A STUDY OF THE EFFECTIVE MOISTURE-STEERING LEVEL IN A CLOUD AND PRECIPITATION PREDICTION MODEL INST. TEC 4 s "T $ BR by - Harold E. Headlee B.S., United States Military Academy (1951) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY January 1965 Signature of Author. . S .. .. . . . .. ... . . Dqpatmept of Meteorology, January1965 Certified by O * . 0 . 0 0 a 0 0 0 ThesisySupervisor Accepted by. . . . ... . . . . . . . . Chairman, Dep/±tmenfal Committee on Graduate Students A STUDY OF THE EFFECTIVE MOISTURE-STEERING LEVEL IN A CLOUD AND PRECIPITATION PREDICTION MODEL by Harold E. Headlee Submitted to the Department of Meteorology on January 18, 1965 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Science ABSTRACT In the Younkin, LaRue, and Sanders objective method for predicting clouds and precipitation, the effective moisture steering level is an important part. It was shown that the optimum selection of this level is dependent on both seasonal and geographical effects. In the actual model used for forecasting, the optimum level is at 833 mb. This differs from what the theoretical level would be in most cases. Testing this optimum level versus its theoretical counterpart, it was shown that even under a severe test of both orography and frontal conditions, the model's effective moisturesteering flow compared favorably with its theoretical counterpart. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Frederick Sanders Associate Professor of Meteorology iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author is indebted to Professor Frederick Sanders for his advice and encouragement throughout the course of this study. Acknowledgement is made to Mr. Martin Hurwitz and Mr. Howard Fairman for computer programming assistance, to Mr. Jon Plotkin and Mins Ann Corrigan for plottin the n@ecessary data, and to Mrs. August Shumbera for typing the thesis. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS I II I II IV V VI VII INTRODUCTION SEASONAL EFFECTS ON THE EFFECTIVE MOISTURE-STEERING LEVEL 4 DISCUSSION AND RESULTS 14 CONCLUSIONS 18 THE EFFECTS OF OROGRAPHY AND A FRONTAL ZONE ON THE EFFECTIVE "MOISTURE STEERING LEVEL" OF THE WORKING MODEL" 19 DISCUSSION AND RESULTS 27 CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY. 34 APPENDIX 35 LIST OF FIGURES o, I and c& for Nashville (72327) 1. Profiles of 2. Profiles of 3. Mean seasonal profiles for 4. 0000 GMT 1 April 1964 855-mb map 5. 1200 GMT 1 April 1964 833-mb map 6. 0000 GMT 2 April 1964 833-mb map 7. 0000 GMT 3 April 1964 833-mb map 8. 1200 GMT 3 April 1964 833-mb map 9. 0000 GMT 4 April 1964 833-mb map and o4Q for April, o-, and 1961 o4 I. INTRODUCTION In the past fifteen years numerical weather prediction has developed from a theoretical idea into an almost exact science. The local forecaster of today has more aids than ever before in making his weather forecasts. In addition, - more and more of his forecasts are being made by the numerical weather prediction unit of the United States Weather Bureau. This can be attributed to the improved products of the machine forecasts. But, at present, the area of forecasting clouds and precipitation has lagged behind the general overall improvement of other forecast elements involved in weather prediction. Admittedly, the forecasting of clouds and precipitation is very difficult when all of the different physical processes involved are considered. Generally in the past subjective type forecasts have been made for clouds and precipitation. In recent years, many objective methods (1) have been tried but have failed to perform the required tasks. These methods have either failed to show improved skill over subjective type forecasts or by the complex nature of their prediction equations are not readily adaptable to computer techniques. With this in mind Younkin, LaRue, and Sanders (1965) have recently developed an objective method which they hope will (1) Several of these methods are listed in the references for the reader's convenience. definitely fulfill the requirements of an improved forecasting tool as well as be appropriate for use by the numerical weather prediction unit. well. In a few test cases it has performed very Another very important feature of this method is its simplicity, so that it can be used for single-station forecasts by the forecaster with the present data available at any local weather station. In the theoretical development of this ipethod YLS (2) has featured an effective "moisture-steering level" which is a major part of the model. Based on modeling techniques and using a vertically integrated moisture concept, this level represents the flow of the moisture field. The concept of using a vertically integrated moisture transport is not new. Earlier work in this field has been done by Benton and Estoque (1954). Further developments in water vapor transport were carried on by Starr et.al. (1955) in investigation on the general circulation problem. These reports were primarily concerned with water balance over large areas. YLS uses a slightly different technique in representing the advection of moisture by an effective steering flow. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate three aspects of the effective moisture-steering level of the YLS model for predicting clouds and precipation. The first of these will involve the derivation of this level which was made on a (2) For the remainder of this paper, any reference to Younkin, LaRue and Sanders will be as (YLS). climatological basis. The "constants" involved and the resulting steering level will be investigated for seasonal effects. The second and third aspects will concern the "working model". In this "working model" an average level has been assumed for ease of computations. To test this model, it was decided to check the effects of orography and a fairly intense frontal zone on the effective moisture-steering level. 