BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES A T T HE N ATIONAL R ESEARCH C OUNCIL REPORT BRIEF M A A A P A H C B I P R : G M Selec ng U.S. military enlisted recruits who do not succeed, for any number of reasons, comes at great expense in me and money invested in each recruit, in cri cal job vacancies, and ul mately in force readiness. The military’s accession system is a carefully designed, selec ve process in which poten al recruits are assessed through formal tests of cogni ve knowledge, skill, and ability; recently developed tests of personality; and assessments of moral character and physical and medical readiness to serve. In many aspects, the process of selecon and assignment is highly effec ve, but future assessments of performance poten al may be en rely different from those used today, in what is assessed and in how it is assessed. What if future assessments could predict individual and group success in the U.S. Army with greater accuracy, allowing the military to screen in soldiers who will be highly sa sfied with the Army experience in general and their occupa onal specialty in par cular? What if the selec on process could reduce subsequent challenges to unit success that result from soldiers with low mo va on or other problem behaviors? What if a ri on rates before comple on of service commitment could be reduced? While the military is a unique employer in many ways—for example, in its accession system, occupa onal and unit assignment process, and service commitment—it also shares many of the same interests as other organiza ons who seek to a ract, select, and retain the best individuals into the fields and jobs in which they succeed. While criteria for selec on should reflect the par cular organiza on’s values, the interests underlying these criteria are o en cross-cu ng. In a new report, Measuring Human CapabiliƟes: An Agenda for Basic Research on the Assessment of Individual and Group Performance PotenƟal for Military Accession (2015), an expert commi ee of the Na onal Research Council recommends a basic research agenda for the U.S. Army Research Ins tute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences to undertake to maximize the efficiency, accuracy, and effec ve use of human capability measurement in the military’s process for selec ng soldiers and assigning occupa onal special es. Much of the commi ee’s data gathering in support of this report was conducted during a public workshop held in April 2013, National Academy of Sciences • National Academy of Engineering • Institute of Medicine • National Research Council the presenta ons and discussions of which are summarized in a prior publica on, New DirecƟons in Assessing Performance PotenƟal of Individuals and Groups: Workshop Summary (2013). reasoning), the iden fica on and predic on of new outcomes (e.g., teamwork behavior), and methods and methodology for assessing individual differences. PERSONNEL SELECTION CRITERIA IDENTIFICATION AND MEASUREMENT OF NEW PREDICTOR CONSTRUCTS Measures of individual difference that predict job performance can be subdivided into “can do” and “will do” predictors. The Armed Services Vocaonal Ap tude Ba ery (ASVAB) is a cogni ve, knowledge, skill, and ability ba ery that focuses on “can do” skills. The ASVAB has documented accuracy for predic ng enlistees’ technical performance following appropriate job-specific training. Recently, the ASVAB has been supplemented by the Tailored Adap ve Personality Assessment System (TAPAS), administered to certain military service candidates to assess “will do” personality a ributes important for predic ng job performance and risk of a ri on. ASVAB and TAPAS are strong measures of the ability and personality domains they measure, but they do not predict outcomes of interest perfectly, nor do they predict all outcomes of importance to the military’s organiza onal values and missions. It is possible that by expanding or modifying its personnel selec on criteria, the Army could improve the predic ve accuracy of the selec on process for enlisted service members. Fluid Intelligence, Working Memory Capacity, Executive Attention, and Inhibitory Control. Successful job performance requires abili es in reasoning and problem solving that are not adequately assessed by crystallized intelligence tests of learned and acquired skills. The psychological, cogni ve, and neurobiological mechanisms underlying fluid intelligence, working memory capacity, execu ve a en on, and inhibitory control contribute to demonstrated emo onal, behavioral, and impulse control important for success in many jobs. While the importance of individual differences in these constructs is known to impact job performance, research is needed to ascertain what the four constructs have in common and what makes each dis nct from the others. Results from basic research into the underlying mechanisms would inform future development of efficient computer-automated assessment of relevant cogni ve, personality, and physiological dimensions. Cogni ve Biases. Research into cogni ve biases indicates humans are suscep ble to errors in judgA RESEARCH AGENDA TO IMPROVE ment or decisions when available informa on and SELECTION