Syllabus ‐ Global Energy & Environment, AGLY 398K Fall 2010, MW 6:00PM- 8:40PM Dr. Doug Wyatt, Date Text: Energy and the Environment, by Ristinen & Kraushaar, 2nd Edition, 2006. Class Topic Class, Lab, or Study Activity Text Reading Break into Teams –Team Activities Begin Project 1: energy tracking exercise none Continue with our team development, complete 1st survey Lab 1: Hands on with Fossil Fuels Crude DVD, question/notes sheet Chapter 1: Probs 1, 2, 6, 9, MC8 8/30 9/1 Intro to class, Intro to Global Energy/Environment Concepts, What is energy, types of energy, use, terms, and consequences Discussion of non‐transportation and transportation energy, Fossil Energy Fossil Energy Fossil Energy – Televideo Class 9/6 9/8 NO CLASS – Labor Day Fossil Energy ‐ Televideo Class 9/13 Renewable Energy Modern Marvels: Gasoline DVD, question/notes sheet Begin Project 2: Energy Expert Data 9/15 9/20 Renewable Energy (possible Televideo) Renewable Energy Coal Country DVD Lab 2. Vehicle energy efficiency study. 9/22 9/27 Renewable Energy (possible Televideo) Renewable/Nuclear Energy Renewable Energy DVD 9/29 10/4 Nuclear Energy (possible Televideo) Nuclear Energy Environmental tech DVD 10/6 10/11 10/13 Nuclear Energy MIDTERM EXAM Energy Conservation (Televideo Class) Begin Project 3: Environmental Concerns 10/18 10/20 10/25 TEAM MEETINGS TEAM MEETINGS Transportation Complete 2nd Survey Lab 3. Energy efficiency. Science Building tour, campus energy efficiency tour 10/27 11/1 11/3 Transportation – (Televideo Class) Air/Water Use and Pollution Air/Water Pollution/Global Affects – (Televideo class) Project 3 due. Labs 1, 2, 3 due. 11/8 11/10 11/15 11/17 11/22 11/24 11/29 12/1 Global Affects Modern Global Issues – (Televideo class) Modern Global Issues Modern Global Issues – (possible Televideo) Modern Global Issues THANKSGIVING – NO CLASS Open discussion, final energy & environment discussion, questions, issues Last Class ‐ Review 12/xx FINAL EXAM Lab 4 tbd. Lab 4 due. Project 2 due. Project 1 due. Final (3rd) survey. Review of politics of energy and environment Project presentations and reviews of project 2. Survey results. Class evaluation forms. 8/23 8/25 Chapter 2 Chapter 2: 2, 3, 9, MC4, MC14, MC17, MC18 none Chapter 3 Chapter 3: 1, MC11, MC17, MC21 Chapter 4 Chapter 4: 2, 4, 5, MC5, MC9, MC12, MC14, MC17 Chapter 5 Chapter 5: MC3, MC8, MC9, MC11, MC12, MC15 Chapter 6 Chapter 6: MC1, MC9, MC11, MC13, MC14, Chapter 7 Chapter 7: 11, 12, MC1, MC2, MC3, MC7, MC10 Chapter 8 Chapter 8: 1, 4, 8, MC1, MC6, MC7, MC8, MC14, MC15 Chapter 9 Chapter 9: MC4, MC7, MC8, MC9, MC10, MC11 Chapter 10 Chapter 10: MC1, MC4 All problems due not already turned in. Syllabus ‐ Global Energy & Environment, AGLY 398K Fall 2010, MW 6:00PM- 8:40PM Dr. Doug Wyatt, Text: Energy and the Environment, by Ristinen & Kraushaar, 2nd Edition, 2006. Approach to this course and class objectives: Global Energy and Environment is a very broad topic but of extreme importance to mankind. This course will include broad lecture topics and open discussion, videos, televideo lectures via Skype, online and web content, and textbook material. Teams will be formed around energy types and environmental topics for team activities. Labs will consist of hands on review and research activities. My objectives for this class are for us to engage in meaningful dialogue and discussion while learning the basic concepts of our major global energy sources, the requirements for energy, and the overall environmental impacts of energy production and use. At the end of the class you will have a working knowledge of energy and related environmental concepts. We will use “teams” in this class. Each team will have routine responsibilities for the class as a whole and several of our grades will be team grades. Three interpretive team projects will be completed for the class. These projects will investigate energy types and sources and environmental issues related with them. We will have at least three, and maybe four, labs in the course dealing with hands on energy sources and energy use. We have at least five videos for this class. This is a long class period and we will have a break during the class. Food and drink are permitted. If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability which might affect your performance in this class, please contact the Office of Disability Services, 126A B&E, (803) 641‐3609, as soon as possible. The Office of Disability Services will determine appropriate accommodations based on medical documentation. Good writing and communication is valued in this course as in life. Please remember the written work you produce in this class can be included in your rising junior writing portfolio. For further information on the portfolio requirement please consult your USCA Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin or visit Dr. Lynn Rhodes, Director of Writing Assessment or Mr. Karl Fornes, Director of the Writing Room. The Ristinen & Kraushaar text is good, although a bit dated, and you will be expected to read and understand the material. I recommend you read each chapter and answer the problems listed in the syllabus. Grading This class uses a points earned system. Grades will be based on completion of three (3) projects, class participation, two (2) exams, text questions, and completion of the labs. The point system used and overall grading will be based on the following: Project #1 (25 points) – energy cost tracking Project #2 (50 points) – energy sources information sheets data Project #3 (25 points) – energy pros and cons, global environmental Midterm Exam #1 (50 points) ‐ multiple choice, short answer, T/F, sketch Final Exam #2 (50 points) ‐ multiple choice, short answer, T/F, sketch Lab #1 – Hands on with Fossil Fuels (25 Points) Lab #2 – Vehicle Energy Efficiency (25 Points) Lab #3 – Building Energy Efficiency (25 Points) Lab #4 – tbd (25 points) Video worksheets (five) each worth 20 points. Participation (±10 points) – add or subtract up to 10 points in either direction, my call, based on your response to the text questions and class participation. Total 400 points, 370‐400=A, 340‐369=B, 310‐339=C, 280‐309=D, <280 no excuses!