PRECAMBRIAN GEOLOGYOF THE PICURIS RANGE, NORTH-CENTRAL, NEW MEXICO BY PAUL WINSTON BAUER B.S., M.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1978 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 1983 DISSERTATION Submitted in Partial Fulfillmentof the Requirements €or the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Geology The New Mexico Institute of Mining Technology and Socorro, New Hexico December, 1987 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank my committee members Dr. JamesRobertsm, M. Dr. JonathanF. Callender, Dr. Jeffrey A. Grambling, .:D Christopher K. Mawer, andDr. Kent C. Condie for all aspects of their assistance and guidance. I am particularly grateful to Michael L. Williams for his encouragement, interest, and friendship during the past four years. Other individuals whose contributions were sincerely appreciated are Dr. Rod Holcombe, Dr. Ron Vernon, Dr. Tim Bell, Dr. an'3 Sam Bowring. For assistance in the field I thank Roge- Smith, Dave Plummer, Jim Walker, and Rick Lozinsky. I gratefully by the (Frank New acknowledge Mexico Rottlowski, Bureau the of Director), financial Mines and National support pmvided Mineral Science Resources Foundation Grant EAR 8018506 (to J.F. Callender), the Geological Society Xi, and of America, the Finally, Resnick, for the University special her New of thanks support Mexico New to Geological Society, Sigma Mexico. my wife throughout work. this and best friend Joan ABSTRACT The Picuris extensive Range exposures in of north-central Early New Proterozoic Mexico contains metamorphosed supracrustal and plutonic rocks. The supracrustal roc'cs can be divided into Group, exposed schist at range; and three in Pilar, the lithostratigraphic groups: southern the the part restricted to the Ortega Group, of northern exposed part in the the range; of Vadito the felsic th?- central part the range. Four distinct granitic plutons, which rang?- in age from1680 Ma to1450 Ma, Picuris crop out in southernmxt the Range. The Vadito Group aisstratiqraphically complex, heterogeneous sequence of volcanic, volcaniclastic, an83 clastic sedimentary rocks. In the southwestern Picuris Range, where consists of rocks three are best exposed, lithostratigraphic the units Vadito Group (from tonorth south: the Marquenas Quartzite, the Vadito schist, and the Vadito amphibolite) that may be separated by bedding- parallel ductile faults and/or unconfomities. Granitic plutons which amphibolite) The intrude nowhere felsic Vadito intrude schist at schist the Pilar (and Marquenas perhaps Vadito Quartzite. consists of homogeneous, feldspathic, quartz-muscovite quartz-eye schist that probably represents metamorphosed, altered, phenocrystic felsic volcanic rocks. No plutons intrude the felsic of iii or may not be equivalent to some schist. These rocks may part of The the Ortega continuous, (Ortega Vadito Group. Group aistransgressive, stratigraphically metamorphosed Quartzite), sequence of basal interlayered quartz quartzites areyite and pelitic schists (Rinconada Formation), black phyllites (Pilar Phyllite), and laminated phyllites and schists (Piedra Lumbre Formation) accumulated in a shallow that marine setting. Nowhere are Ortega Group rocks cut by pluton:. Although it is lithostratigraphic the felsic unknown groups schist at how are these related, Pilar occupy three the Vadito similar Grou? and structural positions below the Ortega Group. The south-dipping boundary between Ortega a near-bedding-parallel, Group and ductile overlying reverse Vadito fault that Grolp is co?tains recrystallized quartz-rich mylonites. The south-dipping boundary Pilar between Ortega and isa bedding-parallel, underlying ductile felsic shear zone schist at that contains pristine quartz mylonites. Kinematic indicators suggest that Ortega Supracrustal deformational moved rocks history southward have that over the felsic undergone a progressive resulted in the formation three major generations of penetrative structures. All three supracrustal rock schist. groups contain a bedding-parallel schistosity (S1) that is the earliest tectonite fabric recognized. A south-dipping extension lineation(L1) of iv commonly accompaniesSI. The Ortega Quartzite contains other Dl structures indicative of localized, beddingparallel simple shear strain. These shear structures formed throughout much Crustal folds in the of the shortening Ortega ductile deformation during D2 generated Group (Hondo history. major syncline tight and Copper Hill anticline) and moderate folding in the Vadito Group. The synclineis the Hondo dominant structure in the mountain range. Most F2 folds are tight to isoclinal, plunge shallowly westward, and are overturned to the north. Nearbedding-parallel, steeply south-dipping faults and local large-scale imbrication of Ortega Quartzite accompaniei D2. D3 is characterized by an intense, pervasive, easttrending schistosityor spaced the rocks. S2*, which transectsF2 folds in the Ortega Gr83up, late in the cleavage in folding most Ortega that formed dominant the Group) probably is cleavage( S 2 * in schistose history. Dl, D2, and D3 structures developed conditiox with of approximately coaxial principal strain axes. Througholt the deformation for history strain heterogeneous on all The preferredstratigraphic/kinematic/tectonic model the Proterozoic evolution Picuris Range calls for: only was part of the rocks exposed in the 1) Vadito Group rocks (or pe-haps Vadito Group) setting sometime prior to rifting of early crust this of scales. formed 17002)Ma; at inoran arc back-arc around resulted in 1700 Ma, voluminous felsic V volcanism (felsic schist at Pilar) and plutonism, followed by: 3) crustal stabilization and subsequent accumulation of Ortega 4) Group rocks extended were sediments on some type buried 12-15 to km depth orogenic event, due of and perhaps continental subjected to margin; to an convergence an3 collision from the south. During Dl, shear is concentrated between the overriding, mechanically stiff Ortega Quartzite and incompetent felsic schists.As shortening progresses, north-directed shear moves Vadito Group rocks northwarl over the Ortega Group. As shortening continues, strain evolves from shear-dominated nucleation to andgrowth of more major homogeneous folds in bulk the shortening Ortega by and Vadito groups. As folding evolves,a well-developed, slightly Late, highly oblique foliation south-directed tectonized develops shearing Ortega occurs over earlier along Quartzite-felsic the structures. already schist boundary. This model of Proterozoic shearing, folding, and faulting histories and Rio histories belts. in the Picuris recently Mora proposed area), described Range and is in a number for is nearby also of similar to uplifts similar to Phanerozoic Proterozoic (Tusas geologic orogenic Range TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................... ABSTRACT .............................................. TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................... LIST OF FIGURES ....................................... LIST OF TABLES ........................................ CHAPTER 1 . INTRODUCTION ................................ Purpose and Scope .................................. Wethods ............................................ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii iii vi xiv xix 1 1 4 Access. Physiography. Physical Features. ................................... 6 Previous Work...................................... 7 CHAPTER 2 . GENERAL GEOMGY ............................. 13 Regional Geologic Setting ........................... 13 Local Geologic Setting ............................. 17 General....................................... 17 Phanerozoic Rocks .............................. 17 General.................................. 17 Paleozoic Rocks ........................... 19 Del Padre sandstone ..................19 Cenozoic Deposits ......................... 20 Picuris Tuff ......................... 20 Tesuque Formation .................... 20 Ancha Formation ...................... 22 alluvium ............................. 22 and Map Area vii .............................. 23 General ................................... 23 Basic Precambrian Stratigraphy and Structure ........23 CHAPTER 3 . PRECAMBRIAN STRATIGRAPHY.................... 26 General Statement.................................. 26 Vadito Group....................................... 30 General field relations and previous ..... work30 Precambrian Rocks ..................... 31 General ................................... 31 Schist.................................... 32 Amphibolite ............................... 32 Marquenas Quartzite Formation .............33 Southwestern Picuris Other quartzite Range and ..........34 conglomerate ............................ 34 Calc-silicates............................ 35 Southeastern Picuris Range ..................... 35 General .................................. 35 Quartzites and conglomerates ..............36 Amphibolite and biotite schist ............37 Felsic schist ............................. 37 Porphyroblastic schist below Ortega .......39 Andalusite schist ......................... 39 Felsic Schist at .............................. Pilar 40 General........................................ 40 Felsic schists Northwestern General Picuris Range (Pilar ...... cliffs)41 ................................... 41 viii Quartz-muscovite Northeastern Picuris ...................41 schist ..................... Range 43 ................................... 43 Quartz-muscovite schist ...................43 Eastern blockof the Picuris Range .............44 General ................................... 44 U.S. Hill ................................. 44 Comales compground ........................ 45 General Depositional schist environments at Stratigraphic Pilar of and the the felsic ......Group 46 Vadito Positionof Marquenas ................................ Group....................................... Quartzite Ortega General .............................. Statement .................... General................................... Lower quartzite ........................... Upper quartzite ........................... Rinconada Formation........................... General................................... R1/R2 member .............................. R3 member ................................. R4 member ................................. R5 member ................................. R6 member ................................. Pilar Phyllite Formation ...................... Ortega Quartzite Formation 47 49 49 51 51 54 54 55 55 56 57 58 58 59 60 ix ....................... 61 Sedimentology of the Ortega Group ..............63 Plutonic Rocks..................................... 65 General ........................................ 65 The Granite of Alamo Canyon .................... 65 Piedra The Lumbre Formation Granite of Picuris .................... Peak 67 .......................... 67 Puntiagudo Granite Porphyry ................... 68 Rana Quartz Monzonite ......................... 68 Penasco Quartz Monzonite ...................... 69 Pegmatites .................................... 70 Cerro Alto Metadacite ..................71 CHAPTER 4 . GEOCHRONOLOGY ............................... 76 Introduction........................................ 76 Previous Work ....................................... 78 Discussion.......................................... 80 CHAPTER 5 . GEOMETRICAL FABRIC ELEMENTS ..................82 Introduction ....................................... 82 Summary of General Field Relations .......................... 83 First Generationof Structures. Dl ..................83 Second Generationof Structures. D2 .................89 Third Generationof Structures. D3 ..................91 Later Generations of Structures..................... 93 CHAPTER 6 . METAMORPHISM................................. 97 Introduction and previous ...................... work 97 Metamorphic Mineral Assemblages ..................... 100 Compositional layering. SO X ..................... 100 General .................................. 100 Kyanite .................................. 100 Andalusite ............................... 103 Sillimanite .............................. 104 Discussion ............................... 107 Other Minerals ................................. 109 General .................................. 109 Biotite .................................. 109 111 Garnet ................................... Staurolite ............................... 115 Chloritoid ............................... 126 Cordierite ............................... 126 Other minerals ................................ 127 summary .................................. 128 128 Garnet-Biotite Thermobaromet ry ...................... CHAPTER 7. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND SYNTHESIS .............133 Introduction ....................................... 133 General statement .............................. 133 Methods ....................................... 136 Geometries of Domains .............................. 13a Introduction ................................... 138 Ortega Group ................................... 139 Relict sedimentary structures .............139 First generation of structures. Dl ........139 Second generation of structures. D2.......149 Aluminum Silicate Minerals xi D3 157 ........ Fourth generation of structures. D4 161 ....... Porphyroblast microstructures .............161 summary.................................. 167 Vadito Group ................................... 168 General................................... 168 Relict sedimentary structures .............168 Third generation of structures. First generationsof structures. .......169 Dl ....... D2 171 Third generation of structures. D3 173 ........ Fourth generation of structures. D4 174 ....... ...................174 Southern granitic rocks Second generation Porphyroblast of structures. .............175 microstructures ............................... 177 Felsic Schist at ......................... Pilar 178 General................................... 178 First generation of structures. Dl 179 ........ Discussion Second generation of D2 183 ....... structures. ................................ Eastern Block .................................. General ................................... Discussion Deformational fabrics Alamo Canyon Deformational Pueblo Deformational in the Granite ......................... fabrics in the ........................ in the 184 184 of 185 Rio Schist fabrics 183 Ortega 185 xii ........................... 186 Summary ........................................ 186 Contacts Between Lithostratigraphic Domains .........190 Southern contact ............................... 190 Northern contact ............................... 193 Picuris-Pecos fault ............................ 194 Discussion..................................... 196 Structural Synthesis ................................ 196 Stratigraphic and Structural Constraints .......196 Possible Models ................................ 200 Quartzite ..................................... 211 CHAPTER 8 . PRECAMBRIAN TECTONIC EVOLUTION ...............214 Introduction........................................ 214 Depositional Environments ........................... 215 Vadito Group ................................... 215 Felsic Schist at ......................... Pilar 218 Discussion ................................... 219 Discussion.......................................... 220 Constraints on Tectonic Settings ...............220 Possible Tectonic Settings ..................... 221 Vadito Group .............................. 221 Felsic Schist at .................... Pilar 225 Ortega Group .............................. 226 Precambrian Tectonic Evolution .................227 CHAPTER 9 . CONCLUSIONS ANDSUMMARY ...................... 230 Ortega Group xiii APPENDICES .............................................. Appendix 1. Samples Picuris for geochronology in the ............................ Range...... Plutonic Rocks............................. Granite of Granite of Cerro Alto Alamo .............. Canyon Picuris Peak.............. ...... Metadacite.......... Metavolcanic rocks........................ Vadito quartz-eye schist, southern picuris Felsic ................... Pilar cliffs.. ........ Range Schist, Rio Pueblo Schist, Comales ...................... campground Metasedimentary rocks..................... Marquenas quartzite cobbles.......... R6 schist, southern Picuris Range.... Appendix 2. Garnet-biotite thermometry and microprobe data................................ REFERENCES CITED ........................................ LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1 Location map 1.2 History of stratigraphic Precambrian 2.1 Regional of Picuris rocks tectonic in Range. 5 nomenclature the map of the Picurie northern €or 9 Range. Rio Grande 2.2 Mexico. lar. at rift. Generalized map showing Precambrian rocks of Newnorth-central 16 2.3 Photomicrograph of Del Padre Sandstone Formation. 21 2.4 Generalized geologic map of the Picuris Range. 24 3.1 Photograph of Vadito Group feldspathic schist. 3.2 a. Photograph and photomicrograph of quartz-eye 38 schistfelsic 3.3 Generalized stratigraphic column of the Ortega Group. 3.4 52 Summary cross-section of stratigraphy in Range. 3.5 Chart 72 of stratigraphic relations in Range. Ortega Picuris the Picuris 75 4.1 Summary of geochronology in the Picuris Range. 77 5.1 Photographs the of primary sedimentary structures in s. e. xv 5.2 Photograph of transposed layering in Piedra Lumbre schist. 5.3 85 Photomicrograph ofS1 foliation in felsic schist Pilar. 5.4 87 Photograph of down-dip L1 extension lineation in OrtegaQuartzite,northwesternPicurisRange. 5.5 Photomicrographs of F2 folds in Ortega 88 Group schists. 5.6 90 Photomicrograph ofS 2 * crenulating earlier cleavage. 5.7 Photographs 92 of third generation lineations Ortega 5.8 Group in Photograph and photomicrograph S3 of crenulations Ortega Photomicrograph of kyanite blades with undulatory 102 Photomicrograph of fibrolitic sillimanite aggregates in 6.3 Common 106 metamorphic mineral assemblages in Group. the Ortega 110 6.4 Photomicrographs of pre-S2* 6.5 Photomicrograph of garnet biotite porphyroblasts. 112 containing differently orientedinclusiontrailsincoreandrim. 6.6 Photomicrograph of garnet growth. in 95 extinction. 6.2 the Group. 94 Ortega 6.1 at with symmetrical 114 secondary 116 m i 6.7 Photomicrograph of sector zoned staurolite with anhedral rim. and euhedral core 118 6.8 Photomicrograph of staurolite after chloritoid. 6.9 Photomicrograph of staurolite 119 porphyroblast with growth. secondary symmetrical 121 6.10 Photomicrograph of llmillipedefl microstructure porphyroblast. staurolite 123 6.11 Photomicrograph of staurolite and garnet with concentric inclusion quartz shells. 6.12 Photomicrograph 124 of staurolite that preserves spaczd cleavage. 6.13 Summary in 125 of elements timing and relationships porphyroblast between growth in fabric the Ortega Group. 129 6.14 Microprobe profiles across garnet and staurolite. 132 7.1 Generalized geologic map of the Picuris Range. 7.2 Contoured stereographic projections of So and L1 for Group zite. Ortega 134 Ortega 7.3 141 Photograph of quartz-vein-rich shear zone in Orteqa Quartzite. 7.4 Photograph of sheath fold in Ortega Quartzite shear 7.5 zone. 144 Photograph of small shears in basal Ortega Quartzite. 7.6 143 145 Photomicrograph of recrystallized quartz mylonite from 147 xvii 7.7 from Photomicrograph of pristine quartz ribbon mylonite 7.8 R3. 148 Block-diagram sketch of Rondo syncline showing competent Ortega Quartzite and disharmonic folds schists. 7.9 151 Contoured stereographic projection and fold sketcl 153 of Soil and L2* relationships in the Ortega Grou?. 7.10 Sketch cross-section through Copper Hill 7.11 Sketch cross-section showing imbrication antidin?. 154 of ortegs Quartzite northwestern in area. map 7.12 Sketch, of limbs 156 photograph, and stereogram of transec'ing S2* F2 folds. 7.13 Photograph of small 158 near-bedding-parallel orD2D. shear Piedra zone inLumbre schist. 162 7.14 Photomicrographs of zoned containing two staurolite different Si porphyroblast orientations and Group lar. projections of modal Soil and S2 170 and photomicrograph of cordierite in of sheared quartz-eye in schist 7.18 Summary schist 176 7.17 Photomicrograph at 166 in Vadito 7.16 Photograph Vadito core rim. 7.15 Stereographic rocks. in felsic 181 of structural fabrics in the Vadito Group, and felsic schist at Pilar. Ortega Group, 188 in xviii 7.19 Synoptic stereographic projections of fabric Picuris 189 Range. theelements in 7.20 Photographof sheared, asymmetric clast in mylonitic MarquenasQuartziteatOrtega-Vaditocontact.191 7.21 Photomicrographs of mylonitic rocks from the Vadito contact in the southern Picuris Range. 7.22 Photographs Quartzite of and mylonitized felsic schist contact at 192 between Pilar Picuris Orte-Ja- in ortega the northzrn Range. 7.23Sketch of stratigraphic/kinematicmodelal. 204 7.24 Sketch of stratigraphic/kinematic model a2. 206 7.25 Sketch of stratigraphic/kinematic model b. 7.26 Sketch 8.1 of stratigraphic/kinematic model 208 d. 210 Generalized geologic map of Precambrian-cored uplifts north-central in New Mexico. 223 LIST OF TABLES 6.1 Garnet-biotite geothermometry f o r four samples from the northern Picuris Range.... .................1 3 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1. Purpose and Scope A n important the nature and problem timing in of Precambrian the geology formation, involves growth, and deformation of continental crust. The recent literature contains numerous successfully examples reconstructed of the geologic studies Precambrian that crustal have evolution of an area (Hoffman and Bowring, 1984; Green et al.,1985; McLelland and Isachsen,1985; Rivers, 1983). well-documented studies multi-faceted, consisting of detailed witha variety of related conjunction that have Most of the examined this lithologic topic are mapping in studies includin~~: U-Pb zircon geochronology, structural geology, geochemistry, metamorphic analysis, and geophysics. The early Proterozoic history of the southwestern U.S. has been the focus of much recent research. Regional isotopic studies (Nelson and DePaolo, 1985; Silver and 1981; Silver, 1984; others, 1977; Van Schmus and Bickford, Stacey and Hedlund,1983; Gresens, 1975) and geochemical terrane mapping (Condie,1978a, 1978b, 1982, 1984, 1985) provide the framework for more detailed investigations the stratigraphy, sedimentology, petrology, structure, and metamorphism of rocks within smaller areas. In New Mexico, into 2 this more detailed, concentrated in mapping-based the Picuris, ranges of northern New lithostratigraphic rock stratigraphic Although eachof these reconnaissance Tusas, Mexico, areas manner and where packages reconstructions research had Truchas-Rio both Mcra local inter-range been by 1960, many been distinctive allow and has correlations. mapped basic in at a least questions concerning Precambrian geologic history, environments, and processes The Taos in remain unanswered. Picuris Range, north-central development of ideas located New about 20 km southwest of Mexico, concerning has been Precambrian important geology in the in the of northern New Mexico. Several studies have addressed the problems Picuris of the Range, stratigraphy including and structural mapping of the entire evolution range (Montgomery, 1953), structural analysisof the southwestern portion of the range (Nielsen, 1972), and a stratigraphic/structural study of a small tract in Copper Hill area (Holcombe and Callender, 1982). and Callender’s structural previous investigation of stratigraphic relationships published not large enough age relationships in this interpretations, to and resolve the small but critical detailed Holcmbe and area the the disagreed study relations structural with area nor was to history entire Picuris Range. The unresolved questions raised by Holcombe and Callender concerning stratigraphic relations define of the 3 and deformational rocks provided A major much tenet difficulties history of of the of these the in nearby motivation present resulted and study part from for was Precambrian the that present study. earlier unrecognized struct.ura1 complexities within the previous areas of study. To resolve these questions, stratigraphy; deformation; relative The the Range geologic style of timing absolute timing of and objectives geometry to forces of thoroughly history, paying have the and primary and and topics significance events; present following nature and metamorphic the of early the various this Proterozoic characterize special addressed: episodes various of fa5rics; deformational responsible of been for and tectonism. study were to determine strata the attention in the Picuris Precambrian to Precambrian deformational events and environments. The secondary objectives have been kinematics towards to apply understanding this the knowledge dynamics of geometry (physical forces) involved in tectonism, and finally, to attempt to fit the Precambrian geologic history of the Picuris Range into a regional framework within northern New Mexico. These objectives were structural analysis of collection of samples Pb geochronology, zircon Proterozoic pursued rock rocks in by detailed much of for and other by geologic the Picuris mapping Range, petrographic examination nearby and with analysis a?d Uof localities. appropriate and 4 Methods This at dissertation scales is based on of 1:6,000 and 1:12,000 of detailed geologic rapping about165 sq lcm ( 6 5 sq mi) of the Picuris Range, and laboratory analysis of structural Mapping minute data was and done rock on topographic samples collected enlarged U. S. Geological maps of the in the field. Survey7.5 Carson,SW,Taos Ranchos de Taos, Trampas, Penasco, and Tres Ritos quadrangles in Taos County (Fig. 1.1) Field 1986. . work was mainly during the summers 1982- of More than400 oriented and unoriented rock samples were collected, were recorded and at Laboratory and done New structural stratigraphic data about 600 station locations. study Mexico and/or at Institute both the of Mining University and of New Technology Mexico included the following:(1) geometrical analysisof fabric elemmts recorded both in the field and from oriented laborator7 specimens using stereographic projection; (2) compilation of structural maps showing the distribution and variation of attitudes of fabric elements;( 3 ) petrographic examination of about300 thin relationships sections, between with fabric emphasis development on and timing porphyroblast growth; and ( 4 ) selected electron microprobe analysis 4 of garnet-bearing samples. Furthermore, 12 rock samples were selected for U-Pb zircon geochronologic study. Rocks were 6 crushed, ground, and concentrated in facilities of New thc Mexico Bureauof Mines and Mineral Resources and the University of New Mexico. Zircon separates are being analyzed by Dr.S. A. Bowring of Washington University in st. Louis. Access, Physiography, Physical Features, and Map Area Several towns are located around the flanks thor of Picuris Range. These towns are linked by three highways that forma triangle around the mountains (Fig. 1.1). Numerous graded parts of the A Forest and ungraded mountainous Service road area from dirt roads enclosed Vadito provide by to access these paved Picuris Peak to roads. provides excellent access to the southeastern Picuris Range. Another Forest Warm Service Springs A primitive from N.M. 7 5 just west of road provides road access from U.S. 68 to into the Penasco central Hondo to Picuris Canyon Ra?ge. provid'2s access to the northern Picuris Range. Several private roads from U.S. 68 provide access to the northeastern Picuris Range. Also, many unimproved dirt roads off N.M. 7 5 provide access to southwestern the Harding Picuris Pegmatite between the area in the Range. Relief of about 1470 m (4800 ft) occurs Mine within high 3292 of m (10,801 ft) the at range Picuris 7 Peak to1230 m (6000 ft) in the westernmost exposures of Precambrian rock near the town of Dixon. The mountains are rugged, with deep, steep-walled canyons separated by sharp ridges. In general, the range rises to the east towards Picuris series Range Peak, of it drops north-trending from the Physiography by where narrow valleys easterly in the de half ridge6 thousand afeet that Sangre western east-trending several separate Cristo of that the are the to Picuris Range. range is underlain dominated by resistant quartzites. To the east, these ridges join the prominent 3050 m (10,000 ft) the eastern Picuris Climatic high north-trending ridge of Range. conditions and consequently vegetation vary considerably over the range. At lower elevations, and particularly along the southern slopes, precipitation is low and scattered pinon pine and juniper dominate the flora. At higher elevations and in the central canyons, ponderos3 pine and aspen form dense forests. Outcrop exposure likewise varies in from heavily Previous excellent forested many slopes and of the dryer regions to poor valleys. Work Two major present in in groups the of Picuris Proterozoic supracrustal Range: a metaclastic sequence rocks without are 8 metavolcanic rocks (Ortega Group), a and largely metavolcanic sequence (Vadito Group). Based almost entirely on work done traditionally relative in the been southwestern two different chronologyof these One hypothesis the Vadito holds Group, Picuris Range, hypotheses sequences in that the Ortega whereas the other there concerning the Picuris Group is maintains have the Range. younger that than the Vadito Group is younger than the Ortega Group. 1.2 Figure summarizes have the proposed additions for Early work by the and modifications stratigraphy of the Just (1937) suggested various Picuris that workers Rang?. the metasedimentary sequence was younger. Montgomery(1953) reinterpreted the field relations of these rocks. He believed that the Vadito rocks unconformably overlay t\e older Ortega rocks. Miller et al.(1963) recognized a similar stratigraphy (1972) retained this in the Truchas relationship Mountains, during his and Nielsen analysis of Ortega rocks in the Picuris Range. Gresens and Stensrld (1974) noted thata thick stratigraphically northwestern below Picuris metarhyolitic the near Ortega the town sequence Quartzite of Pilar was in as the well the eastern Picuris near U.S. Hill. They suggested that the accepted stratigraphic relationship between Ortega and Vadito was suspect. This idea was not accepted by Long (1976) and Scott(1980), both of whom followed Montgomery's original stratigraphy. Subsequently, Holcombe and Callender as in 9 Jir.C. 1937 Figure 1.2. History of stratigraphic nomenclature for Precambrian rocks in the Picuris Range. 