Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Stochastic Analysis Volume 2010, Article ID 875908, 17 pages doi:10.1155/2010/875908 Research Article General Decay Stability for Stochastic Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay Yue Liu, Xuejing Meng, and Fuke Wu School of Mathematics and Statistics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China Correspondence should be addressed to Fuke Wu, wufuke@mail.hust.edu.cn Received 14 November 2009; Accepted 19 January 2010 Academic Editor: Nikolai Leonenko Copyright q 2010 Yue Liu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. So far there are not many results on the stability for stochastic functional differential equations with infinite delay. The main aim of this paper is to establish some new criteria on the stability with general decay rate for stochastic functional differential equations with infinite delay. To illustrate the applications of our theories clearly, this paper also examines a scalar infinite delay stochastic functional differential equations with polynomial coefficients. 1. Introduction Stability is one of the central problems for both deterministic and stochastic dynamic systems. Due to introduction of stochastic factors, stochastic stability mainly includes almost sure stability and the moment stability. In a series of papers see 1–5, Mao et al. examined the moment exponential stability and almost sure exponential stability for various stochastic systems. In many cases we may find that the Lyapunov exponent equals zero, namely, the equation is not exponentially stable, but the solution does tend to zero asymptotically. By this phenomenon, Mao 6 considered polynomial stability of stochastic system, which shows that solution tends to zero polynomially. Then in 7, he extended these two classes of stability into the general decay stability. In general, time delay and system uncertainty are commonly encountered and are often the source of instability see 8. Many studies focused on stochastic systems with delay. Especially, infinite delay systems have received the increasing attention in the recent years since they play important roles in many applied fields cf. 7, 9–13. Under the Lipschitz condition and the linear growth condition, Wei and Wang 14 built the existenceand-uniqueness theorem of global solutions to stochastic functional differential equations 2 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis with infinite delay. There is also some other literature to consider stochastic functional differential equations with infinite delay and we here only mention 15–17. However, to the best knowledge of the authors, there are not many results on the stability with general decay rate for stochastic functional equations with infinite delay. It is therefore interesting to consider the stability of infinite delay stochastic systems. The main aim of this paper is to establish some new criteria for pth moment stability and almost surely asymptotic stability with