IMPACT RESISTANCE OF GRAPHITE / EPOXY SANDWICH PANELS by PUI HO WILSON TSANG B.Eng., Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. (August 1987) Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology August 1989 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology Signature of Author Department of Aeronautics and Astro utics Certified by Professor John Dugun i i .I Theasis ,.gnyisor Accepted by (rofessor Harold Y. Wantnan Chairman, Departmental Graduate Committee A|ASSACHUSETTS INSTT1 OF rF:'-., SLP 2 9 1989 ,rE WITHDRAAWNf M.I.T. LBRARIES LIBAeIitb Aero Impact Resistance Graphite / Epoxy Sandwich Panels by Pui Ho Wilson Tsang Submitted to the Department of Aeronautcs and Astonautics on August 11, 1989, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics. Abstract The impact behaviour of sandwich panels is studied at 2 levels: global bending and local indentation. A theoretical model is developed to tackle each of these two aspects of the problem. The global model is based on plate theory including shear deformation and is used to find the force-time (F-T) history and the acceleration-time (A-T) history at the point of impact. The local model is an axisymmetric elasticity model and is used to find the stress and strain fields in the panel near the point of impact. The global model predicts that a sandwich panel with a thicker core experiences a higher peak force than a thinner core panel for a given impact velocity. The local model shows that intense and localized stress and strain fields are set up near the point of impact and that these stresses and strains are "diffused" away as they are transmitted through the core. Static indentation tests and impact tests were done on sandwich panels with AS4/3501-6 [±45/0]s facesheets and Rohacell core of three thicknesses (3.175mm, 6.35mm, and 12.7mm). The local model fails to predict well the static indentation test results because the compressive strength of the Rohacell core is exceeded at a very low load level. Using the experimentally determined "contact stiffness" and assuming a linear "contact spring", the global model predicts well the F-T history measured from the impact tests until the front facesheet (i.e. the impacted face) fails. Thesis supervisor : John Dugundji Title : Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics Acknowledgements The most valuable assets of a thesis supervisor are knowledge, patience, and time for his or her students. I am ever so thankful to my thesis supervisor, Prof. John Dugundji, for his ample supplies of all these assets. I also owe my gratitude to Al Supple for his indispensable assistance in the laboratory. His ability and willingness to help are much appreciated. I would also like to thank Prof. Paul Lagace for providing me with the opportunity to work in Telac. The most treasurable part of working in Telac is the companionship of other fellow graduate students. Thanks to Kevin, Pierre, Simon, Kiernan, Narendra, Chris, Peter, Tom, and Ken for their advices (both technical and personal) and friendships. Also, thanks to my undergraduate helpers, Joe, Monte, and Simone for their dedicated assistance with the experiments. Finally, I would like to thank members of my family for their continuous moral and financial support during these past two years. Special thanks to my parents who foot all the long distance telephone bills. This research was partially supported by the Navy contract no. N62269-89-M-3192. Table of Contents List of Tables 7 List of Figures 8 List of Symbols 12 Chapter I : Introduction 1.1 Background 14 1.2 Research Objectives 16 Chapter II : Theoretical Analysis 2.1 Overview 17 2.2 Global Model 2.2.1 Assumptions 2.2.2 Equations of Motion 2.2.3 Solution Method 18 18 18 28 2.3 Local 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 30 30 30 37 40 Model Assumptions Equations of Motion Solution Method Bending Moment Correction and Inertia Loading 2.3.5 Strains relative to Ply Principal Axes 43 Chapter III : Experiments 3.1 Manufacturing 46 3.1.1 Specimens 3.1.2 Specimen Holder 46 50 3.2 Static Indentation Tests 56 3.3 Impact Tests 56 3.4 Damage Inspection Chapter IV : Results and Discussion 4.1 4.2 Global Model 62 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 62 66 66 69 69 Local Model 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8 4.2.9 4.3 4.4 Inputs Symmetric Modes Convergence Effect of Core Thickness Effect of Impact Velocity Inputs Convergence Effect of Core Thickness Stress Distributions in r Strain Distributions in z Stress Distributions in z Bending Moment Correction Inertia Loading Strains relative to Ply Principal Axes 72 72 72 76 76 84 89 89 94 101 Comparison between Experiments and Analysis 104 4.3.1 Static Indentation Tests 104 4.3.2 Impact Tests 110 Damage Inspection 117 Chapter V : Conclusions and Recommendations 5.1 Conclusions 122 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 122 123 Global Model Local Model Experiment Comparison between Experiments and Analysis 124 124 5.2 Recommendations 125 References 126 Appendix A Generalized Beam Functions (GBF's) 128 Appendix B Elements of the Mass Matrix and the Stiffness Matrix 130 Appendix C Displacements u and w of the Local Model 132 Appendix D Bending Moment Correction 135 Appendix E Inertia Loading 137 Appendix F Impulsive Force on a Rigid Wall 141 Appendix G Interpretation of the X-ray Photograph of an ImpactDamaged Panel 144 List of Tables Table 2.1 Numbering system for beam functions Table 3.1 AS4/3501-6 material properties Table 3.2 Mechanical properties of Rohacell 71WF Table 3.3 Test matrix for static indentation tests and impact tests Table 4.1 D-matrices of the sandwich panels Table 4.2 Transverse shear parameters of the core Table 4.3 Input parameters for the global model Table 4.4 Equivalent engineering properties of [±45/0] s AS4/3501-6 facesheets Table 4.5 Curve-fit results of the analytical F vs. a curves Table 4.6 Linear curve-fit results of the experimental Table A.1 F vs. a curves 108 Shape parameters for the GBF's 129 -7- List of Figures Figure 2.1 Panel geometry and coordinate system for the global model Figure 2.2 Dynamic system of the global model Figure 2.3 Geometry and coordinate system for the local model Figure 2.4 Boundary conditions for the local model Figure 2.5 Indentation of the local model Figure 2.6 Using the global model to find Mrr Figure 2.7 Bending moment correction Figure 2.8 Strain transformation to ply principal axes Figure 3.1 Assembly for facesheet cure Figure 3.2 Facesheet cure cycle Figure 3.3a Sandwich panel assembly Figure 3.3b Alignment of facesheets Figure 3.4 Assembly for bond cure Figure 3.5 Bond cure cycle Figure 3.6 Specimen holder Figure 3.7 Static indentation test setup Figure 3.8 Impact machine "Fred" Figure 3.9 Clamping stand for impact tests Figure 4.1 Convergence of F-T history and A-T history Figure 4.2 Effect of integration time step on F-T history and A-T history -8- Figure 4.3 Effect of core thickness on F-T history and A-T history Figure 4.4 Effect of impact velocity on F-T history and A-T history Figure 4.5 Determination of equivalent engineering properties for the facesheets Figure 4.6 Convergence of the analytical F-a curve Figure 4.7 Effect of core thickness on the analytical F-a curve Figure 4.8a orr distribution in r due to a static load Figure 4.8b (00 distribution in r due to a static load Trz distribution in r due to a static load Figure 4.8c Figure 4.8d Figure 4.9a ozz distribution in r due to a static load Err distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel Figure 4.9b E0 distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel Figure 4.9c Trz distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel Figure 4.9d Ezz distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel Figure 4.10a orr distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35rmm-core panel Figure 4.10b Goe distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel Figure 4.10c Trz distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel Figure 4.10d ozz distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel Figure 4.11 Strains due to bending moment correction Figure 4.12 Comparison between Err distribution in z of the global model and of the local model at the boundary of the local region Figure 4.13a Effect of inertia loading on arr distribution in r for the 6.35mm-core panel Figure 4.13b Effect of inertia loading on a 0 distribution in r for the 6.35mm-core panel Figure 4.13c Effect of inertia loading on crz distribution in r for the 6.35mm-core panel Figure 4.13d Effect of inertia loading on a distribution in r for the 6.35mm-core panel Figure 4.14a Strain, Ell 100 , contours relative to ply principal axes Figure 4.14b 102 Strain, E1 3 , contours relative to ply principal axes Figure 4.15a 103 Static indentation test result for a 3.175mm-core panel Figure 4.15b 105 Static indentation test result for a 6.35mm-core panel -10- 106 Figure 4.15c Static indentation test result for a 12.7mm-core panel Figure 4.16 ,zz distribution in z for the 6.35mm-core panel indicating core crushing Figure 4.17a 113 Experimental and analytical F-T history for 12.7mm-core panels Figure 4.18 111-112 Experimental and analytical F-T history for 6.35mm-core panels Figure 4.17c 109 Experimental and analytical F-T history for 3.175mm-core panels Figure 4.17b 107 114-115 Experimental and analytical rebound velocities 116 Figure 4.19 Core crushing 118 Figure 4.20 X-ray photograph of an impact-damaged panel 118 Figure 4.21 Delamination length vs. impact velocity 120 Figure 4.22 Depth of crushed core vs. impact velocity 121 Figure F.1 Impact on a rigid wall 143 Figure G.1 X-ray photograph of a typical impactdamaged panel Figure G.2 145 X-ray photograph of an impact-damaged panel with extensive facesheet damage -11- 146 List of Symbols a dimension of the panel along x-axis of the global model b dimension of the panel along y-axis of the global model Yx rotation about y-axis Yy rotation about x-axis w lateral displacement of the panel tf thickness of the facesheets tc thickness of the core h total thickness of the panel m mass of the impactor u displacement of the impactor F magnitude of the contact force between the impactor and the panel Kx, Ky, Kxy curvatures of the panel Ub Us bending strain energy We work done by the impact force shear strain energy coordinates of the point of impact T kinetic energy of the panel Ai , Bi , Ci modal amplitudes of the global model fi, gi, hi,... beam functions and their derivatives normalized x-coordinate normalized y-coordinate V total strain energy of the panel K stiffness matrix of the panel M mass matrix of the panel -12- R generalized force vector of the global model k contact stiffness of the panel indentation of the panel a index of the constitutive equation of the contact spring modal amplitudes of the global model p(r) pressure loading of the local model Rc radius of contact between the impactor and the panel Rp radius of the local region ¢i stress functions of the local model Jo Bessel function of order zero Pm roots of JO Ami, Bmi,... modal amplitudes of the local model coefficients of the Fourier-Bessel expansion of p(r) yi inertia loading -13- Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Back~eround Advanced composites have been receiving much attention in engineering research and development for the past two decades. Current evidences suggest that the trend will continue to intensify rather than diminish. Compared with metals, advanced composites offer some superior properties for engineering applications. For example, composites have relatively high strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios which render them indispensable in aerospace industries. Moreover, composites have practically unlimited tailorability which makes them very attractive to engineering design. Sandwich panels, in the present context, refer to flat panels which consist of two composite laminates (facesheets) with a sheet of different material (core) embedded in between. Usually the facesheets are thin compared with the core. Although, by definition, sandwich structure is a subset of composite materials, they exhibit some distinctive properties different from those of a composite laminate, e.g. local buckling of facesheets (facesheet wrinkling). From the application point of view, sandwich panels offer greater weight saving than conventional laminates of the same thickness because the core is usually made from light-weight materials. They also provide a better alternative for conventional skinstiffener constuctions because sanwich panels are more easily manufactured. During daily applications, sandwich structures might experience