame. If the “I” is not removed by that time, it will be changed to an “F.” Student Name (Print) ________________________________________________ Student ID No: _____________________________________________________ Course Number and Title: ____________________________________________ Semester/Year: _____________________________________________________ Instructor: _________________________________________________________ State the reasons for requesting an incomplete (attach documentation) List completed assignments: List the assignments to be completed: Date on which assignments are to be turned in: ___________________________ Student signature: ________________________ Date: _____________________ Instructor’s signature: _______________________ Date: ___________________ All documentation must be listed and attached