Early British Literature Outside Class Assignment 2007

Early British Literature
Outside Class Assignment
The following is a list of topics related to our studies this trimester. Choose a topic that
interests you and (working alone or with one other person), create a power point
presentation. You will present the last week of class. Sign up early as only one person or
group will be allowed per topic. The requirements are on the attached rubric.
_________________1. “Lord of the Rings” (medieval history and literature connections)
_________________2. “The Book of Sir Tristram of Lyoness” (Arthurian connections)
_________________3. Robin Hood (legend and historical background)
_________________4. Mary Stewart Arthurian novels (The Crystal Cave, The Hollow
Hills”, The Last Enchantment”, The Wicked Day”.
_________________5. The Poem of the Cid (Arthurian connections)
_________________6. The Song of Roland (Arthurian connection)
_________________7. The Once and Future King (Arthur retelling)
_________________8. Old English Poetry
_________________9. Knighthood
_________________10. Feudal System
_________________11. Medieval Castles
_________________12. Medieval Warfare
_________________13. Medieval Art (Giotto and Caravaggio)
_________________14. Medieval Music I (1100-1300)
_________________15. Medieval/Renaissance Music (1400-1600)
_________________16. Arthurian Games (role playing or video)
_________________17. Perceval by Chretien de Troyes
_________________18. Launcelot: Knight of the Cart” By Chretien de Trotes
_________________19. Architecture I (Stonehenge and Stone Age monuments)
_________________20. Architecture II (Celtic and Roman Britain)
_________________21. Architecture III (Gothic)
_________________22. Battle of Hastings 1066
_________________23. Holy Grail in myth and reality
_________________24. “The Waste Land” by T. S. Elliot (Arthurian connections)
_________________25. Parzival By Eschenbach
_________________26. That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis (Arthurian Connection)
_________________27. Any contemporary retelling of Arthurian story.
_________________28. War in Heaven by Charles Williams (Grail novel)
_________________29. Pagan and Christian roots of Grail story
_________________30. Medieval women
_________________31. Medieval women in literature
_________________32. Courtly Romance
_________________33. Medieval Church Corruption
_________________34. Black Death and other diseases
_________________35. Medieval Medicine
_________________36. Crusades
_________________37. Celtic Art
_________________38. Celtic Music
_________________39. Alfred the Great
_________________40. Medieval Cathedrals
_________________41. Geoffrey Chaucer
_________________42. William the Conqueror
_________________43. Thousand and One Knights (Arabic narrative literature)
_________________44. King Arthur in Film (“King Arthur”, Tristan and Isolde”,
“Excalibur”, “First Knight”)
_________________45. Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code (Grail connection)
_________________46. Holy Grail and the Catholic Church
_________________47. Sutton Hoo—An Anglo-Saxon cemetery in Suffolk UK
_________________49. Beowulf in film