4. II. SEASONAL EFFECTS ON THE EFFECTIVE "MOISTURE STEERING LEVEL" Any method for predicting clouds and precipitation depends on the ability to predict the amount of moisture above a given point at a given time. In the theoretical development of the YLS model, it is stated that with knowledge of the initial moisture field, it is possible to predict the local changes in time, thus predicting the field at any given, time. The complete derivation of the model will not be presented here. For a complete derivation the reader is referred to the future publication by YLS. A synopsis of the main points is as follows: where q is the specific humidity, ?7 is the pressure at the surface of the earth, and W is the mass of water vapor in a column of unit horizontal cross section extending through the entire atmosphere. It was also decided since it was important in dealing with lower boundary conditions and the influence of terrain effects to use 6s-,-(Phillips 1957) as a vertical coordinate. Equation (1) becomes: (la) W 0, Using the assumption that q is a conservative quantity, we regard the quantity q as a "virtual" specific humidity q and W' as the "virtual" precipitable water. This follows the convention of the Staff Members of Tokoyo University (1955). After formulating the quantities in the 4r-system and using the principle of conservation of mass, the following was derived: (2) -- jV'-(y. ' vt) do.j + I f4-Y Vr)a- The problem was then to evaluate the right hand side of the above equation. Sanders, with some misgivings, but noting the success of analogous assumptions in other meteorological prognoses, assumed that the integrals could be evaluated by modeling the vertical variations of q,gandV-.. Thus, Then () (3) f(4 x,,) = oC) is a quantity which denotes an average through- out the entire depth of the atmosphere. The subscripts 1 and 0 represents the surface of earth and the top of the atmosphere. With this representation it can be seen that the following constraints are made on the modeling paremeters: o4 , = 1 =0 Making the required substitutions, and developing a relationship for dL , Sanders equations evolved into this prediction equation: equation: . ., 1_1~ (6) -l W-o - V f + 6Clevel The subscript a designates the where V= k In evaluating K 1 , K 2 , K3, Sanders used the monthly mean sounding data for Lake Charles (72240), Ely (72486), Portland (72606), Green Bay (72645) and Spokane (72785) from Climatological aa for April 1962. To evaluate the seasonal effects, it was decided to use the same stations with an additional station of Nashville (72327). Besides offering more data, Nashville was added to see if there might be a latitudinal effect on the values of K1 , K 2 , and K 3 . Data from January, April, July and October were used for both 1961 and 1962. In this way it was hoped that the corresponding periods would provide additional information on the possible year to year variations, if any. The procedures used were the same as Sanders. The soundings were plotted versus Cras a vertical coordinate. The value.-of q was assumed to drop discontinuously to zero at 6d- =.5. If humidity data were missing, the relative humidity was assumed to be 30 percent. the /e- component of the wind. Values of q were taken from If the direction of the-wind was within ten degrees of due west or east, then the wind speed was taken as shown. The following relationships were used in plotting the different soundings: 21) _ i= -a, where i designates the level, u 1 is the value at d'al, and the bar is the average for the entire depth of the atmosphere. It was also assumed that u = o at d"= o or at the top of the atmosphere. The mean level(s) d" will be those levels where = 1. In making the assumption concerning the moisture being. discontinuous at d' = .5 is not an unusual assumption when we observe the results of climatological data. Very few stations report moisture above 500 mb in the monthly mean soundings. Starr et.al. (1955) assumed no moisture transport above 500 mb when working with a pressure coordinate system. If we assumed q to be linear from its value at 6' = .5 and decreases to 0 at S= 0, it would increase our value of q by approximately 10%. This assumption would give an of the o profile within the same limits profile and would increase 7B in our computations. The net result would be to raise our effective "moisture steering level" by approximately 30 to 50 mb. If we were to assume that q would decrease linearly from its last slope and hence decrease to 0 faster, then this increase would be smaller. From an observational point of view, the values of q at upper levels in the atmosphere are certainly small when compared to values 8. in the lower atmosphere and would only net a small increase in raising our moisture steering level. YLS also mention that in the climatological data the moisture advection near the ground will be underestimated because the mean wind near the surface is undoubtedly decreased by terrain and frictional effects. Also, at present, there is a bias in the humidity measurements in the data. In the mean humidity data only those observations reporting humidity are averaged. Therefore the values at upper levels more so than lower would