
 PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT PROCESS | FLOW CHART PRE‐AWARD 1 FIND FUNDING The Office of Research and Office of Corporate & Founda on Rela ons offer direct links to various internal and external funding sources and opportuni es that support faculty,
staff, and students who are engaged in research and program development. They also provide assistance in loca ng funding sources for your project/program.
Develop Project
Find Funding
 Problem/Need/Gap in Service
 Goals
 Objec ves
 Approach
 Outcomes/Impact
 Resources Available/Needed
 Time Frame
2 Check that you
 Give yourself plenty of me in advance
of deadline
 Read guidelines/follow instruc ons
 Dra Budget
 Consult Grant Officers:
Ann Barr‐Gillespie, Government
Traci Goff, Private Funding Sources
(e.g., Founda ons/Corpora ons)
Begin to Develop
 RFP/Announcement
 Guidelines
 Limita ons
 Feasibility
 Required Exper se
DEVELOP PROPOSAL The Principal Inves gator (PI)/Project Lead is responsible for the proper technical conduct of the project or program; compliance with the terms and condi ons of the agreed‐
upon terms of the research/project; management of funds within the approved budget; and administra on of the project according to the agreement/contract and award
Thoroughly Read
 Get to know funder
 Determine how much they will invest in
your project
 Iden fy Budget requirements
 Iden fy Key contacts
 Determine whether ‘good fit’
Contact Funders
Iden fy
 Coordinate contact with University
Grant Officer
 Discuss project/program with program
 Ask for assistance; dra review
 Inquire about how decisions are made
and me frame
 Find out budget requirements
 Iden fy cri cal resources needed
 Determine equipment needs
 Determine space needs
 Obtain commitments from project
par cipants (cost sharing, etc.)
 Assign tasks (if team) to gather data,
write sec ons, review dra s
 Establish Submission Timeline
Review & Edit
 Self‐review
 Peer Review: technical experts, scien‐
fic experts, etc.
 Grants Officer review: edi ng, for‐
ma ng, assurance that applica on
guidelines and requirements have been
Develop Proposal &
Route for Proper
Compliance Review
 If ins tu onal commitments, such as
personnel, facili es, equipment, tech‐
nology, or other resources (such as a
match), are required, then the applica‐
on will be routed to the appropriate
VP for approval.
 Dean/director/center or ins tute direc‐
tor/president’s approval are obligatory
 Human Subjects: Ins tu onal Review
Board (IRB)
 Animal Use: Ins tu onal Animal Care &
Use Commi ee (IACUC)
 Environmental Health & Safety
 Conflict of Interest
 Intellectual Property
 Technology Transfer
Prepare for
 Grant Officer (the Authorized Ins tu‐
onal Officer) will provide final review
and submit on your behalf.
 Submit electronically or by post; include
required a achments (e.g., financial
statements, board roster, University
budget, 990, etc.
PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT PROCESS | FLOW CHART POST‐AWARD 3 RECEIVE AWARD A substan al percentage of grant awards go through some degree of nego a on and revision before the award is made. When a funder decides to support a project, it may
fund the project at a different level from that requested. The funder may also request changes in the proposed work or in the services provided by the project.
Review, Sign &
Return Agreement/
Project Manage‐
ment Mee ng
Award No fica on
 No fica on is sent
 Agreement/Contract may accompany
award no fica on
 A mee ng of PI/team may need to take
place if award nego a on is needed:
‐ Issues with administra on of project
‐ Unreasonable me expecta ons/
delivery of results
‐ Budget reduc ons
‐ Changes in University policies
‐ Work with Grant Officer to remediate
poten al problems
Start Project
 Manage project according to grant
proposal and agreement
 Manage research/project ac vi es
 Adhere to financial expenditures
 Hire addi onal staff (if part of grant)
 Request budgetary changes (if needed)
 Ini ate sub‐awards, if necessary
 Purchase Equipment/Supplies
Establish Grant
 Legal review (if needed)
 Submit/return signed agreement or
contract (if necessary)
Reconcile Accounts
& Write/Submit
 Temporary Restricted Account crea on
‐ work with Grant Officer to distribute
to appropriate offices
Close Grant Account
 Iden fy types of required reports and
 Work with Grant Officer to assure com‐
pliance with funder’s expecta ons
 Reconcile accounts with grant account‐
 Request budget adjustments (if neces‐
 Work with Grant Accountant to close
out grant account
 Submit final reports to funder
 Perform required ac vi es with regard
to publishing, repor ng, etc.
GRANT OFFICERS Ann Barr‐Gillespie, DPT, PhD Vice Provost and Execu ve Dean
College of Health Professions
(503) 352‐7372 barr‐gillespie@pacificu.edu Traci Goff
Director, Corporate & Founda on Rela ons
Office of University Advancement
(503) 352‐2838 tgoff@pacificu.edu 