impact-type loading, e.g., tool drop during maintanance and runway -14- kickups on the fuselage. Like composite laminates, sandwich panels with composite facesheets can sustain internal damage under impact loading without visible surface damage. The presence of the core complicates the damage mechanisms of sandwich panels because the core has its own damage mechanisms and provides damage interactions with the facesheets. The study of impact problem of structural components comprises two different aspects: damage resistance and damage tolerance. Damage resistance concerns how much and what types of damage the structure will suffer due to impact. Damage tolerance, on the other hand, involves how much load the structural component can carry after it is damaged by impact. A clear understanding of both aspects of the problem for sandwich panels will help engineers design safer and more efficient structures. The literature on impact study of sandwich structures is scarce. Latest studies (within last ten years) include work by t'Hart [1] who found that delamination of the facesheet could occur at relatively low impact velocity. Koller [2] performed impact experiments on panels with fiber glass facesheets and polyurethanes core. He calculated the displacement underneath the point of impact and obtained good agreement with the experiments. Van Veggel [3] conducted a parametric study on the impact and damage tolerance properties of sandwich panels. Research has also been done in TELAC on the impact resistance and damage tolerance of sandwich structures. Bernard [4] impacted sandwich panels of three different core materials and three different core thicknesses. He then characterized the damages in the facesheet and in the core by means of Xray and cross-sectioning. Once the types of damage were determined, they were modelled by various techniques and artificially implanted in -15- specimens which were subsequently tested in compression. No theoretical analysis was done by Bernard. Lie [5], on the other hand, studied the impact resistance and damage tolerance of sandwich panels both experimentally and analytically. All Lie's sandwich panels had Nomex honeycomb core and "thin" facesheets made from a plain weave fabric. 1.2 Research Objectives The ultimate goal of the present work is to develop theoretical models which can predict through-the-thickness damages in a sandwich panel due to impact. Ideally, the model should be able to predict damages in the facesheets, in the core, and at the interfaces between the core and the facesheets. Facesheet damages include fibre breakage, matrix cracks, and delaminations while core damages are typified by core crushing and transverse cracks. Some experiments will be done to verify the analytical prediction. The present work only targets at the damage resistance aspect of the impact problem. No damage tolerance analysis is attempted. -16- Chapter II Theoretical Analysis 2.1 Overview When a sandwich panel is impacted by a foreign object, its response can be viewed as a combination of two different phenomena: (i) the local indentation of the panel at the point of impact and (ii) the global bending of the panel as a whole. Koller [2] argues that part of the kinetic energy of the impactor is transformed into (i) the potential energy stored in the local stress field around the point of impact, and (ii) the bending energy of the panel. Based on similar arguments Cairns [6] developed two theoretical models to study the impact resistance of composite laminates. The idea is to use a plate model (global model) to find the force and acceleration, as functions of time, experienced by the laminate due to impact. Then an elasticity model (local model) is used to find the local stress and strain fields near the point of impact due to the peak force experienced by the laminate. The dynamic effect of the impact is included as an inertia loading in the local model. In the present work, Cairns' global and local models are modified to study the impact resistance of sandwich panels. Briefly speaking, the current global model is essentially the same as Cairns' with the core of the panel modelled as a "ply" made of different material. The current local model uses three stress functions to represent the facesheets and the core respectively while Cairns' local model uses one stress function to represent a laminate. -17- 2.2.1 Assumptions The global panel model assumes that: (i) through-the-thickness strain, Ezz, is negligible and, hence, w (out-ofplane displacement) is a function of x and y (in-plane coordinates) only; (ii) the panel deforms both in shear and in bending; (iii) the core is a "ply" made of different material; (iv) only the core contributes to the transverse shear stiffness of the panel; (v) the contact force between the impactor and the panel is a point load; (vi) the local indentation of the panel can be accounted for by a contact spring; (vii) no damage and no damping are present. 2.2.2 Equations of Motion The geometry and coordinate system of the panel are shown in Fig.2.1. The deformation of the panel is described by three displacement variables, Tx (mid-plane rotation about y), Ty (mid-plane rotation about x), and w (midplane displacement in z) which are functions of x and y only. The energy method is used to derive the governing equation of the system which contains the impactor and the panel coupled together by a contact spring (Fig.2.2). Firstly, the potential energy and kinetic energy of the panel are expressed in terms of the displacement variables. Secondly, the displacement variables are written as a summation of mode shapes. -18- -- y4 P -- Y L a 4 L ..- I core facesheet " Il z , w 14 Z, W tc tc --tf X x Figure 2.1 Panel geometry and coordinate system for the global model -19- -h -h impactor TU q F contact spring sandwich panel Figure 2.2 Dynamic system of the global model -20- Thirdly, Lagrange's equation of motion is applied to obtain the governing equation of the panel which is then combined with the equation of motion of the impactor. Finally, the resultant equation of motion is solved together with the constitutive equation of the contact spring. According to the Reissner-Mindlin plate theory, the kinematic relationships for the panel can be written as, SKx ,x Kx x ,y y ,x Tyz jy + W Sxz + x (2.1a) (2.l W,x (2.1b) where, ,x ax ,y - y The potential energy of the panel consists of the bending energy, Ub, and the shear energy, U s , which can be written as surface integrals over the area of the panel, x 1112 D16x UUb= 1 ff K K DY D DD Ky D D22 D 16 D26 S 1 =yz " SYz I K 66 GT 45 Yyz 45 55 x dxdy (2.2a) dxdy (2.2b) When the impactor touches the panel, it exerts a force on the panel and gives rise to an external work term which is given by, We=~- F 8(xc,y,) w dxdy -21- (2.3) where, F magnitude of the contact force; 6 the Kronecker Delta function; Xc, Yc a coordinates of the point of impact. The corresponding kinetic energy, T, of the panel is given by, 00 T = 1 I x I 0 0P y ýv dx dy (2.4) where, h 2 P= I pdz h 2 h 2 I= f pz 2dz h ( )at ;p density of the panel The panel is discretized by writing the displacement variables as, Ix = 11 Ars(t) fr() gs( 1) rs T y = (2.5a) 1 B rs(t) rs hr() l s(l) w = 11 Crs(t) mr () rs where, -22- (2.5b) ns(T1) (2.5c) fr()= mr() d (2.6a) h r()=mr() g s() Is( ) (2.6b) = n s(T) (2.6c) d -d n s(l) dl (2.6d) where, x =a ; 1' yb Ars, Brs, and Crs are modal amplitudes to be found from the analysis. mr(A) and ns(T l ) are beam functions satisfying the geometric boundary conditions of the panel. These beam functions are given in Appendix A. Cairns [6] rewrites the expressions for the three displacement variables (Eq.2.5) in the form, T x= i Y y= i A i(t) fr(•) gs(1 ) (2.7a) B i(t) h,(A) l s(1) (2.7b) w= I Ci(t) mr() i ns( 1) (2.7c) where r and s are related to i through some organized scheme. This is merely a renumbering of the modal amplitudes. The renumbering has two advantages: (i) mathematically it gets rid of a summation sign from Eq.2.5 and, as a result of which, the squares of the three displacement variables -23- will contain a double summation instead of a quadruple summation; (ii) physically each value of "i" in Eq.2.7 represents a "plate function" which is a product of two beam functions. The exact renumbering scheme is not explicitly given in Cairns' thesis. In the present work the scheme shown in Table 2.1 is used. Substituting Eq.2.7 into Eq.2.1 and then into Eq.2.2 gives Ub and U s in terms of the modal amplitudes, Ai , Bi, and Ci . The next step is to apply Lagrange's equation in the form, dd (T dt ) + i DA. ai (2.8a) av d_( IT dt f13 . bi MB. I d (2.8b) av =P. ci aC.I dt (2.8c) where V=Ub+Us. Note that Eq.2.8 are three matrix equations which, after considerable amount of algebra, can be written in the form, A Ix 0 o y aa IF B. KT B 1 ab K ac bb K bc R A B K K ab ac =-F Rai bc K CC bi Ci ci (-9 The elements of the mass matrix, the stiffness matrix, and the generalized force vector are given in Appendix B. The rotary inertia Ix and Iy can be condensed out and the resultant equation becomes, -24- Table 2.1 Numbering system for beam functions Considering r=s=1,2,3 as an example: r (x-direction) s (y-direction) i 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 4 2 2 5 2 3 6 3 1 7 3 2 8 3 3 9 -25- M + Kq=- F (2.10a) where, C 1 (2.10b) -1 K K= c - T KT ac b ab gaa KT K ab R=R i K ac K bb bc (2.10c) ci (2.10d) It is insightful to examine the dimensions of the matrix equation 2.10. Considering a 3x3 mode analysis (i.e. 3 modes are used along the xdirection and 3 modes are used along the y-direction), r=s=1,2,3 in Eq.2.5 and i=1,...,9 in Eq.2.7. Hence, the dimensions of Eq.2.10a will be 9x9. One immediately realizes that Eq.2.10a expands very quickly as the number of modes increases. The nomenclature could be deceiving because going from a 3x3 mode to a 4x4 mode analysis means Eq.2.10a expanding from 9x9 to 16x16. So far only the motion of the panel has been considered. The impactor is modelled as a point mass whose equation of motion is simply, mii = - F (2.11) where u is the displacement of the impactor as shown in Fig.2.2. Eq.2.10a and Eq.2.11 can be combined to give, m fi _0+ 0 -26- u= - 1 (2.12) The impactor and the panel are coupled together by a contact spring (Fig.2.2) whose constitutive equation can be written as, F = kap (2.13) where k is the contact stiffness of the panel and 0 is the parameter controlling the stiffening (P>1) or softening (3<1) property of the contact spring. The physical indentation, cx, of the panel is modelled as the compression of the contact spring and is given by, cc = u + (2.14a) where wc is the panel displacement at the point of impact. In terms of the generalized coordinates q, this gives, [R 1 a= Tu (2.14b) Eqs.2.12, 2.13, and 2.14b are solved together to give .q, u, F, and a as functions of time. Note that there are i+3 algebraic equations (Eqs.2.12, 2.13, and 2.14b) for i+3 unknowns. The initial conditions are, t=o 0 [q ] 0 u t=o 0o (2.15a) (2.15b) where u 0 is the impact velocity. Also one has, F which, together with Eq.2.12, gives, -27- t=o =0 (2.15c) t=0 (2.15d) 2.2.3 Solution Method Following Cairns' formulation, the Newmark constant-averageacceleration integration scheme [7] is adopted to solve Eq.2.12 with Eq.2.13 and Eq.2.14b. Consider a general second order differential equation in time, A +i B x =- FS (2.16) where _A, B, and S are given and do not vary with time. Since we are going to use a numerical step-by-step integration method in time, it is necessary to rewrite Eq.2.16 in the form, ..(+) (j+1) Ax F (j+1) +B x =-F S (2.17) where the superscript (j+1) represents the j+lth integration time step. The Newmark method assumes, .(j+l1) . (j) x =x (j+1) At (j+l) + +L +x 2 (j) (j+ ) At (j)] (2.18a) (j) 2 (2.18b) where At is the integration time step. Rearranging gives, .(j+l ) 4 [x(j+l) (j) (J) At (j+1) X 2 A . (J) (2.19a) (-)1 ] (j+l) At -(2.19b) -28- _X (i) X Substituting Eq.2.19a into Eq.2.17 and rearranging give, 11- (j+1)_ -x _( +B 4 (j) (AAt SAt- ( J (j+l An additional relationship between F(j+ l ) and _x (2.20) ) exists for this problem. From Eqs.2.13 and 2.14b, one has, F j+= k SX (2.21) where ST is the transpose of S while k and 1 are given. Substituting Eq.2.20 into Eq.2.21 gives an equation in F0(j+ 1 ) because all information at the jth time step is known. When 3 is equal to 1 Eq.2.21 is linear and can be solved directly. When 3 is not equal to 1, Newton-Rapson method will be used to solve Eq.2.21. Once F(j+ l ) is solved, it can be backsubstituted into Eq.2.20 to givex_(j+ 1)which, in turn, is used to evaluate 0(j + 1) and "_xj+l)via Eq.2.19. The same procedures are then repeated for the next time step. Eq.2.12 in the previous section can readily be solved using the Newmark method by comparing Eq.2.12 with Eq.2.16, and recognizing that, A B [0 K 0 1 -29- m (2.22a) 0 (2.22b) 2 (2.22c) q u (2.22d) and that Eq.2.21 is the same as Eq.2.13. 