10 (1982) made a detailed to the They structural Ortega-Vadito concluded contact that the analysis in the of rocks southern contacta fault, was and adjacent Picuris that RR?nge. the original stratigraphy of Montgomery needed revision. Their geometric models favored a younger Ortega Group. McCarty (1983) confirmed Pegmatite The Range most Mine only that major regional specifically findings in the Harding are geologic addressed those of studies structural in the problems Picuris and Montgomery (1953) and Nielsen Montgomery mapped the entire range in reconnaissance benefit these area. interpretations (1972). of fashion ofa geometrical and interpreted analysis or the modern structure without petrofabric criteria. His accurate field mapping has proven to be extremely useful during the present study. Montgomery's rock descriptions structures are interested in and interpretations excellent the early and are thought of large-scale recommended on to Precambrian readers rocks in New Mexico. Nielsen's effort involved compilation and field checking of geologic Range compiled North Carolina, by field-camp students and and a structural of the maps teachers western at Picuris the analysisof a small University area between Copper Hill and the Harding Pegmatite Mine. More local or topical studies include: 1) Holcombe and Callender (1982)' who performeda structural analysis in a portion Nielsen's map area. Although Holcombe and Callender of of 11 obtained similar data, their interpretation differed markedly from that of Nielsen;2 ) Long (1976), who concentrated southern on the Picuris occurrence Range, but of the included a map granitic and rocks in the structural 3) Scott interpretation of Vadito Group rocks in that area; (1980), who conducteda strain analysis of the Marquems structure and Quartzite; 4) McCarty (1983), who mapped the petrography of Vadito Group rocks near the Harding Pegmatite Mine; 5) Hurd (1982), who conducteda structural study of the central Hondo syncline in the northwestern Picuris Range; and6) D.A. Bell (1985), who studied the contact relationships rocks in and the Prior with one and rocks U-Pb zircon Harding to1985, all exception, dated geochronology Pegmatite Mine geochronology was based included on only granitic area. in the the of the Picuris Rb-Sr Harding Range, isotopic system, pegmatite an'l plutonic bodies southof the Harding Pegmatite Mine. Stacey et al. (1976), F'ullagar and Shiver(1973), and Long (1974) all noted rocks that the approximate depositional age of Vadito was1700 Ma. Based on Rb-Sr geochronology of th's VBbudo Granites" (Montgomery,1953) south of the Harding Mine, Gresens (1972), Fullager and Shiver(1973), and Register (1979) suggested that intermittent intrusion occurred from about 1670 Ma to 1440 Ma. More recent preliminary distinct work intrusive using U-Pb events for zircon the chronology southern suggests plutons at two about the 12 1680 Ma and1450 Ma (Bell and Nielsen,1985). (personal communication reported a U-Pb zircon in Grambling date of L.T. Silver and about 1700 Ma Williams, for 1985b) feldspathic quartz-muscovite schist in the Tusas Mountains. Grambling and Williams (1985b) appropriate below the for Range similar Ortega Mineral suggested Quartzite assemblages indicate medium metamorphism), with rocks in in in this the cliffs near might be Range the rocks of the (amphibolite metamorphic age Picuris Precambrian grade peak that which lie of Pilar. town Picuris facies conditions near 53OoC, 3.7 kb (Holdaway, 1978), at or near the A12Si05 triple point. Regional metamorphism may have peaked about 1350-1450 Ma ago over much of northern New Mexico (L.E. Long, 1972;P.E. Long, 1974; Gresens, 1975; Callender et al. , 1976) . throughout isobaric P-T Recent work by Grambling (1986) suggested that centraland northern surfaces conditions this entire block from in Proterozoic Mexico, rocks preserve of 4 + 0.5 kb, 525 2 5OoC. He proposed area may have mid-Proterozoic sedimentation. New behaved a coherent as until the consistent that cratonic beginning of Paleozoic CHAPTER 2. Regional Geologic The Rio generally New to the structural Mexico, west, basins linked, are flanked topographic/structural the and that of rift the lies Sangre by uplifts. between Brazx the de Cristo uplift to the Baltz (1978) stated that although some elements reactivation related consists a series of down-dropped east (Fig. 2.1). by rift Precambrian-cored In northern uplift Setting Grande north-trending, GENERAL GEOLOGY in of deformation the rift Precambrian does are and cross-cut undoubtedly younger some controlled features, earlier rift- structlral trends. The Picuris Range of north-central Precambrian-cored, fault-bounded, projects from westward the New Mexico a wedge-shaped southern Sangre uplift de is that Cristo 20 Ian Mountains. This isolated, rugged range lies about southwest of Taos, by 30 km. that separates and includes an area The Picuris block forms part of the constriction the en echelon Espanola in the northern Rio Grande rift (Fig. 2.1). southeastern fault approximately 15 km that margin separates of the the San Luis east-tilted west-tilted Picuris block (Baltz, 1978). and San Luis basins The basin a majoris hinge basinal block from Prior to rifting, the I P 15 this region between represented a broad the Great Plains Laramide and the structural Colorado high Plateau (Baltz, 1978). Surrounding the Picuris Mexico are To 2.2). several the north major is Range in north-central New Precambrian-cored the Tusas Range, uplifts and to (Fig. the northeast is the Taos Range. South and southeasta large is area of Precambrian Mora exposure including the Truchas Range and the uplift. Montgomery (1963) and Grambling (1979b) suggested that the Picuris mi) from the block was Truchas horizontally block along offset the about km (2337 north-trending, dextral, Precambrian Picuris-Pecos fault (Fig. 2.2). Picuris-Pecos motion during fault experienced Paleozoic 1978). Sutherland may has and early components Cenozoic The of times dip-slip (Baltz, (1963) noted that the Picuris-Pecos fault bethe eastern margin of the Paleozoic Uncompahgre uplift. Baltz (1978) showed the Precambrian rocks in the Picuris area as being high in Oligocene and Mioc'me early time. The present, deeply eroded, Precambrian Picuris block has remained high since Pliocene time. Rio ~ 16 Picuris OTAOS 0 . I N - 0 50 K M Figure 2.2. Generalized map showing distribution Precambrian rocks innorth-central New Mexico. of 17 Local Geologic Setting General To the north, west, and basement rocks are volcanic rocks associated (Steinpress, 1980). the San Luis bounded south by of the Tertiary with the Picuris block, sedimentary Rio Grande and rift These Tertiary units are found within basin to the north, and the Chamisal-Penacco re-entrant of the Espanola basin to the south. To the east, basement rocks unconformably of the southern the Rio either overlain Northwest deep are Sangre of Grande flat-lying by the in Upper de which Tertiary contact Paleozoic Cristo Picuris gorge fault sediments or are sedimentary strata mountains. Range the with, is300the m (1000 ft) Rio and Grandethrxgh has cut basalts of the Taos plateau (el. 2135 m). Several Quarternary/Tertiary geomorphic surfaces, which onlap basement along the rocks northern Phanerozoic and and are dissected southern flanks by arroyos, of the occxr range. Rocks General. All Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary cover has been eroded from Precambrian crystalline basement rock 18 in the main block of the Picuris Range. Locally, unconsolidated Paleozoic rocks rocks to the Farther Cenozoic rest east east, thicknesses in of deposits cover unconformably the on Precambrian and southeast of the Picuris the Sangre Paleozoic de Cristo strata basement conceal rccks. bas&ment Range. Range, the tremendous crystalline basement. Relatively thin sedimentary rocks near the Picuris Range range in age from Mississippian to Pennsylvanian. The Pennsylvanian terrigenous sediments in the area to the were derived northwest mainly from during two major the Uncompahgre periodsof uplift the Picuris-Pecos fault (Miller et al., 1963). thicknesses and vary erosion, (Baltz, 1978) and flanks Paleozoic deposits strataon of and of Sedime7taL-y Cenozoic Mesozoic tectonics paleotectonics . Cenozoic Paleozoic considerably to dueboth west highland the lie unconformably on the northern, western, Picuris Range, as well as in Precambrian and and souther2 topographic lows within the range. Miller et al. (1963) listed the Cenozoic units, from oldest to youngest, as the Picuris Tuff, the Tesuque and Ancha formations of the Santa Fe Group, the Servilleta Formation, stream terraces, and floodplain alluvium. In the area in which Steinpress (1980) made a detailed Picuris the study Range primary of Cenozoic near Cenozoic the stratigraphy town unit of Dixon, exposed. in the the western Santa Fe Group is 19 Brief contact summaries with of the Precambrian Phanerozoic rocks are deposits presented found in in this chapter. These include the Del Padre Sandstone (Mississippian?), Other local and poorly Paleozoic consolidated rocks that are Cenozoic not units. discussed include the Espiritu Santo Formation (Mississipian?), the Tererro Formation (Mississipian), the Flechado Formation (Pennsylvanian), the Alamitos Formation (Pennsylvanian), and the Sangre de Cristo Formation (Pennsylvanian-Permian). More extensive information may be found in Miller et al. (1963), Steinpress(1980), and Manley (1976). Paleozoic rocks. The Del Padre Sandstone (Mississippian?) isa non-fossiliferous orthoquartzitic sandstone that rests unconfonnably on Precambrian rocks (Miller et al., 1963). The type section for the Del P,*dre is at the junction of Rito del Padre and the Pecos River the Santa Fe Range. East of the Picuris Range, the Del Padre Ortega Sandstone may Quartzite, as be easily the Del confused Padre is with the highly Proterozoic indurated, orthoquartzitic, locally cross-laminated, locally conglomeratic with rounded clasts of pure quartzite, and well bedded with thin, black, iron oxide-rich layers. Thicknesses of the Del Padre vary considerably in region. Miller et al. (1963) measured a section 20 m (64 ft) thick in the Rio Pueblo area. The Del Padre is the 20 conformably Santo overlain by, and interfingers with, the Espiritu Formation. Thin sections southeastern map of the area Del near Padre the collected Picuris-Pecos from fault the show medium-grained, well recrystallized, granoblastic quartz grains that generally contain inequant extinction (Fig. Thus the sandstone protolith has recrystallized a to 2.3). quartzite, and subsequently experienced a moderate amo~ntof strain. Cenozoic deposits. The Picuris Tuff (Oligocene t-, lower Miocene) was originally named by Cabot (1938) f0.r tuff and conglomerate that occurred near the town of Vadito. This unit ranges from 60 to 360 m (200 to 1200 ft) in thickness and is composed of interlayered water-laid t-Iff, coarse conglomerates, clays, and minor basalt flows (Miller This unit, dated at 24 Ma (Steinpress, et al., 1963). 1980), represents lower Miocene the eruption volcaniclastics Steinpress notedthat the equivalent to and coincides The the with Tesuque the Santa Fe Group, was Eocene of Oligocene- erosion. Tuff is approximately os Pinos and L lower initiation Formation deposition following Picuris Abiquiu the and (Miocene originally of to formations, Rio Grande rifting. Pliocene),of part defined near Santa Baldwin (1956). In the Picuris Range, Miller et al. (1963) described sequence this as buff-colored, poorly sorted, Fe by 21 Figure 2.3. Photomicrograph of typical Mississippian(?) Del Padre sandstone from the eastern Picuris Range. Note granoblastic texture, strained individual quartz grains, and single mylonitic grain at center of photograph. Field of view is 14 m m . 22 weakly consolidated, sand, silt, gravel, volcanic ash, clay, and breccia that ranges (500 to 3500(?) ft). to 1065(?) m thickness150from in Much of this unit was derived lccally from Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks. Lithologies gererally change considerably along strike. Miller et al. (1963) considered be Quaternary in age and the the Ancha upper Formation member of to the Santa Fe Group. The Ancha consists of fan-deposited sand and gravel of several different ages that overlay the Tesuque Formation. They suggested that this material represen’ed a very large, separated dissected, from recent once-continuous alluvial sheet deposits by and could position be an3 consolidation. Manley (1976) thought that the Ancha Formation was appropriate post-Santa to name Fe all such Long (1976) followed this these gravel deposits southwestern the Picuris and suggested gravels suggestion the by deposits that it Ancha Cejita not be Formation. informally of may naming Mesa in the Range. Long (1976) described younger terrace gravels, which presumably Cejita were Mesa, derived and brown directly from sand-soil the deposits eolian. The ages of these units are unknown. (1980) stated in Pliocene that and erosion Quaternary has dominated time gravel due to that deposits may have and gravel occurs presently a number in been Steinpress the Picuris the regional region uplift of the southern Rocky Mountains. Erosion and deposition of sand of of active 23 streams in and around the Picuris Range. Within the mountain range, recent alluvial and colluvial deposits are common. Precambrian Rocks General. All Precambrian supracrustal rocks in the region appear to be multiply deformed, metamorphosed to amphibolite facies, and of Early Proterozoic age. Intrusive granitic plutons in the southern Picuris Range range from about1680 Ma to 1450 Ma ( D . A . Bell, 1985). In general, north, metasedimentary rocks occur in the in age and metavolcanic and plutonic rocks occur to the south. S.-veral major high-angle Basic Precambrian The eastern, Picuris faults disrupt Stratigraphy Range dominantly can granitic be the and section. Structure divided into two parts: an terrane, aand western, dominantly supracrustal terrane. The north-trending, highangle Picuris-Pecos fault separates these two terranes. The rocks westof the Picuris-Pecos fault are the focus of report. The general geology of this area is relatively simple. Three major groups of Precambrian supracrustal rocks are present (Fig. 2.4). The metasedimentary Ortega this 24 0 1 ca. 1460 Ma granitic r o c k s ca. 1680 Ma granitic rocks (Indudes Granite of Picurls Peak) Granite of Aiamo Canyon Cerro Alto Metadaclte 2 3 4 6 MILES f3 Ortega Group a I F e l s l c schist at Pilar and Rlo Pueblo Schist In east Vadito Group -Contact ”_.. Fault Figure 2.4. Generalized geologic map of Picuris Range, showing the distribution of the major supracrustal rock groups and granitic plutons. 25 Group (Long,1976) is the predominant rock group, and consists mainly of resistant quartzites, pelitic schists, and various phyllites. To the south, structurally above the Ortega Group, is the heterogeneous metavolcanic- metavolcaniclastic-metasedimentary Vadito Group, includes the Marquenas Quartzite (Long, 1976). into the granitic southernmost plutons Vadito which range 1450 Ma (D.A. Bell, 1985). the Ortega rocks in are age at bedded Stratigraphic major at least four from 1680about Ma to Group, aishomogeneous sequence of felsic schist Most Intrusive To the north, structurally below metavolcanic-metavolcaniclastic(?) rocks felsic which herein called the Pilar. rocks and dip temporal lithostratigraphic between 40° and 80° relationships units are to the between uncertain due south. the three to tectonization along their mutual contacts. Although all rocks have histories, presumably each differently, of experienced the resulting three in the similar groups polyphase accomodated generation of the strain strain profoundly different tectonite fabrics, geometries, and apparent strain paths. CHAPTER 3. General PRECAMBRIAN STRATIGRAPHY Statement The Picuris Range metasedimentary, contains metavolcanic, exposures and of metaplutonic Precambrian 8 0 percent supracrustal rocks. Exposures consist of about and 20 percent plutonic. The range can be divided into three general 2.4). An eastern minor exposures separated by the blocks separated major faults (see Fig. block of dominantly plutonic rock, with of supracrustal froma central, north-trending metavolcanic by and rocks dominantly Picuris-Pecos plutonic rocks the is south, to metasedimentary fault. lie in block Complexly the layered southern po-tion of the central block. West and southwest of the central block, across the Pilar-Vadito fault, is the western block, composed of supracrustal rocks in the north, and intru;:ive granitic rocks in Stratigraphic based on that the south. nomenclature proposed employed in this paper is by (1937), Just Montgomery (1953), Miller et al.(1963), Nielsen (1972), Long (1976), and Scott (1980). These authors developed a well-defined, consistent stratigraphy for the metasedimentary rock sequence (Or5ega Group) in the central and western blocks. Although there is some nearly variation all of lithology formations and along members strike are in readily these units, 27 distinguishable are generally The throughout the range, and younging criteria consistent. Ortega Group has been interpreted a as 1985) that transgressive sequence (Soegaard and Eriksson, originally ranged from basal conglomeratic quartz sands, to pure quartz sands, to interlayered sands and shales, to black muds, to calcareous muds and shales. The Ortega Group has an thickness3-5ofkm. apparent Structurally Ortega Group complexly above, in the but stratigraphically southern interlayered Picuris metamorphosed Range a sequenze is igneous out this and volcanic group change reappear, rocks and considerably probably interlayered along represent with and the of sedimzntary Lithologies (1976). rocks named the Vadito Group by Long within below, strike, felsic volcaniclastic and and pinch mafic clastic sediments. The minimum apparent thickness of this group is 3-4 km. In the southern Picuris Range, the volcanic component of the Vadito Group is dominantly mafic. Although feldspathic metavolcanic rocks are common, they are not as voluminous as amphibolites. Thus, the Vadito Group typesection defined apparently by bimodal Montgomery (1953), is a mafic-dominated, volcanic sequence containing interlayered volcaniclastics and sediments. Williams et al. (1986) and Williams (1987) proposed a redefinition of the Vadito Group in northern New Mexico, based mainly on rocks exposed in the 28 Tusas Range and Rio Mora area in the southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains. They suggested that the Vadito Group be redefined asa felsic quartz-muscovite volcanic-sedimentary schist, pelitic and sequence feldspathic of schist, metaconglomerate, quartzite, and amphibolite correlative over much feature of is northern New Mexico, quartz-muscovite schist whose most containing distinctive feldspar and quartz lleyesll. These *Ieyest1 were interpreted to be phenocrysts This in altered definition metatuffs. is at odds Picuris Range (Montgomery,1953). relationships Picuris between Range and the with the type-section in Because stratigraphic Vadito Group the Vadito Group" of described the by southern Williams et al. (1986) and Williams (1987) are unknown, Montgom..-ry's original nomenclature Note that metavolcanic the will herein be retained. felsic schist at Pilar, a felsic the northern sequence exposed in Picuris Range, is characterized by quartz and feldspar "eyesv1. It is possible that these rocks are equivalent to Vaditu the Groupt1of Williams et al.(1986). The relationship between these rocks and the unknown: possibilities Until will more precise continueto use Montgomery for the The stratigraphic southern will be regional the Picuris discussed in correlations nomenclature Picuris Vadito is Group Chapter 7. are developed available, 1 by Range. position of the pelitic schists and the 29 phyllites of the Piedra Lumbre Formation has been extensively debated. Although the most complete, most extensive exposure east-trending was first in the of Piedra in the strip Lumbre northern described ain relatively Copper Hill Formation Picuris thin occurs Range, sliver of as the an unit exposure area. Long (1976) proposed the name Piedra Lumbre Formation for the laminated Marquenas schist Quartzite to and the phyllite south that and sit the between Pilar Phyllite the to the north. Previous studies noted that the northern and southern exposuresof this rock appear to lie in diffe-ent stratigraphic positions. Holcombe and Callender(1982) observed that although the stratigraphically similar was more structurally Piedra to rocks Lumbre in appropriately was the Ortega assigned Group, to the it Vadito Group. They suggested that faults separated the Piedra Lumbre from rocks on either side. The present shows study that the position, sliver unitin is the northern whereas on the the correct southern southern stratigraphic exposure limb a minor of is actually a fault anticline which is faulted against Vadito Group rocks. The Piedra Lumbre is the on youngest the unit Pilar Intrusive Group are at Metadacite, the Ortega Group, and rests conformably Phyllite. only least the in into four the southern distinct Puntiagudo portion plutons: Granite the Porphyry, of Cerro the the Vadito Alto Rana Quartz 30 Monzonite, and the Penasco Quartz Monzonite (Long, 1976). These rocks are best exposed in the southern half of the western block. Similar rocks intrude Vadito units in the easternmost western block, and the southern part of th? central block. Most of the eastern block is composed a of plutonic This rock body appears to Additional and in from felsic eastern more sedimentological texture intrude partof the southernmost and distinct the western schists in plutons. the block. detailed lithologic interpretations, are descriptions presented in Montgomery (1953, 1963), Nielsen (1972), Gresens and Stensrud (1974), Long (1976), Scott (1980), McCarty (1983), and Soegaard and Eriksson (1985, 1986). Vadito Group General field relations and previous work Montgomery (1953) defined the "Vadito Formation" as all Precambrian rocks that overlie the Rinconada Formation in the Picuris Range. Montgomery's conglomerate and schist members of Marquenas the Quartzite amphibolite Due Vadito to of the the were redefined Formation Vadito lateral and Group, by Longas (1976) the unnamed schist the and respectively. variability of Vadito Group units, 31 and the different Quartzite bottom in of located the the lithologies northern Ortega immediately and Group below exposed southern Picuris lowermost Ortega Range, Formation. In the southeastern Picuris Range, the poo-ly underlying between the heterogeneous, the Ortega more the basal of pure contact of occurrence relatively exposed orthoquartzite the being herein as defined is the below Quartzite schistose rocks Ortega Quartzite and the of the Vadito Group is sharp and highly sheared. In the southwester2 Picuris Range, the basal Ortega Quartzite is nowhere exposed. Instead, Ortega Group schists are in fault contact with the Vadito Group. In the northern Picuris, the basal Ortega Group is adequately exposed onlythe along clifCs near Pilar. In this area, the contact with underlying felsic schist at Pilar is also sharp. The fact verythat different north lithologies and south is underlie significant the Ortega and will Quartzite be in the discussed in descriptions of Chapter 7. The the following Vadito Group southeastern sections rocks Picuris Southwestern provide found in brief the southwestern and Range. Picuris Range General. The area of the Copper Hill-Harding Pegmatite Mine in the southwestern Picuris Range has been the focus o 32 numerous Precambrian geologic studies. Rocks are wellexposed and easily accessible, and universities run several their undergraduate geology field camps there. Vadito Group rocks in this area consist of schists (35% of area), amphibolites (35% of area), the Marquenas Quartzite Formation (25% of area), other quartzites and (2% metaconglomerates (2% of area), quartz-muscovite schists of area), and calc-silicates( a % of area). Schists. Vadito schists containa large variety of fine-grained, texturally and mineralogically distinct schists, phyllitic schists, and schistose quartzites. HcCarty (1983) performed a detailed these rocks and separated out petrographic nine study of distinct schistose units in the Harding mine area. She concluded that these rocks represent a metamorphosed grained graywackes protolith interlayered of fineto medium- with impure sandstones, shales, volcaniclastic sediments, and basaltic flows that accumulated ina relatively deep-water (1986) called Soegaard and Eriksson vlorthochemical metasedimentary basin these setting. schists rocksll. AmDhibolites. Amphibolite bodies are scattered throughout the Vadito Group. The thickest and most extensive amphibolite unit occurs just south of the Pegmatite mine. Associated with amphibolites are biotite Harding 33 schists, quartz-biotite rock, metadacite and felsic schist, and metaquartzite and metachert. These rocks were thoroughly (1983), who and described by interpreted volcaniclastic Montgomery (1953) and McCarty them sediments as interlayered intruded by basaltic felsic flows sills and dikes. parauenas Ouartzite Formation. The Marquenas Quartzite Formation of Long (1976) is a strip of relatively resistant polymictic metaconglomerate metasandstone that is and texturally well-exposed in the immature western end of the western block, and poorly-exposed in the eastern end. Scott (1980) divided the Marquenas into four sub-units. From north to south (top to bottom) these are: 1) a northem metaconglomerate with deformed clastsa micaceous in quartz matrix. Clasts are up to 10 cm long and consist of an average of66 percent metasedimentary quartzite, 34 percent felsic schist,and traces of vein quartz (J.A. Grambling, personal communication,1987); 2) a rippled, crosslaminated, micaceous 3) a vitreous, quartzite with quartzite with isolated pebble layers; cross-bedded massive grey, somewhat micaceous scattered pebble layers;4 ) and a southern metaconglomerate with deformed orthoquartzite (54%), silicic metavolcanic and quartz-muscovite schist ( 4 1 3 % ) ~and white vein quartz clasts(J.A. Grambling, personal communication, 1987) in a micaceous quartz matrix. Quartzite clzsts 34 are up to 1 m in or 1:2:6, 1:2:3 diameter, aspect with extremes of1:8:16 metaconglomerates ratios for averaging schistose clasts Montgomery (1953) also noted that the (Montgomery, 1953). coarsen Estimates of thickness to with from have east ranged to west. from 410 m ( I m q . 1 9 7 6 ) about610 m (Montgomery, 1953). Lithologies and metaconglomerates plain deposits, sedimentary suggest an accumulated 1986). (Soegaard and Eriksson, have been plain channel with water structures origin as during the proximal waning alluvial- flood stages The immature quartzites may depositsa perennial in depths in braided-allu-rial greater 8 than m (Soegaard and Eriksson, 1986). The stratigraphic position of this unit has recently been disputed. This will be addressed a in later discussion section. Other uuartzites and metaconqlomerates. Numerous thin, isolated exposures quartzite All of are either Group, orthoquartzite scattered these represent Vadito are of similar younger or south of and the conglomeratic Marquenas lithologically alluvial infolded or faulted channel Marquenas to Quartzite. the Marquenas deposits in the equivalents. Felsic schists. Light-colored quartz-feldsparmuscovite rocks are locally found interlayered with otker and 35 Vadito Group rocks. Felsic schists commonly contain rounded to sub-rounded quartz grains (quartz-eyes) and/or euherlral to subhedral feldspar megacrysts that probably represe’lt metamorphosed relict phenocrysts. The matrix generally consists of aligned, fine- to medium-grained muscovite laths in mosaics and strung-out patches of fine-grained, grawlar quartz, plagioclase, and microcline grains. Textures locally suggest tectonic grain-size reduction of an originally coarser-grained felsic protolith. These felsic schists probably related rocks, volcaniclastic represent interlayered metamorphosed rhyolites with derived locally and felsic sediments. Calc-silicates. Thin, discontinuous calc-silicate horizons occur in a number of places in the northern part of the Vadito section. One of the thickest, described by McCarty (1983), is 1 to 4 m thick, contains quartz, calcite, epidote, thulite, and garnet, was and presumably a manganese-rich limestone. Southeastern Picuris Range General. Vadito Group rocks in the southeastern Picuris Range differ from those in the southwest in ways. Biotite-bearing feldspathic and pelitic schists are almost totally lacking in the southeast. White, several 36 feldspathic, quartz-muscovite schists are more abundant and locally thick. I1Sheetsl1 of granitic rock are complexely interlayered with the rounded masses the southwest. Dominant the country of generally lithologies conglomerate (35% of rocks in in marked discordant this area to granitic ro:k in include area) , amphibolite ( 3 5 % of contrast quartzite and area), feldspathic quartz-muscovite schist (30% of area), and pelitic schist( 4 % of area). Quartzites and concrlomerates. Quartzose metasediments in the southeastern equivalents of the Picuris, Marquenas possibly stratigraphic Quartzite, are interlayered with amphibolites, felsites, and granitic rocks. Quartzite xenoliths are common in the granitic rocks, and stringers of granitic rock are common in quartzites. Xenoliths are light tan to white, fine-grained rocks with very small micas, and local thin dark bedding layers. Several quartzitic lithologies are present in this sequence. Massive, vitreous quartzites have cross-beds defined by high concentrations hematite. Local conglomeratic layers contain flattened clasts up to about 4 cm long. Clasts include: rounded, purple-gray crystalline quartzite or vein quartzite: quartz; and somewhat dark gray, rounded white metallic-looking, fine-grained schist. Dark clasts are most abundant. Some conglomerates contain only very sparsely scattered quartz of 37 clasts in micaceous quartzite matrix. Schistose quartzite crops out locally. There appears toa be general decrease in clast size from west to east. AmDhibolite and biotite schist. Amphibolites are common, and locally grade into black, medium-grained biotite schists. Amphibolites range in texture from rocks containing amphibole large, matrix, oriented to plagioclase rocks with laths a blac'c in many small, somewhat aligned amphibole crystals ina white plagioclase matrix. BioL.ite schists are less common, well-layered, biotite-quartz rocks. Locally, epidote-rich zones grade into mafic rocks. Mtxt amphibolites probably represent metamorphosed mafic volcanic flows and sills. Felsic schists. Although felsic schists appear to make up a large these proportion rocks are not of area in resistant, the and southeastern thus exposures Picuris, are scattered and poor quality. In general, these rocks are white, fine-grained, fairly dense, quartz-muscovite schists that commonly contain euhedral rounded quartz eyes (Fig. 3.1). Picuris Range, metamorphosed many of these phenocrystic feldspar megacrysts As in the southwestern rocks felsic are interpretedh?to volcanic rocks. and 38 Figure 3.1. Photograph of white felsic schist (HC-542) with flattened, rounded quartz-eyes and euhedral feldspars megacrysts from the Vadito Group, southeastern Picuris Range. 39 Pomhvroblastic schist below Ortesa.A schistose horizon base commonly of underlies the quartzite is exposed the Ortega in the Quartzite where southeastern the Picuris Range. This schist is generally coarse-grained, pink to white, strongly crenulated, and contains large blocky altered porphyroblasts muscovite of chloritoid(?) a in quartz- matrix. In one locality (HC-414), poor exposures of gray and white banded, very fine-grained rock with lens-shaped feldspar pods lie just below the Ortega Quartzite. Thin sections reveala quartz-rich rock with unknown. The originof these schists is of the rather textures than to are clearly due to mylonitic text-xes. At least some shearing and metamoqhism sedimentation. Andalusite schist. The only pelitic schist identified in southeastern biotite 518). schist Vadito exposuresa distinctive, is containing large knobs of black andalusite (HC- This unit is only a few meters thick and appears to pinch out along strike in both directions. Possible protoliths for this schist include shale, altered volcaniclastic rock. sediment, or hydrothermally altered volcanic 40 Felsic schist at Pilar General Montgomery (1963) defined the Rio Pueblo Schist as the basal llmigmatitic Quartzite) of quartziteg1 the Ortega of the Formation lower in the quartzite (Ortega southeastern Picuris Range, near the town of Rio Pueblo. He consid2red this feldspathic unit to consist of granitic rock intruded and intermixed with quartzite. He noted that a similar micaceous quartzite crops out in steep cliffs near the town of Pilar. In the cliffs near Pilar, stratigraphically and structurally quartzite below (herein consists Ortega called ofa sequence of Group the rocks, felsic this schist light-colored, micaceous at pink Pilar) to white to green quartz-muscovite and quartz-eye schists. With respect to the same Ortega structural Group, the position felsic as the schist Vadito at Pilar Group occupies rocks in the southern Picuris Range. The felsic schist at Pilar may be: 1) laterally Vadito equivalent to the Vadito; 2) a portion of which is not exposed in the southern Picuris Range; or 3) a totally different package of rocks. These rocks may represent hydrothermally altered, locally reworked, felsic volcanic tuffs and flows (Gresens and Stensrud, 1974). It is rocks that important to Montgomery note that called Rio although Pueblo all Schist of the felsic (including the 41 the felsic texturally schist at Pilar) distinctive from are very Vadito similar, Group they felsic are schists in the southern Picuris Range. In this report felsic schists will be treated Northwestern separately Picuris from Range type (Pilar Vadito Group rocks. cliffs) General. The Pilar cliffs are a 450 m (1500 ft), nearvertical escarpment U.S. highway 6 4 . and of the town of Pilar, along Excellent exposures of Ortega Quartzite underlying kilometers southwest felsic along the schist at Pilar occur for several cliffs. Quartz-muscovite schist. The cliffs near Pilar ewose a sharp contact Quartzite and between overlying, feldspathic right-side-up quartz-muscovite Ortega schists and micaceous quartzites of the felsic schist at Pilar. The base of this felsic schist is nowhere exposed. Thin quartzite mylonites Compositional occur layering in within the contact zone. felsic schists is parallel to the Ortega-Vadito contact. schists are white, light gray, pink, and green, and commonly quartz-eyes (Fig. 3.2). m thick, marks the contain rounded and flattened A distinctive pink zone, about 100 schist immediately below the Ortega Quartzite contact. This zone, which is anomalously hiGh in manganese and rare earth elements, contains such unusual 42 a. b. Figure 3.2. a. Photograph of typical felsic schist at Pilar. Note well-developed, anastomosing foliation. Pen top for scale. b. Photomicrograph of quartz-muscovite, quartz-eye schist from the Pilar cliffs. Foliation h3s been deflected around the quartz-eye. Section is cut parallel to extension lineation and perpendicular to foliation. Field of view is4 mm. 43 minerals as piemontite, thulite, and Mn-andalusite (Grambling et al.,1983, Grambling and Williams, 1985). This distinctive Ortega Quartzite Mexico, event horizon and may during the has been in most of the be related a regional to waning traced uplifts of below the northern New volcanic stages of volcanism, or basal exhalative deep lateritic weathering (Grambling et al., 1983). In an excellent metarhyolite study occurrences in that re-examined northern New possible Mexico, Grese?s Stensrud (1974) suggested that due to alteration, several metavolcanic units in the Picuris Range had been misinterpreted as metasediments. They cited the rocks in the Pilar cliffs Northeastern as ofone the Picuris best examples. Range General. Two occurrences of feldspathic quartzmuscovite quartz-eye schist have been mapped in the northeastern Picuris Range. Both are very localized exposures of schist within Ortega Quartzite. Quartz-muscovite schist. The western occurrence is in a small down-dropped Quartzite, where fault white to block within the pink, quartz-eye Ortega schists are exposed. About one kilometer east, in a structurally complex area adjacent to the Picuris-Pecos fault, white, and 44 greenish, and pinkish quartz-muscovite schists appear to be infaulted and infolded with the Ortega Quartzite. In the center of the fold, very fine-grained quartzites, fine- grained quartz-muscovite schists, and metacherts(?) are highly contorted. Both of these exposures are thought to be equivalents of Eastern the felsic Block of schist the at Picuris Pilar. Range General. There are four isolated exposures of qusrtzmuscovite quartz-eye schists in the southeastern Picuris, on the eastern side of the Picuris-Pecos fault. Each of these contains and rocks were called considered lowermost U.S. similar to those Rio themto be Ortega Pueblo found in the Pilar cliffs Schist by Montgomery (1963), who migmatitic basal quartzites of the Formation. Hill. Excellent exposures of well-beddedl white, gray, and pink quartz-muscovite quartz-eye schist are found in open-pit mica mines on an isolated hill of Precambrian rock just west U.S. of Hill. This rock is composed of up to 60 percent coarse white muscovite flakesa matrix in of granular quartz and feldspar. Quartz-eyes are abundanL and are consistently North contact of with flattened this hill, granitic in the similar rock to the dominant bedded northeast foliation schists and are massive plane. in gray 45 quartzite to the south. Although exposures are poor in the area, several. important relationships are clear. Granitic rocks intrude illustrated and by crosscut layering transitional in the granite-schist schists, rock as found along the contact. A Mn-rich horizon occurs stratigraphically below the quartzite, porphyroblasts andalusite that are and piemontite might found be locally and altered pseudomorphs Mnafter along the schist-quartzite It is possible that this contact separates Ortega contact. Quartzite from analagous to underlying the felsic tectonic schist, boundary and exposed is in therefore the Pilar cliffs. Two kilometers northwest of this exposure a smsll is hill composed of poorly-exposed, highly-fractured, vitreous quartzite and light-colored quartz-muscovite schist. Comales camRsround. A large isolated block of generally poorly-exposed Precambrian rock lies in the extreme southeastern corner of the Picuris Range. New Mexico Highway3 and the Rio Pueblo pass through the northern end of this block at Comales campground. This somewhat schistose, slightly gneissic, feldspathic quartzite (1963). However, was named Rio Pueblo Schist by Montgomery these rocks could be highly sheared granitic units rather than an originally fine-grained layered rock. White, feldspathic, quartz-muscovite schist crops out in the high 46 hills to the south, below an exposed section of massive, gray, vitreous quartzite. In the contact zone, porphyroblasts of Mn-andalusite Depositional and environments the Vadito It is necessary felsic their the schist at in of separate in the the the the differences which be found in felsic float. schist at Pilar Group Pilar lithologic manner to can Picuris and two Vadito the Group Range from due uncertainty sections the to both concerning relate stratigraphically. The felsic schist at Pilar probably represents strained, metamorphosed, and altered rhyolitic flows and tuffs. Rounded quartz eyes and feldspar megacrysts may represent relict phenocrysts. Vernon (1986) suggested that most, deformed rocks are if all, not such residual quartz phenocrysts, eyes rather in than porphyroblasts. Thin sections from throughout this unit consistently show very similar textures of quartz megacrysts in a fine-grained matrix of quartz, muscovite, and feldspar. If the m, isrepresentative and present rhyolitic proximal The thickness of tuffs, toa major the these felsic heterogeneous of this section, a minimum thicknessa pile of rocks volcanic Vadito may have of300 of rhyolites originated center. Group terrane of feldspathic 47 and pelitic probably schists, represents and amphibolites metamorphosed and and related rocks complexely interlayered graywackes, basaltic flows and sills, felsic tuffs and sills, and volcaniclastic sediments. Long (1974) described original volcanic textures such as pillows, pillow breccias, and relict vesicles in amphibolites. Duncan and Shore (1984) suggested melange that representing some these of rocks young trench-fill area accreted onto continental crust. They recognized turbidity flows, d?bris flows containinga wide sediment folding variety (but no of clast tectonic sizes, folding), soft and metavolcanics and metacherts. There is no question th’lt the Groupis indeed a terrane Vadito is a highly deformed considerable melange additional should The mixed be used appears environment of to the Stratigraphic mixed terrane, mapping to fluvial-alluvial Quartzite of be Vadito and before describe protolith lithology, as such genetic blt it requir”.