general decay rate of the global solution to stochastic functional differential equations with infinite delay dxt ft, xt, xt dt gt, xt, xt dwt, 1.1 where f f1 , . . . , fd T : R × Rd × Cb −∞, 0; Rd → Rd , and g gij d×r : R × Rd × Cb −∞, 0; Rd → Rd×r are Borel measurable functionals, and wt is an r-dimensional Brownian motion. Without the linear growth condition, we will show that 1.1 has the following properties. i This equation almost surely admits a global solution on 0, ∞. ii There exists a pair of positive constants p and q such that this global solution has properties lim sup t→∞ ln E|xt, ξ|p −q, ln ψt q ln |xt, ξ| lim sup − , ln ψt p t→∞ 1.2 a.s., where ψt is a general decay function defined in the next section, namely, this solution is pth moment and almost surely asymptotically stable with general decay rate. In the next section, we introduce some necessary notation and definitions. Section 3 gives the main result of this paper by establishing a new criteria for pth moment stability and almost surely asymptotic stability with general decay rate for the global solution of 1.1. To make our results more applicable, Section 4 gives the further result. To illustrate the application of our result, Section 5 considers a scalar stochastic functional differential equation with infinite delay in detail. 2. Preliminaries Throughout this paper, unless otherwise specified, we use the following notation. Let Ω, F, {Ft }t0 , P be a complete probability space with the filtration {Ft }t0 satisfying the usual conditions, that is, it is right continuous and increasing while F0 contains all P-null sets. wt is an r-dimensional Brownian motion defined on this probability space. Let R 0, ∞, R 0, ∞, and R− −∞, 0. Let |x| be the Euclidean norm matrix, its transpose is denoted by AT . For a matrix A, of vector x ∈ Rn . If A is a vector or its trace norm is denoted by |A| traceAT A. Denote by Cb Cb R− ; Rd the family of all bounded continuous functions ϕ from R− to Rd with the norm ϕ sup−∞<θ0 |ϕθ|, International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 3 which forms a Banach space. In this paper, const always represents some positive constants whose precise value is not important. If xt is an Rd -valued stochastic process on R, for any t 0, define xt xt θ {xt θ : θ ∈ R− }. C2 Rd , R denotes the family of continuously twice differentiable R-valued functions defined on Rd . For any V x ∈ C2 Rd , R , define an operator LV : R × Rd × Cb → R by 1 LV t, x, ϕ Vx xf t, x, ϕ trace g T t, x, ϕ Vxx xg t, x, ϕ , 2 2.1 where Vx x ∂V x ∂V x ∂V x , ,..., , ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂xd ∂2 V x Vxx x ∂xi ∂xj . 