gvs ranna msuossarnT ow nuc0zwzncs 1w flee N. 3*1 SO.. '64 Uhit. of MR*eWI R1pW2ISD M3 o1n ktsbme 1 bpeflnt Aeines @f lnt 0 . 0 9. AIItr0 (MMom of ar . er astneer.u . . Cbairea, . . . .i. . .p.; . . ausr 1641 r 7 / Aaptetbg . - we4ie hat . .. . .- Omnt,%. aen4mt. 50hoo THE LINELR PWICABILIT OF PCIPItATION by Thome M. Noel 0*ait. of Ktsenri a. 5. '54 Stattet to the keparht of Meteerflow a 16 Jaary IMi it partial tivtfmat of the requteesato for the Megpr. et meste et W""ne the problm of the short-tea settetablity of pw'iptatia has restee na~n' unse to taetipatom by 4'sestnl mthes for was a tm awe n baeea to nteorsegoste. the retal prpes oels I to sika a &post stdy of this probia otag a tAunt preflettam nsha beet wpa staistins of pretitattas Its. Sty. the 4nts n eawy fow th tetowasmtifa of sink stat. tUSe we*e tleaet by te alt Of a bsatetally ena ww r withe *e l. roteset % the preaptttta belag a Mastre of ito tautty. It it ftos thet (1) the liner pretteabl1fty Of pweotgtatle is relativly Wteotin to rasnablo vartaton sa . spail telIty oft the ata, howeer the spatial stat of the dats vw be a ertheal pasnater; (2) tWe Rfl-llSfr behavtr s etee sats gemP fret - 4t3a up to itaga east of ps 100 gtl. ft as ot awlt"& to iapeat for the short tem pwodlttatity; (3) te spaew reslat" etm with o a Coronet ts ade W$11 tafesee ts ern ateat the l t of pretttabllttv; at (4) the etIty of iam poelettao bnse #e With tm eapest et sot is a s"sitai, as er boss.e of the preen.e of th e stowms trout Slob tiffeat stees o preelpitatiag clsetsi the 404t Vw", obtated. thesis Swperwoort Amos M.Austin Titie: Aeesiate Protester of oteworleg Sthask Dr. Aars f1etaer fR his advies anM Opas trmt aWe net a Jams I Omak hi as nett as Froetwf er . AUti for their @ritli.et f %Wwritten wed. I a intbted to Mr. R. (. M1ler of he Travelers ZResetrch Center for the computer program and to the Staff of the Cawutatton Center t assacbunett Techsology for operatlng the progrm. Institute of *AL it,. 10%. y. 0 0'IIII"I 71Mnsagott SSbV ES flfh30fl0 01 r 0Mlw PtI03 1 - KV*WIZ3 LrnkS K1 AND X Of M0M 13 ?as mE Unx A. SptMa dontty Of hft" eat of bats S. Sat tf ; it.ispg To V. 13 iS 1 asssstst IaS uStfl e01 S8dhf7flOASG It SR0*153OTANPW ~ WWWOY0 AND 900 TIME T3. n 10054 07tsB WS 3rMMe a15 ftUs P1ntatsilty IS the Nss A. of pree ti tIm S. Irotttsbiilty as a f 0. hither esstAltas P. RANr sat eritlte fttn, of ussuiser t1ersag s. mtesmiegtna bestsn 0. Wh satr. ot the pwntptatim D. Zatorgvetatto of pntltst ity -o a fa tets ofgitaIm VtI, t of the . w~edmar at ine time lag ezportasato . a aemt"We aethe of es--urtag . prettoalitty 0 URE OWOLmfSts ASP smnsatu nAsan 1002LM 310L103A56 27 37 As 3 o is A. S. the tatnesttn 19 It of t- emi 37 40 4$ 46 50 5$ 53 t6 0 i 1. xnw000nm4 mas leets te a ieret ofr etedy at the at tea pne- ttetinbility at peIttatit beset wge a lie..e wchene. the preocptatie pett asa psegm at the plaeent t Its abeso a. phee-. te temms sin eittias lateater (PU1) at a nether turtag atems esertag is bthm the plater ast eyetem ta en ameas The bet set tastltag theistpaatwas*en. ltssr pretietita sbe laIot wopartkt hae isa ecstiett@ etas methat, Who tanestigae othe rasrb M hiA the "0e ft a waltiple roess- h SO initite t by el act lather (1). the ownf1 Psrpese of this sts4 IS to ake a Laeie of Mtber the problie at short ten pretitabtlity at prnitttie peWpo!e, the sts qnslIty at to petrtly Liretat a feast blest to sative iasar tensest, thea to aa the boot pesblo ws. a ISer tent ting pretitia this (1) the sehe, (2) when the insn pOetietie iatwsti* tS eantt wit reepeot to the statts fn teth the presoyitattoa tatessity (waist oIufl) is being pretieted, (3) hoe ash pretetive arastia to aaessn, a t (4) UWet a teooloaiaal fteters catrel the ansere to (1), (2), at (a). the wek epert earlise () Mat with liner pretietabilIty as a testis of pntotia tim at atfront statto grit Of tint asing Its ers sat tint ata tesit eSay seeras. Se la a (1) and (2) above won vesalts inostat that preoata- buitty of th sar elgpal d of tat to be"s larg as e I It, last adt 9 see the spatial est to of datat , et that pettabits Uat aos t be a t be tepnt alY at amat ALttis fm sOft ti.s the Punt e et restiwo t4 epatial deltq .mto ae hss, a pre- t tries oter tms iA ot. The"s te tatieatise oft be wotre ien" mOoNly s a 1eall ep of !afosstees at the wse of se "aa ate time %ag, rospeetIly. Qao et te tee mnaseeS of thi pnemst invetirtie 1o to dates . to at stet Iamer at, ahe *ta a. oeasMt gn pr.etetbI4tgt be twpnnt it tie t io iselabe these he nao" ae m te other perpos pzeatitas of fa ssete, a. whetter lags were anestatise, dat . het nue at in the aem*ier to paeNt a osett e I et ot the * s te ueteerelgial lseor pretiotios aperluats flters *Mob toese emi t.o of a a short tea bsis ill fes the foresotiag pretpitti wt tesot. aifiod uwteenelegie.l later. iatUe to be the telnt soe to the whole proles tnefl sat a ptriarly osmetSnea wth . t e is (3) sat (4) abewe. wenreftI' thetee Ut. 951 RSM he g*ta ie nntnt by te A/014 Vs let6 at U, I. I. Ip am ts pin.O dtettuatests of siga tatesity merst see tea tastes tithma a etnle sitky .tle. t weat by sy. ties a 0S a. he ltasttee wnt, eseE a a aet. Vt *a t ntjst asnh et Ail biabaotag (aetbtag - 0, aitsaWe - 1, sum, t etate so". At Os is) 1at Isanth e phetepmaphle nonsesattes lhe Eatatee ploant bef a esmpl. ef sacate legt" (406 stles), ftstism et ane bebs that toh se pteta ) the weavEs (i.e. ash s&tle sqe to the ta tatvt*awi letes.e wee it To stesee. ad aesipet to 6te 41e14e 4. squsne tate quafles ee seat., by the &mge ala ethe stes t, Uek Us ten I4 to aUsem an the s. ta ote e ser sheean beesae bsw all pn~ese godepetgnie ef the W seepsethransot mthe die tins (essluttag the begintag ea eatag s1 the tatlvttnl floes). I to setesft Is hae goee nepag baneas thervstee pestetita aefe watt be qpenttsg aetly ea sres eat shuAt the fay tag the nuls 'e4 ie that petpttia is a hWdls be the type thet pren latisate wead be a U ntine se sst. Whero re the stes sea larg are$ t prespitatte. SqVall itses tat 0o4 teas an set of tis type at ws set t repeoseoe linn is St miles. ht* the flU wes ga$b mre 3It Ietget (tetmete the we*Ias g $14 belg seat tree the file, the 1w. otatO *sh that the wind at th P00 silltar (1w pnOseen lel lew ee.s the pit twe top to btaa. The 4tm s M e stnn so tis * wn witd M Ofthe O pre Fiere pgatalmii stse tset the #rift of the 0a patters sso# the ptsi sly peetialy besoeo th astag wnd sp woe net tome into SseSt. It to a 0tnma oea pul ot a weetbor v*w that *4e sell pxstptatio to es with a atesotis meat speo At the reeiw that "enem" areas tat the $00 ab th ts t heagheof etheta soee of the wo rd hat a atbe the rUate es1* the IPX 'sops. a eartata .rttial is the aeesawy to priarly of the pSeble rather tm thus all ated the the fila by sye, it wet ho .snl'te that the petity ot the daa pepste ot this 1 bels.a, otrssgth Mat u Oessetwg this liattatiaa sagith $t we the bet aaalabl ns iattet Ernsteseg obVious subjeotivity taweint Isattg ts to set too soe. ernte. Ijato te an attaept at the diagnost to aske te boot peoiblo protonti, the Oe qelity a be Ueftitea t for a firt try. a the U?22.il 1EBM00Ofl ORE Eu13334BR L 8Eh60 at a statin I. at i e gstp" ttesty t+vtt to tutasittn A at expnntea a itner eambtaetta Re the etn statisM i *ft th. pt at tim t tin .tn . to the pretteita fat ~ L~ 7MxiA Lt te the pgeiotn est MAh ao oP I pnstetr Xi , the (t) epOsar *n1oftatodst A,,4 k; wNae the petits sa*e E(ti is the poe. xt bg the fhM Re leeS equWes. oaw to eastia at a 10 naostes, the pne ttt 4V *M'ss. It amut be sotted that this aquatta aytoe osly eta nth u stes %atie betwes She peioStat eat al to that Is, there to te peodttias tie he pedietero to 04 t0ag a otagjie ti lag. For two tie logs equatim wtial * oastata otser SmaiaM eof te test Apitt hen the 0mtet e least squares matnt with eoot to /Z fa= =0 A tie - veuiret that E? h4 mtueWafst%. FreA eStttiea n the the tepatest variase ot Wh prttea fester A nef ls of a fata (te be that Is, the epnpfla a beasI + I equatiee In I + 1 nheas To a A eat be sAtttift th br ever EL rtee as aemr eerhe whisk mse the (1) a t esgreseta are the oeithae of .h 'tiralar preoietis 0es toa stein) , te to te vase rieau ot he of the pretitat i 10. nqatet, this nfl. Ihe belag sfad the rsemfts is ware eine et the seietis i th e wrisease f the pe~tns et the ense mises ihe vasn the hi1asr the T the better the peettAs Ir t" e..e It 1* qtW ns. fttthe w=d sei Is tin pn4 etts sigaetis "n say few etattes tinm gt (In). tie ely, of pnetoe tha the sune int, 'twig to see tfInltie. whisk an pesilte base s at AMonr sa the of the eempgta- the flta eshpis is fist.., if all 130 flat tes wre us as pre. tueaet 6te semple, the pedlesa oeestev ao tabh wait in siset worthles an teget retashipe (bets ee (3!),4 thepean *ata tue to em0 as the pretteters) whisk inserpsetst tte t. no*w, it the ante to of petiatrs are arbtusrily limtd a astat seer, eeo sgfist pymistiwe taformati. in ahont Ml1er of auets men might borroSet a spresha' appite4 4 Rsert sseek Ostor altSd seeetag reensma w h pemmt the seeses erutag or stepwie of IsOU4e pie gietere. Maghiy, thie is how it nes. tiaseffiflet bs ef the psats Valoe pietUetess The osre te peeteatan ( ' is amputet. detbthe tint pretetor X of the eremla t+vt a seek lbs. highest . Vhe least squares i. to SOputtt tI toa4.b isles of ek - Obtaiaet eat thim Let the. btagie Ieast oqiares #stfttia. rothee0 'a Sa they sen repes 5e al adntn of .