College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Georgia U. S. Congressional Districts 2006 Farm Gate Value Summary Compiled by Susan R. Boatright and John C. McKissick from information reported by Georgia Cooperative Extension County Agents AR-07-04 Georgia U. S. Congressional Districts Effective 2006 General Election Map source: Carl Vinson Institute of Government, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 1--2006 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group 1 Counties Forestry & Related Products Fruits and Nuts Livestock & Aquaculture Ornamental Horticulture AgriTourism & Other Income Poultry & Eggs Row & Forage Crops Vegetables Total $106,676,732 Appling $11,832,724 $12,725,910 $14,712,515 $2,264,540 $7,723,738 $31,283,204 $25,747,035 $387,067 Atkinson $4,759,027 $711,478 $3,987,239 $415,894 $6,495,985 $50,626,888 $15,483,108 $2,051,993 $84,531,611 $413,169 $26,621,250 $7,023,474 $641,670 $6,110,866 $13,456,152 $15,907,155 $1,580,451 $71,754,187 Berrien $5,877,105 $6,954,171 $8,065,010 $5,767,336 $9,485,891 $15,612,035 $28,400,244 $7,812,468 $87,974,258 Brantley $8,185,955 $2,310,450 $2,582,486 $353,221 $2,668,374 $9,312,000 $1,356,401 $4,165 $26,773,051 Bryan $4,031,000 $69,023 $1,798,080 $296,080 $343,379 $0 $1,084,530 $0 $7,622,092 Camden $3,836,736 $53,812 $336,391 $866,596 $3,000,000 $0 $16,250 $0 $8,109,785 Charlton $9,035,136 $91,404 $1,349,994 $1,079,950 $2,590,561 $4,694,679 $334,375 $12,112 $19,188,212 Chatham $0 $106,238 $2,208,787 $4,783,975 $18,437 $0 $64,175 $0 $7,181,611 Clinch $19,845,555 $13,127,250 $4,819,828 $1,187,340 $811,897 $1,502,256 $850,914 $437,960 $42,583,000 Coffee $8,671,707 $1,143,636 $12,115,627 $15,620,225 $11,745,591 $80,147,590 $36,789,424 $870,691 $167,104,491 Cook $1,993,506 $2,017,097 $4,232,766 $11,883,980 $10,433,986 $14,657,779 $21,260,850 $24,081,458 $90,561,421 Echols $10,020,000 $0 $626,360 $2,565,572 $3,256,302 $0 $766,494 $70,330,948 $87,565,676 Glynn $8,677,562 $18,450 $3,740,000 $430,100 $128 $0 $0 $0 $12,866,240 Jeff Davis $9,443,974 $2,946,895 $7,667,141 $3,394,905 $5,679,070 $19,210,063 $19,205,086 $762,090 $68,309,224 Lanier $3,925,000 $2,695,590 $3,889,386 $12,433,080 $2,934,510 $1,414,250 $8,397,861 $125,000 $35,814,677 Liberty $776,250 $16,656 $667,997 $140,190 $111,768 $0 $289,223 $0 $2,002,084 Long $6,398,680 $949,008 $1,892,983 $0 $1,651,410 $12,065,858 $941,574 $630,654 $24,530,167 Lowndes $8,187,500 $6,307,230 $5,423,719 $6,264,940 $3,916,836 $0 $15,233,744 $22,174,152 $67,508,121 McIntosh $5,306,285 $109,224 $0 $258,060 $91,100 $0 $0 $0 $5,764,669 Pierce $5,095,000 $7,615,015 $4,170,024 $729,775 $6,076,379 $2,204,379 $18,349,933 $581,036 $44,821,541 Telfair $10,293,750 $160,290 $5,025,689 $0 $3,214,470 $285,000 $6,852,024 $16,053,172 $41,884,396 Ware $10,180,000 $5,907,900 $4,077,740 $2,576,080 $3,590,178 $9,896,471 $6,022,072 $3,407,924 $45,658,365 Wayne $32,240,598 $3,325,744 $5,481,197 $639,822 $6,762,027 $9,724,317 $11,932,577 $10,383,668 $80,489,950 Wheeler $7,893,949 $677,625 $4,957,353 $4,741,411 $2,069,665 $3,750 $6,955,853 $10,410,164 $37,709,771 $196,920,168 $96,661,345 $110,851,786 $79,334,741 $100,782,548 $276,096,671 $242,240,901 $172,097,172 $1,274,985,332 Bacon Dist. 1 Total 1 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 1 -- 2006 Farm Gate Summary County Appling Atkinson Bacon Berrien Brantley Bryan Camden Charlton Chatham Clinch Coffee Cook Echols Glynn Jeff Davis Lanier Liberty Long Lowndes McIntosh Pierce Telfair Ware Wayne Wheeler Total Farm Gate Value $106,676,732 $84,531,611 $71,754,187 $87,974,258 $26,773,051 $7,622,092 $8,109,785 $19,188,212 $7,181,611 $42,583,000 $167,104,491 $90,561,421 $87,565,676 $12,866,240 $68,309,224 $35,814,677 $2,002,084 $24,530,167 $67,508,121 $5,764,669 $44,821,541 $41,884,396 $45,658,365 $80,489,950 $37,709,771 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group AgriTourism & Other Inc Vegetables Fruit/Nut Livestock Forestry 15.4% Fruit/Nut 7.6% Livestock 8.7% Orn Hort 6.2% Poultry 21.7% Row Crops 19.0% Vegetables 13.5% AgriTourism & Other Inc 7.9% Total: 100.0% Row Crops Poultry Orn Hort Top Ten Commodities Blueberries Peanuts Tobacco Government Payments Greenhouse Beef Cows Layers - Hatching egg prod Cotton Timber Broiler - Integrator Total: Forestry Others Broiler - Integrator 14.4% Timber 13.8% Cotton 7.6% Blueberries 5.5% Peanuts 4.5% Government Payments 3.6% Tobacco 3.1% Greenhouse 2.5% Beef Cows 2.4% Layers - Hatching egg prod 2.2% Others 40.4% Total: 100.0% $1,274,985,332 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Top 10 Commodities Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Broiler Integrator Timber Cotton Forestry Vegetables Blueberries Row Crops Peanuts Others Government Payments Layers Hatching egg prod Tobacco Greenhouse Beef Cows Broiler - Integrator 14.4% Timber 13.8% Cotton 7.6% Blueberries 5.5% Peanuts 4.5% Government Payments 3.6% Tobacco 3.1% Greenhouse 2.5% Beef Cows 2.4% Layers - Hatching egg prod 2.2% Others 40.4% Total: 100.0% Fruit/Nut Livestock Other Orn Hort Poultry Forestry 15.5% Fruit/Nut 7.6% Livestock 8.7% Orn Hort 6.3% Poultry 21.8% Other 7.5% Row Crops 19.1% Vegetables 13.6% Total: 100.0% Georgia US Congressional District 1 -- 2006 Farm Gate Commodities Broiler - Integrator $183,016,428 Timber $176,571,668 Cotton $96,450,353 Blueberries $70,371,279 Peanuts $57,949,357 Government Payments $45,530,423 Tobacco $38,893,517 Greenhouse * $32,121,912 Beef Cows $31,063,138 Layers - Hatching egg prod $28,218,120 Hunting Leases - Deer $27,944,976 Watermelon $27,487,817 Broiler - Grower $26,795,223 Dairy $25,658,738 Bell Peppers $25,546,683 Layers - Table egg production $24,405,500 Turfgrass $24,223,059 Other $23,862,610 Pine Straw $19,651,000 Crop Insurance $19,206,424 Onions $19,109,688 Pecans $18,250,391 Carrots $18,012,000 Cucumbers $17,336,583 Horses - Boarding, training, breeding $17,254,000 Corn $15,551,968 Container Nursery $15,053,500 Hay $14,011,702 Yellow Squash $13,635,345 Tomato $12,835,290 Horses - Raised $10,602,500 Breeder Pullet Unit $9,947,000 Snap Beans $9,107,386 Zucchini $6,600,105 Pork - Finishing only $5,221,090 Beef Stockers $5,062,781 Eggplant $4,924,332 Camping $4,439,400 Cantaloupe $4,401,930 Silage $4,397,745 Soybeans $3,991,999 Blackberries $3,694,960 Pork - Farrow to finish $3,165,659 Goats $2,988,281 Field Nursery $2,671,770 Wheat $2,538,041 Southern Peas $2,470,530 Straw $1,808,975 Rye $1,728,568 Beef Cattle Finished Outside Co $1,670,060 Cabbage Turnip Greens Pork - Feeder pigs GREEN HOUSE * Grapes Oats Sweet Corn Collards Peaches Hot Peppers Fishing Hunting Leases - Turkey Christmas Trees Strawberries Winter Squash Green Onions Quail Mustard Lima Beans Okra Catfish Sorghum Hunting Leases - Duck Kale Sweet Potatoes Banana Peppers Special events Turnip Roots Guide services Special attractions Wildlife observation Pumpkin Equestrian trail rides Sheep Irish Potatoes Hayrides School tours Corn Maze Spinach Barley English Peas Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. $1,584,801 $1,506,613 $1,287,795 $1,282,800 $1,237,673 $1,062,188 $967,358 $949,340 $833,472 $741,012 $732,675 $647,200 $547,500 $464,700 $440,880 $391,680 $368,800 $300,514 $267,807 $253,930 $234,760 $219,399 $187,500 $178,875 $167,674 $150,500 $112,000 $95,650 $63,000 $55,500 $39,900 $38,088 $30,900 $30,500 $19,728 $15,200 $10,000 $4,950 $4,278 $3,420 $2,970 *Greenhouse (for ornamental horticulture) *GREEN HOUSE (for vegetables - sale and transplant) 1 Georgia US Congressional District 2--2006 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Counties Forestry & Related Products Fruits and Nuts Livestock & Aquaculture Ornamental Horticulture Row & Forage AgriTourism & Poultry & Eggs Crops Other Income Vegetables Total Baker $2,178,925 $390,000 $4,200,921 $2,066,652 $11,209,619 $29,667,634 $31,918,514 $214,210 $81,846,475 Brooks $8,055,303 $9,292,800 $31,709,507 $7,529,200 $12,834,885 $8,806,080 $40,569,605 $25,427,095 $144,224,475 Calhoun $1,256,705 $6,415,560 $2,985,235 $627,750 $8,948,740 $16,063,488 $27,230,961 $0 $63,528,438 $384,005 $0 $83,379 $0 $974,000 $3,275,844 $48,750 $0 $4,765,978 Clay $2,473,273 $19,110 $2,938,235 $860,200 $4,004,034 $0 $10,008,324 $0 $20,303,176 Crawford $2,642,750 $4,490,075 $1,937,410 $7,108,940 $789,661 $24,098,818 $1,336,232 $179,950 $42,583,835 Crisp $2,941,860 $3,229,200 $5,403,536 $1,186,815 $8,671,002 $6,212,052 $26,106,163 $16,981,086 $70,731,715 Chattahoochee $10,800,265 $1,137,838 $6,909,164 $9,723,565 $17,025,502 $25,393,608 $44,444,740 $60,422,077 $175,856,758 Dooly $2,578,305 $1,840,914 $3,457,623 $2,860,310 $21,633,094 $12,908,160 $49,757,558 $5,286,916 $100,322,879 Dougherty $1,918,192 $32,623,096 $10,213,568 $3,105,360 $6,260,795 $1,191,216 $6,934,220 $88,196 $62,334,643 