2.2 d×d If xt is a solution of 1.1, for any V x ∈ C2 Rd , R, applying the Itô formula yields dV xt LV xtdt Vx xtgt, xt, xt dwt, 2.3 where LV xt LV t, xt, xt . Let us introduce the following ψ-type function, which will be used as the decay function. Definition 2.1. The function ψ : R → 0, ∞ is said to be the ψ-type function if it satisfies the following conditions: i it is continuous and nondecreasing in R and differentiable in R , ii ψ0 1 and ψ∞ ∞, iii φ : supt0 ψ1 t < ∞, where ψ1 t ψt/ψt, iv for any θ 0 and t 0, ψt ψ−θψt θ. It is is easy to find that functions ψt eγt and ψt 1 t γ for any γ, γ > 0 are ψ-type functions. For any p, q 0 and ϕ ∈ Cb , define Tp,q ϕ 0 −∞ p ψ q θϕθ dθ 2.4 and Cp, q {ϕ ∈ Cb : Tp,q ϕ < ∞}. Denote by M0 the family of all probability measures on R− . For any μ ∈ M0 and ε 0, define Mε μ ∈ M0 : με : 0 −∞ ψ −θdμθ < ∞ . ε We also impose the following standard assumption on coefficients f and g. 2.5 4 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis Assumption 2.2. Let f and g satisfy the Local Lipschitz condition. That is, for every integer n 1, there is kn > 0 such that f t, x, ϕ − f t, x, ϕ ∨ g t, x, ϕ − g t, x, ϕ kn |x − x| ϕ − ϕ , 2.6 for all t 0 and those x, x ∈ Rn , ϕ, ϕ ∈ Cb with |x| ∨ |x| ∨ ϕ ∨ ϕ n. Let us present the continuous semimartingale convergence theory cf. 18. Lemma 2.3. Let Mt be a real-value local martingale with M0 0 a.s. Let ζ be a nonnegative F0 -measurable random variable. If Xt is a nonnegative continuous Ft -adapted process and satisfies Xt ≤ ζ Mt for t ≥ 0, 2.7 then EXt ≤ ζ and Xt is almost surely bounded, namely, limt → ∞ Xt < ∞, a.s. 3. Main Results In this section, we establish the stability result with general decay rate for 1.1. This result includes the global existence and uniqueness of the solution, the pth moment stability, and almost surely asymptotic stability with general decay rate. In order for a stochastic differential equation to have a unique global solution for any given initial value, the coefficients of this equation are generally required to satisfy the linear growth condition and the local Lipschitz condition see 18, 19 or a given nonLipschitz condition and the linear growth condition cf. 20, 21. These show that the linear growth condition plays an important role to suppress the potential explosion of solutions and guarantee existence of global solutions. References 16, 22 extended these two classes conditions to infinite delay cases. However, many well-known infinite delay systems such that the Lotka-Volterra see 13 do not satisfy the linear growth condition. It is therefore necessary to examine the global existence of the solution for 1.1. It is well known for stochastic differential equations that the linear growth condition for global solutions may be replaced by the use of the Lyapunov functions 23, 24. By this idea, this paper establishes the existence-and-uniqueness theorem for 1.1. For i 1, 2, . . . , k, let ζi , αi ∈ R and probability measures μi ∈ Mε . Define Γε : Rn × Cb → R as k ζi Γε x, ϕ i0 0 −∞ ϕθαi dμi θ − μiε |x|αi , 3.1 where μiε is defined by 2.5. Then the following theorem follows. Theorem 3.1. Assume that there exist positive constants a, p, ε, ζi , αi and probability measures μi ∈ Mε , where i 1, 2, . . . , k, such that for any x ∈ Rd and ϕ ∈ Cb , the function V x |x|p satisfies LV t, x, ϕ Γε x, ϕ − a|x|p . 