Ledger Rosemount Elementary A Memo from the Media Center

Rosemount Elementary
Independent School District 196
September 2008
Leprechaun Ledger
——————–“Educating our students to reach their full potential”———————
A Memo from the Media Center
The Media Center is open and in full
swing. Students are checking out books from the
first day of class (except Kindergarteners). Please
remind your child to put their library books in a
“safe place” and to take good care them. Books are
checked out for eight school days. Students may
exchange their books anytime their teachers let
them come to the media center. Kindergartners and
first graders check out one book at a time. Second,
third, fourth and fifth graders, may check out two
books. If your child has an overdue or lost book
from last year, they will need to return that book or
pay for it, before they can check out a new book.
We will be having a “Used Book Sale” again this
fall. We would appreciate any used books that you
can donate for this event.
Please encourage your child to read every evening.
Mrs. Luce Knight
RES Media Specialist
2008-2009 School Year:
Off and running!
We are off to a terrific start to the new school year.
This week has been a time of new beginnings, welcoming,
and opportunities for learning. I am thrilled to be a
member of a school community where the learner and the
learning process are respected. I value the trust our
families have in our staff, and the commitment our staff
has towards our students.
Our students work hard and care about their academic
Student test scores continue to improve. Over 85% of
RES students tested with the Minnesota Comprehensive
Assessment (MCA II) achieved scores at or above grade
level proficiency.
We are proud of our young scholars!
All areas of learning within our curriculum are important.
This year, we will specifically focus on math instruction
and learning; and measure the gains in student learning
throughout the year. It is our goal to continue to improve student achievement while establishing relationships and creating a welcoming school community.
Thank you for sending your child to Rosemount Elementary, and keep reading with your child.
Important RES Numbers
Main Office…………………………………651-423-7690
Absence Call-In……………..651-683-6969, #92101
School Nurse……………………………….651-423-7692
School Social Worker………………..651-423-7634
School Psychologist…………………….651-423-7680
Tom Idstrom
Teachers’ voice mail system………651-683-6969
Mr. Idstrom can also be reached via email at:
Wednesday, October 1st – Fitness Fun runs at
RHS track during specialist times
Thursday, October 2nd – Alternate date
Rosemount Elementary School
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
Also coming home today
in Friday folders:
Information on Free and Reduced
Lunch Program eligibility.
Rosemount Elementary provides school social work services
to students and families. The purpose of these services is
to help students overcome barriers to learning, and to
reach their highest academic potential. These services can
include individual counseling to students, support group
services, and parent meetings/consultation.
Social Work Services may include a variety of concerns,
Family Change/Divorce
Grief and Loss
Friendship/Social Skills
Depression and Anger Management
Kick Off Date: Monday, September 8th
Orders Due: Monday, September 22nd
Our Fall Support Groups will be starting in a few weeks. If
you would like your child referred to one of these groups,
or would like individual services or more information, please
contact our School Social Worker, Susan Piepgras, at (651)
423-7634 or Susan.Piepgras@district196.org.
Pickup Orders: Thursday, November 13th,
3:30-7:30 pm.
Rosemount Elementary
♣ Orders can also be placed online at:
Questions ?
Call Shauna Smith or Laura Radosevich
♣ Strive for Excellence
♣ Be Respectful to Yourself and Others
♣ Care for Property
♣ Work and Play Safely
After School Classes
This fall we will again be
offering FUN
classes after school, starting November 3rd,
through December 11th.
These classes fill quickly, so be
sure and sign up as
soon as you can, because space is limited.
Brochures will be
coming home September 26th !
Rosemount Elementary School
Beginning of the School Year Reminders:
⇒ If your child arrives at school after 9:25am, please come in
the office and sign him/her in at our front desk.
⇒ If your child is in daycare and goes there before and/or after
school, please complete the “Transportation for Students
in Daycare” form. This does include students who go to
School Age Care (SAC) through the YMCA. The forms
are available in the front office.
⇒ Thank you.
District 196 does not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of race,
color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, status with
regard to public assistance, sexual orientation or age. The School District Attorney, 14445 Diamond Path West, Rosemount, MN 55068, (651) 423-7883, has
been designated to respond to inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies, including inquiries under Title IX.
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
Keeping Students with Food Allergies Safe at RES
There are several students at RES with severe allergies to
peanut and/or tree nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, hazel nuts). These allergies are potentially life
threatening. Every time a student who is allergic is exposed to peanuts and/or tree nuts, the allergy reaction can
get worse. We are asking for your assistance in providing
students with nut allergies a safe learning environment here
at Rosemount Elementary School. Foods with peanut/tree
nuts are allowed in our school but we request they only be
eaten in the lunchroom where the tables are cleaned after
each student.
This is what you can do at home:
Make sure your child’s hands and face are cleaned and
hands are washed prior to coming to school, especially if
nuts are eaten. This will prevent nut residue from being
transferred to playground equipment, door handles, library
books, etc.
Asthma and School
During the fall the number of hospitalizations due to
asthma peaks in Minnesota. This pattern has been
consistent since 1998, the earliest year for which
MDH has data on asthma hospitalization trends.
Other states, including Michigan, Vermont, New
Hampshire, and Nebraska, have reported similar
patterns. Though there is no single, proven reason
for this peak, it is believed to be influenced by respiratory infections and increased pollen and mold
Parents of children with asthma can do many things
to prevent hospitalizations:
Schedule a "well-asthma" visit with their child's
health care provider to review their asthma
management plan.
Obtain an up-to-date Asthma Action Plan from
the child's health care provider and give
copies to the school nurse and/or day care
Make sure the child has asthma rescue medications and holding chambers at home and
Tell your child they should never share food with
other students.
Make sure the child has access to his/her asthma
medications and knows how to use them.
Minimize the child's exposure to things that trigger asthma, such as dust mites, secondhand
smoke, mold, and pet dander.
Discuss with your child the importance of washing hands
after eating lunch or snacks.
If you’d like more information about food allergies, contact
The Food Allergy Network www.foodallergy.org.or Jeanne
Fifield, RN, School Nurse, at 651-423-7692.
Schedule a flu-shot appointment with the child's
health care provider when the vaccine is
Wednesday, October 8th
National Walk to School Day
Live near RES? As you walk toward school, stop and pick
up others along your route. Walk and talk.
Live far from RES? Parents park your car a safe distance
away from the school and walk the rest of the way with
your child.
The information above was provided by Minnesota
Department of Health Asthma Program. If your child
has an inhaler at home please make sure he/she has
one at school, especially since students (Grades 1-5)
are now practicing for the fitness run in gym class.
Please call the School Nurse, Jeanne Fifield, at 651423-7692 to discuss your child’s asthma needs.
Lost and Found
1. Items are first stored in the bench seats in the entryway.
2. Items labeled with student names will be returned
3. Clothing will be hung up / on display in the gym to help
students find things readily.
Email kathi.engebretson@district196.org or call 651-6836969-92122 for help locating lost and found items.
Rosemount Elementary School
Tuesday, September 30th
Don’t forget to bring your smile!
Order forms will be coming home soon.
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re