Early $5,666,942 $244,238 $7,803,228 $2,291,945 $16,786,508 $1,310,338 $49,311,084 $0 $83,414,282 Grady $4,765,490 $1,877,375 $9,259,388 $66,149,844 $7,224,244 $26,116,867 $24,581,067 $6,655,452 $146,629,727 Lee $1,927,621 $5,631,240 $12,523,613 $1,433,190 $10,354,886 $0 $24,420,392 $1,618,134 $57,909,076 Lowndes $8,187,500 $6,307,230 $5,423,719 $6,264,940 $3,916,836 $0 $15,233,744 $22,174,152 $67,508,121 Macon $2,275,028 $14,385,140 $30,294,068 $12,552,270 $6,791,227 $96,439,851 $16,088,973 $2,227,782 $181,054,339 Marion $4,753,698 $21,938 $2,612,942 $200,000 $2,546,164 $22,831,066 $1,941,058 $980,209 $35,887,075 Decatur Miller Mitchell $821,700 $168,230 $7,126,196 $164,083 $13,157,233 $2,151,360 $50,200,466 $1,408,778 $75,198,046 $4,319,119 $8,863,823 $33,351,387 $4,890,790 $19,537,706 $72,791,158 $54,833,050 $23,088,231 $221,675,263 $18,750 $0 $2,791,757 $1,467,862 $42,395 $0 $145,665 $0 $4,466,429 $640,197 $33,951,293 $7,550,019 $8,317,602 $3,084,749 $0 $3,802,284 $24,737 $57,370,880 Quitman $3,697,981 $4,290 $952,497 $0 $1,502,234 $0 $688,023 $0 $6,845,025 Randolph $5,635,955 $664,268 $3,112,800 $1,143,325 $8,422,299 $0 $25,364,805 $0 $44,343,451 Schley $1,300,079 $329,063 $2,315,118 $359,954 $1,014,333 $17,599,715 $1,206,720 $232,815 $24,357,796 Seminole $1,129,393 $2,258,019 $7,719,959 $2,561,306 $9,722,644 $0 $38,488,147 $7,398,658 $69,278,126 Stewart $5,076,814 $941,460 $1,650,193 $1,413,662 $4,668,612 $2,748,960 $2,783,131 $3,629 $19,286,462 Sumter $4,051,695 $3,600,262 $14,769,647 $11,117,125 $10,810,654 $16,228,855 $31,327,257 $25,829,992 $117,735,487 Talbot $4,428,631 $164,865 $3,880,188 $65,920 $3,170,122 $0 $922,263 $146,523 $12,778,512 Taylor $3,900,000 $8,557,515 $3,986,414 $1,714,300 $5,098,508 $22,002,416 $3,070,169 $1,410,902 $49,740,224 Terrell $2,831,345 $1,295,580 $5,016,822 $2,057,160 $11,547,575 $0 $26,739,020 $161,320 $49,648,822 Thomas $7,044,346 $3,458,578 $15,009,876 $5,485,821 $24,375,765 $10,348,363 $33,594,189 $4,945,404 $104,262,341 Webster $1,344,944 $983,685 $3,288,691 $674,772 $4,834,985 $1,210,042 $5,647,781 $1,805,364 $19,790,265 Worth $6,255,000 $1,518,530 $13,417,709 $2,394,134 $17,311,061 $6,149,266 $44,361,288 $15,678,844 $107,085,832 $115,301,811 $154,665,212 $263,694,808 $167,788,797 $278,272,072 $425,545,156 $693,105,641 $224,390,454 $2,322,763,952 Muscogee Peach Dist. 2 Total 1 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 2 -- 2006 Farm Gate Summary County Baker Brooks Calhoun Chattahoochee Clay Crawford Crisp Decatur Dooly Dougherty Early Grady Lee Lowndes Macon Marion Miller Mitchell Muscogee Peach Quitman Randolph Schley Seminole Stewart Sumter Talbot Taylor Terrell Thomas Webster Worth Total: Total Farm Gate Value $81,846,475 $144,224,475 $63,528,438 $4,765,978 $20,303,176 $42,583,835 $70,731,715 $175,856,758 $100,322,879 $62,334,643 $83,414,282 $146,629,727 $57,909,076 $67,508,121 $181,054,339 $35,887,075 $75,198,046 $221,675,263 $4,466,429 $57,370,880 $6,845,025 $44,343,451 $24,357,796 $69,278,126 $19,286,462 $117,735,487 $12,778,512 $49,740,224 $49,648,822 $104,262,341 $19,790,265 $107,085,832 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group AgriTourism & Other Inc Forestry Fruit/Nut Vegetables Livestock Orn Hort Row Crops Forestry 5.0% Fruit/Nut 6.7% Livestock 11.4% Orn Hort 7.2% Poultry 18.3% Row Crops 29.8% Vegetables 9.7% AgriTourism & Other Inc 12.0% Total: 100.0% Poultry Top Ten Commodities Cotton Others Broiler - Integrator Turfgrass Government Payments Container Nursery Peanuts Timber Beef Cows Dairy Pecans Cotton 17.4% Broiler - Integrator 14.5% Government Payments 7.7% Peanuts 7.5% Timber 4.5% Pecans 4.3% Dairy 3.9% Beef Cows 2.8% Container Nursery 2.8% Turfgrass 2.3% Others 32.4% Total: 100.0% $2,322,763,952 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Top 10 Commodities Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Cotton Broiler Integrator Forestry Vegetables Fruit/Nut Government Payments Livestock Others Peanuts Timber Pecans Turfgrass Container Nursery Dairy Beef Cows Cotton 17.4% Broiler - Integrator 14.5% Government Payments 7.7% Peanuts 7.5% Timber 4.5% Pecans 4.3% Dairy 3.9% Beef Cows 2.8% Container Nursery 2.8% Turfgrass 2.3% Others 32.4% Total: 100.0% Row Crops Orn Hort Poultry Other Forestry 5.0% Fruit/Nut 6.7% Livestock 11.5% Orn Hort 7.3% Poultry 18.5% Other 11.0% Row Crops 30.2% Vegetables 9.8% Total: 100.0% Georgia US Congressional District 2 -- 2006 Farm Gate Commodities Cotton Broiler - Integrator Government Payments Peanuts Timber Pecans Dairy Beef Cows Container Nursery Turfgrass Peaches Broiler - Grower Corn Crop Insurance Sweet Corn Tomato Greenhouse * Watermelon Horses - Boarding, training, breeding Snap Beans Layers - Hatching egg prod Hunting Leases - Deer Beef Stockers Guide services Horses - Raised Hay Bell Peppers Other Wheat Cucumbers Silage Breeder Pullet Unit Pine Straw Field Nursery Pork - Farrow to finish Yellow Squash Straw Zucchini Soybeans Pork - Finishing only Tobacco Cantaloupe Pork - Feeder pigs Collards Southern Peas Lima Beans Carrots Eggplant Oats Cabbage $404,448,339 $337,108,231 $178,776,349 $173,951,255 $104,150,561 $98,938,028 $90,049,846 $65,982,798 $63,912,965 $53,842,245 $52,237,876 $49,355,625 $47,519,055 $44,732,068 $44,117,669 $41,287,633 $41,252,633 $34,480,799 $33,760,000 $30,169,935 $28,753,200 $26,619,480 $20,833,668 $19,116,250 $18,330,000 $17,646,727 $15,061,410 $14,486,634 $11,792,757 $10,290,058 $10,016,848 $9,644,600 $9,017,500 $8,580,955 $7,761,970 $6,543,775 $6,457,345 $6,434,365 $6,158,481 $6,060,194 $5,836,935 $5,820,120 $4,652,438 $4,174,875 $3,851,853 $3,426,057 $3,415,950 $3,158,846 $2,783,818 $2,554,882 Sorghum Rye Beef Cattle Finished Outside Co Hunting Leases - Turkey Goats Quail Turnip Greens Mustard Christmas Trees Grapes Catfish Special events Hot Peppers Blueberries Hunting Leases - Duck Okra Irish Potatoes Camping Banana Peppers Kale Strawberries GREEN HOUSE * Layers - Table egg production Winter Squash Pole Beans English Peas Turnip Roots Fishing Pumpkin School tours Sweet Potatoes Equestrian trail rides Sheep Wildlife observation Blackberries Onions Broccoli Special attractions Barley Apples Hayrides Corn Maze $2,511,593 $2,198,746 $2,192,218 $2,070,700 $2,048,394 $2,033,800 $2,023,470 $1,695,560 $1,653,750 $1,641,520 $1,547,434 $1,488,400 $1,480,525 $1,182,213 $1,143,400 $842,740 $739,618 $704,450 $632,475 $624,951 $583,585 $452,496 $380,000 $330,890 $260,869 $128,250 $128,050 $125,875 $96,665 $82,700 $77,069 $67,850 $65,000 $55,650 $51,773 $25,000 $10,000 $7,500 $6,840 $6,638 $5,700 $3,700 *Greenhouse (for ornamental horticulture) *GREEN HOUSE (for vegetables - sale and transplant) Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. 1 Georgia US Congressional District 3--2006 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Counties Forestry & Related Products Fruits and Nuts Carroll $4,115,000 $133,920 Coweta $1,925,907 $174,957 Douglas $242,271 $3,120 Livestock & Aquaculture $21,135,979 Ornamental Horticulture AgriTourism & Other Income Poultry & Eggs Row & Forage Crops Vegetables Total $103,972,654 $1,040,000 $103,865 $135,323,872 $324,976 $0 $661,197 $102,774 $16,687,264 $45,858 $455,770 $59,600 $43,000 $5,637,606 $3,507,815 $1,314,640 $8,578,078 $4,919,375 $2,788,588 $1,999,400 $798,315 $363,895 $6,876,895 $12,671,000 $460,971 $11,900 $44,288 $568,054 $21,795,318 Harris $2,868,009 $550,360 $4,501,240 $5,093,904 $2,513,643 $190,000 $1,532,790 $433,252 $17,683,198 Heard $3,000,000 $0 $3,828,568 $922,015 $973,583 $42,904,735 $345,696 $25,000 $51,999,597 Henry $277,250 $747,800 $9,043,851 $2,575,005 $315,177 $0 $1,844,810 $0 $14,803,893 Lamar Fayette $913,358 $381,055 $8,493,423 $5,613,370 $669,148 $15,849,388 $3,876,229 $359,289 $36,155,259 Meriwether $6,376,132 $3,333,628 $16,056,715 $10,054,220 $2,514,816 $0 $1,327,792 $417,514 $40,080,816 Muscogee $18,750 $0 $2,791,757 $1,467,862 $42,395 $0 $145,665 $0 $4,466,429 $1,318,577 $1,105,753 $5,758,466 $5,602,775 $513,965 $8,534,286 $1,027,165 $185,377 $24,046,365 $659,921 $304,933 $10,969,470 $5,059,995 $535,236 $0 $26,288 $25,162 $17,581,004 $880,745 $27,000 $5,560,070 $350,790 $136,148 $1,118,707 $1,051,169 $10,000 $9,134,629 $9,255,000 $160,300 $8,422,733 $844,350 $4,559,462 $0 $547,660 $9,480 $23,798,985 Pike Rockdale Spalding Troup Upson Dist. 3 Total 1 $2,084,140 $619,766 $6,622,166 $1,245,925 $890,537 $18,828,572 $625,149 $60,000 $30,976,254 $34,733,375 $7,906,488 $121,428,000 $61,927,801 $15,810,555 $191,866,010 $14,155,495 $2,342,766 $450,170,490 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 3 -- 2006 Farm Gate Summary County Carroll Coweta Douglas Fayette Harris Heard Henry Lamar Meriwether Muscogee Pike Rockdale Spalding Troup Upson Total Farm Gate Value $135,323,872 $16,687,264 $5,637,606 $21,795,318 $17,683,198 $51,999,597 $14,803,893 $36,155,259 $40,080,816 $4,466,429 $24,046,365 $17,581,004 $9,134,629 $23,798,985 $30,976,254 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group AgriTourism & Other Inc Forestry Vegetables Row Crops Fruit/Nut Livestock Poultry Forestry 7.7% Fruit/Nut 1.8% Livestock 27.0% Orn Hort 13.8% Poultry 42.6% Row Crops 3.1% Vegetables 0.5% AgriTourism & Other Inc 3.5% Total: 100.0% Orn Hort Top Ten Commodities Field Nursery Broiler Grower Container Nursery Horses Raised Dairy Greenhouse Others Beef Cows Timber Horses Boarding, training, breeding Total: Broiler Integrator Broiler - Integrator 34.6% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 10.9% Timber 7.0% Beef Cows 6.8% Greenhouse 5.5% Broiler - Grower 5.1% Field Nursery 4.0% Container Nursery 3.6% Horses - Raised 3.5% Dairy 1.9% Others 17.4% Total: 100.0% $450,170,490 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Top 10 Commodities Farm Gate Value Broiler Integrator by Commodity Group Vegetables Forestry Row Crops Horses Boarding, training, breeding Other Fruit/Nut Others Dairy Horses - Raised Timber Container Nursery Field Nursery Beef Cows Greenhouse Broiler Grower Broiler - Integrator 34.6% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 10.9% Timber 7.0% Beef Cows 6.8% Greenhouse 5.5% Broiler - Grower 5.1% Field Nursery 4.0% Container Nursery 3.6% Horses - Raised 3.5% Dairy 1.9% Others 17.4% Total: 100.0% Livestock Poultry Orn Hort Forestry 7.8% Fruit/Nut 1.8% Livestock 27.3% Orn Hort 13.9% Poultry 43.2% Other 2.3% Row Crops 3.2% Vegetables 0.5% Total: 100.0% Georgia US Congressional District 3 -- 2006 Farm Gate Commodities Broiler - Integrator $155,578,101 Horses - Boarding, training, breeding $49,000,000 Timber $31,456,875 Beef Cows $30,542,542 Greenhouse * $24,573,762 Broiler - Grower $22,778,009 Field Nursery $17,787,730 Container Nursery $16,085,740 Horses - Raised $15,575,000 Dairy $8,387,178 Layers - Hatching egg prod $7,644,000 Hunting Leases - Deer $7,019,400 Beef Stockers $6,908,841 Hay $5,969,675 Other $5,199,094 Beef Cattle Finished Outside Co $4,547,214 Peaches $3,921,856 Breeder Pullet Unit $3,864,000 Turfgrass $3,137,169 Pork - Farrow to finish $2,458,931 Fishing $2,223,300 Government Payments $2,135,958 Wheat $1,731,545 Christmas Trees $1,680,000 Pine Straw $1,596,500 Straw $1,526,795 Goats $1,477,938 Pecans $1,445,425 Cotton $1,158,589 Blueberries $959,745 Silage $947,852 Catfish $860,655 Camping $854,900 Strawberries $845,342 Rye $771,648 Guide services $732,500 Special events $727,500 Hunting Leases - Turkey $675,220 Grapes $585,633 Corn $519,038 Special attractions $500,000 Tomato $462,150 Pork - Feeder pigs $310,163 Sweet Corn $302,369 Watermelon $266,786 Cantaloupe $207,750 Layers - Table egg production $191,900 Soybeans $176,595 Turnip Greens $161,829 School tours $153,000 Equestrian trail rides Crop Insurance Blackberries Collards Quail Hunting Leases - Duck Cucumbers Southern Peas Sheep Okra Yellow Squash Snap Beans Pumpkin Oats Bell Peppers Barley Sweet Potatoes Lima Beans GREEN HOUSE * Hayrides Sorghum Irish Potatoes Apples Green Onions Cabbage Pole Beans Eggplant Banana Peppers Lettuce Corn Maze Zucchini Peanuts *Greenhouse (for ornamental horticulture) *GREEN HOUSE (for vegetables - sale and transplant) Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. $145,250 $142,127 $129,480 $113,100 $92,400 $82,500 $81,807 $72,585 $71,719 $66,938 $62,890 $59,791 $55,800 $55,385 $40,720 $32,348 $27,648 $25,223 $25,200 $22,900 $22,415 $19,194 $19,006 $18,360 $16,608 $14,225 $11,903 $10,500 $5,288 $2,000 $1,104 $338 Georgia US Congressional District 4--2006 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group1 Counties Forestry & Related Products Fruits and Nuts Livestock & Aquaculture Ornamental Horticulture AgriTourism & Row & Forage Poultry & Eggs Crops Other Income Vegetables Total $0 $0 $660,000 $2,092,500 $1,400,000 $0 $0 $0 $4,152,500 Gwinnett $262,500 $287,564 $5,263,568 $11,986,750 $1,774 $4,972,032 $0 $0 $22,774,188 Rockdale $659,921 $304,933 $10,969,470 $5,059,995 $535,236 $0 $26,288 $25,162 $17,581,004 Dist. 4 Total $922,421 $592,497 $16,893,038 $19,139,245 $1,937,010 $4,972,032 $26,288 $25,162 $44,507,692 DeKalb 1 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 4 -- 2006 Farm Gate Summary County DeKalb Gwinnett Rockdale Total Farm Gate Value $4,152,500 $22,774,188 $17,581,004 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Vegetables AgriTourism & Other Inc Row Crops Forestry Fruit/Nut Poultry Livestock Forestry 2.1% Fruit/Nut 1.3% Livestock 38.0% Orn Hort 43.0% Poultry 11.2% Row Crops 0.1% Vegetables 0.1% AgriTourism & Other Inc 4.4% Total: 100.0% Orn Hort Top Ten Commodities Special events Timber Broiler - Grower Others Camping Greenhouse Beef Cows Horses Raised Broiler - Integrator Container Nursery Total: Horses - Boarding, training, breeding Greenhouse 28.4% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 27.5% Container Nursery 12.3% Broiler - Integrator 9.7% Horses - Raised 5.6% Beef Cows 3.3% Camping 3.1% Broiler - Grower 1.4% Timber 1.4% Special events 1.1% Others 6.1% Total: 100.0% $44,507,692 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Top 10 Commodities Others Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Greenhouse Vegetables Special events Row Crops Other Timber Horses Boarding, training, breeding Broiler Grower Forestry Fruit/Nut Poultry Beef Cows Camping Horses Raised Container Nursery Broiler Integrator Greenhouse 28.4% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 27.5% Container Nursery 12.3% Broiler - Integrator 9.7% Horses - Raised 5.6% Beef Cows 3.3% Camping 3.1% Broiler - Grower 1.4% Timber 1.4% Special events 1.1% Others 6.1% Total: 100.0% Livestock Orn Hort Forestry 2.2% Fruit/Nut 1.4% Livestock 39.7% Orn Hort 44.9% Poultry 11.7% Other 0.0% Row Crops 0.1% Vegetables 0.1% Total: 100.0% Georgia US Congressional District 4 -- 2006 Farm Gate Commodities Greenhouse * Horses - Boarding, training, breeding Container Nursery Broiler - Integrator Horses - Raised Beef Cows Camping Broiler - Grower Timber Special events Field Nursery Strawberries Beef Cattle Finished Outside Co Turfgrass Christmas Trees Other Beef Stockers Blueberries Goats Hay Hunting Leases - Deer Fishing Grapes Tomato Sweet Corn Equestrian trail rides Okra Pole Beans Green Onions Government Payments Sorghum Irish Potatoes Zucchini Yellow Squash $12,624,750 $12,260,000 $5,462,270 $4,337,050 $2,500,000 $1,461,506 $1,400,625 $634,982 $622,421 $500,000 $469,365 $465,464 $422,800 $342,860 $300,000 $265,420 $143,625 $115,005 $79,688 $24,375 $15,600 $12,300 $12,028 $7,900 $6,594 $6,500 $3,063 $2,453 $2,040 $1,985 $1,913 $1,439 $1,104 $570 Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. *Greenhouse (for ornamental horticulture) Georgia US Congressional District 5--2006 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group 1 Counties Forestry & Related Fruits & Nuts Products Livestock & Aquaculture Ornamental Horticulture AgriTourism & Other Income Row & Forage Crops Total Clayton $710,000 $2,793 $703,440 $9,498,000 $353,792 $16,250 $11,284,275 DeKalb $0 $0 $660,000 $2,092,500 $1,400,000 $0 $4,152,500 Fulton $220,827 $201,875 $3,555,168 $31,651,090 $16,832 $269,527 $35,915,318 Dist. 5 Total $930,827 $204,668 $4,918,607 $43,241,590 $1,770,624 $285,777 $51,352,093 1 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 5 -- 2006 Farm Gate Summary County Clayton DeKalb Fulton Total Farm Gate Value $11,284,275 $4,152,500 $35,915,318 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group AgriTourism & Other Inc Forestry Fruit/Nut Row Crops Livestock Orn Hort Beef Stockers Horses Raised Top Ten Commodities Hay Others Timber Beef Cows Camping Horses Boarding, training, breeding Greenhouse Field Nursery Container Nursery Total: Forestry 1.8% Fruit/Nut 0.4% Livestock 9.6% Orn Hort 84.2% Row Crops 0.6% AgriTourism & Other Inc 3.4% Total: 100.0% Greenhouse 66.6% Container Nursery 10.4% Field Nursery 7.3% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 4.6% Camping 2.8% Beef Cows 2.6% Timber 1.6% Horses - Raised 1.3% Beef Stockers 0.7% Hay 0.5% Others 1.6% Total: 100.0% $51,352,093 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Top 10 Commodities Beef Stockers Horses Raised Farm Gate Value Hay Others Row Crops Other Timber Greenhouse Beef Cows by Commodity Group Forestry Fruit/Nut Livestock Camping Horses Boarding, training, breeding Field Nursery Container Nursery Greenhouse 66.6% Container Nursery 10.4% Field Nursery 7.3% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 4.6% Camping 2.8% Beef Cows 2.6% Timber 1.6% Horses - Raised 1.3% Beef Stockers 0.7% Hay 0.5% Others 1.6% Total: 100.0% Orn Hort Forestry 1.9% Fruit/Nut 0.4% Livestock 9.9% Orn