be biased toward the moist side. Taking both features into consideration would probably lower the effective "moisture steering level". In any case, the previously mentioned features are opposed and may tend to cancel out. The effect of moisture above 6= .5 can be taken into consideration but the effects of terrain and friction near the surface can be only estimated. The results of calculating for o, Table 1 for Nashville (72327) only. , and W@ are shown in Results for the other stations were calculated in a similar manner. The procedure was to plot both moisture and wind versus O'and then selecting the values at intervals of -= .05. computed using the trapzoidal rule. All averages were then In solving for values of SK 3 , area integration was also done by the trapzoidal rule. The results for 7, , and P q, ul, u, K1 , K 2 , K3, are shown in Table 2. are included here. *C, Q , o, , YLS results for April 1962 and dQ profiles are shown in Ndshv/llc 0- V & /u/ 5 c< ,¢PCl oc JAmAMY al.o0 .85 .75 .6#0 S55 1.00 / 9.77 3.3 , .74 ,.7/ .2.59 2.03 /.37 /,2. 3.69 3./Y 17P 15 /.2/ .80 .12 0 0 002 - .25 ./I * 23 .50 ,2 .&9 54 q79 -. .f7 PI //I9 /I .92 __ I. ' /.05 _ 4034 / .5 .5# .1l .2/ .. /.5'! -. I //.f 9/. 1.17 ..90 fl /67 1642 /0 _ /17 . .60 .99 .4 .71 ,.7/4 .ff .19 /1 /.37 90 .YO .79 .$ .9 _ 1..2 .9T I'/7 I o3 135 103 Sd I, ... -: - / 12. /.20 / 1---Te 1Of //1 ./5 .63 ITechnoogy Sr, Form echnolog 10 Str / 1.02. "-T - 9 - .S,0 l , i4 .55 /FO _ -z/ _ - -/a03 -. o 0 0 o .. .05" 3./6 I 97 /,3 7, / *0I, ..2f /17 ' __ 0 .o7 a -. 02 0 0 o I,7/ ,0 a . o 1.1o2 /. 1,29 - 3,// //.9 /.3 /.27 .92. J"y 2 .o/ //../ 4 ly/0 l; /1 /1 ,76 1371 A.4 .7Y .7z ._ .5"0 - MV 7 19fo .ff .5"7 , , 13 / 0' .93 .35 / 37 7./so 7 V....17 - - .17 - - Z .ff .7 1,3/ .fz o .y 5 .II ' 6 .q Se = , 3, 1 r_ o .77 / 71 ."Y = o,--= . . 2.66 Store .... ...I. . . .43 2.11 o .7/ I// A /Z .lI _ ¥ v3/(e5 /./2. .60 .39 .4.Y /7 /o9' ../ Q o .04' .36 .6: . 35 /.7 .73 - .9, .;V /11' -,23 •7 50 .43 0 .17 .99 I/ I /./ / Al1 .#7 -.02 __ .I4 .0, /53 I.57 0 / /39 I. 5'.5 7f Of / - ' //9 I20 / 65 /./o -/ 2.3 /,' ./1, o 2/ .73 2.12 -- ,.39 /I3 /I.' 0 .433 .65 .47 .5/ .S72 3.95 ! 3.Z6 ,79 /0-0 J.oo /.dS .1r .12 2./ 3 o /52 .S 3.3 3,19 A24 97 l/. /o0 .75 ._40 .09 2.5 1/72 .4/ .70 .70 a1 927 272. -9 .13 .$0 / 3,0 q0 4.07 1,73 _.70 4/, b 3.23 61 3,34 2.70 (7e 3?) 4 I€ /.13 _ _.... i , _ _ I= /,27 / 97 3 R .54 5 ^ --~--- --- ~----- -- ----- ------ ------ --- Tale ------ -- 2 . ,d, ELy Aprt1 07 62. 3/2. /0 7/lO 1,2 .......... 6Z.. 8/11 VII 1/2. k2 F3' q9/ 9,9f 0.0 2/01 .70 2-0 .0 0o0 0.9 42 /?10 .7? /2,, /.74 1,27 i£9 95 76 Oo /3Af9 .5F 3.0 I., f9.q -GRaEEM .1,3 S* 533 .6.? .90 *&9 .51 62 /66 2. 95 1.0 21.7 2.99 ,73 5,9 .67 4.0 MI $£ 94Z2 45 41: ~oo_ '¢EX' 93 #,,a .// .5f .99' *49* 150 .bV o /.7 0.0_ _ /0/7 fff /o/ 0. ___ . . / is _ ,5' 1.5 90 391, 6 .7'; 2.7S .72 73 -. o 490 2.0'7' 72. 1.3 6 -- 0 - _ 9,322 x, .3'..., .9 3. /6.0 ,o 2.0 0.7 -2/7 /7.8 1013 /0/5 /0/3 2.3 3,. 4 z-3 /0/3 3,t,, .o _ as 0.0 93 9.32 933 933 -'4o -2.0 -/o0 LoS 7 .57 ,.07 . o;o /96 /4%' .z .77 .7/ .- .71 _ g_ _ 71 .u4 .__ 1 790 ._7..0_ .g6 775 ist .3 .7,3 __ . _.5" .23 .13 .79 .,/ .Jy .7,, .Z/ -&o . .3 / _. .5> 7,'7 1/5 .27 ,7 7 +'.eoo /.4 .%5y !.37 .;& .q 5 -7/ qq (42 52 927 . . 5. 47 -62 g 3o .76 .53 .84 55 89 /50/0 .,4' 7o flz ..5/ 170 62 6/ .,99 .., _ 1 44 -F1 /./ .51 ..A 5t 2.70 .3 1 ./ ../ 5/ _._________ .___ 5 .99 . .,72 ,. O -7 70 .7 i.7 .241 .83 .37 .9 .0 44 .8// .2 .79 .7 62 .2 ./ . -4 .S 1.93 .9o .52. .3? .9: .61 .14 .96 .S9 .2.7 , 2.92 S .3/, . 12 .S2. 70 7P/ A91 87 79; 7/5 79' 7"7 .351 8. .896)a .7f 4.77 Vsy 75 7gZ .d . 1.i £7 A8 .1, .1 .4'? .3/ ./ . 2,f3 ... .F.5 -12 .59 #44100 .35 .2 .110 .62. ..4 - . 39 . 51 ,5MrA/E '9 .98 /0-0 / so _ .65 1 .. . -J45__ 3,oo .3 .2 / 06 /02 .5f .gA .92 ___i/ .)z .56 .5 222 26.2.. _ 7 " .34 9..2. 21f 2t4' 2~0 Aif 69 61 .2 ___..3 .1.90 3o - .a .7.s? .92 .5/. 64/ 3.59 If?, . - ,f 71 .0 57 *17,e .0 33 __ I-? 4.5/ /.27 .7s O.R_ N /.3 -l. -to .. .2" /.5 V-4 937 48I 1.27 /3.7 357.3 io/3 62- .RX ,77 /022.. /0/3 19/ 7 , ? 35 77 ~/4 /0/2. /O/Z *m/! C/ - /,/f /006 4, to : 55' 5/ /O/f lagx /022. 10 Technology Stor<' .41 55' /.7/ 4-4/rE /0/7 62. ',2. .5 7s .* , .}, .ft . .a' 3.22 / t4 I0f/ / f0/f 12 -- . (0/ .5 7" S. 796 17 /0/7 ,. . ,.s0 ." ./7 '3 1 i .3/ 61.2_ # .79 25 998. 41 a2. S5 3. .so .5A .44 .37 .. 99/ F91 W3 fi. 992 3./7 .52 0 11. Figures la - c, 2a - c, and 3a - c. shown here. Only certain profiles are The first figure is for only one station (72327) and reflects the variation in time. The second figure shows the variation among the selected stations for one time period (April 1961). The third figure shows the mean profile of the selected stations for January, July, October and April. Since YLS profiles for April 1962 were not available only April 1961 and Nashville 1962 is included for the April mean soundings. The other profiles are made up of two values at each station for the months mentioned. When comparing the mean profiles between years, only a very small variation was observed and therefore we could expect only a small year to year variation in our results for the mean profiles. Before we enter into the discussion of the results from a seasonal aspect, it might help us to ascertain the effect of assuming a linear variation of oand Q between 6= 1.0 and *5. From observation it can be seen that the mean profiles • do show a tendency to be linear. If we assume that our profiles are linear we can arrive at the following: Given: <° (7) [ E- -YX then (9 ) OU - e/n 2. ) at ( q(,-. aqd and integrating, (io) (10) =fe ) os + -p( ) -J 3L+ 4 ol(0,S)(osjno#c ((A( s . to S) a' a,*' 12. At C* , the "effective moisture steering" level, ~) = therefore, (11) L'- s (o.s) .2 ( (r) J - oli = ,(os) , o/) 4 (o$) 4("44s solving for U we find (12) 6' (0o -) + Under this linear / condition and our,previous constraint condition, oL between the values of 4 - oZ(/) + aCOS) equation for (13) . ' k/.) , we can state a relationship and .