- atth . the resiueas '4 X & Ti laiant of x., th e pretteters (sow pwatietsMd snoet pweiteter % * time baset en tbIs preses is settwist sul Xarltnrly fist or (2) 5$ I tet qper whi Y.a, tests limit at the aber thishaer to reashet, fay be shosn Shiet a -ot of Ite stlistteal stot rtaaoe iosa. lager satis. pretteer hebse for pe4ste* ither (1) sourt the by all the protitotrs chosen warise aenlatt r tspetet. The least As eseh gretttr is thsen, fosrth, eat etc., protiter. pests liac \ st the 15t repestet to p15k the tiri, Xg . this Whole so4 mea pre- The ighet nrsattoa oeoptet, stare.n spnittietio a spsrte, esly tit retwetia is = o . W-e t the betwens te ae pnediatn neiha sweerMe dip the reetetns, st the neaig bees tenget from seek X 4teter, the enn.etauei be .411egthe tfomatten esataet is X,~ has .. nas tnt al1 the. preettw the weflnsa) ane % io ba*um pxettte)(.. ettpt. of all the nsstag of sroo s first Stes the prs*e., the deAils of this proeadure are tOataio tt Is pes sr. is Miller ebotyig his impot b Miler eag by aeaud hIM sse* to prd seoig (1. pra to realise that tis sot of prettoAers, ter ash Short (a, a). W with a computer porom A nole of enison it 1 eeos not p1k the rptis beiag istlvitally the best at soee 18. staget ta. pnhene Iea asune thet my ill resin te be"t Is Iter eeneart. the Aaptatie of the earlier work Usl1AM all the 10 stati.s -pfhIls welters sMt o aeea a petitts4 30, 60, 120, O0, 1 qwattiea se (Pig. 1). OW *&n0 fm asag them were wr prtltea etag a stag). tie Of 10, We lag, thes eoatat (a) me wtemte iu variee seUUtaed With ee tioi (b) t. 4t- ptloistr ptae (ietribztioa of retatta In vartane over the (a) the petttnr; (4) the ts *ad saes earrelatinu fiel.; (0) the paeeltiec operator A A .6 tit 1M. Z UM&TIW ASD I3 0 MQZ MU QY 0- IT A. SnatMeLAM $ A.a A. a esait at te arfter eemptate, betweea afl the pesette pintesf etfta pntetewr) wee statin tal TIME SA0 (0 e ata the eenlAttefl (a pnetatat ftstis ot te sn0fatte aa ot te he .emuiatts for all pus, is spe atW tis. whose relative postie (wthat reet to* eogaptfal litsam) 0at elative ti ftlfhnmse new. the sea, wrene Wsag althe an. " vale avoepg Vain teteet. fiets of na aeroitttese were snustramtet, ee t Aette tS. tinlt to We val eniatins tw all the a valn ti Oh bef out ar tun to all pa en MA pro if the enter 'wo of eb airs of flattens with a the sun anerresta. $0e age.. npanta. t so" otleS ipre I shows the filtd few te AS at eS.npl. 30 stt preietia tie. tdas oa ti eater is the "an ownml oat etastas *t ee yeative patties ae s the enater ba 1. toibs pefliealar baa beie iestet at, with the stables eeweepeaftaa to the eater bee buag the pretiots ia hw pair. Bulb esre be to s lle te vemsit ot aneg over me atjeat erdew to Otti a Isseter thee. soeseita aes aas asidet S$1 ti. 1ewt1ps Is fiIt. telols have a goPt dol of simer sye ustr aheat the enter. gho *ild for o30 ames show the spetry (flg, 8). The sealer symmetry previos an argasmet for there etaotg a rebmeAy ot tat atiaa wistha the pt 14. besaso what it mnse to hat so vattr In whieh disoetion po leek free Oq stt i as god as (protiletd) there to a prettter whio say $Mr at the s n ttuase from the to agnllg ostiotant. fhwnfesn, the iupteatis to that, ifthne desity of statioens t the grIt seon to be aweestably n*taet, Me pwetitabiity weal4 aot be affto tot bes. then 'euiS stil snstatics &*$ "t"ne tree the pntectand to proViSO )"st as *geoe gies. a beflt5. 2f the fie gagges. abot the ato luwee net eirnlarly epaetris oer at meot, sensnl this Weit iay that - tnttueosone poteenS bgr the petditors. 14 Ore neoet by wy itIOen1 i anh a this as sy listy be sat to test few the esttene tafomistic 5 rint been aQs wth the stac wet are Me 0 bee. eempetattiS with th origiaL e (eig. 1). The tmea.e pro. of ita ft hew wnk probia here. ta- EsW eeP*- 4coity $e.AseL to ese -aIt th OritAnl de"ity by Usng ealy sO of te Whe statie swe of the 'gote of tis iotleate isatat bses the taice be" if the statiten.e in the preses. within the g tt sat to *tba forstias si at a erigial 130 statits. as prntieteats for the eaflter static dnsity ant origual gilL ape s a priori paes for deottig hew much of a rsdettei to try, se sAne it ho to be a stab In the dark the desie se to who a itly bld nea. Forty of he 60 statics won sheen fl pretteta4 piettti (.ig, 1); the empatatifos wore sat for time ot 10, 30, at&60 sabtes. tatise wii be Reratter, those nmoeg eferred to s these with the tseSde station dnsa (abbreviated RD). r it. I anf . tSiai tettwft dtat b ~taS SVe Qagestet~ Oattat t *46 weauset ie to emeween te IwS tinet tio One peem-att as a eSS tasesin. amntsas. n las tene Eigjn S9 shan atistratnteefew the a.pttis ew .ssl. Its patten ta ter allthe emfl peflfli state 46 .m the -" few s wmnse Ue* aeas emhe grit Astetesta te wit " nsestte wa nft. theeselq preiottem te int* et ide Aht all the ait #te peettwo amwstin whie at best Jet the tatnsis tet ORn be s Se 1tagr tt unms (priestaSMA) grit It ts Zf, at a eertata peStea O 2"sg oaA to eaetat all the edistiwimnsafsattsa fer ace Stitese isa n''rti 00t ofthe gpit, thse statiene welt eSter tese is wewsette s wise~e tt t0 AeterteMsMe all the etees tag petetisa tin, thia tlA at thsle S tar patten Whet we t. eno e te Oa eeSer f ewtatta eanetlne et ite tesatis. iS, e #t vee espatse eAnn t ahstteO estaats ote ah eI to laws eSeh pnteatis Sahntiesst pitt itne -as.,A th. gri. t4 a it$ n& any nat Ue in, *Wcet few ees betag a the grit n sts a ot fl th"e emietesy ot pattes t a tafesatie te Ettitiams at tistia sA dtitiSMa welt4 be spe1apee we wead setter An to tierse. les e weidt ease the ratton ie the est Oter tI0, te be tfforet free te is. 3at a sisgle netuet ion is iartnoo pattern is eensistost for all the pretiatie. ttnse t be etirey1 lae. the gri eNOgh at last fOr pretict io tins up to ant ItobatIng 240 If it Is MMg Minutes, larrs engh preiatiw iatemias psevitet W but near the eatoige benstarins statine A et grit saftes? te is it pessible tat the the station wita the grit redaut with respect to te If this it true, the 4ste of the ld be rowed at the res itag statics w0alt etain the sa pretietsbility. The oanssttny of the redntioa in variatss patterns rgwA in an adtitiosal Me Outsit the grit. for thoe bet"n a Lot ve aeswe costribater to the protEstie not large esa to of that atwetia 1. the prie tafratica it the grid were itud, the sOeeswary atwectiwe laforMntioa or each statcts at a ertatn predtitt times we the rewtion ia teart )$ intematit oul expet arifnse patters to show A emiat.e prejaOle Valus at the stations along the leeart bondary of the. gri sad lw slies along the wiiseard bvualry, This sort of patter was 4ot obsestet at any of the predition tins. In ft, #s1g the ti s Iangest unbena 51d6 of the grid whre then timasios of the grit alsl a4d thus the best place to esur, the Vis we ieen is the the 700 ub wind this patters if it wer. to wifeamy low at all the pretete Tb. pattern for 30 states to (14g. 1tW). The implietis tinoe repreetative of this matermity is t at the gri ja large e&O to 17, barq. mosett sa the wiadaret Thertoe, AdeMmtill, bet the awmnte etsq ahtwtt CywptattttO asoiqptta (that e the 1r&diewe Satumen. it. 4th the stee of the ntigiml grit yf snd Ues 3 luve alp 60 of the 120 stoatim . s to o mees *at* & so *t *4atto so. St tegr s tiea) so -ee eSpetaAWfl Shows tis noten* eS a 30 les. own enlas* to a b Ulty 1at4.a atmoAtia So te "ea"N sets eatefd* 4euds wih nespeet to ateweits tatninttea. tam. grid awe rnaeb or etatt1 a uen atemst noesaq a4vnetin tadlute the s" as The Sepeatse git. for teat. protlta tsen; 30 of te 40 stattas were oMoae as pgniitSa. Of ShOes 30 ptvfh4ae49d 10 WOe nt in the *emepbl. 