Generic Incomplete Contract 

Incomplete Contract
If you are unable to complete coursework in a scheduled course within the term in which you are enrolled,
you may petition your instructor to receive a grade of “I”.
If your instructor agrees to give you an incomplete, you and the instructor must complete a written
agreement, a copy of which is held in your departmental file, indicating the exact work you need to do to
finish the course. Please see the Academic Catalog for a full description of the Incomplete Grade Policy.
Student’s Name: ________________________________ Student ID#: ____________________
Phone #: ________________________
E-Mail Address: ____________________________________________________________
Instructor’s Name: ______________________________ Phone #: ________________________
E-Mail Address: ____________________________________________________________
Course to receive an “Incomplete” in: _______________________
Example: ECI 310
Lecture #: _________ Semester: __________________
Example: 11523
: Fall 2009
Course Assignments/Activities to be completed:
Due Date:
Instructor’s Signature
Student, Please Note: You have entered into a contract. Your signature on this document attests to your
understanding of what is required of you to fulfill the requirements to change your “incomplete” grade to a
letter grade. Fulfilling the requirements of this contract does not guarantee that you will receive maximum
points for the assignment nor for the course. Failure to fulfill the requirements of this contract without “renegotiating” it with the instructor will result in the “incomplete” being changed to an “F” for undergraduate
students and a permanent “I” for graduate students if a grade is not assigned within one regular semester
following one calendar year.
Student’s Signature