2.3 Local Model 2.3.1 Assumptions Imagine a circular "plug" being cut out of the sandwich panel around the point of impact, as shown in Fig.2.3. The local model is developed to describe the stress and strain fields in this plug due to a certain axisymmetric pressure loading p(r) at the point of impact. The local model assumes that: (i) the facesheets can be treated as two homogeneous transversely isotropic "plates", and the core as a homogeneous isotropic "plate"; (ii) the deformation of the panel is axisymmetric; (iii) linear stress-strain relationship and linear strain-displacement relationship are obeyed; (iv) the contact pressure due to impact is Hertzian; (v) the part of the panel surrounding the local region can be accounted for by imposing a constant bending moment at the lateral boundary of the local region; (vi) the dynamic effect of the impact can be accounted for by a uniform inertia loading on the local region. 2.3.2 Equations of Motion The sandwich panel comprises three components: the two facesheets and the core. By using separate through-the-thickness coordinate, zi, as -30- r,u p(r) W2' R zl, w 1 -2 2 Z3' W 2 Rp --- Figure 2.3 Geometry and coordinate system for the local model -31- shown in Fig.2.3, they can be described by the same set of equations derived by Lekhnitskii [8] and subsequently used by Cairns [6]. In the following equations the subscript "i" is used to distinguish the three components of the panel with i=1,2,3 for the top facesheet, the core, and the bottom facesheet respectively. For a transversely isotropic material under axisymmetric deformation, there are 4 stress components and 4 strain components related by 5 independent compliances, I 1r all 0_ a12 a13 O rr 0 a 12 a 1 a13 0 o 0l Ezz a 113 ~ zz Yrz 0 a 0 33 0 0 a44 rz(2.23) For convenience the subscript "i" is dropped for the compliances, ars , and for the parameters, s 1 and s2 (see below) of each of the 3 components of the panel.The governing equations of the problem are given by, 2+ Dr2 + 1 a + 2 2 r ar rd2r a0 S2 = 12 2 1 (2.24a) where, 1/2 12 2d.i a.13(a 11a33a 11 - 11 33 (2.24b) a12) -a13 13 -32- (2.24c) (2.24c) b 11 33 al3(allC. I a d o a 12 ) a - 11 33 a 2 -a2 11 -- 22 13 -a a a (2.24d) + a l l a44 a12 13 (2.24e) 2 12 alla 33 (2.24f) The stress functions, Pi, take the form, mr) Zf m i(zi)J0P .= m ' m (2.25a) where, fmi(zi) = A +Cmisinh( m em =RP - + B micosh(sl 1 mZi) isinh(sCmzi) s 2 m z i) + D icosh ( 2 Omzi) S m -roots of Bessel function Jo (2.25b) (2.25c) Ami, Bmi, Cmi, and Dmi are coefficients to be found. The four stress components are given by, 2 G rrri.= 00i z. 1r az.b ar 2 b a + r + a. ar i. 1. + r Dr +a a i (2.26a) i (2.26b) aa zzi= az-i e8 a + cirar r ar +d -33- 2 82 i (2.26c) ar ar 2 rzi r ar + i za i i (2.26d) The two displacements are obtained by integrating the corresponding strain components (Appendix C), u i(r,z i) = (- a11 -b. a 1 S(rz=a 44 ,rr + c.a 3)i,rz 1r 2a13a (2.27a) + a3d) 33d i•,.zz (2.27b) where, ,r ar ' i,z- etc. 1 At this point all the basic equations for the local model have been derived. As in most elasticity problems the next step is to find the right number of boundary conditions which describe the physical problem shown in Fig.2.3. Examining Eq.2.25 shows that there are 4 coefficients, Ami, B mi Cmi, and Dmi for each of the 3 stress functions Oi. Hence, a total of 12 boundary conditions is required. These boundary conditions are given in Eq.2.28 and depicted in Fig.2.4, a zz - tft 2j p (2.28a) Iz rj r,- 22 0 (2.28b) -2 zzi 2 zz2( -34- 2 0(2.28c) = Qz1z Ozzl= azz2 -p(r) trzl = trzl = Trz2 U1 = u2 w w2 1 - azz2 0zz3 Trz2= trz3 u 0 zz3 = 2 w2 = 0 Irz3 = 0 Figure 2.4 Boundary conditions for the local model -35- = u3 w3 2 Srzlr t-= 2 0 1r rz2( r,- ul(r,& -. tc0 2) wir, ) -f w2 r,- azz2( r,L 2 c c tr,c)2(r t2 (2.28e) 2SC= 0 (2.28f) 2 (2.28g) zz3 t rz(r '2 rz3 u (2.28d) = r, (2.28h) tf (r,-2 u3 (2.28i) 3 2f t~) 0 (2.28j) (2.28k) r r, -= 0 (2.281) So far nothing has been said about the contact loading p(r). Timoshenko [9] shows that for two isotropic bodies in contact the pressure distribution is of the form, 1/2 p(r) = p 11 r -36- where p 0 is the peak pressure and Rc is the radius of contact. This is known as the Hertzian pressure loading. Assuming that po and Rc are given, p(r) can be expanded as a Fourier-Bessel series, 00 J p(r)= om (C mr) m=1 (2.30a) R Pm 2 2 Jp(r)rJ (cmr) dr 2 o (p m)R Po,(2.30b) Eq.2.30a is used in the boundary condition given by Eq.2.28a. 2.3.3 Solution Method Eqs.2.26c, 2.26d, 2.27a, and 2.27b basically express 0 zzi' trzi, ui, and w i respectively in terms of Ami, Bmi, Cmi, and Dmi. Imposing the boundary conditions shown in Eq.2.28 gives rise to a 12x12 matrix equation, 12 x12 [ m4 0 (2.31) which will be solved by the Gauss-Jordan elimination [10]. The analysis of the local model described so far solves the following problem: for a given p 0 and Rc the stress functions Oi can be found and, hence, the stresses, strains, and displacements in the three components of the panel. However, our problem is posed slightly differently. We would like to accomplish the following: (i) to find the total load, F, required to produce a given amount of indentation, cx, which in practical terms is to find the -37- parameter k and p in Eq.2.13; (ii) to find the stress and strain fields, which are necessary for damage prediction, due to a certain load, F. In order to do that, we need more information. As shown in Fig.2.5 a and Rc are related geometrically by, 1/2 a=R.- (R-R) c i (2.32) Alternatively, a can be defined as the relative displacement between the top surface and the bottom surface of the panel at the point of impact, i.e., a = w11 0, 2 - w3 0,- 3(0 1t2 (2.33) (2.33) The total load, F, is obtained by integrating p(r) over the contact area, which yields, 2 2cR CP0 F= (2.34) The solution procedures are as follows: (i) for given a find Rc from Eq.2.32; (ii) assume a unit load F and calculate p 0 from Eq.2.34; (iii) expand p(r) as in Eq.2.30; (iv) solve for Ami, Bmi, Cmi, and Dmi by matchir 9g the boundary conditions given by Eq.2.28; (v) calculate ca from Eq.2.33 and compare with the inpu t value; (vi) linearly scale the unit load F by the ratio of the inpu.t value of a to the calculated value of a. -38- nc Figure 2.5 Indentation of the local model -39- By repeating these procedures for several values of a a curve of F vs. a can be plotted and a subsquent curve fit will give the values of k and 0 in Eq.2.13. Once k and 1 are found, we can attempt to predict damage due to a certain applied load, F, as follows: (i) for given F find a by Eq.2.13; (ii) find Rc by Eq.2.32; (iii) expand p(r) as in Eq.2.30; (iv) solve for Ami, Bmi, Cmi, and Dmi as before; (v) calculate stress and strain fields in the facesheets and the core; (vi) rotate strains or stresses to ply principal axes (see later discussion); (vii) apply appropriate failure criteria on a ply-by-ply basis. 2.3.4 Bending Moment Correction and Inertia Loading In the local model described in the previous section, no boundary condition is imposed on the lateral surface of the local region. In order to account for the presence of the surrounding part of the sandwich panel, a uniform bending moment is superimposed on the local region at the lateral boundary. Firstly, use the global model to find the average bending moment, Mrr, at r=Rp due to a static load, F (Fig.2.6, Appendix D). Then apply the bending moment, Mrr, to the local region using standard lamination theory with the facesheets and the core being isotropic (in-plane) as shown in Fig.2.7. This will give the through-the-thickness strain and stress distributions as follows, -40- Figure 2.6 Using the global model to find Mrr Mrr C [facesheet/core] Figure 2.7 Bending moment correction -41- -1 Krr D11 12 16 Mrr K0 = D12 D22 D26 0 r K D 16 D 26 err - E00 = Sr0 D 66 (2.35) Krr 00 I K rO - (2.36) Note that the D-matrix in Eq.2.35 is isotropic and hence is different from that in Eq.2.2a. err and e00 given by Eq.2.36 are added to the corresponding axisymmetric strains calculated in the previous section. Note that yr0 in Eq.2.36 is zero because the local model assumes axisymmetric deformation. When the panel is impacted, it accelerates. This dynamic effect could be important when the impact velocity is high. Cairns applies a uniform inertia loading on the local model to account for this effect. For simplicity the same technique is used for the present local model. However, it should be pointed out that this is a crude approximation because the acceleration experienced by the panel varies over the area of the local region as well as through the thickness of the panel. Cairns shows that in order to include the inertia loading, ozz i has to be rewritten as (Appendix E), Gz-z z z c i r2 +---+dr jJ 2Z2 @ i i +Y.z. i i (2.37) As a result of this change, u i and wi become, ui(r,zi)= (- a1 1 - ba 1+ca 13 )irz -42- +.a13ri (2.38a) wi(r,zi) =a4M(.i + i (a 2 + + (- 2a z2 - a 33 1 13 + a33 d i) r 2) (2.38b) where, yi = PiCc Pi - density of the 3 components of the panel ; 2.3.5 Strains relative to Ply Principal Axes In order to predict through-the-thickness damage in the panel, the axisymmetric strain components need to be rotated to the principal axes of individual plies. Consider a general ply (k th ply, say), making an angle Ok with the principal axes of the facesheets (Fig.2.8). It is assumed that the strains do not vary through the thickness of the ply and their values are equal to those at the midplane of the ply. The axisymmetric strains are evaluated at a number of points, hereon referred to as the grid points, and transformed to the ply axes by, PE 11 err E 00 C3 3 C = [T] 23 zz 0 C rz 13 0 ]12 ply axes axisymmetric (2.39a) whereE2 3 ,E1 3 ,E2 3 arethetensorstraincomponents. -43- fibre direction 91 ,·1 IN panel axis Figure 2.8 Strain transformation to ply principal axes -44- where, [T] = cos20 sin28 0 0 sin 2 0 2 COs' O 0 0 0 2cos OsinO 0 0 0 - 2 cos 0 sin 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 cosO -sinO 0 0 sin 0 cos 0 - cos OsinO cosOsinO 0 0 S= Ok - g 0 0 0 cos 20 - sin20 (2.39b) (2.39c) As shown by Eq.2.39 and Fig.2.8, the transformation of the axisymmetric strains depends on the position of the grid point. -45- Chapter III Experiments 3.1 Manufacturing 3.1.1 Specimens The facesheets of the sandwich panels are made from Hercules AS4/3501-6 graphite-epoxy which is supplied in 305mm wide impregnated tape ("prepreg"). The material properties of AS4/3501-6 are shown in Table 3.1. The core of the sandwich panels is made from a closed-cell rigid polymethacrylimide foam material called "Rohacell". The type of Rohacell used for the present work is 71WF manufactured by Rohm Tech Inc. The Rohacell is supplied in the form of rectangular sheets in 3 thicknesses (3.175 mm, 6.35 mm, and 12.7 mm). The mechanical properties of the Rohacell are given in Table 3.2. The core and the facesheets are bonded together by 2 layers of FM123-2 modified nitrile-epoxy film adhesive (0.06 lb/sq.ft.) supplied by American Cyanamid. A [±45/0] s layup was chosen for the facesheets to provide continuity in the data base established by previous work in Telac [4,11] on sandwich panels. The facesheets were manufactured by standard procedures developed in Telac over the years. The procedures are briefly described here while detailed documentation can be found in Ref.[12]. The prepreg is first cut into 305mm x 350mm plies. The plies are then stacked together in the correct order and orientation to form a laminate. Several laminates and other supplementary cure materials are put on an aluminum cure plate as shown in Fig.3.1. The cure assembly is rolled into the autoclave in which the laminates undergo a 2-stage cure cycle. The whole cure cycle lasts for -46- Table 3.1 AS4/3501-6 material properties XT : 2150 MPa XC : 1550 MPa YT : 54 MPa YC : 221 MPa 105 MPa S EL : 139.3 GPa ET : GLT: 11.1 GPa vLT: 0.3 Density 1540 kg/m 3 6.0 GPa -47- Table 3.2 Mechanical properties of Rohacell 71WF Compressive strength 1.7 MPa Tensile strength 2.2 MPa Flexural strength 2.9 MPa Shear strength 1.3 MPa Modulus of elasticity 105 MPa Shear modulus 29 MPa Elongation at break 3% Gross density 75 kg/m 3 -48- Vacuum Bag Fiberglass Air Breather Aluminum Top Plate " :, r "":':" . Laminate Laminate . f Non-porous Teflon - Porous Teflo.- -- -- ---- - Peel Ply Aluminum T-Dam Cork" Bleeder paper ..