(o.s) , i.e., 2 - 3 ' or Substituting this relationship into our we get either of the following: ;4 z (14) - / fo 0 __ - - The second relationship might be the better one to use in calculating 4- because it is independent of low-level inversion effects on o- soundings. (1.0) which was apparent in several of the It is understood that this would only give an estimate of the ,- level in evaluating our "effective moisture steering level". Using this as an estimate, it can be shown that with od (1.0) having a range from approximately 3.0 to 5.0 that 4r would have limits from .79 to .87. In Table 2, 4' is also shown for the stations concerned excluding YLS April 1962 data. the estimated value based on equation (13). (14) then it can be shown that .833, and since o( 0d 67 is If we were to use would always be less than (0.5) is usually very small the c-level 13. would be near .833. The significance of this will be shown in the "working model". The assumption of linear profiles for a and also provides a mathematical estimate of the value of K 3 . If we were to find the equation for the beat fit of our near linear profiles, we could then solve for 06 for a variety of 0profiles. In observing the mean profiles for the various months Figure 3a-C, it can be seen that the than the o4 profiles. 9 profiles are much more consistent Therefore, using the following linear relations = (15) <() (16) <L-) = (17) = oe) 406-/ - 1-2k f- = 3o where o() where o'o) 6 10 where e'oC = and (18) 4C' ) = .5- 2. .- = .co and in this relationship (19) I'q4d-=' = hence (20) - " where we can solve for the various constants in SANDERS prediction equation. In the above it was found that c would vary from approximately .41 to .52 and K 3 would vary approximately from 2.9 to 2.4. When we compare the results (Table 2) of the individual soundings which are not usually linear, it was found that in most cases these were the limits of the desired K constant. 14. III. DISCUSSION AND RESULTS In computing the values of the desired coefficients of K 1 , K 2 , and K 3 , and the value of d;Z which denotes the effective "moisture steering level" the following observations were noted: (1) Large variations in the at , , and *@ profiles are evidenced by Figures la-C and 2a-C which would be expected from observational evidence. (2) The strong appeal for working in a 6-coordinate system was evident when comparing the values of Z and P among . the various stations. (3) The weakness of our q computation in making our mean value calculations is made evident by the values of K 1 and K 2 at Lake Charles for July 1961 and 1962. S which is the equation for any cd represents the wind speed at that level. if A As stated before, level, where s It can be seen that approachese,, then our value approaches infinity. This feature was even more evident in the second part of this thesis where for one sounding when O was computed by a computer program its value was nearly 100 times the usual value for c . Since the values of K 1 and K 2 for Lake Charles were so large in absolute magnitude when compared to the other stations, the @ values were omitted when computing the mean sounding for July (Fig. 3-b). To avoid extra weighted factors such as this, the mean values of K 1 , K 2 , K 3, 0 and 0 15. (Table 4) were computed from the mean ol and mean seasonal data (Table 3). (4) The mean profiles (Fig. 3a) showed a striking variation between January and the other three selected time periods. the If c~ values for Green Bay for January 1962 and the surface inversion effect at Ely were omitted then the mean curve would adjust more closely to the other three curves but would still show a variation. (5) The feature of linearity of the profiles evidenced by the mathematical estimate of 4W by knowing the value of oc at Sthe surface only. This was shown when comparing the value of d0 to the actual values of 4' (Table 2). (6) Geographical differences were noted when we compared the average OW values for each station (Table 5). The largest values were at Lake Charles and Nashville and the smallest at Green Bay and Portland. Tale 3 Mean - JAN -.. 9... 00.. 3.59 ... . .. T- __ . __ .00 9 ..... 37 1R ._ -1_' -- _ . .3.9 1.6 /Z /45, .15 _ .72_ _ /!- , .72 ........ 1i ... f.3 .. .72/ . . ," .07 .oo .'z ..T.7. s 1.8. .o K<./---_ 2 z . .. .- - .. -4y ]oicnigS- .. 5,"...,- -/ . 2. 73 ... .... ...+.. i -7) 1 _ __ _ ll /0/0 ,.,,,12 _' A12 _ 107 oZ3 Y .Yqv . 7y ;27 f3 s .r . _ go .3 > _ _ __ / 13 _ .9.7Z 9 +q o, . /16 .1 //2a'I.x - /1 -. .76 . /o _ ___r //o a// Z 70 , . _7 611o /2o/ .o ./ __._. •• ... _ _ 3 .2 __ __ y !.... .70 _ __ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - r' ..... 0 . " .-4 ...i-/ v _i ... .i. -+ .,-... 7_ ,< , . .. ,z -.. I I " (i]q I, , ~ -," 7 /Y7e . v_ < : _ _ a/I ... ....+- --- .6 _ 25 .i -97 _ -57 162 0../25/ .9?74 .Z .7/ valug5 3.7t _ _ .2o 6_. _ __ . 7.7 o .. / - .9 .. 77 /7f IJ7 /o /7 5a K _13 gnl _, Oc-T- W__ _ 70 /,oo __ ?/IA /5,o /.V5 //73 __ 17 ., . 10 1 3/._ i 1f.63 ..... .... .• i... /_I/7 ('z -t-.o. I: .0l .;If. . / - __ HZ i .. .70 000 .oo .1 _ _ /9' JULY 00 .oo I .7/5 _._Z /./5 .6 l7 .73 _ 2 - Pf/L ./_ Y/ 0 / _ . . _ [9 ._ I 1. *4 _ _ ._s __7_ _ ___*o . FO / ..... . . . .S /166 ]* .o 0 1 o .7P ., 0 _ _ _ J . ,, 1.00' ..o .00 -3.2 .q.2 __ - __.3~ A'.R9 I 3/ 75 q.02 ./1-7 1 7 .70' / 65 / /5/ /.3 j. //_ l -.