3.2 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 5 Under Assumption 2.2, there exists a constant q > 0 such that for any ξ ∈ C α, q, where α min0ik {αi }, 1.1 almost surely admits a unique global solution xt on 0, ∞ and this solution has the properties 1.2. Proof. For sufficiently small q ∈ 0, ε, fix the initial data ξ ∈ C α, q. We divide this proof into the two steps. Step 1 existence and uniqueness of the global solution. Under Assumption 2.2, 1.1 has a unique maximal local solution xt on 0, ρe see 21, where ρe is the explosion time. If we can show ρe ∞, a.s., then xt is actually a global solution. Let n0 be a positive integer such that supθ0 |ξθ| < n0 . For each integer n n0 , define the stopping time σn inf t ∈ 0, ρe : |xt|p n . 3.3 Obviously, σn is increasing and σn → σ∞ ρe as n → ∞. Thus, to prove ρe ∞ a.s., it is sufficient to show that σ∞ ∞ a.s., which is equivalent to the statement that for any t > 0, Pσn t → 0 as n → ∞. For any t 0, define tn t ∧ σn . Applying the It o formula to ψ q tV xt yields nPσn t E I{σn t} V xtn EV xtn E ψ q tn V xtn tn const E L ψ q sV xs ds 0 3.4 tn const E ψ q s LV xs qψ1 sV xs ds 0 tn const E ψ q s LV xs qφV xs ds 0 tn const E ψ q s Γε xs, xs − a|xs|p qφV xs ds. 0 Note that by 2.5, μiε ≥ μiq for q ≤ ε. By the Fubini theorem and a substitution technique, we have tn ψ q sΓε xs, xs ds 0 k i0 0 ζi −∞ dμi θ tn 0 αi ψ s|xs θ| ds − μiε q tn 0 αi ψ s|xs| ds q 6 k 0 ζi i0 k i0 k −∞ 0 ζi k −∞ i0 θ n tn θ αi ψ s|xs| ds − μiq q θ 0 −∞ tn αi ψ s|xs| ds q 0 αi ψ s|xs| ds − μiq q −∞ ψ q s|xs|αi ds 0 ψ −θdμi θ tn ζi μiq ζi μiq ψ q s − θ|xs|αi ds − μiq q i0 dμi θ tn θ International Journal of Stochastic Analysis t tn αi ψ s|xs| ds q 0 ψ q θ|ξθ|αi dθ. 3.5 Noting that ξ ∈ C α, q, we have ξ ∈ Cαi , q, which implies that for all i 1, . . . , k, 0 ψ q θ|ξθ|αi dθ < ∞. 3.6 ψ q sΓε xs, xs ds < ∞. 3.7 −∞ Hence, there exists tn 0 By 3.4 and 3.7, we have tn nPσn t const E ψ q s qφV xs − a|xs|p ds. 3.8 0 Choosing q sufficiently small such that qφ a, by 3.8 we have nPσn t const, which implies that Pσn t → 0 as n → ∞. Step 2 Proof of 1.2. Define ht ψ q tV xt. 3.9 By the Itô formula and 3.2, ht h0 t ψ q s LV xs qψ1 sV xs ds Mt 0 h0 t 0 ψ q s Γε xs, xs − a|x|p qφV xs ds Mt, 3.10 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 7 where Mt t ψ q sVx xsgs, xs, xs dws 3.11 0 is a continuous local martingale with M0 0. Similar to 3.7, there exists t ψ q sΓε xs, xs ds < ∞. 3.12 0 By 3.10, 3.12, noting that qφ a, ht const t ψ q s qφ − a |xs|p ds Mt 0 3.13 const Mt. By Lemma 2.3, we have lim sup Eht < ∞, lim sup ht < ∞, t→∞ t→∞ a.s., 3.14 which implies the required assertions. 4. Further Result In Theorem 3.1, it is not convenient to check condition 3.2 since it is not related to coefficients f and g explicitly. To make our theory more applicable, let us impose the following assumption on coefficients f and g. Assumption 4.1. There exist positive constants σ, σ , α, β, ε, and nonnegative constants σ, λ, λ, σi , σ i , λj , λj , αi , βj , such that for any x ∈ Rn , ϕ ∈ Cb , λ, xT f t, x, ϕ −σ|x|α2 σ 0 k σi |x| −∞ αi 2 ϕθα2 dμθ − σ |x|2 σi i0 0 g t, x, ϕ λ|x|β1 λ l j0 λj |x| −∞ βj 1 0 −∞ ϕθαi 2 dμi θ , 4.1 ϕθβ1 dνθ λ|x| λj 0 −∞ βj 1 ϕθ dνj θ , where 0 α0 < α1 < · · · < αk < α, 0 β0 < β1 < · · · < βl < β, 2β α, and μ, μi , ν, νj ∈ Mε . 