- -- - Peel Ply - ,- -Yiiiiii// ii/////////////// /////' ,,d i - - 'i Aluminum Cure Plate Figure 3.1 Assembly for facesheet cure -49- Non-porous Teflon ... Vacuum tape about 5 hours with a full vacuum maintained within the vacuum bag. The pressure and temperature as functions of time during the cure are depicted in Fig.3.2. The cured laminates are then trimmed along all 4 edges by about 5 mm (to remove any epoxy ridges) with a milling machine equipped with diamond grit blade and water cooling. Exact dimensions of the laminates are not important at this stage. The Rohacell core and the film adhesive are cut into 305mm x 350mm sheets. The facesheets, the core, and the film adhesive are stacked together as shown in Fig.3.3a to form a sandwich panel. Extreme care is taken to align the facesheets relative to the core and to each other. Firstly, two 450 lines are marked on both surfaces of the core. Then the facesheets are attached to the core with the fiber direction of the +45' ply aligned with the two 450 marks on the core as shown in Fig.3.3b. A bond cure assemby is set up as shown in Fig.3.4 and then put into the autoclave to undergo a bond cure cycle (Fig.3.5) with the vaccum bag vented to atmospheric pressure. The cured panels are finally cut into squares of 279.4 mm x 279.4 mm with a tolerance of ± 3.0 mm using the aforementioned milling machine. 3.1.2 Specimen Holder The specimen holder provides the required boundary conditions for the panel during the static indentation tests and the impact tests. The test procedures will be described in the next two sections. The holder is made of aluminum and consists of two clamping plates, each with a square cut-out. The dimensions of the holder are given in Fig.3.6. The rectangular rods can be replaced by circular rods to provide simply-supported boundary condition or they can be removed to provide free boundary condition. For the present work, only clamped boundary condition will be used. -50- AUTOCLAVE 0.59 0 275 280 10 TIME (mins) AUTOCLAVE 350 225 150 RT -70 0 10 95 35 115 235 275 280 TIME (mins) VACUUM (mmHg) 760 I L w A• A 280 TIME (mins) Figure 3.2 Facesheet cure cycle -51- Core Facesheet Core Film Adhesive II Figure 3.3a Sandwich panel assembly a---- 450 mark on the core /45 Facesheet Core Figure 3.3b Alignment of facesheets -52- Vacuum Bag erglass Air ather Ste Top Plat rr ' ~I~ " ' " ~-r-" " * ---* ** * ,,,* -- ** Aluminun Edge Bai d- . Non-porous • Teflon Assemble( Pane //// // *2,%,7,7//// Aluminum Cure Plate Figure 3.4 Assembly for bond cure -53- -9 - - Vacuum tape AUTOCLAVE PRESSURE (MPa) 0.14- 0- __ 155 170 TIME (mins) AUTOCLAVE STEMPERATURE (OF) 225150 - RT -70 J- --I 010 35 155 170 TIME (mins) Figure 3.5 Bond cure cycle -54- 25.4 j -*1 I4- 25.4 O 63.5 © 3O o 50.8 o 0 203.2 -- 0 38.1 203.2 381.0 T I 317.5 ] " 0 0 0 O0 1--0 0 0 I 355.6 9.5 I 0 [4 - "- 241.3 "-1 I I I I fI -~ 4 I --l I rectangular rods for clamped boundary condition all dimensions in mm. 12.7mm diameter o 3.2mm diameter Figure 3.6 Specimen holder -55- sandwich panel 12.7 3.2 Static Indentation Tests The purpose of the static indentation tests is to find the contact stiffness of the sandwich panels. The setup for the test is shown in Fig.3.7. Essentially, the specimen holder is supported by a holding jig at the four corners. The jig, in the form of an inverted table, is designed to accomodate the Trans-Tek Model 354 Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT). During the tests the LVDT and the indentor remain stationary while the test jig moves upwards. The LVDT, thus, measures the relative displacement between the top surface and the bottom surface of the panel i.e. the indentation. This method is adopted from Tan and Sun [13]. The tests were conducted in a MTS-810 uniaxial testing machine. Data were collected by a DEC PDP-11/34 computer. They include force data from the load cell of the testing machine and the displacement data from the LVDT. The tests were run under stroke control with a stroke rate of 0.0564 mm/s. Two panels of each thickness were tested (Table 3.3). 3.3 Impact Tests The purpose of the impact test is to verify the global model prediction of the loading history. The tests were done using the impact machine "Fred" constructed by Lie [5]. The essential components of Fred are shown in Fig.3.8. The operation of Fred is briefly as follows. The main spring is compressed by cranking up the winch manually with the handle located at the end of the machine. When the electrical circuit to the magnet is disconnected, the striker is released. The striker hits the impacting rod (impactor) which in turn hits the panel. The impact velocity is measured by the light gate (which also activates the data aquisition when the timing flag -56- (stationary) ndentor lose radius - 6.35 mm Specime holder Sandwich Panel LVDT holding jig 12.7m (moving up) Figure 3.7 Static indentation test setup -57- Table 3.3 Test matrix for static indentation tests and impact tests Static indentation tests core thickness 3.175 mm 6.35 mm 12.7 mm no. of panels Impact tests core thickness 3.175 mm no. of panels -58- 6.35 mm 12.7 mm 55- C CL; c; 0 o W 6Q dr " (U5 C, 0 .i..; IC- Ca O 0 E 0 E 0 u .p. a - -· L - I Figure 3.8 Impact machine "Fred" -59- passes throught it) and the impact force is measured by the force transducer (PCB Model 208A05). The data were collected by a DEC PDP 1123 computer equipped with a Data Translation DT-3382-G-32DI A/D converter. A sampling frequency of 15 kHz. was used. The range of impact velocities used was found from preliminary tests on a 6.35mm-core panel. It was found that the velocity range from about 0.8m/s to 3.5 m/s produces a reasonable damage range from invisible front face (i.e. the impacted face) damage to front face puncture. For the impact tests the specimen holder was mounted on a clamping stand which was also used by Lie [5] and Bernard [6]. The stand is modified from an old drilling table and hold the specimen holder at the same level as the impactor (Fig.3.9). Seven panels of each of the 3 thicknesses were tested (Table 3.3). 3.4 Damage Inspection Two different techniques were employed to examine the damaged panels: x-ray photography and cross-sectioning. For panels impacted at low speed and sustained no surface fracture, a 0.8 mm diameter hole was drilled in the center of the impacted region. The hole was drilled to a depth as close to the film adhesive as possible. A x-ray opaque dye (diiodobutane) was injected into the front facesheet through the hole. The injected panels were allowed to sit for about an hour before the x-ray photographs were taken using the Scanray Torrex 150D X-ray Inspection System. After the x-ray photographs were taken the panels were sectioned through the damaged area by the aforementioned millng machine. The cross-sections were examined under an Olympus SZ-Tr microscope. -60- Specimen Holder / [Lz D ii Clamping Stand Figure 3.9 Clamping stand for impact tests -61- Chapter IV Results and Discussion 4.1 GlobalModel 4.1.1 Inputs Standard lamination theory is used to work out the D-matrix of the sandwich panel using the material properties given in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2, except for the shear modulus, G, of the Rohacell core. This is because the manufacturer's values for E (105 MPa) and G (29 MPa) give an isotropic Poisson ratio of v = 0.81. Since the positive definiteness of the stiffness matrix requires v < 0.5, a value of v = 0.3 is chosen, and G is calculated from E by G = E/2(1+v), which gives G = 40.4 MPa. It can be shown that the local model results are insensitive to this change in G. The sandwich panel is treated as a [±45/0/Rohacell] s laminate ,i.e., the core is modelled as 2 "plies" of Rohacell for this symmetric layup. The resultant D-matrices for the 3 core thicknesses are shown in Table 4.1. The global model also requires the transverse shear parameters used in Eq.2.2b, G 4 4 , G4 5 , and G55 of the panels. It is assumed that only the core contributes to the shear stiffness of the panel. Hence, GG G core panel A A° core The values of A4 5 , A4 4 , and A5 5 for the Rohacell core are given in Table 4.2. For the present discussion, a linear contact spring is assumed, i.e. 0 equals 1 in Eq.2.13. Strictly speaking, f and k in Eq.2.13 should be calculated by the local model and subsequently verified by the static -62- Table 4.1 D-matrices of the sandwich panels 3.175 mm 6.35 mm 12.7 mm D11 501.5 1613.0 5746.7 D12 152.1 485.7 1726.4 D16 1.28 1.28 1.28 D22 218.9 700.3 2495.8 D26 1.28 1.28 1.28 D66 171.7 548.6 1950.6 all values in Nm -63- Table 4.2 Transverse shear parameters of the core 3.175 mm 6.35 mm 12.7 mm A4 4 0.128 0.256 0.513 A4 5 0 0 0 ASS 0.128 0.256 0.513 all values in MNm - 1 -64- Table 4.3 Input parameters for the global model boundary all sides clamped condition 241.3 mm x 241.3 mm dimensions of panel (test area) facesheet 0.804 mm thickness 1.534 kg impactor mass facesheet 1540 kg/m 3 density 75 kg/m 3 core density -65- indentation tests. However, the value of P does not affect the results of the global model in a qualitative sense and later on it will be seen that 3 = 1 is not an unreasonable value to use. A contact stiffness, k= 0.5 MNm- 1 is used. This value is of the same order of magnitude as that determined by the static indentation tests (as will be seen later). Other input parameters, which correspond to the actual experimental condition, are summarized in Table 4.3. 4.1.2 Symmetric Modes In the experiments all panels were impacted at the center. Under this condition anti-symmetric modes of the beam functions (Appendix A) are excited only if D16 and D26 are nonzero. Table 4.1 shows that D16 and D26 terms are negligible compared with the other D-terms. Therefore, only symmetric modes are used in the global analysis. 4.1.3 Convergence In the global analysis we are interested in the convergence of the force-time (F-T) history and the acceleration-time (A-T) history at the center of the panel. Fig.4.1 shows that a 7x7 mode analysis gives a fairly converged F-T history but a not-so-good A-T history. In fact, a converged A-T history requires a fairly large number of modes which renders the global analysis inefficient. However, it can be argued that in low velocity impact (impact velocity < 4 ms-1), the stresses caused by the acceleration are negligible compared with that cause by the "static" load (i.e. the peak force indicated by the F-T history). Hence, we can afford to use a less than converged A-T history. It can also be shown that the higher the contact stiffness is, the more modes are required to give a converged solution. -66- 6.35mm-rCORE PANEL V- 3.6 m/r r, cu Figure 4.1a 3x3 modes 5x5 modes 7x7 modes 08. 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.8 17.5 20.0 17.5 20.8 Time [ms] 6.35mm-CORE PANEL V- 3.0 m/r Ge 1 3x3 modes Figure 4.1b S 0 5 4' 5x5 modes I o 4' 7x7 modes 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.8 Time [me] Figure 4.1 Convergence of F-T history and A-T history -67- 6.35mmn-CORE PANEL 0 ,• V- 3.0 m/s (N Figure 4.2a delt- 0.1 me dolt- 0.05 me delt- 0.02 me 9.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 17.5 20.8 Time [me] 6.35mm--CORE PANEL V- 3.0 m/r 1 Figure 4.2b * d*lt- 0.05 me 4.ur ~P I.--LAJu AI U.. l6 JMIl ldM k16l 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 Time [me] Figure 4.2 Effect of integration time step on F-T history and A-T history -68- The effect of the integration time step (delt) is shown in Fig.4.2. It can be seen that the A-T history is more sensitive to the variation in the time step than the F-T history. All subsequent global analyses use 7x7 modes and 0.1 ms time step. 4.1.4 Effect of Core Thickness Fig.4.3a shows that the thicker core panels experience a higher peak load than the thinner core ones. A plausible explanation is that the thicker core panel has greater resistance against bending and hence most of the kinetic energy of the impactor is transformed into potential energy stored in the contact spring which gives a higher contact force. It should be pointed out that the same contact stiffness, k= 0.5 MNm-1, is used for all three core thicknesses in Fig.4.3. This agrees with the experimental observation that the contact stiffness is independent of the core thickness (as will be seen later) but disagrees with the result of the local analysis (see later discussion). The impact duration is shorter for the thicker core panels. Fig.4.3b shows that the thicker core panel, which has greater resistance to bending, experiences less acceleration. The F-T history for the case of a rigid wall (Appendix F) is also shown in Fig.4.2a. This represents the limiting case when the thickness of the core becomes infinite. 