Fall 2012 Syllabus for ABIO 232.008 – Anatomy, Dr. Burgess Note: Instructor reserves the right to make reasonable changes in the syllabus at any point during the semester Instructor: Dr. Elizabeth Burgess Instructor E-mail: elizabethb@usca.edu Office: SBDG 111B Office Hours: F 8:00-9:00 AM, or by appointment Course Description and Objectives: This course is a survey of the organization, structure, function and development of human anatomical systems. Students should become adept at identifying and describing the organization, structure and development of the human body across the hierarchy of cells, tissues, organs and systems. Course credit: 4 credit hours (upon successful completion) Required Course Materials: Lecture component: Marieb, E.N., Wilhelm, P.B., Mallatt, J. (2012) Human Anatomy, 6th ed. ISBN10: 0-321-75327-5, ISBN13: 978-0-321-75327-4. Laboratory component: Marieb, E.N. and Mitchell, S.J. (2011) Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, Rat Version. ISBN10:0-321-65135-9, ISBN13: 978-0-321-65135-8. You are also required to purchase a dissection kit and gloves, available at the Pacer Schoppe. Lecture Time & Place: TTH 8:00AM - 9:15AM, H&SS 116 Laboratory Time & Place: F 9:00AM - 11:40AM, SBDG 104 Blackboard Site: https://blackboard.sc.edu, ABIOA232-008-FALL-2012:ANATOMY Grading: The on-line grade book will be updated regularly. Documentation (the graded quiz, exam or assignment) must be presented to resolve discrepancies. Possible points breakdown: 5 lecture exams (100 pts. ea.) 500 1 final exam (comprehensive, 100 pts.) 100 5 laboratory practical exams (100 pts. ea.) 500 5-10 additional point opportunities (10-20 pts. ea.) 100 1 participation/safety score (10 pts.) 20 Total possible points 1220 Grade-point scale: A: 1098 or more, B: 976-1097, C: 854-975, D: 732-853, F: 731 or less Grade Opportunties Overview: Lecture exams: Lecture exams will cover material presented since the last exam. Question formats for the tests range from multiple choice to essay. Scantron Form 882-E, available at the Pacer Schoppe, may be required. Final exam: This exam will be comprehensive, covering material from the entire semester. Likely, it will include actual questions from each of the lecture exams. Laboratory practical exams: Based on activities from lab, practical exams will be set up as a serious of timed stations. There will be 2-4 short questions at each station that usually will address identification of a labeled structure. Additional point opportunities: Throughout the semester, at the instructor’s discretion, you will be given at least five additional point opportunities. These may take the forms of scheduled or pop quizzes in lab or lecture, laboratory group quizzes, or Blackboard discussion assignments. Guidelines will be provided as appropriate. Participation/safety score: You start the semester with 20 points. Assuming you come to class, participate, don’t hurt yourself or others, and clean up after yourself, you’ll end the semester with 20 points. Page 1 of 4 Attendance and Punctuality: Poor attendance will negatively affect both your Participation and Safety score and your overall grade. Good attendance will give you the opportunity to hear the lectures, ask questions, participate in laboratory exercises and learn the material on a first-hand basis, which will improve your overall grade. Exams and quizzes given at the beginning of the lecture or laboratory period will start promptly at the scheduled time. Extra time will not be given for a late arrival. There will be no make-up lecture exams or quizzes except under extreme circumstances as deemed acceptable by the instructor on an individual basis. There will be absolutely no make-ups for missed laboratory exercises, quizzes, or practical exams. Tutoring: Tutoring services are available through the Academic Success Center on campus. The center employs experts trained to help students develop good study habits based on individual needs and skills. See http://www.usca.edu/asc for more information. Disability Statement: If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability which might affect your performance in this class, please contact the Office of Disability Services, 134 B&E, (803) 643-6816, as soon as possible. The Disability Services Office will determine appropriate accommodations based on medical documentation. Honor Code: Students are expected to abide by the Academic Code of Conduct as described in the Student Handbook on every exam and assignment. “On my honor as a University of South Carolina at Aiken student, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this assignment / examination. To the best of my knowledge, I am not in violation of academic honesty.” Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken if academic integrity is violated. Respect and Policy for Portable Electronic Devices: The instructor expects you to participate in this course in a respectful manner. This includes using complete sentences in correspondence and SILENCING distracting electronic devices before entering the classroom or laboratory. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. The instructor reserves the right to dismiss disrespectful students during lab or to block their participation in on-line discussions. There will be no make-ups of missed material. The use of any portable electronic devices during class is not allowed for any reason unless prior approval has been given to the student from the instructor or unless required for the course. If you use a portable electronic device during a test, quiz, or other assessment, you are eligible to receive a failing grade on that assignment. Laboratory Safety: This course requires dissection of animals and organs preserved in 10% formalin or comparable solution. Dissection gloves are required. A lab coat and safety glasses are recommended. Do not eat or drink in the laboratory at any time. If you are pregnant or think you are pregnant, consult with your obstetrician to determine if it is appropriate for you to take this course. Dissection requires the use of sharp blades and other potentially dangerous tools. Do not use the dissection tools carelessly. Report any accidents to your instructor immediately. Failure to practice laboratory safety will negatively affect your Participation and Safety score. Additional Advice: Anatomy is a very time-consuming course, and it will require study time outside of regularly scheduled class time. You can use your ID cards to access the laboratory 24/7. Work with your lab partners and study in groups. Make flash cards to help you remember difficult terms. Set aside time each week to review lecture and laboratory material; do not wait until the night before an exam to study. New material will build on the foundation you establish with previous material. If you are serious about your career, put in the time required to be successful. Page 2 of 4 Lecture Topic Outline Topic No. Lecture Topic Text Chs. 1 Introduction to Anatomy 1 2 Cells: The Living Units 2 3 Embryology 3 4 Tissues 4 EXAM 1 (Topics 1-4) 5 Integumentary System 5 6 Skeletal System 6-8 7 Articulations of Skeletal System 9 8 Muscular System 10-11 EXAM 2 (Topics 5-8) 9 Nervous System 12-14 10 The Senses 16 EXAM 3 (Topics 9-10) 11 Respiratory System 22 12 Digestive System 23 13 Urinary System 24 14 Reproductive System 25 EXAM 4 (Topics 11-14) 15 Circulatory System 18-20 16 Lymphatic System 21 17 Endocrine System 17 EXAM 5 (Topics 15-17) FINAL EXAM (All Topics) Lecture Schedule: The PowerPoint files for each Lecture Topic will be posted on Blackboard, grouped by exam. Content for exams will come primarily from what is presented in class; the textbook is a supplement to this material. The exams will be scheduled based on the amount of time required to get through the lecture topics associated with each. As the semester progresses, the exam schedule will be updated on the Blackboard calendar. Estimated dates for exams are as follows: Exam 1: mid-September, Exam 2: end of September, Exam 3: mid-October, Exam 4: mid-November, Exam 5: early December The final exam is scheduled according to the USCA Final Examinations Schedule. For this course, the final exam will be Tuesday, December 18, 4:30-6:30PM Page 3 of 4 Laboratory Topic Outline Topic No. Laboratory Topic 1 Metric System, Anatomical Terms 2 Cells, Mitosis 3 Tissues 4 Skin Practical 1 (Topics 1-4) 5 Bones 6 Muscles Practical 2 (Topics 5-6) 7 Brain and Spinal Cord 8 Eyes and Ears Practical 3 (Topics 7-8) 9 Respiratory System 10 Digestive System 11 Urinary and Reproductive Systems Practical 4 (Topics 9-11) 12 Heart 13 Vessels and Blood Practical 5 (Topics 12-13) Laboratory Schedule: Relevant materials for each Laboratory Topic will be posted on Blackboard, grouped by practical. The practicals will be scheduled based on the amount of time required to get through the laboratory topics associated with each. As the semester progresses, the practical schedule will be updated on the Blackboard calendar. Estimated dates for practicals are as follows: Practical 1: mid-September, Practical 2: early October, Practical 3: mid-October, Practical 4: early November, Exam 5: late November Blackboard: Familiarity with Blackboard will be essential for this course. If you are having trouble accessing Blackboard, get help as soon as possible by contacting University Technology Services (http://uts.sc.edu/academic/blackboard/index.shtml, 803-777-1800, or servicedesk@sc.edu). Page 4 of 4