-s terms s-lch it. of inconsistent the Marquenas with the depositional schist. of the Position Marquenas Quartzite Soegaard and Eriksson(1986) suggested that the Marquenas Vadito and Quartzite Ortega Formation groups, and is as younger actually than both formed from the weathering and erosion of the Ortega Quartzite. Several 48 relationships observed in this study refute this. Although bedded orthoquartzites are abundant Marquenas Quartzite, no silicates have been recognized that very aluminous the quartzite clasts clasts in Ortega as the in the containing alumino- Marquenas, Quartzite suggesting a was source not for Marquenas rocks (J.A. Grambling, personal communication, Soegaard and Eriksson's suggestion requires a 1987). Marquenas Quartzite wedge in fault contact with Ortega and Vadito rocks. Although the northern Marquenas Quartzite contact is presently clearly a fault no evidence in for the Copper a such fault Hill along area, the thore is southlrn boundary. Furthermore, along strike to the east, possible Marquenas Quartzite metavolcanic related equivalents rocks, quartzites suggesting and are interlayered that the with Marquenas metaconglomerates are and probably part of the Vadito Group. Cross-beds in both the northern and southern quartzite tops the to disparity alluvial of the suggests in north. Vadito the it Marquenas should environments Quartzite schist the of However, sedimentary Marquenas that members in and the quartzite the Copper and be Quartzite noted between deeper the schist are that the fluvial- water Hill-Harding show graywackes Mine area separated b.7 an unconformity ora fault. This however, does not imply that the Marquenas youngest was derived supracrustal from the unit the in range. Ortega Group and is the 49 Ortega Group General The 4+ km thick Group ais Ortega sequence crop Statement of out mature in terrigeneous most of the transgressive metasedimentary major rocks Precambrian-cored that uplifts of northern New Mexico. Just(1937) defined the Ortega Quartzite in the Tusas Range, and correlated aits%ction to of similar quartzitein the Picuris Range. Montgomery (1953) redefined the sequence as the Ortega Formation, which consisted of three members: the Lower Quartzite; Rincmada Schist; and Pilar Phyllite. Nielsen(1972) further subdivided the the Rinconada Formation Ortega sequence Formation with witha slate Long (1976) proposed status, and the the Ortega Quartzite, six members, and anda muscovite phyllite member. raising two into the Ortega of the members Pilar the Formation Formation Pilar to group to the Piedra Lumbre and Pilar formations. Although this nomenclature has remained unchanged, the relative positions of some of these units has been debated. The most complete section of in northern the The the Ortega youngest map Group in the Picuris Range is in Picuris is located area. Ortega Group unit the Range the Piedra Lumbre Formation. The correct stratigraphic position of the Piedra Lumbre Formation has been uncertain, 50 as the northern and southern exposures of this rock arpear to lie in different stratigraphic positions. Montgomery (1953) mapped Pilar the the Phyllite large Piedra member northern Lumbre of the Formation Ortega exposure with as part Formation, the of and uppermost t.he included schists of the Rinconada. Nielsen (1972) called this unit the muscovite phyllite correlated thin it of the Pilar Formation, with the northern exposures. He considered in the northern outcrops quartzites the member quartzites in the Vadito Group of as and the equivalents of the Pic~ris southern Range. Long (1976) proposed the term Piedra Lumbre Formation schist for and the exposures phyllite that near sit Copper between Hill the of layerel Marquenas Quartzite to the south and the Pilar Phyllite to the north. Holcombe and Callender (1982) noted was lithologically was structurally that similar more although to rocks the in appropriately Piedra the Lunbre Ortega assigned to Grou?, the it Vadito Group. They suggested that faults separated the Piedra (1982) examined a Lumbre from rocks on either side. Hurd small that no area no in the Vadito faults northern Group existed Picuris rocks between were Piedra Range, present Lumbre and in and determined the map Pilar area, units the map area. Bauer(1984) tentatively proposed that the unit in schist the until north should informally more known was about its be called relationship the to Hondo the Piedra Lumbre type section. He also suggested that if the in and 51 two units between are Piedra correlative, Lumbre and then the Pilar in the fault south, that does exists not. exist in the north. Within the map area, the Pilar Phyllite contact is quartzites gradational previously Nielsen (1972) are up into the Piedra Lumbre, as Vadito quartzites interpreted actually layered within the and lower the by Fiedra Lumbre schist. The present study shows that the northern unit is in the correct stratigraphic position, whereas the southern limb two exposure ofa minor Group thirds of dips Because consistent of this actually a fault sliver on the southern anticline. Ortega Regional is metasediments the are the Precambrian stratigraphy Group over up most exposures consistently Ortega section take of in the the no.rthern range. between 40° and 80° south. contains a remarkably the entire range, the remninder seto f lithologic presents a single descriptions of Ortega Group rocks for the Picuris RanNJe. A generalized stratigraphic column of the Ortega is Group shown in Figure 3.3. Ortega Quartzite Formation General. The name Ortega was first used by (1937) Just for the spectacular quartzites of the Ortega Mountains the Tusas Range. Montgomery(1953) later used Ortega Formation to include the entire section of metaclastic rocks in 52 FORMATION AEMBE THICKa LITHOLOGY (m) Micaceous, cross-beddedqtzite PIEDRA LUMBRE PILAR Fine-grained,laminazed, garn e t - s t a u r o l i t e s c h i s r and phyllite. Localblack slanes and c a l c - s i l i c a t e s . Black, g r a p h i t i c S h y l l i r e and Local w h i t es c h i s t slate. l a y e r s . B e s a l blue-black quartzite. 200 400 200 600 - - PHY LLlTE guymu-bi-gr-st1 phyllitic cnlsr whine t o Massive,micaceous, grayqtzite;bluecrystalline ctzire. Red3ish, s m a l l c t - s L 1 s c h i s t Tan-ignite m i c a c e o . ~ , X-bedsed blue o r z i z e . otzite.Hassive Mu-s-d s c h i s r wi-h l a r a e twinned stl. Bi-mu-andalusite 0 0 200 7 - 70 0 - 100 - schis:. 100 20 - 25 :xessive, c l e a n , nmiiuwgrained c r y s t a l l iw n ehg,irt a ey cross-5edded quaxtzi=e. Local aluminous s c h i s z l a y e r s ORTEGA QUARTZITE """""_ 1000 1200 - Gray q u a r t z i t e and r e 3 i s h wea-hering, c o a r s e l y gr2nuler cross-kedded q l i a x L t e . L o c a l g"-beering b l a c k qrar=zi:es. C o n ~ 1 o ~ r a " iat c hasp_. Figure 3.3. Generalized stratigraphic column for the Ortega Group. Modified from Nielsen, 1972; Long, 1976; and Grambling, 1985b). 53 in the Picuris Range, and called the thick basal quartzite the Uower Quartzitell. Nielsen (1972) named this Lower Quartzite the Ortega In this report divided into two Quartzite the Formation. Ortega mappable Quartzite members Formation sub- informally is called the lower and upper quartzites. These members are discernable over the entire The two exposed strike in by Picuris major the two Range. east-trending Picuris Range bands are northwest-striking of Ortega slightly faults Quartzite offset that are along covered by unconsolidated Cenozoic sands and gravels. Several small, isolated exposures Picuris-Pecos fault Exposures Ortega of of orthoquartzite in the crop out east of the southeastern of part the rayge. Quartzite are generally excellent, due to its highly resistant nature. The quartzite invaria3ly forms high ridges and peaks. Thicknesses of Ortega Quartzite range, map of except area, about 1200 m are for where an the fairly area in quartzite constant the has througholt northwestern an apparent the part of thicknests the of more than two kilometers. This is inconsistent with the average regional thickness of Ortega Quartzite of 1.0 to 1.5 km, and is probably due to tectonic doublinga high along angle fault. The upperand lower quartzite members are repeated in this section.No such schist is recognized elsewhere within the Ortega Quartzite of the Picuris Range. 54 Lower auartzite. The lower quartzite generally consists of brick-red to brownish-red, granular, crystalline, medium- to coarse-grained, weathered-looking grains of quartz. This unit is commonly highly fractured, with coarse black iron-oxide layers defining bedding a?d cross-laminations. Locally, dark quartzite horizons contain medium-sized, altered garnet porphyroblasts, and basal quartzites contain small, rounded clasts of white vein quartz, quartzite, and felsic schist. The thickness of this unit is approximately 500 to 600 m. Upper quartzite. The upper part of the Ortega Quartzite is gray to grayish white, coarse-grained, vitreous, massive, clean, cross-bedded quartzite. Laysring and cross-bedding are defined by black layers of iron-oxide minerals. Aluminosilicate minerals (especially kyanite and sillimanite) are Aluminosilicates ubiquitous are throughout locally the concentrated quartzite. in thin bedding- parallel schistose layers. Locally, in the Hondo Canyon area, these aluminous layers are composed of 75 up to percent kyanite crystals. Near Copper Hill, similar horizons contain70 percent andalusite porphyroblasts (J.A. Grambling, personal communication,1987). minerals in the quartzite are Common accessory ilmenite, hematite, tourmaline, epidote, muscovite, kyanite, sillimanite, and zircon. 55 The than lower the quartzite upper is quartzite, less and resistant is commonly to weathering found cn-mbly, as iron-stained float. The contact between upper and lower Ortega Quartzite is defineda poorly by thick, schistose layer which exposed,5- tc LO-m generally forms canyons cr saddles. Rinconada Formation General. The Rinconada~ Formation consistsa of sequence that of lie Nielsen interlayered pelitic stratigraphically (1972) schists above the and Ortega orthoquartzites Quartzite. divided this formation into the R1 schist, R2 schist, R3 quartzite, R4 schist, R5 quartzite, and R6 schist members. Because R1 and R2 appear to differ only in metamorphic mineralogy, (198633) has suggested not in bulk that a better chemistry, Grambling terminologyis Rsl, R q l , €22. For Rs2, Rq2, Rs3; where Rsl includes R1 and this report, five members Rl/R2, R3, R4,andR5, R6 will be used. The members consistent in of the thickness, Rinconada Formation lithology, and are texture remarkably over the two east-trending bandsof exposure in the range. Quartzite occurs are locally invariably Protoliths for in schist interlayered the members, in Rinconada and quartzite were thin pelitic schists members. probably sands and stales 56 that accumulated in deltaic, fluvial, and shallow marine settings (Soegaard and Eriksson, 1985). R1/R2 member. Because these schists are easily weathered and eroded, exposures are generally poor. The best exposures in the northern band occur where Hondo Canyon cuts across the strike of Rinconada units (Plate 1). The best exposures in the southern band occur in the Copper area. Montgomery (1963) estimated thickness of60-105 m (200-350 ft) for R1, and 60-150 m (200-500 ft) for R2. Traditional presence of muscovite definitions large lrsalt staurolite of andalusite and in and R2 depended porphyroblasts pepper" porphyroblasts R1 R1 R2 schist, in and on biotite- garnet muscovite-biotite the and schist. In general, especially in the Copper Hill area, these criteria are there is these units. consistent: some In the mineralogical Copper into R1 schists however in the Hill and northern textural area, the Ortega overa 5-m-thick zone of Picuris variability Quartzite grades intercalated quartzite and schist. The lowermost schists of R1/R2 contain abundant knobby andalusite and cordierite porphyroblasts up to 6-7 cm across. Andalusites are less abundant upwards, where schists consist of black in biotite books in muscovite-quartz matrix. R2 begins where porphyroblasts of staurolite coexist with andalusite. R2 Hill 57 schists are relatively uniform in texture. Large twirrned staurolite crystals weather outa medium-grained of muscovite-quartz-garnet-biotite schist. Locally near Copper Hill, the basal R 2 contains a 1 m thick resistant, gray quartzite horizon. Garnets are small and euhedral, and although they remain constant in size, they become more abundant up-section. R 2 schists become more quartz-rich at the topof the quartzite member, they grade into R3 the member. R3 member. that where range The northern band of R 3 contains exposures from excellent in the west to average in thz east. Good exposures occur along most of the southern band. The R 3 quartzite commonly forms From 1) tan is resistant prominent, bottom to highly to white, to steep-sided top, Rthe 3 member micaceous, weathering, an'l ridges. consists cross-bedded of: quartzite: 2) massive, vitreous, crystalline, bluish-gray quartzite; 3) friable brown quartzite; 4) slabby gray 5 ) quartzite to white quartzite; containing thin layers of staurolite-garnet- muscovite-quartz schist and knobby grey plagioclase schist; 6) friable tan to brown quartzite, which grades up R 4 to schists. In the Copper Hill area,R3-R4 thecontact is marked aby the 58 massive, 1-m-thick Thicknesses of R3 layer of dark blue-black range from 60 to 100 m. quartzite. R4 member. Northern exposures of the R4 schists are fair to poor. Exposures around Copper Hill are excellent and extensive. The R4 schists tend to underlie canyons and saddles between the bounding, more resistant schists are characteristically quartzite members. R4 fine- to medium- grained, reddish weathering, gray to silver, garnetstaurolite-muscovite-biotite-quartz schists. Quartz-rich versus biotite-rich layers are common. Small euhedral garnets are staurolite Thicknesses concentrated in porphyroblasts range thin are reddish scattered layers, wherens throughout. from 25 to 70 m. R5 member. The R5 quartzite member crops out extensively over most of the two bands of Rinconada Formation. This rock forms prominent ridges and steep slopes. From bottom to top, the R5 consists of: 1) massive, 2) massive micaceous, white to gray quartzite; blue crystalline quartzite; 3) massive, resistant gray-black quartzite and white quartzite; 4) massive, gray to white, quartzite with thin locally cross-bedded staurolite schist vitreous horizons; 59 5) pure quartzite, interlayered tan, cross-bedded quartzite and massive, blue quartzite; 6) tan micaceous quartzite, massive blue quartzite, friable quartzite, schist massive quartzite which grades up into R6 member. In general, the R5 member has more localized cross-bed9 and is more massive than the R3 member. Thickness range 80 from to 200 m. R6 member. Although the R6 member is easily weathered and eroded, extensively it a isprominent over both lithology the northern that and crops out southern bands of In general the R6 is well banded, gray r?-d,to exposure. quartz-muscovite-biotite-garnet phyllite to schist. This rock type is commonly strongly crenulated. In the norkhern exposures, medium-sized porphyroblasts of staurolite are commonly concentrated in layering. Interlayers of garletrich and quartz-rich rock contain small red-brown euhedral garnet porphyroblasts. Garnet forms up 40 to percent of some of the garnet-rich layers. Cleavage surfaces in muscovite-rich phyllitic horizons exhibit a characteristic gray to silver sheen. Good graded bedding occurs locally. Basal R6 Although numerous, schists minor this contain local, thin textural and unit lithologically is black mineralogical quartzite variations distinctive beds. are with respect to the other Rinconada schists. The upper contact 60 of theR6 with very the overlying distinctive, several Pilar meter Phyllite thick, is marked a blue-black by garret quartzite. Thicknesses of R6 range from4 0 to 100 m. Pilar Phyllite Formation Just (1937) originally included the Pilar Phyllite Formation as the Hondo Slate. Montgomery (1953) renamed the Hondo Slate as the Pilar Phyllite ofMember the Ortega Formation. Nielsen (1972) separated a slate member froma muscovite phyllite member (later to become the Piedra Lumbre Formation) in the Pilar Formation. Long (1976) propos?d group status Formation The for and the Piedra Pilar Ortega, Lumbre Formation and broke out the Pilar major tsro and Formation. is exposed in two minor localities in the Picuris Range. Lithologies ars identical of in somewhat all areas, more with phyllitic the rock exception in parts of of the the occurrence southwNsstern exposure. The Pilar is a distinctive, black, compact, very fine-grained, quartz-rich carbonaceous slaty phyllite. Brown to yellow iron-staining commonly occurs locally. In some areas, small, elongate, flattened cavities appear on cleavage surfaces, and thin white, schistose layers, which probably represent phyllite. McCarty phyllitic layer bedding, cut the homogeneous black (1983) mapped a 15-m-thick, brick-red in the southwestern exposure. 61 On the average, the Pilar consists of50 about percent small (less than 0.1 mm) streaky quartz grains and lerses and small grains veins that of are coarser quartz, 25% very fine very graphite,25%and mainly opaqce fine-grained (less than0.05 mm) aligned muscovite laths. Relict porphyroblasts occur in some rocks. Minor minerals include of Pilar sphene and traces of biotite. Apparent thicknesses Phyllite range Most workers carbonaceous of oxygen-starved northern The Piedra Copper most carbonaceous, porphyroblasts syncline rocks were occurs area. represent deposited Range, the Formation consists as of muscovite-biotite and local most as sliver of exposure Lumbre area that complete, Formation thin Hill these Hondo in reduced, some extensive an exposure east-trending in in unit was first describzd south of Copper Hill. originally described dark-colored, phyllite calc-silicate with and Although tectonic this may rather be true than in original much of in fine-grained, garnet thin quartzite Callender (1982) suggested that layering in the Piedra is of strip horizons. Based on transposition structures, Holcombe and Lumbre type Formation Picuris a relatively the basin. the Lumbre that shales Lumbre Although Piedra agree black Piedra the from 200 to 600 m in sedimentary. theorighal section, the 62 graded bedding is locally preserved. In the Copper Hill area, the contact between Piedra Lumbre andis Pilar very sharp, with Pilar rocks appearing highly deformed. Ir the Hondo syncline,the contact calc-silicates transition dark, gradational unusual with lithologies numercus marking t.he zone. Piedra more and is Lumbre diverse lithologies than at Copper in the Hill, Hondo and Syncline probably are include more of the original stratigraphic section. The thickness of the Piedra Lumbre folding in anda lack the of syncline marker is not horizons, measureable and no due to stratigraphic younging features are preserved. Most of rocktheinPiedra Lumbre consists garnet- and/or of thinly banded, staurolite-bearing fine- to medium-grained, quartz-muscovite-biotite schist, phyllite, and metasiltstone. Excellent graded beds are found locally. Lithologies are variable along strike, but one 50-m-thick section measured up from the Pilar Phyllite consists of: gray, laminated schists: laminats.-d schistose beds: quartzite gray and schist; phyllitic yellow, schist cross-bedded with small crI3ss- quartzite5 cm with cross-beds; gray phyllitic, garnet-bearing schist; and massive quartzite with finely laminated garnet-plagioclase bands. The contact zone between Pilar and Piedra Lumb-e contains interlayered black slate and phyllite, fine schists, metasiltstones, cross-bedded knobby plagioclase schists, quartz-rich black metasiltstone, amphibole schist, 63 dark calc-silicates, quartzites, Montgomery (1953) made the calc-silicate complete and and various petrologic related rocks phyllite,c. descriptiors from the of Piedra Lumbre Formation in the Copper Hill area. Thicknesses of Piadra Lumbre sections are difficult to estimate due to extremely high amounts of internal deformation. The apparent thickness range6 of from200 m to Formation these Piedra has are In 400 been minimum general, Lumbre m. Formation The removed top by of in the the Piedra weathering Aondo and syncline Lumbre erosion, so estimates. schists of the Piedra Lumbre contain less garnet, are more resistant to weathering, are darker, and are more heterogeneous than the R6 schist member of th? Rinconada Formation. Piedra Lumbre protoliths include laminated, thinly interlayered quartz sandstones and siltstones, and carbonaceous shales. Sedimentology The most Precambrian of thorough rocks in Eriksson (1985) on the the Ortega Group sedimentological New Mexico Ortega was Group analysis made of by done in Soegaard northern New and Mexico. Based on facies analyses in the Tusas, Picuris, Truchas, and Pecos areas, they concluded accumulated on a shallow marine that the shelf Ortega that Group sloped gently the south and southeast.No evidence of subaerial exposure to 64 was found,so sediments were considered subtidal shelf deposits. These rocks represent a transgression in which sediment ended input with initially the drowning matched basin subsidence, of outer shelf the and but which deposition of black basinal muds (Pilar and Piedra Lumbre formations). No Proterozoic Lumbre supracrustal have been rocks identified younger in any than of the these Piedra ranges. Soegaard and Eriksson (1985) found that sedimentary structures were dominated by storms on the outer shelf, and tides on the inner shelf. Very low shelf slopes are inferred due to the of lack shallow-water turbidites. Soegaard and Eriksson (1985) noted that depositioyal models for mudrocks accumulation such as the of thick Ortega quartz Group are arenites not well and lesser constrained, because no modern analogs have been found. In the geologic record, very to Lower the thick sandstones Paleozoic, the and quartzites Proterozoic, and are restricted the late form Archean. Most thick, pure quartz sandstones probably in a relatively long-lived, tectonically stable setting during a major sea-level rise. Influx of mature terrigeneous relative quartzose sea-level sediment rise. must be balanced by the 65 Plutonic Rocks General The Range suite was of granitic originally rocks named the in the Dixon southern Picuris Granite (1937) by Just during his reconnaissance mapping. Montgomery (1953) called these rocks, and similar rocks to the south in the Truchas Range, the Embudo Granite.In a detailed field, petrologic, and geochemical study of these rocks, (1976) Long subdivided four major intrusive youngest, Cerro Alto Porphyry, Rana Quartz are Picuris exposed range. which Metadacite, he named, Puntiagudo Monzonite, and from to oldest Granite Penasco Quartz In addition to these four units from the Monzonite. southern units Range, in the at map least area in two other the intrusive eastern half b2dies of the In this report, these are informally called th,? Granite of Alamo Canyon and the Granite of Picuris two large, Peak outcrop distributions in Fig. 2.4). The East south Granite of the elongate, plutonic rock of Alamo Canyon Picuris-Pecos partially which are fault are fault-bounded separated a strip by exposures of no-th- of Cenozoic sedimentary rocks. In many of the best-exposed, non-faulted (see 66 areas, thin zones of steeply-dipping Precambrian orthoquartzite and Pennsylvanian sandstone, limestone, and shale separate surrounding both textural resemble Granites Cenozoic Although show the one of Alamo Canyon from the sediments. the eastern variation another from and and place are western to granitic place, probably the these bcdies rocks result a singleof intrusive event. The eastern block generally consists of pink to white, medium-grained, weathered looking, mica-rich granitic rock with euhedral megacrysts of feldspar. The western block is more heterogeneous. In the northern half, black flattened amphibolite lenses float within a pinkish, fine- to medium-grained granitic rock. These granitic rocks are always weathered looking, fairly equigranular, and commonly crumbly. In places, this rock could easily b= mistaken for an arkose.In the south, this unit appears intrusive into Rio Pueblo quartz-eye schist. The Granites of Alamo Canyon Pegmatites exposures are just All of the nowhere cut voluminous basal in the Ortega Group southernmost quartzites. granitic northwest U.S. of Hill. granitic rocks east of the Picuris-Pecos fault contain at least one tectonic foliation. commonly three closely-spaced, to weather into orthogonal small, angular joint blocks. sets cause this rock 67 The Granite of Picuris Peak In the southeastern Picuris Range, on the west side of the Picuris-Pecos rocks, herein interlayered Blocks of fault, called with medium- the to coarse-grained Granite of Picuris supracrustal orthoquartzite Vadito within Peak, Group the granitic are country plutonic rock rack. suggost an intrusive relationship between the two. Contacts between granitic rock and parallel to bedding supracrustal in the The Granite of textures ranging from rock country Picuris invariably trend east, rock. Peak ashows variety coarse-grained, pink of loyal feldspar-rich rock to white, quartz-rich rock. In thin section, these rocks show interlocking mosaics of microcline, plagioclase, quartz, biotite,and iron-oxide minerals. Most samples exhibit considerable Cerro The Alto Cerro foliated, alteration of feldspars and mica. Metadacite Alto stock-like Metadacitea fine-grained, is gray, body Vadito that sits within Group supracrustal rocks. Montgomery (1953) included this rock with the unit he mapped as "Vadito Conglomerate-felsitetl (Vcf). Long (1976) described isolated sills of metadacite in nearby amphibolites, and found xenoliths of metadacite nearby granitic rocks. Granitic rocks appear to cut the in 68 main metadacite metadacite Picuris. that the oldest of the Cerro Porphyryor the the and thus Long granitic concluded body in that the the southerr Bell (1985) found no evidence for later D.A. intrusion Granite is body, Cerro Alto Metadacite Rana Quartz body was Alto by the Puntiagudo Monzonite, and concluded contemporaneous with the Vadito amphibolite. Puntiagudo Granite Porphyry Long (1976) has described the Puntiagudo Granite Porphyry as consisting of subequant, subhedral, Carlsb3dtwinned, 1 cm-long, microcline phenocrysts, and rounde-l quartz phenocrysts ina plagioclase, k-feldspar, biotite, muscovite matrix. Modally, the rock ranges from quartz monzonite The to granodiorite. pluton is massive, and cross-cuts Vadito Grou? schists and amphibolites along sharp contacts. The intrusion nowhere penetrates Ortega Group rocks. D . A . Bell (1985) found schists, Rana The that but does Quartz Rana the Puntiagudo not intrude intrudes the the Vadito Vadito amphibolite. Monzonite Quartz Monzonite is the most widely exposed the plutonic rocks in the southern Picuris Range. Contacts of 69 with the other (1976) noted granitic inclusions bodies of are poorly Puntiagudo in exposed, the but. Long Rana, suggesting that the Rana is younger. The Rana is generally foliated, medium-grained biotite quartz monzonite to granodiorite, witha discontinuous fine-grained, gradational border zone (Long,1976). This body also is strongly discordant Group with A s with suspected Vadito country rocks. the Puntiagudo pluton, D.A. Bell (1985) that this unit intrudes Vadito schists, but not Vadito amphibolites. In the one area where the Rana pluton is in border D.A. contact zone with that the Vadito everywhere amphibolite, else rims the the fine-grained pluton is ab3ent. Bell (1985) proposed that this contact is an unconformity separating older Vadito schists and granitic plutons, from younger Vadito amphibolites. The PuntiapdoRana contact is a fault in most places. In unfaulted areas, the Rana pluton Penasco intrudes Quartz Puntiagudo rocks. Monzonite Long (1976) found the Penasco Quartz Monzonite to be the youngest The Penasco plutonic is body generally in the southern conformable with Picuris Vadito Range. Group in its northern exposure. Penasco rocks are less foliated than the sphene other quartz granitic monzonite rocks to in the area.a biotiteIt is granodiorite, that locally rocks 70 contains abundant, large (up 9to cm long) megacrysts of Carlsbad-twinned microcline, and mafic xenoliths alonq its borders. D.A. Bell (1985) found that the Penasco pluton irtrudes the Cerro Vadito Alto Metadacite, the Vadito schists, and the amphibolites. Pegmatites Pegmatites are common in the southwestern Picuris Range, and cut all granitic rock types. Long (1974) divided them into five groups:1) small, simple pegmatites with microcline, quartz, albite, muscovite, and green beryl: 2) larger, variably-zoned bodies with unusual mineralization (e.9. the Harding Pegmatite): 3) small, zoned bodies of albite, quartz,and muscovite; 4) small dikesof pegmatiteaplite: and 5 ) medium-sized dikes of K-feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, and tourmaline. These pegmatites commonly occur cut widely across in abundant, most rock deformed quartz veins that types. Several, 2 to .I-m-thick, concordant, simple pegmatites of quartz-microcline-albite-muscovite have intruded Pilar Phyllite in the west-central map area. These pegmatites are aligned within the themselves folded. hinges of macroscopic folds, but are not 71 Summary of The General Picuris Field Range Relations contains three supracrustal rock sequences and at least five different plutonic bodies. In all rocks, compositional layering and a? dip foliations average of60° south. Cross-beds in Vadito Group quartzites suggest an overall younging to the north. Thus, as illustrated bya cross-section the Group Vadito through structurally overlies underlies the Ortega Group (Fig. 3.4). Pilar structurally and the Picuris and RanTe, stratigraphically The felsic schist at stratigraphically underlies the Ortega Group. Thus, the Vadito Group and the felsic s"hist at Pilar occupy identical stratigraphic positions with respect to the Ortega Group. The nature of the relationships The among Vadito all Group three is of these extensively terranes intruded is by unk?own. synte-tonic granitic plutons. No plutons intrude Ortega Group roclcs or the felsic schist at Pilar (however, the base of the f'?