60 prtoteate 0a origifl Statta weAs14 hae be at. estuflcam is flrt- spn to 30 slate wul I& sdtila on- metiwot 'tn te ter at toast 10'"S esapatafes a* Pattaen$ fer eits, 60 sagete to Ia mSr tee. iersttn, putatimo 411 be retornt to as tese wit ord (abbrovtatta g6). with the tastis, te. et 4ssett mag ths be asenay, the t the gmputns. tat for a leng ukaat n bw 0. the ma aornlaiss, tUtio ea ates witia t nesltug m& smntta SAt e gria, prnd sa the *==asea t aeust lattae for .orlatia taestisa. nr e the sint nmps- Iedt 1toauuert f foe the A" of $" S8mo lags, h prtiots tie tem tffe 4 oee tis testis. a ate N" it this 1W, Ceastle n s of the fern 'ye -9&tf) ties time, it eut ,t. be tsoeluded that the steal tatousity felles a staple * Saple tkp*eft proees .sff preen. spenrat at soy giVeA time wth pfln to the last "n barer, is 440 meAWl of the tsa tWP ties ter pweetetabflity of time lUg weuld Stt ease the atoe C-w tt ) presess t set 1n.4144e4 here a psetdstive tatoento. fs mmerg' otf estsa Wat this s, sigtal isteesity is fat a 0oe0d atte. being te sepaia- . ates- lation fetia tha a Staple Wsteff a Moet time lag say .44 some ises same se eoqta. t. see if th ae seed. Ospwtetin#s w 4es for a I0 ate pretiotion with he irstt lag at 10 tes is the Past at #s4on stafte Is the pet s t r a 30 t.lt prstietto with te lag at 30 flies lag at 30 s ates if the past at a eonS slate were is ft the jat. nh 60 set the stations soe tr leg at So tes fer the eompatiee eepNttieao 'with nteateasy witia the grid Thefe sow eeOpstatioes were mate with the same datp an "soe methes s the earlier 0emptatie. foresee. betes. the results here a Any the igatisat Li- the sosparable eariter results' senl4 be Aw only to the oheages atde Is the eperiseats, Prosall of Me sew eoputatioee, the sams quatiti-e listed few the earlier oepitations wn Obtalst except the time and spa** narrlatte repeat the. fields stieb are the same so there vs no need to 19. V. om O r *%sflYOM SFIRR 5 Ismiatet ntette. is wiset with ON& peeteater Who pla4 R101f6&1O no. bes paistt eptat the se Sf etatia (predte-A) a typsat eapt. Is sen eseta l is late S*p1I - tat Is, te ter es etati. sinas t"erMsses as ise the saber ot preottere isesee. As usw Msperia-ts. ethe gsus 6 $hass these earvs fist ue*s tat tm toghs r f pgetietare tor hOs es serd isth - bews the to flste. Ins aether preetter S set .e4 any mwe lataemtiaa, it s alat anther attabs snoestat enees ot ee smitnese. 4eiatt we Wa ts ter prestOtws post awe eas lan they aId us mere iatswste. it atiss the wh11h te er gifisnt, eto& Is to nay wUld esm seither weat 40 this job feow set e this beees seeaase of this e psist beyOs eesiueag presn vbh this poat to "e*he. to n*4*r the deesses by am. this aws for a bettor fit sat thepoenea better hnmterItst, d thw at the F test by steppig the neswer r Ttesto sot a walti test ws it "oe appsf e segal teasttes. the F test is bassd up= the asOnptiaX t he"a e stribatet saently. 0ls clgnat istasitieos arn tar fe shes teir t tsetutrite. beiag tstributet saAlty. f lees wth a perfet Sadar, their tistrtats wate esseattafly be te sam. ether test * lPi m Therefore, sOe ess It neesbt. A* epiri0at test ftr sigmiemas0 &Ws etis the 6 20. ftewlltag ansaa. as seatdasiet. mhe Uar. this i data reort at tee of the statin at disturb their statites new1,4t all pnttalliity. as ssk. st of the naporimsts tWhe Is tiWo ante seets were S1oMe fee the prntieteads a ?4grs ? shoes the is te an speflaseto pin these ieet sat grit 0se. (asatiely t t ate ieecnlatst rete verses te aWse st petstews tew te satee su*ate prtitia but It reso4 iclstd mmth e 10 sad 40 eSperlanste with the origal static dasety te inse. La the toes pretieter t picket, tnamtoa Is ais.es heo e to the deprees of f0ee6e ise s ash the Pst whenr the slope of the acem- lated retetiea Is arses. ears tor a pretietabis esort etheb the slope st the nsnepestag aNst the last s . few as. eeet Sheu 376a this polat te glfIteat pre&ter. tis .se Is redsette In arase eft te prstlctabl. roer shlt4 Ws 6W. 0sly ts the these potite are arket e1ses.is the degree. at " W *Ash ses 4 the setu freeta. S ispreS , Sie. the etiste siOf sash a eriteal part Ot the renIte tepnes pes tOse mate resorts their hehwse ewtt e-esing La esso detail. poeasstes Sa t"e stat stal shalt4 Setesira their bebavter (wtt repect to ascatate RV as a tastis te) then ae sat *so an et the amber of oesa rpett- Is th msa suer a arg m&aple ar o pretetaats La the serestag preosss. suc reosts i=itaed these pasatem are the reert lagt (s$ple sts) sat the amber of possible prndieters, the effctive IqgAt st all resents "Woldted IS the s s ares. sereatag preoen lawesee iwles aesertag to the pretetian ti ta a teeh. this retwetia tieugth is aIsessy is o-ter to oepvto the tile 1pge aea isngh is fisit., ebea It t~ nernlatta.. Rine the ieert length for a.e orsesd tfethe pretutife tie to te le"gth fr me e t greater pettttla f Ste oeros ooelratin wine tn, the smat epsetwe between a large semple at rnsts rooer* et all or the posime pretistere (potetabIe iSnet.) shalt t4a. avenag hIghr at hiAr vlet eernettoe mple of wame W between a largo rents eat all of he pretietble serde shoa1l nestr o the pretietton tin temoses. the retutias t atase Wp a pretteter oboesa 1 the srewsg pror6tesal to the win the preUtt en the (a saea pmeo to f the orrelation between it ant rert in tis ease), therefore, a set of pamaestrie arwee, ob of whiob is the sownalatet aneigt ew a trp Wept t Wase psoerde am a feetItan of the mSeer of obesen peatoe at With neor legth (pretieties iS) the OWp0inter VU1ih vias efang thea, sbt 141 at tatesopte "at slops whteh inr..e hoe with deersag reort legth (Inaesistag prettba in), te o er premetew, the musber of posible pretetore, is betg belt easett. If, en the oter beat, the "lolt lengt wee telt eeoteat eat the setbe of poetxe preotitor we the weawisg peannier, a S he umilar sot of .wi oe het4 han V eais tatereepte eat slopes rteb teses with nssag ithb of the ivnageS ashore of petbo speetre of wis pretieters. of oers cerrela. a0. te. tsap us3te et nem btees a nfsold. atd all at the be a tonei peseible prdttewe aishe of the amber et at the avrw pOtie preetan.o Thenene, the pper bunder aget speetra wil fal to leer sernaima s te saber la mee leer retetisne Is wiues a", ergp, poesite prette is deeeaset In eNse th, aso* nat the atth at the avengeS ea all .t the pesibl reass sead e rsert teeth Inree fStien at t reat fhatIan at Wth the retetise the seber at pesible pwfliers. Oase for a sades wnst hets be an rtitcn sate ample of aare btwe *petrn ot ores aerreleMi valse Is sai-e being a finIte at Me w6th ot th speflams, the rent leth at the samber of pfeetble pretiete shawSW thenne teteasie the as Webavuer of nate. snord. inivitml of a taigS esaple It eat be poulteS at that he behavior of nae resO44 my deate ipem the *"a behavior as S flee the behavior 4etnatnd 1 the1 ete pawente. vtgore .f am tadtvitual sate 2nt. fi, nearS ne iseluted ix the seestg preee is the earlser Vol* wth original statios aniety sat grit eis. *s ieort hee Mere is as maple at a individual a- sbhavier felleve the axpetet ma a targ smple of saea reat lesgh, aIs Ylgw neeser. behavior of The varyg paenter Is the 7 we ee a eneatle Ot a indiieal ressOet whee behavior Seviatee tre the espeatt esa behavior. Onsfder the ares ftr sates naeart #1 insld £0 astate lg eapmtateise with te reueat t the 30 aas station natsity (D). nI. the arrisg NOWn *s shutter ter the so inute ourwe tea it Is for 1egh sh4 be hider thn the 30 ab6t ue , the O slate -rn nmts resor. we ee avage evera large ample if beth the 30 sunt oe of be mi two smides resere lastut of a large saple be teeiSSA to ftl ss the 4istribstet asealy, of the pasfsetefl, esueao RV as a fsotien of the saber ot atlity of the an'ated ter *a iatitval mate rnert. of a protietable resert wlase the tistribaea 1eM of valves Is the A wmy to aeselish appruaimtely the ase thing be to repsat (iseAdat) data a gi*ms perisat aay sh tip. A sisgie times uflsg differet atMareord would be taauit s ne eeeiag prmss ash time. lest IV urs tr ot the parsasten, limte. the litte The highest oan rsort fro" asig the rotitias the sea^m woulA to,. the eat iew If, for ay given combinattot en the varaWAItty of aS i)a4vi4a1 redes resort were dtmsot I of Put the mne auSt.. taa the intenait1*e naeeuiint inteeties an so oea in both, wore eafsastdee limits an the varl- welt e psetiUe to ostabis resto It ot ths nariability as i the mna0m4tet signa iteneisf asah as psIe, *heses halTter, thre-n tho etnt ae resultSe ,he elgetseant pstflflIty be affestd 1y nrllity s their wold it epeite Is ibeerv.t the here Jt 3A wit whIsk to detess may ses the . leag enOter is apis12, O ne this aseer then the heat pnge siifteesee in the msea wold be the aeAge of se lIitig a4. oTrveT, Iv a "estles th s a g t sets efebst to wait ietil will hae tm ilable. Il the gerant stsfg, a neatitste pesdre se out where pesit.t. If bth seat. exporamat, their V ens th. tree 11its of Mh take at ah ate wre ts*lAe" is 1a wu. tegAt of as a WSiability. ariet timas to t the t9 te aVnp ms no athet, this oe remitlag n ens the ~g of uittiseas for that partlar eeartet. only me its IT ov swled It *a eperiest, th saem rsorts *as ms seet ales. (smoetbsh). Re tsb thee is see two raades neere. ealAitp semfiei deteinttios of the sigmitinant tV prtstabte west., a test me Se snear the aisag~ of the B, sre is of mhe n eariter, of te two (a) the IV turn of ittfewest IV eare seed as pe ts4 IT onrves of beth of sxperiset aestteed statieital a. In (2) (ni. taste 7). emeetere for he te tie (1) incied statics dsity resort #2 inmlutod Is 30 minte aperimt with WO tis lags, ad . of sig- rns- ore serd "atM. the S0 state aperimt with the Origisa ant grit ese, a. et for the onbintion of the two (Seh haeing the statit teal pnunttors) 'ene eoesvely aiesse is the as fellows. three sperimat with two tin i4e. for Ostas rslord ass is a effort to fiat out hew ask this nuiabillty OS atteet a 30 Omt. *n ange et thsRT vnes for &t beet only nn.. wareh awe the of the If (3) the average xeserds Ueldet in the A tote easeerang the two lag sperssito t rm anenq;e the lesgh of s totee the psette eor ti te tste tws to a lag tis eae nnnpafl eat th snber es of0, se ter ee et Psewi flt4, time lag. ae* (1) ant (a) "mithit the gaest heaseS atiferemee betwete a curves of the tee sNAe MOVer0 tr the *tattstieal psmtre. Nemefheles, a sebistis mises the 3 at of the et the so "? oer ali te statices (pretistable Poent), as ,spswatly .n.a a. US. av eestiasa apst (g0% we the a f). it Pig. 7 ?ews wtv the sa ate .rs, were at the mt he ubqtvar of eeso esrt raoIts is the sma. Ptfpense em O=ster te a? curves ftr te 40 .zperimet with the ertgael Stie ttsity tee the 30 parsmeters ae enrvpeta mnte #0 riatlity of the 3? surans of tltie sd nenss to eake sa 10ite e ely a* cgpnmsat with Ie and pit ti.. lags. tabate $Iso at Se Maomse for thee two aperiuat. the statttieal Althogh at palate these to curves bavn a the avewags quits 4ifterent ft valmes, i then slepse ae lUg pointe thene is ot too nok meepared at oerreopnt. tittersne. As it es state at the begiSS of this tis00wwtoa, it is the slope of the 1W cures tr a tAat rWf that tsatinses the leel of tigalfie eaee. "hwere " we nead records ialted Is the 10 ana 30 min- *te speflImmte with the rnetA mt.asa eSperieat an 3? se the ern for the mteA staticn taet. Is ert eenete Iaelet ier the 10 to ntg ae a gaits ia the 10 aints cpri. meat with the original statte tacitty and grid cisc. hr the 26, 30 sisute ezperinsst, the IT curve for the In the 30 mInt. spertimnt adem re with the radane$ griA ts rA istet was ned.* r.w AnWofi IV AO =I=="W NISU" Of eagpries of pntietifity shag the orsgtnl statt A bfletrty u gritese Wth peflks*Wtty stag the nhntea etatta dostty, seewowa ess04gr ag .penletts lises t1e Ot et s eXsiter totiatsbhilty I* te Oest t leg, ma ewer negure 9 sbews is sash arrisat. ath e seetas NOqteta gsaly - atws oW psetteta" tiu. an" this a tatalAr sngsfleia to is tat F ane the Sen -nt is Rabt 1. vtewler asmAv. the eiastet petats Is warieaset. wtheb. ertlsl ntttsen Ameft% eat eiL Sties; e 2#9 a an of the - ullty to after bet e een edastiese $a vadt at 10, Wo, stalls $sslt ~es pretiota- nqr little, this apras f mnatita go"ue 1.det Setine, tea, that seteties stalin "mers 9tat the nmprtuats at 0 sises wit the tstet Is re sTtan 9 pst#. Tint fettee La of the is the ash *w a'sssspt eme allt te puettstsads ineistet retasita is nan Mnt nr dash eaesa ef tafeuuasts sat tagwss tm stanttee et weand with a tagp at timi tw ese, at" t seS thme b7 ntoim entire. that the stall4S Lastty lbs iffersee besee the imn is usess wth the siglflstalin tesntly atd pt *s eat with the Ie*&L stain asmetly Laf esens t*tly but Vatenlvy s te pretltste Um iseress fti 10 to 60 slates. nto Whether or set this seesaajy ejseoatie Sspneemnt with taonnsag tie. he.seqn eatidag to pitte qpa istosits. $twe alt Us tflnmsee see se heppeost eitt~t Wp anase nuetablitty Uw Pat sewag the watttive ito to he et is tat it t Mati, it salt eflyn len mseesetia reat (st be I ane tpe of staUstil th Me mtes reorS. to *hew), the feAt tat ost to antI 'watt 2et Sotaet tees Itoisse, It we14 taeeste thet the anwot of wlmat lateguatta to at toast en it a fAsta of the wrettita te. Wht to the preelebi ones at fts nsatoshipt It watt see to he the atf"*t of etatiaa ofthe possible poetetoss tfatgp of a" etatvte oe atty ao the eoattle pre 4sttea. a the angrinto wth th esistat AVit et** 41 the ate. Ai 10 a statis tesstty pretita tie eat to a teeser tepgee at 0S stes the simifto0at pretieters elasteret together As r elattvely seail ragotm le pwetieisat ast the splget flestea fSwu it. pretstis tne (up to et leftwis on to the At graster tatee), netter At they winster see ashe y s elese ta the pntietaat. Ehsy wer naettoreo* abeat went the grt is a smett saads *ebi"a with the santena bmS se e eat ase pee-A as the psettetta tie lereeset, loegi4g is mitd then fttag$ -e tilt perohetabflitty he afteotet by etatita siatyt btnisg twe tetty he. the effest of isetattag the resatig rom eash other. iaba siata th e s other sea, at the a tibiae. statens fa nest etatles is sew greater. a sowTheme- no tr., wth a gia& SeSee *eaflty the set itsb ty at ew ha btewetd a.t ft et wen me awweswy p.$ttan otant tiaufttam 611* a mal'l ngtns least 1* as pnettft thd e leS t eae this tan the pwStutat #tte seiftt nr testiea ftrm the iaftSeen et nflfstt by ittfln preIt". an wit a $we nofset Iebflutp ail be s the detty a. gatnt at 10 0 t it will &is. u'nses. noetta tie Statin.e at ts ) nsatet gt u1as eless is wom 1. at ay as ia a neiga geu se. mintes pStbtity aiS -A b wth t"W eflallv betIae Shea the stale ha mt Sb. psestabfl- esO it ase witha. netainl git sa sg te at least we h eefngtaet She tztues*Mttaama yes menthwSs th e i w is wSemt, Ure site *aplitat Na.pesflsflts ia ewe pit so the latteati better with as eet ans a.e a th "enitnsaa tia asiwsi that Se pteteabity to astualy gpit ets een nly be te*t ebaS teet the pieans. eas Ut~faaS win s th e sagbst gpit ea at best elt sestmesse pia Ie we. %atterseste ha ft ff1 btes ise ta. a$t eebs fte besese we ee enwtbwin pfesttt. butty is ths ans oe all a. pwstldsrtn 1InStae is a pates- law eupeame t. ?iflfnp the eeagfltea of wehete (na. 9) aeisttete that a esset Ste tag seens to gIne a mall tegewemt is pne- 4tietbiity at v t so .uaanw. thw pstitam llty .e t be so. Se MW to etes emoter tee the esemS 1ag, stastes met or ai 1 a e r SesO o IIseatet seai other thee either ft tN*e, sqatties o r eat ol see to ha.S gma. Neet 3ew this 11pertnst the e sfle able em the eorees p t the fl are peettutenae ibt,. Ia the aipouisset *fl Snty natiteoly MAh rewm at ae ITlaSy oher 19 ed estse s ams et at 10 soates, aa I*art se eaa serly 11 lot te 1W re ettee ialeMnea. he UN bByatesd amteelna egaetsoaet wgtot taprt a. Mo thi leaesnte si6e, ahltttleweiffaoneaseaiits1neo sese n at the tee tag eqperto bat with a allt 25 stn.it 1 41 semsat ths sattm sinWae at it tr by at t te 40 p*etitan ether with wth ths oten botwse eweer, at 'suit ate by a seed tag .tt a. tqronat a*t La etttaWisity .the bea ftestief predtia 1 realt, proide ime with as tpseaet bealg diesosate at the swhorest posstle pnti*tie tum. (10 ains**). te ow latasehp tan time of th first andasese lgO fa is .this a4 e ts, a. 1M et a 0 spertsee the sent lag at 10 stat. stuntether teka i tsn Oa.a ag eplata why leee sly 10 neo fst agu, wheas a snai lag at *MinS.. lea, S tat.. fther bosh, seed tag at 10 sissies to erefereset t tA thea the fint tag so ws e0e4 pretiite tateatia is be addoS, The aly asah o t flret eptet vy little sew Sat the seeS lag at 30 51. smints, to msesgA difm t Stit nta etitiet "Ofa set ot t the tiuet lag to fy" be a4S4. fnnttes fw thi debestiesn se fm this sowarsa prgmetabitty in tho Son 4smdAo etitwy otaflo ota as ma sot ne to obease. Aiftiewlty **at e the t be Oweal 4et the o wriabiity. is qute ees 10i of tis - as M hs that to0 W te shee" * the wiability ot tie senate An to ebmcee -ea of the naem neS,. teal wwiatulit 0on pepeatet "W Maes, sOek ii. tehl it te evleel Oet se e, te" of itily at hsee dedstias nests. be betewSmae rb peseai th e ae ad if s flvien fisth it n en iase mee efe if e1 th aspn"imWste stag a $a te tf mte MatatI pell nlsW Wudit be ft to fMeAty ia astually s *atnnsag the etatitt fourest data enest., notat to still eviet e that it to geal. flo pesetleal Att tlag this we attesd to sessetie with the seAnde sts. the seWo Mta Sn pawed Is tUo we*, h pattn thee m etetais inn "atesW ae m e pit v oy 1e sea fr Sto Glae of eperimaste at be separet or the patters at the s.genel pretttns tine for - ow sisa oas* of expetast, sa time nxperlests wth tie rebid statis Aesity, Neiter of these cOWertess em be U desiet ese of the litte weneetshn sSet ly be epa h"en - aestoly of ew eapOrtants flk as t . ax. .t 1n asamed *Witt eer tt the oWt ft iswetaSe psflen at oek pstiotln time in the ersp ate wih the estagIai Static teetty sat grt sloe use senially the ae tee ltteatisg thuthMe grit we entinly 1ew osa) to en- tat. the nsnmese prodttWe lateette to. all the statt at aUth e wt peltettos flae. the seemoet gt A statter ste wete qepetne of pattern wrvey iaterwewttaget sept- tatmonetlyg at 80 tastes ae nlo4 a te @)7 eoqgews ea be slts woith the patton f*#O i the seeae anigil) staticn lsnty eat grit sine at 80 elates. sghatd 11k effot sink a eienatsn. the ses the tgesee the pattonoe so esesta1aiy en pvtietabllfltee few these two espeuitas aels entiafly the ae, tint the eteet ste gt emusyolitiw that ae thee tesbts innv the iageesstes to tang. easeg te eastats the asseSat leat at "0 stwaas taia t OWpStat a bit, to t a peettitpthat, it wattsiee with the rtwe..t se ens ml.e at peottettea is grit t tkht fate that the patters ta~teattag tat the rebot hugs git geter thea 80 Santes, at 6.o et se tis tek et 1e000 negh th e ten all the pnetiettan is. gsetee Wa at Il te the esperleete wt ert~gnl bait tre retest4 stteSt 4esty a the smts desiaty ad pt tis at little ttffnease elate * ea& the meteotisa taI re sno .patern then to oets the tweo, the pat tore at 10 eat at 60 en aloe the s a*emigi 30 seate, s*l islu , 0to00 Siase rtmoag %ay a ell the static meSty ses to prehtetablity Um SAib appnsay esees wit tneaag ts, pettia it #see0 ike0" te te pattes fer sprtusts with t1e "te tsbeus dmasty a1 pe suta tes gpeter sthm 40 slawte wet alas he te eSan as the lat$*s at #0 tastes. (~fll,~ps ti ne ste US a ries wt the sith attunt fst t the eteea theirte swia4 esteatis the s st er agat #1ee thewthg wit lss. (74ger 9).