Secondary Multi-Tiered System of Support Project Application SECTION I: DISTRICT INFORMATION LEA INFORMATION Contact Information 3 digit School Code (LEA#) Name of LEA LEA Contact/ Coordinator Highlight the percentage of schools in your LEA implementing a three tier model of MTSS or RtI Highlight the percentage of schools in your LEA who are using a student’s responsiveness to scientific research based interventions as part of a comprehensive evaluation for determining SLD eligibility. Name Phone Email Address 0 1-25% 51-75% 76-99% 100% 0 1-25% 51-75% 76-99% 100% GRANT REQUIREMENTS Please indicate “yes” if you agree to the following requirements: RtI/MTSS is currently implemented in all elementary schools that feed into the applying middle school. The selected high school must be in the same feeder pattern as the elementary school(s) and selected middle school. Adoption and full-scale implementation of MTSS in one middle and one high school in a feeder pattern over a three year period. Active participation by school administration in MTSS Leadership Team meetings, professional development, data-driven decision making and other elements crucial to successful implementation of MTSS. Establishment of an MTSS leadership team at each site. The team will include building administration and teacher leaders, including school improvement team members. The team will meet and communicate DRAFT L. Loeser 4/30/14 District Middle School High School Secondary Multi-Tiered System of Support Project Application regularly with NCDPI staff, NCDPI MTSS regional consultants and external professional developers and coaches provided through the grant. Commitment of technical support from District level staff (i.e. MTSS/ PBIS coordinators, instructional coaches) to the LEA sites in the secondary MTSS grant project. District will facilitate the removal of barriers to implementation. Support the professional development and ongoing coaching necessary for the implementation of core elements of MTSS, including literacy, math and behavior supports. Conduct a review of MTSS implementation progress twice yearly with follow up action planning. Commit to sending required team members to grant-sponsored professional development opportunities. Establish an implementation plan by district leadership to scale up MTSS to other secondary sites within the district. Commit to the use of a comprehensive, balanced assessment system (including universal screening and progress monitoring) to evaluate the health of Core instruction, identify students at risk and to monitor progress. Commit to using a student’s responsiveness to scientific research-based interventions as part of a comprehensive evaluation for eligibility decisions for students with a disability. Serve as a model demonstration site for other NC LEAs. If yes is checked to all of the above, please proceed to the remaining sections. DRAFT L. Loeser 4/30/14 Secondary Multi-Tiered System of Support Project Application DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT GOALS AND INITIATIVES 1. List the goals on your district improvement plan specific to academic achievement in literacy, math and behavior. 2. Under which goal(s) does MTSS fit? What strategies are stated in the district improvement plan to achieve this goal? 3. What other district initiatives are currently being implemented? Complete the attached District Initiative Inventory. 4. What other district initiatives will soon start? Please state the rationale for selecting the initiative and the evidence-based decision-making involved to adopt this initiative. 5. Describe the district coaching plan to assure sustainability of district initiatives. 6. Describe the structures that are in place to assure high quality instruction is provided to all students. DRAFT L. Loeser 4/30/14 Secondary Multi-Tiered System of Support Project Application 7. Describe the structures that are established to analyze data for data-driven decision making. 8. Identify and describe the sources of data that are used to drive decisions. Include formative and summative assessment data. DISTRICT RtI/MTSS IMPLEMENTATION 9. Have district staff attended NCDPI RtI training in the past three years? If so, identify the date, location, staff members and role of those who attended. 10. Describe your current district implementation of RtI or MTSS. Include a description of the professional development, activities and structures that have been installed. 11. Does the district currently have existing staff who dedicate a portion of their time to RtI/MTSS? If so, please provide their name, role and responsibilities for RtI/MTSS. DRAFT L. Loeser 4/30/14 Secondary Multi-Tiered System of Support Project Application PROJECT GOALS 12. If selected for this project, what are you hoping to accomplish through this grant? SECTION II: MIDDLE SCHOOL INFORMATION MIDDLE SCHOOL PROFILE Contact Information 6 digit School Code (LEA# + School#) Name of School Address Telephone Number Fax Name Principal Phone Email DRAFT L. Loeser 4/30/14 Secondary Multi-Tiered System of Support Project Application Grade Levels Served Elementary Feeder School(s) High School Feeder School(s) MIDDLE SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GOALS AND INITIATIVES 13. List the goals on your school improvement plan specific to academic achievement in literacy/math and behavior. 