-lsic schist is not exposed). The pre-tectonic Cerro Alto Metadacite intrudes the amphibolite unit of the Vadito Group, but not the schist unit. The syntectonic Puntiagudo and Rana plutons intrude the schist amphibolite unit ( D . A . Bell, 1985). Penasco pluton intrudes both unit but not the The post-tectonic the schist and amphibolite units of the Vadito Group. These relationships suggest that the Vadito Group is anot simple, continuous stratigraphic 72 a a VADITO FELSIC SCHIST 1460 M a GRANITIC ROCKS PIEDRA LUMBRE 1 6 8 0 ~a GRANITICROCKS -C o n t a c t - Ductilefault Bedding-parallel s h e a r zone " 0 0 PILARPHYLLlTE 0 V A D ~ T ORUASTZITE SCHIST VADITO RINCONADA ORTEQA OUARTZITE VADITO AMPHIBOLITE FELSIC SCHIST AT PILAR Figure 3.4. Generalized south-north cross-section through the Picuris Range. No vertical exaggeration. See text for discussion. 73 package, but separating The part rather different quartz-eye of the of Range are found in Santa Fe faults and/or lithostratigraphic felsic schist at unconformities units. Pilar is similar to redefined Vadito Groupll that Williams et al. (1986) described Parts contains the in the more mafic similar the to Tusas Range Tusas, (Pecos and Rio Mora Group in older mafic metavolcanic (Moppin greenstone the areas. Vadito the Range Taos, metavolcanic belt), and southern sequences series), the Picuris Taos the Rqnge. Williams (1987) suspected that each of these may be se?arate older greenstone-type terranes of different ages. If mafic rocks is in the probably because it southern best to Picuris maintain may aberock group Range the are a terrane, such original without it Vadito Group name stratigraphic equivalents. The Vadito metavolcanic None of Group aas whole packages, and older mafic the orthoquartzites such as the is unlike felsic terranes the both the pre-Ortega contain Marquenas mafic packal-ges. thick Quartzite Formation of the Picuris Range. None of the other felsic packages are intruded by granitic plutons. Thus the Vadito Group of the Picuris Range is anomalous.D.A. Bell (1985) suggested that a major unconformity separated the Vadito schists from the Vadito amphibolites. He suggested that this unconformity was subsequently folded. Early, near-bedding parallel ductile faults cut Vadito and Ortega rocks to the north. It 74 is possible that the contact that D . A . Bell (1985) suEpected was a folded unconformity is actually a folded faultcr series of folded faults in the Vadito Group. so, If these faults may have juxtaposed rocks from totally different tectonic terranes (i.e. the amphibolite, schist, and metaconglomerate/quartzite units Furthermore, represented that the the by very Vadito boundary of different schist between Marquenas schist ora bedding-parallel The Picuris Vadito sedimentary and unconformity southern the and Group). environments Quartzite suggest metaconglomerate is an fault. Range Vadito Group may consist fragments of various lithostratigraphic sequences. This may be the reason characteristics Alternatively, that of the both there are Vadito Group types of two other possesses pre-Ortega terranes. possibilities to aclount for the incongruity: 1) there is more lithologic variety to either the previously the felsic been southern or mafic terrane recognized; 2) or the Picuris Range is (or entire entirely both) than has Vadito Grxp of distinct from b'3th the felsic and older mafic metavolcanic terranes. For this paper, these rocks will be considered a single as called the Vadito Group, sensu stricto 3.5). (Fig. package of 75 PRECAMBRIAN STRATIGRAPHY PICURIS RANGE, NEW MEXICO E Pilar Phyllite Rinconada Ortega Quartzite I ”””_ FAULT \ / ?\ FAULT? /? Felsic schist ~Zq+?f-PTJ R Granite M SOUTHERN PICURIS NORTHERN PICURIS Figure 3 . 5 . Possible stratigraphic relationships among the Ortega Group, Vadito Group, and the felsic schist at Pilar in the Picuris Range. The felsic schist at Pilar may be Montgomery equivalent to some of the Rio Puebloof Schist (1963). Vf = Vadito Group felsic schist. Va = Vadito amphibolite. Vs = Vadito schist. Vq = Marquenas Quartzite and similar Vadito Group quartzites and metaconglomerates. CHAPTER 4. GEOCHRONOLOGY Introduction Prior to this crystallization Range. No U-Pb of the Vadito absolute Group study, ages of zircon Group ages because Several recent plutonic rocks are no attempts supracrustal ages of have the for metavolcanic zircon the dates been in Picuris exist have to Picuris for any unit Range, and no of the Orteya in the section. been Picuris made the published deposition rocks southern have rocks been southern available U-Pb in no fo’r reported Range, and one study has examined detrital zircons in the Ortega Quartzite. The remaining geochronology in the Picuris Range has been limited to the K-Ar and Rb-Sr isotopic systems. L.T. Silver (personal communication reported a U-Pb zircon in age Grambling and of 1700 about Williams, Ma for 1985b) felsic metavolcanic rocks in the Tusas Mountains. Grambling and Williams (1985b) suggested that these rocks could be correlative with the felsic schist at Pilar. All previously published Picuris Figure 4.1. Range geochronology is date summarized in 77 Ma U-Pb zircon Rb-Sr whole. rock 1200 ,234263 Embudo (miner .23S&Z3 isochron) (1) 235519 a i o t i t e , SE of Trangas (3) 1300 335 Muscovite in s i q l e peg 270 5 (3) 30 Harding Peg. (6) 1400 1450 Penasco ( 7 ) 1470 + 20 Penasco 430 Penasco (2) 440 L 160 Rana ( 6 ) (4) 1500 550 5 140 Puntiagudc (6) 1600 16 30 Cerro Alto (7) 1700 1665 "Rio P u e b l o S c h i s t ' 16 73 + 5 Rana (7) 1684 + 1 Puntiagudo ( 7 ) 570 Rana 709 (2) -+ 41 "Embudc Granire" (1) 1800 1830 -+ 2 1 d e r r i t a l z i r c o n s , Orcega Quarrzite (5) 1900 Figure 4.1. Summary of previous geochronologic work in the Picuris Range. Ages recalculated using decay c0nstant.s of Steiger and Jager (1977). 78 Previous Work The first Picuris geochronologic Range consisted and lepidolite muscovite et al., 1958). investigation of K-Ar from the and of model Barding rocks Rb-Sr in the study Pegmatite of (Aldrich Samples yielded an average value of approximately 1300 Ma for the age of the pegmatite. Upon reinterpretation of these data, Long (1976) proposed that the Rb-Sr mineral isochron suggested that the pegmatite may be as old as1375 Ma. Register (1979) found an Rb-Sr age of 1370 & 30 Ma for the Harding Gresens (1975) determined for pegmatitic Fullagar isochron muscovite and Pegmatite. an in Rb-Sr the of of southern (1973) produced Shiver analysis age the Wmbudo Granite" an in about 1335 Ma Picuris Rb-Sr the Range. whole-rock south'zrn Picuris Range. Long (1976) suspected that the resulta?t age of 1673 5 41 Ma was actually a composite age of several different plutons. Upon reinterpretation of field relations (1976) deduced poorly constrained of these samples, Long ages of1673 Ma for the Rana Quartz Monzonite, 1400and Ma for the Penasco Quartz Monzonite. Fullagar and Shiver also derived mineral isochrons 1208 of & 63 and 1212 & 23 for "Embudo Granites". Fullagar and Shiver(1973) suggested that a thermal event may have reset the system at about 1200 Ha. Long (1976) also susected that the significance of these ages is uncertain due to partial or total resetting of 79 the Rb-Sr and K-Ar isotopic Gresens (1975) found in rocks southeast of the systems. K-Ar biotite town of dates 1235 of k 19 Ma Trampas. Gresens (1975) proposed the following history for Precambrian rocks in the southern Picuris Range: intrusion of theVmbudo Granite" metamorphism at1673 Ma: tectonism and at1425 Ma: a thermal event at 1350 Ma: a?d tectonism and hydrothermal activity 1250 at Ma. Long (1976) postulated that the overlap of K-Ar represented a thermal In a Rb-Sr and Rb-Sr dates 1220-1250 Ma. at event geochronologic study of granitic rocks in the southern Picuris Range, Register (1979) reported d%tes of 1550 k 140 Ma 1440 + for 160 for the Two workers the Rana have Puntiagudo Quartz reported Granite Porphyry, and Monzonite. U-Pb zircon crystallization (1976) sam?led ages for rocks in the Picuris Range. Maxon detrital zircons in the Ortega Quartzite from two localities in the cliffs near Pilar. Several different shapes of zircon populations were recognized. Concordia diagram: contained upper and lower of 1830 + 21 and 436 intercepts Ma, respectively. The age of 1830 21 of crystallization unknown source Ortega of area, zircons in and a maximum Ma is a minimwn age some age igneousfxom rock some for deposition of the Quartzite. D.A. Bell (1985) performed U-Pb zircon chronology on the four granitic plutons in the southwestern Picuris Range. 80 He reported Porphyry, 1673 1630 Ma the of 1684 2 1 Ma dates for the Puntiagudo Granite 3 Ma for the Rana Quartz Monzonite, about Cerro A l t o Metadacite, the Penasco for Quartz and about 1450 Ma for Monzonite. Discussion These Rb-Sr crystallization and K-Ar dates ages due may to be minimum isotopic estimates resetting of during thermal overprinting. Resetting is not a problem with the U-Pb zircon dates reported in recent investigations. Therefore, 12 samples for geochronology were collected for the present study.A preliminary U-Pb zircon date has thus far been generated for only one sample. A sample of Rio Pueblo the Schist from southeastern the type-section Picuris Range at Comales campgroxnd in yielded a relatively concordant age of about 1665 Ma (S.A. Bowring, personal communication, 1986). The rock dated is texturally different felsic from the schist at Pilar, and may not be equivalent. Ages of the remaining samples willrep’xted be in a future Ten of publication. these crystallization samples for various should yield volcanic ages and of plutonic units the Picuris Range. The other two samples are from metasedimentary rocks. One is designed to investigate detrital zircons in quartzite clasts from the Marquenas in 81 Quartzite Formation, investigate the and the of peak age other was collected metamorphism in to the Ortega. Group. The timing Precambrian of rocks metamorphism in northern and New deformation of Mexico has previously been attempted with the Rb-Sr system. Rb-Sr whole-rock and mineral isochron studies structural-metamorphic absolute ages of in work conjunction have been with used structural-metamorphic detailed to events determine in multiply deformed-metamorphosed rocks (Black et al., 1979; Marjoribanks and Black, 1974). Deformational events that cause strong penetrative cleavages are sufficient to homogenize Rb isotopes over a large scale. By carefully collecting samples schistosity, whose whole-rock. fabrics and are mineral dominated known by some isochrons can yield data on the thermal-structural historyof the rock. Ward and Grambling (1985), who rocks Ma in for northern successfully New Mexico, development aofstrong cleavage in schists, applied this reported an syn-metamorphic technique age of to around crenulation and a cooling rate of 2-3OC/Ma at depth. Although this strong crenulation cleavage may correspond Range, toa similar concurrence fabric of in schists development of of these the Picuris fabrics is not required. for Appendix 1 describes the the and12 the geochronology present study zircon separation method samples. used 1425 CHAPTER 5. GEOMETRIC FABRIC ELEMENTS Introduction Multiple are microscopic developedto various and mesoscopic degrees in tectonite most of the fabrics Proterozoic rocks in the Picuris Range. Correct identification and interpretation of these fabrics is critical to the structural analysis. This chapter defines and describes the various Range. fabric elements in Precambrian rocks of the Picuris It is important to note that the character of the fabrics themselves varies between areas, and between lithologies within an area. In these cases, range-wid? correlation The of specific defonnational characteristic set of fabric episodes suggest that the that structures identified asDl, D2, and D3. to elements area becomes difficllt. produced a and fabric elements are This terminology is not meant was to subject distinct pulses of deformation. There may have been considerable temporal overlap of formation of these 'Igenerations1l of structures. Folding events are denoted Fl, Fz, etc., with associated cleavages SI, SZ*, S2, etc. intersection lineations of surfaces L10 and L20 are designated by subscripts. L1 and L2 are extension lineations formed during Dl and D2 respectively. 83 Compositional Layering,SQ In most rocks, compositional layering is thought to represent original stratigraphic layering. Orthoquartzites in both the Ortega Group and the Vadito Group commonly contain well preserved cross-laminations (Fig. Schists of the graded of Piedra bedding the in pelitic Lumbre which portion, Formation metamorphism locally has and athus "reverse" preserve caused coarsening grainsize grading (Fig. In some areas, compositional layering does not correspond to sedimentary layering. Holcombe and Callender (1982) suggested Piedra Lumbre that exposed much of the layering south of Copper Hill in the was slivlr of structurally transposed. This is clearly the case locally inof many the schistose unitsof the Picuris Range (Fig. 5.2). Most quartzose rocks fracture along compositional layers rather than later cleavages. Over most of the range, SQ strikes First east, and dips around 60' south. Generationof Structures, Dl The earliest recognized cleavage, SI, appears asa schistosity in quartzites and micaceous quartzites. Within the matrixof most schists, S1 appears to have been 84 a b. Figure 5.1. Photographs of primary sedimentary structures a. Overturned in Precambrian rocks of the Picuris Range. cross-bedsinOrtegaQuartzite. b. Overturnedgraded bedding in the Piedra Lumbre Formation. 85 Figure 5.2. Photograph of transposed layering and F$(?) folds in Piedra Lumbre Formation, southwestern Picurls Range. 86 destroyed by subsequent cleavage formation. Porphyrotlasts in some schists contain inclusion trails interpreted to be S1 is generally parallel remnants of SI. In the quartzites, or sub-parallel responsible to for compositional the mica sheen layering, visible and on is bedding surfaces in quartz-rich rocks. In the felsic schist at Pilar, the dominant foliation is bedding-parallel, and is interpreted In these schists, S1 is defined by as S1 (Fig. 5.3). aligned muscovite, opaque minerals, inequant quartz grains, and flattened quartz and feldspar megacrysts. This S1 corresponds to the of S1 Nielsen and Scott (1979) and Holcombe and Callender (1982). The earliest imposed lineation, L1, is generally a down-dip mineral quartz-eye 5.4). elongation schists near best the seen in the quartzites and contact (Fig. Vadito-Ortega Commonly, elongate grains of kyanite, sillimanite, and quartz define this extension lineation. In Marquexas Quartzite Formation orientation This of lineation Nielsen and metaconglomerates stretched pebble does correspond Scott not (1979), who the clasts to defined down-dip may represent L1. the composite L1 L1 as the intersection between S1 and S2. F1 folds are uncommon. None have been unequivocally identified in the map area. Small, intrafolial, isoclinal folds in the Piedra Lumbre Formation south of of Copper Hill may be F1 folds. These F1 folds correspond to the rootless, a7 Figure 5.3. Photomicrograph of SI foliation in quartzmuscovite, felsic schist at Pilar. Field of view is 3.4 m m . 88 Figure 5.4. Photograph of down-dip L, extension lineation on SI surfaces in Ortiga Quartzite; n k h w e s t e r n Picuris Range. 89 intrafolial foldsof Nielsen and Scott (1979) and McCarty (1983). Second Generation of The S2 cleavage Structures, D2 appears as either a crenulation cleavage or a schistosity. S2 is rarely the dominant cleavage in rocks of the Picuris Range. In most schistose rocks, S2 has been totally destroyed D3 bystructures. In quartzose rocks, which do not preserve cleavagesS2 well, appears locallyas a crenulation cleavage. S2 is generally at a low angleto compositional layering. ThisS2 does not correspond to the S2 of either Nielsen and Scott (1979) or Holcombe and Callender(1982). Instead, the presently defined S2 is intermediate The L2 extension to theL1 lineation between lineation and is contains their S1 and S2. parallel or sub-parallel aligned biotite, quar?z, kyanite, sillimanite, and tourmaline. TheL20 intersection lineation is extremely difficult to separate from later intersection lineations. These lineations do not correspond to theL2 and L20 intersection lineations of Nielsen and Scott (1979) and Holcombe and Callender (1982). F2 folds are common, range from tight to isoclinal, range in size from microscopic to map-scale 5.5). (Fig. In quartz-rich rocks, S1 is folded byF2 folds. Axial surfaces and 90 a. b. Figure 5.5. F2 antiform the Piedra disharmonic Photographs of F2 folds. a. Photograph cf open with well developed axial plane cleavag,? from Lumbre Formation. b. Photograph of tight, F2 folds in the Piedra Lumbre Formation. 91 are generally from 40° are identified reclined to 80°. to the north, with dips southerly Commonly, at the outcrop scale, F2 folds only by the occurrence a strong of S3 cleavage that transects both limbs of the fold. F2These. folds and correspond to F2 thestructures described by Nielsen Scott(1979) and Holcombe and Callender (1982). Third Generation of The S2* cleavage Structures, D3 is the dominant cleavage in nearly all rocks of the Ortega Group. Most schistose rocks break along the s2* surfaces. S2* is generally oriented within 20° of compositional layering. In schists,S2* is well-developed, and is commonly the youngest visible cleavage. In mor? quartzose rocksS2* may be a crenulation cleavage. Rarely, quartz-mica cleavage schists preserve formation, microfolded and in an intermediate by differentiated aligned of whichS2 an schistosity has bee? into mica-rich War%and rich zones of an S2* crenulation (Fig. 5 . 6 ) . defined stage muscovite, biotite, S2* is opaque minerals, tourmaline, and flattened quartz grains. This S2* corresponds to the S2 of Nielsen and Scott (1979) and Holcombe and Callender(1982). L2* is a moderately in some schists, well-developed defined primarily extension by aligned lineation biotite and/or 92 Figure 5.6. Photomicrograph of vertically spaced S 2 * which has crenulated an earlier oblique S 2 ( ? ) cleavage. 93 tourmaline grains (Fig. 5.7a). L2*0 is the dominant intersection lineation parallel to the L ~ * ois most in most of F2* hinges evident as rocks, folds and within is any generally local compositional on bands S2* area. cleavage surfaces in thinly layered schists (Fig. 5.7b). The L2* and L ~ * olineations (1979) and correspond the L20 of to Nielsen the ofL2 Holcombe and and Scott Callender (1982). F2* folds are rare. In some cases, at the outcrop scale, where the fold contains an axial plane schistosity but lacks the lttransectinglt S2* cleavage, F2 and F2* folds cannot be told apart. Locally, on the overturned limb of the Hondo syncline, north of Warm Springs, it appears that . 1) These F2* folds have overprinted F2 structures (Plate F2* by folds Nielsen do and not correspond Scott (1979) and to any Holcombe fold and generation desxibed Callender (1982). Later At Generationsof Structures least two generations of non-penetrative (on an outcrop scale) structures post-date D3 structures in the region. Strain accumulation associated with these structures appears to be minor. The major late structure appears as local, weak, cross-cutting crenulations in some schists (Fig. 5.8). Associated with these are intersection ~ 94 a. b. Figure 5.7. Photographs of second generation lineations in the Ortega Group. a. L2* bi2tite extension lineation on S 2 . Scale bar is in cm. b. L2 0 intersection lineation on S 2 surface. 95 b. Figure 5.8. a. Photograph of S-, crenulation cleavage in Piedra Lumbre schist. b. Photomicrograph of S3 crenulation m. cleavage in Rinconada schist. Field of view is 8 m 96 lineations and very open folds. In a regional sense, these features trend north-south, approximately perpendicukr to the earlier structures. These structures correspond to the S3, L3, and F3 structures of Nielsen and Scott (1979), and the S3, L30, and F3 structures of Holcombe and CallenZer (1982). Within the map area, none of the fourth generation ductile offset recognized. features of Nielsen and (1979) Scott were CHAPTER 6. Introduction and Although has have never agreed regionally in rigorously that Ortega index and all rocksof the Work metamorphism metamorphosed Metamorphic groups, Previous the been METAMORPHISM Orteqa rocks examined, and to minerals three of all Vadito middle are aluminum to high-grade the silicate have throughout both polymorphs are dynamo-thermal history regional of metamorp’lism, isograds separating sillimanite, kyanite, and staurolite zones. These isograds were coincident with lithologic contacts. related intensity of metamorphism to timing of deformational events. He found that prograde regional metamorphism deformations, and found Group. metamorphism. In the Ortega Group, Montgomery traced (1972) been facies. widespread hydrothermal metamorphism, and retrograde Nielsen Range studies rocks amphibolite abundant Picuris previous group Montgomery (1953) described a metamorphic medium- in peaked between F2 the and F3 that a regrogressive peak occurred after the F4 event. Holdaway (1978) performed a metamorphic study of Ortega Group rocks. He described A12Si05 triple point conditions, 98 and documented andalusite + kyanite kyanite, + sillimanite, chloritoidf staurolite, an? that the Long + assemblages of chloritoid andalusite. Based on these assemblages, he concluded kb in key metamorphism Picuris (1976) had peaked at about 3.7 53OoC, Range. reported on conditions of metamorphism of Vadito Group rocks in amphibolites, pelitic schists, and calc-silicates. Various mineral assemblages permitted him to deduce upper temperature and pressure limits of about 6OO0C and 3.7kb. Long also developed a model for the P-T path with respect to the deformational history. In this model, temperature pressure, towards increased the at aluminum about 4OoC per kb of silicate triple point (Holdaway, 1971), until achieving peak conditions between the F2 and Following F3 the retrogressive deformational metamorphic stagesof the peak, P-T (1976), in which P and T varied scale during an overall events of Nielsen several path were considerably isothermal (1972). highly conjectlral proposed by Long on a small pressure decrease. McCarty (1983) also examined metamorphism in Vadito Group rocks. She concluded that P and T increased during F1 and F2 deformations, until peaking during or after the growth of biotite, andalusite, and cordierite(?) porphyroblasts. Peak temperature was between 525OC and 6OO0C, and peak pressure was 3.7 kb. These estimates are compatible with Holdaway's(1978) estimates in the Ortega F2 with 99 Group. McCarty noted that because andalusite may not be pure 3.7 A12Si05, kb. triple point pressures may be slightly above Peak conditions were followed by retrogressicn and alteration of andalusite muscovite+chlorite, and to muscovite, growth of cordierite garnet and to staurolite porphyroblasts. After garnet growth, further retrogression resulted in alteration of biotite to chlorite. Grambling and Williams (1985a) investigated aluminum silicate phase relations in Precambrian rocks of north- central New Mexico. In the Picuris Range, they found that kyanite-andalusite-sillimanite assemblages Hill of3.8 2 0.5 kb and 505 2 regionpreseme conditions in the Copp?r 3%. All of these rocks suggest triple point the that estimates both conditions Picuris Peak P-T for groups after the were Ortega and metamorphosed mar the oftime major folding Vadito to in Range. P-T conditions and the various mineral assemblages in Precambrian rocks in the Picuris Range are well established, so rather assemblages following and mineral Ortega possible sections distribution of growth Group, Relative than of and chapter silicate respect possible timing previous metamorphic this aluminum with repeat to P-T criteria work reactions, will paths between the emphasize polymorphs, fabric on the oftiming development for the these in rocks. porphyroblasts and the 100 matrix are based mainly on those described by Vernon (1978), Olsen (1978), T . H . Bell (1985), and Bell et al. (1986), Bell and Rubenach (1983), Wilson (1971), Williams and Schoreveld (1981), Zwart (1962), and Spry (1969). Metamorphic Mineral Aluminum Assemblages Silicate Minerals General. Kyanite, andalusite, and sillimanite are common minerals in quartzites and schists of the Ortega Quartzite and Rinconada formations. In many rocks two of these polymorphs appear to stably coexist. Near Copper Mountain (M.L. Williams, personal communication, 1987) and in a few locations in the northwestern map area, all tllree may stably coexist. Holdaway (1978) also noted that all three coexist in the Hondo syncline area. The occurre?ce of these minerals variations seems toa function be of both litholoqr and inP-T topology. Kvanite. Kyanite is a common mineral in the Ortega Quartzite and Rinconada formations. Along the northern exposure of Ortega coexists with Quartzite, sillimanite, or kyanite occurs generally either alone quartzites in aluminous schist layers within quartzite. Less commonly, and 101 kyanite map coexists area, Along kyanite the kyanite with coexists southern either andalusite, with exposure coexists in one andalusite of with and Ortega locality and or the sillimanite. Quartzite andalusite, in is Formation, found alone in quartzites. Where kyanite is found in quartzites a7d schists it of occurs the Rinconada either alone, Kyanite grains are Formation or in coexisting generally the central with elongate map area, andalusite. subhedral blades or euhedral prismatic crystals. Grains range in length from less than0.5 mm to greater than 15 mm. Inclusions in kyanite are generally not abundant. Some grains have been partly altered Kyanite to sericite grains are or pyrophyllite. typically aligned in dominmt the foliation in the rock. Typically, in quartzites, kyaniterich layers are parallel and spaced between quartz-ric’l matrix. In schistose quartzites, foliations wrap arou?d isolated kyanite grains. Nearly all kyanites show domninal and/or undulatory extinction (Fig.6.1). kyanite grains define a strong, down-dip In many rocks, extension lineation. In other rocks, kyanites have overgrown an13 preserved preexisting inclusions The growth of occurred coincided (S,*) defined by small aligxed iron-oxide. evidence cleavage foliations suggests prior to or that during most, if formation not all, kyanite of the dominant in these rocks. Kyanite growth may have with the Dl strain that produced a strong down-dip 102 . . ~ . . Figure 6.1. Photomicrograph of strained kyanite blades ~aligned in SI and L1. Section is cut parallel to L1 ard perpendicular to SI. Field of view is 10 mm. 103 extension. Kyanite appears to have remained stable (or persisted metastably) metamorphic/tectonic during most of the historyof the subsequent rocks. Andalusite. Large porphyroblasts of andalusite are found in many of the schistose ofunits the Rinconada and Ortega Quartzite formations. In particular, andalusite is abundant in the R1/R2 schist that just liesabove the Ortega Quartzite Formation. Andalusite occurs in the northern and southern bandsof Rinconada Formation, and local pelitic Vadito schist beds in the southern map area. Andalusite is the only common aluminum silicate mineral in Vadito Group rocks. Montgomery (1953) mentioned coexisting andalusite and sillimanite southern in Picuris an unlocated area in Vadito rocks of the Range. Typically, in schists, andalusite porphyroblasts are dark, 8 vaguely rounded, poikioblastic knobs that can be up cm in diameter. Rounded quartz inclusions are invariably abundant within andalusites. Commonly, these inclusions are prolate, and are aligned in a relict foliation. Other common included minerals are biotite, muscovite, iron-oxide mineral, and garnet. Most commonly, andalusite is accompanied by kyanite. No rocks containing andalusite and sillimanite without kyanite have been found. Alteration of andalusite is rare. Andalusite porphyroblasts generally have equant shapes, to 104 and are therefore not aligned or flattened in the dominant foliation. The schistose matrix of most rocks warps around andalusites. Well-defined inclusion trails of e1ongat.e quartz typically foliation, S z * . appears to therefore are continuous with the surrounding nratrix In one rock, this included relict foliation have been a crenulation cleavage. Andalusite has trapped an intermediate stage of S2* development. Other andalusites contain relict folds (F1 or F2?) defined by quartz inclusions or opaque minerals. Most andalusites are optically textures. continuous in spite of their sponge-like In most rocks where andalusite and kyanite coexist, relative timing relationships between the two are ambiguous. Andalusite Sz?) , and has overgrown coincides foliation in with an early development foliation (SI o r of the dominant S2* schists. Sillimanite. The occurrence of sillimanite is mo-e restricted than that of either kyanite or andalusite. In the map area, sillimanite is found only in the northern exposure of Ortega Quartzite Formation. Within these rocks it has grown in both quartzite and aluminous schist. Grambling and Williams (1985a) also reported sillimanite occurrences the town in of the Ortega Group east of Copper Hill and Pilar. Sillimanite occurs as both fibrolitic aggregates of near 105 radiating acicular bundles (Fig. 6.2). crystals and strongly lineated fibrolitic Aggregates range in size from 1.C to 3.0 mm, whereas individual crystals are generally lese than 0.4 mm long. The cores of these bundles are pure, coarse fibrolite, whereas the rims contain only minor amounts of long, needle-like fibrolite. Sillimanite occurs either as the lone although aluminum on0 silicate thin polymorph, section from the or with kyanite, northwestern map area contains all three polymorphs. In some thin sections, where sillimantite extend thin coexists across with kyanite sections where kyanite, grain they sillimanite boundaries, coexist, whereas sillimanite needles in oth?-r grains dl cross kyanite grain boundaries. Sillimanite and andalusite without kyanite are not found in the map area. s o m In rocks, sillimanite is replaced by fine, fibrous grains presumed to Although oriented, be pyrophyllite. some most sillimanite show a slight bundles flattening are in randomly the plane of the dominant S2* foliation. Within and around sillimanite aggregates, sillimanite crystals invariably cross quartz grain boundaries. Many sillimanite crystals show some amount of Some strong internal strain well-lineated through samples alignmentof sillimanite of grains undulatory Ortega in extinction. Quartzite a show the L1 extension direction. These grains are interpreted to have grown preto S p - D l . not 106 a. b. Figure 6.2. a. Photomicrograph of fibrolitic sillimanite aggregates strongly aligned in Ll, from Ortega Quartzite, northern Picuris Range. Section is cut parallel to L1 and perpendicular to SI. Field of view is 14 m m. b. Photomicrograph of fibrolitic sillimanite bundles in Ortega Quartzite. Field of view is 3.4 m m . 