* Mtw aw ne tat the iamiaute o etws teir eespaetagitt Wete tine is te 4iftsesss artees with iseflesag prnttsts tmes U real 0at tfbt te spiuuatis fee this nlatteaahip is sueests, ve.Utr of ti it aese ia itlteatiaa eat Us sesiote li0slp tat it the srteeea et its esplatise west t. etltSte wlmdat he the erialest etinag gt e. with the teast possible expense to geitabflitp', tedelag the pt at 10 sat peseibip seaet e so saotes aas will he the heat eth snt voenbhg the sttic tanety will he the best stint at peet80nte ties geater tan 80 ala5r sagrese eteng the staUs auiesty by hell eat the grt eta. 11y at a flirt vs bews tet as itattienat Ies at a tettamat prststabiiitp time seflalag that mah of tbe1 de few eotitisea tis e p to te!sUty at up te 0 tnt., with nrpt to spatial sates wth spect us spatial sa"t. 34. iat a are th ts, t at pnetestia tiws ta hw usmh were e the * rater than theoet I aa A" towthe wiethet a en the statism Entity ew the grt 'teo be wstod sitteac *aes* pretitelHlty? Ue saly ay to Oere qseetieas t to try 1ee1 fete ampset. hpentssste with te psst retest Little ita #heek. we *et step tt by a Wft 1W statts 4emtty at pr be worthbile as a @0 ta&ses aselL geter ae be to heke ehee the tatism busntty agrta Aa tate- satg aly 30 of the orltsal IS0 sts. eetiag attept weetE be to sen what wetti flpps it we sere 4o wedtse he deintty se4 that the enbr to hne am Wus* of nmpw*"t eitisat ot sttin 9stes be egVl pretotere aW iadietetd by te s f . Pigre 9 Shown tat the as ntftiest prettOtews wet aSer ot sigju ft sly 3 at 10 *iates to 9 at 60 Miates. por"teeW with te pent hues gpeaee tha 50 taasese gpit si is triM, aoeener ese gid at prnttt before em evn oalew mier the preseet AS it nosatiS -ed,e0 gtd *tI tt esny retest toT met be tarp sough to Inasts the retlotine iafsematte at ot or men of these poeio- tieI tnee ead thi at be a Itesat. flpwsamte witag a eemSa leg at spotetes *ba 30 e st time preato asles S maetd fir further istiestien of wheter te lafouastem adet by a predtotas time. Of eee tae sed lag isa feett of eapeinste at swent lag 35. Met er the ean time relattenship to the rtt dSflt-A* t# at 10 5, flIsMLran lag as In the Sat WSates. tIWUe. We have aehet certain pctatct jaetne sheet the bata anS hew bees etuat the sente that aesk et it is ndamant, Deters iS sa nlutes is ctsndtt tb er sanes e sait paee te waeder wheter the qatiase slgt ave bese tee peintet few the hint a*5 geitty at the at. of the etattles wthin the grit sente Deenela the dm14t te laser aeslplfalseat lees I. prettstabfitty. As It was asnsto dtrswlar sanstry at the s tmoet eeiter, the esr serwelatie fislh (Tfgpre 3) hitte at eso a resalt. tat thestiner seaetry aloe iagiie that Wtusping tea tffent stern tegether te she up the data we he asses et all tmetwcs. UIttst almst lativtal 'tors are rarfly emerphas. The etateste at esnsbam therefere neet the tslitleatts lntreaae. that thy apply slty to gasnhtied The sane qpalttttse shalt4 be atteet to the rselts ter tee time lage hae bwret tftfcreee besae eaebialag the steen teptiat 31y La the tin strestese as wall as It s apae etresturs. Redas tig hese at the gt sat lees Is pnettetablity. seems als to luer me ulgndfl- We sny yet etect large lessee vhes this test is extetdet to psetiotlas ts. greater tins 30 minutes. Beet, it wealE be nll to realise fat the same results wolt haew been ebtalaet tt tn tata flseatet - tint is, the data at 4m te Statioe eltaited by redAing pnere quallty tla the at the at the stattes ubith "Is penibility Is not snily aidte nil. ,. fp" nwe eft a namE. IS shes "#tas wthe S f the #ridset the that p4mlly to Eld stn* The nestte pretttie0 tiS lt nariams FtteflS fow the ethe with the efliaal station Lelty atd grA else show the ses thag. r* VII.#00006010& INRR er to asme aw hsebjesfle to ts proe4, a nteeIgteal iatpntatia *t the naeete pegertet hae. eMt aeier tgsr an em'floehwr (1). the iesuite flthme apoestate with th *4igst *'ttes ad grid smt Vte rn iot beense they 1m1te t we 734. 13 I11 he LtflflllL pgateet piogletla tsan seetra wth all other eapea'Inftal psnenmde wll be f esteut, faie osslyeie bewS W Ia Itarnatia et the. ospoatse with the nmeSe States Lsefte, eat two tas leg, aettp Wte1 OfMe waae'S gt sin., thee latter aeroestse eheet im. able to bo tstorpnetet $Jet ae wriatiese am the asperiante wth te SMtli *rgtsa efty oat grat stue, flnaty a tiffseat ot. etW4ot1t0s8iIty stentg fteer eel lupitle hiS h ee mstefswlegl* wtil be dinssset. aLsa A. UuflfhuemenateL the realte ee Isf"wneot 06 04 t ntee"elenl nteeolegiOa SUet . Ihevogeo, Riestes all, vs .t est aan stolde at epeat. the etgeste ae th, envite frem naetselgloal gnet-s. (1) ~M lno @e etime typo *t pndtisttea ecbee swot uSg$1 be S , iter a ethewes, te peer qshlty oR th dew s eem oese neatter abet the vegreiteesuowe, VIML pneta Silty beiag asewet re. (), *kSeestI time etentias I taoestly pnpertmnssit e the as, prve, botes essasten44r0 emr the rT c 1 wregnee et -o nil tbe pfl~tea vqge- sien my.s ft" ow b*oo t tbt m". lbeaeft quat4 o a. *P aseeast t 00& lnflt og psettetabif4 ter te -* t hegs ao 1w. atan0gs snge .t 1*. t a. lag Alan t ut I". (2) The natnty .. ii big awl. (nonrd lagth) ow osa WOWtowoo a to ts 4hsto sotpats uo'Ationstps, *b esettt a gIs a weetta in nrtae M$o* , s pn6441tty fhih to too Then *t6b *%os.a rrestlta, esoeunbg tone as seem inaly as the pneastta btoee Shte, oetteein mstn. Wr te o40 state pnettetta, A sagh Is tha 1 roe, Igh n the o..ntnn tim lIssess the eset the Wlf whe4 it as few 10 as Smee Ia 74g. 12 give oen at u ohsee euesttae 4i4 sent,. Modresethe to marty eastast leent Cpnetltbivtwy begtstag at *g Mues 0f steaag em int to s0 mIsts Ows teI te as wmpevtet et. that the flee Is 19 slattass. A t emnast prebftte a %e*ORAtoth e In sA4ttWa, slase a eattasal tows p'ehtebttItty wit lasrfotag pnt~et~a t eOw ste of affltre or uwteenlew, stint pre~tatetatty hib ehsae lb feas en10 I. th e 0e "egit of esm enpteleesty It elssttane aleJ As the wSat ef i* sigt e spet that g9. the ma AV as deto shate Mereas ftrm aet 4 phystoai nlticashtyl the 10 state pretiettea tIe it asmOoth fashian to a walia at 240 sawtes whioh col& possibly be only ame-ta ve. as it will e Osha rid, 12. sr a as larp as that hem in phywtal bas for the mesa T to 1#g1 Vitaity of 60 slates at denrss MenO off In the at a mash sler nte to a vis at 240 aiutes that we14 ptthps be as that shown in 7g. abut see-half aS lere is laer, then 12. ma AV bOaYt $0 slantes (as , part ot Me shen a It&. 12) ea mst 1thaly be attribated to high e*ee ecreltaties. (3) Then is mother possible aea-flseal explaatia of easest preflstabi11ty beyeat £0 minutes. the aporwet to eally so pretiotalitty tee It to tht yat 60 *ita s with the apprenmlftely saestat level or mSa AT iU the vietaity of 40% wepneseatlg tie6# 0 sparly that twe a rn refeseoee. only as It met be epestea LV will be grater thaa sers because of taees .onslatiss wish will alwas fistc at all boe te s~meplo se. eCur with a biovem, a 40% na highoer taa the ST from a rndea record 37 is hoese oorrela- tiens with tbe pnettors are all (we to chaeee (see ipres 7 mad 8). Oessqwetly it t oe isered that tho 40% level represents a sipifloest meam RV sa above theory maet be tiseare. the 'Ane tusne' wv Annnn t aeft us eas seen setne oaese ne us' atf ewe en 'en asstna pensE uORa Wee -e$AflO 0 Ate e Wfl ";;adMq W$ *M4$O MUS aqnua *daws r'o flee qn etswveflP eda es *4S40 oU$ aels .6t *tesse oeweste PW flo494tee ;wg, n eovse oq3ee11 ae weo es *e'sins ogl $S es 5e WflfltSe n'vlo en e ewie sw0e i's-nest en )e 04W en p. snegpe fl$O *a'n 'o*en p.. oet0 ines stneness4p1eStt se a£eoer asel-esg (t) eso Ahqeseane so age er -4etnnsme egnwes uP e sM *nlsoqgStte eSsW# Oat sWe s W time) Wee se at 'cia s et; oteen es 'seegau testesnsw nn n ap ese - "nonn etes e -a po wKo inse;a eqs se opessed eqqqaIs en5 e.gnes a. sss oen en (t) eee so etwes e toos *metegt #es & s es anee As INyt zwuts s10s a 'aM e0s 0o n a 'aens imOA as sssus en w*oSPOO en () es e;5sepefh it gast sow en (5) *l 'MIN 90 OS; al ag 1 1n een uesnUp" na tsu sow en (w) top taet vi swees.f -eat enw 4 e a enegaoti eaeseg i'oeaeseev en 'nes.e p.e 'eSe eSql nSees i n*oavi 41. A Itaae pfUlotan ee4 wiii t1tor oat sly tia*e %ehaflm *at thes te anse pnrOutte teft leve ofst pnt itaUtott la Ig. i, to t t0 -ibSoat is"Mitty of the pettetem t0 s-imer bisate of the fegmee of s-Itsosty flty ever the part a mtlt of mothe t* neasst few ePmipstatta oteestE the 1a *010.a bbafle to nlty a fees- teV ethe te or 4tatteoo ate flteh the bihesor to est4. s. sa oe Ofttott* atteo tothe bekever of prftpia tatte cloet. hesee it ie seaati the Uf 114. 