4.1.5 Effect of Impact Velocity Fig.4.4a shows that the peak force increases as the impact velocity increases. The impact duration remains constant within the velocity range shown. It can be shown that the peak force and the acceleration (Fig.4.4b) vary linearly with the impact velocity, for this case of a linear contact spring, 13 = 1. -69- EFFECT OF CORE THICKNESS V- 3.6 m/s rigid wall Figure 4.3a 12.7 mm S6.5 m 3.175 mm 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 18.6 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 17.5 26.0 Time [me] EFFECT OF CORE THICKNESS V- 3.0 m/s 3.175 m Figure 4.3b C 4 eJ aU6 u 12.7 m 6.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.6 Time [me] Figure 4.3 Effect of core thickness on F-T history and A-T history -70- EFFECT OF IMPACT VELOCITY 6.35ram-CORE PANEL Figure 4.4a V- 3.0 m/s 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 17.5 29.8 Time [ms] EFFECT OF IMPACT VELOCITY -6.35mm-CME PANEL~PANEL 5sam--CORE 3.8 1 3. m/ Figure 4.4b e4 C gs V- 2.e m/9 V- 1.0 n/ 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 Time [me] Figure 4.4 Effect of impact velocity on F-T history and A-T history -71- 4.2.1 Inputs The local model assumes the facesheets to be homogeneous transversely isotropic. Cairns [6] developed a program to calculate the equivalent (3D) engineering properties of a laminate given the material type and layup (Fig.4.5). For a [±45/0] s laminate made from AS4/3501-6 the equivalent properties for the laminate are given in Table 4.4. It is noticed from Table 4.3 that the laminate is not transversely isotropic because Exx # Eyy, Vxz # Vyz , and Gxz # Gyz. Cairns' strategy is to use Exx, vxz, Gxz as the "major" analysis and Eyy, Vyz , Gy z as the "minor" analysis to bound the problem. It is found that the results of the local model are quite insensitive to the difference between the 2 cases. All local analyses in the present work use major axis properties. 4.2.2 Convergence One of the goals of the local model is to find the constitutive relation of the contact spring, i.e. to find k and P in Eq.2.13. This is done by fitting Eq.2.13 to the analytical prediction of load vs. indentation (F-a) curve. The convergence of the F-a curve depends on the value of Rp (radius of the local region). The convergence for two values of Rp is shown in Fig.4.6. It is seen that convergence is quicker for the smaller Rp and that the converged F-a curves for the two values of Rp shown are practically the same. The criteria for selecting the value of Rp are: (a) Rp should be large enough to include the local damages around the point of impact; (b) Rp should be large enough so that at r=Rp the distribution of trz is symmetric -72- (uniply) material properties layup N1J equivalent engineering properties of the laminate Figure 4.5 Determination of equivalent properties for the facesheets -73- engineering Table 4.4 Equivalent engineering properties of [±45/0] s AS4/3501-6 facesheet moduli are in GPa -74- 3.175mm-CORE PANEL Rpm 31.75 mn G 16 modes Figure 4.68a e0.0 .1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 9.7 6.8 Indentation [mn] 3.175mr-CORE PANEL Rpm. 63.5 -m G 10 modes G 20 modes ) 30 modes Figure 4.6b 0.0 6.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 9.5 9.6 Indentation [mm] Figure 4.6 Convergence of the analytical F-a curve -75- about the midplane of the panel (so-called plate solution); (c) Rp should be small so that the solution method is reasonably "economical". It is found that Rp/R i = 5 (where Ri is the radius of the impactor or indentor) gives a practical value for the analysis. Since Ri=6.35mm is used in the experiments, subsequent analyses will use a value of Rp=31.75mm. 4.2.3 Effect of Core Thickness Fig.4.7 and Table 4.5 show that the thicker the panel is, the lower is the contact stiffness, k. Moreover, the value of p varies between 1.08 and 1.15 but remains close to unity. This justifies the assumption of a linear contact spring in the global analysis. For the subsequent local analyses, the values for k and p given in Table 4.5 were used. 4.2.4 Stress Distributions in r Fig.4.8 shows the stress distribution as function of r for the 3 thicknesses under the same static loading. Some interesting observations can be made from these plots. The distribution of arr and o00 are very similar. They are both discontinuous at the two interfaces between the core and the facesheets. This is because in the local model, the in-plane displacement, u, is matched at the interfaces while the core and the facesheets have very different compliances. Both Fig. 4.8a and Fig. 4.8b show a very intense and localized stress developed in the top facesheet (i.e. the facesheet in contact with the indentor) around the center of the panel (point of indentation) as shown by line 1 and line 2F. The stress dies away rapidly as it moves towards the outer boundary. The bottom facesheet, on the other hand, shows a more "spread-out" stress distribution pattern. It looks like the stresses are "diffused" away as they are transferred from the -76- Table 4.5 Curve-fit of the analytical F vs. a k 3.175 mm 14.92 1.15 6.35 mm 7.91 1.11 12.7 mm 4.68 1.08 k in MNm-P -77- EFFECT OF CORE THICKNESS Rp - 31.75 mm 6.9 G 3.175mm core G 6.35mm core r 12.7m core 6.1 6.2 6.3 0.4 0.5 9.6 0.7 0.8 Indentation [mm] Figure 4.7 Effect of core thickness on the analytical F vs. a curve -78- top facesheet to the bottom facesheet through the core. Also, both top and bottom facesheets appear to be bending independently about their respective midpoints. Negligibly low stress develops in the core because of its low stiffness. The variation in the thickness of the core does not change the stress distribution qualitatively. However, it can be seen that the thicker core panel experiences lower stresses in general than the thinner core one. Fig.4.8c shows that the transverse shear stress Trz is continuous across the interfaces 2 and 3, and is zero at the top and bottom surfaces of the panel as stipulated by the boundary conditions. Since the local model assumes axisymmetric deformation, trz is also zero at the center of the panel. Again an intense and localized stress is developed around the center and decays towards the boundary. The bottom interface (3) develops a higher stress than the top interface (2) near the center for the 3.175mm-core and 6.35mm-core panels but the opposite is true for the 12.7mm-core panel. In all cases the shear stresses at interfaces 2 and 3 approach each other as they approach the outer boundary of the local region. Remember that one of the criteria used to determine the value of Rp is that plate solution (i.e., a symmetric rrz distribution about the midplane of the panel) should be recovered at the boundary of the local region. As can be seen in Fig.4.8c, the thickness of the core affects the recovery of a symmetric trz distribution. Hence, strictly speaking, the thickness of the core should be taken into account in determining Rp. The ozz distribution shown in Fig.4.8d indicates, once again, the "diffusing" action of the core whereby the high local stress in the top facesheet is dissipated as it is transferred through the core to the bottom facesheet. Note that ozz is continuous at interfaces 2 and 3. -79- AXISYMMETRIC STRESS FOR LOAD=-100.0 N fŽLr ,A 2C,.3C 1 2C 2F ! I 2C I 3F 3F -I 3.175nm-core _· -40. -30. -20. 6. -10. 10. 20. 1 30. 40. r [mm] a AXISYMMETRIC STRESS AXISYIMETRIC STRESS FOR LOAD-1000.6N FOR LOAD-e1000. N I') 0 2F 0 a. ~I 2C.3C 2C, 3C 0L o u) U) 3F -4-. -38. · · · 1 · · 1 -26. -16. e. 16. 20. 30. 48. 12.7mw-core 12.7m-ca 1 -core -40. -30. -2e. -10. r [mm] Figure 4.8a rr distribution in r due to a static load -80- e. r [mm] 10. 20. 36. 48 AXISYMMETRIC STRESS FOR LOAD-1eee.e N |,, 4ffý . . . r-, 1 . 2F ir 2C 4 -40. -30. -29. -10. 0. 10. 26. 30. r [m] AXISYMMETRIC STRESS AXISYMMETRIC STRESS FOR LOAD-10e0.o N FOR LOAD-1000.0 N 2C,3C 3F 1.-7 12.7rm-core -49. -30. -29. -10. 0. 10. 20. · · · · · 30. 40e. r [mm] -48. -30. -20. -10. O. 10. r [mm] Figure 4.8b a0e distribution in r due to a static load -81- 20. 30. 48e. AXISYMMETRIC STRESS FOR LOAD-1000.0 N 1 *. m 4 ý-core a -4e. -39. - -29. 10. -10. 20. 30. 40. r [mm] AXISYMMETRIC STRESS FOR LOAD-0le0.0 N AXISYMMETRIC STRESS FOR LOAD-100le. N 3 12.7mm-core 6.35mm-core -40. -30. -20. -10. 0. 10. 20. 30. 40e. r [-m] Figure 4.8c -40. -30. -20. 10. -18. r [(m] trz distribution in r due to a static load -82- 20. 30. 40. AXISYMMETRIC STRESS FOR LOAD-1000.0 N 1 -W, w!I | i -Core -40. -3•. -26. 0. -10. 10. 28. 30. re 40. r [mm] AXISYMMETRIC STRESS FOR LOAD-1eee.e N AXISYMMETRIC STRESS FOR LOAD-100le. N 3 4 3 4 6.35mm-core 12.7rm-core · -40. -30. -29. -10. 0. 10. 20. 30. 4e. -40. -36. -20. -10. r [rm] Figure 4.8d 6. r [(m] ozz distribution in r due to a static load -83- 10. 20. 39. 4e. 4.2.5 Strain Distribution in z Fig.4.9 shows the through-the-thickness strain distributions at 3 radial locations of the local region. It shows the general trend that the magnitude of the strains decreases as one moves away from the center. This is expected after seeing the stress distributions in r from the previous section. Fig.4.9a and Fig.4.9b show that err and Eoe vary nonlinearly in the top facesheet and in the core but they both have a linear distribution in the bottom facesheet ("plate bending") at the center of the local region (r=Omm). As we move away from the center the nonlinearity in the strain distribution fades away. Eventually at the boundary of the local region (r=31.75mm) the strain distributions in both the facesheets and the core are linear. In fact the strain distributions at the boundary of the local region suggest that the facesheets bend as two "independent" plates while the core serves as a coupling medium between them. Both err and E0o are continuous at the interfaces 2 and 3. Fig.4.9c shows that the yrz distribution is discontinuous at the interfaces 2 and 3 because the facesheets and the core have different shear moduli. It shows that the core deforms more than the facesheets because the core is "softer". Fig.4.9d shows that ezz is practically zero at the boundary of the local region. This is another indication of the recovery of the plate solution at the boundary of the local region. -84- THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRAIN DISTRIBUTION AT r- 0.00 mm; FOR LOAD- 10M.0 N Co •esheet T core N 4. 00 (.4 · · otton acesheet · -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 6.6 1.0 2.0 x10**-3 Epsilon rr 3.0 4.8 1 5.8 THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRAIN DISTRIBUTION THROUGH-ThE-THICKNESS STRAIN DISTRIBUTION AT r- 15.87 mm; FOR LOAD- 100.0 N AT r- 31.75 mm; FOR LOAD- 10.60 N U T Cl aSesheet $.,heet s/ N I I r- I f" core core N N ao 4. botto acesheet · -3.0 -2.0 -1.8 xl10*-3 6.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 I 5.6 Epsilon rr Figure 4.9a -0.3 · · -0.2 -0.1 xle1,-3 j 6.0 bottor facesheet 6.1 0.2 Epsilon rr err distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel -85- 9.3 9.4 0.5 THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRAIN DISTRIBUTION 04 AT r- 0.00 ma; FOR LOAD- 100.0 N ----~I uesheet C14 N T core 1. 3 N4 1 -3.0 1 -2.0 · · 1 -1.0 0.0 1.8 2.0 xOle0-3 Epsilon tt ·facesheet · bottoc 3.0 4.0 1 5.0 THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRAIN DISTRIBUTION AT r- 15.87 m; FOR LOAD- 100.0 N THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRAIN DISTRIBUTION AT r- 31.75 mm; FOR LOAD- 188.e N N! T 1°esheet 1°•esheet 0u N 4. 7 COre e-" N b ottom acesheet -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 x10lo-3 0.8 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 foesheet 5.0 Epsilon tt Figure 4.9b -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 xleo.-3 0.0 0.1 0.2 Epsillon tt ege distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel -86- 0.3 9.4 0.5 THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRAIN DISTRIBUTION THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRAIN DISTRIBUTION AT r- 15.87 mm; FOR LOAD- 1ee.e N AT r- 31.75 rm; FOR LOAD= 180.0 N I I -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 xle**-3 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -6.5 0.0 0.5 Epsilon rz Figure 4.9c -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 x16e0-3 -2.0 -1.5 -1.8 Epsilon rz yrz distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel -87- -8.5 .e8 8.5 THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRAIN DISTRIBUTION AT r- 0.00 mm; FOR LOAD- 100.e N T -14. -12. -10. -8. xl**S-3 C. -6. -4. -2. 6. 2. Epsilon zz THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRAIN DISTRIBUTION THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRAIN DISTRIBUTION AT r- 15.87 mm; FOR LOAD- 160.9 N AT r- 31.75 -m; FOR LOAD- 100.0 N T r,, a esheet o ?esheet N core core N bottom facesheet -14. -12. -16. xe160-3 -8. -6. -4. -2. bottom 0. 