107 It appears Quartzite However, that sillimanite throughout because much the Dl of has the strain grown in the deformational is Ortega history. heterogeneous, absolute timing relationships are uncertain. Vernon (1987) noted that if sillimanite aggregates grow in regions of low strain (e.g. quartz-rich rock), then their growth is not related to strain in terms of the bulk heterogeneous shortening model of Bell (1981). Random bundles do not necessarialy imply post-deformational growth on scales larger athan thin section. Therefore, in these quartzites, sillimanite may be pre- or syn-kinematic unstrained due Alternatively, the early to with the respect to D3, but may remain heterogeneity of strain. ifDl structures developed throughout m-lch of deformational history, the lineated sillimanite could have grown at almost any time. Although timing relationships remain stable much of the over unclear, sillimanite deformational was probably history. Discussion. There appears to be a difference in the occurrence southern of aluminum exposures of silicate Ortega phases Quartzite in the northern Formation in and the area. Stratigraphy and lithologies are identical across the northern and southern limbs of the Hondo syncline. On the southern limb, kyanite coexists with andalusite. On the northern limb, kyanite coexists with sillimanite, and locally with both sillimanite and andalusite. Grambling and map 108 Williams (1985a) suggested that these variations correspond to variations horizontal in elevation isograds, with across kyanite an area occurring containing cubat the highest elevations, andalusite(+ kyanite) at intermediate elevations, and sillimanite( 2 kyanite and andalusite) at the lowest elevations. Andalusite, kinematic kyanite, with respect and to probably sillimanite dominant s ~ foliation * the are in pre- most rocks. Kyanite grains are generally aligned ain first generation extension lineation (Ll), and exhibit undulose extinction. Andalusite typically has overgrown and preserved an early foliation (Sz?). relationships, kinematically late kyanite with is interpreted respect syn-kinematically Based on these to or Dl, as and having syngrown andalusite post-kinematically with has grown resp3ct to D2 * In strongly lineated Ortega Quartzite, sillimanit? appears to have grown pre- to syn-Dl. In other samples, sillimanite appears to have grown syn- to post-D3. Beoause Dl structures different probably areas, the developed absolute outside of small areas is In the area, kyanite map at different timing of times mineral in growths uncertain. grew during shearing of the Ortega Quartzite and Rinconada formations. Although folding of the the Hondo present syncline large-scale may have post-dated variations in kyanite aluminum growkh, silicate 109 distribution probably across due to the axis of the variations Hondo in syncline elevation are of the rocks two on limbs. Sillimanite is exposed in the deeper rocks at lower elevations on the northernlimb, whereas in rocks the shallow at higher kyanite is exnosed elevations on the southern limb. other Metamorphic Minerals General. Schists and quartzites of the Ortega Group contain a large variety of shapes and sizes of many different mineral phases. This section will concentrate on relationships between tectonite fabrics and porphyroblastic phases found within the map area. Common metamorphic mineral assemblages found in Ortega Group rocks are given Figure 6.3. Biotite. Biotite is common in schistose rocks throughout the range. Most Piedra Lumbre and Rinconada formation schists contain 10 to 15 percent biotite. GTain sizes range from 0.1 nun to about average sizeof about 0.6 euhedral to subhedral, mm. and more than 5.0 mm, with an Most biotites are blocer, do not contain significant amounts of inclusions. Commonly, biotite grains cut across boundaries between other minerals. Locally, chlorite is intergrown with biotite. in 110 r T PIEDRA LUMBRE "cc li .I Et I . z I t .I 4 ORTEGA .e I I. t I Is )I If t % 0 . I I . Figure 6.3. Common metamorphic mineral assemblages found in rocks of the Ortega Group. 111 From the sample orientation to sample, of biotite there is grains considerable with respect ranre to in fabrics. This probably reflects multiple stages of biotite growth duringthe deformational history. Several thir sections display two generations of biotite growth distinguished by orientation and grain size. Typically, large biotite porphyroblasts are flattened in the dominant S2* foliation. These grains tend to show undulose extinction, ends, and Numerous have lie strong within small, quartz-rich the elongate anastomosing biotite generally aligned obliquely Sto z*. small In grains one biotite with sample of respect Piedra porphyroblasts in pressure shadows S2* crystals at both foliation. in the matrix are The timing of these to the Lumbre larger grains is Formation schist (HC-62), fine-grained micaceous uncertain. matrix have been flattened and sheared (Fig. 6.4). In another highly folded layer Piedra has Lumbre been sample, a biotite-rich folded compositio?al around a strong S2*(?) axial plane cleavage. Biotite grains in this layer are spaced and aligned At in the least cleavage. one period of biotite growth was pre-kinematic with respect to S2*. Large biotite grains are aligned within an anastomosing S2* cleavage. Some appear to be sheared as well. Other smaller biotites may be either predate or postdate biotite grains. growth of the large pre- to syn-S2* 112 Figure 6.4. Photomicrograph of sheared biotite fish in Piedra Lumbre schist, showing dextral shear. Field of view is 4 nun. 113 Garnet. Porphyroblasts of garnet are abundant throughout Garnets the are Piedra Picuris Range especially Lumbre well Formation in schists developed and the R6 and in some schists member of quartzites. of the the Rinconada Formation. Several horizons in the Piedra Lumbre Formation contain garnet of schist layers thin that are up60 to percent porphyroblasts. Garnet crystals more than4 . 0 mm. range in size 1.0 mm to less than from Although most garnets are euhedral, some grains, especially in quartzites, are sub- to anhedral. In general, garnets from Ortega Group rocks in the map ar2a tend to be relatively inclusion-free. Typically, garn3ts that do contain inclusions tend to have relatively inclusion-rich cores and inclusion-free rims. Quartz is the most abundant inclusion. Other included minerals are biotite, chlorite, and zoisite. Alterationof garnet is uncommon. In garnet-staurolite schists, garnets are commonly found within the larger staurolites. is generally (S,*) In schists, the dominant foliation warped around the equant garnet porphyroblasts. Rarely, quartz inclusion trails within garnets show complex microstructures. In the cores of garnets, inclusions define a relict foliation that is oriented a high at angle to the foliation in the matrix. In some samples, the core foliation is bent into a rim orientation the matrix foliation (Fig.6.5). that merges These inclusion with 114 a. b. Figure 6.5 a. Photomicrograph of garnet porphyroblast containing different orientations of quartz inclusions in core and rim. Section is cut normal to L1. Field of view is 3.4 m m . b. Sketch. 115 microstructures are more suggestive of non-rotational inclusion patterns (T.H. Bell,1981, 1985; Bell and Rubenach, 1983; Bell et al.,1986) than the garnet porphyroblast rotation patterns described (1968, 1970), Schoneveld (1977), and by Rosenfeld Powell and Vernon . (1979) An unusual, relatively is shown in Figure 6.6. foliation oriented bracketed on two the relict uncommon microstructure A garnet core containing a relict normal sides garnet the matrix foliation is by a secondary garnet growth which is at foliation to right angles to the in core foliation. This secondary growth foliation is parallel to, and merges with the matrix foliation. This oftype porphyroblast structure has b’een described by (1931) Bell as indicative ofa deformational history involving bulk, inhomogeneous shortening. Most as pre- garnet porphyroblasts to syn-D3, but due to appear their to equant be at shapes, least and as the general scarcity of good internal microstructures, relative ages of growth remain uncertain. Locally, there is evidence for two stages of garnet porphyroblast growth. The first stage second preserveda second(?) generation foliaton, whereas the stage preserved a third generation foliation. Staurolite. Staurolites are abundant in schists of the Piedra Lumbre and Rinconada formations. They occur old 116 Figure 6.6. Photomicrograph of garnet porphyroblast containing symmetrical secondary growths. S z * in matrix is horizontal. Garnet core contains llmillipedefl microstructures defined by quartz inclusion trails. Section is cut normal to L1. Field of view is 4 m m . 117 throughout the porphyroblasts Picuris and Range and porphyroblast form the most spectacular microstructures of ary mineral. Smaller, less spectacular crystals occur in quartzites ofthe Ortega Staurolite to more crossed prisms simple twins range Formation. in length 1.0 mm less than from mm. Superb twinned staurolite crystals than 25.0 including Quartzite twins, are found compound twins, and inR4the member of the right-angle Rinconada Formation in the northern part of the map area. Sectorzoned patterns of inclusions are also common in many of the larger staurolite crystals in the Ortega Group. Commonly, the large poikioblastic staurolites by multiple stagesof growth (Fig. 6.7). are concentrically zoned Between succqssive growth zones, sizes, densities, and textures of inclusions vary considerably. In general, cores are euhedral, less inclusion-rich, and contain larger inclusions thansubthe to anhedral rims. Quartz and iron-oxide minerals are the most commonly included minerals. Other inclusions conTist of smaller Several amounts of staurolites garnet, appear to prisms of chloritoid (Fig.6.8). staurolite grained porphyroblasts carbonaceous biotite, have muscovite. replaced small, euh,?-dral One sample contains that layer and and have the overgrown a folded fine- coarser-grained quartz- muscovite matrix (HC-457A). Staurolite crystal morphologies are profoundly different for the two growth mediums. In the graphitic layer, staurolites are euhedral, whereas in the 118 a. b. Figure 6.7. Photomicrographs of staurolite porphyroblast with sector-zoned inclusion patterns in euhedral core mantled by secondary subhedral rim. Field of view is 14 nun. a. Plane light. b. Cross polarized light. 119 Figure 6.8. Photomicrograph of staurolite after chloritoid, in biotite-staurolite-garnet R4 schist. Field of view is 14 mm. 120 matrix, staurolites are anhedral. The reason for this is unknown. Staurolite porphyroblasts relationships Most with staurolite respect crystals dominant foliation (S2*). upon the ends of exhibit a narrow to are matrix range of tectonite generally not fabrics. aligned in the Matrix foliations generally abut staurolites, and slightly wrap around the sides of staurolites. Relict foliation trails in the cores of staurolite grains merge with trails in the rims of grains. In turn, these rim trails merge with the matrix foliation. Successive orientations of included trails generally lie at Staurolites unusual high have angles also microstructures as to been one found described another. that above contain similar for the garnets with two-staged growth. A euhedral, zoned staurolite porphyroblast is lrbracketedll by symmetrical secondary anhedral staurolite growth R4 in schist (€IC-450) (Fig. 6.9). The euhedral part of the staurolite contains an inclusion- free core surrounded by an inclusion-rich rim. Quartz inclusions that is in the nearly secondary perpendicular growth to define a relict the foliation dominant matrix foliation (S2*). Inclusion trails in the secondary growths define a relict foliation (Si) that is oblique to both the euhedral staurolite rim foliaton and S2*. This foliation is truncated the byS2* where S2* abuts (Fig. 6.9b). against staurolite In the strain shadows, where S 2 * is only 12 1 a. b. Figure 6.9. a. Photomicrograph of large staurolite with two stages of growth and complex fabric relationships. Field of view is 12 m m . b. Close-up view of left side of staurolite porphyroblast in cross polarized light. See text for discussion. Section is cut normal to L1. Field of view is 4 m m. 122 weakly developed, matrix foliation. A sample of the secondary Piedra Lumbre growth Si merges garnet-staurolite with schist the in the central map area (HC-64) contains staurolite crystals with an included foliation oriented at 30° about from One possible vertical matrix schistosity (Fig.6.10). interpretation of this rotation after microstructure overgrowth of the the is of staurolite included foliation. In one schist sample of Rinconada Formation (HC-377), approximately equal sized staurolite and garnet porphyroblasts coexist. Both minerals contain a conce?tric ring of quartz inclusions at approximately from the porphyroblast edges (Fig. 6.11). both and porphyroblasts for some inclusions cleavage the unknown together reason duringa certain Several cleavages. grew staurolites equal This implies that (at same incorporated stage of preserve distances growth the rates?), quartz growth. relics of spaced In the staurolitesthe originally quartz-rich segregations originally are mica-rich now quartz-inclusion-rich, cleavage quartz-inclusion-poor (Fig. 6.12). segregations are whereas now In most of these examples, the relict spaced cleavage (stage 4 to 5 of Bell and Rubenach's model of cleavage formation, 1983) is parallel to the dominantS 2 * schistosity (stage6 of Bell and Rubenach's model of cleavage formation, 1983) in the rock matrix. These relationships suggest that an earlier, 1 23 Figure 6.10. Photomicrogr2ph of staurolite porphyroblast with Si at about 30° to S2 in matrix. This geometry may indicate rotation of the porphyroblast. Piedra Lumbre Formation schist. Section is cut normal to L1. Field of view is 6 m m . 124 Figure 6.11. Photomicrograph of R6 schist with staurolite and garnet porphyroblasts. Both minerals contain concentric quartz-rich inclusion trails about 0.4 mm from rims. See text f o r discussion. Section is cut n o m a 1 to L1. Field of view is 6 mm. 125 Figure 6.12. Photomicrograph of staurolite at extinction* that preserves relict spaced cleavage. Well-developed S2 schistosity in matrix is parallel with Si. Note musco-rite beard around edge of staurolite. Section is cut normal to L1. Field of view is 4.5 m m . 126 pre-porphyroblast cleavage that stage has of not S2* awas differentiated been reoriented spaced during evolution into a schistosity. Most staurolite or syn-D3. porphyroblasts seem to have grown pre- Staurolites contain inclusion trails that represent either pre-S2* foliations, or intermediate stages of S2* orientation and development.In some rocks, distinct stages of staurolite growth are demonstrated by rims and cores with distinctly different textures. In a few ro",ks, primary growth of staurolite was followed closely(?) b:r a secondary staurolite growth. Microstructures in these rocks are similar to structures described T.H.byBell (1985' and Bell et al.(1986) as indicative of strain partitioning and cleavage reactivation. Chloritoid. Chloritoid porphyroblasts are uncommon in Ortega Group rocks in the map area. The Piedra Lumbre and the Ortega Quartzite Chloritoid to more than 2.0 grains formations range in contain size some from chloritoid. less 0.1than mm mm. In calc-silicate rocks of the Piedra Lumbre Formation, chloritoids are unstrained, poikioblastic grains with calcite(?) inclusions. In Ortega Quartzite Formation, poikioblastic chloritoid contains quartz and opaque inclusions. Although the timing of chloritoid qrowth in these replaced rocks is chloritoid uncertain, in pseudomorphic Rinconada Formation staurolite tas rocks. 127 Cordierite. Small amounts of cordierite are found in the Ortega Quartzite Formation within the map Most area. cordierite grains are anhedral and contain abundant small inclusions. Commonly, these inclusions definea relict foliation that is parallel to that of the matrix. This cordierite is A Vadito interpreted schist as unit having formed syn-D3. northeast of the Harding Pegmatite Mine contains enormous (up 15 tocm long) subhedral prophyroblasts of cordierite. The dominant schistosity in this rock is bent around these porphyroblasts. In thin section, cordierite microstructures is seen including to either tectonites (Berth& et al.,1979). cordierite has grown contain complex multiple relict o’r S-C foliations In this locality Other metamorwhic minerals. Plagioclaseis commol in Vadito Group and felsic schist at Pilar units, lesi; and common in Ortega Group rocks of the Picuris Range. In Ortega Group rocks small, anhedral plagioclase grains preserve a relict foliation, appear to have grown pre- and D3. Iron-oxide minerals, lithologies, exhibit relationships with Piemontite Pilar, and in the in entire range respect crystals the common to occur most of Ortega timing deformational in southeastern the map Group fabrics. felsic at schist area U.S. near Hill. 128 Grains are small, euhedral prisms that are invariably aligned within the dominant foliation. Assuming that this foliation isS1, then piemontite is preto syn-Dl. Summarv. Within the map area, the distribution of many pelitic minerals sediment appears composition to than be more related to original variations in P-T lateral topology. Within the map area, 700+ m of local relief is present. Less resistant, porphyroblast-rich pelitic szhists tend to occupy topographic porphyroblast-poor lows, quartzites and whereas slates more tend resistant, to occup:~ topographic highs. Where pelitic schists of the Rincoyada and Piedra Lumbre formations do occur at high elevatioys, biotite, garnet, and staurolite porphyroblasts persist, suggesting that what local relief is there has not aff'5cted pelitic mineralogy. Porphyroblasts of biotite, garnet, and staurolite grew repeatedly before and during the D3 phase of deformation. Other porphyroblasts such as chloritoid, cordierite, A summary and and of plagioclase timing porphyroblast may also relationships growth for Group is given in Figure 6.13. have between various grown prior D3. fabric rocks of to elements the Ortega The usefullness of this diagram is limited by two factors. Timing relationships are only style useful within a local structures development area, probably and the overlapped ofD2 and D3 structures. in developmentDl-of time with s1 s2* s2 s3. KYANITE ANDALUSITE SILLIMANITE BIOTITE QARNET STAUROLITE CHLORlTOlD CORDIERITE JLAGIOCLASE FE-OXIDE8 I CHLORITE I I I " " MUSCOVITE QUARTZ Summary of t i m i n q r e l a t i o n s h i p s between f a b r i c elementsandporphyroblast grbwth f o rr o c k si n t h e Crtega Group. Figure 6 . 1 3 . 13 0 Garnet-biotite Most Thermobarometry rocks in the map area show minimal retrograde metamorphic effects. Four porphyroblastic samples from the Ortega Group were selected for quantitative geothermobarometry and P-T path analysis. Chemical anslyses were performed microprobe by M.L. Williams on the Departmentat the inthe Geology automated electron Universityof New Mexico. Samples yielded garnet-biotite temperatur2s of about 5OO0C, at pressuresof around Microprobe profiles in traverses across Figure 6.14, suggest in P-T conditions have kb (Table 6.1). 4 garnet, that no as shown t’le by significant interrupted a continuously jumps changing P-T path. This quantitative finding supports the petrologic observations and metamorphism were porphyroblast changes. interpretations continuous, growth rate that deformation punctuated changes only and/or and by strain rate 131 64 2.86 377 3.24 385 454 0.148 ,19.30 4 777 0.146 22.21 4 498771 3.03 0.157 19.27 793 4 2.46 0.124 19.80 4 593 520 729 455 Table 6.1. Garnet-biotite geothermometry results from four samples of garnet-biotite schist in the map area. Calculations arebased on those described by Ferry and Spear (1978). 132 I1 21 3: 41 51 61 71 8: 9: 10: Ill 12: 13: 141 15! 16: 17 I 181 19: 20 I 21 I 22: 23 I 24 I 2s I I./ 1: 21 31 4: 5: 61 71 li a: 91 lo I 11 I 12: 131 f . * I L c c Figure 6.14. Microprobe profiles across porphyroblasts in Ortega Group schists. Data are courtesy of M.L. Williams. - CHAPTER 7. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGYAND SYNTHESIS Introduction General statement Deformational styles vary considerably within Precambrian rocks of the Picuris Range. These variations occur to some degree within individual lithostratiqraphic groups, but more noticeably among rock groups. For this structural synthesis, the Picuris Range has been divid2d into three domains. These domains are the Ortega Grou.?, which comprises Range; the Ortega Group; most Vadito of Group, and the the central which tolies the felsic schist the north of the Ortega Group (Fig. 7.1). contact Pilar from separates rocks, Vadito Ortega and a northern rocks contact south at of th% Pilar, which to lies A southern from felsic separates schist at Orteqa r'xks rocks. A domainal deformational the portionPic~ris of the approachis essential style, and because possibly litholoqr, tectonic setting differ among the Ortega, Vadito, and felsic schist sequences, and it is possible that none of the three are related in original stratigraphic manner. The southern and northern domainal contacts are characterized by ductile shear. an ./ I ;I i i i ! ! ! I I I I i 135 Within each domain, the various generations of structures have been catalogued.It is importantto note that although generations, structures Because the is of formed the strain probably this, together structures Regardless groups are of will be sub-divided responsible due to a progressive and seemingly domains, all for these that to have seem referred to asa generation the into deformation. fabrics than a deformational of the are history structures rather histories structures of event. diverse three reconcileda single in structural major supracrustal rock comprehensive kinematic model for the entire range. This model involved a complex interplay mid-crustal, metamorphic of ductile progressive folding environment conditions, and is under and shearing a in medium-grade presented at the end of this chapter. Two of the most persistent questions regarding th? 1) what are Precambrian geology of the Picuris Range are: the stratigraphic relationships, if any, between major lithostratigraphic are the Answers to evolution range rock Precambrian these and packages structural questions tectonic in the histories lead to models setting range;2) and what of of these outlining the range packages? ths and place the ina regional framework. Although structure of previous studies Proterozoic rocks of the in stratigraphy the Picuris and Range arz 13 6 numerous, detailed models of the kinematics and dynamics are few. This is due mainly to uncertainties and inconsistencies concerning the basic geology of rocks in the range. This in turn is largely due to the heterogeneity of strain within and between presence of previously major rock groups, unrecognized and the and ductile faults shear zones. The most important Precambrian shear zones in the Picuris Range are bedding-parallel, and are accordingly difficult to recognize and interpret. Some workers have described have relatively described It has complex recently complications Precambrian simple are strain polyphase become in whereas ochers histories. apparent characteristic uplifts histories of northern New that these all offive the Mexico problens and is?lated that have b?en mapped and analyzed in some detail (Williams, 1987: Grambling et al., in prep.). In each range, workers hwe described been early, folded ductile and shear zones which this study include have subseq-lently faulted. Nethods Methods mapping, Thin and employed and sections both thin were parallel in section and generally and normal microstructural cut to normal to intersection detailed analysis. the or foliation, extension lineations. All stereograms are lower hemisphere equal-area 137 projections, contoured Serious problems to 1 percent can of arise area. when correlating of structures between domains (P.F. Williams, 1985). lithologies and stratigraphies differ, the generations If character cf imposed structures and fabrics may also differ. If terranes have experienced identical somewhat structural conditions, it different histories may be structural under difficult histories, different to match or structural corresponding structures and fabrics. In the Picuris Range, previous interpretations events, and concerning relative the timing numberfabric-€oming of of those events have varied study to study. Overprinting relationships are the best criteria for determining structural history (P.F. Williams, 1985). Foliation overprinting relationships are not a= reliable as fold interference patterns. Other useful criteria in certain areas are deformational style and orientation patterns. Because fold interference patterns are rare structural in the history Picuris among Range, the most three correlations domains depend of on foliation overprinting, deformational style, and orientation patterns. from Geometries of Domains Introduction The stratigraphic/structural domains major three in the Picuris Range (Vadito Group, felsic schist at Pilar, a.nd Ortega Group) are shown in Figure 7.1. that intrude only the Granitic plutcns southern ofpart the Vadito Group are included in the Vadito Group domain. A fourth, poorly understood domain consists of all of the rocks that crop east of the Picuris-Pecos fault. This eastern block is considered a separate stratigraphic domain, equivalents of even though one or it more may of contain the other domains. It is not clear how this domain fits into tho regional picture, and it will not be emphasized in this dissertation. The Ortega sequence Group ais well-layered dominated by a >1000m thick, metasedimentary resistant basal quartzite. The Ortega Group is structurally characterized by major folds which are overprinted a slightly by oblique, penetrative, reactivated cleavage. The layered This felsic feldspathic unit parallel The schist is at quartz-muscovite structurally foliation Vadito Pilar a homogeneous is seque?ce of which is "quartz-eye" dominated a single, by probably Group ais complexly schists. layer- mylonitic. interlayered out 139 metavolcanic-metasedimentary sequence by heterogeneous units that which thicken, is charact.erized thin, and pinch-cut along strike. Vadito Group rocks contain a strong foliation that is axial Ortega planar to tight, moderately sized folds. Group Relict sedimentam structures. Well-preserved crossbeds in many phyllites quartzites, provide and excellent graded beds stratigraphic in some control schists in and the Ortega Group. With the exception of the southern Copper Hill area and local regions of minor folding, younging criteria are consistent with the major fold structure. On the northern young to the syncline, In Hill the limb of south. strata Copper anticline, dip the On Hondo the to southern the Hill area, beds dip south on and syncline, the young First creneration of structures.Dl. generation of characterized structures by fairly in the limb and to of young southern the dip the to an3 Hondo the limb of north. the Copper south 7.1).(Fig. The earliest Ortega small-scale, strata Group is near-bedding-parallel, high shear-strain features. These structures are most evident in quartzites and quartz-rich rocks at or basal Ortega Quartzite Formation. Within the map area, near the 140 folding does not appear to be an important component Dl cf strain. Nielsen (1972) and Nielsen and Scott (1979) suggested that because stratigraphic and structural facings were consistent, the first-generation of structures represents one limb of a large recumbent fold.In the Picuris Range, no evidence The of only closure on such a fold has penetrative Dl feature been recognized. isa bedding-parallel schistosity (S1) in micaceous quartzites (Fig.7.2). Commonly associated with this schistosity a strong is south- plunging extension lineation(L1) on SI surfaces (Fig. 7.2). L1 is defined by either elongate grains, or aligned quartz crystals of sillimanite, kyanite, and tourmaline. This lineation generally plunges down-dip. Bedding-parallel foliations are common in rocks from multiply deformed Proterozoic terranes (Holst, 1985; Hobbs et al.,1976), and debate continues over whether they are the result a of primary depositional fabricor a tectonite fabric. Holst (1985) reported sucha fabric in metasediments of the Proterozoic Thomson Formation of Minnesota. He concluled that it was a tectonic foliation clearly related to other early tectonite structures. TheS1 fabric in the Picuris Range and is is also to considered a tectonic structures The related are Ortega described Quartzite other early foliation. in the contains deformational These following features, other D. _. paragraphs. one-meter-thick-or-less, 141 Figure 7.2. Contoured, equal-area stereographic projection of L1 and S0/S1 in Ortega Group rocks. 142 bedding-parallel zones of deformed vein quartz surrourded by an anastomosing aluminous schist matrix. Highly contcrted quartz layers and aligned quartz pods (Fig. 7.3) indicate that these features are zones of high shear strain. It is not known whether the concentrated these in vein quartz zones and during aluminous schist. deformation or were pricr to deformation. Metamorphosed aluminous %hale drapes" are commonly found within Eriksson, 1985). relationship the Ortega Quartzite (Soegaard and Roering and Smit(1987) reported a clear between bedding-parallel the shear of vein occurrence zones in quartz quartzites and from the Witwatersrand Supergroup, South Africa. In these zones, quartz veins In one vein-rich developed locality shear during in zone the shear deformation. northwestern contains a fold mapa q-jartzarea, structure interpreted to bea sheath fold. This fold in only exposed in two dimensions, but is sheath consistent a with fold profile 7.4). perpendicular to the transport direction (Fig. folds in lineation which are 1984; Cobbold the common fold in axis is mylonite cut Sheath parallel to the extension zones (Bell and Hammo?d, and Quinquis,1980; White et al.,1980; Carreras et al.,1977; Quinquis et al.,1978; Berth6 a?d Brun, 1980). The contains basal Ortega Quartzite zonesof abundant, small, in the concave Pilar a mcliffs a shear are sub-parallel to compositional layering (Fig. 7.5). planes that 14 3 Figure 7.3. Photograph of bedding-parallel, quartz-veinrich shear zone in the Ortega Quartzite. Quartz pods are surrounded by anastomosing, aluminum silicate-rich schist. 144 a. " ----- -- - - - - "" "" """"" """"- b. Figure 7.4. a. Photograph of sheath fold in Ortega Quartzite shear zone. Rock face on which fold is exposed is normal to the extension lineation. b. Sketch. 145 Figure 7.5. Photograph of small shears in basal Ortega Quartzite from the Pilar cliffs, northwestern Picuris Range. 146 These arcuate features are defined by reduced grain size rather than by compositional variations. Sense of shear is not discernable. These features are similar to narrow shear zones found in non-foliated quartzites in the Witwatersrand Supergroup (Roering and Smit, 1987). Mylonite zones are important Dl structures. Quartz mylonites are found locally in the Ortega Quartzite (HC-366) (Fig. 7.6). These rocks appear to have undergone grain size reduction by ductile processes. All contain an intense foliation and well-developed extension lineation. Such structures generally imply conditions of high, localized, simple shear strain (Tullis et 1982). al., Pristine quartzites quartz within ribbon the mylonites Rinconada are Formation found and locally the in basal Ortega Quartzite in the Pilar cliffs. These mylonites show no evidence of post-kinematic quartz grains (Fig.7.7). coarsening or annealing of These types of structures are only recognized in extremely pure quartzites. Althoug’l in style and other Dl orientation structures, these the quartz lack of ribbon mylonites annealing suggests resemble thst they developed late in the metamorphic history. Perha,?s these fabrics are Dl mylonites that were found in reactivated s:mor pOSt-D3. All of these features quartz-rich lithologies suggest a (early?) deformational history of near beddingparallel progressive simple shearing along discrete zones. 147 Photomicrographof Figure 7.6. mylonite from the Ortega Quartzite. recrystallized quartz Field of view is 16 nun. 148 Figure 7 . 7 . Photomicrograph of pristine quartz ribbon mylonite from R3 quartzite in the north-central Picuris Range. Section is cut parallel to the extension lineation and normal to the mylonitic foliation. Field of view is 16 m m . 149 It is was reasonable also to assume partitioned evidence of these into that the features considerable Dl shear schistose has been strain lithologies, destroyed where by later deformation. Some schists however do contain evidence Dl of fabrics preserved as microstructures in some pre-D2 porphyroblasts. These features will be described a in following section. Strain these conditions Dl-type D2 time. suitable for structures.presumab1y the formation continued at of some least of into This overlap is well illustrated by occurrences of the Dl extension lineation. In some areas these lineations are folded whereas in around F2 folds, other adjacent suggesting areas that they sit they are within pre-FZ, axial of D2 folds, suggesting that they are syn-Fz. Other structures suchas the everywhere follow have formed quartz folded vein shear compositional layering, which may o?ly early Dl. in Second qeneration of structures, D2. expression zones, of the second generation The dominant of deformation is F2 folds are now upright, tight folding on all scales. Most to isoclinal, variably-plunging structures. On a macroscopic scaleD2 is best illustrated by the Aondo syncline. This fold is the dominant structure in the mountain range, and affects the entire Ortega Group. It is a tight, shallowly west-plunging fold with axial surface planes 150 dipping due south at about 65O. ranges from an Dip values of modal ‘CO average66O ofon the northern limb60°toon the southern limb. Ona map scale, as illustrated by the shape of the thick, mechanically stiff Ortega Quartzite Formation, this fold geometry is simple. In detail hcwever, thinly interlayered differing units competency above contrasts, and noncylindrically (Fig.1.8). the Ortega Quartzite, with have folded disharmonically Folding mechanisms range from nearly pure buckling (Hudleston, 1986) in the Ortega Quartzite, to dominantly passive folding (Hudleston, 1986) in subordinate schists and phyllites. Several map-scale minor folds and fault-related complications are evident in the Hondo syncline. In particular, these structures are concentrated southern on limb the of overturned, the fold tectonically in the thinned, Rinconada and Pilar Phyllite formations. Most of the faults the in area n x t h of Warm Springs associated with complexities in are bedding-parallel, abundant local Outcrop-scale minor mapping folds in folds, of the and because they cause they enormous stratigraphy. Ortega Group are extrenely common. F2 folding is especially spectacular in the colorful, finely laminated schists, metasiltstones, ani phyllites of the Piedra Lumbre Formation in thethenose of Hondo syncline. Although small-scale F2 folds show significant consistently variation lie in within hinge the are orientation, plane of hinge lines compositional laywing. 15 1 Figure 7.8. Block-diagram sketch of Hondo syncline shl3wing thick, competent Ortega Quartzite fold, and dishamtonic, noncylindrical folds-in less competent schists. Fold is approximately 6 km across. 