13 ovtnsat that pestles of Stfh It %tledto arlee tea hibe ne sess.iatteos,it te eboervat that Itsen pwottatlitty esoeaen ty aS a funtle e pretfte Wat to te 0sel ease Vf te tate tee sewu (1) peouttene (a) growth ad ttootpattoa. toly a seisaar presosi Bseat that the a g owv l ha rneiy tiflte 40 we, at atd ietpatioa te seet ties eat is therefoes the eta bevter over, there to as a priot rene r bet, i it t bhvtor Vt he ea a"totiot raes fe the Oesall aetae to be saemt ea. a-lter preaslptattag elsemato? teir bww oesaoes ot ce eloeats. Row- wlq growth oat tiestpatit has s m st, it Lees sot oe peolble pt g tabta ity ever prettica tif as ohm. 114g. 1* mealu "4 Sto as it to ts to poor tta paIty stet. if greeth od tuiattn Vr the peeotpitatiag aleusato are th Wa news r theta na-mtme uabaler Over peu1ts of tin eWeepetisg to the protiotis tine, it to atntaally 40. milt tat tle itftiao Linoens, fun lb e ot ino asu h t o es clets ng of tem s nW t 1w tie prettia iase. It, a ote ethlr bat, their lt4tee a*t of ma satite get ow tas te aennpge pretetta tie, their behwvtor vmit appeeeo m lie er. aswegp leest e pnettlAsblity ton sta" awe espetely ovidet weev. 13 wel1 tA 10 MSme mat I the bores.s th et fewr- t wal prsttg e te ft" a hio sheea is W4. to ab bete.. aseR faa the 4. ten. ern at least to *a stes where m eeent is Mig. I. targest besee is flawtng oleefttM the beawler .t the p'nitpibtt ie eete tat. te a@es, me limer cat the other newsteaar, e enf tast pbylei Lob easen attittoml moa t wIth te viaei 114410 t its bhntir t ta of thM e prepstatag eat tistslatn) scens stomsat, the aeinee wae (peth fw bast" pgtstabil- aee ianlnt. Ibsa the pwote ty where peotptattsg sett tmeo b sht ahest wsie, n the other heat, the lItwar me (penststee "at atweties) anoints for must Of its bfleter. As the ate ot the pettetta ofthe elasts teses, the itty ite to the litttue iajerteee of the to sos i asesantiag for their behv'uier sewers a therere ithsar pret bi"itty tiMe to lifetaa eeesc eat wth as iweresseg prettetica att,. te hetmal tea a te pelpitatiag ohuate are neblhty prpcwttflt to "ter liftia esesaaly oteet a a. m, .Mtarger that Is, as it Is the peipitatte stee 45. the tweer it late. 2t61 esseta betwee the heetamtal soe0 oat the liftie t peestpitatitag eelate ores ta to the as tatwe- Sens St the msteeselbaal festae - th at of the hesnail sloe to the op... neettia et the flttee Is the gita. It the w t. to pvetttatlug eltasae .er this ees that al, be eneeet 1e stalm ties. Althn# the sea oip'", beIg te seate, 411t be eaetler. awngag flesth e etatia sigpal nem tea it . La satee to aglI this epniteafl to the emst. slt or pet., Is theemt. eSlflI la m itesm-ilha with time Wo1t hew ben if the ate no Petter iseaw peitatablit "sa1wi4umI esnt et grsoth eat et th statc awn..g of the eglaeet ofe a4.age tattaa at tateetty of the oeste will way wattty with tie a tiselpatMa, the writme aea"ar ef . ebeSt fens*oe ig. 12, we ne4 to is a evt tatopetatia he wth eaa ettaty flat the tea Stovse whish eupoee the Ofe wo seb o s taste p1eiitenOtags otstes ft he te a o es As obeet a the I thessea sla at we net 11etmes Ot thee elasante. N", Isag pretpttise oAe gbsee pateet n a te estr of 1W0 mites w. thie tomimat featue oef sh of the to stes, the. tar oe no statw * as abeat two are. Mteert litie The era sesage vw of the wnae 4tt en "It a stntatie ofthe eper imit ot the seetmna of tet lifetimes. lewewer, it to appmeat that es 44. penstt for ae t esety of th. sit bers bssos they estered a as Pw npe, s rese eatntty t this leh oft i. indite &Aleft s the eter latsrpstatles, It will be osed of tee lao the pu.poses wer tat the aneag p ae s t he ester of fiv is a lire.in vbbh e witbis tha lftis end oe. They W * to oat et me 9at * wit teir Seet wriet eeseibmebly wth sti free ainet as *etis to eeds wa spood (Ww wee snipt gestee a6 imtly s W. the 100 *0 o00 wi pasE mo etd their e bn$ ati the ten stem fse appiea , hgo het eteal iattaites twees newi to atwsae the XRe scope ash oft th tiw tbsr wee bsaorvet. then Is peE YMs tatig elemas we eiee. tat UaSgs tes preelpi.. ads & t " ay ofal "i le o the ste esrved y Swell%(4) "a Dattee (6) *oft emers. %rit lasr safd Jay of be v19 a 19*0 Isel adoe eemmtINes proeslptatia %W*as St th -RU sep. of ft As1/0S-1 mafr Ot drt saarly all Of the ses of thse anne. fe feet tsrias lanary that for apgreustol *A or his eboowtlsoe, the preiittit sestal etse swead I" fltiag free oaretivw soils whae .atI slath bert. e sitaer of the seer- ties siaseitered a beetel ly-e streetwe.t bria Jldy all ef his *soraetteessemateot esnetin9 oistl shes hert.. oatal aso avenged aset * tien. krsts casettes p.e..t.atiq *th. first aed layer at a elattiwly hi OaILy he ed that as a herisestal oea settase atseisy at up of 4. tUnsed den. the sta sm elte Vte4 O*.ppfdr ibt The tea stnes seen mtat fa bth te srat LPII& i th e tea *easofl, ie 4andrsten statiesee nn stelneme wbyas thqwm La 4 .11s Obiwstn. Nat he to"e f his Jly *bnnetitSA cetllar flmotur. I* "I nt 'later the pagsx twn his &t weS1 abs ao diffes. *040"al Of tuowh sf "Willasm of *11,1er the frepeep eses 1* his sttatatice #UfOV.IM 0a14 eadbs. teir ntialttty ninlat hwsfl). etrettw (it ea a neaUttely sa*l samplo bat seer Rif statistits ae baS itata is asem. thelos. tei flasftre there stealS be little LtaW tat the larg preSplitatag elments of the tea tMA, Soee 111 phetes 9 eanns this Thee - ."dwain Utssonile athe neetig set at aesata 4aart tfortmaty Newell's o to t of esewtta" 011S Neell Abeeri it Iao , not allow sewr, 3a and Jam) ao the PPI stepe of as 50RCM t pneoipttattag r toe hig a nil. a asnep Itfetts of aspm t of thee aa tt&tg. n of tenr stemn is 194 (.e enob is Zsb-. ebernaes rey, Noak, MW, 2 pieta"o Vt the teA he jtate tflbn. him to *nAsree te itfbtims V tee rear feed el iar etrnetan. sti of the bi tem met liely %es.. to of the stews tas enl they shaeet the n*I% soni "ells ien set (0. trem ojerity of te ossesel Of these saI nile *est sesIs were up to O0 tie 3 ately o- hor for La tienter. No lab sesiteet of at 0st sevenal of the sall theres lll tr the amage , lifems hrow Is probably eashat of the eall 0sils. 4'. lIV" eeratites of presipitatm with the P1 no*pe of a 10 tooer bata the smer of 1947, atta (a) eportS lifetim. of 23 . s4 aesag use for ell of the ese tat Nawll ebW, For tho pnpas- of t 0 it Will be a"iMod tUst latermretatm, th. ase3age aIntM O tO Oan 00ll to 400 the eO h0ur' to raaaptttate, thS were two UaOts since ot pesepitatse lents tat omi4 te oerneSt % the sbr aurtag nOb at thc em stoes. . fo as fa the Order of 100 stIes Is bwsatal areutt "tt with *a anae a" ticother es betma I en At1 al extst wit as sag. teaer I ,An aappetaatoty fn lifm. *0 wit a spe Is s"se horisoatal of les then a. hour, noi belte.. esc &an ose art what gpeater U"n the 00 ub itaS optea " ti sOesmeS l4 westes vmaseshers beers latter hea beca to eave with apresately te epoo of the 100 ab vIM, istenataio at weAaamie -MMMA lhts Ifatetoo a te etem a the a Matn a -aume steo of s prtpitattoa of the will som be Vea to ealpes ti pre"tia *orvc chess is Fig. 1. te 4w theoc results secn sesOluts for to a S Ntlee (t40 fiv Ml eqprtuntss sware'), np ntet ThIs to mct ask lnwger taa ta c eise of the sc11 prelspitattag clemts. The predttaa tume ws $lissp eating to the poriS*"C tof which the behavior of the cmall a iar best leaets fanabe escoatet for 4y schen mt to lees thma her aveege Itfetla to less thn ae bur, therete oer we esa which ythat thc man retnw 47. at the 10, 30, sad possibly the 80 state (I) tIn variae pretitiaa tin"e is, Is effeet, the ine2ar pettctability of the earee ta IV wit tahimting with te sapit sAll ets, be g un to the tarestingy as1tnaar bSVe prettitise of the leants a to sar maity, te prf siattio Inteso soa ttn-ifsttw a the 1* a4 30 state esperimsts, te *ant preoteers for msot of the preditet statit sipetit- minatted either the redUted statis itself or statte insimately unwiat few the pettotet statia or bet. At pretti nite reater tma 40 states, the sigttiaat proteew pa~er ..nma.t., beefy with a tedI s ba a aistiott preitotet staties Itelf vas uSrely oboes. robentes Out te liaar Met. of - nareistoee ea4 advili predistabilty the l1tts the osetintag out to 1M0 mutes to ftavr the Aptwat regn elewants ere qgatially ebavior of prosptitatig - S. ispertanat to linear ube the pretaten time to nmml espaot of the state. e.