Hort 87.2% Other 0.1% Row Crops 0.6% Total: 100.0% Georgia US Congressional District 5 -- 2006 Farm Gate Commodities Greenhouse * Container Nursery Field Nursery Horses - Boarding, training, breeding Camping Beef Cows Timber Horses - Raised Beef Stockers Hay Equestrian trail rides Christmas Trees Goats Wildlife observation Peaches Grapes Catfish Apples Strawberries Corn Fishing Special events Government Payments School tours Special attractions Hunting Leases - Deer Pine Straw Hayrides Sheep Wheat $34,177,500 $5,333,240 $3,730,850 $2,380,000 $1,442,000 $1,336,234 $819,827 $675,000 $373,425 $244,400 $140,000 $105,000 $100,938 $70,000 $69,000 $52,380 $50,611 $41,925 $41,363 $40,600 $36,000 $24,000 $21,424 $18,000 $9,000 $7,200 $6,000 $3,000 $2,400 $777 Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. * Greenhouse (for ornamental horticulture) Georgia US Congressional District 6--2006 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group1 Counties Cherokee Cobb DeKalb Fulton Dist. 6 Total 1 Forestry & Related Products Fruits and Nuts Livestock & Aquaculture Ornamental Horticulture AgriTourism & Other Income Poultry & Eggs Row & Forage Crops Total $1,699,067 $99,375 $12,222,209 $14,822,421 $790,536 $39,045,082 $561,256 $69,239,946 $96,250 $0 $4,800,000 $3,792,135 $12,000 $0 $0 $8,700,385 $0 $0 $660,000 $2,092,500 $1,400,000 $0 $0 $4,152,500 $220,827 $201,875 $3,555,168 $31,651,090 $16,832 $0 $269,527 $35,915,318 $2,016,144 $301,250 $21,237,377 $52,358,146 $2,219,368 $39,045,082 $830,783 $118,008,149 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 6 -- 2006 Farm Gate Summary County Cherokee Cobb DeKalb Fulton Total Farm Gate Value $69,239,946 $8,700,385 $4,152,500 $35,915,318 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group AgriTourism & Other Inc Forestry Row Crops Fruit/Nut Livestock Poultry Orn Hort Forestry 1.7% Fruit/Nut 0.3% Livestock 18.0% Orn Hort 44.4% Poultry 33.1% Row Crops 0.7% AgriTourism & Other Inc 1.9% Total: 100.0% Top Ten Commodities Field Nursery Timber Horses Raised Beef Cows Container Nursery Camping Others Greenhouse Broiler - Grower Horses Boarding, training, breeding Broiler Integrator Total: Greenhouse 41.5% Broiler - Integrator 28.6% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 11.9% Broiler - Grower 4.2% Horses - Raised 3.2% Beef Cows 2.1% Timber 1.6% Field Nursery 1.5% Container Nursery 1.4% Camping 1.2% Others 2.8% Total: 100.0% $118,008,149 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Top 10 Commodities Container Nursery Field Nursery Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Camping Others Other Greenhouse Row Crops Forestry Fruit/Nut Livestock Timber Beef Cows Poultry Horses Raised Broiler Grower Horses Boarding, training, breeding Broiler Integrator Greenhouse 41.5% Broiler - Integrator 28.6% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 11.9% Broiler - Grower 4.2% Horses - Raised 3.2% Beef Cows 2.1% Timber 1.6% Field Nursery 1.5% Container Nursery 1.4% Camping 1.2% Others 2.8% Total: 100.0% Orn Hort Forestry 1.7% Fruit/Nut 0.3% Livestock 18.3% Orn Hort 45.2% Poultry 33.7% Other 0.0% Row Crops 0.7% Total: 100.0% Georgia US Congressional District 6 -- 2006 Farm Gate Commodities Greenhouse * Broiler - Integrator Horses - Boarding, training, breeding Broiler - Grower Horses - Raised Beef Cows Timber Field Nursery Container Nursery Camping Hay School tours Dairy Breeder Pullet Unit Corn Maze Beef Stockers Christmas Trees Goats Peaches Blueberries Grapes Catfish Government Payments Corn Apples Strawberries Blackberries Straw Other Pine Straw Sheep Wheat Cotton $48,990,726 $33,765,512 $14,060,000 $4,943,569 $3,825,000 $2,505,438 $1,841,394 $1,733,040 $1,634,380 $1,400,000 $761,319 $455,000 $348,520 $336,000 $320,000 $287,250 $168,750 $143,438 $69,000 $61,875 $52,380 $50,611 $44,368 $43,848 $41,925 $38,570 $37,500 $24,795 $14,720 $6,000 $2,400 $777 $44 Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. * Greenhouse (for ornamental horticulture) Georgia US Congressional District 7--2006 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group1 Counties Forestry & Related Products Fruits & Nuts Livestock & Aquaculture Ornamental Horticulture AgriTourism & Row & Forage Poultry & Eggs Crops Other Income Vegetables Total Barrow $120,000 $162,345 $3,456,676 $89,811 $113,769 $28,849,628 $1,174,536 $3,858 $33,970,622 Forsyth $30,000 $0 $11,617,054 $5,404,518 $12,106 $25,016,613 $334,375 $0 $42,414,666 Gwinnett $262,500 $287,564 $5,263,568 $11,986,750 $1,774 $4,972,032 $0 $0 $22,774,188 Newton $943,438 $260,260 $8,452,352 $1,420,165 $748,018 $2,857,168 $1,673,585 $0 $16,354,985 Walton $1,131,491 $227,240 $7,494,107 $16,654,770 $371,856 $11,508,608 $2,448,535 $197,285 $40,033,892 Dist. 7 Total $2,487,429 $937,409 $36,283,757 $35,556,014 $1,247,523 $73,204,048 $5,631,031 $201,143 $155,548,354 1 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 7 -- 2006 Farm Gate Summary County Barrow Forsyth Gwinnett Newton Walton Total Farm Gate Value $33,970,622 $42,414,666 $22,774,188 $16,354,985 $40,033,892 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group AgriTourism & Other Inc Vegetables Forestry Row Crops Fruit/Nut Livestock Poultry Orn Hort Forestry 1.6% Fruit/Nut 0.6% Livestock 23.3% Orn Hort 22.9% Poultry 47.1% Row Crops 3.6% Vegetables 0.1% AgriTourism & Other Inc 0.8% Total: 100.0% Top Ten Commodities Layers Hatching egg prod Others Hay Other Broiler Integrator Container Nursery Broiler Grower Beef Cows Field Nursery Greenhouse Total: Horses Boarding, training, breeding Broiler - Integrator 34.8% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 13.5% Greenhouse 10.8% Field Nursery 8.2% Beef Cows 6.8% Broiler - Grower 5.1% Container Nursery 3.6% Other 3.0% Hay 2.5% Layers - Hatching egg prod 1.9% Others 9.7% Total: 100.0% $155,548,354 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Top 10 Commodities Layers Hatching egg prod Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Others Row Crops Hay Other Other Broiler Integrator Container Nursery Broiler Grower Beef Cows Field Nursery Greenhouse Horses Boarding, training, breeding Vegetables Forestry Fruit/Nut Livestock Broiler - Integrator 34.8% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 13.5% Greenhouse 10.8% Field Nursery 8.2% Beef Cows 6.8% Broiler - Grower 5.1% Container Nursery 3.6% Other 3.0% Hay 2.5% Layers - Hatching egg prod 1.9% Others 9.7% Total: 100.0% Poultry Orn Hort Forestry 1.6% Fruit/Nut 0.6% Livestock 23.4% Orn Hort 23.0% Poultry 47.3% Other 0.3% Row Crops 3.6% Vegetables 0.1% Total: 100.0% Georgia US Congressional District 7 -- 2006 Farm Gate Commodities Broiler - Integrator Horses - Boarding, training, breeding Greenhouse * Field Nursery Beef Cows Broiler - Grower Container Nursery Other Hay Layers - Hatching egg prod Breeder Pullet Unit Horses - Raised Timber Layers - Table egg production Beef Stockers Guide services Beef Cattle Finished Outside Co Christmas Trees Wheat Government Payments Turfgrass Grapes Goats Soybeans Straw Corn Strawberries Dairy Rye Blueberries Silage Cotton Corn Maze Pecans Hunting Leases - Deer Oats Sorghum Blackberries Special attractions Fishing Sheep Tomato Sweet Corn Camping Pine Straw Pumpkin Crop Insurance Hayrides Peaches Equestrian trail rides $54,194,521 $21,000,000 $16,837,650 $12,817,275 $10,606,354 $7,934,557 $5,531,086 $4,631,500 $3,900,000 $2,939,971 $2,800,000 $2,725,000 $1,881,179 $1,406,000 $847,388 $510,000 $507,360 $498,750 $476,375 $392,449 $360,003 $270,285 $260,313 $239,425 $237,500 $229,650 $226,064 $189,843 $170,000 $165,270 $143,625 $134,946 $120,000 $76,050 $63,000 $48,222 $33,788 $25,600 $25,000 $15,000 $12,500 $10,665 $9,420 $7,500 $7,500 $7,200 $6,949 $5,000 $4,140 $2,625 Southern Peas Collards Turnip Greens Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. $2,367 $1,000 $491 * Greenhouse (for ornamental horticulture) 1 Georgia US Congressional District 8--2006 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Counties Forestry & Related Products Fruits & Nuts Livestock & Aquaculture Ornamental Horticulture Row & Forage AgriTourism & Poultry & Eggs Crops Other Income Vegetables Total Baldwin $3,908,472 $169,509 $5,029,825 $707,765 $702,200 $4,322,560 $1,496,544 $79,627 $16,416,501 Ben Hill $6,317,568 $1,755,000 $5,648,544 $1,871,312 $4,466,110 $8,762,609 $11,974,585 $1,192,115 $41,987,842 $546,370 $83,739 $4,267,143 $1,400,890 $30,977 $20,131,826 $847,944 $135,068 $12,819,695 Bleckley $4,928,164 $155,610 $4,596,178 $490,275 $5,256,065 $2,175,264 $12,815,416 $208,097 $30,625,069 Butts $1,851,967 $458,802 $3,485,682 $4,154,980 $1,991,198 $0 $529,376 $0 $12,472,005 Colquitt $8,683,417 $1,178,551 $13,930,283 $9,591,153 $17,616,508 $144,793,219 $47,753,318 $141,236,756 $384,783,205 Dodge $11,417,638 $345,750 $6,997,670 $4,410,750 $6,103,695 $1,965,506 $14,445,800 $10,597,878 $56,284,687 Houston $2,209,535 $2,337,380 $6,097,421 $3,650,760 $5,011,507 $11,793,038 $10,987,345 $308,517 $42,395,504 Irwin $7,412,500 $4,252,601 $7,512,513 $1,820,587 $12,986,722 $3,863,844 $34,785,245 $5,562,117 $78,196,128 Jasper $4,291,674 $522,810 $13,877,060 $16,524,000 $6,757,287 $14,917,868 $2,833,750 $337,020 $60,061,469 Jones $5,616,524 $19,105 $4,750,337 $342,185 $540,605 $4,375,388 $603,750 $0 $16,247,894 Laurens $20,014,176 $205,931 $12,003,252 $3,243,715 $7,121,506 $0 $12,614,280 $690,984 $55,893,844 Monroe $5,028,446 $1,023,394 $6,410,281 $1,286,025 $230,301 $26,306,803 $537,350 $0 $40,822,601 Newton $943,438 $260,260 $8,452,352 $1,420,165 $748,018 $2,857,168 $1,673,585 $0 $16,354,985 Bibb $378,537 $1,249,950 $2,104,440 $3,893,790 $7,853,834 $11,465,454 $24,967,865 $3,280,298 $55,194,169 Tift $3,408,358 $1,293,675 $6,715,828 $14,488,930 $8,118,135 $462,000 $25,305,101 $93,700,552 $153,492,579 Turner $2,390,000 $1,133,140 $7,981,517 $4,590,895 $8,233,367 $10,517,760 $20,713,107 $13,195,804 $68,755,590 Twiggs $7,000,561 $148,688 $1,637,734 $43,010 $2,704,733 $0 $4,073,441 $0 $15,608,167 Wilcox $8,182,211 $1,038,064 $4,840,100 $767,248 $7,198,354 $36,877,896 $21,803,408 $24,180,776 $104,888,056 Wilkinson $6,432,730 $115,035 $1,453,168 $33,540 $2,323,701 $1,419,300 $1,034,759 $40,579 $12,852,812 Worth $6,255,000 $1,518,530 $13,417,709 $2,394,134 $17,311,061 $6,149,266 $44,361,288 $15,678,844 $107,085,832 $117,518,860 $19,316,852 $149,761,589 $76,271,590 $123,358,646 $297,292,086 $296,710,202 $310,320,941 $1,390,550,766 Pulaski Dist. 8 Total 1 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 8 -- 2006 Farm Gate Summary County Baldwin Ben Hill Bibb Bleckley Butts Colquitt Dodge Houston Irwin Jasper Jones Laurens Monroe Newton Pulaski Tift Turner Twiggs Wilcox Wilkinson Worth Total Farm Gate Value $16,416,501 $41,987,842 $20,131,826 $30,625,069 $12,472,005 $384,783,205 $56,284,687 $42,395,504 $78,196,128 $60,061,469 $16,247,894 $55,893,844 $40,822,601 $16,354,985 $55,194,169 $153,492,579 $68,755,590 $15,608,167 $104,888,056 $12,852,812 $107,085,832 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group AgriTourism & Other Inc Forestry Fruit/Nut Livestock Vegetables Orn Hort Row Crops Poultry Top Ten Commodities Government Payments Peanuts Watermelon Beef Cows Timber Cantaloupe Bell Peppers Cotton Broiler Integrator Others Total: Forestry 8.5% Fruit/Nut 1.4% Livestock 10.8% Orn Hort 5.5% Poultry 21.4% Row Crops 21.3% Vegetables 22.3% AgriTourism & Other Inc 8.9% Total: 100.0% Horses Boarding, training, breeding Broiler - Integrator 16.5% Cotton 12.1% Timber 6.7% Government Payments 5.6% Peanuts 4.4% Watermelon 3.8% Beef Cows 3.8% Cantaloupe 3.5% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 3.2% Bell Peppers 3.0% Others 37.3% Total: 100.0% $1,390,550,766 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Top 10 Commodities Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Broiler Integrator Cotton Forestry Timber Government Payments Fruit/Nut Vegetables Livestock Peanuts Others Bell Peppers Horses Boarding, training, breeding Cantaloupe Watermelon Beef Cows Broiler - Integrator 16.5% Cotton 12.1% Timber 6.7% Government Payments 5.6% Peanuts 4.4% Watermelon 3.8% Beef Cows 3.8% Cantaloupe 3.5% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 3.2% Bell Peppers 3.0% Others 37.3% Total: 100.0% Orn Hort Row Crops Poultry Other Forestry 8.5% Fruit/Nut 1.4% Livestock 10.9% Orn Hort 5.5% Poultry 21.6% Other 7.9% Row Crops 21.6% Vegetables 22.6% Total: 100.0% Georgia US Congressional District 8 -- 2006 Farm Gate Commodities Broiler - Integrator $229,690,383 Cotton $168,461,551 Timber $93,544,945 Government Payments $77,278,968 Peanuts $60,819,344 Watermelon $53,504,945 Beef Cows $53,267,700 Cantaloupe $48,018,015 Horses - Boarding, training, breeding $44,624,000 Bell Peppers $42,049,300 Turfgrass $35,719,155 Broiler - Grower $33,628,703 Cabbage $25,657,605 Pine Straw $19,485,000 GREEN HOUSE * $19,140,960 Hay $18,973,033 Crop Insurance $18,198,440 Cucumbers $18,071,647 Turnip Greens $17,750,445 Dairy $15,466,356 Collards $15,329,950 Beef Stockers $15,184,035 Greenhouse * $14,989,275 Corn $13,771,808 Container Nursery $13,698,685 Layers - Hatching egg prod $12,800,000 Hunting Leases - Deer $12,050,000 Mustard $11,917,590 Field Nursery $11,854,475 Snap Beans $11,741,399 Pecans $11,271,293 Other $10,764,297 Layers - Table egg production $9,975,000 Breeder Pullet Unit $9,310,500 Horses - Raised $9,142,500 Tobacco $8,729,490 Hot Peppers $7,559,730 Wheat $7,191,927 Straw $6,367,932 Zucchini $6,299,550 Yellow Squash $5,680,990 Tomato $5,044,355 Southern Peas $4,460,521 Guide services $3,912,050 Eggplant $3,756,485 Special events $3,667,600 Soybeans $3,165,119 Spinach $2,795,300 Goats $2,692,163 Sweet Corn $2,676,340 Grapes Rye Pork - Farrow to finish Silage Lima Beans Beef Cattle Finished Outside Co Quail Special attractions Kale Christmas Trees Camping Blackberries Banana Peppers Strawberries Peaches Sweet Potatoes Oats Sorghum Pork - Feeder pigs Blueberries Fishing Hunting Leases - Turkey School tours Okra Winter Squash Pork - Finishing only Catfish Irish Potatoes Pole Beans Broccoli Hunting Leases - Duck Equestrian trail rides Corn Maze Wildlife observation Turnip Roots Onions Sheep Green Onions English Peas Apples Barley Hayrides Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. $2,645,277 $2,545,304 $2,421,801 $2,202,210 $2,089,096 $1,975,322 $1,870,800 $1,850,500 $1,804,908 $1,589,375 $1,516,463 $1,462,492 $1,460,500 $1,448,720 $1,319,734 $1,313,580 $1,246,109 $1,230,520 $1,156,062 $1,151,202 $843,075 $669,900 $515,700 $460,250 $448,650 $310,779 $280,321 $271,012 $250,559 $198,500 $182,000 $167,550 $120,000 $120,000 $88,031 $75,000 $53,500 $16,864 $8,865 $7,800 $6,584 $5,000 * Greenhouse (for ornamental horticulture) *GREEN HOUSE (for vegetables - sale and transplant) 1 Georgia US Congressional District 9--2006 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Counties Forestry & Related Products Fruits & Nuts Livestock & Aquaculture Ornamental Horticulture AgriTourism & Other Income Poultry & Eggs Row & Forage Crops Vegetables Total $50,680 $5,100 $2,524,469 $1,703,579 $27,195 $34,072,368 $340,925 $78,691 $38,803,007 $229,029 $27,000 $2,733,215 $633,285 $227,647 $16,948,633 $345,185 $647,438 $21,791,432 Dawson $67,507 $0 $4,172,815 $576,368 $993,317 $53,268,850 $543,000 $827,025 $60,448,882 Fannin $18,278 $1,829,654 $4,241,414 $483,015 $1,246,598 $19,180,911 $176,235 $137,092 $27,313,196 Forsyth $30,000 $0 $11,617,054 $5,404,518 $12,106 $25,016,613 $334,375 $0 $42,414,666 Gilmer $579,919 $1,973,460 $6,461,679 $815,500 $656,972 $177,581,046 $1,169,563 $343,124 $189,581,262 Gordon $631,789 $14,820 $10,005,303 $3,270,577 $461,213 $158,518,747 $3,441,764 $48,048 $176,392,261 Hall $227,600 $831,088 $22,647,869 $2,753,040 $1,154,285 $245,572,058 $1,815,225 $516,095 $275,517,258 Lumpkin $316,680 $503,370 $3,448,503 $3,311,579 $348,517 $32,505,501 $754,200 $192,983 $41,381,333 Murray $2,056,250 $23,400 $2,169,248 $858,285 $1,342,178 $66,974,711 $3,435,691 $115,568 $76,975,330 Pickens $1,143,596 $17,438 $4,272,228 $975,115 $145,953 $50,184,000 $1,324,090 $177,612 $58,240,032 Catoosa Dade $0 $0 $5,116,914 $9,715,480 $889,692 $9,098,300 $672,050 $1,381,420 $26,873,856 Walker $553,105 $137,500 $9,079,948 $1,126,773 $324,185 $42,533,449 $4,050,538 $214,121 $58,019,619 White $430,000 $296,700 $6,850,926 $365,900 $561,627 $71,134,283 $1,563,320 $328,521 $81,531,277 Union Whitfield $1,231,852 $58,600 $11,449,810 $2,668,928 $1,042,822 $31,904,160 $456,800 $33,067 $48,846,039 Dist. 9 Total $7,566,285 $5,718,129 $106,791,394 $34,661,942 $9,434,307 $1,034,493,628 $20,422,959 $5,040,805 $1,224,129,450 1 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 9 -- 2006 Farm Gate Summary County Catoosa Dade Dawson Fannin Forsyth Gilmer Gordon Hall Lumpkin Murray Pickens Union Walker White Whitfield Total Farm Gate Value $38,803,007 $21,791,432 $60,448,882 $27,313,196 $42,414,666 $189,581,262 $176,392,261 $275,517,258 $41,381,333 $76,975,330 $58,240,032 $26,873,856 $58,019,619 $81,531,277 $48,846,039 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group AgriTourism & Other Inc Vegetables Row Crops Forestry Fruit/Nut Livestock Orn Hort Poultry Layers - Table egg production Greenhouse Horses Boarding, training, breeding Top Ten Commodities Horses Raised Beef Cows Breeder Pullet Unit Layers Hatching egg prod Broiler Grower Total: Forestry 0.6% Fruit/Nut 0.5% Livestock 8.7% Orn Hort 2.8% Poultry 84.5% Row Crops 1.7% Vegetables 0.4% AgriTourism & Other Inc 0.8% Total: 100.0% Hay Others Broiler Integrator Broiler - Integrator 63.7% Broiler - Grower 9.3% Layers - Hatching