152 This effect is illustrated by stereographic projectiors of compositional layering and L2*0/l lineation (Fig. 7.9). One fold of particular interest is the Copper Hill anticline inthe southwestern Picuris Range. This structure has been that it the is focus the of only numerous large studies, anticline and is unique recognized in in the Orteg Group of the Picuris Range. The structure plunges 20° about to the west, and folds a tectonite fabric along with compositional layering. Thin sections of Rinconada schist from the hinge area shows an axial plane crenulation cleavage cutting an earlier schistosity (SI?) and compositional layering. In style and orientation the Copper Hill anticline The resembles Copper mineralization Hill anticline localized is F2 anticline Quartzite (Williams, 1982). Hill other in folds. contains the upper extensive portion of the copp?-r Ortega It is possible that the C-pper separated from adjacent rocks by hig’l- angle reverse(?) faults as shown in Figure 7.10. The Copper Hill the structure Hondo The folding may therefore be an uplifted minor fold of syncline. axial is plane generally cleavage (S2) associated with F2 either obscured by the S2* fabric, or not developed. Where exposed, S2 is difficult to As will be discussed in the distinguish from the later S2*. following planar to section, F2 although folds in the S2* is generally Ortega not Group, axial it was probably 153 ORTEGA GROUP ORTEGA QROUP ,/ QReAT CIRCLE QIRDLE AT BB.180 \ 30.002 b. C. Figure 7.9. a. Contoured stereographic projection of So/S1 in Ortega Group. b. Contoured stereographic projectio7 of L2*0 in Ortega Group. c. Sketch of F2*fold geometry in Ortega Group that illustrates So/S1-L2 0 relationships. See text for discussion. 154 Figure 7.10 Sketch cross-section through the Copper H i l l area, showing possible relationship between the Copper Hill anticline and adjacent rocks. 155 developed late in the F2 where cleavage the can Within process, overprinting S2* fabric be the observed axial northwestern thickness of the Ortega and is therefore Identification of S2 is certain S2. called S2* rather than only folding map Quartzite is weak, planar to area, the and an tte F2 S2 fold. apparent Formation approaches two kilometers. Everywhere else in the range, this fomat.ionis not much more than one kilometer thick. In this area, Ortega Quartzite schist horizon stratigraphy that is repeated across a bictite approximately the where base sits of the quartzite should occur. The mica foliation in the biotite schist is oriented at 72O 235O. to in Ortega biotite Quartzite schist, and dips Compositional layering about 50° south to the south of the about 65O south to the north of thr! biotite schist. This area probably represents an imbrication and tectonic thickening of the Ortega Quartzite Although the timing of faulting is unkno'm, (Fig. 7.11). its style suggests deformation. Very similar imbrication described features by in Williams the (1987) Ortega Quartzite in Tusas the have been Range, and b : J.A. Grambling (personal communication, 1987) in the Rio Mora and Guadalupita areas. A minimum Group, made Quartzite estimate by with of D2 shortening comparing an unfolded the fold within the Or%ega profile of the reconstruction, yields Orteg,s valu4?s of 156 S N Figure 7.11 Sketch cross-section showing imbrication of Ortega Quartzite in northwestern map area. Age of faulting is unknown, but may be related to D2/D3. 157 about 65 percent shortening. This estimate neglects the shortening effects of tangential longitudinal shortening and shearing. Third seneration of structures, D3. generation of structures is The third dominated abyslightly oblique, penetrative foliation (S2*) that has overprinted earlier features. S2* is the dominant cleavage in nearly all szhist S2* appears as both a outcrops in the Ortega Group. schistosity anda crenulation cleavage locally, and typically is not axial planar to F2 folds. Figure 7.12a illustrates the manner in which S2* transects these structures. Because S2* is generally the dominant 'clewage in many outcrop, and lies measurements vergence slightly of the relationships oblique to D2 bedding-cleavage across the Hondo axial surfaces, structural syncline are potentially misleading. In order for the bedding-clea-rage rule to be useful, folding and cleavage formation must be synchronous (Borradaile, 1978). In terms of the major fold structure, stratigraphy vergence measurements requires synclinal show that closure, most although vergence the data indicate anticlinal closure. Evidence of this be canfound at the Phyllite outcrop scale Formation are where minor transected F2 by folds an in the Pilar overprinting S2* cleavage (Fig. 7.12b). If a well-developed S2 cleavage ever existed, it has been destroyed or reactivated by S2*. 158 s2*- 925 b a. F i c p r e 7.12. a. Sketchandstereogramshowing t h en a t u r e S 2 t r a n s e c t i o no f Fz f o l d s . b. Photograph of S 2 * t r a n s e c t i n g F2 f o l d I n t h e P i l a r Phyllite.Blackmarker l i n e s p a r a l l e l t h e t r a c e of s2*. of 159 Borradaile (1978) proposed a method of describing the nature of fold transection. According to his scheme, the Hondo syncline is angle between the 15O. an example fold of l1I, Ifcase with a dihedral hinge and cleavage aplane b o ~ t10-of There is debate concerning the interpretation of the relative timing of a transecting cleavage and fold development. Powell (1974) and Borradaile (1978) notel that transected folds development are not uncommon, involvesa time lag and between that the one method inception of of folding and development of the cleavage. Alternatively, Duncan (1985) stated that there existed no evidence to suggest that transected folds are not just the effect of superimposed deformations. He noted that to prove transection, formation it were must be formed shown that folding and cleavaq? during a single defomational event, and not duringa polyphase deformational history. Although geometrical permit fabric unambiguous of F2 folds .and microstructures relationships conclusions the S2* cleavage, described below deformation duringD2 and D3. transecting S2* cleavage immediately the the regarding Picuris the Range absolute porphyroblast suggest a continuum of This implies that the formed either lateF2 in or afterF2 folding. Unambiguous Examples in of southern examples apparent limb of of F2* folds are F2* folds map-scale the Hondo not common. possibly syncline, exist on within R6 unitthe do not timing 160 of the Rinconada Formation, and the Pilar Phyllite Formation. Two sets of complex folds, on the southern limb of the Hondo syncline, exhibit the wrong sense of asymmetry for the major west-plunging Hondo syncline structure. Axial surfaces of these cleavage parallelS2*the folds orientation. Plunges of these folds are unknown. If they plunge eastward, then they are consistent with majx the structure. The dominant intersection lineation in Ortega Gro-lp rocks appears to L be~ * o . This is speculative because L20 and L ~ * oare essentially identical in style. The stereographic projection of L20/L2*0 girdle which corresponds 7.9b). The point maximum 35O at to 242O suggests that many to defines a great-circle compositional layering (Fig. measured F2/F2* folds plunge southwest, consistent in orientation Minor with fold the axes larger structures. commonly develop oblique to regional trend of major folds (Sanderson, 1973). This effect strain does not imply that the principal the axes rotated during folding. Sanderson (1973) found that oblique fold axes can develop under conditions of constant principal strain axis orientation. Ina highly deformed Proterozoic terrane in rotated towards great-circle Larue, 1985). the southern the bulk distribution Lake Superior region, extension direction, on a stereogram (Sedlock fold axes and a plot and Such progressive reorientations of fold axes have as 161 are common in deformed terranes throughout the world (Pfiffner, 1981; Speed and Larue, 1982; Miller et al., 1982; Williams, 1978), and such an interpretation is propose3 for rocks in the Ortega Mesoscopic, Group near of the Picuris bedding-parallel shears Range. represent another important component of D2/D3 strain. In the Piedra Lumbre schist, such shears truncate small, Fz-style folds (Fig. 7.13). map area, In the Warm Springs area of the west-central numerous near bedding-parallel shears disrup? stratigraphy. It is suspected that these structures are more abundant than can be demonstrated by mapping of stratigraphic relationships. Because some of these shears appear to cut in time F2 with folds, D3 they may than D2. rather be more closely associated Fourth qeneration of structures D4. Several late, nonpenetrative, cross-cutting sets of structures have locally overprinted earlier fabrics. These are characterized by generally north-trending 5.8). kink folds in schists (see Fig. in these D2, and events D3 are relatively crenulations and The strains involved small in comparison Dl, to strain. Porvhvroblast microstructures. Large porphyroblasts of staurolite, garnet, biotite, plagioclase, and andalusite are abundant in schistose units of the Ortega Group. 162 Figure 7.13. Photograph of small near-bedding parallel, D2 or D3 shear in Piedra Lumbre Formation. Shear cuts F2(?) fold. 163 Microstructures staurolites Lumbre and common, garnets and especially from R6 the schist useful, and the in Pielra Formation. Certain as are porphyroblasts inclusion trails, clearly earlier overgxow, fabrics that and may pres3rve have bee? destroyed within the matrix. Typically, interpretatiom of these microstructures are ambiguous. Nonetheless, porphyroblast/microfabric relationships information One of timing that the of may most not be obtainable intriguing metamorphism and yield subjects the important by any involves various other the method. relative generations of structures. Do the generations of structures recognized in the rocks several represent pulses of straining Although of microstructures Group that space timing can strain during common, consecutive during evolving staurolites answer such one orogenic conditions? porphyroblast and garnets questions, from it absolute relationships across orogens, methods for establishing events can only be porphyroblasts, which range deformational must the should because of episodes, orogeny, a continuum or metamorphic well-preserved in help separate vary be in the applied Ortega noted time and relative locally (P.F. Williams, 1985). Euhedral from less garnet than 1 mm to 5 mm are found in a variety in size of lithologies of the Ortega Group. In many units, garnet.s are concentrated in the most aluminous layers. Generally, 164 garnets are relatively inclusion-free. Where inclusions are present, concentrations are greatest in garnet cores. Typical inclusions include small grains of quartz, biocite, plagioclase, muscovite, staurolite, and Fe-oxide. Inclusion trails representative of relict foliations are rare. Where present, these trails are generally curved. At garnet rims, the inclusion trails merge into and are continuous wit\ .5). dominant mica foliation in the matrix (see 6Fig. These types describN?-d of inclusion trails are similar to those the by T.H. Bell (1985) and Vernon (1978) which are representative of a foliation that has been rotated or reactivated a by subsequent foliation (T.H. Bell,1985; Vernon, 1978). Inclusion trails everywhere seem to merge into the younger orientations, rather than to be truncated. These phenomena imply that during and deformation slightly Staurolite than 1 mm to and after metamorphism porphyroblast porphyroblasts greater than 3 cm ranging are in were continuous growth. size from in Ortega abundant less Group schists. An enormous variety of staurolite shapes exists. The most anhedral crystals are typically highly poikioblastic with rounded quartz inclusions. Staurolites are commonly twinned and/or sector zoned, and contain aligned quartz inclusion trails (see Fig. 6.7). Most staurolites are unstrained; some are slightly strained. In schists, the dominant foliation (S,*) wraps around the randomly oriented staurolite porphyroblasts. Zoned crystals 165 typically contain inclusions euhedral surrounded cores by a sub- to with small anhedral quartz mantle that contains larger quartz inclusions. A number exist of between intriguing matrix microstructural foliations, growth relationships zones in staurolites, and internal foliations. The most revealing staurolite porphyroblast(HC-450) is a zoned crystal that contains The two core orientations aofrelict foliation (Fig.7.14). contains a high density of small quartz incluisions that define straight foliation trails. The rim of the porphyroblast quartz containsa lower inclusions that density of larger, elongate define a slightly curved foliat.ion trail. At the edge of the porphyroblast, these curved trails merge into a coarse matrix foliation, which is bent into the dominant rock foliation (S,*). perpendicular staurolite to foliation rim, and trails parallel to in turn This S2* is preserved foliation in the trails preserved in the staurolite core. Close examination reveals that the core foliation actually bends into and merges with the foliation across the sharp core-rim boundary. One interpretation porphyroblast successive of these rotated apparent and microstructures grew in is that stages, the preserving orientations a of relatively constant foliation orientation. A second possible interpretation of these microstructures foliation with involves successive respect a to non-rotational reorientation staurolite of rim a. b. Figure 7.14. Photomicrograph of large, zoned staurolite porphyroblast in R6 schist. Core contains horizontal inclusion trails that bend into vertical rim inclusion trails. S2* in matrix is horizontal. Field of view is 14 m m . b. Close-up of upper left portion of staurolite uyder cross polarized light. Section is cut normal to L1. Field of view is3.4 mm. See text for discussion. 167 porphyroblast. In this scheme, the staurolite growth is punctuated by orthogonal reorientations of foliation. The relative rates of porphyroblast growth and strain might be important in producing these microstructures. In eithzr case, the relict included foliations may or may not represent successively earlier foliations (i.e. S2 and SI). Both rock of sample these of interpretations Piedra defomational history Similar was microstructural Ortega Group These support presented progressive at rather relationships observations quantitative in metamorphism Formation that are for this least of thepart than episodic. observed in other schists. petrologic the Lumbre suggest and garnet-biotite Chapter 6~thatsuggests were porphyroblast continuous, growth rate interpretations P-T that deformation punctuated changes analysis only and/or and by strain rate changes. All porphyroblasts showa tendency for quartz inclusions to progressively coarsen from core to rim to matrix. This implies that minerals were continually recrystallizing and growing during prograde metamorphism. Summary. Field and petrologic evidence from the Ortega Group suggestsa deformation near bedding-parallel, that evolved which in turn into history localized large-scale, evolved into of early, progressive upright strong, low-angle, simple folding slightly shear and oblique, faulting, 168 overprinting foliation formation. There probably existed considerable temporal overlap of structural development associated with changing deformation conditions. In particular, Dl shearing persisted dominated byD2 folding, well development into of the time the S 2 * cleava-Je probably occurred late in F2 folding, and mylonites fomed in some quartzites Vadito as late as or later D3. than Group. General. The present structural investigation concentrated more on Ortega Group rocks than on Vadito Group rocks. This section on Vadito Group stkctures and fabrics will therefore draw mainly on previous studies by Nielsen and Scott (1979), Holcombe and Callender(1982), and McCarty (1983). Relict sedimentam structures. Structurally useful sedimentary the structures Marquenas are Quartzite limited and mainly other to smaller cross-beds in orthoquartzite bodies scattered throughout the Vadito Group. All beds dip to the where south overall and most young to the stratigraphic north. younging is The only region inconsistent between the Ortega and Vadito groups is in the Copper HillAs area. noted earlier,in this area Ortega Group rocks to young the 169 south. Thus, at least locally, the contact between th? Ortega and Vadito groups must a shear be zone. First seneration of structures, Dl. Rocks in the Vadito Group contain an S1 bedding-parallel foliation defined mainly by aligned micas in quartzose rocks. S1 was recognized by Nielsen (1972), Nielsen and Scott (1979), Scott (1980), Holcombe and Callender (1982), and McCaP-y (1983). Associated with S1 is a locally well-developeA down-dip extension lineation (L1) defined by aligned quartz, muscovite, by and aligned, biotite grains S1onsurfaces, constricted Mylonitic quartzites clasts in and highly and probably metaconglomerates. strained rocks are common along the Ortega-Vadito contact. In recrystallized, mylonitized as has Marquenas asymmetric moved Although up the Quartzite, clasts and indicate to timing of the kinematic that north onset of the indicators Marquenas relative this such Quartzite to G~oup. the Ortega shearing is unknown, is consistent with D1-D2 conditions. Stereographic (1982) and projections from Holcombe and Callender McCarty (1983) show the orientation So/l of in the western Vadito Group (Fig. 7.15a). In the relatively poorly exposed Vadito Group rocks in the southern map area, no F1 folds were recognized. Vadito Group F1 folds have only rarely been described. McCarty (1983) reported rare intrafolial "hooksg1 in amphibolite it 170 + 0 EGA DIT0 Figure 7.15. Stereographic projection of modal S O and modal S2 in Ortega and Vadito Group rocks. From a) Holcombe and Callender (1982)*and b) McCarty (1983). This S2 may be equivalent to S 2 in this report. 171 lenses which may represent relict F1 folds. Although Nielsen (1972) proposed that evidence for large, recum5ent isoclinal folds folded SO, no is present megascopic or locally where macroscopic S1 F1 cuts folds tightly have been reported. As in the Ortega Group, the Dl deformation in the Vadito Group parallel is thought shearing, rather to be than characterized by by near bem-lding- folding. Second senerationof structures, D2. A well-developed, regionally penetrative foliation is the dominant tectoxite fabric in most rocks of the Vadito Group. This foliation is a schistosity in some rocks aand crenulation cleavage in others. Although in both style and orientation this foliation Group, have is consistent previous reported workers that this with in S2* the described in southwestern cleavage is axial the Ortega Picuris planar Range to F2 folds in the Vadito Group. Mesoscopic F2 folds are relatively common in the spectacular Vadito Group, as those in Pegmatite Mine area, where exposed, several workers the though not Ortega Group. the have Vadito described as abundant In rocks the are map-scale or Harding best folds. Montgomery (1953) mapped a tight, upright synclinal and anticlinal pair. McCarty (1983) described two generations of fold structures, including rare mesoscopic F2 structures that occur as tight, upright folds in schists. These are equivalent to Montgomery's map-scale fold pair. McCarty 172 defined six megascopic F2 folds by structural vergence relationships and lithologic similarities. D.A. Bell (1985) did find either opposing side of cross-beds the Vadito similar to those of the Vadito mesoscopic orientation Ortega to in small quartzite amphibolite, and bodies reported on folds McCarty.As described bythese wo-kers, Group folds the F2 structures are similar in described above in cleavage correlation style and th? Group. The question of post-DI betw%en Ortega and Vadito group rocks remains unresolved. In the Ortega Group,S2* transects F2 folds, andS2 is either weak or reactivated. In the Vadito Group, F2 folds are cut by an axial planar Group S2*. cleavage (S2) that is identical to the Ortega Is S2* in the Ortega Group equivalent S2toin the Vadito Group? Although further analysis of Vadito Group rocks is required to resolve microstructural relationships some clues. important this in question, Vadito interpretative schist may pro-ride Holcombe (in prep.) has described and interpreted an important setof microstructures in oriented thin sections of Vadito Group quartz-muscovite-biotite schist. Biotite porphyroblasts such a way have that overgrown individual earlier generations fabric of elements strain can examined. Holcombe found that a relatively minorD2 coaxial bulk shortening produced an axial plane cleavage (S2) at 23O to anS1 schistosity. S2 is a schistosity rather than a in be 173 crenulation cleavage. He interpreted these features to mean that S2 was pirated from S1 by grain microfolds were modifiedF1 folds. This described history in is Ortega changes, an3 F2 S2 transects Fl folds. remarkably Group shape similar to that rocks within previo-isly the map area, with one important difference. In Ortega rocks, a third generation cleavage(S2*) has reactivatedS2 and transxted F2 folds. Is it possible that in the Vadito schist, tke strong S2 schistosity has obliterated evidence Dlof fabrics? If so, then the folds in Holcombe’s thin section could be F2, and the transection cleavage S2*. Further evidence that these folds are actually F2 folds is based on fold style. F2 folds are common, tight to isoclinal, and upright, whereas F1 folds are rare and intrafolial. The folds F1. described by Holcombe are more to F2 than If this is the case, then at least some Ortega and Vadito group strain histories rocks have probably experienced evidence Group to rocks least on suggest is identical in D2 and D3. Third creneration of structures. D3. At similar that the equivalent the There exists some dominant S2 cleavage in toS2*the microscopic the scale, the in Ortega Vadito Group. dominant cleavage transects F2-style folds. Ifso, then S2 in the Vadito Group is equivalent to the third generation S2* in the Ortega Group. To date, no good evidence of an Ortega Group to 174 S2 equivalent has Stereographic and in been projections McCarty ( 1 9 8 3 ) show the recognized western from the Vadito in ductile structures in rocks. and Callender (1982) of 1rS211 the cleavage (Fig. 7.15b) Fourth seneration of structures, D4. of Group Holcombe orientation Group Vadito Vadito The latest phase Group rocks are identical to the fourth phase in the Ortega Group. These consist of cross-cuttingl schistose non-penetrative crenulations and kinks in rocks. Southern crranitic rocks.Two distinct ages of granitic plutons intrude Vadito Group rocks in the southern Picuris Range. These are the Funtiagudo Granite Porphyry (1684 2 1 Ma) and Rana Monzonite (1674 2 5 Ma) , and Quartz the Quartz Monzonite (about1 4 5 0 Ma) ( D . A . Bell, 1 9 8 5 ) . Penasco A fourth intrusive body, the Cerro Alto Metadacite, is locally exposed in the southernmost Picuris Range. Both of the older granitic rocks are strongly foliated and contain anastomosing zonesof high shear strain. Foliation trends of east to northeast are consistent with the regional trend of S2 in the Vadito Group. The younger Penasco Quartz Monzonite is also contains consistent only a weakly in developed orientation foliation with the which regional S2 in the Vadito Group. The Cerro Alto Metadacite contains a strong east-trending penetrative foliation defined mainly by 175 aligned biotite grains. Interpretation intrusion of such variables of crystallinity, Nonetheless, relative granitic by yield of as plutons and emplacement and possible comparisons approximate timing of deformation depth, on style pluton is grain deformation based timings relationships between complicated size, degree mechanisms. and orientation emplacement relative to strain. The Rana and Puntiagudo plutons were certainly emplaced pre-D~and The Penasco possible pluton was as early probably as pre- .. to intruded syn- to syn-D.. late-syn- D3. The Cerro Alto body was emplaced at least pre-D2, and possibly pre-Dl. Pomhvroblast microstructures. exposed west of the Harding An unusual schist Pegmatite Kine area contains abundant, large (up 15 to cm in diameter) rounded, subbedral porphyroblasts of cordierite. Thin sections across th'zse cordierites show complex microstructures outlined by qiartz inclusions (Fig. 7.16). These inclusions delineatetwl3 obvious relict foliation trails that unfortunately are not clear enough to show relative timing relationships. The cordierite porphyroblasts are pre-kinematic with respect the dominant foliation (S2) in the rock matrix. One possible represent interpretation relict of the microstructures is that successive overprinted foliations they that formed prior to growth of the cordierite. The inclusion to 17 6 a. b. FigcIre 7.16. a. Photograph oflarge,rounded cordierite )hyroblasts in Vadito schist, southwestern Picuris Range. POrz: b. I?hotomicrograph of complex microstructures in cordierite PorE~hyroblast defined by elongate quartz inclusions. Field of v.iew is 3.4 m m. See text for discussion. 177 trails are straight, so porphyroblast growth was rapid relative to the strain rate. Alternatively, they may represent relict Dl S-C planes (Berth6 et 1979) al., 0’7 shear bands (White et al., 1980). microstructures these In either case, these suggesta complex pre-D2 (or D3) histo7 for rocks. Discussion. Although interpretation of structure,;. in the Vadito Group is limited by poor exposures and complex volcanic/sedimentary stratigraphy, the DI-Dz-D~strain history is comparable with that recorded in the Ortega Group. Vadito rocks lack the major folds found in the Ortega many Group: the strain bedding-parallel unrecognized The due contact to D2 instead faults the present absence between the probably of Ortega is in expressed Vadito reliable Group by rocks, stratigraphy. (Piedra Lumbze Formation) and the Vadito Group (Marquenas Quartzite Formation) is a near south of Copper bedding-parallel, Hill, and along strike mylonitic to the shear zone east, of south Copper Mountain. South of Copper Hill, near state highway 75, a two-meter-wide podo f Pilar Phyllite is caught up in the shear zone.To the east, near the Picuris-Pecos fault, quartzose mylonites lie at just andbelow the Ortega-Vadito contact. McCarty (1983) found that the orientation of So/S1 in the Vadito and Ortega groups differed consistently 14O inby yet 178 the contact region south of Copper Hill. Holcombe and Callender (1982) and McCarty (1983) noted that the S2 cleavage that overprints So/S1 is similarly oriented in both groups. They suggested that the apparent structural vergence change S2 cleavage across the contact measured overprintinga preexisting was So/S1 due to the orientation difference. This implies that the faulting responsible for juxtaposing right-side-up Ortega rocks against overturned Vadito rocks occurred post-Dl and prior to D3. One possibility late Dl is shear Felsic that ductile and/or schist the at faulting major D2 was associated with the folding. Pilar General. The felsic schistat Pilar isa homogeneous sequence of feldspathic quartz-muscovite schist and megacrystic quartz-muscovite Ifquartz-eyeff schist expost?d in the cliffs near Pilar. These rocks may correlate with the Rio Pueblo Schist located in several isolated outcrops in the southeastern corner of the range. These rocks are welllayered ona range of scales. Ona mesoscopic scale, thick sections of pink schist are interlayered with light green schist and white schist. On a finer scale, individual layers differ proportion of of and quartz in the white shade of megacrysts, muscovite. pink and or the green or relative white, in proportions t 179 The upper anomalously pinkish portion of this concentrations Mn, of Fe, high earth elements (Codding et al., 1983). zone may seawater have originated during subsequent the of Mn on deposition Al, contains and many stages and rare This geochemical hydrothermal Mn enrichment by waning unit of of volcanism, with clay with minerals (Williams, 1987). Although schist at it is Pilar metasediments, possible are no that locally primary portions reworked sedimentary of the felsic volcaniclastic structures have been recognized. The contact with the overlying Ortega Quartzite is abrupt, and no transitional rocks First seneration of structures. Dl. tectonite fabric in the felsic are present. The dominant schist at a Pilar well- is (SI) this is developed, somewhat anastomosing foliation parallel to compositional layering in the overlying Ortega Group. This is the earliest fabric recognized in these rocks, and in many areas is the only foliation visible. A south-dipping quartz, muscovite, S1 surfaces. fabric, in (L1) defined by elongate lineation extension and tourmaline AlthoughS1 has thin section, the grains is ubiquitious on appearance aofmylonitic quartz and muscovite crystals are recrystallized. It is possible that this fabric formed through a process White of megacrysts dynamic of recrystallization. quartz and rare feldspar in tte 180 schist are Although interpreted locally euhedral, all as these relict, grains megacrysts show metamorphosed may appear some evidence phenocTsts. relatively of internal strain. Typically, the grains are flattened in the foliation plane, and elongate in the extension direction. In the extreme cases, quartz megacrysts are highly flattened with distinct asymmetric quartz grains (Fig.7.17). isolated in relatively tails of dynamically recrystallized These quartz porphyroclasts lie homogeneous matrix of fine-grained quartzandmuscovite.Suchasymmetricarereliable kinematic indicators of shear (Simpson and Schmidt, 1933; Simpson, 1986; Lister and Snoke,1984). classification system of According to the Passchier and Simpson (1986), these porphyroclasts are sigmaa-type. This type structun of is thought to represent recrystallization conditions rate is large (Passchier and Simpson,1986). as sense symmetry, of shear matrix porphyroclast size, deformational history size matrix is which relative the to the strain rate Such structures are usl..-ful indicators grain in if they is small fabric is simple, and have with monoclinic respect to homogeneous, the thin section is parallel to the extension direction. The felsic schist at Pilar All samples of section the from seem to asymmetric schist satisfy all porphyroclasts samples in the of these recognized Pilar requirements. in cliffs thin suggest sinistral shear as viewed towards the west. This implies cut 18 1 Figure 7.17. Photomicrograph of aymmmetric quartz-eye in felsic schist from the Pilar cliffs. Thin section is oriented with south to the right and to the up top. Sense of shear is top to the south (dextral). Section is cut parallel to the extension lineation and normal to the foliation. Field of view is 15 nun. 182 that the Ortega Quartzite has moved southward over the felsic schist at Pilar. The timing of this movement is unknown. Immediately near the below top of the the Pilar base of cliffs, the Ortega lie a variety of Quartzite, pink and gray pure quartz mylonites. The mylonitic foliation is bedding-parallel and well-developed quartz extension lineations plunge gently to the south. These structurzs differ from those in the underlying schistose rocks , in an important way. Whereas the schists are well recrystallized with granoblastic textures, the quartzites show no evidence of post-kinematic annealing. The quartz mylonite stm-tures may be younger Alternatively, for some than they unknown the may shear have reason structures formed the in the synchronously, quartzites schists. whe7eupon successfully resisted later coarsening during peak metamorphism. Preliminayr work on sense Ortega of shear Quartzite in moved these mylonites southward over suggests the felsic that schisf the at Pilar. No unequivocal F1 folds were found in the felsic schist at Pilar. In one locality on the Pilar cliffs, dark, thin interlayers SI. of tourmaline-rich rock pinch out parallel t o It is not known if these represent intrafolial, isoclinal F1 folds, original depositional pinch-outs, or local hydrothermal alteration. 183 Second seneration of structures, D2. dominant S1 schistosity is overprinted Locally, tho bya slightly oblique crenulation cleavage(s2). Intensities of ~2 range from gentle warpings of S1 to a strong, of SI. No F2-style folds were recognized in the felsic schist at Pilar, apart from penetrative these crenulation gentle warpings of layering. Discussion. The contact between Ortega Quartzite and felsic shear schist at Pilara zone is strain. A large portion of highly of this concentratel strain may have been partitioned into the underlying felsic schist. Texturzs in the felsic schist originally are well-layered probably tuff due a combination to that has been of an subjected t-, later layer-parallel shear. Although mesoscopic textures are mylonitic, thin sections typically reveal granobla,stic quartz and feldspar textures. This may have been due to dynamic recrystallization during shearing, as is commo2 in many shear zones. The Ortega Group apparently moved southward over the felsic schist at Pilar during some, or much, of the ductile deformation history. Quantitative estimates shear zone marker The felsic of beds displacement are or presence not possible, piercing of schistat Pilar along this discontinuous the due to the duckile absence of offset points. Mn-rich suggests that layer at little if the any top of of the the 184 uppermost part of the schist section has been cut out by shearing. In a relatively undisturbed section of the same contact the in Ortega the Tusas Range, this Quartzite the at Mn-horizon top a transitional of schist sequence (Williams,1987). ever existed in been sheared out. The nowhere the felsic in schist contact structural and Pilar in Pilar the they and Picuris stratigraphic just below quartzite- If transitional rocks cliffs, at sits have the Range, subsequently Vadito and relationships Group are therefore between the two remain unknown. Eastern Block. General. The eastern block of the Picuris separated from the western block by Range the is north-trending, high-angle Picuris-Pecos fault. The western block is dominated grained, by two crumbly north-south granitic elongate rock exposures informally of fin(.