- Wis evides with ith the slee of the sMll elset being eoswwbt lest tan the epace resobatis, the linear esbess to rmaly prehitag a a stale that ianeole pouhiblg snnl0 the gall leaents. Obs nvegtg effect of tbe resoletuta an the sell elements explats rhinuti as sleet at by the first prettoter picket at 10 . the predteed perststeaoe *as so eVIMOat. of statios - that to, why Wit a opSes neooltiaa slower to the sis of the sell elements, the roe of persistenee shioud &erease somewhat and sing with it the iaear pretistability. 'Lt us now enalkr the prttotabiltty tee the vietity of 486. 60 statles to 340 nataa. at beaaflr lhe nfal ebbat so "ats es haeS fa trete af an *ssn.g ti. at tieue prettotte tims also, the at liMeA e behsfler PestMeo tha ag et. a0stesd .t lu at be easser to tat Mq sen te las1& elmas so . af -0se eter pesigtattag t. insoesees sWe 60 sat Un0 134er at bene of Itetie As Ob. protietieo ate their be""Or ill beame Ins the liar potietability sheald leeae. is piate out Owet pr Ot he m T beyat doubt Len to high ehuas 0evslatMs. i. sviAse* that bbe pr""ebte e" ih s a0t at pretiete tins oE sta m ls 60 iNates A4titanI santhiag detecttt iffee- at peter is when is seawIaeerelAtea eesefiiSLat tons sediotie 1. 4, the steel ebseh . Met lowly sat ia the PPI piet"ees of %be their beAttW she4 be nelaiUnWY lineAr, ties. It is fanetes *lt1. 4w ntoly fine hars, stw a pnite*n ts of s0 simte as i14g. 1 lar S. *toth*s* fleets having as aessg be ste A legaal tines se a*so slntS is beIag "at0ste4 1 lhe pedime Agai it t1h tbies prsitM Las be *e A T to efsatin= to tensses is a 5e0th et e sha If ns Sete. hew te en levels oft n s vieiaity of 60 mia- n endesaaa ase. gstnly bael. What at to taerret mneesmag the lser buRme tsow hewn? Sine we sa4 prsliotability be gettWing be probably larnese time of lb large elemmnts, pnetability ell sarpy.g If empeniant# %inte bow*. onr ensted at prioe with the preset data *"pI, the sea life- ineMs gpflter tier. small be little 49, obwase ef sbsg whether this is the ease atesat beene. the effuot ef high eflsse oonltteos wait s dab besn ame peemen W v W a thte "ts theS es welt "eeably Avwo~er, if a data sople late minsess with "weeiftia t, abse omleatlene to a slain.a tow pietitista eaneh to retun ties as pat a.6 or S hase won astU. s.sm boe.s*'". T et e, wo shoald en th If, t ettitita, ve repeated th esperisats at all the pnitlofla tims free 10 adint. to 4 how with the largs seplo at., she a P as a testis of p$16etot be reposated IV the CasheS earne anst S eo ie Ia 1. miht 13, the pisest bate is endei oof a variety at weather ataa. tin bat it nstao so tiAsdrerteen actitety. Lot s ouppos tat we hate sot of ate eASe Vp of teadeptern geesoalip oaesea - that thaIerstoa how as the Asep. n hiA IS grat an. tee It Is greater thea has the aNiseae itft- ts eW h wge thoogVa aeMpJtory to the sail peeetptatiug sleent.Is th e tea stoe. Tbeefoes for pretietit tiMs les t"o hew, the inear peoulitatiflty abould be bettor tsh abeUt witb tmstseten t ata t ito wt tthe wsetdata. This tapw41ent lts to the leer pettets tif-lifstn rSatio. A woe 1bwaS-like behavier ever the peeietita tims them with CatsaI th e result. the gret the sesmt spase resoesio saly a teeo the sa l is assh that nesfyttatisg oleenste ag to samasset by a staties at a gi"n tn, *otE eeseps a at the sttw $$attes with a 30 mile resltttia les asler of the sa11 elaste. A 30 *ile 50. 'elttaa t ale steles to the Orter eal sngtte pnetpItetag elmmate ten te 5 aile reslutis, ae tarp Was a M0 Sette na et nes0ta a w& rer lisa'Utag of*Tet a ailo the statis seM thae we w ha flerSn klghr 1imer with be 5 tie resottAa. Sat~eity whaeld be ospeflet at att as mo te asm i tstel pnetAtta tmse les teM a XV as a fualia sof irwetisste ties ag$1 be rewasetef by the a.&te awne aset 30 In Zig, U3 (a large dat staple it aesn& Qt 4harpn to natie, heL, if tie eetian wor. other thoffset o a teavoc pw etatfty Obtt be the peette aed the sen LTes a Smaste of prodleta tae eIght be regpn ete b te O bet oee ate he mtts o t I In 714. 13. he esperimecte with tb Mnattp, tie metagee grit e1a., Is Aig. 9 Vill -e toest a tw Is a staton timwe lapgs us wariso effort to fist oat to what eg.ethey e eawsistat with the .etwilogieal -tisrpntatia reaet in tme O pnetutg sesten. at pNOUsetta t CNatter tirst ie Of. o 10, Se, at 0 usas esate with the reet famls deustty. A rflessto~ mesetta La statitnmeLastty sheuSS ese a eIgttqmt e.s ilmeor oraietabtity eavy whoa the prtAtin tlelitfetime sate to law. It Ls them tat advetts is a teAat tentribteor to prettotabitty. eut 1a ss earlier (teenetem (Cbapter 1I), As it me poistot e11g th ait a. when that itfustlen iathm a lees ta pnative tafemtta afte lely to s. mA@.ty to tm to be loatet ta ae eei Atweotiwe latonation Will thsUtthete. alwas teadt to be Utel t aepeetfie negia elatin to the pwette statsa, As It hs bees potated out, aeetiv atmn as meet tpestat Is hme empetlw at wisth btow. the eugaial sstw tastt at the 10 stante peeitfta ad to a laser 30 4sate. Weisfors with the nadeed tegpee at assetty ao cheet see te largest less t pntttity at the 10 state premia ad a *t sls' less at 30 statee. It %"st Sat bagene(rig., 9)., it as etated isa ealerAs tinwses (Cobpstn V2) that if etag the weaseL grit else wor esasted at yeo- ogsflteet i4etea tis peter thee S e==tes, so uWO t wew welt see lesses is pnotitsbfitty been.. the git was set laege eawAg to esataita n a rey petietie iaftMt. teal iatewgetatin of the results suiriteedta s gie Our estesegig. 13 meg s af idea oft te eittal psetteta tim at fih ntneet pta 1loe a laeger l e se*e"*. Pntl"tIve tate- #a the large prepitattag elamte ati the sho4 be te first to be renovt 4w a ve eti is grit se. Sinoe the arge eolenets sees to a *a e pertet taflseae a ftais of pettie tin us begi sa . linar pretotality as Itags states, it *eld Set be mprsptseg to ft sty tint the vietaity of 60 a lmes Is prttetabil- enssriag here. It is steer0ed i ig. 9 ts the Mdditta of a *seed tinO s. lag proehet'a sell isorso thne se IT fe both the 10 eat za apresKes a the reeslte t s0 Sat.** ratn. at 10 mse Qhaetr Ti, the t ense me attbatet 4 thing etle this the asest leg. Aloe I* timt tieSeflo sa awgmesmt attepetiag to epliJt tnt if the eat leg m eessssfly wool* be Iapplfmentar set lers thea 'te first to tat given y tbe first lag. Ith the of the estse of the espertusato -Aterpetatta lag as a oi, given to a esnt tag. oe ot this arpuesat vvite petiitive itemttca vtlk lae, te s06"t lag *alt ntensloteal a 00 ", lag shalt iSprevo eeeo wee s*sett I We pfetistsWitty with Jut - 1a* farther o ieatt will O be P'r eq sheOt pretlettea tin, it Is dstdnthy the tslsiSe of a smd lag shltd peweie sig- aittica, tafenettan easeeriug the tarpe presiptatiag olonente (nonle Itteit tint the dewl"eg appueistely S beuve). t spset othe It has be. asmet bshfler of the smaI preetpa tatiag chaste aooont,$ter tm wltV (1* sat 30 slates) 1tasav pntetabflity. tit the istroetta ot a #eee ft telopsat. leg, at so Sant. a * eshort tie It is set apprent leg shalt Statie, the Srole Aloe It to aot spArent tht atteteal tat.es attn aheat the iase wfenoses (settea) by a est t shalit be pruvited e mte M 0 states pretotam , the sesat tag be prtttag eens * ateamtte (W estet g the lag presipitattug enate pessiby) that I5 better tn that pNOutdd by Jnt as lag OaWIe for nost of tNe statt s their peototere tiAluet ea tre the snt lag. HNOever, 34 fso r the waseittag twe. the b"gs pirfipttattag attn osena eitetsat. that *tttaflity is call es the tafouet With the taene beg se silt, ie leeS lag Nwo ohew wflaticmehtpa 5)7. tiser "O l at toeptpetttta tieth it ha sweeagt be. a g it is psllble ae t Pa ts to UpSet that Is fa we oatetn I tflnse baiesa the first wth the 0 staIte prmttetta tft"tta Me eAsetlag, O the the watd impesae it wat ha "we lowly to 'nes it. lh. restts baa raire ftar of estnroebmat presos eesaieraticsa bes.. (as ws atd tie seews to latteat. that a est esatRery, Ateb beo the hit is a ttmnnlos sa wepte it) te ehesmetar 1ethe stattettes ofte eait, to atbflit, nr s e. it he. at Wo ubates. ese. Sag tea wae net tee eaS is hetly as a sealt of then.e a e116nS lag will proidb ar in" bqwwnst Iat s bta with leg 'alt a4 t iftisast oeibam attesatwo aot~aM of fusuriyag pretiota- "lit,. Who veqstnmsest. of a ane test aset pnastpitatie foenat usally (i) the tenet Qgattal pattern of pueoiptates tataes- ty a (#) the cret nettta at enob polat ithe naatteen. of the poesiptatian tateesity the reduettem Is wreaoe the tegre to whieb both of these nteeata measure ane attaine. ben.e Mt at the ttatasity msva. it is baeg isa t1e abefute Sjiatt ueemr, trea the 3? IT*t to tIettiamaft betwesa sot p sblo Patten sad iatefetp oner. A wab loss eteragt *ttatt ofa gaoa fmast osiy the. first nqinhmmnt abe im. entisfit *flaflms. that to, the - ovter. it aseet Patten witbast refgle tor pateta tAt.. s easrselagleat to th6 this aennop ag1my be a~esmto. Nor ins'aef, is pretttag mte fture ot a ftyll A be as fa t It is ga astonet to we. orgastS oagtll imo, t1 e mos he e. If the feturo pattes to proietet es wety, tme foressot wil be essirst gaol. 