- o /o >. ...lo . ..... .8( .f, . t8 . . .4......7.4 JAW _ .10 _ OCT _ .71- . n, 8n y JULY g3,90 -APRIL . ....ql77. 3.06, .5, ... . ... ... .. *l fo2 ....., --- for vd/ue5 val/ve's ,c. 07 16. _5 _.. _ ..co l .3 _ .- _ ... -. .s " _ ..... ,. . . .5 __ _ i -. - I ___S._____ I l - _ --- 01 __ .... .e8.0 '- '____ _. _ ._ 0 - I:. -/ _ .__ --- - .Z 5 - - I- ,,__I___-_ _ --- + _ " - I - - , - ___ ...... 17. TABLE 4 CALCULATIONS BASED ON MEAN VALUES FROM TABLE 3 JAN. APRIL .64 JULY .55 OCT. .58 67 K3 K2 K, .36 .42 2.62 .59 .819 2.99 .59 .820 2.75 .61 .855 2.78 .59 .83 CALCULATION BASED ON AVERAGE VALUE FROM TABLE 2 K K2 JAN. 2.66 .595 .81 APRIL .62 .38 2.96 .590 .82 JULY .54 .46 2.19 .59 .86 OCT. .59 .41 2.71 .585 .84 TABLE 5 AVERAGE ELY .841 GREENBAY .811 NASHVILLE .834 LAKE CHARLES .870 PORTLAND .810 SPOKANE .828 18. IV. CONCLUSIONS Although only a limited amount of data was examined it can be definitely stated that the optimum values of K1 , K2 , K dm and are influenced by seasonal and o geographical effects. Since this thesis is primarily interested in the level of effective moisture steering it can be seep from the results of the data that this steering level is lowest in summer and highest in winter. One may conclude that there is also a latitudinal and geographical effect on the values of the mean 4 (Table 5) as evidenced by Lake Charles (72240), Nashville (72327), Green Bay (72645) and Portland (72606). point was the data on Spokane (72785). Another interesting In January and October, generally considered the rainy period for the station, the d-level was lower than during the other two seasons. Therefore one might conclude source regions might influence the values of % . If more stations were included, the answer to possible latitudinal or source regions of moisture would probably be ascertained. No conclusion was made on why the mean January data should vary as much as it did from the mean values of the other months. 19. V. THE EFFECTS OF OROGRAIHY iND A FRONTAL ZONE ON THE EFFECTIVE "MOISTURE STEERING LEVEL" OF THE "WORKING MODEL" YLS, having evaluated the optimum values of K 1 , K2 , K3 , d and 04 could now use these values in the prediction equation for the moisture. From the prediction equation, stated previously where (6) - _._,2. V__.' _V v 0,+)Cwr it was desired to develop an operation model for forecasting. Since, at present, all observed and forecast parameters are in a constant-pressure system, the operational model had to be made compatible with this system. The portion of the conversion which is being investigated for this thesis is the first term or the moisture advection term. Rewriting the prediction equation derived in the theoretical develop- ment YLS now shows: (6a) - -- W-.v W 4 /o ow The last term involving neglected here. + W7 oomb _7 of the theoretical equation was In this conversion =AkY* +14Y where V and V5 are the values of the wind at 1000 and 500 mb. YLS used the values of K1 = 2/3 and K2 = 1/3, therefore if we assume a linear wind profile V will be the wind at 833 mb or if the surface pressure is 1000 mb, cf will equal .833. The significance of.this value was mentioned previously in this paper. 20. The complete details of the YLS derivation of the working model will not be shown here. Taking equation (6a) and using a terminology involving "saturation thickness" h s , "saturation deficit" ho, and adjusted values of same when the surface pressure is other than 1000 mb, the following result is obtained: where .V_ JW -t fWJ.d I Ai)J= 1OWPO~~ Kit h S,A5 44 With further modeling assumption regarding and other math- ematical developments regarding certain constants, the final working equation becomes: where P/ = / -t- !V = saturation deficit -P P-A = term dependent on land elevation h = thickness from 1000 mb to 500 mb The term which is under investigation here is the term. In this section of the thesis the value V. V* of the "working model" is to be compared to the theoretical value of V . In the 'orking model": V# 3 °* In test cases a major failure of the model has been in the Rocky Mountain area. Also, evident from the equation is the large dependence on the advection of the thickness term which would be greater in a frontal zone. Therefore, V in 21. a frontal zone should be very accurate since the thickness gradient is at its maximum. To test the model in these two areas, it would be well to compare the <V of the "working model" to that of V of the theoretical development. In the first case, a synoptic situation was chosen where a low-pressure system from the Pacific moved into the Rocky Mountain area and maintained a closed surfacp center of circulation as it proceeded eastward across the mountains. The situation of O000OGMT 1 April 1964 to OOOOGT 2 April 1964 was selected. The soundings for 19 selected upper-air stations- were plotted for the three time periods OOOOGMT 1 April, 1200GMT 1 April, and O000OGMT 2 April. The procedure for solving for oz and Q and hence the other values which are calculated for the 0 level or levels was slightly different than the procedure in the previous climatological case. In the case of moisture, (4-), the values for missing or motorboating data was not taken as 30 percent relative humidity. The values were based on temperature and varied from 12 percent for warmer temperatures to about 20 percent for colder temperatures. Calculating the in