4.2 8 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis We also need the following lemma. Lemma 4.2. Let α, p > 0. Assume that α0 , α1 , . . . , αk , c0 , c1 , . . . , ck are nonnegative constants such that 0 α0 α1 · · · αk α, b > c : ki0 ck and a > cρ, where ρ ⎧ ⎪ 1, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨0, if α0 0, α0 1/α−α0 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ α0 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ , ⎩α − α0 αα if α0 α, 4.3 if α0 ∈ 0, α, then, there is a ∈ 0, a such that for all t 0, atp btαp − k ci tαi p atp . 4.4 i0 Proof. Noting that a > cρ, choose the constant a such that cρ < a < a. If we can show that for any t ∈ 0, ∞, Ft : a btα − a btα − 4.5 k i0 ci t k ci tαi a − a αi 0, then the inequality 4.6 i0 holds. Let a a − a. This is equivalent to prove that atp btαp − k ci tαi p atp . 4.7 i0 For all t ∈ 1, ∞, there exists Ft a btα − ctα . By a > cρ 0 and b > c, we have Ft a btα − ctα > 0. For all t ∈ 0, 1, there exists Ft F∗ t : a btα −ctα0 . To prove Ft 0, we consider three cases of α0 , respectively. Case 1. α0 0. By α0 0, we have F∗ t a btα − c and a ∈ c, a. Then there exists Ft F∗ t > 0. Case 2. α0 α. By α0 α, we have F∗ t a btα − ctα and a ∈ 0, a. Noting b > c, we obtain Ft F∗ t > 0. International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 9 Case 3. α0 ∈ 0, α. Without the loss of generality, we assume that c > 0. Obviously, on 0, ∞ the derivative function F∗ t bαtα−1 −cα0 tα0 −1 has a unique null point t0 : α0 c/αb1/α−α0 < 1. We can compute that α c α0 /α−α0 α c α/α−α0 0 0 −c αb αb α0 1/α−α0 c α0 /α−α0 α0 a − c . α − α0 b αα F∗ t0 a b 4.8 Since 0 < α0 < α and b > c, we know that 0< c α0 /α−α0 b 4.9 < 1. By 4.8 and 4.9, we obtain that F∗ t0 > a − cρ > 0. Then we have that for any t ∈ 0, 1, Ft F∗ t F∗ t0 > 0. The proof is completed. For the purpose of simplicity, we introduce the following notations: σ· k σi , σ· i0 k σ i, i0 λ· l λj , λ· j0 l λj , j0 4.10 S λ λ λ λ· λ· Q σ − σ· − σ · − σ, Then the following theorem follows. Theorem 4.3. Let Assumptions 2.2 and 4.1 hold. Assume that 2Q > S S − λ , 4.11 2 σ − 2ρσ· σ · > S λ ρ S − λ , 4.12 where ρ is defined by Lemma 4.2 except that α0 is replaced by α0 ∧ 2β. For any p ∈ 2, p1 ∧ p2 , 4.13 where 2Q p1 1 , S S − λ 2 σ − 2ρσ· σ · p2 1 , S λ ρ S − λ 4.14 there exists a positive constant q such that for any initial data ξ ∈ Cα0 ∧ 2β0 p, q, 1.1 admits a unique global solution xt on 0, ∞ and this solution has the properties 1.2. 