egg prod 6.0% Breeder Pullet Unit 3.9% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 3.3% Beef Cows 2.6% Greenhouse 1.9% Layers - Table egg production 1.5% Horses - Raised 1.3% Hay 0.9% Others 5.5% Total: 100.0% $1,224,129,450 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Top 10 Commodities Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Others Hay Layers Table egg production Horses - Raised Broiler Integrator Vegetables Row Crops Other Forestry Fruit/Nut Livestock Orn Hort Greenhouse Beef Cows Horses Boarding, training, breeding Breeder Pullet Unit Layers - Hatching egg prod Broiler - Grower Broiler - Integrator 63.7% Broiler - Grower 9.3% Layers - Hatching egg prod 6.0% Breeder Pullet Unit 3.9% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 3.3% Beef Cows 2.6% Greenhouse 1.9% Layers - Table egg production 1.5% Horses - Raised 1.3% Hay 0.9% Others 5.5% Total: 100.0% Forestry 0.6% Fruit/Nut 0.5% Livestock 8.8% Orn Hort 2.8% Poultry 85.0% Other 0.2% Row Crops 1.7% Vegetables 0.4% Total: 100.0% Poultry Georgia US Congressional District 9 -- 2006 Farm Gate Commodities Broiler - Integrator $780,009,005 Broiler - Grower $114,200,213 Layers - Hatching egg prod $73,835,160 Breeder Pullet Unit $48,272,000 Horses - Boarding, training, breeding $40,040,000 Beef Cows $32,374,435 Greenhouse * $23,071,905 Layers - Table egg production $17,817,250 Horses - Raised $16,075,000 Hay $11,359,763 Dairy $7,841,491 Timber $6,926,535 Beef Stockers $6,004,961 Container Nursery $5,290,230 Corn $4,524,728 Turfgrass $3,937,747 Apples $3,640,900 Other $3,214,600 Field Nursery $2,358,860 Special events $2,014,000 Pork - Feeder pigs $1,919,906 Pumpkin $1,775,732 Silage $1,553,800 Government Payments $1,448,558 Sweet Corn $1,336,525 Camping $1,328,500 Soybeans $1,289,540 Straw $898,865 Grapes $853,238 Goats $826,625 Corn Maze $691,000 Christmas Trees $633,750 Peaches $626,660 Wheat $601,901 Beef Cattle Finished Outside Co $598,262 Hunting Leases - Deer $524,280 Equestrian trail rides $490,000 Tomato $447,220 Collards $337,975 Hayrides $317,500 Blueberries $297,006 Fishing $258,100 Pole Beans $221,165 Strawberries $218,708 Crop Insurance $211,689 GREEN HOUSE * $180,000 Watermelon $168,002 Quail $142,800 School tours $132,700 Guide services $122,500 Pork - Farrow to finish Cabbage Cantaloupe Yellow Squash Sheep Okra Hunting Leases - Turkey Irish Potatoes Blackberries Catfish Bell Peppers Rye Hot Peppers Kale Snap Beans Southern Peas Tobacco Oats Turnip Greens Sorghum Mustard Cucumbers Pine Straw Hunting Leases - Duck Sweet Potatoes Zucchini Pecans Special attractions Lima Beans Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. $111,770 $110,410 $108,674 $73,723 $57,500 $56,754 $43,880 $41,100 $36,930 $30,645 $28,110 $26,000 $17,622 $15,613 $14,737 $14,675 $13,050 $11,400 $9,306 $8,912 $7,663 $7,523 $6,000 $5,000 $4,608 $3,108 $1,688 $1,200 $561 * Greenhouse (for ornamental horticulture) * GREEN HOUSE (for vegetables - sale and transplant) 1 Georgia US Congressional District 10--2006 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Counties Forestry and Related Products Fruits and Nuts Livestock and Aquaculture Ornamental Horticulture Row and Forage AgriTourism & Poultry and Eggs Vegetables Other Income Crops Total Banks $304,124 $0 $10,407,402 $3,526,639 $342,527 $186,670,856 $1,418,875 $10,118 $202,680,542 Clarke $187,500 $12,490 $5,782,276 $23,651,125 $334,392 $2,509,920 $735,534 $132,366 $33,345,603 Columbia $5,883,672 $0 $8,143,624 $3,531,720 $912,865 $0 $829,796 $0 $19,301,677 Elbert $2,597,616 $40,280 $5,374,008 $3,366,100 $1,004,147 $71,771,386 $2,225,278 $20,206 $86,399,020 Franklin $142,514 $71,470 $10,066,236 $572,978 $288,051 $280,632,537 $2,080,100 $203,580 $294,057,466 Greene $5,918,669 $14,438 $17,248,992 $7,981,200 $448,792 $14,342,400 $4,529,250 $40,719 $50,524,459 Habersham $952,093 $1,573,125 $13,483,024 $4,969,510 $4,671,052 $232,086,720 $1,662,290 $886,398 $260,284,212 Hart $620,000 $287,821 $15,343,967 $10,655,133 $630,756 $187,102,584 $4,456,474 $240,020 $219,336,755 Jackson $459,334 $0 $15,104,750 $2,229,725 $625,772 $196,151,376 $2,561,450 $0 $217,132,407 Lincoln $4,005,387 $97,570 $5,787,042 $104,625 $2,876,348 $0 $1,044,800 $0 $13,915,772 Madison $3,124,192 $261,126 $14,321,063 $2,420,000 $710,534 $209,570,427 $2,840,740 $320,890 $233,568,972 McDuffie $3,659,295 $241,200 $7,534,414 $38,842,400 $1,116,317 $0 $1,011,700 $81,168 $52,486,494 Morgan $3,952,361 $351,390 $36,240,703 $12,440,688 $1,658,641 $50,273,101 $3,423,848 $0 $108,340,732 Oconee $390,287 $650,809 $9,343,050 $22,185,440 $2,736,914 $71,351,374 $2,430,630 $114,406 $109,202,909 Oglethorpe $4,864,680 $0 $24,585,270 $2,416,976 $646,046 $133,754,958 $3,098,055 $0 $169,365,985 Putnam $3,203,575 $36,718 $28,177,228 $475,005 $4,888,391 $20,900,000 $2,626,751 $327,816 $60,635,484 $187,500 $691,030 $1,802,411 $5,615,000 $2,173,570 $6,170,419 $133,888 $3,660,944 $20,434,761 Richmond $1,836,313 $156,650 $4,610,279 $5,321,220 $2,481,628 $0 $1,213,908 $493,401 $16,113,399 Stephens Rabun $431,670 $38,594 $10,457,345 $122,125 $166,189 $43,463,462 $703,719 $67,200 $55,450,304 Towns $23,500 $141,400 $13,728,230 $474,300 $2,487,800 $458,957 $780,950 $39,002 $18,134,138 Wilkes $11,914,706 $0 $21,814,356 $1,780,625 $3,535,770 $33,656,832 $4,924,550 $0 $77,626,839 Dist. 10 Total $54,658,988 $4,666,110 $279,355,669 $152,682,534 $34,736,502 $1,740,867,308 $44,732,585 $6,638,234 $2,318,337,930 1 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 10 -- 2006 Farm Gate Summary County Banks Clarke Columbia Elbert Franklin Greene Habersham Hart Jackson Lincoln Madison McDuffie Morgan Oconee Oglethorpe Putnam Rabun Richmond Stephens Towns Wilkes Total Farm Gate Value $202,680,542 $33,345,603 $19,301,677 $86,399,020 $294,057,466 $50,524,459 $260,284,212 $219,336,755 $217,132,407 $13,915,772 $233,568,972 $52,486,494 $108,340,732 $109,202,909 $169,365,985 $60,635,484 $20,434,761 $16,113,399 $55,450,304 $18,134,138 $77,626,839 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group AgriTourism & Other Inc Vegetables Forestry Fruit/Nut Row Crops Livestock Orn Hort Forestry 2.4% Fruit/Nut 0.2% Livestock 12.0% Orn Hort 6.6% Poultry 75.1% Row Crops 1.9% Vegetables 0.3% AgriTourism & Other Inc 1.5% Total: 100.0% Poultry Top Ten Commodities Horses Boarding, training, breeding Others Timber Layers - Table egg production Broiler Integrator Breeder Pullet Dairy Unit Container Nursery Beef Cows Layers Hatching egg prod Total: Broiler Grower Broiler - Integrator 55.3% Broiler - Grower 8.1% Layers - Hatching egg prod 6.8% Beef Cows 3.4% Container Nursery 3.4% Dairy 2.6% Breeder Pullet Unit 2.5% Layers - Table egg production 2.4% Timber 2.3% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 1.9% Others 11.3% Total: 100.0% $2,318,337,930 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Top 10 Commodities Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Broiler Integrator Others Horses Boarding, training, breeding Vegetables Row Crops Fruit/Nut Other Livestock Timber Orn Hort Layers Table egg production Breeder Pullet Unit Forestry Dairy Broiler - Grower Container Nursery Beef Cows Layers - Hatching egg prod Broiler - Integrator 55.3% Broiler - Grower 8.1% Layers - Hatching egg prod 6.8% Beef Cows 3.4% Container Nursery 3.4% Dairy 2.6% Breeder Pullet Unit 2.5% Layers - Table egg production 2.4% Timber 2.3% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 1.9% Others 11.3% Total: 100.0% Forestry 2.4% Fruit/Nut 0.2% Livestock 12.1% Orn Hort 6.6% Poultry 75.6% Other 0.8% Row Crops 1.9% Vegetables 0.3% Total: 100.0% Poultry Georgia US Congressional District 10 -- 2006 Farm Gate Commodities Broiler - Integrator $1,281,131,180 Broiler - Grower $187,568,930 Layers - Hatching egg prod $156,907,800 Beef Cows $79,839,958 Container Nursery $78,523,765 Dairy $60,147,069 Breeder Pullet Unit $58,697,898 Layers - Table egg production $56,449,000 Timber $52,441,388 Horses - Boarding, training, breeding $45,100,000 Greenhouse * $40,934,880 Hay $29,854,575 Field Nursery $28,125,795 Horses - Raised $23,512,500 Beef Stockers $14,305,050 Pork - Feeder pigs $13,574,572 Quail $12,461,000 Pork - Farrow to finish $10,609,516 Hunting Leases - Deer $9,067,840 Government Payments $8,233,902 Beef Cattle Finished Outside Co $7,954,982 Other $7,012,851 Pork - Finishing only $6,658,444 Silage $4,793,450 Camping $4,556,423 Turfgrass $3,520,438 Special events $3,051,000 Fishing $2,991,100 Tomato $2,883,803 Cotton $2,192,854 Goats $2,130,313 Wheat $2,065,832 Straw $1,908,328 Christmas Trees $1,867,500 Guide services $1,803,300 Sweet Corn $1,395,187 Corn $1,382,679 Special attractions $1,265,000 Peaches $1,194,676 Grapes $950,895 Hunting Leases - Turkey $925,400 Cabbage $877,500 Pecans $871,533 Soybeans $757,651 