1 PSYC 222L-111 - Community Psychology(CP) Robin Diller Torres, M. A., L.M.H.C. Telephone: Extension 2317 Office Hours: Mon- Fri., 8:30-5:00; RO 385 TEXTBOOK: Spring 2012 Course Time: Wed 8:00-9:15a & Fri. 11:00-12:15p Course Location: Student Center 349 E-Mail: Robin.Torres@Marist.edu Scileppi, J., Teed, E., & Torres, R. D. (2000) Community Psychology: A Common Sense Approach to Mental Health. NJ: Prentice Hall Note: Students are expected to present a final paper written in APA style. If you do not have an APA style guide, you may wish to purchase one at the beginning of the semester. The APA guide is also available as a reference in the Library, the Academic Learning Center and the Writing Center. PRE-REQUISITE: PSYC 101 - Introductory Psychology. Note: CP can be used to satisfy one of the two required CORE courses in Social and Behavioral Science. It can also fulfill one of the two required courses under the “Human Values and Choice” category for the minor in Public Praxis. Psychology students can count this course as a general psychology elective. COURSE OVERVIEW: Participants will be introduced to the applied discipline of CP. Initially, we will study the nature of the field, highlighting the socio-historical context in which it developed and the major principles and perspectives. We will also experience how this unique approach can influence a wide variety of social settings. Finally, we will actively examine the problems of change and the scientific, political and ethical considerations of CP intervention. COURSE FORMAT: This course is conducted in a discussion and lecture format. Our class is, in fact, a small community; therefore, you are ex pected to come to class prepared to discuss the assigned readings. To insure that everyone is ready to participate and to call the major themes from each chapter into consciousness, a short essay m ay be assigned during the first 10 minutes of class. These essays, which demonstrate knowledge of broad themes and preparedness for class will be worth 10% of your final grade. MEASUREMENT OF COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the conclusion of the semester, students will be able to: • Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental theories and concepts in community psychology as measured by performance on two exams and through the final project. • Gain further academic experience in critical thinking through developing community psychology based solutions to current social and agency problems as measured by the final course paper. • Strengthen skills in written and oral expression through weekly essays, a final APA style paper, an oral presentation, and classroom participation. • Develop an appreciation of interpersonal/cultural/socio-economic differences among people and the ethical dilemma of labeling, through classroom discussion and exercises, required reading, and consideration of the populations served through the applied experience as measured by the final presentation and paper. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Class meets Wednesday from 8:00a.m. to 9:15 & Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. You are ex pected to attend all classes on tim e ready to participate. Part of your grade will be based on active discussion and on the quality of your weekly essays. You cannot be successful in this course if you are not present or if you are chronically late. You are being counted upon to be an active member of our classroom community. Therefore, lateness will be counted as one half of an absence. More than five absences without official medical documentation will be grounds for failure. This is not a “budget,” it is important grading information that you are being given up front and in writing so that you can assess your own attendance patterns to determine your ability to comply with this requirement. The lectures will not be a strict rehashing of the readings. If you are not in class, you will miss key concepts that will appear on exams. All students are responsible for adherence to this policy and for making up material that was presented in any and all missed classes. Please be aware that 2 575-5500 is the College’s weather/cancellation hotline. The attendance policy is generous enough to afford students the flexibility to exercise their own good judgment in inclement weather. STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: Marist’s Special Services Program utilizes a “self-advocacy” policy for students who require educational accommodations based on a diagnosed disability. To optimize your experience in this class, you are warmly encouraged to discuss any special needs you might have at the beginning of the semester so that we can develop appropriate strategies for your success (please note my contact information on page one). GRADING POLICY: Your grade in this course will be measured based upon the outcome of your performance. The amount of effort each student puts into a course to achieve a desired outcome varies greatly. Therefore, you are encouraged to structure yourself accordingly throughout the semester. Extra-credit projects may be extended to the class – they will not be given on an individual basis. Additionally, grade changes will not be made unless there is a legitimate error in calculation. GRADING STRUCTURE: COMPONENT TO BE GRADED & REASON FOR ASSIGNING Short Essays – to strengthen critical reading, writing skills, and participation. Midterm Exam – to demonstrate knowledge of theories and concepts. Final Exam - to demonstrate knowledge of theories and concepts. Term Project – to demonstrate understanding of diverse populations and solutions while improving critical thinking and writing skills. Oral Presentation of Project – to strengthen skills in oral expression. Overall Participation –to aid in the development of critical thinking, oral expression and the ability to apply new knowledge. PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE 10% -- Must demonstrate that readings were completed, and that some thought has been given to the most relevant themes in the chapters. 