2. Epsilon zz Figure 4.9d -14. I · · · -12. -19. -8. -6. xl1e0-3 _acesheet 1 -4. Epsilon zz Ezz distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel -88- -2. 1 · 0. 2. 4.2.6 Stress Distribution in z The throught-the-thickness stress distributions in Fig.4.10 reveal features similar to those shown by the strain distributions in z: (i) the core "diffuses" away the intense and localized stresses (or strains) in the top facesheet and as a result of which a more "spread-out" stress distribution is observed in the bottom facesheet; (ii) the localized stresses (or strain) decays very rapidly towards the boundary of the local region. Due to the difference in the compliances between the facesheets and the core, a continuous stress distribution corresponds to a discontinuous strain distribution at the 2 interfaces between the core and the facesheets. By the same token, the core experiences much larger strains than the facesheets but much smaller stresses compared with the facesheets. Note that Fig.4.10c shows an antisymmetric trz distribution at r = 15.87 mm which evolves into a symmetric distribution at r = 31.75 mm. 4.2.7 Bending Moment Correction Consider a load of 100 N being applied to a 6.35mm-core panel. The average bending moment Mrr at the boundary of the local region (r=31.75mm) as calculated by the global model is -10.4 Nm/m. Using Eq.2.35 gives rise to a curvature vector, rr oo - 8.13 = re 1.36 0 p~/mm (4.1) which in turn (Eq.2.35) gives, -89- THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS DISTRIBUTION Nu AT r- 0.0 mm; FOR LOAD- 100e. N top facesheet I I ! T °C T1 core 00 NN ,4 ql, Ylom facesheet I -60088. -40088. -200. 8. 288. 1eee. Eee. 80see. 488. Sigma rr [MPa] THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS DISTRIBUTION AT r- 31.75 mm; FOR LOAD- 180.8 N THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS DISTRIBUTION 15.87mm; FOR LOAD- 188.8N AT r- N *o top facesheet 0u top facesheet I0 1 i- N -68. -40. -20. 8. core core ltam facesheet bottom facesheet 28. 40. 68. 88. 1ee. Sigma rr [MPa] -60. -48. -28. 8. 28. 40. 68. Sigma rr [MPa] Figure 4.10a crr distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel -90- 88. 1ee. THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS DISTRIBUTION CýAT r- 0.e mm; FOR LOAD- 100.0 N t 09 C4 *I 04 N T IC core °o 4. N cu N '4. hoheet-600. -466. -266. 6. 206. 4e8. 606. 860. 10eee. Sigma tt [MPa] Nu THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS DISTRIBUTION AT r- 15.87mm; FOR LOAD- 100.6 N THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS DISTRIBUTION AT r- 31.75 mm; FOR LOAD- 100.9 N 4. top facesheet top faceshoet S N IO I"4. I* N core N 4. Tortom facesheoet -60. -40. -26. 0. 29. 40. 60. Sigma tt [MPa] bottom facesheet 80. 10ee0. -68. -40. -20. 0. 28. 40. 66. Sigma tt [MPo] Figure 4.10b a00 distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel -91- 8. 1ee0. z THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS DISTRIBUTION THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS DISTRIBUTION AT r- 15.87 mm; FOR LOAD- 108.8 N AT r- 31.75 am; FOR LOAD- 188.8 N top facesheet top facesheet 1 T N Io I core 0* 1 · · · · -0.30 -0.25 -0.29 -4.15 -0.19 -4.05 8.o8 Sigma rz [MPa] bottom bottom facesheet _ bottom faceshee · 8.85 8.10 -0.38 -0.25 -0.28 -4.15 -0.18 -0.85 0.88 08.5 9.19 Sigma rz [MPo] Figure 4.10c trz distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel -92- cesh THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS DISTRIBUTION oN AT r- 0e. mm; FOR LOAD- 100.6 N I N top facesheet core IN 1Z bottom facesheet -1ee. -80. -66. -40. -26. 6. 2e. 40. 6e. Sigma zz [MPo] N THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS DISTRIBUTION THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS DISTRIBUTION AT r- 15.87 mm; FOR LOAD- 18ee.eN AT r- 31.75 mm; FOR LOAD- 100.0 N I top faceshe it top faceshe iD Nl T core o core N N *o Sr bottom face heet · -1e. -8. -6. bottom face iheet · · -4. -2. e. 2. 1 4. 6. Sigma zz [MPa] -16. -8. -6. -4. -2. 6. 2. Sigma zz [MPa] Figure 4.10d azz distribution in z due to a static load for the 6.35mm-core panel -93- 4. 6. E rr EO =z - 8.13 6rO 1.36 0 te (4.2) The resultant strain distribution is shown in Fig.4.11. Comparing the magnitude of the strains in Fig.4.11 with that in Fig.4.9a and Fig.4.9b shows that the bending moment correction has negligible effect on the local strain field near the point of impact. Hence, in subsequent analyses the bending moment correction is discarded. Before we leave the present discussion on the bending moment correction, it should be pointed out that, for the material properties given here, the global model and the local model show two very different phenomena: (i) the local model shows that the facesheets bend as 2 "independent" plates while (ii) the global model shows that the whole panel (i.e. facesheets & the core) bends as a plate. This can be seen from the strain distributions in Fig.4.9a and Fig.4.11 which are depicted qualitatively in Fig.4.12. 4.2.8 Inertia Loading As can be seen from Fig.4.1, a "static" load (i.e. peak force of the F-T history) of -1800N is accompanied by a center acceleration of -104 ms- 2 . The stresses due to the "static" loading and those due to the inertia loading are calculated separately and compared in Fig.4.13. It can be seen from Fig.4.13 that for an impact velocity of 3 m/s the inertia loading has negligible effect on the local stress field of the panel. The maximum strain due to inertia loading is less than 2% of the corresponding maximum strain due to the "static" load. -94- -58.17te 9.73tE top facesheet -25.82te 4.32gtFe core T Err bottom facesheet C00 Figure 4.11 Strains due to bending moment correction -95- T top facesheet core b Err (global model) Err (local model) bottom facesheet Figure 4.12 Comparison between err distribution in z of the global model and of the local model at the boundary of the local region -96- 0 '- CU- j CrJ ", g e. e'8 e'9 C0 C,, (D[J ] .1 89e eO'-a"*- DiWi1 L. c~4 I e a's '9 't , e' e'e e'Z- e't- "e£ "OZ "l O'le DeO- "eL- *eO- [OJcl] JJ oub61 [odo] JJ ouW61 Figure 4.13a Effect of inertia loading on arr in r for the 6.35mm-core panel -97- 0 09 U U 0LL , ,- e'8 9"9 e'* e'z O"le ,z- 't,- [OdO] )1 oW618 e'g 0"9 0*~* er [OdO] 1; Oe ' er'- "eO "Z *e0" e0''"L- "eG- e'•- [odfl] DWSbl 4 OW861s Figure 4.13b Effect of inertia loading on coe in r for the 6.35mm-core panel -98- *eO- 0 P. LI) Cl C~j '.t *'L '9* *'t- G'*- '£*- '*t- [oEi] zJ DW6lS 4 · e'• 'L · '*0 'L[ody] ZJ oW61 *- - e't- V's LI' '* V'e- Z'e[ocJ] zJ oW61s Figure 4.13c Effect of inertia loading on trz in r for the 6.35mm-core panel -99- V'e- **e- L2~ a -J U cr. (0j U: II *Ot " *0Og *ee ' 9- *'Go- "CsL- [oCC] zz D•bjS "i I C4 0 7 wa -J I,U ,., n, .. 0 N~ I'0 · 1 · · 1 · •O'9L "00L ' '6e-"0L-"a[DodY] zz oWb1s 1 · g]- zz D-[DdM] zz DW618 S Figure 4.13d Effect of inertia loading on ozz in r for the 6.35mm-core panel -100- · - 4.2.9 Strains relative to Ply Principal Axes As explained in Chapter II, the axisymmetric strain (or stress) components can be rotated to the principal axes of individual plies whereupon appropriate failure criteria (e.g. maximum strain criteria) can then be applied. Fig. 4.14 shows a plot of strain contours (lines of constant strains) as a result of the aforementioned strain transformation. If the ultimate allowable strain levels of the material is given, the damage area can be measured from these contour plots. Damage types can be inferred by relating different strain components to different damage mechanisms. Cairns [6] uses the empirical criteria which assumes that ll controls the fiber breakage, 822 controls matrix cracking, and E31 delaminations. -101- controls STRAINS IN PLY PRINCIPAL AXES FOR 6.35mm-CORE PANEL 1 EPSILON 11 OF PLY # 2 FOR LOAD- lee N 77 fiber direction I)0 -. eeee · -60. -45. -30. -15. 6. 15. 39. 45. 6e. 9. 12. i-AXIS [mm] STRAINS IN PLY PRINCIPAL AXES FOR 6.35mm-CORE PANEL EPSILON 11 OF PLY j 2 FOR LOAD- 106 N (blow-up) 10 -12. -9. -6. -3. 0. 3. --AXIS [nu] 6. Figure 4.14a Strain, E11, contours relative to ply axes -102- STRAINS IN PLY PRINCIPAL AXES FOR 6.35.m-CORE PANEL GAMMA 13 OF PLY I 2 FOR LOAD- 100 N 0 e , I 0I Sn e1. 0 Sn I -68. -45. -38. -15. 8. T--AXIS 15. 45. 38. 6e. [m] STRAINS IN PLY PRINCIPAL AXES FOR 6.3mm-CORE PANEL GAMMA 13 OF PLY # 2 FOR LOAD- 18e N (blow-up) G .008840 -4.6838 -0.8828 -0.9108 e.e6ee -12. -9. -6. -3. 8. 3. 6. 9. X-AXIS [mm] Figure 4.14b Strain, E1 3 , contours relative to ply axes -103- 12. 4.3 ComDarison between Experiment and Analysis 4.3.1 Static Indentation Tests The experimental load vs. indentation (F vs. ca) curves are shown in Fig.4.15. The experimental curves shown are terminated at the point of failure of the top facesheet (i.e. the facesheet in contact with the indentor). "Failure" in the present context is defined as the loss of load carrying capacity of the top facesheet. This failure is reflected as a sharp load drop in the F vs. a curves. Since we are not interested in the F vs. a behaviour after the point of failure, subsequent data points are not shown in Fig.4.15. However, it can still be observed that the 12.7 mm-core panel failed at the highest load, followed by the 6.35 mm-core panel, while the 3.175 mm-core failed at the lowest load. All three core thicknesses show a softening behavior at the beginning (load less than - 300 N) followed by a stiffening behavior until failure. A curve fit of the form F = ka (i.e. a linear contact spring) is applied on the experimental data. The values of k are shown in Table 4.6. These values support the use of k = 0.5 MNm - 1 earlier in the parametric study in Section 4.1. The results in Table 4.6 show no sign of the effect of core thickness. Fig.4.15 shows that the local model fails to predict well the load vs. indentation (F-a)behaviour of the panel. At this point a serious limitation of the local model is revealed by examining the throught-the-thickness stress ((Yzz) distribution in the panel due to a static load. It can be seen from Fig.4.16 that the stress developed in the core is approaching its compressive strength (1.7 MPa) for a static load of 100 N. The local model, which assumes everything being elastic, obviously will not work beyond that point. Fig.4.15 shows that the analytical curves are approximately tangential to -104- 3.175-mm CORE PANEL 2000 1000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 Indentation [m] Figure 4.15a Static indentation test result for a 3.175mm-core panel -105- 6.35mm-CORE PANEL 2000 1000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 Indentation [m] Figure 4.15b Static indentation test result for a 6.35mm-core panel -106- 12.7mm-CORE PANEL 2000 1000 0 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 Indentation [m] Figure 4.15c Static indentation test result for a 12.7mm-core panel -107- Table 4.6 Linear curve-fit results of the experimental F vs. a curves core thickness 3.175 mm 6.35 mm group (a) 0.716 0.787 0.774 0.862 * 0.729 0.748 group (b) A 12.7 mm values of k in MNm-1 * all sides simply-supported A results shown in Fig.4.15 are those of group (a) -108- THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS DISTRIBUTION Cr4 I AT r- 0.0 mm; FOR LOAD- 100.0 N top facesheet - 4. core 7 Figure 4.16a I bottom facesheet I -100. -80. i -60. · / -40. -20. 1 0. 20. 40. 60. Sigma zz [MPa] THROUGH-THE-THICKNESS STRESS DISTRIBUTION AT r- 0.0 mm; FOR LOAD- 100.0 N top facesheet I core Figure 4.16b I L (blow-up of Figure 4.16a) -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 bottom facesheet -1.0 -4.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Sigma zz [MPa] Figure 4.16 czz distribution in z for the 6.35mm-core panel indicating core crushing -109- the corresponding experimental curves at the origin and start to deviate from the experimental results around 100 N. As a result of this limitation of the local model the experimentally determined values of k for group (a) in Table 4.6 together with a linear contact spring (P=1) were used in the global model to obtain the F-T history shown in Fig.4.17. The difference in k between group (a) and group (b) has negligible effect on the F-T history. 