Blueberries $754,883 Equestrian trail rides $675,300 Rye $589,358 Strawberries $580,600 Watermelon $452,991 Pine Straw $300,100 Apples GREEN HOUSE * Sorghum Sheep Oats Crop Insurance Catfish Pumpkin Collards Hunting Leases - Duck Cantaloupe Bell Peppers Barley Wildlife observation Turnip Greens Yellow Squash Blackberries Okra Hayrides School tours Southern Peas Pole Beans Sweet Potatoes Eggplant Spinach Corn Maze Zucchini Snap Beans Irish Potatoes Lettuce Cucumbers Winter Squash Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. $276,614 $259,250 $238,999 $199,500 $186,476 $167,137 $147,847 $143,100 $109,300 $97,750 $91,980 $84,494 $74,684 $70,000 $42,586 $37,706 $36,035 $35,449 $25,550 $25,000 $22,686 $21,005 $19,008 $17,145 $13,986 $11,800 $10,418 $6,421 $5,918 $4,640 $4,082 $380 * Greenhouse (for ornamental horticulture) * GREEN HOUSE (for vegetables - sale and transplant) 1 Georgia US Congressional District 11--2006 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Counties Forestry & Related Products Fruits & Nuts Livestock & Aquaculture Ornamental Horticulture AgriTourism & Other Income Poultry & Eggs Row & Forage Crops Vegetables Total Bartow $1,349,513 $0 $28,759,909 $6,900,210 $1,126,845 $77,063,082 $3,752,827 $0 $118,952,387 Carroll $4,115,000 $133,920 $21,135,979 $3,507,815 $1,314,640 $103,972,654 $1,040,000 $103,865 $135,323,872 $811,410 $56,900 $7,038,558 $0 $509,921 $4,110,438 $1,484,215 $155,283 $14,166,724 Chattooga Cobb $96,250 $0 $4,800,000 $3,792,135 $12,000 $0 $0 $0 $8,700,385 Floyd $2,689,656 $146,208 $9,293,824 $17,096,070 $3,251,730 $38,214,240 $3,944,711 $88,283 $74,724,722 Gordon Haralson Paulding Polk Dist. 11 Total 1 $631,789 $14,820 $10,005,303 $3,270,577 $461,213 $158,518,747 $3,441,764 $48,048 $176,392,261 $3,350,000 $37,640 $4,941,447 $292,950 $269,300 $34,358,016 $989,790 $47,925 $44,287,068 $624,313 $125,004 $5,674,140 $17,505,760 $272,794 $16,763,776 $308,200 $610,262 $41,884,249 $2,623,074 $1,230 $6,105,474 $131,030 $919,618 $14,242,800 $1,931,146 $43,125 $25,997,497 $16,291,005 $515,722 $97,754,634 $52,496,547 $8,138,061 $447,243,753 $16,892,653 $1,096,790 $640,429,164 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 11 -- 2006 Farm Gate Summary County Bartow Carroll Chattooga Cobb Floyd Gordon Haralson Paulding Polk Total Farm Gate Value $118,952,387 $135,323,872 $14,166,724 $8,700,385 $74,724,722 $176,392,261 $44,287,068 $41,884,249 $25,997,497 Farm GateAgriTourism Value& Other by Commodity Group Inc Vegetables Forestry Fruit/Nut Row Crops Livestock Orn Hort Forestry 2.5% Fruit/Nut 0.1% Livestock 15.3% Orn Hort 8.2% Poultry 69.8% Row Crops 2.6% Vegetables 0.2% AgriTourism & Other Inc 1.3% Total: 100.0% Poultry Top Ten Commodities Horses Raised Timber Breeder Pullet Unit Others Turfgrass Greenhouse Layers Hatching egg prod Beef Cows Horses Boarding, training, breeding Broiler Grower Total: Broiler Integrator Broiler - Integrator 55.2% Broiler - Grower 8.1% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 5.4% Beef Cows 5.3% Layers - Hatching egg prod 4.6% Greenhouse 3.6% Turfgrass 2.5% Timber 2.5% Horses - Raised 1.9% Breeder Pullet Unit 1.8% Others 9.1% Total: 100.0% $640,429,164 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Top 10 Commodities Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Row Crops Other Others Broiler Integrator Breeder Pullet Unit Horses - Raised Timber Vegetables Forestry Fruit/Nut Livestock Orn Hort Turfgrass Greenhouse Layers Hatching egg prod Beef Cows Horses Boarding, training, breeding Broiler - Grower Broiler - Integrator 55.2% Broiler - Grower 8.1% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 5.4% Beef Cows 5.3% Layers - Hatching egg prod 4.6% Greenhouse 3.6% Turfgrass 2.5% Timber 2.5% Horses - Raised 1.9% Breeder Pullet Unit 1.8% Others 9.1% Total: 100.0% Forestry 2.6% Fruit/Nut 0.1% Livestock 15.3% Orn Hort 8.2% Poultry 70.0% Other 1.0% Row Crops 2.6% Vegetables 0.2% Total: 100.0% Poultry Georgia US Congressional District 11 -- 2006 Farm Gate Commodities Broiler - Integrator $353,492,427 Broiler - Grower $51,754,416 Horses - Boarding, training, breeding $34,545,000 Beef Cows $33,802,534 Layers - Hatching egg prod $29,588,160 Greenhouse * $23,212,800 Turfgrass $16,182,992 Timber $15,707,255 Horses - Raised $12,362,500 Breeder Pullet Unit $11,424,000 Field Nursery $8,869,795 Beef Stockers $7,949,644 Hay $7,771,400 Container Nursery $4,128,960 Corn $3,722,085 Hunting Leases - Deer $3,264,000 Government Payments $3,011,580 Cotton $2,826,791 Beef Cattle Finished Outside Co $2,786,252 Pork - Feeder pigs $2,524,723 Dairy $1,497,864 Soybeans $1,473,882 Goats $1,133,688 Layers - Table egg production $954,750 Camping $873,000 Other $504,006 Christmas Trees $493,750 Catfish $482,714 Wheat $411,310 Sweet Corn $395,068 Silage $393,675 Quail $291,480 Blueberries $279,909 Pork - Farrow to finish $240,735 Straw $237,263 Special events $221,665 Crop Insurance $207,616 Fishing $187,500 Irish Potatoes $164,400 Tomato $134,403 Pine Straw $90,000 Sheep $87,500 Equestrian trail rides $70,000 Apples $68,250 Pecans $64,253 Grapes $58,032 Cantaloupe $51,953 Watermelon $46,641 Pumpkin $46,116 School tours $35,300 Strawberries Turnip Greens Southern Peas Snap Beans Collards Hunting Leases - Turkey Hayrides Okra Sweet Potatoes Corn Maze Peaches Sorghum Bell Peppers Yellow Squash Zucchini Pole Beans Cabbage GREEN HOUSE * Cucumbers Oats Hunting Leases - Duck Special attractions Lima Beans Banana Peppers Eggplant Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. $32,728 $32,046 $26,464 $25,683 $22,050 $21,700 $20,900 $19,042 $18,144 $17,500 $12,550 $12,227 $7,838 $6,996 $6,380 $5,969 $4,599 $4,000 $2,930 $2,014 $1,500 $800 $561 $350 $159 * Greenhouse (for ornamental horticulture) * GREEN HOUSE (for vegetables - sale and transplant) 1 Georgia US Congressional District 12--2006 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Counties Forestry & Related Products Fruits & Nuts Livestock & Aquaculture Ornamental Horticulture Row & Forage AgriTourism & Poultry & Eggs Crops Other Income Vegetables Total Baldwin $3,908,472 $169,509 $5,029,825 $707,765 $702,200 $4,322,560 $1,496,544 $79,627 $16,416,501 Bulloch $12,777,901 $3,179,462 $18,664,585 $13,706,280 $17,716,175 $10,326,528 $43,004,789 $10,262,135 $129,637,856 Burke $14,740,064 $2,694,100 $18,136,164 $1,639,050 $14,505,224 $0 $37,284,472 $263,965 $89,263,039 $2,500,650 $3,801,170 $9,732,919 $2,525,134 $4,383,882 $5,047,663 $17,275,500 $8,375,610 $53,642,528 $0 $106,238 $2,208,787 $4,783,975 $18,437 $0 $64,175 $0 $7,181,611 Candler Chatham Effingham $6,226,031 $505,070 $6,463,720 $4,270,270 $3,893,958 $0 $5,271,975 $571,119 $27,202,143 Emanuel $15,776,690 $336,540 $5,477,854 $2,715,011 $6,992,807 $0 $15,561,923 $582,531 $47,443,356 Evans $1,339,601 $1,018,500 $6,796,148 $8,974,900 $1,894,188 $18,725,453 $6,060,835 $8,715,600 $53,525,225 Glascock $1,711,241 $19,500 $3,182,685 $0 $370,985 $0 $2,882,188 $0 $8,166,599 Hancock $11,187,500 $1,190,500 $10,101,690 $643,735 $213,420 $0 $2,007,820 $838,500 $26,183,164 Jefferson $4,216,570 $942,565 $9,088,289 $4,726,453 $4,896,033 $0 $24,736,310 $377,756 $48,983,976 Jenkins $3,750,000 $324,698 $8,657,027 $377,146 $5,008,674 $0 $15,995,969 $33,750 $34,147,264 Johnson $12,295,750 $177,270 $4,793,439 $1,648,839 $1,485,270 $0 $6,027,978 $163,615 $26,592,160 $1,225,114 $907,920 $7,634,387 $355,445 $1,173,615 $1,026,000 $3,877,054 $2,083,750 $18,283,285 Montgomery $1,836,313 $156,650 $4,610,279 $5,321,220 $2,481,628 $0 $1,213,908 $493,401 $16,113,399 Screven $10,869,137 $2,993,083 $5,751,522 $5,897,735 $8,737,865 $0 $21,109,381 $16,875 $55,375,598 Taliaferro $4,861,809 $0 $0 $0 $72,057 $0 $0 $0 $4,933,866 Tattnall $5,478,047 $3,705,443 $11,315,612 $0 $6,164,452 $124,438,798 $12,231,007 $67,193,054 $230,526,412 Toombs $3,754,305 $706,178 $5,631,005 $6,205,250 $4,644,210 $4,936,470 $6,576,538 $42,851,074 $75,305,031 Treutlen $4,933,486 $67,440 $3,313,330 $9,435,770 $944,405 $0 $2,613,260 $840,809 $22,148,499 Warren $5,884,812 $132,600 $15,990,111 $918,747 $2,717,476 $0 $3,550,525 $563,453 $29,757,724 Richmond Washington Dist. 12 Total 1 $11,401,955 $971,010 $5,417,632 $6,360,415 $4,982,527 $0 $7,840,024 $289,424 $37,262,987 $140,675,447 $24,105,445 $167,997,010 $81,213,139 $93,999,488 $168,823,472 $236,682,174 $144,596,049 $1,058,092,223 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 12 -- 2006 Farm Gate Summary County Baldwin Bulloch Burke Candler Chatham Effingham Emanuel Evans Glascock Hancock Jefferson Jenkins Johnson Montgomery Richmond Screven Taliaferro Tattnall Toombs Treutlen Warren Washington Total Farm Gate Value $16,416,501 $129,637,856 $89,263,039 $53,642,528 $7,181,611 $27,202,143 $47,443,356 $53,525,225 $8,166,599 $26,183,164 $48,983,976 $34,147,264 $26,592,160 $18,283,285 $16,113,399 $55,375,598 $4,933,866 $230,526,412 $75,305,031 $22,148,499 $29,757,724 $37,262,987 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group AgriTourism & Other Inc Forestry Fruit/Nut Vegetables Livestock Orn Hort Poultry Top Ten Commodities Broiler Integrator Others Timber Onions Dairy Horses Boarding, training, breeding Cotton Beef Cows Turfgrass Peanuts Total: Forestry 13.3% Fruit/Nut 2.3% Livestock 15.9% Orn Hort 7.7% Poultry 16.0% Row Crops 22.4% Vegetables 13.7% AgriTourism & Other Inc 8.9% Total: 100.0% Row Crops Government Payments Broiler - Integrator 12.2% Timber 11.5% Onions 10.7% Cotton 9.7% Beef Cows 4.3% Government Payments 4.2% Peanuts 4.2% Turfgrass 3.2% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 2.8% Dairy 2.6% Others 34.8% Total: 100.0% $1,058,092,223 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Top 10 Commodities Government Payments Beef Cows Peanuts Turfgrass Cotton Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Horses Boarding, training, breeding Forestry Vegetables Dairy Fruit/Nut Onions Timber Broiler Integrator Others Broiler - Integrator 12.2% Timber 11.5% Onions 10.7% Cotton 9.7% Beef Cows 4.3% Government Payments 4.2% Peanuts 4.2% Turfgrass 3.2% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 2.8% Dairy 2.6% Others 34.8% Total: 100.0% Livestock Row Crops Orn Hort Other Poultry Forestry 13.3% Fruit/Nut 2.3% Livestock 15.9% Orn Hort 7.7% Poultry 16.0% Other 8.6% Row Crops 22.4% Vegetables 13.7% Total: 100.0% Georgia US Congressional District 12 -- 2006 Farm Gate Commodities Broiler - Integrator Timber Onions Cotton Beef Cows Government Payments Peanuts Turfgrass Horses - Boarding, training, breeding Dairy Hay Hunting Leases - Deer Greenhouse * Corn Crop Insurance Pecans Broiler - Grower Layers - Hatching egg prod Horses - Raised Other Container Nursery Pine Straw Soybeans Field Nursery Wheat Beef Stockers Pork - Farrow to finish Silage Pork - Feeder pigs Quail Straw Tobacco Pork - Finishing only Watermelon Sweet Corn Rye Catfish Goats Yellow Squash Grapes Cantaloupe Collards Green Onions Beef Cattle Finished Outside Co Breeder Pullet Unit Cabbage Blueberries Oats Cucumbers Hunting Leases - Turkey $128,662,399 $121,997,885 $112,819,094 $103,095,668 $45,168,659 $44,237,355 $44,119,549 $33,330,890 $29,728,000 $27,137,200 $26,200,658 $24,381,200 $22,247,354 $20,074,112 $19,611,609 $19,134,950 $18,837,313 $18,533,760 $18,175,000 $16,652,826 $15,935,205 $15,103,500 $10,305,911 $9,628,000 $9,222,064 $8,825,756 $8,258,915 $6,694,135 $6,652,986 $6,532,680 $5,688,895 $5,290,238 $5,196,919 $4,795,167 $4,339,518 $2,607,856 $2,391,589 $2,301,375 $2,268,017 $2,068,282 $2,061,405 $2,050,500 $1,877,400 $1,848,482 $1,764,000 $1,391,056 $1,338,400 $1,312,227 $1,174,140 $1,172,424 Layers - Table egg production Snap Beans Sweet Potatoes Christmas Trees Turnip Greens Strawberries Tomato Carrots Mustard Southern Peas Hunting Leases - Duck GREEN HOUSE * Special attractions Blackberries Guide services Equestrian trail rides Peaches Camping Bell Peppers Sorghum Okra Lima Beans Special events Hot Peppers Irish Potatoes Pole Beans Kale Zucchini English Peas Fishing Eggplant Turnip Roots Wildlife observation Lettuce Banana Peppers Sheep Pumpkin Winter Squash Hayrides Barley Broccoli School tours Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. $1,026,000 $918,927 $899,712 $884,063 $855,526 $763,735 $725,349 $667,265 $616,600 $612,441 $556,750 $520,000 $505,000 $452,900 $427,500 $386,600 $342,096 $334,900 $327,762 $249,229 $243,753 $181,602 $176,000 $151,514 $149,966 $144,623 $116,040 $114,100 $112,500 $69,150 $46,269 $45,155 $41,000 $37,405 $35,660 $34,600 $31,584 $19,000 $15,000 $10,029 $2,000 $400 * Greenhouse (for ornamental horticulture) * GREEN HOUSE (for vegetables - sale and transplant) 1 Georgia US Congressional District 13--2006 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Forestry & Related Products Counties Clayton Cobb DeKalb Fruits and Nuts Livestock & Aquaculture Ornamental Horticulture AgriTourism & Other Income Poultry & Eggs Row & Forage Crops Vegetables Total $710,000 $2,793 $703,440 $9,498,000 $353,792 $0 $16,250 $0 $11,284,275 $96,250 $0 $4,800,000 $3,792,135 $12,000 $0 $0 $0 $8,700,385 $0 $0 $660,000 $2,092,500 $1,400,000 $0 $0 $0 $4,152,500 Douglas $242,271 $3,120 $2,788,588 $1,999,400 $45,858 $455,770 $59,600 $43,000 $5,637,606 Fulton $220,827 $201,875 $3,555,168 $31,651,090 $16,832 $0 $269,527 $0 $35,915,318 $277,250 $747,800 $9,043,851 $2,575,005 $315,177 $0 $1,844,810 $0 $14,803,893 $1,546,598 $955,588 $21,551,046 $51,608,130 $2,143,659 $455,770 $2,190,187 $43,000 $80,493,977 Henry Dist. 13 Total 1 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Georgia US Congressional District 13 -- 2006 Farm Gate Summary County Clayton Cobb DeKalb Douglas Fulton Henry Total Farm Gate Value $11,284,275 $8,700,385 $4,152,500 $5,637,606 $35,915,318 $14,803,893 Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group AgriTourism & Other Inc Vegetables Row Crops Poultry Forestry Fruit/Nut Livestock Forestry 1.9% Fruit/Nut 1.2% Livestock 26.8% Orn Hort 64.1% Poultry 0.6% Row Crops 2.7% Vegetables 0.1% AgriTourism & Other Inc 2.7% Total: 100.0% Orn Hort Top Ten Commodities Timber Camping Horses Raised Hay Peaches Others Field Nursery Greenhouse Beef Cows Container Nursery Horses - Boarding, training, breeding Total: Greenhouse 50.5% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 15.4% Container Nursery 8.9% Beef Cows 6.1% Field Nursery 4.7% Horses - Raised 4.2% Hay 2.1% Camping 1.9% Timber 1.4% Peaches 0.8% Others 4.1% Total: 100.0% $80,493,977 District configuration as of 11/06. Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. Top 10 Commodities Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group Others Row Crops Peaches Other Greenhouse Poultry Timber Camping Hay Horses Raised Livestock Field Nursery Beef Cows Container Nursery Vegetables Forestry Fruit/Nut Horses Boarding, training, breeding Greenhouse 50.5% Horses - Boarding, training, breeding 15.4% Container Nursery 8.9% Beef Cows 6.1% Field Nursery 4.7% Horses - Raised 4.2% Hay 2.1% Camping 1.9% Timber 1.4% Peaches 0.8% Others 4.1% Total: 100.0% Orn Hort Forestry 2.0% Fruit/Nut 1.2% Livestock 27.4% Orn Hort 65.6% Poultry 0.6% Other 0.4% Row Crops 2.8% Vegetables 0.1% Total: 100.0% Georgia US Congressional District 13 -- 2006 Farm Gate Commodities Greenhouse * Horses - Boarding, training, breeding Container Nursery Beef Cows Field Nursery Horses - Raised Hay Camping Timber Peaches Beef Stockers Christmas Trees Broiler - Integrator Wheat Government Payments Strawberries Other Equestrian trail rides Goats Wildlife observation Straw Grapes Soybeans Broiler - Grower Fishing Corn Catfish Apples Hunting Leases - Deer Rye Barley Special events School tours Blueberries Oats Special attractions Sorghum Hayrides Sheep Pine Straw Crop Insurance Hunting Leases - Turkey $40,622,400 $12,380,000 $7,182,670 $4,903,560 $3,803,060 $3,412,500 $1,661,400 $1,502,000 $1,116,848 $631,500 $567,319 $423,750 $397,563 $267,177 $265,383 $200,963 $143,000 $140,000 $130,156 $70,000 $68,400 $62,080 $58,560 $58,207 $58,000 $55,100 $50,611 $45,045 $42,000 $32,000 $28,500 $24,000 $20,000 $16,000 $11,400 $9,000 $7,650 $7,000 $6,900 $6,000 $4,476 $1,800 Counties in multiple districts are counted 100% in each. Prepared by: The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia. * Greenhouse (for ornamental horticulture) The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development is a unit of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the University of Georgia, combining the missions of research and extension. The Center has among its objectives: ¾ To provide feasibility and other short term studies for current or potential Georgia agribusiness firms and/or emerging food and fiber industries. ¾ To provide agricultural, natural resource, and demographic data for private and public decision makers. To find out more, visit our Web site at: Or contact: John McKissick, Director Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development Lumpkin House The University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602 Phone (706)542-0760 The University of Georgia and Fort Valley State University, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture and counties of the state cooperating. Cooperative Extension offers educational programs, assistance and materials to all people without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability. An equal opportunity/affirmative action organization committed to a diverse work force. Annual Report No. 07-04 June, 2007 Issued in furtherance of Cooperation Extension Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. Scott Angle, Dean and Director