10 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis Proof. Define V x |x|p for p > 2. Applying 2.1 gives 2 p 2 p LV t, x, ϕ p|x|p−2 xT f p − 2 |x|p−4 g T x |x|p−2 g 2 2 p 2 p − 1 |x|p−2 g p|x|p−2 xT f 2 4.15 : I1 I2 . By 4.1 and the Young inequality, I1 p|x|p−2 xT f p|x|p−2 −σ|x|α2 σ k σi |x| 0 −∞ αi 2 ϕθα2 dμθ − σ |x|2 σi 0 i0 −∞ ϕθαi 2 dμi θ 4.16 αp p−2 α 2 0 αp p ϕθ dμθ −p σ − σ σ |x| pσ |x| − p αp α p −∞ k k α p p−2 αi 2 0 αi p ϕθ i dμi θ. p p σi σi σ i |x| α p α p i i −∞ i0 i0 Recall the following elementary inequality: for any λj 0 and xj ∈ R, j 0, 1, . . . , n, applying the Hölder inequality yields ⎛ ⎞2 n n n ⎝ λj xj ⎠ λj λj xj2 . j0 j0 j0 By 4.2 and 4.17, applying the Young inequality and the Hölder inequality, we have 2 p p − 1 |x|p−2 g 2 0 p p−1 p−2 β1 ϕθβ1 dνθ λ|x| λ|x| λ |x| 2 −∞ I2 l λj |x|βj 1 λj j0 0 −∞ ⎤2 βj 1 ϕθ dνj θ ⎦ 4.17 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 2βp Sp p − 1 p−2 2β 2 0 2βp p ϕθ λλ λ dνθ λ|x| |x| 2 2β p 2β p −∞ l j0 p−2 λj λj 2βj p 11 ⎤ 0 l 2β 2 j 2β p ϕθ j dνj θ⎦. |x|2βj p λj 2βj p −∞ j0 4.18 Substituting 4.16 and 4.18 into 4.15 yields p LV t, x, ϕ Γε x, ϕ − Hx, 2 4.19 where 0 k αi p αi 2 α p ϕθ dμi θ − μiε |x| i Γε x, ϕ pσ i αi p −∞ i0 0 αp α2 αp ϕθ dμθ − με |x| pσ αp −∞ 0 l Sp p − 1 2βj p 2βj 2 2β p j ϕθ λj dνj θ − νjε |x| 2 2βj p −∞ j0 4.20 0 2βp Sp p − 1 2β 2 2βp ϕθ , λ dνθ − νε |x| 2 2β p −∞ whose expression is similar to 3.1 and Hx a|x|p bε|x|αp − cε|x|2βp − k l ci ε|x|αi p − cj ε|x|2βj p , i0 4.21 j0 in which a 2 σ − S p − 1 λ, bε 2σ − 2σ p−2 α2 − 2σ με , αp αp p−2 2β 2 λ με , cε S p − 1 λ λ 2β p 2β p ci ε 2σi 2σ i p−2 αi 2 2σ i μiε , αi p αi p 2βj 2 p−2 cj ε S p − 1 λj λj λj νjε . 2βj p 2βj p 4.22 12 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis Let cε cε k i0 ci ε l j ε. j0 c Note that b0 2σ − σ, c0 Sp − 1λ λ, 2σ. σ . . By 4.13, we ci 0 2σi σ i , cj 0 Sp − 1λj λj , c0 Sp − 1S − λ obtain that c0 > 0, c0 > 0, and cj 0 > 0 for all 0 j l. By 4.11 and 4.13, we have b0 > c0. By 4.12 and 4.13, we obtain a0 > ρc0. Choose sufficiently small ε such that a > ρcε, 4.23 bε > cε. By 4.23 and Lemma 4.2, there exists a constant a ∈ 0, a such that a|x|p a|x|p bε|x|αp − cε|x|2βp − k ci ε|x|αi p − i0 l cj ε|x|2βj p . 4.24 j0 By 4.19, 4.21, and 4.24, we therefore have p LV t, x, ϕ Γε x, ϕ − a|x|p , 2 4.25 which implies that condition 3.2 is satisfied. By 4.20, 4.25, and the fact that 0 α0 < α1 < · · · < αk < α and 0 β0 < β1 < · · · < βl < β, applying Theorem 3.1 yields that there exists q > 0, such that for any ξ ∈ Cα0 ∧ 2β0 p, q, the desired assertions hold. The proof is completed. 5. A Scalar Case To illustrate the application of our result, this section considers a scalar stochastic functional differential equations dxt n x tur t r1 r m k1 x t r 0r<rsn xk tvk t x t θurs t, θdθ dt s −∞ xk t 0k<klm 0 0 −∞ 5.1 xl t θvkl t, θdθ dwt, where for r 1, 2, . . . , n and k 1, 2, . . . , m, ur t, vk t ∈ CR , for 0 r < r s n and 0 k < k l m, urs t, θ, vkl t, θ ∈ CR × R− , n 3 is an odd number, m 2, and 2m n 1. In this section, 0≤r<rs≤n : nr0 ns0 with r s ≤ n and 0≤k<rl≤m has similar International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 13 explanation. Assume u1 t −a1 < 0, un t −an < 0, |ur t| ar , |urs t, θ| ars 2ε1 − θ−1−2ε , |vk t| bk , 5.2 where 2 r n − 