4.3.2 Impact Tests During the impact tests, experimental data for one 3.175mm-core panel and four 6.35mm-core panels were lost due to an equipment problem. The remaining data are shown in Fig.4.17. Fig.4.17 shows that the global model gives reasonably good agreement with the experimental F-T history. The model over-predicts the impact duration and under-estimates the peak load. The thicker core panels show better agreement than the thinner core ones when no significant damage is present (i.e. a smooth half-sinusoidal F-T history). A plausible explanation is that the facesheets have more contribution to the transverse stiffness of the panel when the core is thin. The ratio of the total facesheet thickness to the panel thickness are 0.34, 0.20, 0.11 for the 3.175mm-core, 6.35mm-core, 12.7mm-core panels respectively. Therefore the assumption that only the core contributes to the transverse stiffness of the panel is less valid for the thinner panels. The energy required to create impact damage comes from the kinetic energy of the impactor. Therefore the rebound velocity of the impactor provides an approximate measure of the extent of the damage suffered by -110- 3.175mm-CORE PANEL V- e.876 m/s 0 S 3.175mm-CORE PANEL V- 1.277 m/s experiment e ,/V_ r xpe iment analysis analysis 1 · 0.6 5.0 · T 15.0 19.6 I 26.6 6.9 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 Time [ms] Time [me] 3.175mm-CORE PANEL 3.175mm-CORE PANEL V- 1.875 m/s V- 2.353 m/s experiment experiment 0.6 5.0 analysis A. 10.6 15.6 20.0 Time [me] 0.0 5.0 18.6 Time [ms] Figure 4.17a Experimental and analytical F-T history for 3.175mm-core I 3.175mm-CORE PANEL V- 2.791 m/s 3.175mm-CORE PANEL V- 3.333 m/s experiment e experiment ý analysis analysis 0 6.0 5.0 16.6 Time [ms] 15.0 6.6 26.6 5.0 10.0 Time [ms] Figure 4.17a Experimental and analytical F-T history for 3.175mm-core panels -112- 15.0 20.0 6.35mm-CORE PANEL 6.35mm-CORE PANEL V- 0.863 m/s V- 1.364 m/s experiment A analysis experiment , analysis 0.0 10.0 5.0 15.8 20.8 0.0 5.0 10.0 Time [ms] Time [me] 6.35mm-CORE PANEL V- 1.935 m/s experiment A' analysis 0.0 5.0 15.0 10.0 29.0 Time [me] Figure 4.17b Experimental and analytical F-T history for 6.35mm-core panels -113- 15.0 20.0 12.7mm-CORE PANEL 12.7mm-CORE PANEL V- 1.143 m/s V- 1.667 m/s experiment 1 \ analysis iment \\analysis 6.e 5.6 15.6 16.0 20.0 0.9 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 Time [ms] Time [me] 12.7m-CORE PANEL V- 2.553 m/s 12.7mwe-CORE PANEL V- 2.143 m/s analysis analysis ex eriment 6.6 5.6 15.0 16.0 26.0 0.6 Time [mes] Figure 4.17c 5.0 18.6 Time [ms] Experimental and analytical F-T history for 12.7mm-core panels -114- 12.7mm-CORE PANEL 12.7mm-CORE PANEL V- 2.791 m/s SV 3.429 m/s analysis analysis iriment 0.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 20.0 5.0 10.0 Time [ms] Time [ma] 12.7mm-CORE PANEL V, 3.871 mr/s analysis I*ment 0.0 5.0 15.0 10.0 20.8 Time [me] Figure 4.17c Experimental and analytical F-T history for 12.7mm-core panels 115- 15.0 20.0 6.35mm-CORE PANEL 3.175mm-CORE PANEL 0NF) O NY .a CC O, 0O 'I S11xp1rim•nt G experiment G experiment 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 0. 1. 2. 12.7mm-CORE PANEL 0 4. F) C analysis experiment CD 0. 1. 2. 3. 3. Impact velocity [m/s] Impact velocity [m/S] 4. Impact velocity [m/8] Figure 4.18 Experimental and analytical rebound velocities -116- 4. the panel. Fig.4.18 shows the rebound velocity measured in the experiment compared with that calculated by the global model. The analytical results, which do not take damage into account, monotonically increase while the experimental curve show a decrease in rebound velocity, indicating damage is created in the panel. It is also noted from Fig.4.18 that the damage occurs at a lower impact velocity for the thicker core panels. This agrees with the F-T history shown in Fig.4.17 where the occurrance of damage is indicated by a sharp load drop. 4.4 Damage Inspection The evolution of damage sustained by the panel can be divided into 3 stages, as the impact velocity increases: (i) core crushing near the top interface between the front facesheet (i.e. the impacted side) and the core; (ii) delamination of the interface between the 5th and the 6th plies (+45' and -450) of the front facesheet (hereon referred to as the 5-6 delamination); (iii) visible surface fiber damage. In the first stage, the region of crushed core increases both in area and in depth (Fig.4.19) as the impact velocity increases. This region of crushed core constitutes a void between the facesheet, which has sprung back to its flat position and the core which remains crushed after the impact. In the second stage, the 5-6 delamination area is elliptical with the major axis aligned with the +45' direction (Fig.4.20). As the impact velocity increases the 5-6 delamination area increases and additional delaminations start to appear between other plies in the front facesheet. However, the 5-6 delamination always remains as the largest of all the delaminations and, hence, only the 5-6 delamination can be identified in the X-ray photographs. In the third stage, visible surface fiber damage is accompanied by the "caving in" of the front -117- impact front facesheet core back facesheet region of crushed core expands as impact velocity increases Figure 4.19 Core crushing 7-· J -li·L·~·IL~LI~AI· ~c Figure 4.20 X-ray photograph of an impact-damaged panel 118- facesheet, extensive delaminations and matrix cracks throught out thefront facesheet, and significant core crushing (cavity). No damage is observed in the back facesheet for all cases. Due to the lack of precise control of the impact velocity, it is impossible to compare the initiaton of the aforementioned damage stages for the 3 core thicknesses except for stage (iii). Visible surface fiber damage is first observed at 2.79 m/s for the 12.7mm-core panel, 3.15 m/s for the 6.35mm-core panel, and 3.33 m/s for the 3.175mm-core panel. The major axis (Appendix G) of the 5-6 delamination area (delamination length) was measured from the X-ray photographs and plotted against the impact velocity (Fig.4.21). Figure 4.21 shows that the thicker core panels suffer larger 5-6 delamination than the thinner core panels at comparable impact velocities. The figure also shows that the 5-6 delamination length tends to level off at about 40 mm as impact velocity increases beyond 3 m/s. The depth of the region of crushed core provides another measure of impact damage of the panels. Fig.4.22 shows that the thicker core panels suffer more severe core damage than the thinner core panels at comparable velocities. However, it should be pointed out that the result of core crushing shown in Fig.4.22 is not as accurate as that of the delamination length shown in Fig.4.21. It is because the measured depth of crushed core depends on where the panel is sectioned. The maximum depth should be obtained if the panel is sectioned exactly at the major axis of the 5-6 delamination. Practically, it is very difficult to achieve this precise cutting because the 5-6 delamination cannot be seen with naked eyes. -119- Facesheet Damage 50 0 3.175mm-core + + 40 * 6.35mm-core + 12.7mm-core * + + * 0 *3 30 - 20 13 10 a -,. I :66. .I Impact velocity [m/s] Figure 4.21 Delamination length vs. impact velocity -120- Core Damage 0 2 1 3 Impact velocity [m/s] Figure 4.22 Depth of crushed core vs. impact velocity -121- 4 Chapter V Conclusions and Recommendations 5.1 Conclusions 5.1.1 Global Model The goal of the global model is to find the force-time (F-T) history and the acceleration-time (A-T) history at the point of impact. The following conclusions are drawn from the analytical results shown in Chapter IV: 1. Anti-symmetric modes can be neglected in the global analysis when the panel is impacted at the center, due to D16 and D26 - 0. 2. The F-T history is practically converged at 7x7 modes while the A-T history requires a much larger number of modes to get the same degree of convergence. 3. The convergence of the F-T history and the A-T history depends on the contact stiffness: the higher the contact stiffness is, the slower is the convergence. 4. The A-T history is more sensitive to the variation of integration time step than the F-T history. 5. Assuming a linear contact spring, the peak force is linearly proportional to the impact velocity. 6. Thicker core panels experience higher peak force than thinner panels at the same impact velocity. -122- 5.1.2 Local Model The local model is used to find the contact stiffness of the panel and the localized stress and strain fields in the panel due to static indentation loading or impact loading. The following conclusions are drawn from the analytical results shown in Chapter IV: 1. The convergence of the load vs. indentation (F vs. a) curve depends on the value of the radius of the local region, Rp: the larger Rp is, the slower is the convergence. 2. The converged F vs. a curve for different values of Rp are practically the same providing that "plate solution" is recovered at the boundary of the local region. 3. Thicker core panels have lower contact stiffness than thinner core panels. 4. The stress distributions in r show an intense and localized stress field developed near the center of the panel (i.e. the point of impact or the point of indentation). The magnitudes of the stresses decay very rapidly away from the center. 5. The strain and stress distributions in z show that the aforementioned high localized stresses or strains are "diffused" away as they are transmitted through the core. 6. Stresses and strains due to the bending moment correction are negligible compared with those due to the impact or the indentation load. 7. Inertia loading is unimportant for the impact velocity range considered (< 4 m/s). -123- 5.1.3 Experiments The purpose of the static indentation tests is to verify the analytical F vs. a curve obtained by the local model. The impact tests are used to verify the analytical F-T history of the global model. 1. Static indentation test results show that thicker core panels fail at higher load than thinner core panels. 2. The experimental F vs. a curve shows little difference among different core thicknesses. 3. The impact test results show that the front facesheet of thicker core panels fails at lower impact velocity than that of thinner core panels (This may sound contradictory to the first point above, but apparently occurs because at the same impact velocity, the thicker core panel experiences a higher peak load than the thinner core panel.) 4. Damage inspection results shows the 5-6 delamination area ( the only delamination that can be measured from the X-ray photographs) is larger for thicker core panels than for thinner core panels at comparable impact velocities. 5. It is possible to have core damage (core crushing) without visible facesheet damage at low impact velocities (< 2 m/s). 5.1.4 Comparison between Experiments and Analysis 1. The analytical F-T history from the global model remains in good agreement with the experimental F-T history as the impact velocity increases until damage occurs. -124- 2. The thicker core panels show better agreement of the F-T history than the thinner core panels when no significant damage is present (i.e. a smooth half-sinusoidal F-T history). 3. The local model fails to predict well the experimental F vs. a curve because the compressive strength of the Rohacell core is exceeded (core crushing) at very low load levels. 5.2 Recommendations 1. Material non-linearity must be included in the local model to account for the core crushing. 2. A more accurate method, which takes into account the shear property of the facesheets, could be used to calculate the transverse shear property of the panel . 3. Some static indentation tests should be run up to the peak load indicated by the experimental F-T history. The statically damaged panel should then be compared with the dynamically damaged panel to verify that the inertia loading is unimportant for the impact velocity range considered. 4. Different impactor or indentor geometry should be used experimentally to test the validity of the local model. 5. Different layup of the facesheets should be used to test the validity of the axisymmetric assumption in the local model. 6. The modelling of the inertia loading in the local analysis could take into account the variation of the acceleration in the plane of the panel and through the thickness of the panel. -125- References 1. t' Hart, W.G.J., "The Effect of Impact Damage on the TensionCompression Fatigue Properties of Sandwich Panels with Face Sheets of Carbon/Epoxy", National Aerospace Laboratory, Amsterdam (Netherlands), (December 1981). 2. Koller, M.G., "Elastic Impact of Spheres on Sandwich PLates", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP), Vol.37, (March 1986). 3. Van Veggel, L.H., "Impact and Damage Tolerance Properties of CFRP Sandwich Panels - An Experimental Parameter Study for the Fokker 100 CA - EP Flap", New Materials and Fatigue Resistant Aircraft Design, The Proceedings of the 14th Symposium of the ICAF, (June 1987). 4. Bernard, M.L., "Impact Resistance and Damage Tolerance of Composite Sandwich Plates", S.M. Thesis, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, M.I.T., (May 1987). 