-- called G::anithe te of Alamo Canyon. In the southern end of the western granitic block, granitic rocks intrude felsic schists that Montgomery (1963) called Rio Pueblo Schist. Although these schists are cliffs, they Pilar similar are to more felsic schists muscovitic and exposed P!.larin less resistant the than rocks. A Mn-rich horizon has been mapped adjacent to a pure, cross-bedded quartzite. Although exposures are poor the 185 and the contact zone is nowhere visible, this quartzite appears to be equivalent to the Ortega Quartzite. The manner block in is which these rocks in the to thosewestern relate unclear. Deformational Deformational fabrics fabrics in are the obscure Granite of in Granite the Alamo Canyon. of Alamo Canyon. In the southern areas, the strong SI foliatio’l in Rio Schist is continuous Pueblo Farther north, orientation, this into granitic rocks. is somewhat variable foliation perhaps due to reorientation in by alon”~ drag the Picuris-Pecos fault. Locally, an earlier foliation is visible in some outcrops. This foliation is defined a : a vague layering represent an of white original versus flow pinkish bands, and may foliation. Several fine-grained, lensoid, well-foliated amphibolite bodies lie within the northern half of the western block of the Granite of Alamo Canyon. Granitic rocks around the amphibolites are commonly coarse-grained and laced with epidote mineralization. The age and origin of these amphibolites unknown. is Deformational fabrics in Rio Pueblo Schist. Structures within these rocks are identical to those in the Pilar cliffs area. Rare kinematic indicators suggest that quartzites moved southward over Rio Pueblo Schist. 186 Deformational fabrics in Ortesa Ouartzite. On ths southern highly endof the fractured, granitic and block, bedding grey and quartzites cross-bedding are orientations are inconsistent within small areas. The contact with Rio Pueblo Schist is nowhere exposed. Summary Rocks in each of the three major domains have experienced polyphase strain histories. Rocks in the Ortega Group provide evidence for early folding and ductile during Dl, major shearing and faulting faulting during DL, and intense cleavage formation and faulting(?) during D3. Rocks in the Vadito Group locally contain evidence for an identical deformational history. Differences include fewer map-scale folds in Vadito rocks, and less transection F2 of folds by D3 cleavage. In the Vadito Group, the potent,ial exists for abundant bedding-parallel faults. Rocks in the felsic schist at Pilar are dominated by structures characteristic of bedding-parallel shear shear strain. In the of Picuris all Range, felsic this schist may occur exposures to because the of the mechanically proximity stiff, overlying Ortega Quartzite during shearing. Pristine quartz ribbon mylonites along the basal Ortega Quartzite contact probably formed late in the metamorphic history. The Ortega 187 Quartzite whereas has folded thinner, primarily by pFimarily less competent passive folding Although a single sufficient to by lithologies all buckling, have folded mechanisms. polyphase explain large-scale deformational structures in history all is three lithostratigraphic groups, structural correlations are difficult due differently to to the strain, fact that each group and each preserves a unique has responde3 deformational style. These structural variations are summarized in Figure 7.18, and a synoptic projection is given Porphyroblast profiling in Figure 7.19. microstructures suggest that stereographic this and P-T deformational microprobe history was progressive under prograde metamorphic conditions. This progressive history porphyroblast The Ortega growth ductile Group support the was in punctuated rate shear the and/or suggestion strain structures northern that by and changes rate. recognized southern neither in of below Picuris these the Rang(= boundaries represents a primary depositional contact. If these contacts may be are major juxtaposed shear across zones, them. than different rock packages 188 ORTEGA GFOOP WIT0 GrnMDP FELSIC 5 M S T AT P I U R F i g u r e 7.18. Summary and comparison of s t r u c t u r a lf a b r i c s i n t h e Ortega Group, Vadito Group, and f e l s i cs c h i s at t Pilar. I t is unknow$ whether S 2 i n t hV e adito Group i s e q u i v a l e n t t o S2 or S2 i n t h e Ortega Group. 189 O R T E G A GROUP \ maximum L1 maximum / Figure 7.19. Synoptic equal-area stereographic projection of D1-D2-D3 fabric elements in Ortega Group rocks, Picuris Range. 190 Contacts Between Southern At Domains Contact Copper inverted Lithostratigraphic Hill, Vadito right-side-up Group rocks are Ortega Group rocks and juxtaposed a along near bedding-parallel, ductile shear zone. There was some component of dip-slip motion along zone D_. i and between this D3 time. Kinematic indicators in the Marquenas Quartzite suggest this that fault at zone least one consisted ductile of component of motion north-trending along shear (Fig. 7.20). To the east, along the same contact, fault sliv".rs of upper Ortega Group are caught between mylonitic Ortega and Vadito rocks. Near the Picuris-Pecos fault, where Vadito and Orteqa mylonites These occur data boundary, rocks appear just all perhaps most below the pointa highly to with stratigraphically continuous, Orteqa Quartzite7.21). (Fig. tectonized Ortega-Vadito extended or repeated ductile is shearing. The amountof slip along this zone unkno~m, but must inverted The considerable, stratigraphic direction northward the be or northerly of judging sections motion southward, vergence along but of the all in from the this juxtaposition Copper zone could southerly major dip, folds suggests some (late Dl?) component of transport Hill in to be of area. eithe? along the with range the north. However, it should be noted that in the inner parts 191 F i g u r e 7.2 0. Photograph of asymmetric clast in metaconglomeratic Marquenas Quartzite at the Ortega-Vadito contact. Asymmetry suggests dextral shear of Vadito rocks northward over Ortega rocks. Mylonitic foliation dips 45O to thesouth (left in photo). 192 a. b. Figure 7.21. Photomicrographs of mylonitic rocks from the Ortega-Vadito contact in the southern Picuris Range. a. Marquenas quartzite in the western part of the range. m . b. Vadito schist from the eastern Field of view is 14 m m. part of the range. Field of view is 16 m 193 of orogenic later folding the rather steepness than to of faults original may be orientation due to (Coward, Therefore, the pre-D2 dip of this shearmly zone 1983). have belts, been similar boundaries suggesting later value to either the north or south. 0thl.r any that folding, Northern The northern unless some all New such transport Mexico zones along dip have this to the been zone s-mth, revers?-d was by northward. Contact contact overlying in between right-side-up the felsic Ortega schist Quartzite is at an13 Pilar abrupt and well- exposed in the Pilar cliffs. The quartzite contains small shears near the contact, and thicker, schistose shear zones within the basal quartzite. The felsic schist at Pilar contains mylonitic Fig. 7.17). textures and asymmetric quartz-eyes (see Kinematic indicators suggest that Ortega rocks moved southward over the felsic schist. Because early shear features rocks, appear this to be southward especially shear may well preserved represent the in these earliest observed component of strain. The northward transport deduced along the southern boundary may therefore a later be component ofDl motion. Alternatively, the geometry of the structures Perhaps but involved movements occurred may along in a complex be more these complicated shear zones thrustor back-thrust than were imagined. synchronous, settin?. 194 Fine-grained Quartzite-felsic quartz ribbon schist at mylonites Pilar at contact show post-kinematic recrystallization (Fig. 7 . 2 2 ) . probably has represent experienced It is unknown how or repeated the strain Orteg=i no of sign These r x k s synto post-D3 mylonites prolonged the ina zone ductile was that simple s’lear. distributed amon”J the contact, the schists, and the quartzite. A geochemical marker horizon that characterizes the 100 upper m of t’le felsic schist at Pilar (and equivalent rocks regionally) is present the in these uppermost xemoved by outcrops, part third different the felsic that schist little section if has any of bel..-n shearing. Picuris-Pecos A of suggesting Fault important Precambrian shear rock boundary that juxtaposes typestheisnorth-trending, high-angle Picuris-Pecos fault. This fault separates Ortega Group on the west from the Alamo Canyon Granite of on the east. Ortega Group metasediments are bent southward near the fault (Plate1). associated occurred A breccia along Because no apparent fracturing is with this drag during the Proterozoic zone most of of the represents a later, mixed Ortega fault more folding, zone brittle dextral ductile Group in the movement deformation lithology, map component of probably history. which area, occurs probably motion. 195 a. Figure 7.22. a. Photograph of contact between gray OrLega Quartzite above and pink felsic schist below. Mylonitic quartz ribbon quartzites occur within the contact zone. b. Photograph of mylonitic quartzite from within the contact zone. 196 Discussion All have contact been zones highly of Ortega tectonized Group along with underlying bedding-parallel rocks ductile shear zones. In the southwestern Picuris Range, where displacement must relationships be large, primary between Ortega and stratigraphic Vadito are probably n'3t preserved. In the north, where displacement need not be large, a primary and felsic depositional schist is stratigraphy probably more between closely Ortl?ga preserved. However, in the north, the transitional quartzite-schist sequence seen elsewhere in The fact that exact unknown precludes the the northern natures possibility of New of Mexico these is absext. zones remain developing a unique model for the evolution of the Picuris Range. Nevertheless, a listing minimize of the Structural important number of potential constaints can help models. Synthesis Stratigraphic 1) geological and Structural Constraints There are three supracrustal rock packages present in the Picuris Range: a) a heterogeneous sequence of bimodal volcanic, volcaniclastic, and clastic sedimentary 197 rocks (Vadito Group); b) altered, metamorphosed felsic volcanic rocks deposited around 1700 Ma(?) (felsic schist at Pilar); and c)a transgressive sequenceof sediments deposited (on the felsic schist at Pilar?) a shallov in marine, continental shelf environment (Ortega Group). It is unknown how the Vadito and felsic schist 2) units relate The Vadito stratigraphically to boundary Group high-angle between rocks to shear the zone the the Ortega Ortega south a is near that might Group. Group to the north and bedding-parallel, have been active over much of the deformation history. Basal Ortega Quartzite ovl.-rlies the felsic schist at Pilar aalong zone of high shear strain. Although the amount of bedding-parallel displacement zone is occupies with unknown, an respect 3) that has occurred possibly, approximately to the along the felsic correct Ortega this low-angle schist stratigraphic at shear Pilar position Group. The Vadito Group and felsic schist at Pilar are not juxtaposed anywhere. Both lie structurally below the basal Ortega 4) but Quartzite. Granitic plutons intrude some Vadito Group rocks, nowhere intrude Ortega or felsic schist at Pilar units. 198 Older granitic plutons are highly tectonized, 5) whereas the youngest pluton is only weakly foliated. These older plutons are at least syn-D~,and may be as early as pre- or syn-D1. The youngest pluton is weakly foliatel, and is probably to late-syn-D3. All rocks appear to have experienced lower to 6) middle amphibolite metamorphic with syn- or facies conditions slightly metamorphism, of with peak about 4 kb and 5OO0C, coinciding post-dating S2* cleavage development. 7 ) Supracrustal rocks have undergone a common progressive formation of Dl is shear deformational three D2 rather involved moderate major characterized strain, folding history of localized zones by than the resulted generations by macroscopic in that large folding Vadito fold in the structures. of high simple structures. in the Ortega Group, Group, and minor folding in the felsic schist at Pilar. Extensive, near-beddingparallel faulting D3 was probably characterized accompanied by D2. formation a strong of cleavage (S2*) that slightly transects Ortega Group F2 folds, and is now the dominant cleavage in most schistose rocks of Ortega and Vadito groups.S2* reactivated and cannibalized preexisting SI and S2 foliations. The effectsof D3 on the felsic schist at Pilar were minor. the 199 All under three of conditions these of fabric forming approximately events coaxial develope3 principal strain axes. The major structure in the Picuris Range is t\e 8) gently west-plunging, F2 Hondo syncline The Copper parasitic along in the Hill fold on to isoclinal, Ortega Group. anticline the Hondo is northward veyging thoughta mino-, to be syncline that has been uplifted high-angleD2/D3 reverse faults. In the north-central Picuris Range, the Ortega 9) Quartzite or tight is doubled earlyD 2 fault thickness by what may ahave Dl been imbrication. Kinematic indicators such as asymmetric Itquartz- 10) eyesgt in in movement the of felsic Ortega schist at Quartzite Pilara component suggest southward over the of felsic schist at Pilar. This is opposite to the northward vergence sense indicated Vadito contact by kinematic D2/D3 folds and indicators in the along Ortega and the Vadito groups. The south-directed movement may represent a later component of motion than the northern Ortega- movement. 200 Possible The Models above constraints kinematic/stratigraphic of the three major limit models the for the number of evolution lithostratigraphic possible and terranes joining in the Picuris Range. Models presented in the following two sections are founded 1) Different positions rock beneath on the following sequences Ortega Group occupy on the two major points: identical strwtural northern (felsic schist at Pilar) and southern (Vadito Group) limbs of the Hondo syncline. 2) There nature of felsic schist exist the five general relationship at Pilar possibilities between and the for the Ortega Vadito Group: the Group, the a) all three groups are related in an original, primary stratigraphic manner. Within this model, there are three possible stratigraphic relationships: b) Ortega and felsic schist are related in an original, primary stratigraphic manner: c) Ortega and Vadito are related in an original, primaxy stratigraphic manner; a) Vadito and felsic schist are related an original, in primary stratigraphic manner; e) none of the three are related in an original, primary Models invoking stratigraphic these five manner. general possibilities are 2 01 presented in the following section, and then kinematic/stratigraphic critically examined in the mod2ls discussio? that follows. All models involvea complex interaction of faulting, shearing, and folding. Well-constrained ranges may aid in stratigraphic relationships limiting number the of in n'zarby variables in these models. In the Tusas Range, in less tectonized regioniz, the Ortega Group to grade appears stratigraphically downward into a felsic metavolcanic-metasedimentary sequence characterized by (Williams, 1987). schist rich at quartz-muscovite llquartz-eyelv rock schists Portions of this unit resemble the felsic Pilar marker of of the horizon is northern present Picuris in Range,Mn-and the bothat places the topof the uppermost felsic sequence. If this represents a regionally-developed then all stratigraphically models that do stratigraphically below the Two of general the five not continuous place Ortega the Group possibilities package, felsic can can schist be at Pila eliminated. thus be eliminated: c) and e). Additionally, one of the three subdivisions within possibility a) can be eliminated. It is important to note have Ortega at Pilar, in that although Group resting the northern the correct stratigraphically Picuris Range stratigraphy on the felsic contact may schist between the two is sharp and has been tectonized. It is notknown whether than in this transitional area as the it original is in the contact Tusas is abrupt Range, or rather wbetter 202 some portion of the upper portion of the felsic schist at Pilar has been faulted out. It should also be noted t’lat other portions resemble of the Vadito Groupn1 lithologies in the in Vadito the Tusas Rang3 Group southem of the Picuris Range(M.L. Williams, personal communication, 1987). One these further two primary The point respect lithostratigraphic stratigraphic progression Pilar) with to from groups sequence felsic transitional to likelihood representing concerns volcanism rocks the (absent an tectonic (felsic in the of original settings. schist at northern Picuris Range) to stable shelf sedimentation (Ortega Group) is common in modern extensional tectonic settings. On the other hand, graywacke Range, the progression deposition exclusive sedimentation of (Vadito the represents from Group Marquenas an mafic of volcanism southern Quartzite) uncommon Picuris to evolution and stable of shelf tectonic settings. Thus, modern examples of tectonic progressions are consistent development of with the an interpretation felsic schist at that favors Pilar/Ortega Group stratigraphy. Each of the Dl sub-horizontal remaining ductile models shear includes strain, some which component was concentrated below the Ortega Quartzite. On the scale of the Picuris resulted in Range, this significant shearing may or may not have disruptionthe ofstratigraphic section by low-angle ductile faulting. Although the figures of 203 depicting possible structures, all kinematic models histories include the maior rock do not show possibility of these such faulting. Model a) All three qrouDs are StratisraDhicallv related. In this case, there are tw2 possible stratigraphic 1) Ortega underlying is in scenarios: primary stratigraphic schist at Pilar, felsic which contact is in with primary stratigraphic contact with underlying Vadito. Dl subhorizontal shearing concentrated Quartzite is followed byD2 folding reverse faulting along syncline (Fig. 7.23). Group rocks the beneath the Ortega and syn- or post-D2 southern limb of the Hondo This ductile fault brings Vadita against Ortega Group in the southern Picuris Range. Locally, in the Copper Hill area, southward-yoimging Ortega Group Copper Hill Group rocks on anticline the are southern limb juxtaposed of the against parasitic inverted Vadito rocks. Advantages: a) consistent with the observed geology; b) permits the possibility of complex faulting in the Vadito Group separating Marquenas Formation, schist, and amphibolite; c) permits than the the Vadito felsic Group schist to at be any Pilar, age and older permits 204 S N ORTEGA F E L S I C SCHIST Ez.rly Dl Figure 7.23. Stratigraphic/kinematic model al. for discussion. See text 205 their contact to be either conformable or unconformable. Problems: a) requires that no granitic through the Vadito Group intrusions into the penetrated overlying felsic schist. Although this is no pro3lem with respect plutons, it to is the or presyn-D1 1680 Ma more a of problem with r'zspect to the syn-D31450 Ma pluton. During intrusion of the 1450 Ma rocks were intrusions felsic same 2) Ortega is could schist, level in already of primary folded, have and pluton, countrr and therefor12 penetrated even Ortega Vadito, rocks assuming emplacement. stratigraphic contact with an underlying, stratigraphically complex Vadito/felsic schist metavolcanic terrane. This model is similar to the above model, but lithologic differs variations in that it calls for of a stratigraphically an felsic original facies metavolcanic metasedimentary, variation section mafic-felsic in the to It assumes existeda thick from north a mixed to metavolcanic section to south. The felsic schist and Vadito are stratigraphic equivalents, perhaps south equivalent felsic schist at Pilar/Vadito Group (Fig. 7.24). that north analogous ato variation from the ~ 206 N I SCHIST FELSIC ORTEQA Early VADITO ~ D2 FELSICSCHIST Figure 7.24. Stratigraphic/kinematic model a2. for discussion. D3 See text Dl 207 homogeneous This cauldron sequence Folding of was the fill to heterogeneous blanketed section by would Ortega result outflow Group in the shezts. sediments. observed ap?arent lithologic asymmetry. Reverse faulting along the sout’lern limb of the right-side-up Hondo Ortega syncline juxtaposes inverted Vadito and rocks. Advantages: 1) consistent with the observed geology. Problems: 1) requires a special corresponds case with the where the facies fold hinge change. Model b) Ortesa and felsic schist are in orisinal straticmaphic contact. A major fault is present between the Ortega/felsic 7.25). Group schist package and the Vadito Group (Fig. This south-dipping fault transported the Vadito northward over the Ortega Group in the southern Picuris Range. The timing of this fault can range anywhere from earliestDl to latestD2. must have been Displacement along the fault large. Advantages: 1) consistent 2) the with the observed geology: Vadito Group can be older, younger, or identical in age to the Ortega/felsic sequence: 3) the Vadito Group can itselfa composite be schist ~ ~ 2 08 N S ORTEGA -7 SHEAR7 -7 Early D l FELSIC SCHIST VADITO Late D l I D2-D3 Figure 7.25. discussion. Stratigraphic/kinematic model b. See text for 2 09 terrane of Marquenas Vadito schist, and 4) granitic plutons have only, because schist the groups Quartzite Vadito Formatio’l, amphibolite; intruded the Vadito Group Vadito and Ortega/felsic were not adjacent during granitic emplacement. Problems: 1) no Node1 d) problems identified. Felsic schist and Vadito are in Drimarv stratiqrauhic contact. The manner in which the felsic schist and Vadito Group are related is not specified this model. A major thrust fault must exist between the Ortega Group 7.26). In this model the Ortega Group was thrust (southward?) and over the felsic the schist/Vadito metavolcanic felsic package (Fig. schist/Vadito terrane. Advantages: 1) consistent with observed geology. Problems: 1) granitic intrude rocks both sequences. might the be expected felsic schist to and have Vadito for 210 S ORTEGA A? OR- 7 Dl VADITO SCHIST FELSIC D2 D3 Figure 7.26. discussion. Stratigraphic/kinematic model d. See text for 211 Discussion Although each the observed geologic one most serious Group easily of been schist package During faulting, primarily models all This is model displaced along data b), type Vadito the which over of and the the ductile may explain RanJe, displays no Vadito Ortega/felsic shear have structural to Picuris sets, in Group from a deeper adequate in northward some the vertically is relationships accomodates drawbacks. has these zone. either moved level, OT moved mainly horizontally along a flat shear zone. Both scenarios intrude provide Vadito an rocks explanation for and intrude do not the fact that plutons Ortega/felsic schist rocks. Ortega/felsic schist rocks were spatially removed from or above the zone of granitic emplacement. Similar models Range of evolution of Precambrian have recently been published rocks in the Picuris by (1987) Bauer and Holcombe et al.(1985). As a variation on this model, as the Vadito Ortega Group Group, the moved northward Ortega Group over was the already folded correspondingly moving northward over the felsic schist. This idea is borrowed from a kinematic similar rocks Realizing structural model in that elements developed the all is Tusas of by Williams (1987) for Range. these probably models more contain important common than attempting to rigidly defend one particular model. All 2 12 possible models involve deformational histories containing ductile shearing, folding, and faulting. Early shearing was low-angle and near bedding-parallel. Some imbrication may have occurred. Shearing apparently continued well int-, (and after)the phase perhaps of deformation dominated by u7right folding. Coincident with the folding, reverse faultins3 disrupted stratigraphy lithotectonic The and may have juxtaposed units. major probably locally juxtaposition occurred early of in the lithostratigraphic history, when grolps shearing and horizontal transport dominated. Most stratigraphicstructural groups complications were related to that occurred folding and within the major ductile rock reverse(?) faulting. During shearing, high strains were concentrated shear below the Ortega Quartzite and within schists. All models can accomodate progressive reactivation mylonitization of along mylonitic the zones basal or Ortega Quartzite throughout the deformation history. During crustal shortening, Ortega Quartzite forming More thick, (and large-scale thinly responded mechanically the buckle interbedded ina more Marquenas folds layers ductile stiff layers assuch the Quartzite?) and with manner by local responded imbrications. contrasting competencies complex, noncylindrical, passive folding. Williams (1987) concluded that strain development was profoundly by dependent on 213 proximity to the Ortega Quartzite in the Tusas Range. This is probably This be setting Alpine shortening and of similar the Picuris history as well. of approximatley 10 to 15 depths at of many in the Himilayan Range occurreda Proteroz3ic, in interactionof shearing, characteristic Crustal in deformational mid-crustal A complex true folding, such fault/fold/shear has faulting may orogenic ofevents any age. northern belts and km. Appalachian resulted in belt, the a?d the developnents structures. Williams (1987) and Grambling et al. (in prep.) have identified very similar lithostratigraphic strain terranes in histories the in Tusas, correlativl? Taos, Rio Mo-a, and Truchas areas. Both lithologic associations and subsequent laterally deformational continuous some of early environments over Proterozoic may much of northern time. have New been Mexico during CHAPTER 8. DEPOSITIONAL HISTORY AND TECTONIC SETTING Introduction The be three treated major rock separately packages for several in the Picuris important Rangs will reasons. Dominant lithologies (and presumably protoliths) diffe? among the three groups. The Vadito Group contains metavolcanic, metavolcaniclastic, and clastic metasedimentary of felsic rocks: the metavolcanic felsic rocks: schist and the at Pilar Ortega consists Group is composed of clastic metasedimentary rocks. Structural styles also differ among the three sequences, and all major contacts are ductile shear zones. Lastly, the Vadito and felsic schist Picuris The Pilar units are nowhere in contact in the Range. Vadito that it may separated at Group contain by bedding presents several an additional different parallel shear rock zones, complexity in packages or unconformities. However, crucial contacts between metavolcanic and exposed in the to be clastic southern metasedimentary Picuris Range, packages and much are work poorly remains done. Deductions terranes concerning containing possible igneous rocks tectonic are settings facilitated by for 215 comparative analysis of rock chemistry. To date, no geochemistry on supracrustal rocks in the Picuris Rang?, has been published. In lieu of such geochemistry, evidenc.? for tectonic settings consideration of of major rock individual packages lithologic must come a assemblages fron and their depositional environments. Depositional Environment6 Vadito In three Group the southwestern major Marquenas Vadito part Group Quartzite, the of units, Vadito the Picuris Range, from north to south, schist, and the Vadito the are of the range,a major amphibolite. In the southeastern part component of are complexely more The felsic Marquenas metaconglomerate Soegaard of and trough schist is interlayered Quartzite and present, than to the consists texturally cross beds in the all lithologies west. of immature Eriksson (1986) suggested and polymictic quartzite. that Marquenas the orientation Quartzite aindicates provenance to the south of the Picuris Range. Shearing and folding may have invalidated a straightforward interpretation of transport direction in this unit. Clasts in metaconglomerates consist of approximately 66 percert the 216 quartzite, 34 percent felsic schist, and small amounts of vein quartz, mafic schist, and calc-silicate rock. Th? quartzite clasts characteristically silicate minerals, and were are therefore devoid not of aluminum derived from the Ortega Quartzite. The geographic source for all of th? material in the Marquenas Quartzite unknown. is These rocks were of deposited on an alluvial plain a number by braided- fluvial processes (Soegaard and Eriksson, 1986). The Vadito schist fine-grained phyllitic interlayered with unit includes a large schists lesser and amounts varietyof micaceous of felsic quartzites, schist, amphibolite, and quartzite. Rare cross beds are presext in the quartzites. The Vadito schist has been interpreted to represent a sequence of fine- to medium-grained graywackes, micaceous quartz sandstones, pelitic shales, minor basalts flows, and intruded 1983). volcaniclastic by minor and mafic rocks sills that and has dikes been (McCarty, A likely depositional setting for these rocks is in a continental the felsic sedimentary shelf accumulation basin of or intracratonic graywacke material is basin in punctuated which by influx of quartz sands, pelitic muds, volcaniclastic sediments, The Range to the and minor Vadito consists south volcanic amphibolite of of two the main Vadito rocks. of the southwestern amphibolite bodies; a large schist, a smaller and body Picuris body to the southeast. At least five lithologic units can be mapped out 217 in the Vadito amphibolite (McCarty, 1983). Based on pillow structures, pillow breccias, and relict amygdules, Lon3 (1974) interpreted these amphibolites to represent metamorphosed mafic volcanic rocks. McCarty(1983) suggested the Vadito amphibolite sequence flows of mafic unit and a was volcanic volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks intruded by felsic dikes and sills. The pillow struct-xes reported by Long(1974) indicate mafic flows The that erupted ainsubmarine contact at least some of and the these setting. between the Marquenas Quartzite Vadito schist is nowhere well-exposed. If the boundacr represents a primary atop to graywacke, the depositional then disparity of the surface of conglomerate contact must depositional be unconformable environments due between In the uppermost Marquenas Quartzite and Vadito schist. Vadito schista calc-silicate horizon is present. If the Marquenas then the this top Quartzite and horizon could of The the Vadito are represent a weathering eroded contact schist Vadito between schist Vadito unconformable, surface on section. amphibolite and Vadito In some areas the two schist is generally poorly exposed. are separated bya bedding-parallel fault zone. Based on the it presence has been or absence suggested of cross-cutting that an amphibolite and schist units(D.A. discontinuity could just as granitic unconformity Bell, 1985). easily plutons, separates the This represent an early shear 218 zone. To date, no structures indicative of early, locslized shearing have and plutons the been Alternatively, identified that this between intrude contact the may the Vadito Vadito amphibolite schist. represent a continuous depositional contact. A progression from accumulation of mafic volcanics deposition of and volcaniclastics graywackes with (Vadito minor amphibolit,?) quartzose sediments to and intrusions (Vadito schist) represents a typical evolution of depositional settings. Further work is clearly needed to resolve stratigraphic and structural relationships within the Vadito Group. For the following tectonic discussion, the Group ( 2 the Vadito considered asa single Felsic In schist the texturally Pilar Marquenas Quartzite) lithotectonic at be package. Pilar cliffs, monotonous will the sequence felsic of schist feldspathic, at a Pilar is quartz-eye, quartz-muscovite schist. The only appreciable variation in mineralogy the is due to Mn and rare earth element enrichment uppermost30 m of the section (Codding et al., 1983). Textures felsic volcanic Although rocks throughout no with the protolith geochemistry similar sequence such has texture, as been are consistent a rhyolitic reported mineralogy, and with ash-flow for these tuff. rocks, stratigrapric in 219 position from the Tusas chemistries similar continental rifts to or Mountains modern exhibit felsic continental trace-element volcanic margin rocks back-arc in basin-; in or near continental crust (J.M. Robertson, personal communication, 1987). Ortega Of Range, Group the three the supracrustal sedimentology of packages in the Picuris Ortega isGroup the moat the studied, and its depositional setting is best documentt..