SYSTEMS choices are not thoroughly considered. However, In this report, the commi ee recommends a thinking shortcuts may be necessary and even basic research agenda to supplement the Army’s lead to be er decisions in certain circumstances current enlisted soldier accession system with that require fast, nonconscious, or automa c addi onal predictors of individual and collec ve decisions. To aid understanding of how cogni ve performance that have the poten al to improve biases affect decisions, especially considering the speed at which cri cal the already-high quality of decisions must some mes accession decisions. The Given the large numbers of topics included were carebe made in military environpotential soldiers screened fully considered within a ments, research should be each year and the high costs conducted into stable indinumber of constraints, such of decision errors, even small as the need for pre-accession vidual differences that influincreases in the predictive mass administra on in a costence a tendency to engage accuracy of a selection system in cogni ve biases. Future effec ve manner. The comresearch should examine mi ee focused on immedican be of great value. ate research opportuni es poten al correlates between with high near-term payoff, but also considered suscep bility to cogni ve biases and results of research areas where future technological develtradi onal measures of personality and cogni ve opments could significantly change the feasibility ability tests and informa on-processing factors of opera onal use in the long term. The research (such as working memory, execu ve a en on, agenda includes the iden fica on and measureand inhibitory control). Studies to understand how ment of new predictor constructs (the a ribute cogni ve biases affect performance should also label a ached to a measure, such as arithme c consider contextual factors; fast thinking might 2 Measuring Human Capabilities be beneficial in some circumstances and lead to poor decision making in others. in situa ons that elicit strong emo ons, such as fear, anger, or extreme me pressure. Defensive reac vity, emo onal regula on, and performance Spa al Abili es. Spa al abili es—the ability under stress can be collec vely referred to as “hot to mentally manipulate, understand, and recall cogni on” constructs. Future research in this spa al rela onships among area is needed to explore objects—impact job perThe ASVAB and TAPAS are strong measures of improved or formance in many career predictors of key outcomes diminished cognitive and fields, including expanding behavioral performance of importance to the military, technology careers that rely and physiological markers of but they do not predict these upon accurate and meaningunconscious effects of emooutcomes perfectly—raising ful interac ons with images, on. The predic ve validity computer graphics, and the question of whether of hot cogni on measures data visualiza on. While the prediction could be improved requires an understanding ASVAB currently includes through measures of additional of how hot cogni on relates one spa al ability measure, to and differs from other perindividual-difference constructs. Assembling Objects, future sonality constructs (such as research into the interrelaConscien ousness or Agreeableness) currently onships among mul ple facets of spa al abilconsidered in the Army’s selec on system. ity as well as the degree to which sex differences are mi gated or accentuated by training or life Adaptability and Inven veness. Measures are needed to assess individuals’ adaptability and experiences will ascertain the best measure of inven veness—the ability to act effec vely in spa al ability for outcomes important for military job performance. Addi onally, advances in techchanging, challenging, and unpredictable environnology have expanded available tes ng methods, ments. One promising line of inquiry is idea-genand future research into the design and adminisera on measures, in which an open-ended task tra on of spa al abili es tests will benefit from allows for evalua on of the frequency and qualthese developments. ity of ideas generated by an individual. Another promising assessment method is the iden ficaon and development of narrow personality meaIDENTIFICATION AND PREDICTION OF sures that are likely to yield stronger correla ons NEW OUTCOMES to adaptability and inven veness than are broad Teamwork Behavior. Soldiers’ ability to contribpersonality variables, such as Openness. ute to effec ve teamwork is a cri cal component to the success of the Army small unit. Addi onMETHODS AND METHODOLOGY ally, the Army’s expanding role in mul na onal coali ons, joint forces opera ons, and other ad Psychometrics and Technology. As future research hoc teams faces soldiers with new challenges and iden fies addi onal a ributes of interest for selecopportuni es in teamwork. A military selec on on purposes, it will be necessary to improve psysystem that includes the iden fica on of indichological-assessment measurement methods, vidual a ributes predic ve of success in a team emerging assessment technologies, and sta s cal environment could broadly enhance the collecanalysis approaches