25% -- 30 Multiple Choice/Short Answer & 2 Essays 25% -- 30 Multiple Choice/Short Answer & 2 Essays 30% -- Measured by content, which includes a complete description of agency/problem & demonstration of applied community psychological principles; writing style, which includes appropriate documentation and attention to APA guidelines; & thoroughness in completing all aspects of the assignment and turning it in ON TIME. 5% -- Grade based on preparedness, ability to stay within time guidelines, and ability to express main ideas – and answer questions – for the benefit of others. 5% -- Based on attendance, preparedness, substantive and appropriate class participation & turning in completed assignments on time. NOTE TO STUDENTS REGARDING MIDTERM GRADES: midterm grades will be based on ½ of the grade for short essays, the midterm exam, and ½ of the grade for overall participation, or 32.5% of your total grade. Given this, your midterm & final grades may look very different. You are encouraged to keep this in mind as you make academic choices. ACADEMIC HONESTY It is the responsibility of all Marist students to familiarize themselves with the Student Handbook and the College’s expectations for academic honesty. Academic Honesty is an absolute expectation of all students for all assignments under any circumstance! It applies to every course element --written, verbal, attendance, etc. Violation of these guidelines will, at minimum, result in an automatic failure of the course. CELL PHONES/TEXTING/TECHNOLOGY Cell phones are not welcomed in class. All phones and electronic media must be switched off and packed away out of site. If there is a specific issue on a given day that requires you to be accessible by phone, please see me before class to discuss an exception. GRADE CONVERSION CHART 95-100 A 4.0 84-86 B 3.0 90-94 A- 3.7 80-83 B- 2.7 87-89 B+ 3.3 77-79 C+ 2.3 74-76 C 2.0 70-73 C- 1.7 67-69 D+ 1.3 64-66 D 1.0 63 & below F 0 3 Term Project: The final project provides an opportunity for students to synthesize the theoretical format built from readings and discussions into a hands-on experience that will benefit our immediate and local community. The paper must be written in APA style and any source materials must be appropriately documented (this includes information taken from electronic sources and all forms of media). Papers must be between ten and twelve pages in length, double-spaced, with margins set at 1 ½’’ and font size set at either 11 or 12. You will be expected to do quality work, as the paper will be worth 30% of your final grade. All papers are due, collated, stapled and in duplicate copy, at the beginning of class on April 25 th . Final projects will be presented to your colleagues; therefore, no late papers will be accepted!!! Students can choose either of the following projects: Option A: Analyze an agency in terms of its application of community psychology. Become involved either as a participant or as an observer in a human services agency in the community (e.g. soup kitchen, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, a local community center, Headstart, Daytop, a children’s home, activities sponsored through Dutchess/Ulster County Mental Health, an organization in which you are presently volunteering, etc.) and describe the agency’s activities in terms of the concepts, values and orientations discussed in the course. Your paper must include: 1. A description of the agency’s program. Please include your source of information (director, staff, clients, 2. 3. 4. observation and/or print sources), size of the agency (number of staff and number of clients served), comprehensive description of the population served, types of services provided, age of the program, and the extent of your interaction (i.e. visitor, volunteer, etc). A comprehensive description of the community psychological principles utilized and how the agency applies them. Your recommendation as a “community psychologist.” Please describe how, in your opinion, the agency might gain by utilizing additional community psychological principles. Your reflections on this experience. What did you learn? How did your experience change your perception of the population, course material, etc? You will be required to give a five-seven minute presentation to your colleagues that describes the agency you selected and discusses your findings. Option B: Agency Problem Statement. Interview a local agency administrator, requesting that s/he describe a problem that is presently occurring within the agency (the best programs can identify at least one area that might be improved). The problem should be associated with providing client services and should be one for which the administrator is searching for new alternative solutions. Through your paper, you must apply community psychological principles to the problem and attempt to devise