-d. The Ortega is overlain black Group by consistsa thick of interlayered graphitic phyllite, basal pelitic and quartzite schists laminated and pelitic which quartzites, phyllites and schists. Pervasive primary sedimentary structures confirm a sedimentary origin for these rocks, and provide reliable stratigraphic younging information. The Ortega Group was deposited aon broad, shelf during an overall continental, transgression shallow (Soegaard Eriksson, 1985). Soegaard and Eriksson (1985, 1986) suggested the that shelf sloped gently to the south marine and and southeast, and received a continuous influx of sediment from the north and Sedimentologic northeast evidence Group rocks throughout shelf break must lie during for prolonged shallow northern to the New subsidence. gradients Mexico southeast of in Ortega suggests the that Truchas-Rio the 220 Mora area (Soegaard and Eriksson, 1985). Soegaard and Eriksson (1986) concluded Ortega Group that the basal accumulated ainstable quartzite of the tectonic environm?nt. Discussion Constraints Relative Range the no The and only three on absolute loosely major supracrustal possible tectonic settings ages constrain rock in exception is rocks possible groups. rocks of With the the Picuris setting-, of possible Group Cerro the tectonic one Vadito in Alto exception, have been Metadacite dated. (ca. 1673 Ma, D.A. Bell, 1985), a shallow to extrusive body which appears to intrude the Vadito amphibolite. U-Pb zircox ages of about1685 Ma (D.A. Bell, 1985) for the Rana and Puntiagudo minimum plutons, age for which deposition intrude of Vadito at least schist, a yield part of the Vadito Group. Grambling and Williams (1985b) noted that an unpublished for U-Pb feldspathic Mountains zircon age of about 1700 Ma by L.T. Silver quartz-muscovite couldbe correlable with schist the in the felsic Tusas schist at Pilar. This date probably represents the crystallization age of the felsic volcanic protolith. In the Picuris Range, no radiometric dates have been reported for deposition of Ortega Group rocks.If the Ortega Group did rest in primary 221 stratigraphic to shearing probably contact along the accumulated Deformational three major individual in been contact styles rock zone, not settings, then at the Pilar Ortega histories help because prior Group constrain of the possible structures recopized compatible during a single schist structural do are felsic after 1700 Ma. and groups groups deformed the shortly tectonic eachof the with with progressive all hwing groups deformational event. It is also true, however, that mylonitic ductile shear zones Group and that any felsic or different which places and schist all of the Preliminary Group separate at at three Group Ortega Pilar allow sequences different metamorphic Ortega the for evolved from the in the Vadito possibility widely times. studies have Group suggest experienced that the similar Vadito most recent P-T histories. If these groups have been juxtaposed tectonically, different then it metamorphic is possible histories have that been both groups overprinted a with by common post-assembly metamorphic peak. Additional work on P-T paths within rock groups will aid in resolving this question. Possible tectonic settings Vadito Group. The tectonic setting of the Vadito Group is the most poorly constrained of the three major rock 222 sequences in the Picuris Range. With the possible exclusion of the Marquenas lithologically metavolcanic Moppin Quartzite, similar sequences Metavolcanic to the Vadito several that Series scattered, have of Group been the is mafic described Tusas Mountains 1958; Wobus and Manley,1982; Williams, 1987), the Pecx greenstone belt of the southern (Robertson and Moench, 1979), and Sangre an de exposure of sequences range in age from 1765 about Ma the (Barker, Cristo in the central Taos Range (Reed, 1984) (Fig. 8.1). mafic as Mountains mafic rocks Th?se for th?- Taos Range (S.A. Bowring, personal communication in Williams, 1987) to about1720 Ma for felsic metavolcanic rocks in the Pecos greenstone belt (Bowring and Condie, 1982). age for the Moppin Metavolcanic Series A minimum of 1755about M,1 (L.T. Silver, personal communication in Williams, 1987) results from an age of the Maquinita Granodiorite, which intrude the Moppin rocks. These mafic sequences gene-ally contain bimodal volcanic suites, and are in contact with pre- to syn-tectonic, generally calc-alkalic plutons. Each of these rocks occurrences that probably is dominated formed in in by arc mafic or metavolcanic back-arc setting (Bingler, 1974; Robertson and Moench,1979; Klich, 1983; Soegaard and Eriksson, 1986; Grambling and Ward, 1987; Williams, 1987). of a similar If the Vadito Group represents the remains lithotectonic package, then these rocks are probably the oldest terrane in the Picuris Range. Although may 223 Granitic rocks UndividedPrecambrian 0V a d h Group Picurie (eoutnern Range only) 224 no geochemistry Range, it is exists for possible Vadito that Group this rocks sequence qf in the rocks Picuris represents the typeI1 supracrustal assemblage of Condie (1982). This assemblage consists bimodal volcanics-quartzite-arkxe of assemblages, and represents "lithosphere-activated continental riftsor aborted mantle-activated rifts" (Condie, 1982, p. 341). It is not orthoquartzites clear of how the the Marquenas Vadito Group Quartzite fit and similar into tect'mic this picture. Neither the Moppin nor the Pecos mafic sequences contains appreciable thicknesses of orthoquartzite and metaconglomerate. Therefore, if the Marquenas unit is an original is then partof the tectonically the variety equivalent Vadito of Vadito Group mafic Group, to of and if the Vadito the or Pecos Moppin the arc or back-arc southern association terrane, Picuris a Range that previously been described in the southwestern U.S. Soegaard section that is and Eriksson (1986) proposed compriseda distinct in fault that the lithostratigraphic contact with Ortega G.-roup has is not However, Marquenas sequence rocks to the north Vadito rocks to the south. This idea is plausible. Alternatively, the Marquenas Quartzite might rest unconformably above an older mafic Vadito section. In either of these Marquenas two Quartzite cases, is the unknown. tectonic setting of the and 225 Felsic schists at Pilar. Textures in the felsic schist at Pilar suggest a phenocrystic Similar 1700 Ma have felsic geochemical volcanic rocks metavolcanic signatures in felsic volcanic rocks similar continental in to rifts protolith. the modern or Tusas Range felsic continental mar”~in back-arcs in or near continental crust (J.M. Robertson. personal communication,1987). felsic volcanic contain trace Ifcontinental rocks element rift of On a more regional scale, this age chemistries systems and Ma probably represents volcanic-sedimentary U.S. southwestern characteristic basins of in modern or nelr The felsic schist at part terrane the back-arc continents” (Condie,1986, p. 857). Pilar in of extensive 1680 tl3 1700 the that is found in New Ml..-xico and Arizona (Conway and Silver, 1986; Condie, 1986). The It is base of the notknown what felsic type of schist at continental Pilar is not crust was exp3sed. rifzed, and what the felsic schist at Pilar was deposited on. One possibility is that basement to the felsic schist at P’.lar is Vadito Group or equivalent rock. The absence of clastic sediments structures and such Pilar suggest active phases Rocks mafic as that of similar stratigraphically volcanics, growth this and faults unit the in lack the of identifiable felsic accumulated after schist the at most rifting. to the beneath felsic the schist Ortega at Group Pilar in most lie of major Precambrian-cored uplifts of northern New Mexico. It the 226 is possible represent crust that the prior provided thickness final to one these voluminous stage Ortega of quartz Group sand volcanic stabilization deposition, component of source of felsic material that of rocks continental and hmay w e also for the enornous blanketed the region at about 1700 Ma. The Ortesa Group. The Ortega Group, which is regionally central exposed New probably the supracrustal in northern New Mexico and perhaps in Mexico well as (Bauer and Williams, 1985), is youngest regionally lithostratigraphic exposed package Precambrian in northern Nev Mexico. The Ortega Group belongs to the 1650 toMa 1750 quartzite-pelite 1986), and continental terraneof the southwesternU.S. (Conllie, developed shelf subsequent to during a first-order rifting on a stable sea level rise (Soegaard and Eriksson, 1985).On a regional scale, detrital zircons from the Ortega Quartzite range in age from 1976; Aleinikoff et al., 1985; about 1850 to 1700 Ma (Maxon, S.A. Bowring, personal communication in Williams, 1987). This range of ages Ortega Quartzite rocks, and could (1982). be was another (Williams, 1987). implies from that the component one source underlying was derived component felsic from volcanic elsewhere It is possible that the Ortega Group assigned to supracrustal assemblageI of of Condie Such as assemblage consists of quartzite-carbonate- the 227 shale, is characterized by extensive cross-bedded quartzite with lesser amounts of carbonate, shale, and siltstone, and reflects either "stable continental interiors" (Condie, 1982, p. Ortega rocks Group were Possibly, is not carbonates above or stable craton Because the top of the 348). exposed, it is deposited margins unknown what, if the Piedra Lumbre accumulated within the any, Formation. uppermost Ortega Group. Precambrian The based with on Picuris Range available adjacent outline Tectonic of Arolution geological data terranes Precambrian from in the summary that Picuris Range, northern history of New the follows is similarities Mexico, a general and southwestern U.S. by Silver (1987). >1700 Ma 1) The Vadito Group accumulates in an arc or back- arc setting (on oceanic lithosphere?). The Vadito Group is tectonically metavolcanic assemblages equivalent in the to mafic Moppin Metavolcanic Series, Taos volcanics, or Pecos greenstone 2) The North arc belt. system American matures craton. and is accreted to the 228 1700 Ma 3) The primitive Successor 4) The continental basins felsic form during schist a northeast-trending crust is rifted. rifting. Pilar is deposited at chain of felsic within volcanic- plutonic centers on or near the continental crust. These igneous rocks interfinger with subsequent <1700 Ma 5) The the transgressive thick felsic Ortega schist proximal Group at basin sediments Pilar in a stable sediments. accumulate on continental shelf setting. Basin subsidence matches sediment influx during a first-order sea level rise. 1680 Ma 6) Extensive bodies 1650-1450 Ma in plutonism the with Vadito emplacement of granitic Group. 7) Extensive, prolonged tectonism with approximately north-south Possibly to the due crustal shortening. accretiona microcontinen? of southwesternU.S. at with about1640 Ma (Cond,ie, South-verging simple shear strain was 1987). concentrated below the mechanically stiff Orfega Quartzite. With progressive shortening, n0Y-hverging ductile shear zones and large folds develop. The Vadito Group moves northward over the Ortega Group along a ductile shear zone. It is possible that this setting is analogous to that described in the Pecos-Rio Grambling and Ward(1987), in which Mora area the Pecos by 229 greenstone younger belt Ortega has been Group and thrust northward underlying over felsic rocks along a south-dipping ductile fault. Deformation has waned emplaced <1450 Ma 8) in by the the time Vadito anorogenic Group plutons are at 1450 about Ma. Horizontal isothermal and isobaric surfac?s are superimposed on structures. At some later time, rocks levels are and uplifted to their exhumed. present structural CHAPTER 1) CONCLUSIONS 9. There exist three major supracrustal rock packages in the Picuris Range: a) The Vadito Group, senso stricto, a heterogeneous sequence of metamorphosed bimodal volcanic, volcaniclastic, and clastic sedimentary rocks; b) the felsic schist homogeneous at Pilar, feldspathic scattered exposures quartz-muscovite of schists relativnly containing distinctiveofquartzandfeldspar,thatprobably represent metamorphosed, altered phenocrystic felsic volcanic rocks: and c) the Ortega Group, an overall transgressive, thick, stratigraphically continuous, metamorphosed sequence of basal quartz arenite, interlayered quartzites laminated shallow the pelitic phyllites marine The of and and schists, black phyllites, and schists that accumulated a in setting. felsic schist at Pilar "Vadito Group" rocks that is similar to one compsment Williams (1985) et al. described in the Tusas, Taos, and Rio Mora areas. Par"-s of the more are similar in the Fe Range 2) mafic Tusas to Vadito the Range (Pecos Group older (Moppin greenstone in mafic the southern metavolcanic metavolcanic belt), and Picuris sequences series), the Taos the Range found Santa Range. It is unknown how these three lithostratigraphic 231 units relate to one another. The south-dipping boundary between Ortega Picuris Range and Vadito group rocks is a near-bedding-parallel, in the ductile southern reverse fault. Mylonitic structures indicative of simple shear occur all In Pilar, at along the zone. northwestern the Pilar this basal Picuris Ortega Range, Quartzite along a low-angle zone of in the cliffs near overlies the felsic schist high ductile shear strain. The amount of bedding-parallel displacement that has occurred 3) schist along this shear zone is unknown. The Vadito Group to the south, and the felsic at Pilar to the north occupy identical structural positions with respect to the overlying Ortega Group. Both lie structurally 4) below the basal Ortega Quartzite Form3tion. The stratigraphic position of the Piedra Lumbye Formation is found to be above the Pilar Phyllite, and is therefore the youngest unit of the Ortega Group. The section of Piedra Lumbre in Picuris the trapped southern between the Formation Range, Pilar is Phyllite that is the type-section actually a fault sliver and Marquenas the Quartzite. 5) mainly There exists some preliminary evidence, based on intrusive relationships, to suggesta major that 232 fault or unconformity separates the Vadito amphibolite from the Vadito schist.A disparity in probable depositional settings indicates Quartzite are may separated the Vadito schist by either a fault or and Marquenac an It is therefore suggested that the Vadito unconfomity. Group that be a composite of different rock groups juxtaposed along bedding-parallel faults and/or unconformities. If such faults exist, they must predate D3, as the contacts are folded by D3 folds. 6) Although Ortega Group rocks locally contain concordant, simple pegmatite bodies, no intrusions int3 Ortega 7) rocks have been found in the Picuris Range. All rocks appear to have experienced lower to middle amphibolite facies metamorphism. Kyanite, andalusite, and sillimanite coexist in the Ortega Grou,? in the Hondo syncline area. Porphyroblasts of biotite, g,srnet, and staurolite during All the three have ductile of these experienced strain multiple history minerals grew of both stages Ortega of Group pre-D3 and grovth rocks. syn- post-D3. Kyanite, andalusite, biotite, staurolite, and sillimanite(?) all grew early in the strain history, pyior to D3. to 233 Supracrustal rocks have undergone a progressive 8) deformational three major Dl is shear history in the of structures. characterized by localized zones by fold rather second than generation inthe Ortega folding resulted generations strain, The that large of Group, formation of of high simple structures. structures, D2, involved major and moderate folding in the Vadito Group. The Hondo syncline and the Copper Hill anticline are both F2 folds. D2 involved considerable near- bedding-parallel faulting. In the has been northcentral tectonically Picuris doubled Range by the what Ortega may Quartzite have a Dl, been D2, or D3 imbrication. Similar shearing occurred benelth the Ortega Quartzite in the northern Picuris Range. The third generation of structures, D3, is characterized by an intense, pervasive, east-trending schistosity or crenulation cleavage (S2* in the Ortega Group) thatis the rocks. S2* has rotated and reactivated the earlier dominant cleavage in most schistose cleavages. Based on relict crenulation cleavages preserved in porphyroblasts, passed through Minor F2* folds All the S2* schistosity an earlier are recognized threeof these under conditions axes, and of probably crenulated phases in of approximately with has the at least stage of Ortega deformation coaxial considerable locally development. Group. developed principal temporal strain overlap. 234 The major structural feature in the Picuris Range 9) is the gently west-plunging, tight to isoclinal, northward verging F2 Hondo syncline in the Ortega Group. The Copper Hill anticline the Hondo thought to a minor, be parasitic fold on syncline. Kinematic shear indicators in the felsic schist at 10) Pilar is suggest that the Ortega felsic schist sometime during Dl. vergence sense recorded by Quartzite moved southward over This is opposite to the kinematic indicators along the Vadito-Ortega boundary and the attitudes of D2/D3 fold:. This south-directed shear may have been the earliest component of movement in the Picuris Range during Dl. It may have also represent been reported Pristine schist at shearing quartz Pilar regional from the ribbon contact occurred, transport, at Tusas and mylonites indicate least as locally, Taos at that similar the move-nents ranges. Ortega-felsic south-directed late in the metam'xphic history. 11) plunging The Copper Hill anticline ais gently westF2 fold that dies or out, is faulted out, to the east. This fold is anomalous, and may abe parasitic fold on the Hondo south-dipping syncline D2/D3 that reverse has faults. been uplifted along steeply 235 The older Rana and Funtiagudo plutons (ca. 1680 12) Ma) in the southern may be as early The probably as pre- l'anorogenicft 1450 Ma syn- The Range Picuris to or are certainly pre-D3, and syn-Dl. Penasco Quartz Monzonite is late-syn-D3. Granite is Range of probably Picuris related Peak to in the the 1680ca. Ma southeastern plutons to Picuris the west. The Granite the eastern correlated 13) of Tusas with Alamo Range the that Tres resembles have Piedras been granitic ro-ks in tentatively Granite. Stratigraphic and structural observations an2 interpretations listed kinematic/stratigraphic and Canyon accretion of the above models three limit the possible major number for the of evolution lithostratigraphic te-ranes in the Picuris Range. All models involve a complex interaction of faulting, shearing, and folding in the midcrustal environment. In the best model, early southdirected shear mechanically is stiff concentrated Ortega between Quartzite and the overriding, the relatively incompetent felsic schist at Pilar. With progressive crustal shortening, north-directed(?) ductile faulting (thrusting?) transports Vadito Group rocks northward o-rer the Ortega Group-felsic schist at Pilar lithostratigraphic package. As shortening continues, the deformational style 236 evolves bulk from heterogeneous Dl shearing to more shortening by nucleation and homogeneous growth of major fold9 in the Ortega and Vadito groups. The Ortega Quartzite-felsic schist at Pilar contact shear remains a zone of intense bedding- much theof deformation parallel simple throughout history. As D2 folding evolves (and locks up?) an intense, slightly obliqueS3 cleavage is superimposed on earlier structures in Ortega Group rocks. Near bedding-parallel, steeply south-dipping structures, faulting accompanied which may have reactivated Dl the D2 and D3 phases of deformation. The felsic schist at Pilar is lithologically and 14) geochemically similar to felsic schists in the Tusas, Rio Mora, and Taos ranges. Geochemistries and textures of these rocks are consistent with modern continental extension31 systems. The felsic schist at Pilar and related rocks may have accumulated exposed in the on rifted, Picuris pre-1700 Ma basement that is not Range. The Vadito Group a aswhole is dissimilar to other 15) pre-Ortega sequences in northern New Mexico. The southernmost Range New mafic is similar Mexico that portion to are mafic of the Vadito metavolcanic geochemically in the terranes similar to Picuris in modern northern arc back-arc settings. The northern metaconglomeratic-felsic schist portion is most similar to the felsic package that or 237 underlies the Ortega Group in the Tusas Range. Therefore, if the Vadito Groupa tectonic is composite lithostratigraphic sequences, it related rocks young basement felsic a shallow contain old rift-related mafic arc- rocks. schist marine at Pilar a stable on environment continental during a major shelf sea-level in rise. One possible model for the tectonic evolutio? of 17) rocks different The Ortega Group accumulated depositionally above 16) the and may of in the continental Picuris crust as Range arcs begins or with back-arcs accretion prior of mafic(?) to 1700about Ma. At around 1700 Ma, rifting of this crust results in production crustal mature These of voluminous stabilization shallow rocks subjected to felsic sufficient marine sediments were buried to an extended volcanism, followed to accumulatio? permit along moderate orogenic the continent crustal event, by of margin. levels and due t perhaps l3 convergence and collision from the south. This extendI2d orogeny resulted structures three which in formation are of developed lithostratigraphic three to major various groups of rocks now generations degrees exposed in in of the the Picuris Range. The extreme heterogeneity of strain on all scales Range that and characterizes adjacent supracrustal and uplifts plutonic Proterozoic is rocks the at rocks effect in of mid-crustal the this Picuris orogeny levels. on Appendix 1. Samples Descriptions of geochronology samples ranging 75 to 210 lbs from were collected from outcrop exposures. Samples were crushed, pulverized, and separated at Washington and laboratories University, Mineral Resources in and at the the New Department New Mexico Mexico of Geology Bureau Institute of of at Mines Minin-j and wer3 done Technology. Magnetic and heavy liquid separations at Washington University and the Department of Geology at the University of New Mexico. Zircons were hand-picke-i by M. Williams, P. Bauer, and students at Washington University. U-Pb chemistry and mass spectrometry were performed by Dr.S. A. Bowring at Washington Universit:?. Plutonic Rocks Granite of Alamo Canyon. Montgomery(1953) corxelated these rocks with the granitic rocks of the southern Picuris Range (the Embudo Granite). Textures, intrusive relationships, Granite of and Alamo deformational Canyon and fabrics the four differ plutons between in the the southwestern Picuris Range. Williams (1987) tentatively correlated a similar pluton in the eastern Tusas Range with 239 the 1654 Ma (Maxon,1976) Tres Piedra Granite of the northern Tusas Range. Therefore, the age of the Granite of Alamo Canyon is important in a both local and regional perspective. Granite of Picuris Peak. The Granite of Picuris Peak is a highly tectonized, complex intrusion that is intimately interlayered with Vadito Group lithologies. This granite is very in similarto the c.a. 1680 Ma the southwestern Picuris Rana and Puntiagudo plutons Range. Cerro Alto Metadacite. Mappers in the Harding Pegmatite Mine relationships Metadacite area support is the have the oldest generally agreed that interpretation that of granitic the four the field Cerrm3 Alto plutons 1976; R.J. Holcombe, emplaced in Vadito Group rocks (Long, personal communication,1984; McCarty, 1983). Bell (1985) reported a preliminary U-Pb zircon 1630 Ma correct, and However, D.A. age of about for the Cerro Alto Metadacite. If this age is then Puntiagudo examination. the Cerro plutons, Alto and body field is younger relations need than re- the Rana 240 Metavolcanic Rocks Vadito GrOUD felsic cruartz-eve schist, southern Picuris Range. the Original primary stratigraphic relationships between Vadito Group and the mafic Taos areas, metavolcanic and Group and the felsic syhist The Vadito Group is unlike both the' unknown. at Pilar are older Ortega the sequences younger in felsic the Tusas, Pecos, metavolcanic and sequenzes in the Tusas, Rio Mora, and Taos areas. An age of crystallization for Group southern in the felsic metavolcanic Picuris Range rocks may in help the Vadito constrain correlations. One possible complicationis that the Vadito Group might tectonic actually abecomposite slices of various package rock groups containing of various ages. Rio Pueblo Schist, Comales CamDcrround. These rocys were tentatively correlated with Pilar cliffs by Montgomery (1962). problematic sheared rocks the felsic schist in the Textures in these permit either granitic or volcanic protoliths. Zircons from the Comales rocks yielded a 1665 Ma (S.A. Bowring, personal preliminary age of about communication, 1986). with Range, ages and of This age is relatively consistent granitic inconsistent rocks with in the the southwestern proposed Picuris age/correlations of felsic schist in the Pilar cliffs. Felsic schists at 241 Comales phase campground of the could be southwestern sheared granite6 a volcanic or Picuris Range plutons. Felsic schist, Pilar cliffs. It is unknown how the felsic schist relates to the Vadito Group. Rocks similar to the 1700 Ma (Williams, 1987). primary Pilar of schist at Pilar felsic stratigraphic in the felsic deposition rounded conglomeratic may have Range are arouyd with the Range, then an age of constrains the maximum auartzite cobble. protolith Group felsic schist at crystallization age for sediments. Rocks Marmenas Quartzite Large, Tusas contact ofthe Ortega Metasedimentary the If the Ortega Group does lie in Picuris schist in Formation, quartzite member already of been clasts the in the southern Marquenas quartzite Quartzite when Formation incorporated into the sandy Marquenas protolith. This unit is thought to be older than the Ortega Quartzite. Additionally, Marquenas quartzite Ortega clasts are compositionally Quartzite,so Ortega rocks were different not a source from foz th(3 the Marquenas. Detrital zircons in the Ortega Quartzite in the Picuris Range No rocks of have this U-Pb age ages are of 1830 about Ma recognized in (Maxon,1976). the southwestern U.S. 242 It is possible originated that the detrital the same source from zircons as the in Ortega quartzite Quartzite clasts in the Marquenas Quartzite. Even if this is not the case, detrital search zircons in fora source controversy Marquenas the terrain, concerning Quartzite Marquenas the and clasts add some stratigraphic may aid in perspective position of Formation. R6 schist member, southern Picuris Ranqe. The R6 member that of the probably Rinconada Formation isotopically contains equilibrated grains ??]tile of during peak metamorphic conditions (M.L. Williams, personal communication, 1986). yield an absolute U-Pb chronology of rutile should age for peak metamorphism. th? to the the APPENDIX 2 Garnet-biotite geothermometry calculations for Picuris samples. microprobe . Equations are from Ferry and Spear (1978) data are courtesy of M.L. Williams. Range All 244 Microprobe data for sample HC-64 GARNET HCZSC AND 6.I E TR EACH 25?~1ov-86 123 10 An Garnet Dara Sac: 4 Trav Lsn;-.h: 256 Step Lengsar 9.9 r l e l g n r r*rc.*:: Fa0 1 27.13 36.91 ,X:30 1.39 3.03 2.97 2.31 1.:z 1.:1 3 4 zi.7: 1.40 1.94 97.11 1.99 E 2.21 1.a7 2.96 2.3: I.:a 1.1: 6 37.11 1.99 1.92 2.74 2.75 2.66 2.60 2.48 2.38 2.54 1.19 1.12 2 -, 8 9 10 11 12 1 ; 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 29 25 27 26.99 17.72 37.27 37.14 37.c4 97.60 37.39 57.94 37.95 3.99 38.25 :e.% 38.16 39.49 1.9; 1.94 1.97 1.9E 1.98 2.04 2.07 2.02 2.31 2.05 2.09 2.11 1.95 1.05 1.IC 1.14 1.08 l.Ll 1.09 2.14 1.12 1.06 2.09 2.07 1.99 1.82 1.63 3 8 . : ' 39.79 2.08 2.10 1.52 1.40 2.00 1.32 S9.80 39.05 x.-? 37.01 1.29 2.0: 1.25 2.00 1.a: 0 . " 0.AO 1.15 ~~ 1.:2 1.10 0.52 0.00 13-3 -7.30 20.86 20.53 20.92 21.09 20.59 20.95 21.15 21.10 37.46 57.15 37.07 37.21 37.26 ~~ 20.79 0.06 0.04 20.93 1.55 1.05 1.11 1.06 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.00 20.71 21.13 21.00 20.90 20.75 20.90 1.14 0.79 0.55 0.3 1.5: 0.00 i 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.04 11.11 1.0b 1.01 "" , 1Y 0.0- 20.92 17.50 -7.47 -7.17 20.74 20.79 21.05 BIOTITE i i c iis . 0.07 20.96 0.04 20.79 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.21 20.59 20.85 16.2 34.20 57.15 3.25 -7.45 37.09 36.76 36.86 3.94 76.51 -7.17 37.5 27.15 ~ ~~ 36.98 3.93 57.24 36.99 37.09 Total Bean 101.E1 101.21 100.51 102.07 101.41 100.9: 1oo.a5 20.04 20.04 20.04 20.04 20.04 20.03 20.04 20.09 101.72 101.17 100.91 101.40 101.62 100.73 100.71 100.81 101.i0 101.07 101.41 101.58 101.40 100.81 100.96 29.00 100.89 100.76 100.99 75.43 45.24 0 l . z 20.05 20.0z 20.0Z 20.09 20.04 20.0§ 20.04 20.0: 30.09 20.04 20.04 20.04 20.01 20.020.03 20.04 20.04 20.104 20.04 245 Microprobe data f o r sample HC-377 GARNET K177/4.15 OWNET G a r n e t Data Set2 2 2:-Fah-87 0 1 4 4 PM T r d v Lenprnr 232 3 t a ~Length: 8.0 Welpnr Percent, 1 FeO MgO MnO CaO TI02 A1203 5102 Total Beem 59.19 2.04 2.04 2.11 2.03 2.05 2.09 2.06 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.07 0.71 0.71 0.64 0.65 0.60 0.59 0.00 0.EZ 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.02 21.04 20.88 36.7 36.55 3.74 36.50 36.60 Zb.34 3.60 100.42 100.83 100.75 100.01 100.46 100.40 99.95 100.D0 100.56 100.86 101.61 101.3 100.98 100.88 101.09 100.77 20.01 20.02 20.02 20.02 20.02 20.02 20.02 20.01 20.01 20.01 19.98 19.96 19.98 20.01 20.02 20.01 20.00 20.00 19.98 19.99 19.97 19.97 19.96 19.97 19.97 19.97 19.97 19.96 19.97 20.00 2 39.58 3 39.21 Z9.67 4 5 39.27 6 Z9.56 7 38.85 B Z9.54 ~ 2.09 2.CO8 10 11 12 z9.77 40.34 40.01 14 40.09 40.13 15 16 Z9.91 17 3 . 5 0 18 Z9.96 19 39.66 20 ;9.40 21 40.04 22 39.95 23 39.92 40.30 24 ~~ 26 =7 28 29 30 39.85 39.72 l.:8 0.12 0.00 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.05 2.02 2.08 2.02 2.~7 2.03 2.06 1.98 1.99 1.93 1.89 1.86 0.82 0.40 1.80 1.64 1.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.93 0.91 0.95 0.90 0.91 0.90 0.88 0.88 0.80 0.83 0.83 0.81 0.85 0.82 0.80 0.85 0.85 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.Z5 0.51 0.54 10.48 0.46 0.50 0.50 0.0.47 0.14 0.47 0.48 0.42 0.45 0.40 0.40 0.47 0.60 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 20.95 20.89 20.94 20.84 20.91 20.96 21.09 36.X X.7Z 21.00 21.00 21.14 20.94 3.73 20.92 20.88 0.02 20.50 0.01 20.81 0.01 20.83 0.02 20.76 20.80 0.00 0.01 20.79 0 . w 21.59 20.92 0.02 0.02 20.92 0.02 20.65 0.01 20.30 0.27 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.61 Z6.79 36.80 26.9 36.41 36.58 36.61 35.59 36.79 26.46 36.67 57.03 36.78 37.80 ?6.83 36.81 36.56 35.76 0.81 1.93 0.04 BIOTITE F o i n t i 18 HC 377/455 BIOTITE 23-iab-87 BAS, Fila I 3 x13.625 Y = 49.104 F E i 80: nHF TI4 ALA 5IG X10 HAE CAA Rel's: s:?7 pn 99.1 100.90 100.X 100.06 101.16 100.66 102.42 101.15 100.84 100.17 98.83 2.46 2.19 0.04 246 Microprobe data for sample HC-385 GARNET H K S 5 ?AND 64 E Ti? EACH 24-N0~-86 1 0 : 3 PM Garner. 3ara 3er: 2 Trav Lengtn: 194 Step Lengrh: E.4 Weight F w c e n z l Fei 1 2 = 4 5 5 7 a 9 10 11 12 79.79 w.07 Y9.79 40.25 40.10 40. 12 -9.61 30.0~ 3.?2 40.65 40.3a 40.19 M5il MnO CaO Ti02 A1202 Si02 Toral Beam 0.46 I,: 45 0. a= 0.03 0.05 20.95 21.08 -7.57 57.46 101.94 102.04 20.05 20. 0z 0.37 0. -6 0. x 1.11 1.07 1.10 1.09 1. 10 1.06 0.99 20.31 -6.92 0.32 0.34 0.31 0. :2 0. 34 0.35 0.99 1.06 0.03 0.0: 0.01 0.01 21.21 21.12 20.96 27.41 -7.z4 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.91 0.74 0.0s 0.04 0.03 0.03 21.09 20.90 20.94 21.02 0.01 21.0~ 5.s 0.78 U.0Z 0.00 0.04 20.99 21.12 21.12 20.96 21.05 21.01 27.X 57.61 37.32 56.97 3.12 102.6~ 101.29 101.94 101.3 101.43 100.91 101.51 21.Z7 37.51 9.78 101.92 71.91 46.21 82.6: 1.85 1.89 1.35 1.8? 1.39 1.9z 1.75 1.97 1.97 1.96 2. 04 2.00 2.09 2.09 2.07 2.02 24 1.33 BIOTITE . 0. "5 0.3F' 0.37 0.14 0.42 0.96 2.64 u. 4s 0. 66 0.62 0.62 2.05 1.78 1.36 0.20 0.51 0. 5 3 0.55 0.62 0. E5 0.57 0.54 1.05 0.01 0.46 0.06 0.00 20.05 20. uc 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.19 5.17 z.61 Z7.09 7.34 37.25 100.60 101.97 101.75 1Ol.X 3.29 102.21 101.54 101.59 -7.21 101.4: 37.Z8 20.05 20.05 20.06 20.05 20. 05 20. 05 20.06 20.06 20.06 20.06 20.05 20. 05 20.05 20.05 20.05 20. 05 20.05 20.05 20.06 20.06 247 Microprobe data 1 2 3 4 5 6 37.x 56.79 37.06 -7.13 14 15 16 7.50 17 ~7.87 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1: -2 3.x 37.31 38.02 Z7.98 ~7.87 3e.:9 78.02 13 1.63 1.60 Z6.62 T6.92 Z7.3 37.19 37.2: 27.29 3.76 37.29 37.49 37.5; m.54 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.58 1.6: 1.62 1.64 1.70 1.63 1.67 1.72 1.65 1.70 1.72 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.76 1.74 1.75 1.77 ~~ l a za.15 - 7 ~~ 1.80 1.75 1..79 1.71 1.84 37.50 1.86 37.97 37.91 t.a? 1.81 1.94 x.41 38.84 19.32 1.91 1.93 1.57 1.14 78.5: 14.20 for sample HC-454 Z . 39 32 5.26 3.15 3.17 3.12 0.94 0.02 20.84 0.91 0.03 z0.75 0.90 0.02 2U.66 0 . ~ 9 0.06 20.88 0.81 0.02 2 0 . 6 9 0.91 0.0 25 0.84 36.71 36.68 76.63 -6.99 36.76 26.79 0.12 0.84 0.04 20.84 35.3 :. - 5.08 2. 09 2.97 z. 98 1.91 2. a 7 2. as 2.85 2.79 2.75 2.66 2.65 2 . sa 2.53 1. cr, 2.45 2.34 2.28 2. z5 2.13 2. ua 2.01 1.75 1.17 0.81 0.00 0.94 0.04 20.79 37.09 0.85 0.01 20.94 0.89 0.85 0.02 20.76 20.72 zu.76 0.88 0.84 0.81 0.81 0.84 0.82 0.79 0.82 GU.77 0.78 0.04 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.74 0.72 0.66 0.61 0.56 0.55 0.58 0.Cb 0.00 * ~3.x %ea. 20.~3 29 HC 377/455 BIOTITE 22-Frh-87 Rli8, F l l r 3 X= 22.310 Y = 16.070 Ref'$: FE3 n6G HNF TI4 A L A SI0 610 NAE CAA * ni 100.11 100.16 100.7~ 99.70 100.27 100.21 100.96 100.79 100.90 10u.34 100.~7 -6.98 7.25 0.u4 36.76 0.02 27.01 0.03 21.08 37.17 101.40 0.03 2U.60 36.99 100.55 0 . 0 ~ 20.79 ~ 6 . ~100.~5 9 0.04 20.93 Z7.12 100.98 0.04 20.98 57.21 101.45 0.00 20.68 26.05 100.07 0.02 20.62 36.53 99.73 0.05 20.79 37.u4 100.31 20.80 ~ 6 . 7 2 100.69 0.U3 20.57 36.73 100.33 0.02 20.91 3 . 1 9 101.00 0.01 20.67 36.80 100.69 0.01 20.92 36.95 100.76 0.00 10.63 57.17 100.1: 0.0u 20.94 36.69 100.33 0.01 20.73 3.11 100.26 0.C'U 20.77 57.27 1ou.96 0.03 20.52 26.97 100.97 0.01 20.90 37.14 101.25 0.00 22.06 38.Z8 101.91 0.38 26.66 95.76 BIOTITE Point 100.84 ::4F FM 20.19 20.14 20.13 20.12 20.11 20.11 20.10 20.11 20.10 20.11 20.10 20.09 20.09 20.0E 19.97 20.00 20.10 20.09 20.10 20.10 20.09 20.09 20.09 c0.09 2U.09 20.09 10.10 10.10 20.10 20.10 20.01 20.03 20.12 248 REFERENCES CITED Aldrich, L.T., Wetherill, G.W., Davis, G.L., and Tilton, G.R., 1958, Radioactive ages of micas from granitic rocks by Rb-Sr K-Ar and methods: American Geophysical Union Transactions,v. 39, p. 1124-1134. 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