14 to Sateresttag to mote the) mese to ret seitese. t0at the hAaaty sehens seeS is this te pattos the ta a pntetig toes00 better is protittmag 0t tme "Mtesr'ty. The psoeiiem *sffieieso (A.,N) .aesatot by the ster-wise reowsisa seati the tinowpesatet is the esssiag pepgsin wr pseti t ea enatta (*q, 1) to eoaptee amll aele t iner of fa- easteS ampe tor ash pretietta turns of the eperots wth the so. $Aah orsts.3. statAs daity St gita foresstte map as .bgnttioV osgaret with its eeepadtag aeteflly observe op is tue epes otatts (I) * spatial IT a. ogtet new all tho an te map (the detofsitt of R Is the a to before bUt the istasity ernges a" ssueSn over the statims ather tmo time), ea (2) a ofrnlatta betweas the eeospadig e latter tetonines te oosefioit was oseute statien latossttes of the two saps. ev4ot P0*5 of the pattea basIWso it 5.0 nnuo e1y the degre ystematte a a. to Wuta Is set d ssatAa wi be the feme. At Ob the errors I* tateutty th a tttae of the er"e preoattta tin, the as nitation oofftotlt oer the sample of ap Vs the aa a hIber thba igfly sigctft- etattettes t. %e ver ast, the tatatta give& by thee is *or- a seW sot lengs F4o4patIt . Th*e the sMle of a eanh fe the a :i aesthelen, 56. n4 oovewlss in" o ahe% tan Itasr prNiatauity at pwsep0.tis 1. is nslatitvly iatenitive I* ennbl the gaptat sastty af tsteati. atfat at tamestia . enattme flogs te twae to 11 we -u bea awitical p to 100 patial bner the etet, 2. the selisar beavier of pvaeipitatiasesta sie Ia whoa, ilke "n artar at agaie e1aat tow t0e chort team psrtftamlitty Of preespitati*n, 3, tha seg ussolutia with flteh a tersest Is eta will lafammee to ses estaat th le 4. el Of prwfetabflity. ne qelity af liner prettetia treases with ti e As f ethe apeet hat sat is a epeteestle amne henna preseas. at atfloaet tae at pweiatatIng esats is the aoMs frm which the data wan obtainS. Rnisaflatias tar ftArtr reasns 1. lawetigte the isear preotability of prelpitatisn pattas arisng te weather ten ieista i th ad a, teattS tffaat frem e proeset data e.g., seal1 limno sit treats. haaStito in a sgeteatio esner, We attect of VAriaties ite tOs grae of saoa resolatie as pretitabilm ity. 3. Invnstirt further the spatial txtent of tmforntion as a paameter influming litar predictability. 4. Invstigte further the slvificanco of including a second tin* lag in a linear pnediction scheme. M4. TAUU £ Pretlotite lIm 10 eta. 30 0 Origlal $%ties hnttW eat Grit Sine 67.5 49 41.6 Edsot Station Deseity 66.6 47.7 41.1 Ste Re1.e Mape Ow - 0 40 - T ig0.4 The mea paet Efpertmt OI.4w- restiaa n variatee for all the fow 10 0, a" 60 simate pnltie a. ho asea is oer all the prtt4aade ens* .srrtsat, aelMe is 59. Fig. 1. The Working Grid. Each box is 5 miles square and the arrow at the top marks the direction of the 700 mb wind. All 120 stations were possible predictors in the earlier computations and the 60 stations circled were also predictands. For the reduced station density and the two time lag computations, the latter are the possible predictors and the 40 stations marked by a small black square are also predictands. 00\ - .10- - o- - - 2 -1 .00 Fig. 2. 7 min The man correlation field for 30 minutes prediction time with the original station density and grid sise. box to 15 miles on a side. Eaah The number in the upper rignt hand corner of each box to the nunber of station pairs whose correlations were stummed to compute the mean value appearing in the box. 61. Fig. 3. The reduced size working grid. The 60 stations circled are possible predictors and the 30 stations marked by a black square are also predictands. The numbered squares not circled are the stations in the original grid which were eliminated. 62. I.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 COR RELATO N COEFFICIENT 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 10 30 60 120 180 SEPARATION TIME (minutes) 240 Fig. 4. The mean autocorrelation function of precipitation as determined from the computations with the original station density and grid size. 63. 1.00 .96- .92.88.840,2 LAGS . 80o , RS ..... 6 30, Y .64- ---- ...---- ? ..--- 30, RSO Z-- ' vrrc RSG -30, S.52.48 - .200 a.36 - 0- STATION 45 .12 - 04 00 F I i 2 r r : 3 4 5 a 6 i 7 8 NUM8ER 9 10 II i i rIII 12 13 14 15 16 I7 a. 18 19 20 OF PREDICTORS Pig. 5. The course of the reduction in variance (EBT) for station 45 as predictors are accumulated. The solid black circles mark the last significant increase in the reduction in variance. Each curve is labeled with its prediction time and type of experiment (RSD, redu~ced station density; ESG, reduced size grid). 64. 0.60.5L0.4 0.5 - 0.2- 0.1 0 I j 0 1 2 6 5 4 3 CODED INTENSITY 7 8 9 10 Fig. 6. The frequency distribution of coded signal intensity. 65. .20OSG LJ *16C-, -Z 0 .12 0 60,RsD --- ---- ~08 ~.04 RANDOM .00 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13 NUMBER OF PREDICTORS 14 15 RECORD 16 2 17 18 19 20 .201 .08- .- .124 * 0 0 RANDOM RECORD I .00- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NUMBER 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OF PREDICTORS Fig. 7. The change in reduction in variance (aV) with accumulated predictors for the two random records. The curves are labeled with the prediction time and type of experiment (OSD and OSG, original station density and grid size; reduced size grid). SD, reduced station density; RSG, 20 66. w 35 -40 z 0 S.30@-* -.....- .300 o- '0~ -9 0 ~~~ .1 .- 00 I- - 0 00 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NUMBER OF PREDICTORS Pig. 8. The cbange in reduction in variance (RY) with accumilated predictors for random record #1 included in the experiments with the original station density and grid size. time. Each curve is labeled with the prediction 2 67. 1.00 .90- .so- X 2 LAGS (3) .70- S 3) RSD (2) X 0 .60- r2 LAGS (9) XASG (6) *(6) RSD (6) X .50Z 0 ) RSO (9) 40- .30 .20- 10- 0 0 60 30 PREDICTION TIME (MINUTES) - Fig. 9. The reduction in variance (RY) averaged over all the predictands in each experiment .as a function of prediction time. The circled points are the values from the experiments with the original station density and grid size and the X's mark the values from the experiments with the reduced station density (RSD), the reduced size grid (RSG), and two time lags. In parentheses are the significant number of predictors averaged over all the predictands in each experiment. 68. 30 MES, (A) , II i S REfDucED DEAT TrC. 1z 404 (B) Pig. 10 (a, b). 340i uTc0D The space distribution of reductiorn in variance (xv) for the experiments with the reduced station density and the reduced grid size for a 30 minute prediction. 69. (A) -T 140 1.5 01 '1 Els, '30 mtAuT ? LAG 5 45 1 1 I N 61j"' MMMMV JA i -01 1C4.2 1 14A3 144.2 43 3 ,401 I I A ) i -7- j C 1 //,!;a, 1 A3 Fig. 11 (a, b). 4 .6 55 The space distribution of reduction in variance (RV) for the experiments with two time lags and the original station density and grid size for a 30 minute prediction. 1.00 .90 z .80 .70 . z .60- z .50- 0 L) o (6) (6) (I) 60 120 .40 - .30.20.10 .000 10 30 PREDICTION TIME Fig. 12. 180 (minutes) -+ The reduction in variance (nY) averaged over all 60 predictands for each prediction time in the experiments with the original station density and grid sise. In parentheses are the significant number of predictors averaged over the 60 predictands. 240 1.00 .90 .80. .70 - wj.60 -. 'o \ < . 50. 04 \o( .30 - .20- NN .10 .00 0 Fig. 13. I 2 3 PREDICTION 4 TIME 5 (HOURS) --.. 6 7 The dashed curves represent a hypothesized mean reduction in variance (RV) as a function of prediction time and space resolution with the original station density and grid size and a large data sample rather than the comparatively small one used in the present study. The curves are for space resolutions of 1, 5, and 30 miles, respectively. For a comparison the circled points connected by the solid curve are the mean reductions in variance determined in the present study based upon a space resolution of 5 miles (same results as shown in Fig. 12). -f. 1. 1et, t. V., s. A. t1isben, "'he Slnte ?wsttabflity vmpert 34, isseb at Wather asr Sil.,' Unather 1str bessvsk, swtnat oefleglw, nuflesett* insitt of flsh.tgy, e1a. 1960. 3. SUM, 3., (sVAter) estates Aa Sttttise 1 Wetber tsItistlaa,* Qheptn 11, I Rpot, ?enen t seter 3s.e Cter, nbser 19BE Short, S., 'lhyluieat OtbgsusI teestis tpplied t. 3. keintlt. Sgsrt 3, ttitetl 'tojoFt, wgesstlag flssesbaett Is$tst Peegatest Vatneteqg, et Rosner Wstwy, 1904. 4. swell, 1. 3., a*'se r 4nrsafns of ?rspsopbsrle Catisler Cnsnetle,' Rasnnh Report Pa Wettber Rmber Rssen, Sqgoetmet of Muntelogy, *nasna. oett. Zastltwte et tneslw.y Jointse, 190. of Qeevnttwo tarn GienS Wt',' Joti. ars. Wetner. Beo., 34, p. 309, 1961. 6. fltta, S. J., 'Jostes 6. Mtase, 8. 5., 09s tifsule of the Well Wmnpltatisn Johnes Cbseore em the PP1 Roepe .f the 505-41'bfre,* issseeb asport *o, fart U, imgertant .1 Ueooroslegy, flswesehsetltts nIt. .f ?nbhaly, /s. 1996.