Environmental Science Ecosystems EXPLORING BIOMEs 60 points

Environmental Science
60 points
The purpose of this activity is to help you understand some of the main biomes around
the world. Since Biomes are products of nature, they do not respect political boundaries,
only natural ones.
 Biomes are “major regional groupings of plants and animals. Their distribution
patterns are strongly correlated with regional climate patterns, altitude and
latitude, and identified according to the climax vegetation type.
You can find information on terms listed at the following Internet site:
Open Internet Explorer and on the address line go to this address:
YOU can also reach this location by going to
http://www. Ikeepbookmarks.com/mrpoole
Open the Environmental science folder, then the ecosystems / ecological footprint folder.
 Open any of the sites with the word Biome in it. Explore the site to decide if it
has the information you want or need.
 There are approximately 8 to 12 major biomes in the world, depending upon
whom you listen to.
 Choose 3 terrestrial (land) biomes plus one freshwater and one marine biome to
make a total of 5 biomes.
 OPEN a Microsoft Word Document and Title it “Biomes”, plus your name
followed by the class period number example: (biomes mpoole 7)
Use complete sentences, correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.
For each Biome,
1. Describe a location of the biome. Some are found in more than one place on
2. The physical characteristics that define this biome.
a. Include regional climate patterns, altitude and latitude.
3. Types and examples of Fauna, (animals)
4. What is the plant life like in this biome? (General characteristics)
5. Characteristics of the major types of soils.
6. How do the climate, latitude and altitude affect the biome?
7. What types of primary consumer animals live in this biome?
8. What types of secondary consumer animals live in this biome?
9. List some key features of the Biome
10. List 3 limiting factors of this biome.
11. List three reasons why this biome has many or few species of living things.
12. List three adaptations living things need to make to live in this biome.
13. What human activities, if any, are affecting this biome?