5. Lie, S.C., "Damage Resistance and Damage Tolerance of Thin Composite Facesheet Honeycomb Panels", S.M. Thesis, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, M.I.T., (March 1989). 6. Cairns, D.S., "Impact and Post-Impact Response of Graphite/Epoxy and Kevlar/Epoxy Structures", Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, M.I.T., (August 1987). 7. Bathe, K.-J., Numerical Methods in Finite Element Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1982). 8. Lekhnitskii, S.G., Theory of Elasticity of an Anisotropic Body, English translation, MIR Publishers, Moscow (1981). -126- 9. Timoshenko, S.P., Goodier, J.N., Theory of Elasticity, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company (1987). 10. Press, W.H., Flannery, B.P., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T., Numerical Recipes - The Art of Scientific Computing, Cambridge University Press (1986). 11. Minquet, P.J., "Buckling of Graphite/Epoxy Sandwich Plates", S.M. Thesis, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, M.I.T., (May 1986). 12. Lagace, P.A., Brewer, J.C. & Varnerin, C.F., Telac Manufacturing Course Notes, Technology Laboratory for Advanced Composites, TELAC Report 88-4, M.I.T., (1988). 13. Tan, T.M. and Sun, C.T., "Use of Statical Indentation Laws for the Impact of Composite Plates", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.52, (March 1985). 14. Dugundji, J., "Simple Expression for Higher Vibration Modes of Uniform Euler Beams", AIAA Journal, Vol.26, No.8 (August 1988). -127- Appendix A Generalized Beam Functions (GBF's) Dugundji [14] derives approximate beam functions for various boundary conditions. Although these GBF's are approximations to the traditional beam functions, the difference between the two becomes neglible when the mode number is bigger than 2. The GBF's has the advantages that they can be written in one single parametric form and that they and their products can be integrated or differentiated analytically. The GBF's are written in the form, 0n(x)= 2 sin(3n x + ) + Ae - where the constants or shape parameters nx + Be-On(1-x) 3n , (A.1) 0, A, and B are given in Table A.1 for some common boundary conditions and x is the normalized coordinate along the beam (O<x<l). For the present analysis, the CL-CL boundary conditions were chosen. The beam functions are sometimes catergorized into two classes: symmetric modes and anti-symmetric modes. When expressed in the form of Eq.A.1, a symmetric mode is symmetric about x = 1/2 while an antisymmetric mode is anti-symmetric about x = 1/2. It can easily be verified that symmetric modes are given by n being odd and anti-symmetric modes by n being even in Table A. 1. -128- Table A.1 Shape parameters for the GBF's boundary condition Pn 0 A B SS-SS nic 0 0 0 CL-FR [n-(1/2)]7 - 7r/4 1 (- 1 )n+1 CL-CL [n+(1/2)]r - x/4 1 (- 1 )n+l FR-FR [n+(1/2)]x 37/4 1 (-1)n+ l SS-CL [n+(1/4)]7 0 0 (, 1 )n+1 SS-FR [n+(1/4)]7r 0 0 (-1 )n -129- Appendix B Elements of the Mass Matrix and the Stiffness Matrix The following equations are rederived after Cairns' work (which contains some typographical mistakes): Stiffness Matrix D K aa(i, ) =iJ igi)( gj) + D 16( figi)ff j + G.(f ig K (i,j)= ab (B.1) +D 16 (f ' gi)( lj) hjl + .(fi gi)( II + D .(fig' f + D 6(fgi i)(f j g ) dxdy : )(hjl D,(f + D 16 (fig )(figi dx dy \( + G45figih K ac(ij ) = (B.2) 'I[ G45(figi)(mj n D 2')(hjl'.) K (i,j)= II+ D + G44(hl +G55(fig im'nj)] dx dy + D 6( hil i h 1'i) + D 66( fJ h'l .) 33J h'iI)(h' j) dx dy .h.1.) (B.4) K b(i,j) = IIG 45(h.l i)(m'.nj) + G Kcc ( i j, ) = (B.3) m n'j ldxdy G J4m in') (m jn'.i n' + G45(min')( SG45(m'.n'.)m. ) \-.AJ in.j) ( j)+ G55(m'ini) +5 -130- (R r% (B5)' J i/ J - / dx dy (B.6) Mass Matrix Ix(ij)= I (figi fgj)dx dy I y(i,j)= IJJ(hil ihjij)dxdy M(i,j) =PJ(m ni.)(m.nj)dxdy (B.7) (B.8) (B.9) where I, P, fi' gi' hi) li, mi, ni are defined in Chapter II (Eq.2.4) and in Appendix I. Generalized Force Vector ai bi ci. 0 0 mi c)nil c) (B.10) where, (c ' Tlic) - normalized coordinates of the point of impact. -131- Appendix C Displacements u and w of the Local Model Before the expressions for u and w are derived, the following relationships are introduced, - 13 (1 +b i) -a 12a-a + a 33ci = a44 ( 1 1a.+a13 d i =0 ( - a12 - b.ial + c a 13 = 0 a (C. c) a. + a 11 + a 12 b i -c .a 44 1 11 1 13 = - 2a 13a. 131 + a 33 d33d i 1 (C.1d) Eq.C.1 can easily be verified by substituting in the expressions for ai , b i , ci , and di from Eq.2.24. The amn's refer to the appropriate component, i, of the sandwich panel. u is obtained as follows: u.(r,z.) = re 00 i = ra12C rri + a 11%00i + a 13 Zz). 12rn a 12 =rz I2.a 11 (b b Ji,rr+ S- r 1 i,r +ai. . ai izz 1 i ,rr c. + a13 Ci i,rr r i,r+d izz (C.2) Using and, U (r ,z i ) = (- a12b i - a 11 + Alternatively, -132- c ia 13) 0 i,rz (C.3) ui(r,z i ) = f = .dr + g(z) a J---(a zzi)dr rr i + a 12 G00 i + al3c 1 + g(z) b. - all a -a = J ir. (b. 12 1 + a4i. izz r . ,rr O + ir a C.o izz dr+ g(z) c Sa (c i i,rr + d i. izz +r r + g(z) = (- 1all - bia12 + c ia13)i,rz 11 1 12 13 irz (C.4) Comparing Eq.C.3 and Eq.C.4 gives, g(z) - 0 (C.5) Hence, u.(r,z.) = (- a 1 1 -b.a 12 + cia 13 )0 i,rz (C.6) w is obtained as follows: +gi(r) w.i(r,zi)== Je ZZ .dz. 1 = J(a1(~r. +a0) a 33 +a a .z)dz.+g.(r) (13+bi) ( i ,rr aI- a a 33 i i,rr + Ir i + 2a.i]o]. dz i +gi(r) + Oi,r+ di r iZZ 1 (C.7) Using, w.(r,z.)= 44( a +rr. 1 i,r )+ (w1~ z)= 44 ¢i,rr 2a 13 a.i +a 33 di) i,zz + gi(r) (C.8) -133- Alternatively, wi(r,zi) =w.i,rdr+ gi(z i ) ( uiu. = J i dr + gi(z i ) Yrz rzi - z Ui r +g(zi = a44 zi- au a 44 447 f- z b. irr + +a (- 11 1 ( + a. i ,zz dr +i(zi -b.a +c.a13) 1 1 13 1 12 + b ia 12 ) r i ,zz r-O i, r a 44(o i,rr +(all + i,r ) ci a 13 ) o i ,z z i(i) (C.9) Using Eq.C.ld, a(1 w.(r,z.)= wi a o J44 ,rr + ri J +(- 2a ial3 + d ia 33) i ,zz + gi(i) (C.10) Comparing Eq.C.8 and Eq.C.10 gives, gi(r)= gi(zi ) = Ki (C.11) where Ki is a constant. Hence, w(rz)=a( S44= ,rr 1.)+,ri r + (-2a 13 a.+ad.) 4.1,zz +K. 1 i 33 (C.12) Since we are only interested in the indentation of the panel, which is the relative displacement between the top and the bottom surfaces of the panel, Ki can be discarded. -134- Appendix D Bending Moment Correction The global model can be used to calculate the bending moment at the boundary of the local region. The same energy method as that described in Section 2.2 is used to find the governing equation for a point load applied at the center of the panel. The equation can be written as, K aa K• K ab K K ac K ab bb T T ac be Rai A T i B R bc bi C Rci ( cc i which is the same as Eq.2.9 without the "acceleration term" because Eq.D.1 is a static load case. Hence, the modal amplitudes are given by, .. A. B K C1 .. K K aa T ab KT Sac K ..- ab bb KT bc K K -1 -1]R ac R bc ai bi R K (ci (D~lb) CC Once the modal amplitudes are found, Kx , Ky, and Kxy can be calculated as functions of x and y using Eq.2.1a and Eq.2.7. The bending moments in polar coordinates are found by first obtaining Mx , My, and Mxy in rectangular coordinates, and then rotating to get Mrr, M6o, and MrO , Mx M Mxy = 11 D12 12 D22 16 D26 K D16 D26 D66 Kxy - -135- x (D.2a) Mrr [ cos 20 M ore = sin 2 sin 2o - cos 6 sin 0 2cos sin0 -2cos0sin cos 0 sin cos 20 - sin 2 0 Mx My Mxy (D.2b) Mrr is calculated at 0 = 00, 100, ... , 360' and then the average is used as the bending moment correction. -136- Appendix E Inertia Loading The equations of equilibrium for the local model are [8] (the subscript "i" in Section 2.3 is omitted in the present discussion), ayrr + rZ +r rz rr - + O00 rrr ZZ rz z r ( ( The stress components given by Eq.2.26 satisfy while Eq.E.1b gives rise to the governing equation of the problem (Eq.2.24a). If inertia loading is included as a body force. Eq.E.1b becomes, rz Dr + zz rz z r (E.2a) where, y = pw (E.2b) Correspondingly, azz is given by, S -z zz c a- + ar 2 r ar +d +z az2 J (E.2c) so that the stress components still satisfy while Eq.E.2a leads to Eq.2.24a as before. As a result of the above change in ozz, the displacements u and w will be different. The following derivation of u and w, which includes the inertia loading, should be compared with that in Appendix C. -137- u is obtained as follows: u.i(r,z i)= re0 i = (a12 rri a 1100i + a13a 13 11 Oi rn i) zzi b a12 (i,rr+ =r 1a 1(b iO azi + a 13 ( i + a.i i ,zz r 1+i,r ,r+a ai) i,rr T r +di irr 1,T r 1 + i,zz 13 i z 1,Z (E.3a) Using and, u.i(r,zi = (- a 12 b -a 11 +cia 13 ) i rz +ra13iz ) (E.3b) Alternatively, u.i(r,z i ) = rri dr + g(z) = I(all rri + a12 G00i { -a 13 b.zz zzi) dr + g(z) b irr + 11 + a i i.zz) r - a 12(b -- Dz.i +a Ci + a13 = (- all - b ia 12 + i,rr + 1,ir T C 1i,rr r C ia 13 ) + aii z i i1,izz) +yzi a 131 dr+ g(z) ir IZz) i +ry.z.a + g(z) (E.3c) Comparing Eq.E.3b and Eq.E.3c gives, g(z) = 0 (E.3d) Hence, -138- ui(r,zi) = (- a 12b i - a 11+ c ia 13) 0 i,rz + ra l3i.z. 13 1 1 (E.3e) w is obtained as follows: w.i(r,zi) = E .dz. + g.(r) =f zzi)dz i + gi( r) + a 33 ri + = (a 13( ia a13[(1 ++bi)( a33[c r i,rr O i,r) + 2ai4 i,zz. + a33y.iz.dzi + gi(r) c. +dio i io i,rr zz] (E.4a) Using, 2 a wi(r,zi)= a 4 i, rI0,r)+ (- + 2a 13a 13 i1 + a 33 d.) 0 i,zz a 33Yi 2 z + gi(r) (E.4b) Alternatively, w.(r,zi)= Jw i,rdr + gi ( z i) u.i) 7 =i rzi = z1 a 4 4 7rzi - jdr +g.(z.) i auir - .- a ,r + a i. i,z -bia2 1 ) +gi(z1 · + a44 -aIrr r = 1 + cia 13) z) rz -i - ry .a =a440 i,rr ) i,rz dr + gi(zi 1+ . +--- +a.i. i ,zz ,r r 2 y.a 13 + (all+ bi a 12 - ci a 13 ) -139- ,z - 2 + g(z. ) (E.4c) Using Eq.C.ld, w.(r,z i ) =a44 , r + (- 2ai + r2y.a 1 13 ri ,r a 13 + di a 2 33) S1 I ) Oi,zz +gi(z (E.4d) Comparing Eq.E.4b and Eq.E.4d gives, 2 gi(r)=- 2 (E.4e) gi(r)=- y.iz2r2 a - 1 33 )1 (E.4d) Hence, (z) = + a 33 di) i,zz + rOi, r + (- 2a 13a. 13 1 ( + 2 - a z2 33 i a1 r2 -140- 13 (E.4e) Appendix F Impulsive Force on a Rigid Wall Consider a ball of mass m hitting a semi-infinite wall with velocity V 0 . The contact stiffness of the wall is modelled by a contact spring with a spring constant k as shown in Fig.F.1. The equation of motion of the ball is, mil = - F (F.1) where u is the displacement of the ball, and F is the contact force between the ball and the wall. Assuming a linear contact spring, the constitutive equation of the spring is given by, F = ku (F.2) Combining Eq. F.1 and Eq. F.2 gives, mii + ku = 0 (F.3) The solution of Eq. F.3 is of the form, u = A sinot + Bcos ot (F.4) where (2 = m At t=0, u=0 =: B=0 V iu=V V A= 0 -141- o0 0 (F.5) Hence, V U = 0 sin cot (F.6) (F.6) kmV 0 sin cot (F.7) F =ku = Using the values (same as those used for the parametric study in Section 4.1), k = 0.5 MNm m = 1.543 kg -1 VVo=3m =3ms - 1 (F.8) F = 2627 .4 sin 570.9 t (F.9) gives, The F-T history given by Eq.F.9 is included in Fig.4.3a. It should also be noted that for this linear model, the force developed, F, and the impact duration, Tp, can be expressed as, F= 2kE Tp c0 - b sin ct t (F.7a) /m k (F.10) where Eb is the kinetic energy of the ball, mV 0 2 / 2. Also, if the wall is nonrigid, i.e. replaced by an appropriate spring-mass system, the maximum force developed decreases and the pulse duration increases, as shown in Fig.4.3a. -142- m rigid wall Figure F.1 Impact on a rigid wall -143- Appendix G Interpretation of the X-ray Photograph of an Impact-Damaged Panel A typical X-ray photograph of a damaged panel shows three regions of interest (Fig.G.1): (i) a black patch at the point of impact; (ii) a peanut shaped light coloured region; and (iii) a dark coloured elliptical boundary surrounding region (ii). Examination of the cross-sections of the damaged panels identifies these 3 regions as: (i) fiber damage and matrix cracks; (ii) "large" delaminations which appear as highly visible gaps between the 5th and the 6th plies; and (iii) "small" delaminations which appear as barely visible slits between the 5th and the 6th plies. At high impact velocity when significant damage occurs in the front facesheet, a large black patch may appear at the point of impact. Sometimes this black patch is so big that it overshadows the delamination region (Fig.G.2). This is because large amount of dye was absorbed by the core. The difference in contrast between region (ii) and region (iii) is caused by the capillary action which sucks the opaque dye from region (ii) to region (iii). The major axis (delam. length in Fig.4.21) is measured as the distance between the end points of region (iii). -144- )n (ii) region (iii) 0001 "large" delamina B B B• "I delamination 7. ,i -,~ cvl i! i i 1. -- 1 ..... - ·. ,~-·i~.·I- Figure G.1 ;·`· ,. J ·· 9;s~s!r,:..-:. LLI-~~uu~o~arl, -- 4rr. (r LI II ,ij r, X-ray photograph of a typical impact-damaged panel -145- .7 Figure G.2 X-ray photograph of an impact-damaged panel with extensive facesheet damage -146-