14. Under which goal(s) does MTSS fit? What strategies are stated in the school improvement plan to achieve this goal? 15. What other school improvement initiatives are currently being implemented? Complete the attached School Initiative Inventory. 16. What other school improvement initiatives will soon start? Please state the rationale for selecting the initiative and the evidence-based decision-making involved to adopt this initiative. 17. Describe the professional development activities staff have participated in this school year. Add additional rows as needed. TOPIC AUDIENCE LENGTH (i.e. 1 hr. full day, monthly) 18. Describe the coaching plan and follow up to professional development to assure sustainability of the initiative. DRAFT L. Loeser 4/30/14 Secondary Multi-Tiered System of Support Project Application 19. Describe the structures that are in place to assure high quality instruction is provided to all students. 20. Describe the structures that are established to analyze data for data-driven decision making. 21. Identify and describe the sources of data that are used to drive decisions. Include formative and summative assessment data. MIDDLE SCHOOL MTSS IMPLEMENTATION 22. Have school staff attended NCDPI RtI training in the past three years? If so, identify the date, location and staff members and role of those who attended. 23. Describe your current implementation of RtI or MTSS. Include a description of the professional development, activities and structures that have been installed. 24. Are you a PBIS school? If so, indicate number of modules trained (1-3). PROJECT GOALS 25. If selected for this project, what are you hoping to accomplish through this grant? DRAFT L. Loeser 4/30/14 Secondary Multi-Tiered System of Support Project Application SECTION III: HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION HIGH SCHOOL PROFILE Contact Information 6 digit School Code (LEA# + School#) Name of School Address Telephone Number Fax Name Principal Phone Email Grade Levels Served Elementary Feeder School(s) Middle Feeder School(s) HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GOALS AND INITIATIVES 26. List the goals on your school improvement plan specific to academic achievement in literacy/math and behavior. 27. Under which goal(s) does MTSS fit? What strategies are stated in the school improvement plan to achieve this goal? 28. What other school improvement initiatives are currently being implemented? Complete the attached School Initiative Inventory. 29. What other school improvement initiatives will soon start? Please state the rationale for selecting the initiative and the evidence-based decision-making involved to adopt this initiative. DRAFT L. Loeser 4/30/14 Secondary Multi-Tiered System of Support Project Application 30. Describe the professional development activities staff have participated in this school year. TOPIC AUDIENCE LENGTH (i.e. 1 hr. full day, monthly) 31. Describe the coaching plan and follow up to professional development to assure sustainability of the initiative. 32. Describe the structures that are in place to assure high quality instruction is provided to all students (i.e. fidelity checks, classroom walk-throughs). 33. Describe the structures that are established to analyze data for data-driven decision making. 34. Identify and describe the sources of data that are used to drive decisions. Include formative and summative assessment data. HIGH SCHOOL MTSS IMPLEMENTATION 35. Have school staff attended NCDPI RtI training in the past three years? If so, identify the date, location and staff members and role of those who attended. 36. Describe your current implementation of RtI or MTSS. Include a description of the professional development, activities and structures that have been installed. 37. Are you a PBIS school? If so, indicate number of modules trained (1-3). DRAFT L. Loeser 4/30/14 Secondary Multi-Tiered System of Support Project Application PROJECT GOALS 38. If selected for this project, what are you hoping to accomplish through this grant? SECTION IV: Signatures Signatures below affirm commitment to implementing MTSS and agreement to fully participate in ongoing assessment of implementation. Signature Superintendent Middle School Principal High School Principal Secondary Director(s) or equivalent Exceptional Children Director RtI/MTSS/PBIS Coordinator(s), if applicable DRAFT L. Loeser 4/30/14 Date Secondary Multi-Tiered System of Support Project Application DRAFT L. Loeser 4/30/14