1, where 0 r < r s n, where 1 k m, |vkl t, θ| bkl 2ε1 − θ−1−2ε , 5.3 where 0 k < k l m, in which ar , ars , bk , bkl are nonnegative constants and ε > 0. Define n f t, x, ϕ xr tur t r1 0r<rsn xr t m xk tvk t g t, x, ϕ k1 0k<klm 0 x t k −∞ ϕs θurs t, θdθ, 0 5.4 ϕ θvkl t, θdθ. l −∞ It is obvious that ft, x, ϕ and gt, x, ϕ satisfy the local Lipschtiz condition. By 5.4, 5.1 can be rewritten as 1.1. Choose the Ψ-type function ψt 1 t . Let dμθ 2ε1 − θ−1−2ε dθ. It is obvious &0 that −∞ dμθ 1 and 0 −∞ ψ −θdμθ ε 0 −∞ ε 1 −θ 2ε1 − θ−1−2ε dθ 0 −∞ 2ε1 − θ−1−ε dθ 2 < ∞, which shows that μ ∈ Mε . By 5.2 and the Young inequality, we have that n−2 x f t, x, ϕ −a1 |x|2 ai1 |x|i2 − an |x|n1 T n−2 ars 0r<rsn r1 0 −∞ ϕθs dθ ai1 |x|i2 − an |x|n1 i1 ars |x| 0r<rsn i1 −a1 |x|2 r1 s |x|rs1 rs1 rs1 0 −∞ ϕθrs1 dμθ 5.5 14 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis r 1ars − an − n1 0r<rsn 1 − a1 |x|2 a01 |x|2 2 n−2 i0 sars i2 0r<rsi1 : −σ|x| n−2 α2 σ 0 −∞ αi 2 σi |x| |x| n−2 ai1 i1 0 −∞ n−12 sars n 1 0r<rsn r 1ars i2 0r<rsi1 0 −∞ ϕθn−12 dμθ |x|i2 ϕθi2 dμθ ϕθα2 dμθ − σ |x|2 σi 0 −∞ i0 αi 2 ϕθ dμθ , 5.6 which shows that condition 4.1 holds with r 1ars , n1 0r<rsn σ an − σi ai1 σ sars , n1 0r<rsn r 1ars , i2 1r<rsi1 σi α n − 1, σ a1 , 5.7 sars , i2 1r<rsi1 αi i. By 5.3 and the Young inequality, we get that m−1 g t, x, ϕ b1 |x| bj |x|j bm |x|m j1 j m bj |x| bm |x| j1 bkl 0k<klm kbkl bm m 0k<klm bkl |x|k 0k<klm m−1 b1 |x| ⎛ |x|m−11 lbkl m 0k<klm 0 : λ|x|β1 λ m−2 j0 λj |x| −∞ −∞ ϕθl dθ k l |x|kl kl kl ⎞ m−2 kb kl ⎝bj1 ⎠|x|j1 j 1 j0 j1 0k<klj1 m−2 0 0 −∞ 0 −∞ ϕθkl dμθ ϕθm−11 dμθ b1 |x| lbkl j 1 0k<klj1 0 −∞ ϕθj1 dμθ ϕθβ1 dμθ − λ|x| βj 1 λj 0 −∞ βj 1 ϕθ dμθ , 5.8 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 15 which shows that condition 4.2 holds with λ bm kbkl , m 0k<klm lbkl , λj j 1 0k<klj1 λj λ ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨0, lbkl , m 0k<klm λ b1 , if j 0, ⎪ ⎪ ⎩bj1 kbkl , j 1 0k<klj1 β m − 1, 5.9 if 1 j m − 2, βj j. By 2m n1, we have 2m−1 n−1, which implies 2β α. It is easy to see that σ, σ , λ, λ, and λ are positive, and σi , σ i , λj , λj , are nonnegative, where 0 i n − 2, 0 j m − 2. By the parameters in Theorem 4.3, we can compute σ· σ · ρ 1, n−1 i2 S b· n−1 ai i2 0k<klm S − λ0 m bj j2 ars , 0r<rsn−1 Q an − bkl , ai ars , 5.10 0r<rsn bkl . 0k<klm In Assumption 4.1, the parameter σ is positive, so it is required that an > r 1ars . n1 0r<rsn 5.11 Let W1 n−1 ai i2 ars , 0r<rsn−1 W2 b· bkl , 0k<klm W3 n−1 i2 ai ars . 0r<rsn 5.12 16 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis To apply Theorem 4.3, it is necessary to test that 4.11–4.13 are satisfied. This requires that 1 a1 > W1 W22 , 2 5.13 1 an > W3 W2 W2 − b1 . 2 5.14 Obviously, 5.11 can be obtained from 5.14. By 4.14, p1 1 2an − W3 , W2 W2 − b1 p2 1 2a1 − W1 . W22 5.15 Thus, we have the following corollary from Theorem 4.3. Corollary 5.1. Let conditions 5.2, 5.3, 5.13, and 5.14 be satisfied, where W1 , W2 , and W3 are given in 5.12. 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