in order to increase the preve capacity to perform. While there has been cision, validity, efficiency, and security of assessprogress in iden fying such a ributes, further ments without demanding significantly addi onal research is needed to expand understanding of tes ng me. Poten al topics of research include, and assessment metrics for team outcomes and for example, further development of item generaeffec veness. on; test assembly; rank, preference, and other response methods; and detec on of and defense against test compromise. Future research is also HYBRID TOPICS WITH JOINT FOCUS needed on how best to collect and interpret appliON NEW PREDICTOR CONSTRUCTS cant data from mul ple sources, including data AND PREDICTION OF NEW OUTCOMES from experience, interac ve assessments, and Hot Cogni on: Defensive Reac vity, Emo onal background informa on. Regulation, and Performance under Stress. Success in many military environments and job Situa ons and Situa onal Judgment Tests. Situoccupa ons requires the ability to func on well a onal judgment tests offer unique tes ng opporMeasuring Human Capabilities 3 tuni es that require test takers to use judgment to interpret, evaluate, and weight alternate courses of ac on in response to hypothe cal real-world problems. Innova ve formats for presen ng and experiencing situa ons, such as immersive computer-generated graphics, will offer insight into how a prospec ve soldier might react to a par cular military environment. Assessment of Individual Differences through Neuroscience Measures. Current neuroscience measures may not be op mal for tes ng the performance capability of military recruits, but science-based strategies for monitoring neural ac vity may be useful for understanding test performance and for improving the validity of assessments. During assessments, neurophysiological biomarkers—measurements of bodily func ons that provide insight into psychological state or behavior—can serve as robust and objec ve measures of test taker experiences such as anxiety, a en on, and mo va on. This informa on may provide insight for the design of test environments that facilitate performance reflec ng actual skill levels and capacity, thereby increasing tests’ accuracy. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RESEARCH AGENDA The research agenda recommended by the commi ee includes many poten al direc ons in which the Army may choose to develop its selec on systems, based upon forward-looking considera on of personnel selec on in the future. The research agenda is not priori zed, and the topics should be pursued at levels commensurate with the outcomes of greatest import to the Army. In a con nued austere budget environment, implementa on of any por on of the research agenda would reflect progress. However, quicker progress and poten al to capitalize on synergies across projects would be more likely if mul ple mul faceted projects were implemented simultaneously. In the commi ee’s opinion, implementa on of an effec ve and expedi ous research program to enhance soldier selec on would require a supplemental funding commitment to the ARI Founda onal Science Research Unit in the range of $3.5 million to $7 million per year. COMMITTEE ON MEASURING HUMAN CAPABILITIES: PERFORMANCE POTENTIAL OF INDIVIDUALS AND COLLECTIVES PAUL R. SACKETT (Chair), Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; GEORGIA T. CHAO, Eli Broad Graduate School of Management, Michigan State University; ANN DOUCETTE, The Evaluators’ Ins tute, The George Washington University; RANDALL W. ENGLE, School of Psychology, Georgia Ins tute of Technology; RICHARD J. GENIK II, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State University College of Engineering and School of Medicine, Detroit, MI; LEAETTA HOUGH, Dunne e Group, Ltd. Saint Paul, MN; PATRICK C. KYLLONEN, Center for Academic and Workforce Readiness and Success, Educa onal Tes ng Service, Princeton, NJ; JOHN J. MCARDLE, Department of Psychology, University of Southern California; FREDERICK L. OSWALD, Department of Psychology, Rice University; STEPHEN STARK, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida; WILLIAM J. STRICKLAND, Human Resources Research Organiza on, Alexandria, VA; CHERIE CHAUVIN, Study Director For More Informa on . . . This brief was prepared by the Board on Behavioral, Cogni ve, and Sensory Sciences (BBCSS) based on the report Measuring Human CapabilliƟes: An Agenda for Basic Research on the Assessment of Individual and Group Performance PotenƟal for Military Accession (Na onal Research Council, 2015). The study was sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Ins tute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommenda ons expressed in this publica on are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of ARI. Copies of the report are available from the Na onal Academies Press, 500 Fi h Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001; (800) 624-6242; http://www.nap. edu or via the BBCSS web page at http://www.national 4 Measuring Human Capabilities Copyright © 2015 by the Na onal Academy of Sciences. Permission is granted to reproduce this document in its en rety, with no addi ons or altera on.