Melissa Long, MTSS Teacher Trainer Janet Stephenson, MTSS Teacher Trainer What do we want you to Know? The types of data What do we want you to Understand? How to use aim lines and trend lines to guide in student decision making process What do we want you to be Able to do? Share your knowledge at your school Analyze data and make decisions 1. Write the answer on a post it note… What do I want to learn from todays workshop? 2. Choose a corner that describes what your background knowledge is about Data Based Decisions. Take your post it note with you. Dirt Road – don’t know anything about Data Based Decisions Gravel Road – I know a little about it but haven’t used it Paved Road – I know about it and use it sometimes Yellow Brick Road – I know it, use it and could teach this class 3. Share what is on your post it note with the group in your corner How BIG is the GAP? How much TIME do we have to close it? Tiered System of Intervention MTSS Systematic Problem Solving Data Monitoring and Analysis Identify students early. Ensure that students’ difficulties are not due to a lack of alignment between the instruction, curriculum, environment, and learner (I.C.E.L.). Modify instruction and implement evidenced-based interventions based on individual needs. Make informed decisions about what resources are needed to ensure student success. 7 INSTRUCTION LEARNER DATA CURRICULUM ENVIRONMENT 8 Capacity to Problem-Solve Capacity to Collect Data, and Make Sense of It Capacity to Deliver Instruction at Different Intensities (Tieredlevels of services) Capacity to Display Data Over Time Which one do you feel your school is doing well? Discuss with a partner Analyze the past – How did we do? What can we do better? Plan for today, drive our instruction – What should we do differently? Diagnose – What specifically is the issue? Progress Monitor- Is what we are doing working? Predict the future Historical & Current Academic Data *Student data *Class data *Benchmark data *Grade level data Formative Data Behavioral Data Summative Data Intervention Data Progress Monitoring 11 Data types used within the MTSS model Four purposes for assessment within MTSS: 1) Screening: identify students at risk for academic difficulty 2) Diagnostic: provide an in-depth, reliable assessment of targeted skills 3) Progress monitoring: determine whether the student is responsive to given instruction 4) Outcome: student demonstrates accepted level of mastery Materials: Assessment Mat Assessment Words In a small group or with a partner discuss the types of assessments. Categorize the types of assessments under the type of assessment that they would be. Check yourself Text the answer to the following question… Keyword to 37607 Which type of assessment would help to make the decision of which skills or strategies instruction should be targeted around? A. B. C. D. 64777 64784 64902 64943 Screening Progress Monitoring Diagnostic Outcome Curriculum Based Measurements Monitors progress throughout the school year Measures at regular intervals Uses data to determine goals Provides parallel and brief measures Displays data graphically Brief & Easy Frequent Sensitive to growth Equivalent forms Main Uses: ◦ Determine students' progress toward important and meaningful goals ◦ Make timely decisions about changes to instruction so that students will meet those goals ◦ Aid in instructional planning. Common Core defines the “what students are expected to know” of Tier 1 at each grade level. Use Universal Screeners and Diagnostic Tools to find specifically where students are struggling (or accelerating) in the context of Common Core. Use Progress Monitoring Tools and data to determine how students are responding to instruction and intervention. Graph Components Aimline Trendline = 0.95 words/week Instructional Change Line Baseline Intervention (Group or Individual) Goal Aim Line Skill equal increments Trend Line Time - equal increments Making Decisions: Using Data to Move Between Tiers Intensity of Intervention Intensive Intervention Supplementary Intervention General Instruction Decision rules Decision rules Is rate of progress acceptable? If not, why and what should we do about it? ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Frequency and amount of intervention Instructional strategy Opportunity for practice and application Other factors? Choices- try another intervention, modify existing intervention, other? Response to Intervention Positive Performance Questionable Expected Trajectory Poor Observed Time How BIG is the GAP? How much TIME do we have to close it? Case Studies: Let’s Practice Using Our Data-Based Decision Making Skills…