Ledger Rosemount Elementary Everyone’s invited, bring the whole

Rosemount Elementary
May/June 2009
Independent School District 196
Leprechaun Ledger
——————–“Educating our students to reach their full potential”———————
More Than a Test
Everyone’s invited, bring the whole
family to the
Our students in grades 3-5 took the math section of the Minnesota
Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) this week. Last week they worked
on the reading component of this assessment tool. There is value in
using this test to gauge student progress, and as a way to measure
overall academic performance at Rosemount Elementary. I admire
the work and dedication that our students and staff put forth to do
their best on the MCAs. Without minimizing any of their efforts, I
know that this is just one indicator of student and school performance. There are so many exciting events of learning and exploring
that will never be formally used to measure growth at RES:
Annual RES Family
Thursday, June 4th
On a daily basis students are engaged in reading quality books
at their instructional level in our balanced literacy program.
5:30-7:30 pm
Join the fun, as we celebrate the end of another
Students write with a high level with clarity.
great year at Rosemount Elementary !
Students solve complex problems in math through direct instruction and inquiry.
Picnic Supper will include a
On a daily basis, respectful interactions take place among our
students and adults in the building.
hot dog, chips,
Students problem solve in groups and make conclusions as a
cookie & bottled water.
Play and Jump in the Inflatable Fun House.
Staff members are professionals, and learn so that students
Buy a book / get one free Book Fair !
Parent volunteers work with students, and help make RES run
Box Tops Fitness Expo.
Children play, run and enjoy physical exercise.
See You There !
Students create, sing and perform.
I am confident that our students’ scores on the MCAs will give a
clear snapshot of progress in reading, mathematics and science. At
the same time, I celebrate all of the terrific learning opportunities
and activities that our students are engaged in on a daily basis.
Incoming 2009-2010 Kindergarten
Students and Parents you are invited to:
Monday, May 4th
6:30-7:30 pm
District 196 does not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, status with regard
to public assistance, sexual orientation or age. The School District Attorney, 14445 Diamond Path West, Rosemount, MN 55068, (651) 423-7883, has been designated to respond to inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies, including inquiries under Title IX.
Rosemount Elementary School
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
Hello Students, Staff and Families
from your PTO President.
It's hard to believe that another
year has almost come and gone, this
will be my last article as your PTO
President, and I just wanted to say what a joy and
a pleasure it has been to hold this position for
the past year. I have met so many of you and
you've shared your ideas with me. Please continue
to do so in the years to come, your input is very
valuable to RES.
Summer Garden &
Front Caretakers
We need families who are willing to sign up for a week or two
during the summer to: pull weeds, clip the shrubs, collect garbage, check the bird feeders, and water if needed in a designated area of our school (you will only be responsible for a
certain section of the school). I will be sending out sheets soon
so think about it and then Return ASAP! I’ll return a note
confirming your choice. Thank you!
Mr. Boyd
Our Spring Picnic is scheduled for Thursday, June
4th and should be a great event. Unlike in years
past, we will not have an alternate rain out date.
Please consider joining us for this event.
We have completed our fundraisers for the year.
REMINDER: pick up for the Spring Fundraiser is
TUESDAY, MAY 5th. It is very important that you
pick your items up as they are perishable and will
be returned if not picked up.
And since you will be at school picking up your
fundraiser items anyway, won't you consider joining us for one of the last PTO meetings of the
year? We will meet from 6-7 in the library, and
we will have childcare for your children. We
would love to have all of you!!
Some really exciting things are in store for your
children for the rest of this year as well as next
year, and I encourage you to get involved with as
much as you can. Your PTO president next year
will be Laurie Cornell, please give to her the
same support you've given me this year!!
Thank you.
All year the students in Mrs. Udelhoven’s class have been
“Worming Their Way Through Good Books.”
For every 30 minutes a child reads at home,
they receive one circle of the worms body.
The worm started at the 2nd grade classroom door in September
and now has reached all the way down the hall to Mr. Idstrom’s
office. At the end of the year the students total all of their minutes, creating a very long math problem and interesting graph.
Kim Beslin, PTO President
Next PTO Meeting:
Tuesday, May 5th
6:00-7:00 pm
In the Media Center
Tuesday, May 5th
3:30-7:00 pm
Rosemount Elementary School
On Thursday, May 28th
At 6:30 pm,
Will Present their
“The Wizard of Oz”
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
Notes from the Nurse:
There has been growing concern expressed with the new strain of
influenza that has been making people ill in Mexico and other
parts of the world, including the United States. Following are
the symptoms and every day actions that people can take to stay
Fever or feverishness
Memo from the Media Center:
Congratulations 2009 WINNERS!
Over 20,000 Minnesota students in grades 3 - 8 had the difficult
job of choosing Maud Hart Lovelace Award Winners from a list of
twelve nominees. These nominees are some of the best recently
published fiction for children and teens. The winners were announced on Maud's birthday, April 25th.
Division 1 Winner:
Sore throat, nasal congestion or runny nose
MDH officials are reminding people that they have a role in controlling the spread of infections like influenza.
Stay home if you’re sick, cover your cough, wash your hands
frequently and limit your contact with people who you
think might be sick.
If you have traveled within the past week to Mexico or other
areas where H1N1 novel influenza is circulating, and
you develop fever along with other flu symptoms, call
your health care provider. Tell them about your symptoms and travel history.
Flush by Carl Hiaasen
2nd Place:
For more information on novel influenza, please visit the MDH
Website at www.health.state.mn.us or contact your healthcare
May is Asthma Awareness Month
Asthma is the most common chronic disease in school age children.
Asthma can affect a child’s performance in school if not managed properly. Asthma can be controlled with the right medications and modifications to the home and school environment. Students with asthma should
be able to live healthy, active lives without symptoms. Many professional athletes have asthma.
Lunch Money by Andrew Clements
3rd Place:
Communication between parents, school staff and the health care providers is key to keeping asthma symptoms at school at a minimum. Parents
of children with asthma can do the following:
Schedule a "well-asthma" visit with their child's health care provider to review their asthma management plan.
Obtain an up-to-date Asthma Action Plan from the child's health
care provider and give copies to the school nurse.
Make sure the child has asthma rescue medications and holding
chambers at home and school.
The information above was provided by Minnesota Department of
Health Asthma Program. If your child has an inhaler at home
please make sure he/she has one at school, especially since students
(Grades 1-5) are practicing for the fitness run and 5th grade and
track and field day is coming up.
Please call the School Nurse, Jeanne Fifield, at 651-423-7692 to discuss
your child’s asthma needs.
End of the year reminder:
If your child has medication in the nurse office it needs to be picked up
by a parent at the end of the school year. Medication can NOT be sent
home with students on the bus. Any medication left at school will be
discarded after June 19.
Rosemount Elementary School
Three Good Deeds! By Vivian Vande Velde
Our students participated in the voting in March.
End of the Year Note from Mrs. Knight...
All library books are due back to the media center by
May 29th. If your child has an overdue book, he or she
will not be able to check out a library book. Please return or pay for any lost or damaged books your child may
still have in their possession. Thank you for your help.
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re