procedures. as a values also required slight changes Instead of taking the direction of the wind --component, the direction component of the advecting wind of the "working model" was used. In some cases, another 22. Q direction was used and this did alter the sounding. P level for the This did not prove to be significant from an overall point of view. Since the wind soundings were plotted at intervals in feot, subjective oonversions were made to the pressure levels. Also, significant wind changes in velocity or direction were taken into account and plotted on the sounding. The data was piaced into digitized for% and a computer program was used to calculate the values of S, to P eC0 . . and q This value of 'w " , , , 0 , was then converted back Returning to the sounding the value of the wind was obtained from the P*--level and hence is the advection wind of the theoretical method. The values ofo 06, , and P , and the winds at that level are shown in Table (6). In computing V for the working model, the winds were obtained geostrophically from the graphical addition of the 1000 mb pattern plus one-third the thickness pattern between 1000 mb and 500 mb for the time periods indicated. The resulting pressure field is given in Figure 4, 5, and 6 for the respective time periods. The values of the wind for the selected stations were then obtained from a geostrophic scale and were plotted accordingly. model". These winds represent Y of the "working The value of these winds at the selected stations are also listed in (Table 6). In selecting a situation involving a strong frontal zone 23. Table ( Oooo ; i- - '_ 5 _ __ APR _ _W .373 _ - -.... - ... .- ......... .. 'Ii 7 6s0 ,g// 756 - .... . . . _ 5 I 6 - ...... _ . __ , .9o .af ... ,/,c'_ 1 7,o 71 7 1- -. . 37,/ .... _ _'fi - - 57/. _ 1.Z - - I o/ zs ....... ,_ 77 '_].. 77 , _7o5 __,... , .9 74 , /.- 3 _ ...oh ..L 92. 210 /oo s2. 6 3 (05- . . _ . 7 ... .8 8 _ / I I l -/v Z' __ . I10/2o 5 I __/____ ______ .... _ __I/_,_ __ , _ ___ _ _/_ _/7o _________'-_/___<_<> __-_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ i Ago Of 83/ ,o/;- 435 682 .73z ,75 .z - 5 .. .... b - - -- _ _/ __ =_ g3So//9 _ _ _zo ,__ 0/o//o ________ /_ /2o _ .21'14 2o//5I-I- o/,20 _ _ ___ ;.//6, 2o/7 20 _ _ _ -Oa yo/2 __A.5/'5L _ _..... //_ . 7:- ___Si ! fz/ o/of &1/or. .790 _ ./Z / /,87 -I __ // 0/557o/,r 70/ .79 __ /0/. . _ o/3 3 .7 SO z_._ .- .7 25 . . - _ /0/.30... .7_, 7.sz _2 .FA <r _. - __ __ /495 101/ 70 3 . 5/ z T70 .0m2-. ... .94 _t 4 _o/_ I_? ___ A2. If7 ..... I ___ - . .... .. .I _ ~ 79 3 , --.2.3/0 90/7 _I_ .7 ... .. % / ___ .. o/, . .... -. ......... * .. 1...-.......... ..... .. - .31_ A/ .-- . -. J .. , o........ / __F5 .52 , 5g __o 23o/.s _., I " - 79 .. L5.. 37Y _,__ . 9 .6 - v 93 ..... _ //o _ ? 2-0 / 0o/37 S. - / ./76Y t. 7// . o..52 f 7... ___ W/V p 3 .. S57. Model w/ .Oberved ISon t _-__.... .71/ 7737 6 957 .770 97 399' $&2 572. ?60 A77foo _ - F&o 533 <193 /0/.- A67 S5o 37"/9 383 .57 .719 F'17 .7 ~8/I /. 5 .>7 2.. Fi" n1 10 Techfolog:y Storc i 1249 ., 1/_ ,/yf 7/3 q & 6&2 . $s/2s 2 .... ...... .2o/ -?wh// , 5... 75 ... __.730 o, ,f88 77 go .9/7 .730 526 !_/z/.. *f 2.// , --- 7 i . . o/P . °lo----4--7 o._ ,to/Ii i- 32 2.vol2,; . ,-- A- __..._ , __/_____::// - . ... ... y¢o/zo . . .752 .[#/f I .279' .797 6/7 _ o ,f1 .. 2//s .. o/ ;,zo/, 757261 a1"/ o 91i -i _.2o/--o,/, A Yo/i _ - _ _ I _- __ _ __ _ _ - _ _ .. _ 24. (conilnued ) Observed I Mode/ w/v W/V -I-~ 5t.'i}on 7 ...,oo 7 7f _ c7 o ! .1 ____, 576(a 0 775 & 7? 1./ "--n- 7 5 .....- S776//7 8 LAZ (,, _____ -3t63 1 &Z( - I, ....... __ _ o ooo_____i . , ... ooooZ7 ____5__- ----. 7__._S _! 5721 qZr 6 7I -o/2 22 //qq .,.& . ...0 _ E ... -- _ . 9 a/6, / ... . so7 tzy/3 7 ... .5/7 . . ..._ , _,_ . 0 74 -- -r/ 7 AO Z .. 74 - .0 , ._ i T' .2 _,,. 7/ 5V7N i .... C/ . 9 70 _. _ . .. .. . . .___ .. ... . . 7o Ir I 10 rechnology Store 17 7/76-l. .. /o e'.-'- s v ..... o/ .270 .. . .. -2.9// - ___... o .... .&l . , 72 !_ ..f' .. -775 7a7-- __ os 29 l-o _! -- -o . _ __ ....... 3-30/2Z 2o70o-- 772 /6r'o/7 //0 7 //o/,2 A-1 ,O/ , ........ ... .770/ /s _ _77037 7.7 ,.O 77 q2 /A-7 _oolm4 920//20 , -- 3 .o 7/24 ... ___________ -D/,2 v/y - g. -... _ _.... J... _ ...// 5.7/ /0// -. _/_ 0// T ...*.. r _/ _ 7 ,2Z 2.3/p/ 70/1 - 1 749 >-o/ _ .7 [- ./ _ T to/z e 76 T__ __ _ _ ra/s hc'/sr .. _. }ih @z 77/5-.. . _ i 7/5J 774 ___ 78. __ ... 15V1952,4 , _ ..... 710...7t-- .94 ___ SW 790 7 '19,7 _//_ //t . gg i [.... - . .. .703i m _04 3711 . 573 S307 .6! '- s .. ___ .. _- __/42 ._ ... .... ,657 ./SD .... .. 572/'. 1.6' I lw_ _ 2ao/, .2 /3. / _ 77. .?.&o'/3 67- ... . . . .. .5'*'3... P/i -/.7 .__....o.. _2'0o/, _ g">17 /3 .... 75? // 1_ 705 . go2/z . 7. - - o .. ._ ... . . P, - 7/j ___.. , /o a 33f ____Io_ ___ __ __ _ _____7+/. A1/ -. i ol £ -- _ _ - 4_______ _/______' 0oo # _ ....--........ - i~~ - 25. and to eliminate terrain effects as much as possible, a synoptic situation was selected for the area in the eastern half of the United States. The situation previously considered continued to develop as it moved across the United States. Hence, the period of O000GMT 3 April 1964 to O000GMT 4 April 1964 gave the required data. The procedures for solving for V of the theoretical method and V of the "working model" were the same as in the orographic case. These values are listed in Table 7. In this second case, only 10 stations were selected since this gave the best coverage of the area of the front in periods indicated. the time. The pressure pattern of the "working model" from which our geostrophic wind at Ve was obtained are shown in Figures 7, 8, and 9. 