possible strategies for solving it. Your report will be submitted not only to me, but also to the agency head and the class. Your project will be evaluated on the completeness of the program description and on the quantity and quality of the community psychology based solutions. You will be required to give a five-seven minute presentation to your colleagues that describes the agency’s problem and details your suggestions for improvement. This will provide you with an opportunity to combine the benefits of “group-think” into your recommendations. Papers must be typewritten, grammatically correct and logically structured utilizing APA format. You are encouraged to use the free proofreading service available at the Academic Learning Center, Cannavino Library, Room 331 to check your work. If you need more intensive writing help, you are encouraged to utilize the Writing Center, which also provides services free of charge and is located across from The Academic Learning Center on the Third Floor of the Library. This assignment is given on the first day of class to afford students an opportunity to experience community psychology and to present a quality project. Students are encouraged to begin their projects early in the semester and to discuss their progress and seek assistance as necessary. 4 Course Calendar: WEEK IN SEMESTER READINGS DUE TOPICS COVERED Week One: Wednesday, January 18th & Friday, January 20 Preface & Chapter 1 Week Two: Wednesday, January 25 & Friday, January 27 Chapter 2 Week Three: February 1 & Friday, February 3 Chapters 2 & 3 Week Four: Feb. 8 & 10 Chapter 3 Week Five: Feb. 15 & 17 Chapters 4 & 5 Begin Reviewing For Your Exam Ψ Introductions – Getting To Know You Ψ Review of Course Objectives Ψ What is Community Psychology? Ψ The Numbers Game: Understanding Problems in Living Ψ Philosophical Frameworks that Influenced the Development of CPSYC Ψ Socio-Historic factors Leading to The Development of CPSYC Ψ The Dohrenwend model Ψ Person-Environment Fit (Lewin) Ψ Key Concepts and Theorists From the Ecological Approach: Barker, Moos & Kelly Ψ Ecological Perspective Applied to Human Development: Urie Bronfennbrenner Ψ Ecological “Clean-up” Ψ Prevention: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Classic & Modern Models Ψ The Individual as “Change Agent:” Citizen Participation Ψ Crisis Theory Ψ Coping Techniques Ψ Holmes & Rahe: Stress Detectives Ψ The Concept of Hardiness Ψ Social Support: Caplan’s Ideal Family; Peer Counseling: Self Help Week Six: Feb. 22 & 24 Chapters 4 & 5 Week Seven: Feb. 29 & March 2 Midterm Exam on 3/2 Ψ Test on Chapters 1-5 & all material covered in class. Ψ GOOD LUCK!!! Ψ Deinstitutionalization Write your topic Ψ Sarbin’s Social Role Theory proposal Week Eight: March7 & 9 (Give serious consideration to your choice for your final project. Topics due in writing, after break on 3/21.) No class 3/10 -18 – Spring Break) Ψ Do We Dare to Differ: Thomas Szasz Ψ Labeling Theory Ψ Midterm Exercise 5 Week Nine: March 21 & 23 Topic Proposal Due on 3/21 Chapter 6 Ψ Consultation: Caplan’s Types, the Consultation Process Ψ Giving Psychology Away Politics of Problem Definition Week Ten: March 28 & 30 (3/30 Chapter 8 Ψ Systems Analysis & Societal Change: Ryan, Adams, Watzlawick Ψ Employment Settings for Community Psychologists Week Eleven: April 4 & 8 (No Marist Classes Held on 4/6) Chapter 9 & 10 Work On Final Project Ψ Strategies For Change: Alinsky, Johnson, et al Ψ Problems in Community Organizations Ψ Community Psychology in the Information Age Week Twelve: April 11 & 13. Finish Writing Final Paper & Leave Time For Proofreading, Printing, Collating, etc. Ψ Review of Major Themes in Light of Modern resources Ψ The future of Community Psychology is the deadline to withdraw from a course without academic penalty … please talk to me before making this decision). Week Thirteen: April 18 & 20 (Papers due in duplicate on 4/25) Week Fourteen: April 25 & 27 Week Fifteen: May 2 & 4 (May 4 is the last class before the Final. Final Ex am on 5/ 9 at 8:00 a.m . in SC 349 Ψ Community Psychological Principles on Film Ψ Oral Presentations Ψ Final Exam Exercise Ψ Course Evaluations **NOTE: The calendar is a basic guideline. I reserve the right to alter these dates, assignments and topics as dictated by our learning. I may invite outside speakers who are working in the field of community psychology to discuss their roles as change agents…this may alter the order in which topics are covered. 6 7 Acknowledgment of Receipt of Course Syllabus: I acknowledge that I have received a syllabus for PSYC222L111, and after having reviewed the course guidelines with my instructor, I understand what all that is expected of me in this course. I agree to adhere to all policies and procedures described in the syllabus. Name (Print): ____________________________________________________________ Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________________ ------------------------- TEAR HERE AND TURN IN BOTTOM HALF----------------------- Acknowledgment of Receipt of Course Syllabus: I acknowledge that I have received a syllabus for PSYC222L111, and after having reviewed the course guidelines with my instructor, I understand what all that is expected of me in this course. I agree to adhere to all policies and procedures described in the syllabus. Name (Print): ___________________________________________________________ Signature:_______________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________