26. r rll Iable. 7 00002 . .. .7 _ ._93? 715- 7z y I" .. . . Z.__ ... -2-5 _ .o-3 _i. .. ] q . 7 7 _.__ __ .._h... .. ' ..... i - -. Z <.... .. .... Z5 " ' . . .... ... F. o -,7/.. .. -i I _ ... ..... - ----- . _ 17( I . .....__ . + _ 17, . --- 0ooo0 , 976 3 2/ . .. . s9 ~~ _ , 72 . . .. ... ,ssr .. 532. /oo .... 2 _/_ 7/015_-Po/Z_ . . . -+ '/9__ f7lgrogy y 7... __ $1/,. ,79 * *1 S10Tecnology Store _ /i +_ _l _.... o o/11o _t /1 929, ,/-W 9Y7' - .977 _ ,434 '7" .yFz l_,,.Y? 7/ ' -i ,/! ,1()! Technology Store _/_ _ i - / " /02 --- ; "-s'3A. . .... . i..3 9 .793 ,'7/Y. . __ __ /o [ 22ro/s . __ 97/7 H:q ...rf X I 62; 77 9/j 5Z- ,. __ _ _ _/ 3zs//3 g 0/,, z9o/q *37 __ r7 2l/,2 26o/ _ _ __ _ p_/s_ .z. . . 7 79:2- / /941 . _ ... lg ? /ooo ____ foT ,,i 03 _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _- __ ' 2( /9!aff z _ 75 . . -. . 76~z .o093 1(20' 320 7 o/ ,787 .1/7/ . 94'? /000 _ M'/ .ZDy' . _ _-2 2$f'/447 97 _ __ . ..7/ _ _. . ;s7 6 97 .63 7 . .1* .,-/ 9f4_'-/ .,04ol t' _ -- __ _' ,8 79/23_ ._ ,,i io 0. . . . I+o ___ 704/5A _ 220 _ _ .I Y__ ,75 1 523~~~~~~~ 72 . /o 27., ,// .ZK 7z___/ o ____________>____ 1 __ __; .6,/0 _ .7TZ - &, . , - D-o52__ . _ . .. _ 1 230/1 __. _ 9 2-3 .--.. . .&? o __757 _ . -.-1 +- / - .. +'f A . _. __ . .._ ZYO/ 5 1 _ --j- ,g-g -/.3 1 , . . ........... 1_ S- 2 -,_. 7 ~~5* ... _ / _ .. ... .. I _ 7(o ,€o 9!!z 92'... _+_ i _iE_ ... __?7 92970 ___ .. 72, 690 o 70 1 ,,o _. .... .. .z ., .. ...... _ .76 .. __..+ I7 74 ...g 2 .. _ I .793 r . 07 oe/- W/V "/v 2 .2201gk o/ z /4o __ ,39/+o .4 .2 aoI _ .7/5 71Y .62? 52 .... -:! .. ....e' .... . ....._ ....... .... .. i bo . P - - _ < 176 7-i i 5.. . $. . ._.. . .. 7r -/95 -AM' Obserw d -.. . S_ Sibo 53.z - .Q . 77 ./34 967 986, Fo/ 797 92 7 __.________-__-/€ - 2 12o/33 £>'67 -. 127 a o/z ? * >10fo" Id +,,, +t/,e,, as U-cornfo o I . s9 _4 8a - l <%zo/2 .... . . ... ... .. . l o ~~~-----'--1 I 27. VI. DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS In making our comparison of the "working model" wind to that of the theoretical method wind it must be remembered that in computing the geostrophic wind that a certain amount of human error was involved in the graphical addition of the required pressure patterns. Also we know that the V winds in the theoretical method are observed winds and are not geostrophic. Allowing for this error difference the following classifications were made for comparing model" to that of V V of the "working of the theoretical method. Here E indicates difference between the geostrophic wind of the model and the observed wind of the theory. o E c < 2 4 The following results were obtained for the orographic case: Table 8 Error Classification 0 1 2 3 4 April 1 O0000GMT 8 7 2 1 1 April 1 1200GMT 6 6 2 4 1 April 2 0000GMT 3 3 1 3 8 28. From the values in Table 8 it can be seen that the model gave very good results for the beginning and middle time periods. In the last time period the results were very poor. From knowledge of the pressure patterns from surface to 500 mb, it could be expected if the next time period was compared, the model would again show fairly good results. This observation is made with the knowledge that the 700-mb and 500-mb winds would show a northwesterly flow thus closer agreeing to reduced 1000-mb pressure pattern for that mountain area. It appears that the model has been affected adversely by cold air advection. Here one could expect the model's wind shift to the northwest be premature to the change in the actual observed winds. The effect of the jet over the southern area stations was apparent in that the model underestimated the wind speeds for stations 274, 374, 290, 270 in the 1 April 1200GMT time period. Diverting from our comparison of the V4 winds, the values of o' , , and therefore FP show a much larger variation from station to station and from time period to time period than what we observed in the monthly mean sounding evaluations. This, of course, would be expected. in computing 9 S Also, as mentioned earlier, it was apparent from some of the results that and hence ag can have very great magnitudes. 768 and 785 for last time period illustrate this with values of -21.411 and -54.004 respectively. Stations oC0 In computing the d level in the monthly mean soundings, we found only one 29. V-level in the lower levels. station with five (-levels In these cases there was one below 6"= .5 and in many cases more than one. In the investigation of the frontal zone case the following results were obtained using the same criteria when evaluating the difference between the V winds in the mountains. Table 9 Error Classification 0 1 2 3 4 3 April OOOOGMT 7 1 1 0 1 3 April 1200GMT 4 3 0 2 1 4 April 0000GMT 5 1 1 1 2 The model results were very good in this case. The major error differences in every case but one occurred near cols in the model's steering flow. The direction of the model's wind vector was exceptionally good in almost every case. The im- portance of an accurate geostrophic pattern was apparent here. The shift of the winds in comparing the time periods were very reliable when compared to the theoretical results. When one compares the variation of 1Z , 0 , and the other parameters considered in the theoretical development, again we can see quite a variation in the daily values. The one feature here is that in the values in the latter case, there are far fewer d levels than were observed in the mountains. In most of the stations considered here, only one 6 level ~ 30. was found in the lower levels. This is indicative of a strong, well defined wind shear and should be expected in or near the frontal zone. 31. VII. CONCLUSIONS In comparing the values of to that of the V of the "working model" of the theoretical method certain con- olusions may be made. Wh en the model w subjecedt o the test of orography it was found to be satisfactory, when the 1000-mb flow and the 500-mb flow are nearly in the same direction. If these flows are in different directions, the result is less accurate and large errors may result in the advection of moisture. The ficticious flow at 1000-mb is a definite factor inthe error. The immediate thought here is that in the model we are weighting the 1000-mb flow too strongly in mountains. The amount of required change involving K 1 and K 2 of the "working model" in the mountain areas should be subject to investigation. It would be reasonable to assume that the constants which determine the imately .6 and .4 respectively. level. * value should be approxVo would then be at the 800 mb If K1 and K 2 were equal to 1/2, then the V* level would be at 750 mb. To check these values it would require a separate computation for the mountain area from the remaining portion of the country. Since the YLS model is being converted to a computer solution in the numerical weather prediction center, it would not be too difficult for trajectories in the mountain areas to be computed at different levels than those away from the area. 32. In fact, at present, the Weather Bureau is planning to computerize the entire upper-air sounding twice daily, and with a computer program similar to the one used in this paper it would be possible to solve for station. V ,V at each Then using these winds trajectories the initial could be computed from actual soundings. It is real- ized that this would give a more accurate trajectory in the first few hours only. After this time, in making our fore- cast, the model is dependent on the prognosis of the 1000-mb surface and the 500-mb surface. In any case, when subject to maQhine computationa, the values of K and K2 may be more - variable than those used by YLS. When YLS derived the working model, a portion of that derivation included an orographic term which was (IVo and was made equal to Y for ease of computation. 4.59) Again since the model is going to be used by the numerical weather prediction, a separate value could be computed which would be more accurate than assuming the term to be equal to Y . Examination of the results in a frontal zone, one can conclude that the effective "moisture steering flow" of the model does not need to be altered in this area. The only conclusion that could be made here is that care should be taken in computing the geostrophic Vo pattern as col areas will be a possible source of error in computing the required trajectories. For a summary conclusion, it is evident that both the 33. "working model" and the theoretical method involving the development of an effective "moisture steering level" are compatible. The fact that the "working model" winds for the advection of moisture is very close to the theoretical method winds is definite support for the concept of horizontal advection of moisture being of great importance in forecasting clouds and precipitation. The fact that the effective moisture steering flow of the "working model" has greater errors in the mountains is not surprising. for@ I This could be ascertained when the ao Y4luQ diff@r go widely when 1i4gh iJigtyggiQ and there@tgtg are considered. In any case the idea of an effective "moisture steering flow" for moisture advection has stood the test and any errors in the prediction model will be more likely to occur in the other terms. 34. BIBLIOGRAPHY Benton, G.L. and M.A. Estoque, 1954: American Continent. J. Meteor., Collins, G.O. and Kuhn P.M., forecasting, Part 3. Estoque, M.A.., 1957: Water vapor transfer over the North 1954: 11, 462-477. A generalized study of precipitation Mon. Wea. Rev., 82, 173-182. 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App. Meteor., in press. 35. APPENDIX 1^ ----;- ------ -- L_ __ ____~_I - - ~I---* - ---- -- - - ------ 282 LL 4 , - 2 :71 , 't. -N 3.. iI I I , . . i11 t4' t:.2t t2 44- A I'L I [ttIt I 1 t4P 4 0 I IW1 ,H I 44 A~~ T- I, VtrtjJ $ ~ , I IJ T - - 4I44; 1 1 iH.. .. . £1 | iL-LI_ L-ii- 4I 'J2S-t t -I-I 1i 4l I Wi {lJ PH-I1iiiIti ~~~""""""""' ' li ll ll'' l ll l:I l il if r' A I2 i 'l t ti 1. -~ RlJtl-ll 1-,llWlvMt,-U 4 ' 1-4-W -- ~ 4i414ti tI ,IU/%t - 1.t """""'~"~~"~ '^'"~''~~ '';"''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''' 1 fill - tt ,-f ii /I", ' 'I~T... - 4-. l' l ' l 4- i:' 2 I $1-.14'l ; iiZ4t U 11 II L / I II I II IT I II II' I I I I ; I' : ---- J4 - - *. -. IH I r i I 1[ II I I. .. . .. . .. .. .1 41rt ttN# ' IT ---- 4 4- 4/ 't4, f4 4-i -i-i-ti--ll !2_ fkI iHi t- L -i- +4 ft~-Cf~-ci-l~*C-eu-c+~ ~ce--i - L' ~'''''' i( i i I i 1i I ~i i---4-- . tt 0 ares to the Inch ' i " -1 +, ure Ia. 1 - f ! i I -I t t fi , -M - -+ - -- - 114-1414--44H4-1-4.44-tmm ~ ~ ~~ ~ . . .. .. . .. .. . . - . rare E ii:)i. 4i1 4 4444444 44+4 i ,; i .44, ~ii14 :1:: itii K44444 4444 * 1~'~~'~' -H 4 10 44 li< 14 H; 41 :1 4 t 44 YW_ I I ILL 44.4 444 4444 4 1- 14 14.1 ---- t-74 44 11 mli I~ 4 4' 4 4 .4t.4 44 1-! 4 , I 4 'i-ri. 1 , 4i I. :1 44474 441 22-i44 44 o.4 *444444444*44444444raft to the Inch Fluwe tb EJ. ~ __I _ ____ I___ I ITT "T- 77 .Jjlijjj li i * '1I 4 FF F FF III ~}{II: ,., ...4 '.'4' 1_._ It t * 444ii I 4 4.4>4. I t ,H i .+. I 4 F4 III4 FF~FF~FF~ t-,[ s -- ----- ~--- a .. 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